Larur Feldin

Kabur Hammerfist's page

98 posts. Alias of Cael - 42.

Full Name

Kabur Hammerfist




Monk pc lvl1












Dwarven, common, undercommon

Strength 16
Dexterity 13
Constitution 16
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 16
Charisma 8

About Kabur Hammerfist

HP: 11 Max 0 current
AC: 15 =10+3(wis)+1(dex)+1(dodge) || (+2 ac vs aberration type)
Initiative: 1 =+1(dex)
speed 20ft
Fort save: 5 (+4 vs poison)
Rflx save: 3 (+2 vs Spells and spell like ability)
Will save: 5

Base attack: +0 (+1 vs orc or goblinoid)
cmb +3 = +0(AB)+3(str) (+2 vs aberration type)
cmd +17 = 10 +0(ab) +3(str)+1(dex)+3(wis) (+4vs bull rush or trip)
Unarmed strike: ab+3 1d6+3 x2
Kama: ab+3 1d6+3 x2 (+2 cmb trip)
Nunchaka: ab+3 1d6+3 x2 (+2 cmb disarm)
Shuriken: ab+1 1d2+3 x2 Range 10'

4 per level +1int +1 fav class = 6
Acrobatics Dex: : (class)
climb STR:7 : 1 (+3) (class)
escape artist dex: : (class)
Knowledge Histor int:5 : 1 (+3) (class) (+2 dwarves and their enemies)
Knowledge religi int: : (class)
Perception wis:7 : 1 (+3) (class) (+2 vs unusual stonework)
Sense Motive wis:7 : 1 (+3) (class)
Slight of hand dex:6 : 1 (+3) (class) (+1 trait bonus)
Stealth dex: : (class)
swim str:7 : 1 (+3) (class)

Race info:

Dark vision 60'
Deep Warrior +2ac +2cmb vs Aberration type
Lore Keeper +2 knowledge history dwarves or their enemies
Hatred +1 ab vs orc or goblinoid
hardy +2 save vs poison spell or spell like ability
Stone cutting +2 perception vs unusual stonework

Campaign trait: Borded in Mediogalti
+2 save vs poison Immune to spider vine
Standard: Bullied +1 ab to any attack of opportunity
Child of the Streets +1 trait bonus on Sleight of Hand checks

Class: Ac bonus of Wis bonus + 1/4 of monk level (+1 at 5 +2 at 8 etc)


Improved Unarmed Strike : unarmed hit considered as weapon
Stunning Fist: 1x per monk level declare add stun status on good hit
Flurry of blows: multiple hits Full attack action lvl 1 ab (-1/-1)
Combat Reflexes make # of AoO = 1+ dex bonus
Dodge +1 to ac


Kabur is a dwarf of average height but below average size. At 5'2" and only about 200lb He is actually quite skinny by dwarven standards. He wears a loose shirt of heavy fine brown linen and matching loose breeches. Heavy leather sandals encase his feet with the leather straps of the sandals wrapped up around his lower calf. He has a slightly wild brown beard and full Mustache. The hair from the beard and the back of his head fall around him a good foot long. the top of his head is completely bald, mostly natural but also carefully cut so that no hair of any kind grows on the crown of his head. His slightly bulbous nose is almost always red below his hard black eyes and a grim demeanor. He travels with a large back pack and bed roll on his back and weapons hanging from a wide leather belt a pair of nunchaka on one side and a kama in its sheath on the other. When looking closely you will also notice multiple shuriken in pockets on his belt.


rope silk 50ft
Bed roll
water skin full ale
trail rations (10)
Flasks (4) full Ale
belt pouch
20 ft roll of light twine
fish hooks
chalk 10
candle 10
monk clothing

8 gp
3 sv
1 cp


Kabur was a happy young dwarf until the tender age of 12 when his parents both miners for the city were slaughtered when the crew they worked on was attacked deep under the mountain and the guard was to slow to save them.

Kabur was then moved into a nightmare at least for him. His uncle was an old city guardsman retired on disability with 4 strapping young sons. They all took it as a given that Kabur was to be a city guard like each of they wished to be and that he needed to be toughened up and bulked up so that he could join. Kabur with a very dim view of the guard rebelled at every step and His cousins soon turned down right mean int there efforts to "educate" him.

Kabur very soon tried to spend every moment he could away from his new home and when he did come back was punished for avoiding his chores and new training that his uncle had set for him. Kabur came home less and less and in a very few years was spending his time doing odd jobs and minor crimes to keep himself in a bit of food and to drown his memories in ale. His only joy was a good rumble where he could get a hit or two in on anyone who said the guard did a good job or preferably a guardsman themselves.

He would have ended doing hard time in on a chain gain or perhaps dead if he hadn't gotten into a fight one night at the broken tankard tavern. Once again he was drunk and facing 5 opponents after picking the fight himself. He was doing pretty good for the first minute or two but then the numbers began to tell and he was getting destroyed until an old dwarf even smaller than kabur stepped in. It was like magic big strong dwarves flew, tripped, stumbled and soon the old dwarf was standing above him looking down. "You may have promise if you can ever learn control. come to the lower west gate if you would learn"

This one day changed his life as he soon was entered into the monastery by master Barik who became his mentor. The monks there were dedicated to tracking down and destroying the monsters deep under the mountain but first they had to learn to control themselves and the powers of there ki. Kabur was eager to learn but control seemed to always be a step away as he all to often lost all control over ale as he would drink to excess and get into even more trouble now that he had some training.

Finally the abbot called him into his office. Young hammerfist you have promise but must control yourself in all aspects. You have the discipline as you were able to show control over deadly poisons in your training but the simplest poison, that of alcohol has overcome you. You must go out from here into the world and not return until you have control.

The next morning Kabur was sent off to the nearest human port. Working when he has to and always looking to travel further. Finally in the hellish port city of Mediogalti he boards the Jenivere heading out to the farthest place he has visited yet, Sargava.