![]() About Ushari VelnokalTracking:
HP total: 81 HP currently: 81 Current Effects: Current spells: * - Already Cast
Channel Energy (6): IIIII I Dazing Touch (8): IIIII III
Sorcerer Spells:
Healer's Kit (3): II IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII Wand of CLW (1d8+1) (15/50 charges): IIIIIIIIII IIIII
Female Human Rogue/Cleric/Sorcerer 10/10/5 (favored class Rogue +10 SP)
STR 13 +1 [3]
17 years old, 5' 7" tall, 115 lbs. Light blonde long hair, Braided, and tied back. Sky blue eyes Ushari is a slight, well built, pretty young girl, with sky blue eyes, very light blonde hair, braided in very short corn rows, and well tanned skin. Her voice is high pitched, but clear, however she is somewhat tone deaf, and has trouble holding notes, this shows when she talks too loudly, so she generally talks in a soft tone. Ushari is bright and cheerful to most everyone she meets, and most are charmed by her personality, not to mention her looks. Male attention, which she tends to receive a lot, confuses and frightens her, especially considering her 'recent' experience which triggered the birth of Despair' Daughter. She finds herself attracted to men who do not remind her of that person who she was in love with. Her recent relationship with Eustus Ursuul has started her thinking maybe there is a man out there for her...
Skills 80+20(int)+10(race)+10(favored)=120 total - +19/*+21 Acrobatics = 10+5(dex)+3(class)+2(acro)+5(boots) (+5 for Jump checks) +1 7k Rank Bonus Skill
Class Abilities Rogue, Acrobat variant:
Deity: Bebhinn, The Lady of Pleasure, the Songstress. {Pray at Dawn}
Sorcerer (Maestro BloodLine):
EQUIPMENT Worn, 18 lbs.:
Pouches, 6 lbs.:
Total Weight: 24 lbs; currently Light load;
Skitter AC/T/FF: 23/17/21
General: Darkvision 60', Low-light Vision, Stealth +14
Special Abilities:
--Your music-box is still magical. :) The mystical patterns now flow across it and there is a glint of purple to them. It can be damaged and temporarily disabled (you'll understand why soon enough) but it cannot be destroyed - save by a deity. Since you have ignored DM hints to examine the box, you are just going to have to figure out some of the purposes of it on your own! :p That'll teach you not to listen to the DM. However some knowledge of the box is imparted to you when you become conscious and I will tell you ONE function. The box is an intelligent construct. When you press the top button, the legs pop out. If you drop it on the ground, it will skitter behind your current opponent (move 15') and become a 'flanking' buddy for you, attack your opponent, and generally amuse the DM. It is also Ghost-Touched so it can effectively attack incorporeal creatures. Because it is a tiny creature and likely to be overlooked - it must make a successful attack before an opponent will consider it a threat and give you the flanking bonus. Every button but the top button plays a different tune - from lullabies to waltzes. Pressing the top button pops the legs and animates it. Once animated, each of the other buttons changes function. So far, the only one that seems to do more than make a pleasant tune is the one you triggered before which does an area of effect sonic blast. Pressing the top button again turns it back into a music box. --Ushari examines the finely crafted box. It is heavy as if filled with something and yet there appears to be no entry point. It seems more like a stylized solid metal cube. It doesn't take Straehan's help to determine it is worth a lot of coin. It is composed primarily of a strong gold alloy with fine and complicated patterns inlaid in silver, mithril, and platinum. It looks like nothing so much as a puzzle box. Experimenting with the box, Ushari manages to uncover 4 concealed buttons, one per face (not on the top or bottom). Unsure whether to press any of the buttons, Ushari shows the box to Straehan for a second opinion. Straehan puts on his glasses and carefully examines the box from all angles. The one physical incongruity he notes is on the face Ushari thinks of as 'the bottom'. He finds three razor thin not quite parallel lines. He mutters a spell and stares at the box for quite some time. He hands the box back to her, removes his glasses and pinches the bridge of his nose, clearly tired. "Well, it's very valuable as you know, made more so by the fact that it is magical. Some of this scrollwork, interwoven with the regular patterns, are magical formulae and symbols. But I don't think those are the active source of magic. Why they are on the box and not utilized... well, I can't even speculate on that. But my best guess is that whoever crafted it put some illusory magic on it. What it is, I don't know. I think you will have to push the buttons to find out or find a Sage who can tell you more than I can. Sorry." --Isolde mutters a spell to herself and holds the box. She frowns slightly and then starts playing with the box, quickly figuring out how to expose the buttons. She uncovers five of them - the four on each of the side faces and one on top, you hadn't found. She puts the box down on the table and taps the top button. From the bottom, four legs spring out to support the box and a soft complex lullaby begins to play. The music emanating from the box is surprisingly rich. Something about the tune is familiar, somewhat comforting, and slightly sad for Ushari. The box begins to move in time to the song, bouncing on its legs. Isolde smiles and says, "It is a music-box. I think it was a gift from he who sired you." She presses another button and a sprightly dance song begins playing. It carries no particular feeling for Ushari.
You don't know what has brought this to mind, maybe the shocking effect of the sea spray in your face, but you clearly recollect a feeling of exhilaration as you danced along rooftops and narrow beams among a sea of high, multi-level buildings. You realise, with sharp clarity that you were an exceptional acrobat and a common thief in a vast city. Looking at yourself through these fresh eyes though, divorced from the person you were, you find the idea of being a burglar vaguely repellent. You wonder if maybe you should change your career or at least put your thievery skills to better use. This is the crisis that drives you towards your gestalt choice. As you bob in the water, your brain starts to rapidly assess the materials you have at hand and how best to create a usable raft.
Among the debris swirling around you, the sound of splintering timbers triggers a memory for you - the sound of wood breaking and a sensation of falling. You ponder this only briefly as the tall Elven woman draws your attention. For some reason, for which you see no logical justification, you feel a sense of suspicion about Elves. Since you see no justification for it, you don't have to act on it... you just realise that something from your past said "Elves are suspicious".
Scribed Box She pushes the scribed box towards the heroes. "Take this. It will allow us to speak from time to time. Just open the box and talk. You will need this for a task I have for you. When you leave this island, call on me whenever you find a large oak tree. OK?" It can only be used once per week. Coin of Finding In this case, you thought about treasure and it went towards the nearest largest source - the stack of coins Fin is carrying. It could be used to find other objects (as a Locate Objects spell) or to detect hidden or secret doors (Detect Secret Doors spell).
Previous Campaign Notes:
STR 9 DEX 16 CON 11 INT 13 WIS 10 CHA 16 Ushari grew up near the docks of {Name TBD} as an only child. her mother Harlonia Eroptol , working long hours as a waitress in one of the sleazier dives. She took care of her as best she could, but her father, Vectir Velnokal , was rarely there to support the family. Her mother would only say he is sailing all over Miir, and didn't know when he would come back. She loved her only daughter, and tried to get her enrolled on one of the bardic colleges. They did not accept her, but she did discover a fine singing voice. But for some reason she could not sing very well, her voice kept slipping out of tune. After she turned 15, her mother "encouraged" her to move out on her own. Ushari never found out why, as her mother never expalined why. Maybe it has something to do with her father...she resolved to see what happened to him. She left {Name TBD} on one of the merchant vessels, and learned the rudiments of sailing. She was not treated well initially, but once the crew found out about her singing voice, she was treated much better. She ended up staying with a ship's first mate, Gerold Felpert who was smitten with her, and professed his love for her. Being young and alone, frightened her, especially when she heard tales of what sailors would to to Calistrae 'ladies'. When her friend issued an ultimatum, marry him or else. She refused the offer, as she did not love him, she didn't even know what love is, and physical intimacy frightened her. She was beaten for her troubles. Soon afterwards, she fled from him, and found passage on another ship. So now, she has arrived at {Name TBD}, ready to start over, hoping to make more friends, and earn some money, and experience, before continuing her search. Ushari was dropped off at the docks after being kicked off the ship she was working on about two weeks ago. She found a job at a local bar known as The Lizard's Boat, popular among the middle class locals and travelers alike, and has been acting as a barmaid there ever since. The proprietor of the Lizard’s Boat is Kailee Restinan, a one-time elven ranger who lost her left hand to an angry wyvern in the nearby Dreadwood several years ago, Her animal companion, a monitor lizard named Sticktongue, serves as a mascot and bouncer for the tavern. Keeping things quiet and the men in line. Ushari has run into Godelina and Edan a number of times at the in and because they are close to each others age a friendship is beginning to blossom between them.
Lvl 1 Gestalt: Rogue/Cleric (Cayden Cailean) Domains: Charm, Azata (Good) Lvl 2 Gestalt: Rogue/Cleric Lvl 3 Gestalt: Rogue/Cleric Lvl 4 Gestalt: Rogue/Cleric Lvl 5 Gestalt: Rogue/Cleric Lvl 6 Gestalt: Rogue/Cleric Lvl 7 Gestalt: Rogue/Cleric Lvl 8 Gestalt: Rogue/Cleric Lvl 9 Gestalt: Rogue/Cleric Lvl 10 Gestalt: Rogue/Cleric Feat Wishlist: Level UP: Rogue7/Cleric7 (Favored Class bonus: +1 SP)