
Majest's page

50 posts. Alias of SuperSylph.

About Majest

Name Majest.............................................Race Gnome
Classes/Level Rogue 1............................Gender Female
Campaign Serpent’s Skull.........................Homeland Mwangi Expanse
Alignment Chaotic Good...........................Deity Desna
Size S........................................................Age 42
Hair Lime Green........................................Eyes Orange
Height 2'8"................................................Weight 30 lbs.
Skin Pink ..................................................Languages Common, Gnome, Sylvan, Polyglot, Elven, Draconic, & Giant

Character Traits

*Boarded in Bloodcove, Mwangi Expanse gain Polyglot as a bonus language & +1 trait bonus on all Knowledge (nature) checks regarding the jungle.
*Resilient +1 trait bonus on Fort saves
*Mathematical Prodigy +1 bonus to Knowledge (arcana) and Knowledge (engineering)checks. One of these skills (I chose engineering)is always a class skill for you.


Init +2 Base Attack: +0, CMB: -2
Weapon Sling attack bonus + 4 critical X2 type B range 50 ft ammunition 10 damage 1d3
Weapon Mace, light attack bonus 0 critical X2 type B range -- ammunition -- damage 1d4


HP 11(1d8+3), current 11
CMD 11
AC 16, Touch 15, Flat-Footed 13
Fort Save: +3, Ref Save: +5, Will Save: +1


Ability Scores: STR 8 (-1), DEX 16 (+3), CON 14 (+2), INT 14 (+2), WIS 13 (+1), CHA 16 (+3)
Feats: Nimble Moves (Ignore 5 ft of difficult terrain)
Class Features: Sneak Attack (+1d6), Trap Finding (+1/2 lvl to Perception to locate traps & Disable Device (minimum +1))
[x]Disable Device.............................._7_=DEX_+3_+_1_+_3_
[x]Escape Artist................................_7_=DEX_+3_+_1_+_3_
[ ]Handle Animal...............................___=CHA_+3_+___+___
[ ]Heal.............................................___=WIS_+1_+___+___
[ ]Knowledge(Arcana).....................___=INT_+2_+___+_1_
[ ]Knowledge(Geography)..............___=INT_+2_+___+___
[ ]Knowledge(History)......................___=INT_+2_+___+___
[ ]Knowledge(Nature).....................___=INT_+2_+___+___
[ ]Knowledge(Religion)...................___=INT_+2_+___+___
[ ]Ride............................................_0_=DEX_+3_+___+___
[x]Sense Motive..............................___=WIS_+1_+___+___
[x]Sleight of Hand...........................___=DEX_+3_+___+___
[ ]Survival........................................___=WIS_+1_+___+___
[x]Use Magic Device........................_7_=CHA_+3_+_1_+_3_

Racial Abilities:

Low-Light Vision 2x as much as humans in dim light.
Defensive Training +4 dodge to AC vs. giant type monsters.
Gnome Magic +1 to the DC of any illusion spells you cast. Dancing lights, ghost sounds, prestidigitation, & speak with animals are extra spells that you can cast, 1/day each.
Hatred +1 to attack rolls vs. reptilian & goblinoid subtypes.
Illusion Resistance +2 to saving throw vs. illusion spells & effects.
Keen Senses +2 racial on Perception checks.
Obsessive +2 racial Craft or Profession.


Bullets(10)........................2.5 lbs..
Mace, light........................2 lbs.
Explorer’s outfit................2 lbs.
Leather armour.................7.5 lbs.
Backpack...........................0.5 lb.
Bedroll...............................2.5 lbs.
Case, map.........................0.5 lbs.
Flint and steel....................--.
Ink (1 oz. vial)....................--.
Ink pen...............................--.
Torch..................................1 lb.
Parchment (20)...................--.
Rations, trail (7).................1.75 lbs.
Soap...................................0.5 lb.
Waterskin..........................1 lb.
Artisan’s tools (Jewelry).....5 lbs.

Total...................................26.75 lbs.

Light Load 26 lbs. or less Medium Load 27-53 lbs. Heavy Load 54-80 lbs. Lift Over Head 80 lbs. Lift Off Ground 160 lbs. Drag Or Push 400 lbs.


CP 9
GP 133 [Started with 170 (4d6(6+6+3+2)x 10gp)]


Under Construction


What first stands out is Majest's flared out, shoulder-length lime green hair and her short stature, in other words, she's a gnome. She has huge orange eyes that seem to sparkle, and be on the verge of popping out any minute. Her skin seems slightly sunburnt at first, but after a while it would seem this is her actual skin color. Although she herself is very colorful, her clothes take the opposite direction. Everything's some shade of brown. They're all raggedy, yet somewhat practical. Her baggy shorts that stop right before her knees have all kinds of various sized pockets and straps. Her rainboots almost reach her knees and are kept on with rope tied just below her ankles. Half of her hair is actually slicked back into a barrette, but not because of usefulness; it was her mother's before she died.