Aubrey's Wrath of the Righteous
Game Master
Aubrey the Malformed
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Male Human (Kellid) Oracle of the Apocalypse 3
Knowledge (history] 12+4=16. And another knowledge (history) check 10+4=14.
Rhok has lost interest and been absent-minded while the others picked through the looted gear. He snaps back into focus when Hannik mentions the Wardstone. "Areelu Vorlesh is no mere tamperer or vandal. She is the arch-witch who created the Worldwound in the first place. No wonder my dreams are red with blood and fury - one of greatest villains in the history of the Inner Sea has taken a direct interest. Though the situation is already desperate, this does not bode well."
"Drezen is an old crusader town now within the Worldwound. It would be a safe base for the demons' human worshippers."
OK, so you have two basic choices - down the hole or through the door.
Male Human Percept 6+, Sense Motive, +4, Init +2 HP 41/41 : AC 16 T 13 FF 12 (+1 v traps) : F 3 R 6 (+1 v traps) W 4
Rhok Redmoon wrote: ...
Rhok has lost interest and been absent-minded while the others picked through the looted gear. He snaps back into focus when Hannik mentions the Wardstone. "Areelu Vorlesh is no mere tamperer or vandal. She is the arch-witch who created the Worldwound in the first place. No wonder my dreams are red with blood and fury - one of greatest villains in the history of the Inner Sea has taken a direct interest. Though the situation is already desperate, this does not bode well."
"Drezen is an old crusader town now within the Worldwound. It would be a safe base for the demons' human worshippers."
"That's right! I knew I knew that name. My mum used to scare me with stories about her...." Sol's excitement over the connection fades into frowning reverie.
My vote is the door.
HP 34/34 | Init +2 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 | CMD 15 | F +3 R +3 W +4 | Per +1 | MP: 7/7
Once we decide to go down the hole, if we do I want to remind folks that we have a levitation scale and an alter self scale that can grant a climb speed. Other tools if you want to use them.
"Look- We can't go climbing down some hole when there is the door right here. Lets say we go down and three more mongrel men tumble out cut our ropes and roll a rock onto the hole. Then my friends we are screwed and stuck even one layer further underground, possibly with no exit."
Mythic Power: 5{5}Wand Female Human Inquisitor 4 HP: 31{31} AC: 18 Judgement 2{2}:, T: 12 FF: 16 XP Treasure
"I agree, we should investigate all of this level before we go down, if we need delve deeper at all."
HP 34/34 | Init +2 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 | CMD 15 | F +3 R +3 W +4 | Per +1 | MP: 7/7
Hannik waits for everyone to ready themselves, then swings open the door.
Wintergreen's CE PA IT Geek 10/Daddy 9/Physicist 3/Cartographer 1/Runner 3/Cub Scout Leader 2/Musician 1
The worked stone walls of this large room hold a number of shelves, each of which display the preserved bodies of dire rats, bats, rock vipers, cave lizards, and other creatures that pose in eerie stillness. A pair of bedrolls have been laid out to the southeast. There is a door in the east wall and a tunnel in the north wall.
Mythic Power: 5{5}Wand Female Human Inquisitor 4 HP: 31{31} AC: 18 Judgement 2{2}:, T: 12 FF: 16 XP Treasure
"Block the door, check out the tunnel, and come back to the door later?"
Male Human Percept 6+, Sense Motive, +4, Init +2 HP 41/41 : AC 16 T 13 FF 12 (+1 v traps) : F 3 R 6 (+1 v traps) W 4
"See what's behind the door first. It might just be a closet. If there's more to it than that, then we block it and try the tunnel."
Male Human (Kellid) Oracle of the Apocalypse 3
"I'll watch the tunnel while the rest of you check the door. Hannik, take a look at the bedrolls. So far we've found twelve pallets for the mongrelmen; this probably the sleeping spot used by the two humans."
Ranger (Infiltrator, Skirmisher) 4/Champion 1 | 41/43 hp | AC 18, T12, F16 | Saves F8, R7, W4 | Perc +11 | MP 4/5 | Effects: [i][/i]
Jod watches the party's back in case the mongrelmen discover their courage and come up out of the hole. He has his falchion in hand.
Male Human Percept 6+, Sense Motive, +4, Init +2 HP 41/41 : AC 16 T 13 FF 12 (+1 v traps) : F 3 R 6 (+1 v traps) W 4
Rhok Redmoon wrote: "I'll watch the tunnel while the rest of you check the door. Hannik, take a look at the bedrolls. So far we've found twelve pallets for the mongrelmen; this probably the sleeping spot used by the two humans." "We've killed 9, so there are at least 3 left. But there were 3 humans and the thing that looked like Mulluq." Sol casts an apologetic glance at the paladin.
"So there's another bedroom somewhere."
Sometime Sol scoops up the items apportioned him. Do we have time to swap shirts?
You have time to swap shirts.
Through the door, a muted roar of moving water echoes down the walls of this short hallway. Near the eastern end, the worked stone give way to natural cave walls, just before the hall ends at an open shaft. Hanging over the edge of the shaft is a knotted rope—the other end tied to an iron spike driven into the ground.
Male Human Percept 6+, Sense Motive, +4, Init +2 HP 41/41 : AC 16 T 13 FF 12 (+1 v traps) : F 3 R 6 (+1 v traps) W 4
The shaft just goes down?
Male Human (Kellid) Oracle of the Apocalypse 3
"This is probably their well - and, I suspect, their garbage disposal. No matter which way we go, climbing seems to be required."
Mythic Power: 5{5}Wand Female Human Inquisitor 4 HP: 31{31} AC: 18 Judgement 2{2}:, T: 12 FF: 16 XP Treasure
"Indeed, I agree. Should we investigate?" Kira is beginning to think we've done what we need to, these people will no longer be the block they have been. Do we really need to go through inch by inch? Or do we have more important things to be doing?
C'mon, dude! What about the treasure?
Wintergreen's CE PA IT Geek 10/Daddy 9/Physicist 3/Cartographer 1/Runner 3/Cub Scout Leader 2/Musician 1
Aubrey the Demented/Malformed wrote: C'mon, dude! What about the treasure? Well, there is that ;)
HP 34/34 | Init +2 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 | CMD 15 | F +3 R +3 W +4 | Per +1 | MP: 7/7
"If they have Yaniel's sword here... I don't want to leave it for whatever they had planned. But sure, let's go through the more likely places first. We know they go down the hole in the other room."
Wintergreen's CE PA IT Geek 10/Daddy 9/Physicist 3/Cartographer 1/Runner 3/Cub Scout Leader 2/Musician 1
"That way is probably safer than the rope anyway, though I wonder why they'd go to the effort of the rope? We should probably try both." Kira sighs, hoping her armour wont impact her climbing too much.
Ranger (Infiltrator, Skirmisher) 4/Champion 1 | 41/43 hp | AC 18, T12, F16 | Saves F8, R7, W4 | Perc +11 | MP 4/5 | Effects: [i][/i]
Jod remains outside, but the curiosity is too much, "What did you find?"
Male Human (Kellid) Oracle of the Apocalypse 3
"Hole in the floor, sounds of rushing water. We'll look into it later - we're going back to the hole in the floor in the barracks."
Anything in the two bedrolls?
Ranger (Infiltrator, Skirmisher) 4/Champion 1 | 41/43 hp | AC 18, T12, F16 | Saves F8, R7, W4 | Perc +11 | MP 4/5 | Effects: [i][/i]
"How big a hole? Another ladder?"
Male Human Percept 6+, Sense Motive, +4, Init +2 HP 41/41 : AC 16 T 13 FF 12 (+1 v traps) : F 3 R 6 (+1 v traps) W 4
"Big enough. It all looks like natural cavern. There's a knotted rope that runs down."
Sol shuffles near the edge and lets his lights drift down the hole.
Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
Ranger (Infiltrator, Skirmisher) 4/Champion 1 | 41/43 hp | AC 18, T12, F16 | Saves F8, R7, W4 | Perc +11 | MP 4/5 | Effects: [i][/i]
"If we aren't headed down the rope, pull it up. Don't want something climbing up behind us."
Male Human Percept 6+, Sense Motive, +4, Init +2 HP 41/41 : AC 16 T 13 FF 12 (+1 v traps) : F 3 R 6 (+1 v traps) W 4
Sol slides his eyes slowly from Jod, back to the rope.
"Makes sense to me."
If the lights don't show something interesting down there, Sol will pull up the rope.
There's nothing much to see.
Sol pulls up the rope.
The group head back to the room where the battle took place. The cooling corpses still lie strewn about. The hole in the floor leads down, a rickety-looking rope ladder providing the means to descend.
Mythic Power: 5{5}Wand Female Human Inquisitor 4 HP: 31{31} AC: 18 Judgement 2{2}:, T: 12 FF: 16 XP Treasure
Looking at the others delaying, Kira steps forward.
What's the drop, or is there a laddr or something?
Yes, a rope ladder. Drop looks about 20'
Mythic Power: 5{5}Wand Female Human Inquisitor 4 HP: 31{31} AC: 18 Judgement 2{2}:, T: 12 FF: 16 XP Treasure
No sillyness with falling and armour then.
Kira drops a torch down the hole and then climbs down the ladder.
Assuming it's unlit, and that there is a torch to hand.... lalala
Male Human (Kellid) Oracle of the Apocalypse 3
"I'll go next. Jod, cover us with your fancy new bow."
Mulluq after me, maybe?
Male Human Percept 6+, Sense Motive, +4, Init +2 HP 41/41 : AC 16 T 13 FF 12 (+1 v traps) : F 3 R 6 (+1 v traps) W 4
Kira Valerious wrote: No sillyness with falling and armour then.
Kira drops a torch down the hole and then climbs down the ladder.
Assuming it's unlit, and that there is a torch to hand.... lalala
Sol's got torches to burn.
Sol waits near the hole's edge while the first adventurers descend.
Kira and Rhok drop down. The air in the cavern they find smells of damp and mold. Water glistens on the walls, and collects in a stagnant pool along one wall. At the far end of the room is a door.
Male Human (Kellid) Oracle of the Apocalypse 3
Rhok waves the others down. "Let's keep moving, shall we?"
Mythic Power: 5{5}Wand Female Human Inquisitor 4 HP: 31{31} AC: 18 Judgement 2{2}:, T: 12 FF: 16 XP Treasure
Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
Anything other than the door that looks interesting?
"It looks safe to come down."
Male, Pitborn Tiefling Warrior of Iomedae's Holy Light 4/Guardian 1 (AC: 21 [T: 11 /FF: 20]; HP: 52/66; F+9, R+5, W+7; Init: +1; Perc: +0 [Darkvision 60'])
Mulluq sheathes his sword, and puts his shield away, before he grasps the edge of the hole and eases his way down the ladder. Unknowingly, his concerns were close to Kira's in whether he would be able to safely traverse the passage down. Once he made it to the bottom, his tail subconsciously assists him in rearming himself with sword and shield. He directs his attention at the other end of the passage, searching for signs of evil.
Detect Evil down the hall
Male Human Percept 6+, Sense Motive, +4, Init +2 HP 41/41 : AC 16 T 13 FF 12 (+1 v traps) : F 3 R 6 (+1 v traps) W 4
Sol waits patiently as the others go down. He looks nervously around the room. "We pulled the rope up. What if someone pulls up this rope ladder?"
The rest of the group clamber down into the room (I assume - maybe Sol wants to guard the rear). They walk to the closed door ahead.
Male Human Percept 6+, Sense Motive, +4, Init +2 HP 41/41 : AC 16 T 13 FF 12 (+1 v traps) : F 3 R 6 (+1 v traps) W 4
I don't want to go down.
Sol clambers down the rope ladder after the others.
Ranger (Infiltrator, Skirmisher) 4/Champion 1 | 41/43 hp | AC 18, T12, F16 | Saves F8, R7, W4 | Perc +11 | MP 4/5 | Effects: [i][/i]
Jod covers those descending as Rhok suggested before climbing down just before Sol.
"Magic scale, remember? Float up, let the ladder back down, everyone up."
HP 34/34 | Init +2 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 | CMD 15 | F +3 R +3 W +4 | Per +1 | MP: 7/7
While Jod shimmies down the rope, Hannik shifts her perception to scan for magical auras.
Detect Magic running for now.
Mythic Power: 5{5}Wand Female Human Inquisitor 4 HP: 31{31} AC: 18 Judgement 2{2}:, T: 12 FF: 16 XP Treasure
"I do keep forgetting about that, a good idea."
Hannik detects to magical auras.
Duh, typo - Hannik detects NO magical auras.
Male Human (Kellid) Oracle of the Apocalypse 3
"Let's get past this door. Kick it in, or finesse it open?"
Ranger (Infiltrator, Skirmisher) 4/Champion 1 | 41/43 hp | AC 18, T12, F16 | Saves F8, R7, W4 | Perc +11 | MP 4/5 | Effects: [i][/i]
Shrug. "I only have one choice."
Someone care to do the honours?
Male Human Percept 6+, Sense Motive, +4, Init +2 HP 41/41 : AC 16 T 13 FF 12 (+1 v traps) : F 3 R 6 (+1 v traps) W 4
"I vote for just opening the door." Sheild armed, Sol approaches the door and opens it.