Aubrey's Rise of the Runelords campaign (Inactive)

Game Master Aubrey the Malformed

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Liberty's Edge

Male Mothman Expert 5
Stunty_the_Dwarf wrote:
Guys, I'm honestly not trying to be a wanker. Larken has gotten out of my control. I know that sounds weird, but he's pretty much playing himself at this point.

Ha! Fair enough. Well, I think Elisile is mainly in agreement with Larken on this point, so you'll get no dissent from me ... although at times she retreats into the "it's a human problem, so let humans take care of it" mindset so as to avoid having to deal with the issues.

Anyway, I find that dealing with prisoners is often a contentious point in many games, when you are dealing with different alignments let alone different personal and cultural beliefs behind those alignments.

EDIT: although on re-reading I'm not entirely clear if Larken is advocating letting them go (as I first thought) or bringing them back and seeing that they get a fair trial? I'm thinking the former...

Liberty's Edge

Male Engineer Geek 6/Engineer 5/Engineseer 1

Wank away, we won't mind

Grand Lodge

Male Human Expert 5

I actually enjoy Larken's idealism and contrariness. His mindset reminds me a lot of my brother at that age. Also, Alwyn needs an occasaional wake-up call, anyway. He's a reasonably nice guy - but he is also a warpriest raised in a culture with few codified laws.

Liberty's Edge

Male Mothman Expert 5

Hmmm ... I think we did elect Alwyn default party leader, didn't we? Does that include for matter of ethical / moral debate?

male Human Rogue 3 / Fighter 1

Just as an aside... I don't think I ever said Larken mentioned the coin slot to anyone. By the time I got on to post, everyone had noticed that I'd noticed.

The Exchange

No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30

Well, strictly, given the DC is actually 28, it was more that Elisile and Larken boosted eachother with their good rolls, and with a bit of DM fiat thrown in you both saw it. Or something. Anyway, not only did you find the coin slot but you also are now having a big in-character argy-bargy about it and the doors - EXCELLENT!

Sovereign Court

Aubrey the Malformed wrote:
Well, strictly, given the DC is actually 28, it was more that Elisile and Larken boosted eachother with their good rolls, and with a bit of DM fiat thrown in you both saw it.

Ahhh... well, then. Never mind.

Grand Lodge

Completely unrelated to anything-

I recently learned that "Cool Ranch" Doritos are sold as "Dream Cream" in Greece. I find it both hilarious and disgusting and thought I would share my amusement.

Carry on.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

ithuriel wrote:

Completely unrelated to anything-

I recently learned that "Cool Ranch" Doritos are sold as "Dream Cream" in Greece. I find it both hilarious and disgusting and thought I would share my amusement.

Carry on.

They have Mountain Dew flavored Doritos here now. Don't feel so bad.

Liberty's Edge

Manwolf Werewoof testing upper middle class twit 5


Liberty's Edge

Male Mothman Expert 5
Larken wrote:
Just as an aside... I don't think I ever said Larken mentioned the coin slot to anyone. By the time I got on to post, everyone had noticed that I'd noticed.

Sorry, that was my fault. Although Aubrey addressed the post to Larken, Elisile made the same search roll as him, so I figured either they’d both achieved the DC or E had aided L in his search – either way letting her see it too. Should have made that clearer in the post.

Of course, in retrospect, if it were a trap, perhaps Larken did find it without Elisile also seeing it…

I dare Hudak to stick his tongue in the coin slot.

Liberty's Edge

Manwolf Werewoof testing upper middle class twit 5

Oh, galldangit!

At least let him wait til the clerics are back.

Is it cold or anything?

Heathansson wrote:

Oh, galldangit!

At least let him wait til the clerics are back.

Is it cold or anything?

Tastes like peppermint. Trust me. ;)

Liberty's Edge

Manwolf Werewoof testing upper middle class twit 5


Grand Lodge

I thought Fates was f*&&ing with me with that talk of Mountain Dew Doritos. Had to look it up. What were they thinking?

The Exchange

No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30

So what does dream cream taste like? Or am I asking the wrong person?

Grand Lodge

Male Human Expert 5

After encountering potato chips with 'Roast Beef And Mustard' flavour when I was living in London, no snack-taste concept shocks me anymore.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

ithuriel wrote:
I thought Fates was f~!!ing with me with that talk of Mountain Dew Doritos. Had to look it up. What were they thinking?

No idea, but I wasn't joking. :)

Grand Lodge

Dream-Cream? Tangy. It's supposed to be some kind of ranch dressing taste, but really it's more like a taste of additives and synthetic flavor. Local ones I haven't seen elsewhere are the paprika and ketchup flavors.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Expert 5

Paprika-flavoured snacks are common in Scandinavia as well (I like it a lot). But ketchup-flavoured potato chips?! Eeeewwwww...

The Exchange

No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30
Vattnisse wrote:
After encountering potato chips with 'Roast Beef And Mustard' flavour when I was living in London, no snack-taste concept shocks me anymore.

What's wrong with that? Given you are from the nation that eats herring dipped in lye, a simple beef and mustard flavoured crisp (albeit, that hasn't actually been anywhere near beef or mustard in its manufacture) is as natural as breathing. An Englishman always has horseradish or mustard on his roast beef - anything else is just wrong.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Aubrey the Malformed wrote:
What's wrong with that? Given you are from the nation that eats herring dipped in lye...

He's got ya there, Vatty. I recall our discussion of lutefisk at the bar when you came to Mesa. Dear God, if that wasn't the most horrible sounding thing I've ever heard... :)

Grand Lodge

Male Human Expert 5

As much as I like to rag on British food, I have to concede that lutefisk is quite possibly the nastiest food item in the observable universe. As for the beef'n'mustard chips... I dunno. Chips are snacks, while roast beef is food. It just seems wrong, just like the fried chicken potato chips did. Not all Brit snacks are weird, though - I did miss salt and vinegar chips when I returned to Norway. They go well with a cold Stella Artois.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Okay, I'm hopelessly confused on how much XP we should have. It looks like no two of us have the same XP recorded in our character sheets, though I have most clearly missed out on quite a bit.

So... what is it? As much as I'd like to believe Davos' 6750 is accurate (as that would make us level 4), I'm inclined to believe otherwise.

The Exchange

No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30

You lot are useless - you are all supposed to have the same amount of XP. Sheesh, I dunno, I don't track it myself much. Run with Elisile's total - it is the highest without going up a level - unless Davos is sure his number is correct.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Expert 5

After doing a quick scan of awarded xp, I'm sure my or Mothers' totals are correct. Of course, I'll be happy to run with Elisile's numbers, which are slightly higher than mine. :D

The Exchange

No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30

Run with Mothers' total - assume you got it roleplaying or something. You will all be going up a level anyway at the end of this and in preparation for Skinsaw.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

5312 is the correct total. I just went through the entire game thread and added it all up.

EDIT: But I'll happily take Mothman's total. Thanks Aubrey! :D

Liberty's Edge

Male Mothman Expert 5

Oops, sorry if I buggered it up. I'm not sure how, as I always add xp as soon as we get it. Maybe I just can't, you know, add.

The Exchange

No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30

It is very easy to miss some xp rewards on the thread, and there may be some I forgot to give anyway. The total should be roughly a few hundred off 6,000.

male Human Shoanti Fighter 10 xp 80962

Kruely, on his sheet in my game, gives a total and a per-encounter tally; I might start doing that from here on out to keep things kopacetic.

The Exchange

Male Dworc (half-dwarf/half-orc) Monk4/Barbarian2/Rogue2/Jack-of-all-Trades2/Master of None2/Quasi-diety2

Hey Heathy, Pathfinder 10:Ashes of History has a section on the Cinderlands with a good amount of Shoanti background including some popular phrases they use in their tribal languages. There is also a good listing of critters that call the land their homes that are really cool.
You may want to flip back there to check it out for Hudak to use.

Liberty's Edge

Manwolf Werewoof testing upper middle class twit 5

Yeah, I just picked it up Wednesday and I've skimmed a little bit...
I'm gonna start yapping in Shoanti after a while.

Liberty's Edge

Manwolf Werewoof testing upper middle class twit 5

I thought it was kinda cool--the Shoanti came from an entire Shoanti campaign he ran back in the day.

The Exchange

No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30

Just to let you know, I will be on holiday next week from Monday to Friday. It is just possible, but highly unlikely, that I will be able to post, so don't expect much.

Liberty's Edge

Male Mothman Expert 5

That's cool. Going anywhere good?

The Exchange

No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30

Still in the UK - Isle of Man. My brother-in-law lives there so we nick his house for a week.

The Exchange

No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30

Guys, the PF Beta comes out in a month or two. Do you want to convert to it or carry on with 3.5? And for the guys in the Eberron campaign, what do you think about it for that game? Personally I'm not bothered either way - PF might be cool, but I probably understand 3.5 better (right now).

Liberty's Edge

Manwolf Werewoof testing upper middle class twit 5

I might for my game(s); idk;...I have problems looking at stuff in pdf form. I want the beta in hand before I commit, but I'm thinking it could be cool.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Expert 5

I haven't really sat down and looked at the PF changes yet, but the main difference seems to be the skill system. Otherwise, it's just upgrades and some spell and feat tweaks. Shouldn't be too hard to upgrade.

Liberty's Edge

Male Engineer Geek 6/Engineer 5/Engineseer 1

Up with the things that are down

Down with the things that are up

Around the middle with the things that are already there

The Exchange

No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30

Nice to see the drugs are still working.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

I'm in favor of sticking with 3.5, only in so much as the fact that I've engineered my characters (in both cases) to take advantage of my knowledge of the 3.5 ruleset. While I don't expect that converting to PF would cause significant trouble, many of the spells and feats that I've grown accustomed to have changed.

That said, if the majority vote is to convert to PF, I will do so, it is simply not my preference.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Expert 5
Hudak wrote:
"Aww, man;..." Hudak whines.....he knows he is no challenge for Illes in the lady's man department.

Y'know, I don't really think that Illes and Hudak compete for the same women. Just sayin'...

Grand Lodge

And Lo'j would steal them from both of us if he took a mind to do so. So far Illes has only flirted with Ameiko really. But he'll stare at this unembarrassed naked chick all day.

As far as PF Beta- I'd like a chance to play it, but I'm very unfamiliar. I've been flipping through a bit, but I'm not one to recognize all the little minutiae of rules changes until I see them in play. I do know you get more feats though and I like that. I'm willing to go whichever way the gang agrees on.

The Exchange

No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30

My home internet has conked out, so I might not be posting as much for a little while.

Liberty's Edge

Male Mothman Expert 5
Aubrey the Malformed wrote:
Guys, the PF Beta comes out in a month or two. Do you want to convert to it or carry on with 3.5? And for the guys in the Eberron campaign, what do you think about it for that game? Personally I'm not bothered either way - PF might be cool, but I probably understand 3.5 better (right now).

I’m cool either way, though I’m interested in the additional options / powers that the PF rules will give us access to, and interested in trying out some of the modified rules.

Certainly using the PF rules will give our characters a boost – good for us players, may cause balance issues for Aubrey.

For Elisile, the new wizard school powers sound interesting (though at the loss of the specialist bonus spells) and the boost in hit points would be great. For Lightbinger in the Eberron game (and Rod too, and Alwyn and Davos in this game) I think the new channeling / turning rules would be a fantastic addition.

Liberty's Edge

Male Mothman Expert 5

Aubrey's right, the premature buff is a rooky mistake, particularly when you're low level and measuring your durations in rounds rather than minutes or hours. We stuffed up.

At least partly my fault - I was sure that the demon was going to be in the next room, based simply on that it made sense to me, rather than any game-based cues. Sorry guys.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Expert 5

I thought the big doors would open when we put the coin in the column...

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