Atapax's Serpent's Skull

Game Master Aluvian

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Well since I have enough people, here is the board where you all can bounce your character ideas off me and finalize things. Hopefully we can get things started in not too long.

Male Dwarven Monk pc lvl1

Hi it is micah everything done on this guy except maybe a little tweaking in skills/traits and the background. background at about 75% done just need to finish it off.

thought I would post to get things started Hi all!

I've got my ideas for my alchemist together, just need to put him up here. Also there's the minor issue of generating stats, are we doing 25 point buy like we did for the Kingmaker game?

Male Dwarven Monk pc lvl1

that's what Allen told me. 25 point buy 1 campaign trait 2 general traits.

Kabur Hammerfist wrote:
that's what Allen told me. 25 point buy 1 campaign trait 2 general traits.

That's what I was running with. Thanks for the confirmation though.

Ok Kabur, looks good, aside from one thing. I just want to make sure that you know that the monk AC bonus is just the Wis bonus. The +1/4 levels is already included in the table. I just don't want you adding that bonus twice.

Dark Archive

Okay, so I know I said Half elf rogue, but I wish to play a half-elf sorcerer, infernal bloodline. That is, unless somebody else wants to go arcane caster. It doesn't matter all that much to me.

No one has said anything about an arcane caster,aside from the alchemist who isn't really a full caster. So go for it.

That means we're still just waiting on Mandy's character.

So far it's looking like I'll either throw in a savage elf bard/rogue, or a gnome Oracle of nature. Depending on what she picks.

Just to review, so far we have a monk, an alchemist, an inquisitor, and a sorc.

Male Dwarven Monk pc lvl1

going to read over the alchemist and inquisitor as haven't looked into them deeply yet but are we going to be missing a bit of healing? if so I may just be thinking about not changing original idea and taking a couple levels as cleric and at least one level early on to get a little healing in there. it wouldn't be a lot but a little bit can go a long way if we don't have any other sources.

Male Human Alchemist 1

I'm not sure that healing will be a big issue, depending on what Allan and our other missing player pick. Alchemists get access to all the Cure spells and can crank out potions of them cheaply and quickly. Inquisitors can heal about as well as Clerics if they want to. Then if Allan brings in an Oracle, that's another potentially powerful healer (even being a Oracle of Nature and not of Healing).

Male Dwarven Monk pc lvl1

cool had not looked at those classes think am going to make the small changes and not plan on taking a duel class then. hmmm now exactly what to change.... rofl and the back story changes again...... well little more work and will be ready me thinks.

Also, even if I bring in my bard/rogue, bards get healing too. I think we'll be fine no matter what Mandy and I pick. :)

Male Human Alchemist 1

That's right, bards can heal too. I always forget about that. That's also handy as it means there will be at least 3 people capable of using healing wands if we felt like we needed to buy such things.

Male Dwarven Monk pc lvl1

cool Have finalized the background and everything. In all the games i have played i don't think i have ever run a monk! lets get it going!

Kabur Hammerfist wrote:
cool Have finalized the background and everything. In all the games i have played i don't think i have ever run a monk! lets get it going!

Read your background. Sounds fine, aside from some spelling. :) Just one thing at the end. You do realize that you boarded the ship at Mediagalti (sp?) bound for Sargava. Not bound for Mediagalti.

Still waiting on some other people to actually make characters. I'll shoot out another email reminder. :)

Male Dwarven Monk pc lvl1

baaa spelling who needs such things not a dwarf with a tankard of ale in him. yes the nearest port is Mediogalti. Boarded in Mediogalti is the campaign trait i picked up so that is where i get on the ship headed for sargava...hmmmm sargava not necessarly home of that poison.... baa what do i know i am just a drunken dwarf. kk let me tweak that background just a bit.

Dark Archive

okay, here is my character then. Mandy will have hers up on Monday, our time. Lemme know what you think Allan.

Ilarian wrote:
okay, here is my character then. Mandy will have hers up on Monday, our time. Lemme know what you think Allan.

Looks good except for a couple things. Unless one of your traits gives it to you, Diplomacy isn't in class for a Sorc. Also, you have a bonus spell of Mage Armor. I'm not sure where you're getting this as your high Charisma only gives you an extra cast per day, not another spell. And your bloodline doesn't give you a bonus spell till 3rd and even then, Mage Armor isn't one of them.

So what is Mandy making?

Female Human Inquisitor/1

Ehlo, ehlo. So here's my Inquisitor. Mostly done I think, but I'm sure you'll find some flaws. o.O

Male Dwarven Monk pc lvl1
Carys'n Euraid Saeth wrote:
Ehlo, ehlo. So here's my Inquisitor. Mostly done I think, but I'm sure you'll find some flaws. o.O

You need to pick which one of the domains for your deity you have. animal, community, good, law, or plant.

You get that domain powers but not the domain spells and for the powers your inquisitor level is used instead of the cleric level listed.

Descriptions of the domains begin on p 41 of the core book.

Female Human Inquisitor/1
Kabur Hammerfist wrote:
Carys'n Euraid Saeth wrote:
Ehlo, ehlo. So here's my Inquisitor. Mostly done I think, but I'm sure you'll find some flaws. o.O

You need to pick which one of the domains for your deity you have. animal, community, good, law, or plant.

You get that domain powers but not the domain spells and for the powers your inquisitor level is used instead of the cleric level listed.

Descriptions of the domains begin on p 41 of the core book.

Okay. I went with Community.

Carys'n Euraid Saeth wrote:
Ehlo, ehlo. So here's my Inquisitor. Mostly done I think, but I'm sure you'll find some flaws. o.O

The only thing I found was your attack bonuses. You have them listed as 0+1+2. I'm not sure where the +1 is coming from. Your BAB is +0, and your stat bonus is +2...

Female Human Inquisitor/1
Atapax wrote:
Carys'n Euraid Saeth wrote:
Ehlo, ehlo. So here's my Inquisitor. Mostly done I think, but I'm sure you'll find some flaws. o.O
The only thing I found was your attack bonuses. You have them listed as 0+1+2. I'm not sure where the +1 is coming from. Your BAB is +0, and your stat bonus is +2...

Oops.. Probably just something left over from some change.

Male Human Alchemist 1
Atapax wrote:
Unless one of your traits gives it to you, Diplomacy isn't in class for a Sorc.

The Infernal bloodline adds Diplomacy as a class skill.

Abshail wrote:
Atapax wrote:
Unless one of your traits gives it to you, Diplomacy isn't in class for a Sorc.
The Infernal bloodline adds Diplomacy as a class skill.

That would do it. Thanks. :) I can't be ALL knowing now can I? :)

Male Human Alchemist 1

You could be, but that wouldn't be much fun for the rest of us.

Dark Archive

okay, I'll change the bonus spell. I thought it was a bons spell known, not cast per day, but I will change it.

Dark Archive

And Mandy wanted to make that merfolk variant you discussed with her with the multiple personalities, where one is a cleric and the other is a sorcerer.

Ilarian wrote:
And Mandy wanted to make that merfolk variant you discussed with her with the multiple personalities, where one is a cleric and the other is a sorcerer.

Wow. That was forever ago. I don't remember much about it. I'll email her and see what we can do.

Dark Archive

Unfortunately, we had some stuff come up, and were unable to get her character done. we will try to get on it today.

RL trumps RP every time. :)

So after much consideration, and looking at what everyone else is playing. I think I'm going to put in a fighter type char. Something with d10 HD and full BAB. Since we're distinctly lacking in that. It's between a Half-orc feral ranger type, or a human fighter. Still knocking ideas around in my head. But the idea is something non-squishy to take some hits and keep the rest of y'all alive. :)

male half elf Ranger lvl 2(prefered class) /sorcerer lvl0 (prefered class) xp2225

Reminds me of Grog from my old star wars campaign. point him in a direction fuel with alcohol and let the carnage begin. just don't ask him for an original idea :D

Yeah, I think I'm going to go with a half-orc ranger using some rules from the APG. Doing a shapeshifter. Gonna see how many of the half-orc specific feats I can pick up. :)

Male Human Alchemist 1
Atapax wrote:
Yeah, I think I'm going to go with a half-orc ranger using some rules from the APG. Doing a shapeshifter. Gonna see how many of the half-orc specific feats I can pick up. :)

Nice. It's just a shame you can't get your natural attacks (aside from a bite, I suppose) until second level.

True, but it'll be nice when I do get them. In the meantime, I'm thinking greatclub. :)

I got my char ready, and seeing as that makes four of us, I'm gonna go ahead and start the RP thread later on today. There's some RP we can do preliminary to the start of the campaign.

Female Human Inquisitor/1


Male Dwarven Monk pc lvl1

And the thread issss.....

Ilarian - You have the Rich Parents trait slightly wrong. The trait reads "your starting cash increases to 900 gold." It does not add an additional 900 gold. So you'll need to modify your inventory accordingly. How you got the gold is fine though.

{edit} I see where you got the other 200gp, from the boarded in Cheliax trait. Please annotate how much gold you have leftover, I seriously doubt you spent all 1100.{edit}

You didn't state where you were boarding in Cheliax, so I'm just picking a place.

Here's the thread. pentsSkull&page=1#1

I got most of my character done. I just forgot to add two character traits and I need to fix my equipment and skills, and, of course, whatever Allan finds wrong with it. But yeah, it's up! I'm sorry for taking FOREVER. :)

Majest wrote:
I got most of my character done. I just forgot to add two character traits and I need to fix my equipment and skills, and, of course, whatever Allan finds wrong with it. But yeah, it's up! I'm sorry for taking FOREVER. :)

Ok... Here's what found.

Your CMB should be -2. BAB+Str-1 for size.

You should have a +1 size bonus to hit on all attacks.

Your CMD should be 10. 10+BAB+Str+Dex-1 size.

You only have 5 skill points assigned. You get 10. 8+int bonus.

Your gnome magic trait is written slightly off. You get +1 to the DC of any illusion spells you cast. The spells listed are extra spells that you can cast, 1/day each.

You get a +1 size bonus to AC. This applies to base, Flat Footed, and Touch.

I'd also suggest trying to get a 16 dex. Maybe drop the Con a bit. Your dex is your prime stat as a rogue. But that's ultimately up to you.

On a different topic entirely, Majest got me thinking of another char idea, and I might just change mine. I might RP both for a bit and see how I like them. I'll know for certain which I'm keeping before we actually start real RP though. :) Curse that Character ADD. :)

Male Human Alchemist 1
Atapax wrote:
Curse that Character ADD. :)

I know exactly what you mean. At the risk of sounding like a huge nerd, I have a notebook full of character ideas I have drawn up over the years. I haven't played most of them, it's such a shame. And then, even with all that, I still have trouble deciding on what I want to play ;)

Atapax wrote:

Ok... Here's what found.

** spoiler omitted **

Majest's Stuffies:

Okay, I think I fixed everything, but I'd like you to check it again just to make sure. :)

*I changed my CMB to -2.

*Since I increased my Dex, I kept my CMD at 11.

*I have 11 skill points assigned since I chose to have an extra one instead of HP.

*I copied and pasted your def of the gnome magic trait. Why reinvent the wheel, right? lol

*I changed my AC since I changed my Dex and made sure the +1 size bonus was in there.

*And I changed my Dex and lowered my Con. I had most of them at 14 at first, then the Con went up because of my gnome stuff. I looked at it and thought, "Hey, that doesn't make sense does it?" lol

I have a couple of questions: 1) I thought the +1 size bonus goes for CMB and CMD. Can you explain it to me? 2) With my +1 to Knowledge (engineering) and it being a class skill because of the Boarding in Mwangi Expanse trait, do I put 4 in the Misc. Mod?

Atapax wrote:
On a different topic entirely, Majest got me thinking of another char idea, and I might just change mine. I might RP both for a bit and see how I like them. I'll know for certain which I'm keeping before we actually start real RP though. :) Curse that Character ADD. :)

Haha, that's funny. What's the other character idea? I can't have character ADD because I take forever on character sheets. It would be a nightmare for any group I'm in. @.@

Male Human Alchemist 1

For the CMB and CMD, they use a different size modifier table than AC does. Getting smaller actually decreases your CMB and CMD. So, for your character, your CMB would be 0(BAB)+(-1)(Str)+(-1)(Size) for a total of -2. Then for the CMD it would be 10+(-2)(CMB)+3(Dex) for a total of 11.

Majest wrote:
Atapax wrote:

Ok... Here's what found.

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

All I found was that your bonus to hit with your sling should be 1 higher now that you have a 16 dex, and your touch AC should be 14. +3 from dex +1 size.

I must admit to being a little mystified by your skill choices as well. A rogue without Stealth or Acrobatics is rather unusual.

Currently I'm thinking of doing a Paladin. I'll try to finish her up and then we can start.

Since we pretty much have everyone here, can I get a rough idea of how each of you spend your time aboard ship? Keep to yourself, interact as much as possible, yadda yadda... I'm trying to get a feel for how long to keep the pre-start RP going.

Atapax wrote:

All I found was that your bonus to hit with your sling should be 1 higher now that you have a 16 dex, and your touch AC should be 14. +3 from dex +1 size.

I must admit to being a little mystified by your skill choices as well. A rogue without Stealth or Acrobatics is rather unusual.

Currently I'm thinking of doing a Paladin. I'll try to finish her up and then we can start.

Haha, I accidentally put the rank into Knowledge (religion) instead of Stealth! And I was thinking of putting points into Acrobatics later.

For leather armour it says that I have a +2 bonus. Isn't that added into AC?

Also, what's my light mace's attack bonus? Is it correct?

Abshail wrote:
For the CMB and CMD, they use a different size modifier table than AC does. Getting smaller actually decreases your CMB and CMD. So, for your character, your CMB would be 0(BAB)+(-1)(Str)+(-1)(Size) for a total of -2. Then for the CMD it would be 10+(-2)(CMB)+3(Dex) for a total of 11.

Thanks! I got confused! XD

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