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Just as Ingrit is about to start off, the young girl's head appears around a block of ice. She looks at you inquisitively as though weighing you up, as though she is trying to recognise you. Her pretty face screwed up in a frown, her flaxen hair bunched in two pony tails, she seems to beckon you to go to her, maybe she has something to say.
You may ask her two questions when you get near to her.
She is the other counter on the map, the picture on the counter is not a representation of girls appearance.
And a diplomacy check please ...

Khristov |

Not entirely sure that even IS her. She could be something sort of like the spiritual equivalent of an echo, if her original soul was the original voice. Assuming I understood Black Tom correctly.

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Sorry I wasn't clear enough, it is the same spiritual image you saw before ... just for clarification... It's just you should have had an opportunity to ask her some questions .... And with the map, you would have seen her appearing round various ice blocks. Think of the ice blocks a bit like stonehenge, large menhirs of ice, but in a random formation, just right for little children to play hide and seek behind, kind of what's she's been doing so far.... obviously this child is not real ... but a spirit ... so to talk to her, you have to chase her around a bit.... would be so much easier as RL GMing... :)

Domitian Olavsgaard |

Dom ducks around various icy pillars, trying to catch up to the girl in her game of hide and seek. He then holds out his hands in a gesture of openness and tries to talk with her. "Little girl, your spirit should be free, not trapped in this place. How can we set you free?"
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26

Ingrit |

Ingrit approaches but remains quiet, knowing Domitian was fare more skilled with words.

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The girls head nods from side to side she blinks and almost looks through you. "Free me." It seems these words have awaken some sort of recollection, her image shimmers. "Yes, free me and my mother..." her voice goes quiet and the cold wild whistles around, swirling around her and those close to her. As the wind fdes, she replies in a small petite voice, "Nadya and I were held in the Pale Tower, free us from there.... please we would be free from there." Her image fades and the air gets colder, then her form appears behind another ice block, looking at you intently, expectantly.
All effects in this piece are narrative not magical.

Ingrit |

"Who held you there?" Ingrit asks.

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The girl looks at Ingrit, straining hear her words....
Do you go closer to the girl?

Ingrit |

Yes. Moved on the map

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Once more a wistful look comes over her face as her image shimmers. She speaks clearly, looking arouns as though frightened, "It was Nazhena Vasilliovna, it's her tower, I tried to say sorry to her, I didn't mean to offend her so. But she is unforgiving and full of bad magic." The phantom girl curls in a ball, her shoulders and back judder as though weeping.
As you get closer she suddenly turns her head up at you, her eyes wide and angry. You hear her words louder than before, a little girl having a tantrum. "I don't want your stupid doll!! I want to go home. Take me back."
With that outburst her image shudders and she disappears again, leaving the cold ice blocks standing, an unearthly quiet descends, no birds no music, even the ice cold wind has ceased for a few moment. You are left wondering where she has gone and the mystery of the hut.
You can see the girl as you move on by another ice block, so can follow her if you want, you still have a question you can ask, she didn't answer where the pale tower is, because in any 1 interaction you understand she only answers one question.
Perception rolls everyone please ....
You realise that the DM is using these rolls for something else, so you are rolling in advance for whatever it may be needed for.

Domitian Olavsgaard |

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9.
Dom is lost in thought and does not see what dangers might be lurking. Instead, he is thinking about whether he recognizes the name Nazhena Vasilliovna from his training with the Taldan noble court.
Knowledge (nobility)?: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24
Knowledge (history)?: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14

Erland Frey |

Perception 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21
"So, we check on this hut thing? Seems something about a doll and a tower are the crucial bits from this phantasm."
Erland holds his crossbow ready and cautiously approaches the hut.

Ingrit |

Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15

Ingrit |

"Yes. It might give us a hint as to how to get to this Vasilliovna woman." Ingrit says.

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As you start to make your way across through the maze of ice blocks, the girl suddenly appears behind one of the ice monoliths in front of you, it is as though her eyes clear and she finally recognizes you as someone other than her tormentors. Despite that her face full of fear as she implores you to flee, “I have to get away! And you should, too, before they see you. Run!” With that you see her start to run from the hut and ice blocks, however with each step she flees, her image becomes weaker until after a mere ten steps she is invisible to the eye. You stop your progress momentarily and look around, wondering whether to continue on or heed her warning.....
A chill wind stirs and a flicker of movement is seen in the blocks of ice.
Do you continue on or heed her warning

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OK everyone make will saves please ....
Then I'll tell you what happens as you make your way to the hut ...

Domitian Olavsgaard |

Will Save: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (15) + 0 = 15 Extra +2 if it's a charm or compulsion effect.

Ingrit |

Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17

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As suddenly as she disappears, the area grows even colder, though even that seems impossible. As it does the ice blocks shimmer, almost moving in front you. Inside the ice blocks, faces appear, filled will fear and terror. To the right the ice contains a woman, whose face is sliced down the middle, her brains and blood seeping out of the wound, her eyes wide and staring, her death a total surprise. To the left, a man whose flesh is blacked by frost bite, claws at the edge of the block as though trying to escape, but it is when he turns his back the full horror is evident. The skin on his back has been flayed, it hangs off him like a discarded shirt, from his back ice worms eat their way out of his muscle. The block turns red with his blood.
Scenes such as these appear across many blocks of ice, the terrible deaths and frightening deaths of many, a catalogue of terror.
Unable to cope with the scenes in front of them, Kristov, Damiano and Erland flee from the scene Please pick a direction you run from the scene and where you are running .... The others stand their motionless for a moment, their minds in turmoil from the pageant of death on ice as it fades from the blocks. Everyone else be shaken for 4 rounds. Gingerly they approach the hut...
The small hut here stands on four legs, each one a single tree trunk whose gnarled roots resemble the toes of a giant chicken. The hut is constructed of heavy logs with a patchwork roof of shaved bark shingles. Inside the hut's open doorway, a small figure sits on a carved wooden chair, staring across the clearing at the trail the other side. Watching the way you just came.
Over to you ....
I realised that your perception is really a will save Ingrit.

Ingrit |

Having to shake off the worst of the horrific scenes, Ingrit focuses the horror into outrage. Drawing her bow and aiming at the small figure, the ranger moves forward, eyes locked on the figure. "Who is responsible for this?"

Domitian Olavsgaard |

Dom cringes at the images of the woman and man suffering excruciating deaths, but manages to keep from fleeing in terror. Though he is obviously shaken by the sights, he assesses the figure to see if it's alive or if it's a doll. Or both. Perception, Shaken: 1d20 + 5 - 2 ⇒ (16) + 5 - 2 = 19.

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From where you are it looks like a doll, you would need to get up close to notice more features .... you do know it has flaxen hair and looks like a little girl in all features except the face, which is ugly, old and wizened.

Domitian Olavsgaard |

"That thing - it looks like a little girl doll with an old hag face." Seeing his companions screaming and fleeing in terror gives Dom a sense of urgency. The sound of steel rubbing on steel rings forth as he draws his falcata. "Enough - we need to destroy this evil, now!" Dom charges the thing.
Falcata charge, shaken, two-handed: 1d20 + 6 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (9) + 6 + 2 - 2 = 15 +2 if shaken has worn off by now.
Damage: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7

Eianar Drudsson |

Eianar looks at Domitian, "Evil, a doll? Yous kiddin mees." the young druid asks, as he puts a hand on Domitian's shoulder. "Yous sure a doll doos all tha, an travel ere in tha hut. I means, tha doll never built tha hut? An little dolls have owners, whar's dey then?" He looks around only to see Erland running past him.
"Oi stop tha Erland, what'ns got inta ya?" he calls after the running witch.

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The hut is standing on four tree trunks, tree trunks at least 10ft high ... the hut is raised and you will need to climb ... I'm having a senior moment could have sworn I put something to the effect in your post Domitian. You would have to climb up to the hut.
Will add more about the terrain....
Leaving you on a bit of a cliff hanger, I need to know which way Kristov runs from the scene...

Domitian Olavsgaard |

D'oh! Dom is obviously delirious with fear!
"That thing - it looks like a little girl doll with an old hag face." Seeing his companions screaming and fleeing in terror gives Dom a sense of urgency. Dom stows his buckler as he prepares to climb up the hut.
Take 10 if possible, shaken
Climb, Shaken, Armor Check Penalty: 10 + 8 - 2 - 2 = 14

Clebsch RoW |

It is one round since the haunt manifested. Haunts usually trigger an initiative roll and if anyone can do enough damage to the haunt, usually channel positive energy or similar magic, before it triggers (at initiative value of 10) the effect is prevented. We could ret-con but assuming you want to continue, I will assume we are one round after the haunt triggered. Those affected by fear will have moved normal distance for a move action (double move in difficult terrain). For Erland, that is 30 feet. I don't see a move value for Khristov or Damiano, so please indicate your move rate on your profile. I'll assume 30'.
Damiano: Initiative: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (20) + 0 = 20
Domitian: Initiative: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21
Eianar: Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15
Erland: Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
Ingrit: Initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
Khristov: Initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9
Doll: Initiative: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
Will, bonus for charm effect: 1d20 + 0 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 0 + 2 = 16
The effect fails. For a moment Domition felt that the doll was trying to protect them and that he wanted to help her. Then he realized it was attempting to charm him.
Damiano: Knowledge (Arcana): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14
Erland: Knowledge (Arcana): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20
Khristov: Knowledge (Arcana): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18
1 Type
2 Senses
4 Best Save, DR
5 Immunities, Resistances, Weaknesses
6 Attacks, BAB, CMB
7 Special Attacks, special abilities
8 Spell-Like Abilities, spell use
9 Best and Worst Attribute, Speed
10 Feats, Skills
Erland: Knowledge Category: 1d10 ⇒ 10
Khristov: Knowledge Category: 1d10 ⇒ 3
Once the fear effect wears off and they get a closer look at the doll.
As the haunting energy of the murdered child splinters the group, half go running in fear while the others shudder as they approach the strange hut with chicken legs inhabited by a creepy old-faced doll with one eye made of a gem stone and the other of a small round mirror.
Domitian shudders just as he is about to push on to get into the house, as if an invisible wave of magical energy has passed through him.
Once initiative starts, I post a summary of previous rounds, including current conditions of PCs and NPCs. The Round 1 events is a summary of actions PCs took after making or failing their will saves for the haunt. Round 2 has just begun. Frightened characters continue to be frightened and move away at 30' per round.
Round 1 Previous round actions, start of initiative
Erland: 22 (double move toward west, frightened)
Domitian: 21 (double move toward hut, shaken)
Damiano: 20 (double move toward east, frightened)
Eianar: 15 (double move toward hut, shaken)
Doll: 11 (delays, waiting to see what PCs that are not frightened away do)
Ingrit: 10 (move, readies bow and arrow, shaken)
Khristov: 9 (double move toward east, frightened)
Round 2
Erland: (double move, frightened)
Doll: (ends delay)
Damiano (frightened)
Khristov (frightened)
Domitian is up, followed by Ianar and Ingrit. Post in initiative order if possible.

Clebsch RoW |

Those close to the cabin can see that the doll holds a small dagger in its small hand. It so far hasn't moved, however.

Domitian Olavsgaard |

Woo-hoo! Let the action begin!
"That doll, it tried to bewitch me!" Domitian attempts to charge it and put an end to this evil. Falcata, cold iron, charge: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19; Damage: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14
-Posted with Wayfinder

Clebsch RoW |

Because the ground leading up to the hut is difficult terrain, Domitian cannot charge.
"You must have a clear path toward the opponent, and nothing can hinder your movement (such as difficult terrain or obstacles)."
So the roll to hit was 1d20 + 6 = 17 (still a hit)
Domitian's attack hits the doll, driving it into the back of its crude throne. But as the falcata contacts the strange construct, it seems to lose momentum and does less damage than he expected it would. The doll also was obviously made of sturdy material under its fragile appearing exterior. It was damaged but not destroyed by the attack. It also moved as if to dodge the attack. Although it failed to get out of the way of the blow, it clearly has the ability to move and fight.
9 points of lethal damage got through the DR.
This is a construct and the monster lore skill for it is Knowledge (Arcana). I already rolled for the 3 characters with this skill, but the two who made the roll are currently fleeing the haunt in fear and won't get to learn the results until they get back and can see the doll.
Erland: 22 (frightened) (double move toward west)
Domitian: 21 (shaken)(double move toward hut)
Damiano: 20 (frightened)(double move toward east)
Eianar: 15 (shaken) (double move toward hut)
Doll: 11 (delays, waiting to see what PCs that are not frightened away do)
Ingrit: 10 (shaken) (move, readies bow and arrow)
Khristov: 9 (frightened)(double move toward east)
Round 2
Erland: (frightened)(double move, frightened)
Doll: (9 lethal)(ends delay)(Activates Spell-like ability)
Domitian (moves, attacks, hits, 9 to doll)
Damiano (frightened)(double moves toward east)
Khristov (frightened)
Eianar is next.

Eianar Drudsson |

Eianar calls up to Domitian, "Leave the doll alone, it hasn't done anything, with what we've seen how can you know that it is bewitching you? We have more important things to do than play with dolls!" Eianar starts to follow Erland as he goes west.

Ingrit |

Taking Domitian at his word for whatever had happened in his head, Ingrit targets the eerie doll.
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27
1d8 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Confirm: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
2d8 + 2 ⇒ (6, 2) + 2 = 10

Clebsch RoW |

As Einar closes on the fleeing Erland, Ingrit lets fly her arrow.
Apparently some kind of DR protects the doll. The arrow hit but did not do critical damage. The 2 points of damage did not exceed the DR.
Khristov and Erland continue to flee from the haunting images glimpsed in the ice blocks. As he flees, however, Erland gradually masters his emotions.
Fear effect expires at the end of round 3 actions of the three affected PCs.
Damage: 1d2 - 1 ⇒ (2) - 1 = 1
cold damage: 1d6 ⇒ 1
DC 12 Fortitude save to avoid being paralyzed for 1d4 rounds (charisma based).
Domitian: Fortitude: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
When the cold reaches his head, he finds himself unable to move.
rounds duration: 1d4 ⇒ 3
Erland: 22 (frightened) (double move toward west)
Domitian: 21 (shaken)(double move toward hut)
Damiano: 20 (frightened)(double move toward east)
Eianar: 15 (shaken) (double move toward hut)
Doll: 11 (delays, waiting to see what PCs that are not frightened away do)
Ingrit: 10 (shaken) (move, readies bow and arrow)
Khristov: 9 (frightened)(double move toward east)
Round 2
Erland: (frightened)(double move)
Doll: (9 lethal)(ends delay)(Activates Spell-like ability)
Domitian (moves, attacks, hits, 9 to doll)
Damiano (frightened)(double moves toward east)
Eianar (moves after Erland toward the south side of the hut)
Ingrit (shoots arrow, hits, does no damage)
Khristov (frightened)(double move)
Round 3
Erland: (frightened)(double move)
Doll: (only Domitian and Ingrit saw this, see spoiler)
Domitian: (no action, only Ingrit knows why)
Damiano: (frightened)(double move)
Khristov (frightened)
Round 4
Next up is Einar, followed by Ingrit. Then Erland regains his self-control and can post.

Clebsch RoW |

Eianar watches Erland slow, shake his head, and regain his self-control.
Ingrit and Erland are up. Post as you can; no need for Erland to wait for Ingrit unless he wants to observe her actions before he moves. This is generally an option. Also note I've added a link to a copy of the current battle map in my header.
Also, note the red plus marker at the lower left. This provides a way to identify a square to which you want your character moved, in case you can't move your map token because you're posting via smart phone or tablet. See a post on the discussion board with details of how to do that. Einar indicated he moves after Erland, but his token did not move. If his player can't move tokens on the map and wants to indicate which square he moves to he/she can indicate to which square he moves using that system of map square identifiers.