Beginning of the End? (Inactive)

Game Master RocksAhead

Zombie Apocalypse Survival set in 2025 Midwestern USA. Using D20 Modern and D20 Apocalypse

Sandy Point Map | {Path to Backwoods} | {Backwoods Floorplan} |Map to Resort|Civic Center Combat Map

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"I have the keys for the truck and I will keep them. Don't worry I am not going anywhere without you all. For one, I am allergic to lead showers. Secondly, force multiplier is the key to surviving crap like this especially without a compound or oceanic island."

1d20 ⇒ 1

Ok Jojo, get ready for WWZ! ... lol. The GM loaded my dice ... :-)

female German (Bavarian)
HP: 13/13 // Ac 13 FF10 T13//F+2/R+3/W+3 Ini +3
Smart Hero (Apothecary) 2

1d20 ⇒ 14

Female Human Fast Hero 2 (Investigative)

Trying one last time... whenever I hit submit, it ends up being "preview"

1d20 ⇒ 16

Male Human Tough Hero, (HP 26/26) (AC 11) (Fort +5, Ref -1, Will +0) (Init -1)

Ediwn keeps one of the paddles nearby as a makeshift weapon, and waits for his watch.

1d20 ⇒ 19

roll: 1d20 ⇒ 12

-Posted with Wayfinder

Please place your token where it would be sleeping. island map
Will make a post tomorrow night based on your position.

female German (Bavarian)
HP: 13/13 // Ac 13 FF10 T13//F+2/R+3/W+3 Ini +3
Smart Hero (Apothecary) 2

Just permission to read

Male Human Dedicated Hero 2 (HP 12/12) (AC 14/14/10) (Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +5) (Init +2)

Happy where I am - with a solid wall of bodies blocking any brain munchers ;-)

Male Human Tough Hero, (HP 26/26) (AC 11) (Fort +5, Ref -1, Will +0) (Init -1)

Can't grab token


Marcus is good

If it is not second watch (Marcus and Jojo),

Marcus does not make camp tonight but sleeps propped up his backpack with his handgun in his hands but does not point the muzzle at anyone next to him, and the weapon is on safe.

Try the link again. It said can edit some place and can view some place else got confused. edit map

Going to assume that every token is where they are supposed to be.
9:04 PMSix canoes bearing the group arrive at a small uninhabitted island as the group seeks sanctuary for the night. They quickly begin setting up camp and sleeping arrangements in the small cramped space. There are several trees overhead blocking out large amounts of the stars but the moon is still visible and provides some light. Red light emanates from a few of the campers gear and provides enough light to get settled.
10:00PMGreg wishes you all a good nights sleep as he begins his solo watch duty. Those of you who have trouble falling to sleep right away hear him softly whistling to himself. This whistling is very soft and in a way reassuring because you know he is awake and on guard. Despite the events of the last two hours you find your tired body hungers for sleep and you do manage to get some.
11:30PMGreg nudges Marcus awake carefully making sure the man's gun isn't pointed at anyone. Your and JoJo's turn. Wake Richard and Geoffrey in an hour and half.

--- and so the night passes with a changing of the guard every 90 minutes. ---
4:00 AM Edwin and Yael wake the Canterburys before they head off to bed. Arlo pulls Edwin aside and thanks the man for keeping guard.
Many thanks my good man. We need to rely on each other more in the coming days. Our safety depends on the others in our group. We will only be as strong as our trust in each other.
Edwin agrees and goes to bed feeling confident in the protection of the Canterburys.

4:41 AM
Edwin awakes Only one who succeeded in the listen check to the sound of a splash in the water. It sounded like it came from the southeast. He then hears a hushed Shhh. paddle quietly Piper.

It's Edwin's action. Everyone else is sleeping.

Male Human Tough Hero, (HP 26/26) (AC 11) (Fort +5, Ref -1, Will +0) (Init -1)

"S!*$." Edwin mumbles as he hurries to his feet, and grabs the oar he's taken as a makeshift weapon. Then, with a voice honed over three decades off yelling at lazy bums who aren't working the factory floor, he bellows...

"Arlo and Piper are running! Check your gear!"

He then runs off to the area where the canoes are stationed.

Male Human Dedicated Hero 2 (HP 12/12) (AC 14/14/10) (Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +5) (Init +2)

Blearily, Geoffrey wriggles his way out of his sleeping bag, still clutching his rifle.

When his brain finally focuses on what Edwin is saying, a feeling like ice spreads like lightning down his back.

Ah, crap...

He then runs down to where the canoes are, and flicks the safety off on his rifle.

"Can anyone confirm that they have stolen from us?", he says, dispassionate menace clear in his voice.

A quick cursory search reveals that nothing was taken from your backpacks which lay near your sleeping spots but that the canoes that were all pushed ashore were set adrift. With any paddles that were not kept as weapons inside. The canoes are not to far away as is shown by the map. Any canoe within 5' of the shore can be reached without a swim check the ones more than 5' from the shore will require a DC 12 swim to reach. Movement through any water even if not swimming is considered hindered costing double. Also can someone confirm that the map is now editable from the link at the top of the page.


So everyone's d20 was a listen check was going to allow another roll for Sense Motive but Arlo rolled a nat 20 on his bluff for a total of 28. Piper's Move Silently Roll was only an 11 but with a -10 Sleep modifier your Listen checks needed to be 21 or above. Luckily Edwin rolled a 23. So nice roll Edwin the canoes are still close as the haven't drifted far yet.


Marcus quickly gets up, looks right, then left. He sees Edwin and Geoffrey running to where the canoes where and he follows them with his gun on safe and pointed away from anyone.

Seeing some canoes in shallow water, he immediately runs in SHALLOW water to retrieve a many as he can.


Male Human Dedicated Hero 2 (HP 12/12) (AC 14/14/10) (Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +5) (Init +2)

Shaking his head at the couple's stupidity, Geoffrey quickly rushes to the shore, and grabs one of the canoes before it has a chance to float away.

What the Hell got into them?! Don't they realise we are more likely to survive whatever is going on, as a group?!

I think this post happened while I was editing my previous post for more information. The canoes more than 5' from shore are deep water and require swim checks DC12 to reach swim is at 1/4 normal speed so 15' for full round. The canoes located within 5' of shore. Only 1 square between shoreline and canoe can be reached by wading. The water would be between waist and chest deep. Movement through these close to shore water squares cost 10' per square but do not require swim checks.
Greg and Piper do not show any signs of turning back and continue to paddle away from the Island. Piper calls back through the early morning air. Marcus you're a freak. Good Luck with your beloved Apocalypse.

The Canterbury canoe is now located a good 150' from the nearest shore of the island. They are moving away at a rate of 15' per round.

Marcus Magnum wrote:

Seeing some canoes in shallow water, he immediately runs in SHALLOW water to retrieve a many as he can.

With speed 30 and double move as actions Marcus and Geoffrey can recover the closest canoes and pull them back to shore. There are still 2 canoes that are drifting further away from the shore. Pausing for others to post their action and we will see who makes a swim for the canoes.

Greg gives Marcus a cold hard stare before saying. If you shoot and sink their canoe you'll drown 'em. If that happens we'll have issues you and I. I'd rather they go about whatever it is they aim to do than we start murdering people because they don't want to be with us anymore.

Male Human Dedicated Hero 2 (HP 12/12) (AC 14/14/10) (Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +5) (Init +2)

With a shrug, Geoffrey turns his attention to the task of retrieving the remaining canoes.

"Don't try to swim - jump into the canoes we have retrieved, and then we can paddle off to grab the remaining ones. The things we have encountered don't die when shot in the heart, so I reckon it is a safe bet that they don't breathe, either - I'd rather none of you were grabbed around the ankles, and pulled down to drown by something lurking at the bottom of the lake."

Male Human Tough Hero, (HP 26/26) (AC 11) (Fort +5, Ref -1, Will +0) (Init -1)

Still cursing, Edwin hops into a canoe and begins to paddle out to retrieve the others. They hadn't taken anything, and if they wanted to risk it on their own then that was there decision. He even thought about thanking them for not taking supplies with them.

But there was something in him, a nasty sort of betrayal that he felt. Why send the other canoes down the river if not to severely encumber them to leave? Could they even get half their equipment off the island with no boat to assist? What did that say about the couple's true intentions...

Yep, the link at the top is editable.

Edwin works hard and soon falls silent as he helps bring the other canoes back to shore.

In the canoe Edwin is able to paddle out and pass the adrift canoes back to Geoffrey and Marcus who are wading in water up to their waists and they grab the canoes and push them ashore. The whole process doesn't take more than a minute but by the time all the canoes have been returned to the shore. The Canterbury canoe is about 180'-190' feet from the closest edge of the island.
Greg address the group quickly and quietly.
Well we can go after them in the canoes but they do have a pretty good lead on us. Or we can let them be to their own devices. I would support any path other than shooting them dead or trying to drown them by shooting their canoe. We can either go back to sleep or chase? What's the call people?

Marcus could move into position to shoot at them but they would probably be another 20' feet or so away so he would be subject to probably -4 for range increments and -4 for called shot if attempting to hit the canoe. Doing so would probably anger Greg at the least as he would see it as attempted murder.


1d100 ⇒ 21
1d4 ⇒ 4
1d4 ⇒ 3



Marcus looks wet and angry at Ranger Greg while retrieving the canoes in shallow water, "If it wasn't for Edwin, we would be swimming and they may hot wire the truck leaving us on foot. In other words, their selfish ways are placing us in danger. I guess you like that s%&# but I don't! I will not shoot them because I don't have to, they will die on their own. The only thing I will regret is I will not see their demise for their evil."

Male Human Tough Hero, (HP 26/26) (AC 11) (Fort +5, Ref -1, Will +0) (Init -1)

Edwin rubs his shoulder from the sudden surge of paddling he had to do before the drifting canoes were too far gone.

"They didn't grab any of our stuff, so no real harm done. Only reason I'd try to stop them is if taking the vehicle is a priority, but honestly I'd rather let them take it than try and stop them. Too many unknowns to be rushing at each other's throats this early."

Would the two fleeing have firearms?

Think I am happy that they left us in the state they did. Bull$^%1! I am pissed off to0. You're right if Edwin hadn't heard them we would have woke up and our canoes would have been scattered about the lake. It's a 500 yard swim to shore at the very least. But have you stopped to think about why they ran? AND WHAT YOUR ACTIONS LAST NIGHT MIGHT HAVE HAD TO DO WITH IT! Greg realizes that he is yelling and that is stupid under the current situation he continues much quieter. They were probably scarred for the their lives. Your immediate reaction to shoot the fools' boat might mean that they weren't wrong. I get why they pushed our canoes out into the lake they wanted to buy some time for separation. IF they wanted to leave us stranded here Arlo could have just stabbed a hole in each canoe. You are right they may try to hot-wire the truck. So what. It's not like we have any more right to it than they do except that the keys are in your hands. Greg stops his rant and looks around at the camp what he can see of it. Since it is still pre-dawn and there limited light being shed from the groups flashlights and headlamps.
I suggest we check our stuff to make sure nothing was stolen. And then try to get more sleep but if anyone wants to try and chase those two down (pointing out towards the lake in the direction the canoe was last seen. you'd best go quickly. It is still about 90 minutes to dawn.

Edwin Harrison wrote:

Would the two fleeing have firearms?

You didn't see them with a firearm all trip but you also didn't see Yael's firearm either. You do know that they didn't steal anyone's firearm. They probably viewed it as too risky.

Male Human Dedicated Hero 2 (HP 12/12) (AC 14/14/10) (Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +5) (Init +2)

Geoffrey pinches the bridge of his nose, and sighs.

"It's a free country. If they want to calve off by themselves, that is their prerogative. I will admit, though, that I think there is safety in numbers..."

He then shrugs.

"That said, I find it odd that they chose to leave in the middle of the night, dumping our canoes, and potentially leaving us to be savaged by something horrible, since they abandoned us whilst they were supposed to be on watch."

Geoffrey sighs again.

"Fortunately, nothing bad happened. As long as they have not actively stolen anything from us, I say, let them go."


On shore with all the canoes back, he tilts his head at Ranger Greg while he waves the Canterbury off with a good riddance, "Yeah, what actions might those be?"

Well gee Marcus let's see. Barking orders at everyone. Yelling at everyone. Waving a gun around at all times. To mention just a few things. Hell you worry me sometimes. Not shocked a young couple of Yankees ran from ya when they saw their chance. Greg had to remind himself not to raise his voice.

female German (Bavarian)
HP: 13/13 // Ac 13 FF10 T13//F+2/R+3/W+3 Ini +3
Smart Hero (Apothecary) 2

Richard yawns and shrugs."He has a point! Sometimes I even wonder wich ones are more dangerous the sickos or you! But at the moment I give you the benefit of a doubt!"

"Hmm? What happened?" JoJo had been in the middle of a deep slumber. If his mind wasn't so foggy he'd admit that such a sleeping habit was probably a terrible habit at this point. What with Sickos or Zombies running around.


Marcus holsters and secures his handgun (shortening this to "gun safety"). Then he checks to see how far the Canterbury's treachery extends, he checks for the truck keys which he is certain are still in his pant's pocket but you never know, he obviously still has his weapon, and he checks his pack although he was sleeping on for extra safety, you never know. Marcus continues to argue his point of view because smart people sometimes don't know when to shut up in a social setting, and some smart people don't know when to shut up at all ...

"He only has a point of view as do you, Richard. I also have a point of view of all of you too. Ranger Greg stated that I am waving my handgun around. This implies that I am being careless with my weapon. Not once has my muzzle covered any of you, has it? How many times did I shoot my weapon into melee? I didn't shoot into melee because I don't have that experience yet? Your weapon being holstered or packed away does you no good when raiders with guns, sickos, zombies, puppies, or kittens surprise you. I am doing no different than Ranger Greg carrying that boom stick of his around. The only orders I so called barked was when John was not or it felt like he was not listening to me and I felt he was being inefficient risking my life and others for what I felt was for his own selfish needs. However, I never escalated to deadly force even though I strongly felt he was endangering my life and yours too. He could have easily slid over on the bench seat and played with the radio from the passenger side. If I could drive on the right, like in Europe, I would have easily ran to the other side to do so. The second order, which I so called barked is to unhitch the trailer for safety in emergency driving and I kept repeating myself because no one listen until Ranger Greg finally told me the hitch was locked. You noticed that is when I stopped so called barking orders to unhitch the trailer? If there was no lock on the hitch, it would have been a safety risk and inefficient for the driver to unhitch the trailer. Nor did I bark orders when we all decided to go to the island instead of drive in the truck, because excluding the Canterbury treachery, the island was a more ideal plan and it still involved movement which is life saving in the apocalypse. The third order I so called barked was to not go purposefully hand-to-hand with the sickos because we don't know what they have. This means those that have touched the sick may or may not be sick within 60 hours depending on the infection vector or vectors and rate of infection. And Doctor Whittaker already proved I was correct when he stated we should minimize contact until we know for sure. One last thing Ranger Greg, no I am not perfectly comfortable in our current predicament because my ideal situation includes my family, my like minded closest friends, and I on a protected oceanic island with a cave or fallout shelter, armory, and escape plan. This vacation was only a Go Bag test to see what I have forgotten and what more I need to pack. In other words, it was training but I am still off from even my inexpensive nomadic survival plan which involves horses and a community of like minded individuals similar to the Lakota that once lived in this region."


Marcus looks at Jojo and continues to take inventory of his pack, "Jojo, the treacherous Canterbury's almost left us stranded when they selfishly departed our group. Luckily, Mr Harrison heard the commotion and we were able to recover the remaining canoes. The Canterburys are now on their own, for good. And you may want to check your gear to see how far the Canterbury treachery extends."

As the group searches their belongings thoroughly. Checking every pocket of every bag. After about two minutes of looking through everything they find nothing missing and everything in its place.
I guess me and Schmitty can start our turn early if the rest of you want to go back to sleep. Brian says wiping sleep from his eyes and yawning.
I assume you are all searching the square your stuff is in very thoroughly (taking 20). Also assume that no one wanted to give chase or take a long distance shot at the canoe. With something between 90 minutes and 2 hours before it gets light enough not to require a flashlight do you all want to hit the snooze button.


Yes, Marcus checks everything thoroughly. And he has no interest of shooting at them or chasing them now since the canoes were recovered, no other gear was missing, and the others don't care about the truck being taken by the Canterbury's. If Marcus feels well rested, he stays awake because there is only so much "treachery" he can stand.

female German (Bavarian)
HP: 13/13 // Ac 13 FF10 T13//F+2/R+3/W+3 Ini +3
Smart Hero (Apothecary) 2

"Somehow I really pitty you Marcus!"


Marcus nods at having all of his gear, then looks at Richard, "And why is that Richard?"

female German (Bavarian)
HP: 13/13 // Ac 13 FF10 T13//F+2/R+3/W+3 Ini +3
Smart Hero (Apothecary) 2

"Because you do not understand your effect on people. You must life a very lonely life! But listen, at the moment we all have to work together. Or we are in deep trouble!"

Marcus Magnum wrote:
If Marcus feels well rested, he stays awake because there is only so much "treachery" he can stand.

Not close to well rested. If you want to stay awake you'd have -2 to concentration checks for the day. Not likely to be a factor but you never know. You would be a bit groggy. The watch is now the good college buddies of JoJo. They have the allegiance to each other and JoJo so they wouldn't be part of anything to put him in danger. of course there are always other threats.


Marcus covers his mouth to yawn and sits back down leaning up against his backpack with his safe gun in his hands before the treacherous Canterbury's ruined his beauty sleep, "I am not lonely Mr. Sauerbruch, I am focused. It is both not my fault and it is your right to have a different point of view than I. Just because you don't believe in the same things as I do, doesn't mean I am placing you in any danger and vice versa which has already been proven both ways. Before the sickos or zombies, when I was ready, I was going to search for like minded individuals and family to group with, and they were, or still are out there? Perhaps if we adapt together, we will become a group or separate when we meet my like minded individuals?"

Marcus is on the edge of falling back asleep ...

Male Human Tough Hero, (HP 26/26) (AC 11) (Fort +5, Ref -1, Will +0) (Init -1)

Edwin slumps against something to lean against, a bit tired from the days events.

"I think Richard is just showing concern over your attitude. I don't think anyone here would doubt you for saying you're well prepared, but that doesn't mean we should be shouting death threats. Your primary reactions to stress have included stealing, threatening to shoot, and threatening to kill. To be honest Marcus, I doubt there's a single person here that is entirely comfortable with your matter-a-factly in the right attitude, and honestly I'm just waiting for the minute you decide it makes more sense to shoot one of us in the leg so it saves on supplies since its 'the logical thing to do'."

Marcus Magnum wrote:
"The only orders I so called barked was when John was not or it felt like he was not listening to me and I felt he was being inefficient risking my life and others for what I felt was for his own selfish needs. However, I never escalated to deadly force even though I strongly felt he was endangering my life and yours too. He could have easily slid over on the bench seat and played with the radio from the passenger side. If I could drive on the right, like in Europe, I would have easily ran to the other side to do so."

"Hey." JoJo didn't like being an example but any argument he had was steamrolled over. This was not productive at all but JoJo was too tired to do anything more than flop back down and try and get some sleep. Apparently the Canterbury's had set their canoe's adrift but didn't steal anything. So they were either going to take the truck or just gonna paddle somewhere and try to head home. He had a bad feeling that wasn't gonna be good. He had a bad feeling that things had gotten really bad. He had little proof to go on besides the missing bus, the letter, and the radio stuck on apocalyptic repeat. Oh and the really weird people that attack you and don't die from a bullet to the chest. Fantasy had always been a big part of his life. So much so that a fantasy explanation seemed viable, if crazy. So until a valid explanation grounded in reality for all this showed up, they'd be zombies.

"We can't do anything about them so f&@+ em. Go to sleep."


"I admit, I listened to my gut and jumped the gun on stealing the truck before we could confirm that something was very wrong in the world. That is the only thing I will accept responsibility for ..." Marcus nods off, then wakes up, "Don't worry Edwin, I will not eat you ..." Then Marcus nods off again until it is time for everyone to wake up.

The group nods off to sleep with the sound of Brian and Schmitty swamping stories of college co-ed conquests. The two sit back to back with canoe paddles across their knees. Time passes slowly for the two recent college graduates. That is until Brian hears something and quickly hushes Schmitty. There it is again a gurgling sound coming from the lake. Brian turns his flashlight in the direction of the sound. At first nothing is visible but then Brian lowers the beam of light and it reflects back off of two white spheres just inches above the water. Water flows out of a gaping mouth filled with blood stained teeth with a gurgling sound. Brian screams as even more eyes and head work there way into the light of his flashlight.
ZOMBIES! Brian cries.
Schmitty twists around in time to see 4 of the creatures waist deep in the lake with water dribbling out of their mouths.
SICKOS! WAKE UP EVERYONE! Schmitty screamed as he brandished his oar with both hands.

OOC & Mechanics:

BrianInit: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17
SchmittyInit: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15
Sicko1: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (15) + 0 = 15
Sicko2: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (4) + 0 = 4
Sicko3: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (19) + 0 = 19
Sicko4: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (18) + 0 = 18
Everyone else roll initiative but there is a surprise round of the above first which is included in this post after this spoiler.
GregInit: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10
BrianAttack: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (11) - 1 = 10
Damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
SchmittyAttack: 1d20 - 4 ⇒ (2) - 4 = -2
Damage: 1d6 + 0 ⇒ (5) + 0 = 5
Both of them miss so I don't need to make their miss chance rolls.

The Sickos or Zombies whatever you choose to call them stride through the water and then run towards Brian and Schmitty. The two college boys wildly swing their oars but fail to connect with the advancing zombies in the dim light.

Due to the lack of proper lighting there is 10% miss chance due to concealment. Roll your initiative and if it is greater than 19 make a post. I will roll initiative for those who haven't rolled it in 24 hours.

Initiative Order:

Sicko3: 19
Sicko4: 18
Brian: 17
Schmitty: 15
Sicko1: 15
Sicko2: 4

Male Human Tough Hero, (HP 26/26) (AC 11) (Fort +5, Ref -1, Will +0) (Init -1)

Init: 1d20 ⇒ 4

female German (Bavarian)
HP: 13/13 // Ac 13 FF10 T13//F+2/R+3/W+3 Ini +3
Smart Hero (Apothecary) 2

Ini: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6


Init: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

Look at all the low dice rolls! The Canterbury treachery ruined our beauty sleep and as the result made us all slow ... lol

Due to the earlier commotion, Marcus is slow to wake up this time, "Huh? What?! Oh S!%#!"

Init: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18


Jojo, breaks the Canterbury treachery! :-)

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