Your squad is gathered outside of an interrogation chamber in Rhottington’s massive courthouse. Chief Gylel, head of the city guard, stands in her shining armor, across which is draped regalia identifying her position. “Thank you all for coming,” she says, “and congratulations on your promotion. The Rhottington city guard chooses its investigators carefully, and the fact that you were selected should give you all the confidence you need that you are fit to proceed.
“Still, for the sake of easing you in, I have chosen to put you on what I think will be a relatively simple case. Keli Tamdig, an artisan of enormous talent, has been murdered in her home in the middle district. The weapon appears to have been a common dagger.
“What makes this case so simple is an uncommon fortune. We have a direct eyewitness. As it happens, a merchant was taking his usual route from the lower markets to his home elsewhere in the middle district, and witnessed the murder right as it occurred, around 10:00, according to him.
“This merchant got a clear look at the killer, and even saw him deal what we believe to have been the fatal wound. However, the killer spotted him, and he fled to get the city guard. His description of the killer matched the victim’s husband, who was later found skulking around elsewhere, unable to account for why he was where he was. He was taken into custody. All of that was last night. The body is in the morgue downstairs, and bears multiple stab wounds. It is being magically preserved, so you are free to examine it at any time. The crime scene is also being left alone. It’s marked on this map.” Gylel hands you a map. “Now, that’s about everything I know, but are any questions bothering you?”
Free Background Knowledge:
Without a check, all of you know that the middle district is a location with a reputation for housing successful merchants, located between the poorer lower district and the nobility of the higher district.
On an unrelated note, you are aware that this entire courthouse is effected by hallow, with all creatures therein being affected by Zone of Truth.
I will disclose any further information only after once someone succeeds on an appropriate check.
Check about the victim, the husband, the witness or events in the city on the time of the murder.
[dice=Knowledge (Local) Check]1d20+6
Knowledge Local DC 10:
You can think of no significant events which occurred last night near the scene of the crime. It was a typical night which saw a clear moon and no precipitation.
With no higher a role, you do not recognize the victim's name and are not specifically familiar with her work.
Axton's mustache gets extra bristly as he purses the lips beneath it while considering the information Chief Gylel has given them.
"What sort of things did Ms. Tamdig craft? And what's the husband's name?"
[dice=Know. (local) on either the victim or her husband]1d20+8
And Axton thinks that they should interview the husband while they're here. We should consider splitting up. We have 7 PCs, after all.
DC 15 Knowledge Local:
You know Keli Tamdig to be a relatively popular, and relatively rich painter. Her work is widely liked, and she has done work for many of the city's nobles.
"His name is Ralish Tamdig. I don't know anything else about him. He is downstairs if you wish to speak to him, though it'd be rude to force our witness to wait too long on you."
Farasha tilts her head to the side, regarding the play of light on the shiny armor of the Chief.
Right you are Chief, appreciate both the promotion and the gentle start
Turning to the others she ponders for a moment
knowledge (local):1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11
Don't recall the victim's name, but we should gather as much evidence as we can as quickly as we can from the scene itself. Witness testimony is by no means the be and end all of evidence, and with magic to either befuddle the mind of a victim or fool the senses of an onlooker, we should take nothing for granted...
She turns to go and then remembers herself
...erm that is, I think we should go to the scene as quickly as we can and see if we can find anything out of the ordinary... but I suppose a quick interview of the witness to gather initial facts would be good, we can always question them again later on if we need to...
She waits for the others to voice their opinions, shifting her weight from one foot to the other.
Male Half-Orc Seer Oracle lvl 2 | Darkvision 60ft, scent, | Spd 30ft HP: 15/15 |AC-14 T-10 FF-14 | F+3 R+1 W+7 |CMB+3 CMD13 | Init+0 | Perc +4 | -2 penalty on att and skill if 10ft from unconscious ally | Active Conditions none Uncanny Dodge (no actions in suprise rnd except flash of insight. if no suprise rnd then staggered 1 rnd) Staggered is only move or standard | retrieve a stored item needs standard acation, dropped item lands 10ft away |
Local:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19I wanna know if either of them had any enemies.
Stand stiffly and keeping silent while the others speak. Seeing that there is a lull he speaks up, Likewise, thank you Chief. Was he checked to see if he had been enchanted? Do we have a list of any of their known associates or enemies?
Glancing over at the others, I do agree that we should check the scene first.
Twisting his gaze back to the Chief, I assume will be able to speak to the husband and the witness as well?
F Ratfolk Archivist Bard 1 | 8/8 HP | AC 18 Touch 14 FF 15 | F+0 R+5 W+2 | +3 Init. +6 Percep. | 60' Darkvision | Status:Normal
Know. Local:1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28Lke the others, to see what I know of the victim and to a good start
At the end of the line, Vinca steps forward nodding toward her fellow officers. In her soft polite voice, Yes, Yes. Witness and accused stories will be good before we form our own. If magics are in play as Consti-...Inspector Farasha suggests, understanding what the witness saw, might help us identify the magic used and be that much closer to identifying the magician....if the husband didn't do it of course.
She then turns to the Captain, "Sir, I would like a look at the murder weapon as well. You see enough common daggers and the mind can't help but start seeing what makes each unique."
[dice=Local]1d20+5 I wanna know if either of them had any enemies.
Stand stiffly and keeping silent while the others speak. Seeing that there is a lull he speaks up, Likewise, thank you Chief. Was he checked to see if he had been enchanted? Do we have a list of any of their known associates or enemies?
Glancing over at the others, I do agree that we should check the scene first.
Twisting his gaze back to the Chief, I assume will be able to speak to the husband and the witness as well?
With that roll, you cannot recall any enemies. While she was an artist and something of a celebrity, you can't think of anyone in particular who would dislike her.
"Yes," the chief says. "The witness is in this room right here waiting to speak with you." She gestures to the door outside of which you are gathered. "As for him being enchanted, it's hard to say. There's no good magic to scan for that. I've spoken with him and I didn't think so, but you are encouraged to trust your gut as you interact with him."
[dice=Know. Local]1d20 + 8 Lke the others, to see what I know of the victim and to a good start
At the end of the line, Vinca steps forward nodding toward her fellow officers. In her soft polite voice, Yes, Yes. Witness and accused stories will be good before we form our own. If magics are in play as Consti-...Inspector Farasha suggests, understanding what the witness saw, might help us identify the magic used and be that much closer to identifying the magician....if the husband didn't do it of course.
She then turns to the Captain, "Sir, I would like a look at the murder weapon as well. You see enough common daggers and the mind can't help but start seeing what makes each unique."
Just as a general note, the reason I am putting the DCs in the spoiler tags is because I expect you not to look at them at all if you don't make the roll.
Knowledge Local DC 25:
You know that the victim was considered a sweet person and had a reputation for not stepping on the toes of other artists. You don't imagine she could have any enemies from her public life.
"We do not have the weapon," the chief says. "The suspect didn't have it when we found him, and it was neither in the victim's body nor, as far as the initial investigators saw, at the scene of the crime. We know it was a dagger by the wounds it left, but we do not know what has become of it."
She gives a polite bow. "I apologize. I should have mentioned that."
Male Half-Orc Seer Oracle lvl 2 | Darkvision 60ft, scent, | Spd 30ft HP: 15/15 |AC-14 T-10 FF-14 | F+3 R+1 W+7 |CMB+3 CMD13 | Init+0 | Perc +4 | -2 penalty on att and skill if 10ft from unconscious ally | Active Conditions none Uncanny Dodge (no actions in suprise rnd except flash of insight. if no suprise rnd then staggered 1 rnd) Staggered is only move or standard | retrieve a stored item needs standard acation, dropped item lands 10ft away |
Good afternoon, I am Investigator Aeval. I'm sorry our paths had to cross like this
She smiles reassuringly
We just have a few questions for you if that's ok?
Moving quickly one she asks
So I understand that being in that part of town at that time is a regular part of your schedule correct? Now can you think back over the last few days, did anyone ask you about your usual route home?
She leans in conspiratorially
I'd also like to add that we're interested in only the murder at this stage, so please don't be concerned if you have anything else to report you might think would get you in trouble, we always appreciate those citizens that go out of their way to help our investigations!
She finally pauses to let him reply, feeling the presence of the city in the room with her
Diplomacy:1d20 + 9 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 9 + 2 = 26and another +4 if this counts as 'gathering information'
Anyone else in the room making skill checks receives a +2 bonus from Farasha as she concentrates on the city assisting the investigators
Good afternoon, I am Investigator Aeval. I'm sorry our paths had to cross like this
She smiles reassuringly
We just have a few questions for you if that's ok?
Moving quickly one she asks
So I understand that being in that part of town at that time is a regular part of your schedule correct? Now can you think back over the last few days, did anyone ask you about your usual route home?
She leans in conspiratorially
I'd also like to add that we're interested in only the murder at this stage, so please don't be concerned if you have anything else to report you might think would get you in trouble, we always appreciate those citizens that go out of their way to help our investigations!
She finally pauses to let him reply, feeling the presence of the city in the room with her
[dice=Diplomacy]1d20+9+2 and another +4 if this counts as 'gathering information'
Anyone else in the room making skill checks receives a +2 bonus from Farasha as she concentrates on the city assisting the investigators
The man smiles at you, charmed by your charisma. “Oh, do not worry. There is nothing like that,” he says. He takes a deep breath, his face growing grim.
“I was on my way home from the markets last night when I heard a woman’s scream from behind one of the houses. ‘What are you doing?’ she began to cry, but was cut off as her murderer grasped her throat. I crossed the road, leaving my empty cart behind. Just after I reached the other side, I saw the man, the one the guards later arrested, holding the woman by the throat as he stabbed her in the stomach over and over again. She struggled weakly to escape his grasp, but to no avail.
“I stood, horrified by the sight, for what felt like forever, but must have only been five seconds or so, until the woman finally went limp, at which point the man’s glance snapped toward me. In fear of my life, I ran straight to the guardhouse and told them what I had seen.”
He looks down at the floor. “Perhaps, had I intervened, I could have saved her… but it all happened so fast…”
Male Half-Orc Seer Oracle lvl 2 | Darkvision 60ft, scent, | Spd 30ft HP: 15/15 |AC-14 T-10 FF-14 | F+3 R+1 W+7 |CMB+3 CMD13 | Init+0 | Perc +4 | -2 penalty on att and skill if 10ft from unconscious ally | Active Conditions none Uncanny Dodge (no actions in suprise rnd except flash of insight. if no suprise rnd then staggered 1 rnd) Staggered is only move or standard | retrieve a stored item needs standard acation, dropped item lands 10ft away |
Stand up and offering the Chief and quick salute then following Farasha. Entering the room and smiling at the man but giving Farasha the first words, that is polite after all. The blond man takes up his place leaning against the wall.
I am Investigator Conri Warin. And we want to thank you for your patience and willingness to co-operate with us in this. Sighing before continuing, It is best not to think of what could have happened. That is an unknown and you could have been gravely injured or killed as well had you intervened.
Did you hear him say anything before, during, or after the attack?
Conri gives him a chance to reply before asking his next questions, always giving him a chance to speak before asking the next one.
Did anything seem off about him? Like he was reluctant or overjoyed to be doing that.
This was common place for you to be, correct?
Assuming he answers in the positive.Had you noticed any hostilities between the two before this?
Sense motive:1d20 + 8 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 8 + 2 = 25I want to know if he is holding back anything. If he is lying then it goes up by one.
I am Investigator Conri Warin. And we want to thank you for your patience and willingness to co-operate with us in this. Sighing before continuing, It is best not to think of what could have happened. That is an unknown and you could have been gravely injured or killed as well had you intervened.
The man takes a deep breath. "Of course. That's why I stayed back, of course."
Did you hear him say anything before, during, or after the attack?
"No. Not a word."
Did anything seem off about him? Like he was reluctant or overjoyed to be doing that.
"Oh, he reveled in it. It was dark, but I thought I saw a cruel smile across his face." The witness shudders. "Indeed, when he looked at me after dropping her body, he let out a sickening laugh. It shook me to my core."
This was common place for you to be, correct?
"I take that road home from the market almost every day, though I do not usually linger near any one house."
Had you noticed any hostilities between the two before this?
"No. I hadn't really noticed them at all, any more so than dozens of others whose homes I pass by. Looking back, I can recall walking by both of them before, but I never noticed what they were doing or anything about them."
Female Human (Taldan) Sorcerer (Imperious Bloodline) 1 | HP 6/6 | AC 10 T 10 FF 10 CMD 10 | F +0 R +0 W +4 | Init +0 | Perc +7 | Status: Normal
Flos starts writing down the information.
"You are so kind providing us with this information. Can I ask some general data in case we need to contact you again?
What is your Name and age?
Where do you live?
What do you sell in the market?
And about the crime...
At what time this happened?
How was the woman dressed?
How was the killer dressed?"
Barnibus listens to Flos question the witness. She asks all the questions he, himself would have though to ask, so he stands by and listens to the man's answers.
Barnibus walks around behind the man and off to one side to continue to gauge his reaction to the questions. He also hope to make the man uncomfortable and perhaps, if he is lying, catching him in the act.
"Excuse me for asking all the details, but we need tu be through... What color was the victim dressed? And the killer?"
"Hmm... The victim I can't say, but the killer," realization takes over his face, "black I think, yes. Dark black. I remember it looking like the night sky behind him."
F Ratfolk Archivist Bard 1 | 8/8 HP | AC 18 Touch 14 FF 15 | F+0 R+5 W+2 | +3 Init. +6 Percep. | 60' Darkvision | Status:Normal
Vinca stands to the side observing the questioning. Her gaze takes in Orboth's attire, looking for anything out of sorts for a merchant of his type and stature.
Vinca stands to the side observing the questioning. Her gaze takes in Orboth's attire, looking for anything out of sorts for a merchant of his type and stature.
[dice=Appraise]1d20 + 7
[dice=Perception]1d20 + 6
Appraise DC 5 OR Perception DC 10:
The merchant's clothing is typical of his type and stature.
F Ratfolk Archivist Bard 1 | 8/8 HP | AC 18 Touch 14 FF 15 | F+0 R+5 W+2 | +3 Init. +6 Percep. | 60' Darkvision | Status:Normal
Vinca nods at each of his answers, storing away the knowledge. When the questions cease she looks about to see if there are anymore coming. Into the silence see pipes up, "You have been most helpful, Mr. Orboth, thank you. I am Inspector Vinca and I have just a few questions for you. You say it was 10 at night. Dark, no? I am used to dark places, but I know many Men are not. How was the lighting on the street? How clear a view did you have of the murderer, to be sure of his face?
Farasha looks between all the faces in the crowded room, then shrugs.
Excuse me, I think I'll ask the Chief if we can get access to the scene whilst its still fresh. You've got this well in hand she whispers with a smile.
Axton? she turns to the wizard
Might you want to stretch your legs and accompany me to see what physical evidence we can find?
Male Half-Orc Seer Oracle lvl 2 | Darkvision 60ft, scent, | Spd 30ft HP: 15/15 |AC-14 T-10 FF-14 | F+3 R+1 W+7 |CMB+3 CMD13 | Init+0 | Perc +4 | -2 penalty on att and skill if 10ft from unconscious ally | Active Conditions none Uncanny Dodge (no actions in suprise rnd except flash of insight. if no suprise rnd then staggered 1 rnd) Staggered is only move or standard | retrieve a stored item needs standard acation, dropped item lands 10ft away |
knowing his place Conri nods to the others.
[ooc]TheTurtlePuppy did you mention that we had the disgruntled murderous husband in a different room?[/b]
"It was dark," the merchant said, "but there was a full moon and stars, and I'd been in the dark for a while, so my eyes were well adusted. I could make out his face."
Farasha looks between all the faces in the crowded room, then shrugs.
Excuse me, I think I'll ask the Chief if we can get access to the scene whilst its still fresh. You've got this well in hand she whispers with a smile.
Axton? she turns to the wizard
Might you want to stretch your legs and accompany me to see what physical evidence we can find?
The wizard shakes his head.
"We'll only get one look at the crime scene uncontested. Let's not all traipse through there at different times of day, re-working what others have already done. Let's finish our business here and then go the crime scene as a group. More eyes on the scene will serve us better the first time we get there.
"We still have the suspect to question and the body to examine. Barnibus, I saw you trying to intimidate the merchant in there. That sort of questioning is more appropriate for a perp, so I think that you and Farasha should join Conri in taking his story. Vinca and I will join Rana and Flos examining the body. When we're all done, let's head to the where the victim was stabbed."
Farasha nods, her hand going up automatically to brush the strands of hair dangling in front of her eyes and tuck them back behind an ear.
She follows the others to the suspect's room and leans against the wall, remaining mute for now but channeling the city again to help her companions get to the truth of the matter.
Same +2 to any skill rolled by the party in the room
Male Half-Orc Seer Oracle lvl 2 | Darkvision 60ft, scent, | Spd 30ft HP: 15/15 |AC-14 T-10 FF-14 | F+3 R+1 W+7 |CMB+3 CMD13 | Init+0 | Perc +4 | -2 penalty on att and skill if 10ft from unconscious ally | Active Conditions none Uncanny Dodge (no actions in suprise rnd except flash of insight. if no suprise rnd then staggered 1 rnd) Staggered is only move or standard | retrieve a stored item needs standard acation, dropped item lands 10ft away |
Nodding to the man and getting up to leave the room. Before entering the room he turns Barnibus and Farasha. Are we going for the good and bad cop thing? I would prefer to know that before we get in there.
"I will observe the subjects reactions to your questions. If one of you wish to play the good/bad cop, that will be fine. Make no indication of me when we enter...I find that this sometimes unnerves the suspect."
Male Half-Orc Seer Oracle lvl 2 | Darkvision 60ft, scent, | Spd 30ft HP: 15/15 |AC-14 T-10 FF-14 | F+3 R+1 W+7 |CMB+3 CMD13 | Init+0 | Perc +4 | -2 penalty on att and skill if 10ft from unconscious ally | Active Conditions none Uncanny Dodge (no actions in suprise rnd except flash of insight. if no suprise rnd then staggered 1 rnd) Staggered is only move or standard | retrieve a stored item needs standard acation, dropped item lands 10ft away |
Raising an eyebrow at the man, Is there anything you want me to ask him then if you are going to remain silent?
I trust you will ask all the pertinent questions. As I said, I wish to watch his body language as he answers your queries."
If there were a 2-way mirror, Barnibus would be the one behind it watching the interrogation, but as there is not, he will make due by remaining quiet and watching the fellow for anything out of place.
Male Half-Orc Seer Oracle lvl 2 | Darkvision 60ft, scent, | Spd 30ft HP: 15/15 |AC-14 T-10 FF-14 | F+3 R+1 W+7 |CMB+3 CMD13 | Init+0 | Perc +4 | -2 penalty on att and skill if 10ft from unconscious ally | Active Conditions none Uncanny Dodge (no actions in suprise rnd except flash of insight. if no suprise rnd then staggered 1 rnd) Staggered is only move or standard | retrieve a stored item needs standard acation, dropped item lands 10ft away |
So I am the one doing all the talking? That is weird for me. If anyone thinks of something to ask please let me know.
Nodding to him. Giving Farasha a chance to chime in if she wants to before heading into the room.
Walking to to the room and smiling at the man,Hello Mr. Tamdig. My name is Conri Warin. Do you mind if I sit down?
[ooc]Assuming that he says yes Conri will take the chair and move it so that he sits across from the man without the table in the way if possible, sitting in a relaxed manner. If not he will remain standing in a relaxed stance.
Keeping his voice calm, What do you do for a living?
Tamdig sits in his chair, his expression blank yet despairing, yet resolved. He wears a reddish suit, buttoned rather casually. He says nothing as you ask to sit down. His hands are joined by mantacles, which are strung through a metal arch on the table at which you both sit.
"I did not contribute much to my household's income. She earned most of the money for us. What work I have done has been for worship and activism."
Male Half-Orc Seer Oracle lvl 2 | Darkvision 60ft, scent, | Spd 30ft HP: 15/15 |AC-14 T-10 FF-14 | F+3 R+1 W+7 |CMB+3 CMD13 | Init+0 | Perc +4 | -2 penalty on att and skill if 10ft from unconscious ally | Active Conditions none Uncanny Dodge (no actions in suprise rnd except flash of insight. if no suprise rnd then staggered 1 rnd) Staggered is only move or standard | retrieve a stored item needs standard acation, dropped item lands 10ft away |
Nodding at him, What deity do you follow?
After giving him a chance to answer that question, You said you were an activist? For what cause?
Sense Motive:1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24If he is lying then it gets a +1 added
That's all good Conri, this is an 'ebb and flow' sort of pace, there will be a natural rhythm to your questions, a thread. Once yours nears its end, another of us will pick it up and turn the conversation to something new. TL;DR: we'll take turns interrogating him :p
Male Half-Orc Seer Oracle lvl 2 | Darkvision 60ft, scent, | Spd 30ft HP: 15/15 |AC-14 T-10 FF-14 | F+3 R+1 W+7 |CMB+3 CMD13 | Init+0 | Perc +4 | -2 penalty on att and skill if 10ft from unconscious ally | Active Conditions none Uncanny Dodge (no actions in suprise rnd except flash of insight. if no suprise rnd then staggered 1 rnd) Staggered is only move or standard | retrieve a stored item needs standard acation, dropped item lands 10ft away |
Yay discussions can be had. So am I to assume that none of us know each other? And did I miss it or have you not decided on what country/city we are in?
Dot. Will get Barnibus profile up tomorrow. Sorry was away for work and did not get a chance to check this earlier. Thank you for including me in this game. Very excited!!
Fem Human Shaman 1.AC 16, touch 12, ff 14. hp 10. Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5. Init + 2. Perception + 10
Lounging around the barracks, shuffling an old deck of cards, playing a few games while waiting for the shift to begin. "Anything new happening on the streets?"
The usual watchmen gossip doing the rounds. The clink of armor and weapons begin maintained, the rustles as reports are gone over, messages being read or written.
A quiet murmur as people talk, catching up or just passing time.
(Hey Rana, you posted that in the Discussion thread instead of Gameplay, FYI.)
Hey guys, so are the seven of us actually standing around in that room staring at the witness, while only one or two of us are actually talking to him? It seems unlikely, and unless there's an adjoining room with a one-way mirror on the wall, we've effectively split the party. I think that this is good since we also have to interview the suspect and inspect the victim. I think we could do all of that before going out to inspect the crime scene (which does make sense to do en masse).
With that in mind, I sort of evaluated each character for their strengths and skills that will obviously benefit an investigation. Here's my summary:
Farasha Aeval
Oracle of the Streets
High CHA
Strong Diplomacy, Knowledge skills, and Climb
Scent tracking, Disguise Self spell
Floss Arriel
High CHA
Strong Bluff/Diplomacy/Intimidate and Perception
Disguise Self spell
Barnibus Eko
Ranger (Urban)
High WIS
Strong Perception*, Disable Device, Stealth, Diplomacy/Intimidate, and Sense Motive*, Survival (for tracking)*
* +2 vs. Humans
Rana Kastilios
High WIS
Strong Perception (other skills?)
Character sheet isn't done, yet.
Axton Lorgenberger
Wizard (Diviner)
High INT
Strong Knowledge skills
Detect Charm, Detect Secret Doors spells, crazy good organizational skills in the Discussion thread
Bard (Archivist)
High INT and CHA
Strong Knowledge skills, Perception, Stealth
Conri Warin
Cavalier (Castellan)
High INT and CHA
Strong Bluff/Diplomacy/Intimidate, Sense Motive, Stealth
(also has good infiltration-related skills/ability mix)
- Farasha, Floss, Barnibus, and Conri seem like good face-to-face players, where we'll have to interact with NPCs (hostile or not).
- Farasha, Axton, and Vinca have skills/abilities that are good for gathering and analyzing clues and information.
- Barnibus, Vinca, and Conri would be good for stealthy infiltration operations (although those with Disguise Self spells can be situationally useful for this purpose).
- Finally, Floss, Barnibus, Rana, and Vinca have good Perception skills, which can nearly always be beneficial, especially at a crime scene.
So, since Farasha, Conri, Floss are pertty invested in interviewing the witness, what do you say we pull Barnibus and maybe Rana out to intimidate, er, question the suspect, and Axton and Vinca can examine the victim? Or would splitting up three ways complicate things too much?
Male Half-Orc Seer Oracle lvl 2 | Darkvision 60ft, scent, | Spd 30ft HP: 15/15 |AC-14 T-10 FF-14 | F+3 R+1 W+7 |CMB+3 CMD13 | Init+0 | Perc +4 | -2 penalty on att and skill if 10ft from unconscious ally | Active Conditions none Uncanny Dodge (no actions in suprise rnd except flash of insight. if no suprise rnd then staggered 1 rnd) Staggered is only move or standard | retrieve a stored item needs standard acation, dropped item lands 10ft away |
That's a great rule for an adventuring party, and it will definitely come into play (such as when we go to investigate the crime scene), but we're not a typical party. We are salaried professionals doing our job in a watchtower or watch building of some sort probably filled with dozens of other watchmen. Our characters have no reason to be that concerned with a safety in numbers mentality.
Right now, I'm envisioning two scenarios: That all seven of us are in the same questioning room surrounding a friendly witness; or some of us are inside questioning the witness, and the rest of us are just outside loitering not getting anything done. Neither scenario seems realistic to me, and that's what I think splitting up will address.
But if I'm the only one who feels this way, I'll drop it.
I do agree with you Axton actually, the major issue with splitting the party in a RL game (GM having to spend time with different players so some always have to twiddle their thumbs) doesn't exist here in PbP land :)
Also as you've said, investigators work in pairs for a reason, and teams investigating crimes often cover more ground by splitting up, meeting back up to compare notes etc whilst only some interrogate the suspect etc.
So I'm for doing that unless anyone has an objection!
Fem Human Shaman 1.AC 16, touch 12, ff 14. hp 10. Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5. Init + 2. Perception + 10
Agree with Aston, especially here in headquarters. Could be trouble on the street, but we should let people go and perform their specialties instead of holding up a wall.
Male Half-Orc Seer Oracle lvl 2 | Darkvision 60ft, scent, | Spd 30ft HP: 15/15 |AC-14 T-10 FF-14 | F+3 R+1 W+7 |CMB+3 CMD13 | Init+0 | Perc +4 | -2 penalty on att and skill if 10ft from unconscious ally | Active Conditions none Uncanny Dodge (no actions in suprise rnd except flash of insight. if no suprise rnd then staggered 1 rnd) Staggered is only move or standard | retrieve a stored item needs standard acation, dropped item lands 10ft away |
I agree as well with the above points. PbP is the ideal format for party splitting, yeah combat would suck but time is equally shared and story wise it fits. Besides we have a good sized group. Nit to mention the hopefully fun role play in meeting back up and sharing info
F Ratfolk Archivist Bard 1 | 8/8 HP | AC 18 Touch 14 FF 15 | F+0 R+5 W+2 | +3 Init. +6 Percep. | 60' Darkvision | Status:Normal
Vinca is waiting on an answer but will join the exodus unless something shocking happens. It seems we have three areas to investigate. Crime scene, victim, and suspect. Are we splitting into three groups or just two?
Farasha, Barnibus and Axton(? waiting on his consent) are heading to the crime scene.
Flos and Rana want to look at the body
Conri if your suggestion was to go talk to the suspect, Vinca will join you to play some BIG COP/little cop. If you wanted to join one of the other groups, Vinca will go with the other to space things out, she flexible in her interests (which are everything)
Male Half-Orc Seer Oracle lvl 2 | Darkvision 60ft, scent, | Spd 30ft HP: 15/15 |AC-14 T-10 FF-14 | F+3 R+1 W+7 |CMB+3 CMD13 | Init+0 | Perc +4 | -2 penalty on att and skill if 10ft from unconscious ally | Active Conditions none Uncanny Dodge (no actions in suprise rnd except flash of insight. if no suprise rnd then staggered 1 rnd) Staggered is only move or standard | retrieve a stored item needs standard acation, dropped item lands 10ft away |
That would be find with me. I cannot think of any questions that have not been asked.
Combat encounters are balanced as though there are 4 of you, and none of them will be so hard that 3 of you couldn't take them unless I intend it to be a boss fight.
Ofc that's 3 normal pcs. If you're all specialized for non combat roles you may have a harder time.
Male Half-Orc Seer Oracle lvl 2 | Darkvision 60ft, scent, | Spd 30ft HP: 15/15 |AC-14 T-10 FF-14 | F+3 R+1 W+7 |CMB+3 CMD13 | Init+0 | Perc +4 | -2 penalty on att and skill if 10ft from unconscious ally | Active Conditions none Uncanny Dodge (no actions in suprise rnd except flash of insight. if no suprise rnd then staggered 1 rnd) Staggered is only move or standard | retrieve a stored item needs standard acation, dropped item lands 10ft away |
Male Half-Orc Seer Oracle lvl 2 | Darkvision 60ft, scent, | Spd 30ft HP: 15/15 |AC-14 T-10 FF-14 | F+3 R+1 W+7 |CMB+3 CMD13 | Init+0 | Perc +4 | -2 penalty on att and skill if 10ft from unconscious ally | Active Conditions none Uncanny Dodge (no actions in suprise rnd except flash of insight. if no suprise rnd then staggered 1 rnd) Staggered is only move or standard | retrieve a stored item needs standard acation, dropped item lands 10ft away |
Farasha that is fine with me. You made it seem like you were going to hang back but I wanted to check. It just feels weird is all. thematically it makes sense just weird to have people wait. I have a very impatient live group and this would never fly there. Mostly I do not want to step on any toes or cause anyone to not have a turn. Other people's fun is not something I want to mess with.
I can totally be the good/nice cop. I am not so skilled with Bad cop
F Ratfolk Archivist Bard 1 | 8/8 HP | AC 18 Touch 14 FF 15 | F+0 R+5 W+2 | +3 Init. +6 Percep. | 60' Darkvision | Status:Normal
I am traveling for a family emergency. I should be able to chime in as needed once Vinca and the autopsy group settles in if I can avoid spotty Internet connections. I should likely be unsettled for a week
I am traveling for a family emergency. I should be able to chime in as needed once Vinca and the autopsy group settles in if I can avoid spotty Internet connections. I should likely be unsettled for a week
Male Half-Orc Seer Oracle lvl 2 | Darkvision 60ft, scent, | Spd 30ft HP: 15/15 |AC-14 T-10 FF-14 | F+3 R+1 W+7 |CMB+3 CMD13 | Init+0 | Perc +4 | -2 penalty on att and skill if 10ft from unconscious ally | Active Conditions none Uncanny Dodge (no actions in suprise rnd except flash of insight. if no suprise rnd then staggered 1 rnd) Staggered is only move or standard | retrieve a stored item needs standard acation, dropped item lands 10ft away |
Somehow i missed that bit of info. Also GM did you decide on what country we are in?
Male Half-Orc Seer Oracle lvl 2 | Darkvision 60ft, scent, | Spd 30ft HP: 15/15 |AC-14 T-10 FF-14 | F+3 R+1 W+7 |CMB+3 CMD13 | Init+0 | Perc +4 | -2 penalty on att and skill if 10ft from unconscious ally | Active Conditions none Uncanny Dodge (no actions in suprise rnd except flash of insight. if no suprise rnd then staggered 1 rnd) Staggered is only move or standard | retrieve a stored item needs standard acation, dropped item lands 10ft away |
ThePuppyTurtle could you add a little bit more description in he behavior? So much of an interrogation is actually found in body language.
Where on the neck are the claw marks and choke hold bruises? I'm trying to determine how the choker was holding the victim. If the choker was in front of the victim, the bruising would be on the front of the neck, but the claw marks (and knife cut) would be wrapped around to be on the sides or maybe towards the back of the neck.
The bruises cover the front and sides. The claw marks would be on the sides near the back.
I sort of did f%!+ up in describing it. Take a +1 to the future roll of your choice for catching me.
I will say that the precise location will not matter beyond them being on the neck.