Clebsch's Reign of Winter

Game Master Clebsch RoW

Our brave adventurers are the only hope in a cold, cruel world.

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Female Human Ranger (Skirmisher) 10: HP 78/78 : AC: 20 (21), T: 15, FF: 15 : Fort: +10 (+12 cold effects/ +15 cold environment/ +20 with cold weather outfit. +4 to all if non lethal) Reflex: + 12 Will: +5 : Perception +11 (+17 Human/+15 Giant/+13 Fey

"Picking off a few at a time is a smarter move though it runs the risk of them noticing and the rest of them holing up, making it harder in the end." Ingrit conjectures. "A vote?"

Male Human (Ulfen) Druid(Arctic)/2
HPs 20/20 AC 15, T11, FF14, Resist Cold 2, Saves F+4,R+2,W+6; Perc +8; Init +2

"Ah got nah problem wi pickin em off, but Gozreh's blessings to me are almost gone, reckons a nights sleep make us stronger, specially for Erland and tha city folk, Dami." the young druid warns Ingrit. "Depends how many Erland can put to sleep like tha agin. He got some weird stuff goin on tha."

We could have 2 real nasties (leader and blue skinned witch/troll? and the rest annoying, up to 9, but probably no more than 6, if the ones that are sick don't fight. No idea if any are zombies!!!

We have no more or very little healing, and only a little magic, (not sure about Erland). Certainly we don't have healing to keep Domi up, the only one who does real melee damage. Otherwise we are ranged and magic.

That's why I vote we rest/scout the place for the night. How we attack in the morning I don't know, but sneaking in might be easier and if we get surprise we might get a few unready to fight. Still like smoking them out in the morning.

Winter Witch 6 [HP 29/29 // AC 13/12/11] [Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +6] Flight Hex Used: 1 min

"Likewise, I almost without magic for today. Most of us have been hexed for healing, and I've only one cure spell and some cantrips remaining. I am rather neaky, if that helps, though."

Loot Table Rondolero Swashbuckler 5 / Ulfen Guard 3 / Urban Bloodrager 1 Human | HP 86/98 | AC 21, T 14, FF 19, CMD 26, ACP -3 (excludes climb & jump) | F+9, R+9, W+7 (+2 bonus vs charm/compulsion, guarded thoughts) | Per+10 | Init+4 |

"I suggest we sleep now, which will allow us to attack refreshed at night. If we see an opportunity, we can pick off bandits fetching more firewood. If they sleep through the night, we pick off the first ones to come out in the morning, then launch our assault. As for sparing the bandits' lives, that's all well and good if it can be done safely, but I'll not risk having the survivors call out to their friends. They earned their fate when they chose a life of banditry."

Based on my interpretation of the bandit's words, it seems like we don't have to face either the blue skinned witch or the troll (separate creatures?) if we don't cross the bridge. And we can approach the lodge on foot without crossing the bridge. I was thinking we should sleep immediately, to give us the best chance to attack either at night or at dawn.

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

Let me just warn you that resting or sleeping outside in this cold will be outright dangerous for those of you that do not have innate cold resistance.

Female Human Ranger (Skirmisher) 10: HP 78/78 : AC: 20 (21), T: 15, FF: 15 : Fort: +10 (+12 cold effects/ +15 cold environment/ +20 with cold weather outfit. +4 to all if non lethal) Reflex: + 12 Will: +5 : Perception +11 (+17 Human/+15 Giant/+13 Fey

"While I agree that we need rest, I don't think you all understand just how cold weather like this can get come nightfall. In the north, where this kind of weather is normal, sleeping outdoors is a death sentence for most people." Ingrit says looking each of the men in the eye in turn.

Male Human (Ulfen) Druid(Arctic)/2
HPs 20/20 AC 15, T11, FF14, Resist Cold 2, Saves F+4,R+2,W+6; Perc +8; Init +2

"Tis true that ya say, Ingrit. It t'aint like a normal day nah more, not with dis cold." Eianar ponders her words. "We need t'way ta bring 'em out an let Ingrit use her bow. We canna wait til dey decide ta come out, tha could be all night. Oi says we make sure tha no-one in da stable, maybe a good place ta hide. We wait til dusk, if none come out den....Da ya think if wees called out like one o' deys we caught an pretend ta be an injured fella, dey send out to investigate?" an air of indecision hangs over the druid, as he contemplates the effect of the cold. He explores the options in his mind once more, wavering towards action tonight.

Winter Witch 6 [HP 29/29 // AC 13/12/11] [Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +6] Flight Hex Used: 1 min

"With this coat and furs, I will be perfectly fine. Right now, I hardly need it at all, to be honest. The state less should be warm enough, horses put out a lot of heat after all. As to attacking now, I don't think we're in a position to succeed tonight. Without magic and still lightly injured, we would be overwhelmed in short order."

Female Human Ranger (Skirmisher) 10: HP 78/78 : AC: 20 (21), T: 15, FF: 15 : Fort: +10 (+12 cold effects/ +15 cold environment/ +20 with cold weather outfit. +4 to all if non lethal) Reflex: + 12 Will: +5 : Perception +11 (+17 Human/+15 Giant/+13 Fey

"Do you think you could keep the horses calm and quiet Eianar?" Ingrit asks looking in the direction of the stables.

Male Human (Ulfen) Druid(Arctic)/2
HPs 20/20 AC 15, T11, FF14, Resist Cold 2, Saves F+4,R+2,W+6; Perc +8; Init +2

"I dinah know how it goes wit dem animals, but oi can give it a go." Eianar answers Ingrit. "If we was lucky, sure it'll work, gota hope the gods o luck are on me side." He looks at the city folks, looking to see if they would last the night in the cosy warmth of the horses and the bushy left eyebrow raises itself. A smile crosses his face at the thought of the remembers smell of warm living horse flesh, soft and hard at the same time. "Oi can try...."

Eianar does have Handle Animal skill, to a small degree and could give himsel a little magical guidance...

So what say you Eianar and Erland sneak to the stables, Eianar tries to calm the horses, if successful, then you all sneak down and we settle for the night. If not successful .... who knows ... just be ready folks...

Loot Table Rondolero Swashbuckler 5 / Ulfen Guard 3 / Urban Bloodrager 1 Human | HP 86/98 | AC 21, T 14, FF 19, CMD 26, ACP -3 (excludes climb & jump) | F+9, R+9, W+7 (+2 bonus vs charm/compulsion, guarded thoughts) | Per+10 | Init+4 |

"Very well, the stables are probably the best shelter we'll manage. Let's see if we can make it there unobserved."

Winter Witch 6 [HP 29/29 // AC 13/12/11] [Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +6] Flight Hex Used: 1 min

"Right. Let's go, Einar."

Erland drops into a crouch, with Fiske padding along at his heels.

1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13 stealth

Male Human (Ulfen) Druid(Arctic)/2
HPs 20/20 AC 15, T11, FF14, Resist Cold 2, Saves F+4,R+2,W+6; Perc +8; Init +2

"Aye.." he says as he lets Gozreh's magic flow into him, concentrating to pad softly through the snow, as he readies himself to enter the stables. He approaches with the stable positioned between the him and the hut, looking through cracks in the walls to spy the interior. "See ought Erland." he whispers as they take in the stables, finding a quiet spot to enter.

They enter and Eianar puts his hands up to the horses and starts a soft whispering sound to calm them down and try to make them friendly. "Shhh, me beauts, quiet now, we mean no 'arm." He knows that the words mean nothing to the proud beasts, but the tone and pitch are soothing and sweet to their ears. Once the animals are calmed and quiet, Eianar offers them the warmth of straw on the hard ground and to rest and sleep.

Stealth 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14

Perception to see in the stables, 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10

Wild Empathy for the horses 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16

Handle Animal to make them lie down 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13

It's a big assumption, but ... if all goes sweetly, Eianar gets Erland to signal the others to follow down.

Then again I'm half expecting a surprise ....

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

Keeping well out of sight from the windows or the lodge, you sneak into the stable. There are three horses in there, looking a little nervous and shivering from the unnatural cold, but generally well tended. Two of them carry the emblem of Lady Argentea.

The horses respond well to Eianar's attempts to calm them, and soon enough you all find yourselves gathered indoors, taking advantage of the body heat of the horses.

I take it that your plan is to rest eight hours to replenish your daily abilities and then assault the lodge before dawn?

Female Human Ranger (Skirmisher) 10: HP 78/78 : AC: 20 (21), T: 15, FF: 15 : Fort: +10 (+12 cold effects/ +15 cold environment/ +20 with cold weather outfit. +4 to all if non lethal) Reflex: + 12 Will: +5 : Perception +11 (+17 Human/+15 Giant/+13 Fey


Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

Well, it must be your lucky day for it turns out that the horses have been recently fed. Judging by the tracks to the stable they only feed them twice a day at most.

The bridge that the bandits were talking about is to your left, but you see no sign of a blue witch.

There seems to be two entrances to the lodge, but the one facing the stable has no tracks leading to or from it. Every half-hour or so a bandit steps out and looks around but does not cross the yard. Later in the evening a number of bandits exit the other door and come back a little later, but nobody disturbs your rest.

You recover 1 hp each and can reprepare spells and dailies before you begin your assault.

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

Map of the lodge

Do you wait for the bandits to come to you or do you want to attack them under the cover of darkness?

Female Human Ranger (Skirmisher) 10: HP 78/78 : AC: 20 (21), T: 15, FF: 15 : Fort: +10 (+12 cold effects/ +15 cold environment/ +20 with cold weather outfit. +4 to all if non lethal) Reflex: + 12 Will: +5 : Perception +11 (+17 Human/+15 Giant/+13 Fey

Looking at the ground in the stables, Ingrit tries to determine when the horses were last fed and how often foot traffic passes through the area.

Survival: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (2) + 12 = 14

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

According to the tracks and amount of grain the horses had been recently fed in the afternoon when you arrived and will probably be fed twice a day, which means that the next time is in the morning.

Female Human Ranger (Skirmisher) 10: HP 78/78 : AC: 20 (21), T: 15, FF: 15 : Fort: +10 (+12 cold effects/ +15 cold environment/ +20 with cold weather outfit. +4 to all if non lethal) Reflex: + 12 Will: +5 : Perception +11 (+17 Human/+15 Giant/+13 Fey

"So it will likely be morning before anyone comes out here again. We strike now we're likely to find the majority of them asleep until the noise starts, and even them perharps unarmored and unprepared." Ingrit says looking at the others.

Winter Witch 6 [HP 29/29 // AC 13/12/11] [Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +6] Flight Hex Used: 1 min

"I'm a fan of attacking at night. The less prepared they are, the better."

Male Human (Ulfen) Druid(Arctic)/2
HPs 20/20 AC 15, T11, FF14, Resist Cold 2, Saves F+4,R+2,W+6; Perc +8; Init +2

"Arr, but wees move roun' ta te main entrance an attack from thar. Oi dinna trust t' ground in front o' us, it should ha' shown signs o bandits, but there was none. Oi believe if wees can move t' horses, theys will panic when theys bandits try to escape. It'll stop 'em 'scaping wit their prize possession, t' Lady. Once t' horses are secure, wees can approach from t' east, and through the main entrance. Wees mus be quiet as wees can, surprise em like Ingrit says." He looks around at the others hoping for a response before continuing ...

"If its elpful, oi can create a bit o mist in front o' the door, but tell mees nah, cos I gotta refresh mees blessings from Gozreh."

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

Which door do you want to try then?

And will someone please bot Dom for now?

Female Human Ranger (Skirmisher) 10: HP 78/78 : AC: 20 (21), T: 15, FF: 15 : Fort: +10 (+12 cold effects/ +15 cold environment/ +20 with cold weather outfit. +4 to all if non lethal) Reflex: + 12 Will: +5 : Perception +11 (+17 Human/+15 Giant/+13 Fey

"It's been snowing continuously which probably covered up their tracks." Ingrit replies. "The benefit of attacking from this side is that they'd have to get past us to get to the horses."

Male Human (Ulfen) Druid(Arctic)/2
HPs 20/20 AC 15, T11, FF14, Resist Cold 2, Saves F+4,R+2,W+6; Perc +8; Init +2

Erland has the casting vote on which door to enter .... :-) as we seem down to 3 at the moment.

South door (closest to stables) or East door (main entrance)...

Winter Witch 6 [HP 29/29 // AC 13/12/11] [Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +6] Flight Hex Used: 1 min

"I think the closest entrance is the best. If that's the one they use to feed the horses, it's most likely the most lightly guarded."

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

I'm not sure I understand your plan. Are you going to release the horses and take the entrance nearest the bridge?

Female Human Ranger (Skirmisher) 10: HP 78/78 : AC: 20 (21), T: 15, FF: 15 : Fort: +10 (+12 cold effects/ +15 cold environment/ +20 with cold weather outfit. +4 to all if non lethal) Reflex: + 12 Will: +5 : Perception +11 (+17 Human/+15 Giant/+13 Fey

I don't think we're releasing the horses. We're using the closest entrance and they'd have to get past us to get to the horses.

Male Human (Ulfen) Druid(Arctic)/2
HPs 20/20 AC 15, T11, FF14, Resist Cold 2, Saves F+4,R+2,W+6; Perc +8; Init +2
Ingrit wrote:
I don't think we're releasing the horses. We're using the closest entrance and they'd have to get past us to get to the horses.

Yep, that's what we're doing ...

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

Stepping briskly across the snow Dom tries the door of the main porch and is surprised to find it unlocked.

More to follow, but it is time to roll initiative.

Female Human Ranger (Skirmisher) 10: HP 78/78 : AC: 20 (21), T: 15, FF: 15 : Fort: +10 (+12 cold effects/ +15 cold environment/ +20 with cold weather outfit. +4 to all if non lethal) Reflex: + 12 Will: +5 : Perception +11 (+17 Human/+15 Giant/+13 Fey

Init: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6

Male Human (Ulfen) Druid(Arctic)/2
HPs 20/20 AC 15, T11, FF14, Resist Cold 2, Saves F+4,R+2,W+6; Perc +8; Init +2

Eianar's Init 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11
Dom's Bot Init 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8

Winter Witch 6 [HP 29/29 // AC 13/12/11] [Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +6] Flight Hex Used: 1 min

1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13 Init

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

I'm sorry but I'm feeling a little bit drained by life stuff at the moments, so I will cut some corners in order to keep the game running. I'll do this combat without a map, so I'll run by description and give you the benefit of doubt when it comes to flanking and positions. Bear with me and I hope to be back at normal capacity shortly. A map of the lodge's ground floor is up under campaign info.

A bearskin rug dominates the floor of this trophy room, and the heads of several deer have been mounted on the walls. Doors lead north and south, while two hallways go farther east. As you turn the corner you notice and are noticed by five bandits huddled at the far end of the room. They are awake and armed, but Eianar and Erland beat their initiative.

Eianar and Erland are up, then the bandits. They are armed like the one you fought earlier.

Winter Witch 6 [HP 29/29 // AC 13/12/11] [Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +6] Flight Hex Used: 1 min

Erland takes the turn and casts sleep.

DC 14 Will or fall asleep for a minute, up to 4 HD of foes.

"Good night, bandits, don't fret about this battle any longer."

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

Three of the bandits succumb to Erland's spell, leaving only two standing.

Male Human (Ulfen) Druid(Arctic)/2
HPs 20/20 AC 15, T11, FF14, Resist Cold 2, Saves F+4,R+2,W+6; Perc +8; Init +2

Using his quarterstaff, Eianar moves forward and strikes at the bandit.

Q/Staff 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (12) + 0 = 12 Damage 1d6 ⇒ 6

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

Eianar gives the bandit a good whack but he is still standing, if barely. He draws his sword and stabs Eianar for 6 points of damage. His companion draws his bow and fires at Domitian, hitting him for 3 points of damage. He also lets out a scream to alert the lodge. You hear movement from the room to the south.

Then you are all up.

Male Human Wizard 5 Init +4 Saves : F: +2 ; R : + 1 , W : +4

Daze action on bowman Will save DC 14

Female Human Ranger (Skirmisher) 10: HP 78/78 : AC: 20 (21), T: 15, FF: 15 : Fort: +10 (+12 cold effects/ +15 cold environment/ +20 with cold weather outfit. +4 to all if non lethal) Reflex: + 12 Will: +5 : Perception +11 (+17 Human/+15 Giant/+13 Fey

Amidst the erupting chaos, Ingrit fumbles her shot at the other archer.

1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7
1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

Male Human (Ulfen) Druid(Arctic)/2
HPs 20/20 AC 15, T11, FF14, Resist Cold 2, Saves F+4,R+2,W+6; Perc +8; Init +2

Bot for Domitian Olavsgaard

Dom runs over and attacks the bowman.
Attack with falcata two-handed Attack 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15 damage 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11

Eianar lets out a deep sigh as the sword bites into his flesh and the hurt spreads through his body, "Damn yous, tis urtful tha."
Eianar attempts to hit the bandit in front of him.
Attack with quarterstaff Attack 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (14) + 0 = 14 damage 1d6 ⇒ 2

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

Domitian cuts down the dazed bowman while Eianar knocks out the other bandit. While you hear noises from the south, nothing more happens in this round. While Erland still has an action, I think we can drop out of initiative for now.

What's next?

Winter Witch 6 [HP 29/29 // AC 13/12/11] [Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +6] Flight Hex Used: 1 min

Erland lays his hand on Einar's arm and channels healing magic into the man's wounds.

1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9 HP healed (Healing Hex used on Erland)

"Quick, let's get ready for the others. These fellow's won't stay down for very long!"

Male Human (Ulfen) Druid(Arctic)/2
HPs 20/20 AC 15, T11, FF14, Resist Cold 2, Saves F+4,R+2,W+6; Perc +8; Init +2

"Aye, thank 'e Erland, yur touch is real blessed by the gods." Eianar thanks the witch, and recovers his poise. "Tha's three, ow many more we got now?" he asks rhetorically as his mind whirs. "Let's quick bind 'em an gag 'em, afore theys start to makes trouble fer us. Domi, stay ahind te door, catch 'em if any enter. Dami you looks cross the stable, makes sure they ain't gonna run off."


had healing hex from Erland.
HPs 12 (6 damage, 9 healing)
I make it 8 bandits from 12 ... 5 in the barracks, 3 from the bushes

Male Human Wizard 5 Init +4 Saves : F: +2 ; R : + 1 , W : +4

Damiano looks at Eianar with confusion written on his face
But they are just there and if they are binded , how coud they run off ?
Do you mean you want me to look if we are not attacked by a pincer move ?

Male Human (Ulfen) Druid(Arctic)/2
HPs 20/20 AC 15, T11, FF14, Resist Cold 2, Saves F+4,R+2,W+6; Perc +8; Init +2

"Eight ain't the same as twelve, tha's more o 'em, their leader and the Lady. Wees don't wanna lose 'er." responds Eianar to Damiano.

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

As you set to it binding your captives, the door opens and four more bandits appear. These however, seem to be in worse condition than their peers. They are unarmored and look quite sick, their red eyes and cold sweats betraying some kind of infection.

They are a little taken aback by Domitian blocking the doorway, so you may act before they do.

Winter Witch 6 [HP 29/29 // AC 13/12/11] [Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +6] Flight Hex Used: 1 min

"These lads are still breathing, if a bit constrained at this point. I recommend you re-think your current course of action, and put those weapons down now."

Erland stands up and looks over the obviously ill men, keeping his crossbow ready to fire.

"Perhaps I could take a look at you, assuming you're willing to talk, of course."

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

Sounds like a good time for a Diplomacy check.

Winter Witch 6 [HP 29/29 // AC 13/12/11] [Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +6] Flight Hex Used: 1 min

Ha! I should have been meaner to them!

1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8 diplomacy

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