Beyond Fort Horizon (Inactive)

Game Master Terquem

New Notes are in the Campaign Tab

An Edit was done to the end of K'vin's story

Jeannine's Story is added

51 to 100 of 134 << first < prev | 1 | 2 | 3 | next > last >>
Grand Lodge

OK, here is my character, Edren Ket, human Fighter who specializes in polearms. I only have a short background at the moment, but he is an ex-soldier who has seen too many settlements/towns destroyed by being under-prepared. He is a gruff, drill sergeant type.

Good character, but I just want to make sure you are okay with that character being a Pathfinder Society one, as this is not going to be a sanctioned society game?

Well, I am new to the PbP here on the forums and I am unsure of how to create a character without it being a PFS character. I don't plan on playing any Society games though, so I'm not sure if it matters or not?

DO we still have room for players?
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (2, 3) + 6 = 11
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (5, 6) + 6 = 17
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (3, 2) + 6 = 11
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (6, 1) + 6 = 13
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (5, 3) + 6 = 14
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (5, 2) + 6 = 13

Oh yes there is still room.

Details should be coming soon on the setting, and even a map of the Shady Dragon Inn

Grand Lodge

This is Iron Killer and here is the stat block for my Oread Monk:

Oread Monk 1
LN Medium Outsider (native)
Init +7; Senses Darkvision 60ft, Perception +4
AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+1 Dex, +2 Wis, +1 Dodge)
hp 10 (1d8+1+1(Favored Class))
Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +4
Speed 20 ft.
Melee Unarmed strike +4 (1d6+4/x2)
Ranged Heavy crossbow +1 (1d10/19-20x2)
Str 18, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 11, Wis 15, Cha 10
Base Atk +0; CMB +4; CMD 16
Feats Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Dodge, Improved Initiative
Traits Reactionary
Skills Acrobatics +5, Intimidate +4, Perception +4, Intuition +6
Languages Common, Terran
Combat Gear Monk's Kit, Chunk of steel, Monk's outfit, Heavy Crossbow, Crossbow Bolts (10) gp
Crossbow Bolts - 0/10
Special Abilities
Acid Resistance 5-Resist up to 5 points of acid damage
Ferrous Growth-a touched piece of non magical iron or steel grows to a weapon up to 10 lbs for 10 min 1/day
Stone in the Blood-heal 2 points of HP when attacked for acid damage (even if damage does not exceed acid resistance)
Favored Class Bonus-+1/3 per level of Monk on critical hit conformation rolls made with unarmed strike (max +5)
Flurry of Blows-Base attack bonus (-1, -1)
Reactionary Trait-+2 to Initiative rolls

How common are firearms in this world?

That's interesting. There are no firearms in my regular campaign setting, but I realize they are popular, so I am going to allow them and not worry about it.

Well the reason I'm asking is because of the level of availibilty. They have this sort of sliding scale introduced in Ultimate Combat.

Emerging Guns: Firearms become more common. They are mass-produced by small guilds, lone gunsmiths, dwarven clans, or maybe even a nation or two—the secret is slipping out, and the occasional rare adventurer uses guns. The baseline gunslinger rules and the prices for ammunition given in this chapter are for this type of campaign. Early firearms are available, but are relatively rare. Adventurers who want to use guns must take the Craft Firearms feat just to make them feasible weapons. Advanced firearms may exist, but only as rare and wondrous items—the stuff of high-level treasure troves.

Commonplace Guns: While still expensive and tricky to wield, early firearms are readily available. Instead of requiring the Exotic Weapon Proficiency feat, all firearms are martial weapons. Early firearms and their ammunition cost 25% of the amounts listed in this book, but advanced firearms and their ammunition are still rare and cost the full price to purchase or craft.

Guns Everywhere: Guns are commonplace. Early firearms are seen as antiques, and advanced firearms are widespread. Firearms are simple weapons, and early firearms, advanced guns, and their ammunition are bought or crafted for 10% of the cost listed in this chapter. The gunslinger loses the gunsmith class feature and instead gains the gun training class feature at 1st level.

Which one can we use?

Lets go with "Emerging Guns". I am going to try to answer as many questions as I can today.

Grand Lodge

Is this character acceptable for your campaign or should I change him?

Human Ranger Falconer...never did an animal companion before so I am not sure if I did it correctly :)

Dotting for interest. I'll work on a character over the next few days.

2d6 + 6 ⇒ (5, 2) + 6 = 13
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (6, 1) + 6 = 13
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (3, 6) + 6 = 15
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (6, 6) + 6 = 18
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (6, 6) + 6 = 18
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (1, 6) + 6 = 13

wow, where did those rolls come from?

Terquem, I'm thinking of a Halfling Cavalier (though she'll likely start as Fighter (Dragoon) at 1st level) and then move into Cavalier.

A couple Qs:
* Do you see major probs with a small character on a riding dog or wolf in this campaign?
* Assuming I have Handle Animal +8, are you OK with me paying 25 GP for a guard dog and Combat Training it myself, rather than paying 150 GP for someone else to train a riding dog? (At 2nd level I'll gain the Mount feature, but at first I'm stuck buying my own, given that I want to start as a Dragoon).


Assuming no issues with the above Qs (and since I had a bit of extra time tonight) I'd like to introduce "Big Al" Redthistle,


Halfling caravans traveling through the wildlands are often seen as easy prey by bandits. In order to bolster their defense, the small caravan that Alemarra Redthistle grew up in employed a Dwarven veteran, Hilgra, as their guard. While at first Hilgra was a hired hand, to young Alemarra her daily martial practice and vigilant watch for danger seemed both exciting and very noble. As Alemarra grew she found herself spending more and more time with the Hilgra who (lacking a child of her own) took her under her wing and drilled her in how to protect the caravan, and even in some of her ancestral techniques for combating giants.

It turned out that she grew like a weed until she towered a legendary 3’ 3” tall. Soon she was known only as “Big Al” and stood out head and shoulders above her family. Under Hilgra’s watchful eye, she appointed herself the protector of the younger Halflings, and eventually as an apprentice to Hilgra in defending the caravan itself.

The caravan’s travels took them far and wide. The dangers were real and more than once Big Al needed to fight beside Hilgra to stave off beasts and bandits. Now she is a grown Halfling and feels the need to go out on her own, to make a name for herself, find adventure, and to fight proactively against the many foes and beasts that litter the land.

She Big Al said her tearful goodbye to her two families, Halfling and Hilgra and has arrived at Fort Horizon, riding her dog (Dez).

“Big Al” Redthistle stands tall and proud at 3’3” tall, with dark copper skin and black hair pulled back in a tail. masterwork studded leather and carries her lance, heavy shield, and halfling sling staff.

When safe and sound, Big Al has an easy warmth about her. When working, she keeps a constant eye for danger and is fiercely protective of those she has sworn to protect. She is very proud to finally be a real Cavalier in the Order of the Paw. Outside of her duty, she loves to lay on her back at night, gazing for hours at the stars.


Allemara "Big Al" Redthistle
Female Halfling Fighter (Dragoon) 1
NG Small Humanoid (halfling)
Init +5; Senses Perception +7
AC 19, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+3 armor, +5 Dex, +1 size)
hp 13 (1d10+3)
Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +2; +2 vs. fear
Speed 15 ft.
Melee Heavy Shield Bash +5 (1d3+3/x2) and
. . Greatsword +5 (1d10+4/19-20/x2) and
. . Lance +5 (1d6+4/x3)
Ranged Half. sling staff +7 (1d6+3/x3)
Str 16, Dex 20, Con 15, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 15
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 16
Feats Mounted Combat (1/round), Ride-by Attack, Skill Focus (Ride)
Traits Adopted, Militant Merchant
Skills Acrobatics +2 (-6 jump), Climb +0, Escape Artist +2, Fly +4, Handle Animal +8, Perception +7 (+8 to determine if surprised), Ride +11 (+13 to stay in the saddle), Stealth +6, Swim +0; Racial Modifiers +2 Perception
Languages Common, Goblin, Halfling
SQ fearless
Other Gear Masterwork Studded leather armor, Heavy steel shield, Cold Iron Sling bullets (50), Greatsword, Half. sling staff, Lance, Sling bullets (20), Military saddle, 29 GP, 8 SP
Special Abilities
Fearless +2 racial bonus vs Fear saves.
Militant Merchant You gain a +1 trait bonus to Perception checks made to determine surprise.
Mounted Combat (1/round) Once per round you can attempt to negate a hit to your mount in combat.
Ride-by Attack You can move - attack - move when charging mounted.

Gryfalcon – I don’t see a problem with those ideas, but we’ll probably have to work out some details on how long that training will take. I’m not seeing how you have 8 ranks in handle animal, could you break it down for me? Last thing, Perception, in this campaign, is an Intelligence based skill (hope you remembered that in your calculations).

I am going to post a list of the characters that I think are ready to go, here in this thread, soon

Okay, close to being ready to launch.

I’ve decided to move the setting from Hamth (my oldest campaign setting) to Riom (my newest) on the continent of Garicadia. This will allow the “mechanical” factor of some of the characters to blend in nicely.

I will open the discussion thread today or tomorrow and flood it with short messages to help players understand the setting, but here are some things to keep in mind.

There will be special experience point/ treasure awards that require player competition

Garicadia is a newly discovered land, and many nations are working to explore into the interior.

The most advanced races in this setting are the Halflings and Gnomes (technology wise), but both races interact peacefully with other races so technology has spread to every race.

There will be ruins of an “advanced” civilization close to Fort Horizon

There will be even stranger mysterious objects close to Fort Horizon

Fort Horizon was built by a coalition of Human, Dwarf, Elf, Halfling and Gnome people working out of a coastal settlement (called “new Joteph” that is one hundred seventy miles to the southwest.

No characters will be familiar with or already live within the area of Fort Horizon

There are several other forts and settlements along the “trail” back to the coastal settlement called “New Joteph” so “caravan” inspired characters will be a good fit (just that you never have made it all the way to Fort Horizon).

The world of Riom is unusual in that the land mass of the world is almost one continuous ring circling the planet north to south. I’ll post some facts about it soon. All characters in this campaign will originate from races that are from what is called “The Western Ring” (on world maps it is the land mass of the ring around the world that is shown on the left hand side of a Mercator style projection). For all of recorded history the people of the Western Ring believed that there was no other land mass between it (going across the Eastern Ocean or Western Ocean toward the Eastern Ring). Approximately one hundred years ago, a Gnome explorer discovered Garicadia in the southern hemisphere in the Eastern Ocean.

Garicadia is very large?

Dwarves and Elves do not live to be hundreds of years old (I’ll explain more later)

Dwarves, in this setting are shrewd merchants, and profiteers

Gnomes have a small country that has a powerful navy that even uses a sort of Submarine

Halflings have a large nation and have the largest armies

Humans have a nation that has suffered a recent civil war, and many human soldiers have left their homeland looking for a better life in Garicadia and hire themselves out as guards and mercenaries

Also - Riom is the setting for one of my other games Palace of the Vampire Queen

Which is taking place in the Northern Hemisphere off the west coast of the Eastern Ring (there is very little potential for the characters of this game to interact with the characters of that game, but I just wanted you to know)

Grand Lodge

I have a question for you, Terquem; Are you allowing any of the Pathfinder Companions for feats? The feat is not on the PRD, so I am guessing that you will not be, but I thought I would ask.

Feat - Fury's Fall
Source - Pathfinder Companion: Cheliax, Empire of Devils

Grand Lodge

You said we needed approval for non core races, so I trying to get approval for this Oread Monk.

I think that the feat is allowable. We might have some discussions in the future about how and when it will work the way you want it to work, but other than that, I'm okay with it.

Sithundan - I could almost swear I already said that the race was okay, but I'll say it again, and this gives me a reason to try and work the race into the setting. I'll get working on that right away.

Grand Lodge

I may have missed that post, but thanks for clarifying that and I can't wait to get started.

Characters, so far

Ginger Pheuke – (aasimar or human?) – Inquisitor (I can’t figure out, from the alias, if you want to be Human or aasimar?); player = fnord72

Derrick Tramsem – (human) – Samuri; player = Loup Blanc

Teekmorg – (goblin) – Cavalier; player = Yokum (still have not seen an alias)

Chaucer Tarsi – (human) – Cavalier; player = KDinIN

(Brutus Tarsi – (human) – Monk; player = KDinIN – not sure which of these is the one you want to play)

Dolin Smith – (dwarf) – Barbarian; player = hustonj (still have not seen an alias)

“The Kid” – (Halfling) – Gunslinger; player = YoricksRequiem (still have not seen an Alias)

Edren Ket – (human) – Fighter; player = HunterCyprus84

Sithundan – (oread) – Monk; player = Iron Killer

Portia – (human) – Ranger; player = Gilthanis (still have not seen an alias)

“Big Al” Redthistle – (Halfling) – Cavalier; player = gyrfalcon

This looks like 10 characters so far (no Cleric or Wizard as of yet, but I will get some “Deity” info posted soon and maybe we will get someone who wants to play a Cleric, Witch, or other healer.

There seems to be a consistent “oriental” theme to the human player characters and I will work that into the setting (the human country where these characters are from is to the West not to the east, so adjust your backgrounds accordingly, more info will be coming soon).

Re Handle Animal, the breakdown is (1 rank +3 class skill +2 cha +2 outrider (alt. halfling race trait, noted on char sheet)).

Re training, I was imagining her having trained her dog before the start of the adventure, but let me know.

Re Caravan background & just getting to Fort Horizon for the first time, noted, sounds good. Let me know if you see her as a native of this continent or a recent immigrant.

I've also updated Big Al's crunch in her profile. The crunch I posted in this thead is now somewhat out of date.

And wow, yeah, hopefully this rugged frontier attracts some arcane and divine casters as well! ;-)


I think every character for this game has only a 1 in 6 chance of having been born on the continent of Garicadia (which could give a unique bonus, later in the game), otherwise you recently immigrated for the opportunity to explore a vast new continent. (And if you are Human, you came here to escape certain poverty and continued occasional wars).

You can roll a d6, and on a 6, you were born on Garicadia!

Dwarves would have come (begrudgingly) because the company they work for sent them here to manage company business, which necessitates bringing some hired muscle. (I am having a little trouble with the idea of a Dwarf barbarian in this setting, but maybe something will come to me).

An Oread would probably be from either the Human country or the Gnome country (I’ll work on that)

Halflings would have come from a country called Aeromnia (the most prosperous and largest civilized country on the Western Ring).

A Goblin could have come from Aeromnia or any of the other countries

The Western Ring(the rest of this information is as it would be known to people of the Western Ring, obviously, the names of places in the Eastern Ring will be different for people who are from the Eastern Ring - more on that later)

The Northern Expanse – an unexplored (uninhabitable) polar cap that some believe connects the Western Ring to the Eastern Ring, it is not clear if the land is actually a land mass or if it is a perpetual ice cap)

Yandiland – at the northern end of the Western Ring, inhabited by monster races, giants, orc, goblins, and gnolls

Gitaw – a Goblin controlled “lawless” area of high plateaus just south of Yandiland

Dwargeland – the human country to the southeast of Gitaw

“The Western Shore” – to the west of Dwargleland and parts of Gitaw and Aeromnia (a collection of city states controlled by Dwarven merchant Houses and Guilds)

Aeromnia – the central part of the Western Ring, a large country of many natural resources controlled by Halflings

Ilgnorland – to the south of Aeromnia and a small coastal country on the east coast of the southern part of the Western Ring, controlled by Gnomes

Zieferland – to the west and south of Ilgnorland, controlled by Elves (NOTE, Elves in this setting have Green Skin)

“The Frozen Land” south of Zieferland and largely unexplored (like the Northern Expanse) it is also unclear if there is a safe passage across this polar cap to the Eastern Ring

The Eastern Ring

The Northern Expanse (?)

Thyromnia – A land of several countries including the Empire of Atharosse (where the Palace of the Vampire Queen is taking place) and Wathrhonne, a country of Humans and Halflings.

A Large separation of the Eastern Ring occurs south of Thyromnia and there are several island chains across the expanse of the sea here – it is called Tholulimnia, or the Sea of Thulolimnia

Gowa – below the equator, a land of several Elven and Human kingdoms

Moderia – to the east and south of Gowa, a dangerous, largely
unexplored land of dense tropical jungles

The frozen land (?)

hit: 1d6 ⇒ 4 "Big Al" is from Aeromnia

Oh, and Loup Blanc, it'll be fun to game with you a bit again.

Grand Lodge

1d6 ⇒ 2 - Alright, looks like Edren is from Dwargeland.

1d6 ⇒ 4

Gilthanis here :)

Terquem wrote:
I am having a little trouble with the idea of a Dwarf barbarian in this setting, but maybe something will come to me.

Drop your assumptions about typical Barbarian backgrounds, and think instead of what they are: combatants who have learned to channel their anger and emotions in order to use them as a weapon. Just like spontaneous casters tend to do their thing in direct contradiction to the more formally schooled casters, a barbarian CAN BE someone who wasn't formally trained to be a warrior, but who followed their emotions and found themselves succeeding as a warrior anyway.

Dolin's formal training was as a weaponsmith, not a warrior.

1d6 ⇒ 3 So, not remotely local.

Terquem wrote:
Dwarves would have come (begrudgingly) because the company they work for sent them here to manage company business, which necessitates bringing some hired muscle.

I figure Dolin is from "The Western Shore" and was sent to work as a smith in the guild's business. His unconventional fighting style, and his willingness to use it, would have had a little something to do with sending him somewhere remote.

Unless you find that kind of explanation inappropriate somehow.

Oh, and I NEVER make an alias until I am getting started playing the game. Aliases collect far too easily and too fast otherwise.

Grand Lodge

1d6 ⇒ 3 Since he's not from Garicadia, I'm thinking he could be like a mountain protector towering over the gnomes in Ilgnorland rather then an outcast in Dwargeland.

hustonj - that sounds good to me. I even think there is a potential for a sub-plot for the Fort's troubles built into that kind of background (a trouble spot on the material exchange route needs "special" attention).

If you are ready...

The Discussion thread is open

There is a basic introduction to the setting under the campaign info tab. This information will be expanded and updated regularly, so please, if you can, check it often.

The game thread will open with all of the ready characters arriving, together, at the main gate of the Fort with a caravan. The details of the caravan will be posted soon. You may use the discussion thread to introduce yourself to the other players. It will be assumed that the caravan left Crystal Lake 5 days before the game begins, so you would have had 5 days to learn a little about the other ready characters. New characters will join the game with the next caravan, but can join this caravan’s characters if they can post that they are ready, here in the recruitment thread, sometime in the next four or five days.

Damn I'm late to the party. I would love to join up if I can. Looks like you guys need a caster. ;)

2d6+6: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (6, 5) + 6 = 17
2d6+6: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (2, 3) + 6 = 11
2d6+6: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (3, 2) + 6 = 11
2d6+6: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (6, 6) + 6 = 18
2d6+6: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (2, 4) + 6 = 12
2d6+6: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (4, 6) + 6 = 16

Question: Am I allowed to take the feat Extra Hex despite the fact that my witch Archetype (Gravewalker) won't have a regular hex at level one. I don't know if that is the case, just wanted to make sure. :)

Edit: If not then I'll do some rework on my character, maybe switch class. I'm starting to write the chars backstory and map out skill points right away just in case. :)

well it is sort of funny that there are so many non PRD things that people want to try, and I've allowed other things, so why not, but I am put off, a little, by the decidedly Evil nature of that archetype

simplified maps of the world and of fort horizon, are now at the top of every page in the short description of the campaign

Terquem wrote:
well it is sort of funny that there are so many non PRD things that people want to try, and I've allowed other things, so why not, but I am put off, a little, by the decidedly Evil nature of that archetype

Ah yes. It is a bit evil, but the character I had in mind is an pragmatic person that does not doesn't see the evil in being effective. He sees the undead, and the fear it brings out in other people, as a very potent weapon. I'm mixing him in on purpose with the other heroes as I believe that interesting discussions will stem from our interactions.

But it is your campaign and if you don't want me to go this route I can rethink my concept a bit. :)

Well I'm fine with it, if you do not play a seriously evil character, so there is a trust there.

OK, I'll keep that in mind.

Grimmwaldt has the appearance of a man on the run, albeit a very wealthy man. His dark outfit and leather boots looks like they have seen too many miles in too short a time.

Among his torn up attire there is one item that stands out: A tiny, spotless doll stitched from unknown material. He sometimes sits still for hours just staring its eyes, seemingly taking no note of the rest of the world.

Grimmwaldt does speak quite a bit when spoken to but he seldom starts these chats up himself and when the subject turns to magic he quickly gets defensive.

1d6: 1d6 ⇒ 6

...And he's from Garicadia. Whatever he is running from might be nipping at his heels still. ;)

Would it be okay if I put together a minor god for the cleric?

Yes that would be great

Not sure what naming convention to use, and obviously very brief


Alignment: LN
Portfolio: Writing, Contracts,
Worshippers: wizards, lawyers, bureaucrats and merchants.
Domains: Travel, Law, Knowledge, Rune
Subdomains: Trade, Inevitable, Judgement, Memory, Wards, Language
Favored Weapon: Dagger
Symbol: Stylised Scroll
History: Reputed to be the inventor of written language, invented for the purpose of contracts. Over time the use of contracts in civil law and merchants
Philosophy: “Something for something”: a contract should have something to benefit both sides, otherwise it is extortion or theft instead of trade. Also interpreted as a prohibition against gifts (recieving or bestowing). “A spoken word is ephemeral, a written word is eternal” Important things should be written down. .
Church: the church is well organised, a major consumer and producer of paper. The church has anchored itself in mercantile matters through a strict code of ethics around enforcing and adjudicating contracts. Many merchants are also members of the church and the church provides services to these members such as transport and loans at reduced rates. The church seeks to ensure that whereoever you find civilisation, there also do you find the church. Though the church is strong in the Halfling and Dwarven lands the recent civil wars have damaged the church in the human lands.

A few post above I mention the names of 10 players

4 of those players have posted to this thread since that time (and a couple of players still working on characters

The discussion thread is open

The game thread should open in a few days

If you still want to play in this game, and you are ready to go, or have questions, I would like to hear from you


Harakani - this looks good (the deity you are working on)

Here’s where I am thinking of going with it:

Settlers in Garicadia have brought to this new frontier practically every major and fringe religion of the Western Ring. One of the more established followings is that of the “Valindorians” the followers of the God, Valindor. These level headed and business minded followers came to Garicadia as you would expect, because the settling of this land is a highly complex business arrangement between several governments and practically a third of the Merchant Guilds of The Western Shore.

For the most part the priests of Valindor have stayed within the protection of the walls of New Joteph, and you rarely find them further out along the trails that are being established as explorers press inland on this new continent.

Lately the high ranking officials of this religion living in New Joteph have embarked on a program of recruiting new priest and training them in the arts of frontier laws and claims (particularly mineral rights and land use claims) and are now sending these new priest out to the forts to begin a modest campaign of recording and filing claims with the Western Alliance Exploratory Company (for a small 2 percent fee of course).

However, it is not unusual to find very different kinds of religious followings, practices, and rituals among the people settling around the forts of Garicadia, and Fort Horizon is no different.

Fort Horizon has a large Aeromnian population, and a smaller but sizable Elven population. Currently there is a small “temple” building at the western wall of the Fort that is the home of Warren Hoffler and Milana Ke’uma’a. Warren is a priest of the State Religion of Aeromnia (a following of seven Halfling Gods, brothers and sisters, who are the children of the world goddess). This religion is called The Aethofilium. Milana is an Elven priestess of the shamanistic religion of the Elven people. This following is called, O’opu’u Hukanono, and is a worship of several “totemic” and “tiki’ style gods and goddesses of various human and anthropomorphic natures.

Historically there has been a strong bond between the followers of these two very different religious practices built upon a common (quite extraordinarily coincidental) practice found in both religions of trying to find spiritual harmony through communal celebrations (large community gatherings or parties) celebrating births (and birthdays), weddings, deaths and other events that have a strong connection to emotions.

Valindor looks great! I'll switch to halfling given the world and post soemething up.

Been a busy few days, I'll get my alias sorted out tomorrow!

Was camping, am back. Just got to this thread to check in, great to see that others are enjoying your work, Terquem! Indeed, gyrfalcon, it will be good to game with you again as well.

1d6 ⇒ 4 Okay, Derrick is most likely from Dwargeland, since that's the human country. I'll try and flesh out more background stuff in coming days.

Now, to discussion!

1d6 ⇒ 1

what skill would

training them in the arts of frontier laws and claims (particularly mineral rights and land use claims)

be please?

Alright, I think I am ready

Did you intend to name your character after the god "Valindor"?

And we can introduce a Skill and call it "Knowledge Contracts" and I think Knowledge "Local" would be the substitute for Knowledge "Laws" (related to the frontier exploration activities being controlled by the agreements between the various governments and the Merchant Guilds)

Yup :)
A cleric of Valindor saved the PC and his mother in childbirth, and the kid was "unofficially" promised to Valindor - and named in honour of the god. I see a scene where they wanted to name him after the cleric and were told "Valindor saved you - not me". So named him after Valindor.

I was hoping Valind was close enough to "of Valind" or "Valind's" or "Valind (diminutive):
If there's a better way to do it I am happy to.

I want Valindor to have been a central pillar of his life in good ways. If the name is too confusing I can change it though.

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