Adventures from the Lost Tomes

Game Master Dementia Walker

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Male Human

Edan and Lina make their way to the curio shop just as the curator is putting up the closed sign for the evening.

Female Aasimar Paladin/3rd) (HP 28/28, AC 19/10/19. F +8, R +4, W +7, P +3, Init +0

Godelina was still taking her sheild with her, she would just have to put it in her pack or something, she wasn't sure. The chrest of Iomedae was upon it, used to make her foes submit, but the same symbol was on her own armour. She leered at him as he nudged her out of his room.
"Honestly, Edan I don't see why you leave your room in such a mess. Thank the Inheritor that there were enough rooms for me to have my own." she then grinned, as she enjoyed teasing the cleric from time to time. "As I've noticed many people stop to look at me so if we do enter I suggest you go first. I'll be the distraction."

Narrator of the lost Tomes wrote:
Edan and Lina make their way to the curio shop just as the curator is putting up the closed sign for the evening.

Godelina sighs as they come to this place and notice the sign the man was putting up.

"Looks like we're too late to ask questions, perhaps we should follow him?" she asked as she looked back to Edan and then began to scan the area to see if anyone was hiding or following them.

Perception:1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10

"My room is not a mess", he replied. "I know exactly where everything is. It just looks like a mess because you're neater than I am." He caught sight of someone putting up a sign at the shop and hurried as much as the armor would let him, the sound of the armor shuffling with his steps making his approach obvious. He hoped he would not have to attempt to sneak around or run somewhere quickly.

"Excuse me proprietor", he said, raising a hand and hoping that it would be enough to at least forestall the closing. "I'm sorry to catch you as you're getting ready to close, but I was wondering if you had a moment? I'm new to the town." Edan counted a week in the town as "new", though he would not be able to use that in good conscience the next week. "I'm Edan, and she is Godelina." He smiled pleasantly.

Male Human

It's actually a female

Yes? Yes?? What is it you want, can't you see that I am closing?

((Can Edan use Diplomacy to improve her attitude towards him?))
"I'm sorry ma'am. I don't wish to cause you any undue delay. We're from the church of Iomedae, and since we're new to town, we were wondering if anything interesting has happened recently that seemed.. well, odd?" While Edan talked, he tried to keep his voice even and calm, and did not try to crowd her, stopping where he was when she talked to him. He was trying to make himself as pleasant as possible, so she would not think their motives were suspect. In fact, he stepped a little to the side, so that if the woman looked, she would be able to see Godelina easily.

Male Human Psion(telepath) 2
Ushari Velnokal wrote:

Ushari looks over at her 'date' and fights a feeling of confusion mixed with irritation. Is this how this is supposed to go? He has been a gentleman, but he seems more interested in his search for this biy, than anything to do with me. She sighs. Its not like he was rude or anything, just distracted. Maybe it was not meant to be. He has many issues to deal with, I can tell, meybe he just needs more time.

Once the play is over, she turns to Ramar, hiding a sense of disappointment, and says, "Do you think the museum is open this late, or should we head to the Dancing Dryad now?"

Seeing that Ushari is disappointed, Ramar comments, "I'm sorry Ushari. I haven't been a very good escort. I will try to be more entertaining. Where would you like to go next?"

Ramar wrote:
Seeing that Ushari is disappointed, Ramar comments, "I'm sorry Ushari. I haven't been a very good escort. I will try to be more entertaining. Where would you like to go next?"

"That is OK, I know you have a lot on your mind, I just wanted you to have a good time, that is all..."Her voice trails off uncertainly. "Would you like to see if the museum is still open?"

Edan's Diplomacy 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20

"Odd? what do you mean by odd? People changing colors? Sharks flying through the sky? Speak up boy, be more specific."

she says as she finishes locking the door and turns towards you.

At her return question, Edan looks a bit sheepish, turning his eyes to the ground for a moment. "To be honest, I'm not sure, ma'am. We have only been here a week, and we are trying to learn about the town. We were told something strange was going on, but we are trying to find out what 'strange' things are, specifically. Does anything stand out to you?"

Realizing that they were keeping the woman from her home, Edan looked chagrined. "I'm sorry, where are my manners? Here we are, keeping you from returning home, and night falls. Would you allow a humble cleric and paladin of Iomedae to escort you to your destination?" The offer was made in sincerity, but he was uncertain about how she was going to react.

Female Aasimar Paladin/3rd) (HP 28/28, AC 19/10/19. F +8, R +4, W +7, P +3, Init +0
Edan Crosier wrote:

At her return question, Edan looks a bit sheepish, turning his eyes to the ground for a moment. "To be honest, I'm not sure, ma'am. We have only been here a week, and we are trying to learn about the town. We were told something strange was going on, but we are trying to find out what 'strange' things are, specifically. Does anything stand out to you?"

Realizing that they were keeping the woman from her home, Edan looked chagrined. "I'm sorry, where are my manners? Here we are, keeping you from returning home, and night falls. Would you allow a humble cleric and paladin of Iomedae to escort you to your destination?" The offer was made in sincerity, but he was uncertain about how she was going to react.

Godelina rolled her eyes at Edan, watching him talk to this woman and then used Detect Evil to look up and down the street hoping to find atleast somekind of new clue. She looked over to the woman and Edan, approching slowly and keeping her eyes focused on the two. She had to admit, Edan's approch to things was interesting and he wasn't lying. Would this have been the way Iomedae would handle this situation? They had no clues and they were not powerful enough to gain their answers from the divine. She decided to remain silent, though she was getting impatient at this woman's insulting questions about what he meant by out of the ordinary. She thought the question was obvious, though the woman appeared to be sarcastic.

The woman seems to ponder Edan's offer for a moment.

"No" She says at last "I know not who you are unless I take your word at face value, and I have been making it home just fine the entire time I have lived here. How about you come back tomorrow when my store is open again and you can ask me all the questions you want then as long as you don't scare off the customers. In the mean time I would suggest that you try and find out at least a little more about why you are here or else people of the town will be telling you about everything from the flat bread they baked this morning with a likeness of Iomedae on it to the fish they caught that offered them a wish, HA!"

and with that she turns and begins to walk into the crowd.

Edan watched her go, a wondering if he did it right.. She wasn't as angry as she was before, so he guessed that he did okay, but they gained nothing. He gave a mildly confused look to Godelina to see what she thought of the exchange. "I guess that went well", he said, not entirely convinced at his own words. "What do you think?"

'On second thought', he reflected, 'That was not for nothing. We know now that whatever is going on in this city, it is not causing a big enough impression for people to generally notice, so we have to find out what specifically.. Maybe a change with the people, and probably around those that are particularly religious.' He did want to smack himself across the head like his old instructors used to when he got something obvious wrong. Looks like the Dryad was their next stop.

Male Human Psion(telepath) 2
Ushari Velnokal wrote:

"That is OK, I know you have a lot on your mind, I just wanted you to have a good time, that is all..."Her voice trails off uncertainly. "Would you like to see if the museum is still open?"

"Yes! Let's go check it out." Ramar takes Ushari by the arm and begins to walk toward the museum.

Female Aasimar Paladin/3rd) (HP 28/28, AC 19/10/19. F +8, R +4, W +7, P +3, Init +0
Edan Crosier wrote:

Edan watched her go, a wondering if he did it right.. She wasn't as angry as she was before, so he guessed that he did okay, but they gained nothing. He gave a mildly confused look to Godelina to see what she thought of the exchange. "I guess that went well", he said, not entirely convinced at his own words. "What do you think?"

'On second thought', he reflected, 'That was not for nothing. We know now that whatever is going on in this city, it is not causing a big enough impression for people to generally notice, so we have to find out what specifically.. Maybe a change with the people, and probably around those that are particularly religious.' He did want to smack himself across the head like his old instructors used to when he got something obvious wrong. Looks like the Dryad was their next stop.

"To the Dryad then?" she asked seeming annoyed that this woman spoke to him in such a way, not to mention she was very sarcastic. She smiles as she looks to him though, admitting that he was far more calm in his mind. "You handled it well, Edan. I would've been quick to anger and my sword." she sighed and decided to head to the next location, the dancing Dryad.

Male Human

The Dancing Dryad presents a flashy façade, one that seems a bit out of place this close to the slums. Marble columns carved to resemble trees line the walls of the building, and a permanent silent image of a scandalously writhing woman with pale skin and green hair undulates on a miniature stage built to resemble a forest glen above the main entrance.

Out in front of the door is a longish line and two positively huge bouncers are admitting people.

Lina perception 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15

Edan perception 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19

you both notice that everyone in line seems to be at least semi formally dressed, even the ones that are poorer have poor formal on. No one seems to be wearing weapons or armor except the bouncers.

'Perhaps for the best', he thought to himself, coming to a stop upon seeing the line, the bouncer and the attire. Going in there with Godelina was not something he particularly wanted to do, but he would have done so. It looked like luck was on his side this evening. If they wanted to get in there, they were going to have to get clothes, it looked like, and wait in line with the rest.

Chewing his lip with a slight frown, he turned to Godelina with a wry smile, folding his arms across his chest. "Well, it looks like there are requirements to get in." Quite honestly, he had no particular interest in entering the establishment. Making a face, he added, "If we really want to get in there." His tone indicated what he thought of the idea.

Female Aasimar Paladin/3rd) (HP 28/28, AC 19/10/19. F +8, R +4, W +7, P +3, Init +0
Narrator of the lost Tomes wrote:
The Dancing Dryad presents a flashy façade, one that seems a bit out of place this close to the slums. Marble columns carved to resemble trees line the walls of the building, and a permanent silent image of a scandalously writhing woman with pale skin and green hair undulates on a miniature stage built to resemble a forest glen above the main entrance.

Godelina rolls her eyes as she looks up at this and shakes her head.

"Edan...why do people find the female form so...distracting. It's just the female body, it's not anything special." she shrugged as she looked over at him, not knowing what he could possibly say to explain it.

Narrator of the lost Tomes wrote:
you both notice that everyone in line seems to be at least semi formally dressed, even the ones that are poorer have poor formal on. No one seems to be wearing weapons or armor except the bouncers.

"I'm getting really fed up at being blocked like this." she was getting fed up, but it's not like she could just swing her sword and charge in.

Casts detect evil and Does it look like people are being padded down.

Edan Crosier wrote:

'Perhaps for the best', he thought to himself, coming to a stop upon seeing the line, the bouncer and the attire. Going in there with Godelina was not something he particularly wanted to do, but he would have done so. It looked like luck was on his side this evening. If they wanted to get in there, they were going to have to get clothes, it looked like, and wait in line with the rest.

Chewing his lip with a slight frown, he turned to Godelina with a wry smile, folding his arms across his chest. "Well, it looks like there are requirements to get in." Quite honestly, he had no particular interest in entering the establishment. Making a face, he added, "If we really want to get in there." His tone indicated what he thought of the idea.

"I'm sure once they see me they will move out of the way. I don't wish to fight or walk around without my armour, but if we have no other choices then we will have to return to the temple then came back here." She decides to approch the Bouncers and cross her arms as she looks at the bouncers with a scowling look, though it didn't appear to affect her radient features and hair of gold. "I am here on temple business. Please step aside."

Diplomacy:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11


Intimidate:1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13

Male Human

Sense Motive 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19

Sense Motive 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19

One of the bouncers leers at you in a way that doesn't quite make you comfortable, the other bursts out with "Haw! Temple business, that's a good one, The Dancing Dryad has City approval to be here you have no right to interfere. Just what kind of business would a temple brat like you have here anyway?"

Then the other one says in an oily voice, "If you actually want to enter then you have to follow the rules; no armor, no weapons, formal attire" then he scowls at one of the poorer people in line, "or at least what you can get that passes as formal... Now go bug someone else with your games, or change and stand in line like the rest."

Female Aasimar Paladin/3rd) (HP 28/28, AC 19/10/19. F +8, R +4, W +7, P +3, Init +0
Narrator of the lost Tomes wrote:

Sense Motive 1d20+7

Sense Motive 1d20+5

One of the bouncers leers at you in a way that doesn't quite make you comfortable, the other bursts out with "Haw! Temple business, that's a good one, The Dancing Dryad has City approval to be here you have no right to interfere. Just what kind of business would a temple brat like you have here anyway?"

Then the other one says in an oily voice, "If you actually want to enter then you have to follow the rules; no armor, no weapons, formal attire" then he scowls at one of the poorer people in line, "or at least what you can get that passes as formal... Now go bug someone else with your games, or change and stand in line like the rest."

Returning she sighs as she looks at Edan.

"Well we could return and change. I don't have any formal attire, but I do have my clerical garments. Do you think that will be fine?" she asked as she is unsure what to do in this situation. The town she lived in respected the Inheritor and even though she was warned how not everyone would bow to her whims and not everyone will simply stand aside because she's a paladin, but only now does she really see the problem. "I don't believe it'll be against our deity to enter under cover, wearing formal clothing to enter here. I guess we should head back to the temple, come on then." she grabbed him by the hand, pulling Edan away as she doupted there would be any place open tonight for buying a formal dress and even so, it would take ages to get the measurments right, then find the right material and finally be allowed to enter. It was times like this she wished she had some kind of concealed weapon that she could take with her if things go out of hand.

Do I know, out of curiosity, if there would be a clothing shop open anyway?

Edan let himself be led away, walking to keep up with her. "Um, what? No! Not your clerical garments!" It might have come out a bit more emphatic than he needed, but wearing something like that into the Dryad went against everything he had been taught. "I mean.. Just-- there are other ways we can ask around there, than trying to get in." Gently, he takes his hand from Godelina's. "Not to mention that we don't have to get in there immediately, if at all." He would rather not.

"Tell me", he said. "What would we be going in there for, again?"

Female Aasimar Paladin/3rd) (HP 28/28, AC 19/10/19. F +8, R +4, W +7, P +3, Init +0
Edan Crosier wrote:

Edan let himself be led away, walking to keep up with her. "Um, what? No! Not your clerical garments!" It might have come out a bit more emphatic than he needed, but wearing something like that into the Dryad went against everything he had been taught. "I mean.. Just-- there are other ways we can ask around there, than trying to get in." Gently, he takes his hand from Godelina's. "Not to mention that we don't have to get in there immediately, if at all." He would rather not.

"Tell me", he said. "What would we be going in there for, again?"

What he said did catch her off guard. What were they searching for? She didn't know so she just turned to look at him.

"Well...that place is so filled with deborchery that it must hold some evil secrets. There will be vile people in there, many who are possibly involved with the dissappearence, plus I don't trust a Dryad who's in the middle of a town...something's not right here..." she trailed off, but sighed and looked over at him"But if you want to go somewhere else, the Museum is meant to be covered Ushari and Ramar so we can meet up with them there?"

"We could, if that is where they are. Though, with the the sun setting, I think that most of the places that we could try to visit will be closing around these times." He shook his head. "All we've got so far is that people have left the church, and did Ramar mention something about people becoming angry?" Not that the two things made much sense, let alone be connected to each other-- well, at least, there was no proof that the two were. "I think we'll have better luck asking Lyra tomorrow, to see if the city had started or approved something around the time the two things started."

Female Aasimar Paladin/3rd) (HP 28/28, AC 19/10/19. F +8, R +4, W +7, P +3, Init +0
Edan Crosier wrote:
"We could, if that is where they are. Though, with the the sun setting, I think that most of the places that we could try to visit will be closing around these times." He shook his head. "All we've got so far is that people have left the church, and did Ramar mention something about people becoming angry?" Not that the two things made much sense, let alone be connected to each other-- well, at least, there was no proof that the two were. "I think we'll have better luck asking Lyra tomorrow, to see if the city had started or approved something around the time the two things started."

"Where should we go then, do you suppose?" she sighs as she crosses her arms and looks over at him. She hated how things were going so slow and she just wanted to get to the dungeon crawling and monster slaying. "By the Inheritor, I was told that when I would go out adventuring that I could kill vile monsters and bestow law and order to world, yet all that's happened is we've been sent to town and found nothing. I wonder if the temple sent us here as a joke." she appeared to be visably tired and frustraited over the entire thing. The day seemed to be taking it's toll but she wasn't going to admit it, but spending all day wearing this heavy armour would wear out anyone who wasn't too used to wearing it all day whilst adventuring.

For a moment, Edan wondered how sheltered her upbringing had been, that she would cling to that one purpose like she was. She was barely a year younger than he was, but still.. he was surprised. "'Lina, shame on you", he chided. He wasn't greatly disappointed with her, but he was just enough to say that. "Have faith in your church like you have faith in The Inheritor." he started walking, heading back to the church. If nothing was going to be happening tonight, he was taking his armor off.

"Think about it for a moment. If you were a monster set on preying on the innocent, you would not go around declaring yourself openly-- well, I suppose you could, but that wouldn't make you a very smart monster." He shook his head. "I'm getting distracted from my point." A few more steps and he found that the point he had been trying to make had slipped his mind. "Just--" he heaved a sigh, running his hands through his hair. When he spoke again his voice was calmer. "We've been up since dawn, 'Lina. We still have at least six other places to check, not to mention asking about the city council. This town is not going to fall into any darkness other than the night, and the sun will rise tomorrow. The sun always rises tomorrow."

He walked a few more steps and looked back at her. "If we wear ourselves down to nothing by the time we find out what is going on, we'll have no energy left to fight. Come back to the temple, I'll help you out of your armor, and we can plan. Ushari and Ramar know to look for us there, so we should see them before the night is out." He was tired, and probably rambling. Still he did not dare make a joke about Evil sleeping.

Male Human
Godelina Evelyn wrote:
Do I know, out of curiosity, if there would be a clothing shop open anyway?

From what you know of the town pretty much everything starts to close as the sun begins to go down, except for the bars, inns, and seedier establishments. People like to be home and with their families before dark. It isn't because they fear something, more because since it is a small town they don't have lights everywhere and it is just easier to make your way home before it is dark.

Female Aasimar Paladin/3rd) (HP 28/28, AC 19/10/19. F +8, R +4, W +7, P +3, Init +0
Edan Crosier wrote:

For a moment, Edan wondered how sheltered her upbringing had been, that she would cling to that one purpose like she was. She was barely a year younger than he was, but still.. he was surprised. "'Lina, shame on you", he chided. He wasn't greatly disappointed with her, but he was just enough to say that. "Have faith in your church like you have faith in The Inheritor." he started walking, heading back to the church. If nothing was going to be happening tonight, he was taking his armor off.

"Think about it for a moment. If you were a monster set on preying on the innocent, you would not go around declaring yourself openly-- well, I suppose you could, but that wouldn't make you a very smart monster." He shook his head. "I'm getting distracted from my point." A few more steps and he found that the point he had been trying to make had slipped his mind. "Just--" he heaved a sigh, running his hands through his hair. When he spoke again his voice was calmer. "We've been up since dawn, 'Lina. We still have at least six other places to check, not to mention asking about the city council. This town is not going to fall into any darkness other than the night, and the sun will rise tomorrow. The sun always rises tomorrow."

He walked a few more steps and looked back at her. "If we wear ourselves down to nothing by the time we find out what is going on, we'll have no energy left to fight. Come back to the temple, I'll help you out of your armor, and we can plan. Ushari and Ramar know to look for us there, so we should see them before the night is out." He was tired, and probably rambling. Still he did not dare make a joke about Evil sleeping.

His words stung deel as she said about her being shamed and in true she was in shame and nodded, listening to him. Her life was very sheltered and what he said sounded like what one of her many teachers told her.

"Patience, Godelina. Evil plots and plans just like with this game here you have to think about you're actions." they played chess and she often got frustraited as she always took the offensives, he would plan out the moves slowly and carefully, then beat her each time. These lessons she really should've taken to heart.

"You're right...I apologise." she forced a smile and nodded at the idea of going back to the temple and getting out of the armour. "I would argue about evil never sleeping, but you are right. I can't take on evil in this state even if we did find something. Let's head back to the temple and get out of this heavy armour. I wonder how Ushari and Remar have done in their investigation?" she asked as she looked at Edan and something came to her wonderingly as she thought about Ushari and Ramar as they left. "What drew you to the Inheritor? I don't believe I ever asked."

Ushari allows Ramar to guide her to the museum, although, due to the fact the sun had already set, she realized it would most likely be closed by now. She studies Ramar, glancing at him through her painted eyelashes, wondering what his story was. He sais he was a sage, studying various areas of knowledge. Still, she could not help but wonder, was he a criminal, or was he running away from someone? Was he married, and running away from his wife? Was he experimenting with strange magics? This train of thought both excited and frightened her.

"Well looks like we are here, Ramar", as they approach the Museum.

The smile that Godelina recieves from him is touching. Granted, she only saw a bit of it, since he turned his eyes back ahead. "My birth was hard for my mother. If it weren't for the church, I might have made it, but my mom wouldn't have. So since they saved her life, I figured I should serve, at least for a while." He was silent for a few seconds and turned to look at her, walking backwards.

"You might have been born into it, but um--" he looked a little sheepish for prying. "Uh, which of your parents.. I mean, did you know them both? Did you know that this is what you wanted to be?" With night having come, the only lights were those scant lanterns that were lit outside of shops, or from those on the street. Still, the light of the temple of Iomedae guaranteed that they would not lose their way, even if they could not see the path they walked.

Male Human
Ushari Velnokal wrote:

Ushari allows Ramar to guide her to the museum, although, due to the fact the sun had already set, she realized it would most likely be closed by now. She studies Ramar, glancing at him through her painted eyelashes, wondering what his story was. He sais he was a sage, studying various areas of knowledge. Still, she could not help but wonder, was he a criminal, or was he running away from someone? Was he married, and running away from his wife? Was he experimenting with strange magics? This train of thought both excited and frightened her.

"Well looks like we are here, Ramar", as they approach the Museum.

This huge building is made of white marble. Numerous carved pillars support open courtyards, and the façade is wreathed with intricate carvings. A wrought-iron gate controls access to the building proper; it hangs open during the day but is closed at night. “Saltmarsh Museum” is carved into the stone above the entrance. Unfortunately it is currently closed.

Ushari looks up at the closed gate, and bites her fingernail. Chewing on it nervously, she looks over at Ramar. A nervous habit to be sure, but one she could not control. "Well, Ramar, do you want to see if anything is going on here?" Lowering her voice, she whispers into his ear, If there is anything unusual in towm, this would be a good place to check out.

Is there any activity that is noticable from in front of the building?

Male Human

perception 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15

As you stand in front of the museum you notice that there seem to be regular patrols of guards walking around the outside as well as the inside, and with the number of weapons they have and the way that they carry themselves you can tell they have had a bit of experience as guards

Male Human Psion(telepath) 2

Seeing Ushari pause, Ramar stops to comment, "Is there something amiss? Do you still want to go to the museam?"

Ushari was concentrating on studying the guards actions, Are these guards normal Watch or are they privately employed?

On hearing Ramar's question, she looks back at him and smiles, "No, we don't need to be caught breaking the law, at least not yet." She takes him in her arm again, and continues, "We can go to the Dancing Dryad now, if you'd like."

Male Human Psion(telepath) 2

"Very well, let us be on our way. Perhaps we can meet your friends on the way." Ramar begins walking with Ushari towards the feast hall.

Female Aasimar Paladin/3rd) (HP 28/28, AC 19/10/19. F +8, R +4, W +7, P +3, Init +0
Edan Crosier wrote:

The smile that Godelina recieves from him is touching. Granted, she only saw a bit of it, since he turned his eyes back ahead. "My birth was hard for my mother. If it weren't for the church, I might have made it, but my mom wouldn't have. So since they saved her life, I figured I should serve, at least for a while." He was silent for a few seconds and turned to look at her, walking backwards.

"You might have been born into it, but um--" he looked a little sheepish for prying. "Uh, which of your parents.. I mean, did you know them both? Did you know that this is what you wanted to be?" With night having come, the only lights were those scant lanterns that were lit outside of shops, or from those on the street. Still, the light of the temple of Iomedae guaranteed that they would not lose their way, even if they could not see the path they walked.

At the question she was interested. What he said about serving the church due to feeling like he did made her smile. Truely, he is a honourable man. it took a bit of thinking, but as they were a good distance from people she smiled and nodded.

"I grew up as a normal child for some years, but I continued to have dreams of a truely beautiful celestial. She told me that I was her ancestor. I joined the church due to these visions and when I said the name of the celestial in my dreams they took notice." she looked to him as she paused, keeping him in suspence. "Her name was Saint Lymirin. Servant of Iomedae. I spent most of my life being brought up in the temple and learning the holy ways and focusing all my energy into fighting evil and plunging this longsword into the chest of demons and devils, but one of my teachers did say the same thing as you. Evil plots and quite often weaves intricate plans to catch us out." with a heavy sign she looked over at him, though inside she felt confused. Why am I being so open with him? I admit he is very charming and I've gotten to know him little by little, but rarely have I felt so...strange around someone. Butterflies in my stomach...perhaps I'm ill. It's best to rest for tonight then. she looked up as they came to their temple which appeared to be in disrepair and made her feel sad to see it like this. "Shall I help you with yours first?" she asked refering to the armour being taken off.

"My intricate plan?", he teased, a smile on his face. "Thanks, but no, I'm afraid I haven't had the inclination to start one up recently, but I'll let you know when I get an idea." Edan paused for a moment before faking belated realization. "Oh, my armor! No, I think you should be first. You've been wearing yours longer than I have, by far." He looked up at the church, saddened a bit by its declining state.

"Wow.. Saint Lymirin is in your family tree...", he said thoughtfully, trying to comprehend it. "..I have no idea what that must be like. Are there a lot of expectations?" Following the side path to the back of the church, he reached out and trailed a hand against its wall, a habit that he had since he was younger, when he came to study at the church. He had always thought that the bright white of the church was always so clean, so pure. Of course, later he realized that it was just paint, but the habit stuck with him.

Female Aasimar Paladin/3rd) (HP 28/28, AC 19/10/19. F +8, R +4, W +7, P +3, Init +0
Edan Crosier wrote:

"My intricate plan?", he teased, a smile on his face. "Thanks, but no, I'm afraid I haven't had the inclination to start one up recently, but I'll let you know when I get an idea." Edan paused for a moment before faking belated realization. "Oh, my armor! No, I think you should be first. You've been wearing yours longer than I have, by far." He looked up at the church, saddened a bit by its declining state.

"Wow.. Saint Lymirin is in your family tree...", he said thoughtfully, trying to comprehend it. "..I have no idea what that must be like. Are there a lot of expectations?" Following the side path to the back of the church, he reached out and trailed a hand against its wall, a habit that he had since he was younger, when he came to study at the church. He had always thought that the bright white of the church was always so clean, so pure. Of course, later he realized that it was just paint, but the habit stuck with him.

"If you think I should remove it first. I'm fine with keeping it on for a little longer." she smiled as this was one of her faults, putting others first. She felt it was her duty, but some paladins perhaps died from their heroism and placing everyone in front of them. "Besides, you look like you need it off more urgently." she laughed as she teased him, though she didn't know why she found it fun doing this.

As he asked about there being a lot of expectations she nodded silently.
"By Iomedae's hair, yes. They all expect great things from me and they expect me to ascend and join with Iomedae, becoming one of her loyal servants to fight evil and step into the World Wound to destroy all the demons and seal the breech." she explained this and felt like the weight was lifted off her chest. As they headed up to their rooms she looked back to him "Last chance, you first or me?"

Grinning as they climbed the stairs, Edan rolled his eyes a little and looked back at her. "You know, it is perfectly alright to be a little selfish with the unimportant things." The night was early, but their day was long, and even though he expected Ushari and Ramar to come by the church-- Ushari knew where their rooms were, he thought-- he fully planned on getting some sleep before they came by, maybe some food too.

He tried to keep his footsteps as light as he could on the wooden floor, since most of the others of the temple kept a "sunup, sundown" timetable unless they were busy. "Those are tall expectations, but surely they don't expect you to do it now, do they?" Slowing down, he came to a stop by her door. "You first", he said, dryly adding, "I think I'll surive the extra time in my armor, somehow." He thought he smelled bread, and maybe soup lingering in the air from dinner.

Male Human
Ushari Velnokal wrote:
Ushari was concentrating on studying the guards actions, Are these guards normal Watch or are they privately employed?

Privately employed

Ushari, along with Ramar, arrive at the Dancing Dryad. The place looks much as she remembered it, from the last time she was here looking for a job. They had wanted to hire her, but it was for a position she really didn't want to do. The lady who interviewed her told her she would become an instant attraction, and would make a lot of money, especially in tips. She had been about to accept the offer, but when she saw one of the other workers there wearing a scandalously revealing outfit. She hurriedly refused the offer, and left posthaste. Now she has returned for the first time since that day. Hopefully they will have better luck.

Looking around, she does not see either Edan or Lina anywhere, so she pulls Ramar into line, and says, "We can always see if anything unusual is going on here. Plus, I'm hungry!"

Male Human

Ushari Perception 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23

Ramar Perception 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11

You both see the line of people in formal and semi formal dress as well, and notice that no one seems to be wearing a weapon, (Though Ushari notices some one with a concealed dagger in her bodice) You realize that though Ushari would probably get in, and Ramar's outfit could possibly squeak by if the guard was feeling generous, there would be no way that they would over look his sword.

Female Aasimar Paladin/3rd) (HP 28/28, AC 19/10/19. F +8, R +4, W +7, P +3, Init +0
Edan Crosier wrote:

Grinning as they climbed the stairs, Edan rolled his eyes a little and looked back at her. "You know, it is perfectly alright to be a little selfish with the unimportant things." The night was early, but their day was long, and even though he expected Ushari and Ramar to come by the church-- Ushari knew where their rooms were, he thought-- he fully planned on getting some sleep before they came by, maybe some food too.

He tried to keep his footsteps as light as he could on the wooden floor, since most of the others of the temple kept a "sunup, sundown" timetable unless they were busy. "Those are tall expectations, but surely they don't expect you to do it now, do they?" Slowing down, he came to a stop by her door. "You first", he said, dryly adding, "I think I'll surive the extra time in my armor, somehow." He thought he smelled bread, and maybe soup lingering in the air from dinner.

"They expect it none the less. she shrugged and smiled, nodding at his comment about surviving with his armour for a little while longer. She headed into her room and sat down. There didn't appear to be much in her room at all. Her possessions were still in the backpack she travelled with and hadn't bothered to have any possessions of her own. The room looked releitivly what it should've appeared like before someone was living it. She stood with her back to him and attempted to remove the armour slowly, waiting for him to help unclasp the armour so that she could get out of it. "Do you think there are many others like us? Companions on the road as we are." she stopped for a moment and thought back to the drawing Edan had done earlier. It was beautiful but then she remembered that whench who came in to grab his attentions. "What kind of things do you draw, Edan?"

Male Human Psion(telepath) 2
Narrator of the lost Tomes wrote:

Ushari Perception 1d20+4

Ramar Perception 1d20+1

You both see the line of people in formal and semi formal dress as well, and notice that no one seems to be wearing a weapon, (Though Ushari notices some one with a concealed dagger in her bodice) You realize that though Ushari would probably get in, and Ramar's outfit could possibly squeak by if the guard was feeling generous, there would be no way that they would over look his sword.

Seeing the crowd and the guards, Ramar turns to Ushari, "Ushari my dear, I do not believe that they will let us in while I have my sword. Perhaps we could grab a bit somewhere else and then return tomorrow?"

Ushari looks over at Ramar's sword, and realizes immediately he would not part with the sword in any event. Hiding her disappointment , she nods at him, and says, "Yes, we should plan on coming back tomorrow, I think you will need to get another outfit, as well."

She starts walking back to the Flying Lizard, then stops and realizes something, "You don't have a place to stay yet, do you?"

Male Human Psion(telepath) 2
Ushari Velnokal wrote:

Ushari looks over at Ramar's sword, and realizes immediately he would not part with the sword in any event. Hiding her disappointment , she nods at him, and says, "Yes, we should plan on coming back tomorrow, I think you will need to get another outfit, as well."

She starts walking back to the Flying Lizard, then stops and realizes something, "You don't have a place to stay yet, do you?"

Smiling, "No I don't have a place. Could you recommend a good one? Your friends mentioned the temple of Desna; however, I have a slight aversion to dream masters."

Ramar wrote:
Smiling, "No I don't have a place. Could you recommend a good one? Your friends mentioned the temple of Desna; however, I have a slight aversion to dream masters."

Ushari thinks for a momnet, "well, the Lizard doesn't have rooms to stay in overnight, I just have a cot in one off the back rooms, where I stay in. However I am sure there is an Inn close by there." Right, oh illustrious DM?

Or if you want, sometimes the Church of Iomedae will allow travelers who are too poor to afford a room, to stay with them for a few days."

Edan looked thoughtful as he came over and began to help Godelina undo her armor. "Anything, I suppose.." he shrugged, his hands able to undo the well-maintained straps on her side. "If I have an image in my head, I'll start to put it onto the paper, and sometimes it comes out like I see it, and sometimes it changes in the middle of me working on it-- lift your arm please." These underarm buckles were the reason he did not like the armor. It was very hard to get to them by yourself.

"How do you mean 'are there others like us'?" A thoughtful smile was given at the question, his mind thinking about the average size of the church and the members they had. "Pairs on the road, investigating wierdness?" A small crease appeared between his eyebrows, attempting to count the potential numbers. "Probably a fair bit.. We're just barely out of our training. There have got to be others that have been doing this for a while, and are far more experienced than us. Probably why we haven't seen any monsters yet."

The buckles didn't take long to remove, they were just hard to reach. "I'll feel sorry for you when we get enough money to get you full plate." He smirked at her, imagining her clad from head to toe in metal.

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