Baldwin the Merciful's - CoT Campaign (Inactive)

Game Master baldwin the merciful

This is Council of Thieves AP. Westcrown, City of Twilight, once was the center of Aroden's faith, but now it symbolizes despair. By day, the city remains a vibrant center of trade; but, by night only those with a death wish venture out.

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Male Human Rogue 13 | 97/97 | AC 26/19/19 | F 8/R 16/W 7 | Init +7 | Perc +18/+22

Just asking for strategic 5ft-steps. No more. Didn't think it had reach... Sorry.

Male Half-Orc Sacred Servant of Iomedae HP128/128, AC30/17/27, F17/R14/W14, Init +3, Perception +12, CMB18/CMD34
Blessing of the Watch, Protection Aura in 20ft Azreal, Spl Imun3BAB+23+2 AC/+1 Saves Azreal

No worries. We have a flank and huge damage potential. Just have to hope we survive a round and with Smite+ SA it should die.

Male Human Rogue 13 | 97/97 | AC 26/19/19 | F 8/R 16/W 7 | Init +7 | Perc +18/+22

Channel Heal should do it, then.

Fire Resist 10 Human Cleric 6,HP 40/40,Init+5F6R4W9,Per10AC18/11/17

Shadowlion room
3 MW short swords

Male Half-Orc Sacred Servant of Iomedae HP128/128, AC30/17/27, F17/R14/W14, Init +3, Perception +12, CMB18/CMD34
Blessing of the Watch, Protection Aura in 20ft Azreal, Spl Imun3BAB+23+2 AC/+1 Saves Azreal

Just so everyone knows I have 7 LOH left total. It takes 2 LOH for one smite.

Fire Resist 10 Human Cleric 6,HP 40/40,Init+5F6R4W9,Per10AC18/11/17

Oh! Remember we will need to use the ash to find our way to Ilnerik.

Evil GM

Busy morning for me today, I won't be posting till mid to late afternoon.

Male Human Rogue 13 | 97/97 | AC 26/19/19 | F 8/R 16/W 7 | Init +7 | Perc +18/+22

Do we tell you how much we appreciate you, enough?

Male Half-Orc Sacred Servant of Iomedae HP128/128, AC30/17/27, F17/R14/W14, Init +3, Perception +12, CMB18/CMD34
Blessing of the Watch, Protection Aura in 20ft Azreal, Spl Imun3BAB+23+2 AC/+1 Saves Azreal


Fire Resist 10 Human Cleric 6,HP 40/40,Init+5F6R4W9,Per10AC18/11/17

I'm on pins and needles.

Evil GM

Thanks, I appreciate it. Running these games are quite a bit of daily work. Fortunately I have a systematic method to my madness and that is critical for long term success. I'm not complaining, I like running these games besides I'm constantly learning from you. It helps having two excellent groups and the players get along. Group harmony is not overrated!

Happy New Year.

Male Human Rogue 13 | 97/97 | AC 26/19/19 | F 8/R 16/W 7 | Init +7 | Perc +18/+22

Did we search for treasure?

F Human Witch 13 Init+4 Hp: 104/91--- AC:20 t:15 ff:16---F8//R9//W13--Perception +16

Happy New Year, yes.

Evil GM

A reminder for Orsin and his mission, he eventually confessed to the group what happened to him.

Orsin Link 1

Orsin Link 2

Orsin Link 3

Orsin Link 4

Orsin Link 4

Male Human Rogue 13 | 97/97 | AC 26/19/19 | F 8/R 16/W 7 | Init +7 | Perc +18/+22

Perception, please!

Male Human Rogue 13 | 97/97 | AC 26/19/19 | F 8/R 16/W 7 | Init +7 | Perc +18/+22

Summon, silence, blast... Just no freezing.

Fire Resist 10 Human Cleric 6,HP 40/40,Init+5F6R4W9,Per10AC18/11/17

Time to concentrate on targets. Gerard, I'm going to dispel the silence silence the jig is up.

Male Human Rogue 13 | 97/97 | AC 26/19/19 | F 8/R 16/W 7 | Init +7 | Perc +18/+22

Why are you guys panicking?

Corporeal damage is halved, channel is full, force is full, I'm defensive because I've got a dagger, no Str bonus and no crit/sneak damage.

It leaves me with 1hp average damage per attack. It is not Gerard's moment. Would rather fight a nightshade.

Baldwin is messing with with your head, wasting Silence, restoration, channel, etc...

Stop falling for it and eliminate the threat. Silence isn't the threat.

Happy New Year!

Male Human Rogue 13 | 97/97 | AC 26/19/19 | F 8/R 16/W 7 | Init +7 | Perc +18/+22

And as to Silence, stealth was secondary. It was to neutralize spell-casting/sla's once we're inside, incase this is the big bad.

Vampire and lightning wizard.

Male Half-Orc Sacred Servant of Iomedae HP128/128, AC30/17/27, F17/R14/W14, Init +3, Perception +12, CMB18/CMD34
Blessing of the Watch, Protection Aura in 20ft Azreal, Spl Imun3BAB+23+2 AC/+1 Saves Azreal

I get that.

Str damage scares me.
The silence is off a wand.
We can recast it after.

Male Human Rogue 13 | 97/97 | AC 26/19/19 | F 8/R 16/W 7 | Init +7 | Perc +18/+22


Alternatively, a paladin can use this healing power to deal damage to undead creatures, dealing 1d6 points of damage for every two levels the paladin possesses. Using lay on hands in this way requires a successful melee touch attack and doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity. Undead do not receive a saving throw against this damage.

I think full attack would have the same affect. I don't trust 5d6 channel.

What does Magic Circle vs Evil do?

EDIT - Are these guys summoned and affected?

Evil GM
Gerard Nisroc wrote:

Baldwin is messing with with your head, wasting Silence, restoration, channel, etc...

Stop falling for it and eliminate the threat. Silence isn't the threat.

Happy New Year!

Me? Messing with your head....I'm flattered.


Male Human Rogue 13 | 97/97 | AC 26/19/19 | F 8/R 16/W 7 | Init +7 | Perc +18/+22

Just brown-nosing.

On a completely meta game note, they have +4 to hit. How many HP can they have?!

Evil GM

Base CR 3 shadows have 19 HP

Fire Resist 10 Human Cleric 6,HP 40/40,Init+5F6R4W9,Per10AC18/11/17

So if we shuffle around, Daniel and Orsin and put the hurt on them.

Gerard can do at least a few points to help tip the balance.

Happy New Year

Edit-Magic Circle gives bonuses to AC and Saves and bumps out summoned creatures and can help protect against mind effects.

Evil GM

I'm here, just waiting on the players to actually take an action in the game thread.

Fire Resist 10 Human Cleric 6,HP 40/40,Init+5F6R4W9,Per10AC18/11/17

Just waiting to see what Orsin and EUphemia do since I am squished in the middle.

Male Half-Orc Sacred Servant of Iomedae HP128/128, AC30/17/27, F17/R14/W14, Init +3, Perception +12, CMB18/CMD34
Blessing of the Watch, Protection Aura in 20ft Azreal, Spl Imun3BAB+23+2 AC/+1 Saves Azreal

I'll full attack but he has cover through the door.

Male human bard 7/pathfinder savant 5: 83/83 hp, Init +2, AC 24 [touch 14, flat-footed 23], Fort +10, Ref +12, Will +11; Perception +5

Feeling much better today! Still have a miserable cough, but at least I have my energy back!

Kind of at an impasse in the back. I don't think I can even see the shadows let alone attack them. Let's just hope they don't know lightning bolt with the line we're in, sheesh.

Fire Resist 10 Human Cleric 6,HP 40/40,Init+5F6R4W9,Per10AC18/11/17

Good to hear you are better. Perhaps move to one side so we can withdraw as needed? I don't want to have to blow a channel on 2 shadows.

Male human bard 7/pathfinder savant 5: 83/83 hp, Init +2, AC 24 [touch 14, flat-footed 23], Fort +10, Ref +12, Will +11; Perception +5

That sounds like a good idea.

Evil GM

I'm going to be offline for a couple hours. I'll check in later.

Fire Resist 10 Human Cleric 6,HP 40/40,Init+5F6R4W9,Per10AC18/11/17

ReGerard's damage potential. You do do minimal damage to shadows(half of 1d4+1 or +2) but 1-3 points x3 in a full rapid fire attack can bump one off after it has been damaged by other characters.

Evil GM

I'm going to call it an evening. I was sidetracked, I'll post tomorrow.

Have good evening.

F Human Witch 13 Init+4 Hp: 104/91--- AC:20 t:15 ff:16---F8//R9//W13--Perception +16

Orsin, y u give me cough illness through interwebs?

Fire Resist 10 Human Cleric 6,HP 40/40,Init+5F6R4W9,Per10AC18/11/17

Guess you need a better.....antivirus.


Evil GM

In thinking about the next game I'll run, once this is completed, I was reading some threads on favorite/least favorite pathfinder AP's. Some of the complaints about the COT AP were:

- lack of "feeling heroic" or accomplishment through several books.
- lack of Hellknight development until book 6.
- weak NPC's after book 1
- repetitiveness with long dungeon dives (mayor's attic/knot, mayor's basement, pathfinder mansion, and COT guild are all basically the same.)
- lack of building up and explaining the COT and the thieve's guild.
- lack of incorporating the noble houses throughout the modules and lack of involving the nobles before book 6.
- lack of stressing the urgency and dire events within the city and the population.

I know Andrea and Gerard have previously mentioned the lack of feeling heroic and accomplishment at times.

I certainly mentioned the AP did not develop the hellknights, dottari, nobles, COT, and urgency within the city. I actually did develop those areas independent of the AP, which I'm glad that I did, otherwise it would have been flat and disjointed.

I know we skipped the mayor's basement but overall, that was repetitive and I don't think the group missed anything major, especially, since I incorporated most the important topics/information/gear elsewhere in the game.

Male Half-Orc Sacred Servant of Iomedae HP128/128, AC30/17/27, F17/R14/W14, Init +3, Perception +12, CMB18/CMD34
Blessing of the Watch, Protection Aura in 20ft Azreal, Spl Imun3BAB+23+2 AC/+1 Saves Azreal


Male Human Rogue 13 | 97/97 | AC 26/19/19 | F 8/R 16/W 7 | Init +7 | Perc +18/+22

From a rogue perspective, just need a ghost touch weapon. Or holy or undead bane...

It's been either straightforward, hack/slash... or too darn deadly. I have a feeling you spiced it up, kicked it up a notch or been forgiving (counter your tendencies) and i appreciate that!

Also, you can't create such a vacuum (council gone) and not have someone like Gerard want to fill it. Hard to do when you're persona non grata (sp?).

Evil GM

AP paths that I own:

COT (obviously)
CoCT (3 of 6 books)
Kingmaker (No desire to do kingdom building)
Serpeant Skull

FGG: Razor Coast (RC)
FGG: Rappan Athuk (RA)

Recently picked up Horn of Geryon (one of the better written modules I've seen in years). It would tie in nicely with RC.

I have ton of 3.5 3rd party modules my favorite being Shattered Gates of Slaughtergard which I converted into a multi-year campaign.

I also have a a couple home-brews floating around.

Evil GM
Gerard Nisroc wrote:

Also, you can't create such a vacuum (council gone) and not have someone like Gerard want to fill it. Hard to do when you're persona non grata (sp?).

The vacuum will certainly be there when your free Westcrown of the night creatures and the Drovenges.

Fire Resist 10 Human Cleric 6,HP 40/40,Init+5F6R4W9,Per10AC18/11/17

A big problem with CoT is a big elephant in the room.

Westcrown is in Cheliax
Cheliax is ruled by Thrune which encourages Slavery,Halfling abuse, devil worship which has human sacrifices etc, etc. I put that kinda of last since if Westcrown had nobles that at least kept things in order and ruled well, then there would be fewer problems dealing with them.

Of course that is the problem, most nobles are more interested in murderplays and orgies and thus things have gone badly. It causes problems when they just sit around instead of trying to at least toss gold at PCs to fix things.

Back to the first problem, making Westcrown safe and prosperous means helping Thrune be better halfling kicking jerks. If Rp is less emphasized then this can be ignored but more detail orientated players can twig onto this.

I am still very interested in seeing Orsin's story develop more and how it ends.

Edit:I have seen some people say that it is possible to gloss over kingdom building in Kingmaker by having it happen offscreen.

Evil GM

I ran kingmaker through books 1 and 2 with my RL group, the excitement for kingdom building wore off. Seemed like the DM and one or two players only did the Kingdom building. It lacked getting all the players involved. Quite a bit of added bookkeeping.

IMO book three makes little sense in the game.

Basically the PCs settle an area in the middle (BK 1),
PC's head south (BK 2)
PC's head East (BK 3)
Now go West...

Male human bard 7/pathfinder savant 5: 83/83 hp, Init +2, AC 24 [touch 14, flat-footed 23], Fort +10, Ref +12, Will +11; Perception +5

I've long held plans to run CoT for my playgroup once we finish this up (wanted to get a chance to play it first before reading all the APs just waiting for me on my booksehdl), and I'm very likely going to incorporate a lot of the additional material you've plugged in or expanded on in this game. Having played through another AP already (Carrion Crown) and now having read the books for the group I'm now running it for, I can tell that there is a great deal the DM has to do behind the scenes to cook the campaign more thoroughly.

We'll see where I am with work and school once this game wraps up. I'd like to keep doing PbP, but it could honestly go either way depending on how things shake out in the future.

@Andrea: Your bad CSI: Miami pun had me rofling hard.

Evil GM

Orsin - I liked this AP, you'll see what I added. I developed the background much more than in the AP. The dottari, hellknights, nobles, the docks, noble feuds, NPCs, a lot more sewer diving, and your infernal contract were DM created.

Since the shadowplane creatures were an important part of the overall AP, I was constantly looking for cool additional creatures, John Braziers "Book of Beasts, Monsters from the Shadow Planes," was helpful.

Also, remember an AP is static in time (I think this one was published in 2009) whereas the PC's are always adding material from new books; so, it's important to freshen up the baddies but you know that already.

At our current pace we should finish this book in the next two weeks (I hope). I have not read Book 6 yet but I suspect it'll take 3 months to finish.

Fire Resist 10 Human Cleric 6,HP 40/40,Init+5F6R4W9,Per10AC18/11/17

So much sewer diving and puking. We should get +2 vs. sewage.

Evil GM
Andrea1 wrote:
So much sewer diving and puking. We should get +2 vs. sewage.

You have that special relationship with sewage.

Male human bard 7/pathfinder savant 5: 83/83 hp, Init +2, AC 24 [touch 14, flat-footed 23], Fort +10, Ref +12, Will +11; Perception +5
baldwin the merciful wrote:
Andrea1 wrote:
So much sewer diving and puking. We should get +2 vs. sewage.
You have that special relationship with sewage.

So much so that we should get a +2 circumstance bonus to all rolls whenever IN sewage.

"Us VERSUS sewage"? Pshaw. We go to far back for such binary divisions.

Male Human Rogue 13 | 97/97 | AC 26/19/19 | F 8/R 16/W 7 | Init +7 | Perc +18/+22

Favored Terrain.

Fire Resist 10 Human Cleric 6,HP 40/40,Init+5F6R4W9,Per10AC18/11/17

Reminds me of all those odd side-plots like that mysterious IOU of a dottari(?) officer who liked hookers.

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