Black Tom |

Yet again I can't resist starting another PBP, and I wanted to take another shot at DMing War of the Burning Sky.
I will be using the campaign world of the adventure path but Pathfinder deities for convenience. All Paizo material will be allowed, as will the Freeport Companion and Psionics Unleashed. I'm a pretty conservative DM,so I'd like you to stick as closely to core as possible.
Psionics exist but I want to keep it rare, so I'll allow only one psionic character.
I'm pretty old-school and am more concerned about pacing and fairness than deep immersion (descriptions and role-playing). Check out my game threads - two of them survived well over a year and are still going strong, much due to the amazing players (can't stress that enough).
I will offer six spots. Three will be reserved for people who've gamed with me and liked it, and three will be for first comers.
Character creation is 20 point buy, standard gold.
You don't have to convince me of anything to play with me. If you've gamed with me, feel free to jog my memory, and if not, welcome. I found that there are lots of great players out there.
Just one last thing: please don't join if you're not in for the long haul. WotBS is a pretty epic adventure, and my previous experience has told me that it's actually possible to run an entire AP as a PBP given enough time and dedicated players. If that's you, you're welcome, no questions asked.
I expect a post every weekday and a heads up if you're going to be away for several days. Anything above that is appreciated but not necessary. I will tell you more, but it's past midnight here and my keyboard is acting up.

hogarth |

I'd be interested, if you could stand having me in another game. :-)
By the way, the Player's Guide is available as a free download here:

Chainmail |

Count me interested. If you do old school psionics, I was hoping for a half-giant (my favorite psychic race) psychic warrior--a creature leaving the giant realms because he didn't fit and trying to make it with humans. If you prefer core piazo I go for a gnome sorceror draconic bloodline who has some gold dragon blood in him. Small in stature he has a chip on his shoulder from being bullied.
I like the Gabal's improved magic missile - neat spell.

Songdragon |

I would like to add my interest to this campaign. I have played a little bit of this adventure path, before the GM went AWOL. I am definitely in the game for the long haul. (Have a Dawn of Defiance PBP campaign that will be going on 2 years in a few months)
Thinking cleric of some sort... but will I look at some concepts and get them up asap.

Joshua Hirtz |

I would be a new player to your campaigns, but I am interested. Would be interested in playing a Elven Bladebound Magus that I'll work up for you.
Also, I'm excited to hear about your style. I rather enjoy the game mechanics, which is not to say that I don't enjoy roleplaying. However, I think this will be a great campaign to further practice my creative spark while getting to enjoy the game for its other aspects as well.

Hiro Protagonist |

By the way--I will post every day and would love to see an entire AP I have never even looked at ran to completion. It will take character death to stop me -- and only if you don't let me make a new one.
As not being one of your original crew, I will understand if you want to let a legacy player be the token psionic (I asked to be the half giant under a different alias) and I would then like to be a Kensai human Magus or gnome sorceror. I actually think the Kensai Magus is a powerful hybrid that can melee and magic effectively. I like the Blade of Resistance feat that gives touch attacks and attacks against a previous adversary a bonus--that would be great for a magus.
I am a big Neal Stephenson fan -- so I think one of his better character names has to live on as a magus. As an earlier poster had a magus--can easily change to wizard or sorceror (I like the student of war feat for them). Though magi are so versatile, I could see two in a group of five or more.

Black Tom |

Sorry for the late update. Have been busy with work and other stuff. I'm thrilled with the response, but it poses the painful problem of having to pick people. As I said I would give three spots to first comers I will welcome Thing, Chainmail/Hiro and Joshua if you can come up with a character within the week (before Sunday 15).
hogarth and Kevin, you are in. Mark, I'd love to have you in another game but I'd like to give precedence to those whose campaign i killed, so Yurggen, you're welcome and markofbane, you are my first alternate.
No psionic races though, but I don't have a problem with a new player taking on the token psionic. I'll open a discussion thread so you can discuss your choices.
Will post more but crazy busy weekend. Just couldn't resist putting the recruitment up prematurely.

Black Tom |

So we may have a half-orc druid, a halfling monk and two magi, a fighter or barbarian and one undecided. I hope you can get a decently balanced party together, but honestly, with a large party like this it might be useful to have someone to channel positive energy. I won't insist though. You can always rely on Wands of CLW for your bulk healing. It's more to speed things up.

Hiro Protagonist |

Lol, channeling oracles maybe make more sense.
I'm going to use the Pathfinder pantheon. I don't mind a druid either, but it's kind of practical to have access to channeling. We'll see what everyone comes up with, but you can post in the discussion thread when your character is taking shape.
Discussion thread is not connected yet. I am somewhat old fashioned and like the old school clerics too. But I think a hobbit oracle would be 'cute' and 'adorable'.