Aubrey's Rise of the Runelords campaign (Inactive)

Game Master Aubrey the Malformed

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Liberty's Edge

Male Mothman Expert 5

Dragonmann, extra move action sounds cool.

Elisile is levelled by the way.

By the way, I read page 31 of the game thread (plus the following 4 pages PLUS the disussion thread of the same period). We had a very long discussion (over both threads) about how the loot was divided, who got what and who bought what. Most (not all) of the party noted how they spent their loot at that time.

We also instituted a “party fund” at that time – which has 1015.5 gp in it. I have combed the thread carefully and we certainly had not spent any of this fund before we left for Thistletop. (A few “group” type items were purchased, but various characters (especially Dravite) specifically noted that they were covering those costs themselves).

So unless Alwyn and the gang spent some of the group slush fund on those potions and oils and stuff for the Yochlol fight (and I missed it cos you guys were in spoilers at the time), we still have that. Elisile even has it noted on her character sheet (but it was hidden away and I missed it – I have moved it to a more clear location now).

So we still have just over 1000gp if anyone has any suggestions on spending some of this slush fund.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Expert 5

I didn't touch the slush fund - mostly because I didn't know we had one. ;P

The Exchange

No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30

I suggest you appoint a party treasurer. With so many PCs in this group, someone is bound to forget what is going on.

Sovereign Court

Okay. Final leg of the move starts today. I'll be off the internet entirely until Tuesday. Sad... I'm going to miss a bunch of good emo roleplay.

Grand Lodge

Mothman- Where'd that little bird by your name come from?

Liberty's Edge

Male Mothman Expert 5
Stunty_the_Dwarf wrote:
Okay. Final leg of the move starts today. I'll be off the internet entirely until Tuesday. Sad... I'm going to miss a bunch of good emo roleplay.

Good luck with it. Moving far?

Liberty's Edge

Male Mothman Expert 5
ithuriel wrote:
Mothman- Where'd that little bird by your name come from?

Click on Pathfinder Society near the top left of your screen, Register, and choose a faction!

Grand Lodge


Well as much as I love the idea of Pathfinder Society so far, I don't go to conventions and I don't have a local group. They mentioned a possibility for recognizing online play, but won't come to a decision until next year and it is likely to be a no in the end. So I figured there wasn't any reason for me to join. But I gotta get me one of those sweet symbols!

So now I'm reading up.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Expert 5

That was my situation as well. But I must have a little bird next to my name!

Liberty's Edge

Male Engineer Geek 6/Engineer 5/Engineseer 1

Hmm, I offered, and reduced the gold in my sheet, but i can find no evidence anyone actually spent the 500 gp i dumped into the kitty.

Unless someone disputes it, i am just going to reabsorb it from its financial limbo.

The Exchange

Male Dworc (half-dwarf/half-orc) Monk4/Barbarian2/Rogue2/Jack-of-all-Trades2/Master of None2/Quasi-diety2
Dragonmann wrote:

Hmm, I offered, and reduced the gold in my sheet, but i can find no evidence anyone actually spent the 500 gp i dumped into the kitty.

Unless someone disputes it, i am just going to reabsorb it from its financial limbo.

Hey how do I change my main avatar to have the faction symbol next to it? I've already downloaded and created a character for the Society, but I want my main avatar to have it.

Grand Lodge

Click on the PFS image- top left. Then click join/register. It will give you a PFS # and let you pick an icon.

The Exchange

Male Dworc (half-dwarf/half-orc) Monk4/Barbarian2/Rogue2/Jack-of-all-Trades2/Master of None2/Quasi-diety2
ithuriel wrote:
Click on the PFS image- top left. Then click join/register. It will give you a PFS # and let you pick an icon.

I do that but I get "That avatar name is already used by another account" when I enter Fake Healer as my name.

Ahhhh, there we go, I had to hit "click here to change faction displayed with your messageboard posts" to get it to work on all my stuff. Cool!

Liberty's Edge

Male Mothman Expert 5

So a few of us have chosen factions ... anyone think they'll get to play in any PFS games? I don't think my home group will be into it, and I kind of don't think my FLGS will be into it (the RPG guys there seem to be pretty gung-ho 4E for the most part). I might try to do something at some cons, though its been a long time since I went to one...

Grand Lodge

Male Human Expert 5

I've never been to a convention, and will probably never go. I just wanted that little icon.

The Exchange

Male Dworc (half-dwarf/half-orc) Monk4/Barbarian2/Rogue2/Jack-of-all-Trades2/Master of None2/Quasi-diety2

I am gonna try to run some of them after I finish up The Tide, but dammit there is a lot of stuff I wanna run or play. Rise of the Runelords, Curse of the Crimson Throne, Second Darkness is starting, all the Paizo individual modules are friggin' great. If I could game 3-4 nights a week I still wouldn't be doing all the stuff I want. The sad part is that it is all so damn good I don't want to miss a single bit. Just gotta keep hopin' to get old quick so I can hit the nursing home and 4-8 hours of gaming a day. Almost 38......just a little bit longer....

BTW, have they put any PFS modules on sale yet?

The Exchange

No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30
Vattnisse wrote:
I've never been to a convention, and will probably never go. I just wanted that little icon.

I was hoping to go to genCon UK this year but it doesn't timetable very well. Maybe next year.

Grand Lodge

Fake Healer wrote:

BTW, have they put any PFS modules on sale yet?

At GenCon. There will be 2 a month and some double months so there are going to be 28 for the first year.

Grand Lodge

I'll be out or town from tomorrow (Aug 13th) till late on Monday (Aug 18th).

The Exchange

No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30

Fakey, I would just like to point out that that Nahualt is a total c0ck.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Expert 2 / Commoner 1

Guys, my internet has been down since Saturday and does not look like it will be back up before the end of the week. I go on vacation Monday the 18th through Sunday the 24th. My internet should be back up by the time I get back.

Davos's profile is in need of an update, but I won't have the time to do it before I leave. Sorry for the inconvenience.

The Exchange

No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30

[ooc]OK, thanks for letting us know - I'm going to do a spoiler for Davos so hopefully you will see it before you go, otherwise don't worry as it will wait.

Liberty's Edge

Manwolf Werewoof testing upper middle class twit 5

Hey, Aubrey---wrt 4e.

So there's an ability the paladin has to make enemies attack HIM, or god will burn them with holy light or something?

They were talking about it in some thread, and I didn't want to get involved or anything.

The Exchange

No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30

Yes, it is one of the basic paladin powers that goes to the core of what a paladin is, in mechanical terms, in 4e. Both the paladin and the fighter are called "defenders" which means they attract attacks away from the more vulnerable types, like the strikers (rangers, rogues, warlocks) and controllers (wizards). Both of them can "mark" and enemy, and a marked enemy of a paladin that attacks anyone other than the paladin takes that "radiant" (i.e. positive energy) damage, as they described. (I think the fighter's marked enemy has a hefty negative to attack anyone else, so they have a similar but not identical effect.)

Grand Lodge

Male Human Expert 5

Huh. I was expecting something to burst out of the ground (warforged don't need food, air and similar stuff, so they make for great ambushers). However, I was hoping for flumphs or perhaps the Swedish Bikini Team, but it seems like Aubrey had other plans. Way to trample all over my hopes, you insensitive bastard.

Grand Lodge

I'm looking back and forth at items and I don't know. I'm thinking about laying down an effect on my flute instead of a weapon at this point. So far I rarely attack anything anyways.

So Aubrey- I'm thinking I'd like to have Joyful Noise added to my flute. It's something that will rarely be useful, but when someone tries to silence me or our other spell casters I'll be glad to have it. I imagine adding several sonic type effects to my instrument over time so it's a beginning.

Here's the spell in case you don't have Spell Compendium:

Level: Bard 1
Components: S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 10 ft.
Area: 10-ft.-radius emanation
centered on you
Duration: Concentration; see text
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
You stomp your foot on the ground, creating
a ripple of noise that unleashes suppressed
sounds behind it.
You create sonic vibrations that negate
any magical silence effect in the area.
This zone of negation moves with you
and lasts as long as you continue to
The silence effect is not dispelled but
simply held in abeyance; it remains
in effect outside the area of the joyful
noise effect.


Spell Level 1 x Caster Level 1 x 2000 = 2000

I don't need to use it all the time, but let's give it 3 uses per day just to be safe, so...

2000 / (5/3) = 1199.97 or 1,200

And that will be 1,140 gp with the 5% off.

This sound okay to you?

The Exchange

No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30

Seems fine to me. Is your flute masterwork, because it will need to be?

Grand Lodge

Yeah- It's the one we grabbed off Tsuto.

Grand Lodge

I'm out of town again from today Friday (22nd) ---> Monday (25th).

Feel free to use Illes skills to get things done. Also it's worth mentioning that he has suggestion now and (if he burns a bardic music with it) can hit DC 17. Once a day, but use it if you need answers or anything.

Also I left Illes with 392 gp for living expenses, lawyer fees, and unforeseen costs.

See you Monday evening.

The Exchange

No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30

I will be on holiday from Saturday for two weeks and won't be able to post, just to let you all know. I'll do my best to get to an appropriate juncture by then.

Liberty's Edge

Male Mothman Expert 5

Geez, you Europeans and your holidays - nice for some!

Have a good one.

The Exchange

No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30

It's 'cos we is civilised.

Grand Lodge

Aubrey the Malformed wrote:
It's 'cos we is civilised.

Going anywhere good?

The Exchange

No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30

No. France.

Just kidding, to all the Frenchmen and Francophiles out there - actually, France is great, and the food is superb. We are taking the ferry to Brittany (St Malo) and then cutting down to the Loire valley and then east to Burgundy (Dijon, Chablis) before heading back up the Chartres and then on to the ferry again. it should be fun but I'm not looking forward to the driving too much - the French drive on the right and of course we drive on the left in the UK, and I have problems differentiating left and right, which should make the experience a thrill ride.

Grand Lodge

Nice. I'll be in London next weekend so I won't say hi then :P

Actually I'm only there for 3 days and split between my friend and Jo's so I'd have been tight for time anyways. Another time.

Grand Lodge

My parents have moved to Italy now (northern very close to the mountains) and we've talked about taking a road trip from Athens to there sometime to have our "Two for the Road" experience. Enjoy! Sounds nice.

Switching to the other side of the road might freak me out a little too. I avoided it in Japan which was easy. We'll just have to worry about the crazy Italian car-stripping thieves instead!

*Edit: on second thought "Two for the Road" was a terrible reference as it's only lovely in their younger days and pretty terrible thereafter. We'll just have our own European roadtrip experience instead.

The Exchange

No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30
ithuriel wrote:

Nice. I'll be in London next weekend so I won't say hi then :P

Actually I'm only there for 3 days and split between my friend and Jo's so I'd have been tight for time anyways. Another time.

That's a shame - still, I am sure there will be other times.

Liberty's Edge

Male Mothman Expert 5
ithuriel wrote:

*Edit: on second thought "Two for the Road" was a terrible reference as it's only lovely in their younger days and pretty terrible thereafter. We'll just have our own European roadtrip experience instead.

Eurotrip? ;-)

Liberty's Edge

Manwolf Werewoof testing upper middle class twit 5

Heathy sick. Sleep all day.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Expert 2 / Commoner 1

Sorry for the long absence. I finally managing to get caught up with school and work after my vacation. I just bought a new computer and HDTV (woohoo for Pell grants!!!) and had to spend two full afternoons slaving away to set everything up because my maid, butler, and full time nanny didn't know how to do it. Life sucks. [/sarcasm]

Joking aside, Monday, Tuesday, and Friday are no good for me to post. If Davos's turn comes up on one of those days, somebody needs to take my turn for me. I'll usually post general directions on what I want Davos to do during the encounter. If this becomes a problem and I need to drop out of the game just let me know, I'll understand.

Have fun on your vacation Aubrey (or "Welcome back" depending on when you read this).

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Expert 2 / Commoner 1
Mothman wrote:
ithuriel wrote:

*Edit: on second thought "Two for the Road" was a terrible reference as it's only lovely in their younger days and pretty terrible thereafter. We'll just have our own European roadtrip experience instead.
Eurotrip? ;-)

Welcome to Bratislavia. It's good you came in summer. In winter it can be very depressing. Miami Wice, number one new show!

Liberty's Edge

Male Mothman Expert 5
Vissigoth wrote:
Mothman wrote:
ithuriel wrote:

*Edit: on second thought "Two for the Road" was a terrible reference as it's only lovely in their younger days and pretty terrible thereafter. We'll just have our own European roadtrip experience instead.
Eurotrip? ;-)
Welcome to Bratislavia. It's good you came in summer. In winter it can be very depressing. Miami Wice, number one new show!

I actually saw Eurotrip during a Contiki tour around Europe, just before we got to Italy ... half the guys on the tour kept going around saying "Me scuzzi!" to everyone they met...

Grand Lodge

Haven't seen Eurotrip so I miss the reference.

London was nice, but seriously one more day and I would have had a cold. It's in the high 90's in Athens. London was 50's and somewhere between drizzle and full rain daily. But we had a good time and I got to see a friend who I haven't seen in over a year.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Expert 2 / Commoner 1
Mothman wrote:
Vissigoth wrote:
Mothman wrote:
ithuriel wrote:

*Edit: on second thought "Two for the Road" was a terrible reference as it's only lovely in their younger days and pretty terrible thereafter. We'll just have our own European roadtrip experience instead.
Eurotrip? ;-)
Welcome to Bratislavia. It's good you came in summer. In winter it can be very depressing. Miami Wice, number one new show!
I actually saw Eurotrip during a Contiki tour around Europe, just before we got to Italy ... half the guys on the tour kept going around saying "Me scuzzi!" to everyone they met...


I'm embarrassed that I like that movie. It's so stupid and most likely offensive to Europeans (not being one, I couldn't say for sure), but it's just so damn funny.

Liberty's Edge

Male Mothman Expert 5

Yeah, it's a very bad movie ...

... but it is kinda funny ...

Grand Lodge

Male Human Expert 5

Never saw that movie. Having said that, I'm onboard with anything that makes fun of Germans.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Expert 2 / Commoner 1
Vattnisse wrote:
Never saw that movie. Having said that, I'm onboard with anything that makes fun of Germans.

They're actually in Amsterdam. Lucy Lawless (Xena the Warrior Princess) plays a dominatrix. Hans and Grubel are her assistants. You really don't want to know what the flugenlichtlegen is.

The Exchange

Male Dworc (half-dwarf/half-orc) Monk4/Barbarian2/Rogue2/Jack-of-all-Trades2/Master of None2/Quasi-diety2
Vissigoth wrote:
You really don't want to know what the flugenlichtlegen is.

Or at least you won't ask for a second.

The Exchange

No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30
Vissigoth wrote:

Sorry for the long absence. I finally managing to get caught up with school and work after my vacation. I just bought a new computer and HDTV (woohoo for Pell grants!!!) and had to spend two full afternoons slaving away to set everything up because my maid, butler, and full time nanny didn't know how to do it. Life sucks. [/sarcasm]

Joking aside, Monday, Tuesday, and Friday are no good for me to post. If Davos's turn comes up on one of those days, somebody needs to take my turn for me. I'll usually post general directions on what I want Davos to do during the encounter. If this becomes a problem and I need to drop out of the game just let me know, I'll understand.

Have fun on your vacation Aubrey (or "Welcome back" depending on when you read this).

Duly noted. I still haven't done the "business" we discussed yet, so I'll get on to it. Hope you had a good trip while you were away. Mine was very enjoyable. Sorry I missed you in London, Ithers, but the weather had been deeply crap in the UK for ages - apparently there were floods and all sorts of stuff going on while I was away. OK - back to the grind - the Hells await!

Liberty's Edge

Male Mothman Expert 5

Welcome back man. Good holiday?

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