Vrog Skyreaver |

I'm not arguing. You're right. Price oversight, or we're cometely missing something. But still, I guess that's the price of the GM saying, "Lolz, BBEG is an elemental/forsworn!"
although it's worth mentioning that if it doesn't like what you're doing, it can try to take control of you and make you do what it wants, unlike a normal shocking or brilliant energy weapon.

Azure_Zero |

Updating List (quick)
AZ -> Aasimar Paladin(Hospitaler)
DoubleGold -> Ifrit Fighter (Armour Master)
Cosmic Dream Lord -> ? Transmuter Wizard or an Oracle ?
thestrongangel -> ?
Digger Chandler -> ?
trawets71 -> Aasimar Cleric
cartmanbeck -> Nagaji Naga Aspirant Druid
CyberMephit -> ?
jooker -> Human Monk 2, Inquisitor 12
mathpro18 -> Human (Varisian) Monk (Zen Archer)
Game Master Scotty -> Human(Varisian) Barbarian 2/Dragon Disciple 9/ Sorcerer 3
motteditor -> ? half-orc alchemist ?
El Ronza -> ?
Tim Woodhams -> ?
KenderKin -> Tengu Bard (Thunder caller)
Vrog Skyreaver -> Human Fighter (Tech)
grimdog73 -> elf magus(bladebound)
Seth86 -> Half-Orc Fighter
drbuzzard -> Human (Keleshite) Ranger (Guide, Trapper)
KakkarottoZ -> Aasimar Oracle(Battle)
The Little King -> ?Tiefling Inquisitor?
Strebor Leahcim -> Goblin Grappler (Feral Gnasher)

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thestrongangel wrote:Looks like its going to be a slow day today, so I should be able to get some basics up, working on a pure arcanist.Advanced class guide isn't allowed, just FYI. Original post says any Paizo EXCEPT the Advaned Class Guide.
Derp, I totally misread that. It will be a full arcane then. Going to adapt the idea, just not sure which way yet. Probably Sorcerer.

GM Choon |

I will end open enrollment this Friday, August 1st, 8pm EDT (GMT -5)
Please have all characters finalized and submitted by then. I will look into a submissions in depth Friday and hopefully choose that evening. If I have trouble deciding (a strong possibility), I may need to delay into Satirday the 2nd. [/official notice]

motteditor RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |

How much are you basing on crunch (vs. story)?
I've got my character started, but to be honest, I'd like to see what the group's like to finish him off. Depending who we have, if we pick him, I might allocate more skill ranks to Disable Device or a Knowledge; and a feat/discovery to more ranged/bombing aspects.
That said, I can finish the character quickly once I know if he's chosen, but if you'd rather have that done by Friday, I can do so.

Corso Altaire |

My crunch is fairly simple: You get to sit and fight me (although as I typed those words I realized that there's a change I need to make to my character): if you move away from me, I stop you from moving. if you cast defensively while adj. to me, you have a huge penalty, and you provoke if you fail to cast defensively. if you take a 5' step or withdraw, you provoke from me.

GM Choon |

If I find something I'm not going to penalize you for it. That seems a bit on the crazy side to me. In general, I trust my players to have their stats right. If I find that they are intentionally tweaking things in their favor and hiding it, then consequences. In general, however, people are honest enough to get their character sheet right.

Ganorok "The Mouse" |

Presenting, for your consideration, Ganorok, "The Mouse", Tombs and Ruins "procurer".
"You sure need to hire me! If you are going in there, you will need a professional "procurer", and that's me. I will make sure no one gets hurt because of traps, and I can also scout ahead, warning you of dangers. I am silent and fast a a mouse, very handy disarming them, and able to spot a poisonous spider in the complete darkness of a dark cavern. I also have several tricks up my sleeve, which have saved my employers more than once. A resume? Let me see. I once , when little, escaped the dungeons of the City of Aquila. Did you heard about that? I am the only one that have escaped! And then got recruited by a couple trying to break a curse, and had to break in the damn city again! Well, with those connections, I reformed myself, embraced Abadar's creed and make a career of my abilities. The exploration of Sultan Abd-Abbas Mausoleum? That was me, that was the place when I found my celestial armor! The rescue of a couple children from the old mines of gold of Starguard? Me, me me! I tell you, I am the mouse for the job! Combat? Very good at it! I got a perfect strategy! I let the big slow guys behind me pummel the monsters to oblivion, while I do the best that I can do, get out of their way! Well, sometimes I help a little, Tooth and Claw, my nice twin swords have done their share, sometimes, but I must say that let the strong big guys do their stuff works well for all the involved, well, except the monsters! I help them by telling them where the enemies are, how many, armed with what, and leading them to the place. So, do we have a deal?"
Ganorok, "The Mouse"
Male Ratfolk Rogue 14
LN Small Humanoid (Ratfolk)
Init: +11, Senses: Perception: +25
Languages: Common, Undercommon
AC 31, Touch 20, Flat-footed 31, CMD 29
HP 129 (14HD)
Fort: +11, Ref: +20, Will: +11
Speed: 30 ft. (6 Squares)
Melee Claw +21/+16 (1d4+2/19-20)
Melee Tooth +21/+16 (1d4+2/19-20)
Ranged Minnie +19/+14 (1d4+1/x3)
Ranged Acid (flask) (small) +18/+13 (1d4)
Ranged Alchemist's Fire (flask) (small) +18/+13 (1d4)
Ranged Alkali (flask) (small) +18/+13 (1d4)
Ranged Fuse Grenade (small) +18/+13 (1d4)
Ranged Ghast Retch (flask) (small) +18/+13 (/none/x0)
Ranged Holy Water (flask) (small) +18/+13 (1d6)
Ranged Liquid Ice (flask) (small) +18/+13 (1d4)
Ranged Paper Candle (firework) (small) +18/+13 (/none/x0)
Ranged Shard Gel (flask) (small) +18/+13 (1d3)
Ranged Skyrocket (firework) (small) +18/+13 (1d10/none/x0)
Ranged Tangleburn Bag (small) +18/+13 (1d4/none/x0)
Ranged Tanglefoot Bag (small) +18/+13 (/none/x0)
Ranged Thunderstone (small) +18/+13 (/none/x0)
Face: 5 ft. Reach: 5 ft.
Base Atk: +10, CMB: +9
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 24, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 10
Feats: Armor Proficiency, Light, Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Iron Will, Lunge, Shadow Strike, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Sword (Short))
-------------------------- Skills --------------------------
Skill Total Rnk Stat Msc
Acrobatics 23 14.0 7 2
Acrobatics (Jump) 28 14.0 7 7
Acrobatics (Jump/Underground) 9 0.0 7 2
Appraise 6 1.0 1 4
Bluff 10 3.0 0 7
Climb 5 3.0 0 2
Craft (Alchemy) 10 3.0 1 6
Craft (Untrained) 2 0.0 1 1
Diplomacy 10 3.0 0 7
Disable Device 30 14.0 7 9
Disguise 10 3.0 0 7
Escape Artist 10 1.0 7 2
Fly 10 2.0 7 1
Handle Animal 5 1.0 0 4
Heal 1 0.0 0 1
Intimidate 10 3.0 0 7
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 19 14.0 1 4
Knowledge (Engineering) 3 1.0 1 1
Knowledge (History) 3 1.0 1 1
Knowledge (Local) 6 1.0 1 4
Knowledge (Religion) 3 1.0 1 1
Perception 25 14.0 0 11
Perception (Trapfinding) 32 14.0 0 18
Perform (Untrained) 4 0.0 0 4
Perform (Wind Instruments) 8 1.0 0 7
Profession (Merchant) 10 6.0 0 4
Ride 6 0.0 7 -1
Sense Motive 10 6.0 0 4
Sleight of Hand 10 1.0 7 2
Spellcraft 3 1.0 1 1
Stealth 27 14.0 7 6
Survival 1 0.0 0 1
Swim 5 3.0 0 2
Use Magic Device 20 11.0 0 9
------------------------- Equipment ------------------------
Amulet of Natural Armor +2 1 0lbs
Circlet of Persuasion 1 0lbs
Eyes of the Eagle 1 0lbs
Ring of Freedom of Movement 1 0lbs Special: This gold ring allows the wearer to act as if continually under the effect of a Freedom of Movement spell.
Ring of Protection +2 1 0lbs
Belt of Physical Might (DEX/CON) +2 1 1lbs
Celestial Armor (Small) 1 10lbs Special: use Fly 1/day
Cloak of Resistance +3 1 1lbs
Boots of Striding And Springing 1 1lbs
Stone of Good Luck (Luckstone) 1 0lbs Special: +1 Luck bonus to ability checks
Handy Haversack (5 lbs.)
Acid (Flask) (Small) 2 0lbs Special: Every creature within 5 feet of the point where the acid hits takes 1 point of acid damage from the splash.
Alchemical Glue 2 1lbs
Alchemical Glue Accelerant 1 0lbs
Alchemical Solvent 2 1lbs
Alchemist's Fire (Flask) (Small) 2 0lbs Special: Every creature within 5 feet of the point where the flask hits takes 1 point of fire damage from the splash. On the round following a direct hit, the target takes an additional 1d6 points of damage.
Alchemist's Lab 1 40lbs
Alkali (Flask) (Small) 2 0lbs Special: Every creature within 5 feet of the point where the alkali flask hits takes 1 point of acid damage from the splash. Against oozes and other acid-based creatures, the alkali flask inflicts double damage.
Armor Ointment 2 2lbs
Bloodblock 2 0lbs
Buoyant Balloon 5 5lbs
Casting Plaster 1 5lbs
Defoliant 2 0lbs
Flash Powder 2 0lbs
Foaming Powder 2 2lbs
Glowing Ink 1 0lbs
Grappling Arrow 2 1lbs Special: A small grappling hook designed to be tied to a silk rope and fired from a bow. When fired, it has a range increment of 30 feet.
Holy Water (Flask) (Small) 5 1lbs Special: Each undead creature or evil outsider within 5 feet of the point where the flask hits takes 1 point of damage from the splash.
Impact Foam 2 2lbs
Light Detector 2 0lbs
Liquid Ice (Flask) (Small) 3 1lbs Special: Creatures within 5 feet of where it hits take 1 point of cold damage from the splash.
Marker Dye 2 2lbs
Nushadir (Vial) 2 2lbs
Oil (1 Pint Flask) 5 5lbs
Fuse Grenade (Small) 1 0lbs Special: Lighting the fuse is a move action; 1d3 rounds later the grenade explodes, dealing 2d6 points of bludgeoning damage and 1d6 points of fire damage in a 10-foot-radius burst (Reflex DC 15 halves).
Ghast Retch (Flask) (Small) 2 1lbs Special: The target is nauseated for 1 round and sickened for 3 rounds after that. A successful DC 12 Fortitude save prevents the nauseated condition, but not the sickened condition. Creatures within 5 feet of where the flank hits are sickened for 1 round
Paper Candle (Firework) (Small) 10 0lbs Special: Anyone in the same square when it explodes must make a DC 15 Fortitude save or be dazzled for 1d4 rounds.
Shard Gel (Flask) (Small) 2 1lbs Special: The target's square and each square adjacent to it are covered in shards that function like caltrops for 5 rounds
Skyrocket (Firework) (Small) 1 0lbs Special: Takes flight one round after being lit at a speed of 90 ft for 1d6 rounds. Damage is a 10-ft-radius burst. Anyone who takes damage from the explosion is either blinded or deafened (50% chance of either) for 1 round.
Tangleburn Bag (Small) 1 2lbs Special: An entangled creature takes a -2 penalty on attack rolls and a -4 penalty to Dexterity and must make a DC 15 Reflex save or be glued to the floor, unable to move. A direct hit on a creature deals 1d6 points of fire damage, and the creature must make a DC 20 Reflex save or catch on fire.
Arrows (Blunt/20) 1 3lbs
Arrows (Flight/20) 1 3lbs
Arrows (Smoke/20) 1 3lbs
Whistling Arrows (20) 1 3lbs
Outfit (Pickpocket's) (Small) 1 0lbs
Rusting Powder 2 0lbs
Scent Cloak 2 4lbs
Smoke Pellet 2 0lbs
Smokestick 2 1lbs
Sunrod 2 2lbs
Tanglefoot Bag (Small) 2 2lbs Special: An entangled creature takes a -2 penalty on attack rolls and a -4 penalty to Dexterity and must make a DC 15 Reflex save or be glued to the floor, unable to move
Thunderstone (Small) 2 0lbs Special: Each creature within a 10-foot-radius spread must make a DC 15 Fortitude save or be deafened for 1 hour.
Tindertwig 10 0lbs
Water Purification Sponge 1 1lbs
Weapon Blanch (Adamantine) 1 0lbs
Weapon Blanch (Cold Iron) 2 1lbs
Weapon Blanch (Silver) 2 1lbs
Potion of Cure Serious Wounds 1 0lbs Special: Cures 3d8+5 points of damage
Minnie 1 1lbs Special: (Shortbow +1 (Small))
Arrows (20) 1 3lbs
Minnie (1 lbs.)
Total weight carried: 20 lbs
Current load: Light
Light: 25
Medium: 50
Heavy: 75

Orionet Whitearmor |

Orionet looks at the little goblin with a mixture of amusement and shock, then settles into a small smile.
Well, something I never expected to see. It's good to see someone is enthusiastic about doing the right thing.
Then he turns to Inigo, though for obvious reasons his eyes don't settle on him.
Where exactly have you come from with people so rude as to openly stare at and make others uncomfortable? I'm not as prone to such experiences as you are, I'm sure, but there are standards. he waves to get the bartender's attention and requests mead. Once he gets it he sips it absentmindedly while listening to Inigo's story.

Ganorok "The Mouse" |

The small ratfolk sits with them, and asks the bartender for some milk. Gets some cheese from his Handy Haversack and start to eat it, with delight.
"Hero is such a strong word... I have only tried to be a professional. Somebody that holds his end of the bargain. What else could we ask of ourselves? Anyone fancies some cheese?"

R The Vicious |

Never being one to turn down food, R raises his hands towards the ratfolk in anticipation. Then, remembering that manners are of utmost importance when dealing with heroes, he squeaks, Cheese, please? He settles back into his seat and goes back to absorbing the details and conversations of his notable companions.

Sonny Right |

A man with silver hair (silver not grey, it looks metallic), silverish skin and metallic blue eyes enters the tavern. He wears traveling clothes with a holy symbol of Sarenrae around his neck. On closer inspection you see very fine chain mail under his clothes. He walks to the closest empty seat Is this seat taken? he asks R and sits down after it is indicated it is free. Nice night for a stroll don't you think? Barkeep, ale please. None of the cheap stuff though, if you don't mind.

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No alias yet. This is my PFS character he is based off
He large block built half orc walks in. A silly grin on his face. He looks around
Aaaah! More people for Wreck to meet! he calls as he sees the full in.
Plain traveler's garb. A overly clanky, heavy looking backpack on his back. A bow can be seen sticking out. Only weapon he is carrying is a greataxe that seems to shift between planes or something. Dark green, and covered in what looks like glowing tribal tatoos

Orionet Whitearmor |

After finishing his conversation with Inigo, Orionet comes to meet Ganorok and Wreck and R. He chuckles again seeing R so giddy with excitement.
It is a nice thing to see so many people devoted to heroing, isn't it?
He turns his attention to Mouse.
I'm Orionet, from a small village you've never heard of to the west. Are you an alchemist, then? I've never had the pleasure of meeting a ratfolk, despite my travels, is alchemy common among your people?

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A serious looking elf strides over to the gathered adventurers....
Well met, my friends. I am Petrus. It looks like we have a wide selection of personalities here....interesting, to say the least. A toast, my friends! To us! And may our names be remembered a thousand years!
I haven't made a profile for him yet....won't let me do it from my phone..weird.

Inigo Montoya. |

"Perhaps I had misjudged the stares, it is perhaps persons who have not seen so many heroes gathered in one place before. Surely all present feel safer than any king at right this moment!"
The tengu moves around a bit in his chair, not certain that the designer had him in mind when the item was crafted....
He flips the chair over and finds the four legs sticking up to give him both comfort and purchase....
"That's better."

Orionet Whitearmor |

The aasimar is quite taken aback by Inigo's statement.
Oh, did you mean us here? I apologize if I made you uncomfortable, truly, it was completely unintentional and if I can make it up to you somehow, please let me know.
At the Mouse's statement he turns his face downward as if remembering something unpleasant, before getting immediately snapped back out of his personal moment when Inigo flips the chair he was sitting on.
I - what are you - OH. I see.
Would make sense that bird feet would prefer to grip a bar that sit on their rump like an ape. I wonder how they walk very far, bird feet can't be too accustomed to that
Realizing he's probably staring again Orionet immediately turns and finds conversation with the Mouse.
I'm sorry if that felt like an odd question. See, sometimes I work with small communities to improve their defenses. Teach them how to build pallisades, weapon training, so they have to depend on wandering do-gooders like myself much less, and I'm always interested in hearing about communities that have applicable ideas to them - in this case as I'm sure you know, basic alchemy in the right scenario can be as effective as wizardry and not nearly as expensive. The defensive value of a significant portion of the population able to make even just acid is a good investment, especially where there may be trolls.

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Alathos walk over to the, now large, group of adventurers. He is of moderate height, but quite thin. He wears monk's robes and carrys few items on his person. Most notably, however, is a shining temple sword at his belt.
Good day fellow adventurers, I heard there was a request for adventurers in these parts, but I had no idea there would be such a turnout. My name is Alathos Nevben, Monk of the Order of Aroden. My companion seems to be in the washroom at the moment, I am sure she will be along shortly.
Alathos introduces himself with the eloquence and social grace of the highest nobleman, however there is a distinct lack of superiority that would typically be present.
He then pulls up two chairs to the table and orders a fine bottle of wine.

Salrann |

A gaunt, lithe nagaji female sidles up to the table and sits down, wearing armor seemingly made from bark and bits of wood, though it looks to be much stronger than normal bark. Under the armor, she wears a leather padding made from small bits of fur from many different mammalian pelts all sewn together, wrapped especially tightly around her chest. On her forehead is a band of reptilian skin with a marking in the shape of a snake with a humanoid face. She also wears extremely well-made boiled leather gauntlets and around her neck is an amulet with a picture of a clenched fist.
"Hello my friendsss... I am Salrann, Venture Captain of of the Pathfinder Society, at your service."
She looks over at Alathos, giving him a funny sort of wave involving elaborate finger movements, but also involving her tongue. "Alathos here is an aspiring Pathfinder. I've seen that he is competent in battle, though a bit headstrong at timessss."

Ganorok "The Mouse" |

Ganorok nods at Arionet, smiling.
"If you don't mind the younglings with firecrackers, that's it! Yes yes, is very useful for defense."
To Inigo he comments.
"It's like us with out warrens, our own homes are the first line of defense."
Finally he raises his milk glass at Alathos.
"Yes, quite a turnout. I hope they hire the best of you to accompany me. Want some cheese?"

R The Vicious |

R, unable to contain his excitement any longer, bashes his large oblong head into the table. GAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!! Can't hold it in any longer! Before the glasses and plates can land, he is already on his feet offering handshakes to each of the fellow heroes. Those who are not quick enough to respond get a hug around the leg.

Inigo Montoya. |

The tengu regards the new arrivals by blinking one eye and moving them in opposite directions simultaneously such that he does not miss any of the action.
@ Alathos
"Nice sword might I try it's balance?"
"I got the friendly jist and your name, but the other words seem a title?"
@ Ganorock
"Fire-crackers, wait that's what I need some of those tasty crackers."
"I am not sure this table, the tavern nor the town can contain such might! It seems we are about to burst at the seems!"

Corso Altaire |

Watching the little goblin run around from the doorway, a handsome human male of Taldan descent reflects for a moment before moving to the bar and speaking with the bartender. He then takes a seat at the table without saying a word. His well maintained, yet obviously used mithril fullplate creaks a bit as he sits, and he sips his ale with a slight smirk to his face, clearly enjoying R's shenanigans.
Shortly after he sits, food and drink are brought to the table: a steaming pig, fresh off the spit, tankards of the best ale in the house, and a bottle of a light elven wine that tastes of cranberries and cinnamon, are mixed in with various fruits and cheeses served on large silver platters.
Picking a grape from one of the fruit trays and one of the tankards of ale, Baron Corso Altaire says "So, I take it you are all here in response to Hannoris Dellum's call for assistance?"

Orionet Whitearmor |

Orionet looks up in surprise as the two companions come in, followed by R racing around the room. He offers a hand to the goblin, a sincere smile across his face. When he sees Corso enter the tavern and receive a massive amount of food worth more than some of the villages Orionet has saved he starts, then elbows his new ratfolk friend lightly.
I think you have a rival in the cheese game, Mouse. Orionet chuckles at his own joke before composing himself and answering the Baron's question, a surprisingly blank look on his face.
If you mean the call to come here for fame and riches, it would seem so, though I doubt everyone is motivated by such.

motteditor RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |

Also no alias yet. Or rather I don't want to post with it until I decide if I like the name, so I can still change it...
Rath leans back in the shadows in the corner of the tavern, looking at the gathering.
Fools. They're not even checking the mead. No knowing what's been put in there while they're blithely getting drunk.
The rat is the only one who seems to have a lick of sense. He took his food first, and they have a notoriously tough constitution. Might be able to stand up to some poison, but a bomb should start things off well. Start with him, and then the snake woman, for the same ...
No! he thinks furiously, shaking his head and claws involuntarily scratching the table, splinters forming.
Just keep a low profile; whatever that is is likely nothing to do with you and hopefully we can keep it that way. Surely Dellum can't hire all of us, but it doesn't seem as if anyone's going to resort to swords to try to win the job.
He pulls his hood a little lower, growling almost inaudibly to himself in irritation.

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Alathos sits back, thoroughly entertained by the antics of the little hyper goblin. He looks carefully but quickly at each individual at the table. Seemingly satisfied that he has taken in his surroundings, Alathos pours a glass of wine and looks to Inigo;
How about we get to know each other a bit better before we go handling swords?
He smiles, lets out a quick chuckle, and takes a sip of wine.
This lot has spunk, I'll give them that. Let's hope it translates to skill when combat arises.