Black Tom's War of the Burning Sky

Game Master Black Tom

This is the new campaign

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Hiro is caught up in the passion of the moment and wants to say something meaningful, when he processes what Wolf-Sark says. He can't think of any way to say it better.

He moves up to the elf and nods at Wolf-Sark,
"What he says goes double for me."

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

The elven woman snarls at you. "You fools! I do not consort with devils. We are fighting the Ragesians. You are the ones who are interfering. Now get out of my sight." The lantern archon intones: She speaks the truth.

Hiro makes an effort to control himself and speaks calmly, "This is not a time to act like children, especially one of the fairer race. Explain yourself. Maybe we should be working together."

Is Tempest still with us?

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

Tempest is with you. With gritted teeth, she explains. "She is a Shahalesti agent. She cares nothing for us nor for Gate Pass. But we do share a common enemy." With a visible effort to restrain herself she turns to Shealis with a forced smile. "Maybe we could come to an arrangement?"

Tempest will aid you for a +2 bonus to your Diplomacy check, should you try to argue with the foreign agent.

Male Elf Wizard 3 | HP:29/29 | F:+4 R+5 W+4 | CMD 14 | AC:14 T:14 FF:10 | Init+5 | Perc +11 |

Molasbar lets his hand rest on the pouch containing spell components. It is worthless to him at the moment, but he feels better knowing it is there. He has no words for the agent, knowing his attempts to reason with her solely on the basis of logic would do little good.

Male Dwarf Fighter 1

"Perhaps we should just leave, and find another battle to fight". "It's obvious she has this well in hand, and doesn't need our assistance".

Yurggen makes to leave. He has no time for spoiled, self-righteous elves.

"I agree with Tempest -- if we're both on the same side in this fight, we should cooperate."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14

Hiro speaks hoping to improve things,
"The enemy of my enemy is my friend."
Aid diplomacy 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (6) - 2 = 4

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

I'm sorry guys, but I am going to concede defeat on this one. It is becoming more and more apparent to me that I can't make this AP work as a PBP. At least you got further than the last group. This is of course no fault of yours, and I've enjoyed playing with you, but I'm realizing that this AP, me and PBP is a "pick any two".

Thanks a lot and sorry to disappoint you.

Bummer. Thanks for giving it a shot!

I guess it is time to move it to inactive. Let me know if anyone is interested in playing an elf in my elves vs dwarves campaign. The elves are fighting the sewers right now. Warning -- it is retro core only 15 pt builds. This group has about six months under their belt -- characters would start at level 2.

Male Daytona 500 DM / 12

Rats....Thanks for trying. Maybe it's the curse of me playing in your games... :-).

I might have cursed it as well -- I've used the PC name "Wolf-Sark" in two previous games that rapidly collapsed!


Thanks for giving it a shot.

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