Domitian Olavsgaard |

Dom shrugs, having no strong feelings about the creature's fate. "Sad that these fairies have bound themselves to their icy masters. I'd just as soon set them free, but then they would attack us again. They're pawns, like the bandits were."
Dom returns his attentions to the security of their building. "Let's rest and recover through the night, and return the following day."

Domitian Olavsgaard |

Glad for the rest, Dom recovers from some of his wounds. Healing 2 HP.
He also makes sure to gather Lady Argenta's jewels and signet ring, and returns them to the Lady. I believe that's the Signet Ring and earrings, Pearl-Inlaid Bracelets, assorted gold and silver necklaces, and a sapphire pendant. I left it on our loot sheet, admittedly with the hope that the Lady would eventually reward us for our trouble in returning those items. As such, I had them marked "Assigned" to Argenta.
"Alright, we've got a long trip ahead. Everyone make sure they've got what they need. We'll escort Lady Argenta back to Heldren and tell them what we've learned of the threats we face. If we're lucky, by the time we're back, the town smith will have managed to forge some more cold iron, and I'll have proper use of my falcata again." He looks upon his tiny sword with a measure of disappointment.

Eianar Drudsson |

"O' equal concern ta mees, is tha blue creature that lurks. If tha is brings the cold weea should deal wit dem. Wees wanna stop the winter commin, til it's proper time." Eianar replies to Dom, his face worried that the natural order of things has been disturbed.
"Tha an some of us are still quite weak from tha priest an his killing presence. I as some o Gozreh's healing, ayes can asks fur 3 blessings tday, taint much but will 'elp. But if ayes does tha, all me blessing fur tha day is gone." He states matter of factly, though there is concern in his voice he won't be much use in a fight without his magic. "Soos, ayes be still weak from de fight, who else is still 'urting." He asks his companions.
7pts leveling, 2 pts healing overnight
Was 4hps .. now 13 of 20HPs

Black Tom |

"Yes, still a bit bruised I am afraid. But we should make haste. Or else I'll take my chances getting back by myself if you would rather investigate this threat further. Oh, and do keep these baubles for yourselves. They are of little worth compared to my ransom and although some of you are a little uncouth you seem to be a capable enough set of heroes. You deserve your prize."

Domitian Olavsgaard |

Pretty sure we all need healing, me, Ingrit and Damiano.
-Posted with Wayfinder

Erland Frey |

1d8 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8 - Domitian
1d8 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7 - Ingrit
1d8 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10 - Damiano
"All right, ya lot! Like I told Your Worshipfulness over here, if you're hurt, speak up! I can patch you up, easy enough, if I know you're hurt. If you stay quiet, I can't do much for ya!"
Erland lays his hands on the members of the team, scolding them as he does.

Domitian Olavsgaard |

"Thank you, Erland. Your healing gifts are truly astounding! Okay, can we get the horses prepped for cold weather travel? That'll help us move quickly back to Heldren. Perhaps we'll have time to return here before nightfall."
I suppose this is indirectly a question for the GM - anything we can do to help the horses prep for the journey?

Ingrit |

"Thanks Einar." Ingrit says quietly as she considers how best to prepare the horses for the journey.
Survival: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20

Black Tom |

The horses will be fine as long as you keep moving. You return back to Heldren without incident and with the lady, being hailed as heroes.
The councilors listen to your story with great concern and beseech you to go investigate the wintry threat more. Lady Argentea will go to summon reinforcements. She hints that there may be some honorific titles in this for you. Elder Safander can take care of your remaining wounds, while the cold iron weapons you ordered are ready and Dom's falcata returns to its proper sixe.

Tacey |

Tacey awkwardly hides and shifts her feet during all the conferencing, waiting to get back out into the countryside. Once the party has left the council she is a touch more talkative, however.
Seems our best shot's looking for that portal, hey? The one the fairy mentioned?

Ingrit |

I seriously doubt that the creature brought winter with it. If it were capable of that, that powerful, we wouldn't have the slightest chance of killing something like that. The idea that the portal is responsible for the weather makes more sense to me." Ingrit says after a few minutes of consideration.

Erland Frey |

"I think Tacey is correct. If we find the source of this unnatural cold, we should be able to locate the creatures as well. In a worst case scenario, if we get the cold away, summer's heat will drive the icy foes on its own."

Domitian Olavsgaard |

"We don't know where the portal is, but we do know there's a troll and witch guarding a bridge to . . . something. I'd say our next step is to confront them to get some answers."
* * *
Although Dom's falcata returns to normal size, Dom still seems to be a little concerned about its reliability. Learning that the cold-iron falcata was now ready, Dom decides to sell his old blade, which helps slightly in covering the cost of the new blade.
He's also interested in buying some tents or something to help them should they need to sleep outdoors. Is there anything we can buy to help us stay warm even when camping in the snow? I remember last time we had to huddle in the stables, and I'd prefer to have a reliable option for camping outdoors, if at all possible.

Ingrit |

The likelihood of anything designed for camping in deep winter conditions being available in summer, in a lace that doesn't even experience bad winters is asking a lot

Eianar Drudsson |

"Aye, e'en tho wees gonna find it 'ard wit nah proper curing magic, ayes tink wees gotta gah an find the portal quick like. Wees can doos our shoppin when wees get back or wherever tha portal leads us." Eianar says, hoping that by being quick they can remove the threats, before it gets even stronger. "Sees if deys got some scripts of healing words." he suggests as he points towards the local holy place.
If there's a cleric in town or a temple.

Domitian Olavsgaard |

Even a regular old tent and some blankets could help; Dom just has a bedroll right now.
"As Eianar suggests, let's see if we can arrange to have a healing wand brought to this town. We have funds enough for it, after selling the items we've claimed. But in the meantime, we should return to the lodge and confront the troll and witch in the vicinity."

Erland Frey |

"Yes, a wand of curing will be most useful. As to the weather, perhaps some standard outdoors equipment will suffice. The cold doesn't really affect me very much, but I know how unpleasant it can be for most folks."
Tent, winter blankets, possibly a pack animal or some materials to build sbowshoes?

Ingrit |

Knowledge Nature (Trolls): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
"Sounds as good a plan as any." Ingrit says with a shrug

Eianar Drudsson |

"Ayes take tree o dem chemy fires me loverly and a five o flasks o oil, afore aye goes. Tank yous very much Tessarea," he says as he hands over 60 gold pieces and a few silver.
now has 5 alchemists fire
now has 5 flasks of oil
Original gold: 307.44
Spent 60 gp 5 sp
Gold now 246.94gp

Erland Frey |

"A sound investment, my good Einar. I hope we do not need to use them all."
Erland has a new backpack, stuffed and strapped with winter gear, as well as a bunch of cordage and some thin wooden slats.
"Maybe someone good at crating can help me with snowshoes. They didn't have any made and ready, but with these materials it should be workable to fashion some."

Tacey |

Ohoho, don' look at me. Dad always said "orcs melt snow with the blood of their foes." O' course, he was about as much of a raiding savage as your cat, so what did he know?
Tacey shakes her head to stave off her tangential tendencies.
If you're worried 'bout gettin' yer feet wet, maybe we oughta build you a sled?

Erland Frey |

"Wet feet don't bother me so much as falling through a 10 foot snowdrift. Moving across deep snow ain't easy, ya know."
While Tacey speaks, Fiske winds his way through Erland's legs and meows at the statement that cats aren't savage raiding killing machines.

Ingrit |

Ingrit purchases a couple more bottles of alchemists fire herself in preparation for facing the troll.

Domitian Olavsgaard |

Dom purchases a large tent (holds up to 4 people) and 4 winter blankets, to help his allies or other people they encounter to stay warm. He also buys some firewood.
"Everyone have what they need?"

Ingrit |

"I'm good."

Ingrit |

Unless tracking is needed, Ingrit will be third or forth in order to allow her to get off a shot or two before anything could close into melee range. If tracking is needed she'll take point

Ingrit |

Works for me