Aardvark DM |
The floor of this room has fallen away, leaving a narrow, charred ledge along the south and east walls. To the northwest, a ledge heaped with crates and barrels sits, while above the rafters of the attic lay bare to view. Faedrin barely has a chance to get a good look at the place however, as a crossbow bolt flies from behind the ledge covered in crates and barrels. The bolt just nicks his arm, leaving a minor cut, but it could have been much worse.
Readied action, heavy crossbow on Fade 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17 vs FF, damage 1d10 ⇒ 1
Elrawein 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
Faedrin 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23
Gaileyon 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16
Tanjvats 1d20 ⇒ 8
Goblins 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24
After firing, the shooter ducks down behind the crates, and a second goblin stands up and shoots at the elf in the doorway. His shot goes wide off its mark.
Goblin 1, drops prone, reloads
Goblin 2, stands, shoots at Fade 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12
Round 1:
Faedrin -
Dareon -
Gaileyon -
Elrawein -
Tanjvats -
Goblin 1 - Drops prone, loads weapon
Goblin 2 - Stands up, misses Fade
Because of their barricade, the goblins have total cover from anyone on the ledge or in the doorway except when they rise to fire, when they have only cover.
The ledge and plank are both DC 10 Acrobatics to move along without falling. The plank can only hold the weight of two Medium or four Small creatures at one time without breaking.
Faedrin Lantherion |
Faedrin slips into the room with a grunt, "Ngh! More blasted goblins!" He hurriedly shuffles along the ledge to the far side of the room and tests the door.
If the far door opens toward Faedrin, rather than pushing in, he'll open it and take cover from the crossbow-wielding goblins behind it. Otherwise, he'll leave it shut and spend his remaining standard action taking total defense.
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12
Swift Action: activate arcane pool
Move Action: Move to J12 (2 balancing at half speed = total of 8 squares moved)
Standard Action: Either Total Defense or take cover behind open door
HP: 6/8
AC: 19 (15 T / 14 FF) +cover or total defense
CMD: 16
F/R/W: +2/+4/+3 (+2 vs enchantment, immune sleep)
Arcane Pool used: 2/5
Spells Prepared:
Cantrips (3) - acid splash, daze, disrupt undead
Level 1 (1) - expeditious retreat [ ], jump [ ]
Ongoing Effects
Spell Dance: 1/10 rounds
Cover or Total Defense
Aardvark DM |
Sorry, Fade, every part of the ledge takes Acrobatics (i.e half-speed). With a double move you could get to the door, but not a single move action. If using Spell dance, you could at best get to K12, just shy of the door.
Dareon Niroden |
Dareon grunts when he hears the whistle of crossbow bolts flying through the air, and the drip of blood on Faedrin's arm as one nicks him, and precariously tries to navigate his way across the planks, almost tip-toeing, as if this would make up for the fact that he's wearing forty pounds of armor.
Acrobatics: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (11) - 1 = 10
Double move, balancing, to N10.
"Hey! That's my elf, the only one allowed to hurt him is me!"
Even if he falls, he stubbornly rises from below the sludge as fast as he can and keeps wading forward.
Aardvark DM |
I'm not trying to rain on Faedrin's parade with every post, but technically by RAW, opening a door is a move action. That said, I think it's stupid that opening a door is treated as taking that long. A house rule I forgot to include, I treat opening closing doors as basically a free (with the exception that you can only open and close a single door once a round). Any issues with this house rule? If so please address them in the discussion thread.
Faedrin makes his way across the slimy, semi-crumbling surface of the ledge toward the other door, almost making it look easy. Opening the door he discovers that this chamber has no floor, opening directly into the sump of a sewage pit below. Likewise, the charred ceiling has fallen away, revealing the fire-blackened rafters above. Next to a hole cut in the southwest corner of the wall, a crude ladder that has been
nailed to the wall provides access to the rafters above.
Dareon, reprimanding the goblins that are firing, makes his way tentatively over the plank that once again stands across the pit of the first room. He succeeds, and finds himself balanced on the ledge of the new room just inside the doorway.
At work, no map update
Round 1:
Gaileyon -
Elrawein -
Tanjvats -
Goblin 1 - Drops prone, loads weapon
Goblin 2 - Stands up, misses Fade
Faedrin - Double-moved to J12, opened door
Dareon - Double-moved to N10
Because of their barricade, the goblins have total cover from anyone on the ledge or in the doorway except when they rise to fire, when they have only cover.
The ledge and plank are both DC 10 Acrobatics to move along without falling. The plank can only hold the weight of two Medium or four Small creatures at one time without breaking.
Aardvark DM |
Sorry for letting it delay this long. School started and I've been a little busy.
Gaileyon tries to follow suit in crossing the plank, and manages to make it most of the way across, with a surprising amount of success to boot. Elrawien follows, but crosses more nimbly, making it into the next room before the dwarf.
Gaileyon, Acrobatics 1d20 - 4 ⇒ (18) - 4 = 14
Round 1:
Tanjvats -
Goblin 1 - Drops prone, loads weapon
Goblin 2 - Stands up, misses Fade
Faedrin - Double-moved to J12, opened door
Dareon - Double-moved to N10
Gaileyon - Double-moved to O11
Elrawein - Double-moved to N11
Tanjvats |
Unsure that either the plank or the subsequent ledge would support anymore weight, Tanjvats decided to provide ranged support.
He pulled out his crossbow, wiped some filth (including something that might once have been carrot) from the bolt rest, and loaded the weapon.
He squinted to see one of the goblins through the door. But he also kept one eye out towards the sewer pipes.
Ready crossbow to fire if I have a somewhat clear shot into the room, or if something dangerous comes out of the pipes.
Aardvark DM |
Tanjvats, what would equate to a 'somewhat clear shot'? No allies providing cover, or no cover at all? With the barricade they hide behind, there will always be cover unless it's removed for some reason. Just trying to see what the expectation is for firing, and make sure your clear on the obstacles.
The recent firer, drops like the one before it did, behind the crates. Not before the other one stands and fires again at Faedrin. His aim is pretty good for a goblin using an oversized heavy crossbow, but not quite that good, as his shot only sends a gash across the front of Faedrin's left thigh. Not insignificant, but still mostly a wing when compared to the power of an armor punching crossbow.
Goblin one, stands, and shoots at Fade 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18, damage 1d10 ⇒ 3
Goblin 2, drops prone, and reloads his crossbow.
Round 2:
Faedrin - Double-moved to J12, opened door
Dareon - Double-moved to N10
Gaileyon - Double-moved to O11
Elrawein - Double-moved to N11
Tanjvats - Readies shot with crossbow
Goblin 1 - Stands up, misses
Goblin 2 - Drops prone, loads weapon
Because of their barricade, the goblins have total cover from anyone on the ledge or in the doorway except when they rise to fire, when they have only cover.
The ledge and plank are both DC 10 Acrobatics to move along without falling. The plank can only hold the weight of two Medium or four Small creatures at one time without breaking.
Dareon Niroden |
"What did I just say to you?" Dareon yells, somewhat condescendingly, at the Goblins. "No touching thaaaAAAHH!"
Acro: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (6) - 1 = 5
Even as he yells and starts to move towards the goblins, he slips on the narrow ledge and falls into the hole in the floor. Rising, he trudges on forward, his buzz broken by the sudden fall. He ends up in K10, assuming he can move in the fallen portion. If not, he's in M10 and uses his action to drop his sword and draw his bow.
Tanjvats |
re: clear shot - I'm not expecting to be able to make a shot. I'm basically guarding the rear as DM-provided information suggests a) that I'll likely fall when trying to cross, and b) moving over there will just cause the plank and/or ledge to collapse.
Faedrin Lantherion |
Faedrin intones a spell, pivots into the nearly floorless room, and using the door frame to push off from, somersaults gracefully through the air over to the distant ladder.
Standard Action: cast jump
Acrobatics (DC 30): 1d20 + 6 + 10 ⇒ (14) + 6 + 10 = 30
Move Action: pivot to I12, then jump through I11 > I10 > I9 presuming the ladder described is in I9) If that somehow miraculously works, any remaining movement out of his 40ft will be spent climbing the ladder so as to not be shot again!
HP: 3/8
AC: 19 (15 T / 14 FF)
CMD: 16
F/R/W: +2/+4/+3 (+2 vs enchantment, immune sleep)
Arcane Pool used: 2/5
Spells Prepared:
Cantrips (3) - acid splash, daze, disrupt undead
Level 1 (1) - expeditious retreat [ ], jump [X]
Ongoing Effects
Spell Dance: 2/10 rounds
jump (+10): 1/10 rounds
(I'm not sure if the enhancement bonus from my arcane pool would grant the additional +4 bonus for having a base speed higher than 30 or not. I've seen it interpreted both ways, so if you think that'd net the +4 racial bonus, Aard, that'd be added in as well.)
Gaileyon Madstout |
Gaileyon trudges a bit haphazardly around the ledge, grunting dwarven curses as he does so. He somehow maneuvers safely without falling.
"You rodents better run. If I make 'ma way over there, you're going to regret the day you were... Er... Hatched!"
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 1 - 6 ⇒ (15) + 1 - 6 = 10
Full move (half speed) to j12 (Faedrin's previous location before his fancy show :P)
Aardvark DM |
It seems this whole building is against you Fade, sorry about that.
Faedrin manipulates the energies to mutate his legs into corded muscles, thus allowing him to leap like a spring that's been coiled way too tight. He launches into the other room, and to the ladder hanging on the wall. Unfortunately, as soon as he lands on and grasps the thing, the shoddy craftsmanship coupled with the environment causes the thing to break to pieces and dump him unceremoniously back into the muck that keeps trying to claim him.
The crash from the other room is enough to cause Dareon to jerk and completely lose his footing just as he was about to step, toppling him into the filth as well. He pops back up out of it and moves threateningly toward the little buggers and their barricade of barrels and boxes.
Surprisingly enough, Gaileyon manages to continue to keep a solid footing as he encircles the room following the path the elf had taken.
Fade, I see no reason not to include the +4 for your extra speed.
Round 2:
Elrawein - Double-moved to N11
Tanjvats - Readies shot with crossbow
Goblin 1 - Stands up, misses
Goblin 2 - Drops prone, loads weapon
Faedrin - Cast Jump, leapt to I9
Dareon - Fell, stood up, and moved to K10
Gaileyon - Double-moved to K12 (not enough move to get to J12)
Because of their barricade, the goblins have total cover from anyone on the ledge or in the doorway except when they rise to fire, when they have only cover.
The ledge and plank are both DC 10 Acrobatics to move along without falling. The plank can only hold the weight of two Medium or four Small creatures at one time without breaking.
At work, no map.
Tanjvats |
As his comrades spilled into the other room with the goblins, Tanjvats began to worry that he'd be unable to help from his current position.
And he worried that they were leaving him. Everyone always left.
"Shut up! he barked at himself, taking one hand off his crossbow and hitting his thigh with his fist.
Blinking back his anger and fear, he started across the plank to the far side.
Use Vision of Madness to take a -1 to attacks and saves and gain a +1 on skill checks for one round. 5/6 uses remain. Cross the plank, I hope.
Acrobatics to cross plank: 1d20 - 3 + 1 ⇒ (4) - 3 + 1 = 2
Always in the filth...where you belong. The thought came unbidden into his mind as he lurched terribly, tumbled, and fell with a wet slap in the sewage.
Aardvark DM |
Elrawien presses her back against the wall, and plants her feet before casting one of her regular acid splashes at the still standing goblin. She catches the thing off guard as it prepares to drop back down, the glob burning into the nasty thing's shoulder.
Acid Splash 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18, damage 1d3 ⇒ 2
Behind her, in the first room, Tanjvats argues briefly with himself before bumbling over the board and dropping into the sewage with a plop.
As he drops down to reload, the goblin that just fired growls in pain at the magical acid and mumbles something in goblin. The other one stands and shoots at the first person to hit any of them behind their boxes, not seeing the human standing right below the barricade in front of them.
He takes aim and fires, hitting her right in the left shoulder, just above the heart. The crack of the clavicle can be heard, as she drops lifeless onto the ledge, before sliding into the muck.
Goblin 1, drop prone, reload
Goblin 2, stand, fire at Elrawien 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17, damage 1d10 ⇒ 7
She's at -1, if not lifted out of the water soon, she will drown in 2 rounds.
Round 3:
Faedrin - Cast Jump, leapt to I9
Dareon - Fell, stood up, and moved to K10
Gaileyon - Double-moved to K12 (not enough move to get to J12)
Elrawein - Hit goblin 1 with acid splash
Tanjvats - Fell off plank
Goblin 1 - 2 damage Drops prone, loads weapon
Goblin 2 - Stands up, shoots Elrawien
Because of their barricade, the goblins have total cover from anyone on the ledge or in the doorway except when they rise to fire, when they have only cover.
The ledge and plank are both DC 10 Acrobatics to move along without falling. The plank can only hold the weight of two Medium or four Small creatures at one time without breaking.
Dareon Niroden |
Dareon hears the crack, hears the plop, hears the cry of pain. Eyes hide, his hands still full with torch and longsword, he turns to see Elrawien sinking quickly into the muck.
Anger forgotten, he immediately drops his sword and wades through the s*$# Moving to M11 to where she fell. Throwing the torch up onto the ledge and hoping that it stays, he sinks his arms and torso under the muck, seeing if he can locate her body without dunking his head under.
He can't quite reach. "Don't worry about us, I've got her!" he shouts, before dunking his head underneath, eyes and mouth tightly shut, grasping for the elven woman's body. Propriety forgotten, his searching hands find her and he quickly wraps his arms around what he discovers to be her upper torso, making sure that her head will be level with his. Grunting inaudibly, he lifts her up.
The filth cascades off of their heads as he clears the surface. "Fade, get them!" he shouts to his elven companion.
Faedrin Lantherion |
Have we been waiting on me? Dangit - sorry guys. Didn't realize I was up. Apologies!
Ignorant of what just befell his sister a few yards away, Faedrin picks himself up out of the filth and fixes a stare at the gaping hole in the wall above him. He draws his rapier and prepares to leap up into the midst of the goblins and put an end to their deadly game of target practice.
Move action: Stand up!
Move action: Draw rapier!
HP: 3/8
AC: 19 (15 T / 14 FF)
CMD: 16
F/R/W: +2/+4/+3 (+2 vs enchantment, immune sleep)
Arcane Pool used: 2/5
Spells Prepared:
Cantrips (3) - acid splash, daze, disrupt undead
Level 1 (1) - expeditious retreat [ ], jump [X]
Ongoing Effects
Spell Dance: 3/10 rounds
jump (+10): 2/10 rounds
Aardvark DM |
No, I've been remiss, and haven't been posting when I should.
Faedrin stands and prepares to strike through the hole in the wall as Dareon rushes to his sister's side. Gaileyon, seeing that the room beyond is just as floorless, decides to hop down into the muck on this side and rush the barricade the goblins have set up. He smashes the nearby barrel and sends it battered into the liquid floor.
Attack vs Barrel 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13, damage 1d10 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13
Round 3:
Elrawein - Hit goblin 1 with acid splash
Tanjvats - Fell off plank
Goblin 1 - 2 damage Drops prone, loads weapon
Goblin 2 - Stands up, shoots Elrawien
Faedrin - Stand up, draw weapon
Dareon - moved to M11, lifted Elrawien
Gaileyon - moved to K10, destroyed barrel
Tanjvats |
Tanjvats struggled to his feet as best he could, surged forward and tried to grasp at the wall. His clogged ears heard what sounded like shouts about injury.
Worrying that his abilities were needed, he struggled to climb.
Use Vision of Madness to take a -1 to attacks and saves and gain a +1 on skill checks for one round. 4/6 uses remain. Climb the wall, I hope.
Climb to door to next room: 1d20 - 2 + 1 ⇒ (1) - 2 + 1 = 0
what happens when you fail a Climb check by 15 or more? :-)
Aardvark DM |
Oz, could you make a stabilization check for Elrawien?
As Gaileyon tears at the barricade, and Faedrin readies to stab through the hole in the wall, the goblins switch off again. The forward one, drops down so he can reload, despite his barrier being stripped away. The second one stands back up with his reloaded crossbow, and tries to fire it at the nearby dwarf, mildly trying not to hit its ally. The shot flies high over the dwarf's head into the slimy mud wall behind him. Meanwhile, in the other room, Tanjvats scrabbles at the wall to try and climb out but only claws away climps of the slick dirt.
Goblin 1, stands and fires at Gaileyon 1d20 + 2 - 4 ⇒ (11) + 2 - 4 = 9
Round 4:
Faedrin - Stand up, draw weapon
Dareon - moved to M11, lifted Elrawien
Gaileyon - moved to K10, destroyed barrel
Elrawein - Stabilizes?
Tanjvats - Tries to climb out of the pit
Goblin 1 - 2 damage Stands up, misses Gaileyon
Goblin 2 - Drops prone, loads weapon
Faedrin Lantherion |
Is hole in the wall above me? I got the impression it was higher up since it seemed floor level in the other room and the room I'm in now is floorless. If the hole is too narrow to fit through at all, just treat it as Faedrin stabbing through in that case.
Round 4
Faedrin gathers himself for a leap, and at the apex kicks off the wall beside him, somersaulting through the opening and landing in the midst of the crossbow wielding goblins. He lands with a flourish and sinks the narrow blade of his rapier into one of the surprised goblin's sides.
Acrobatics (jump): 1d20 + 6 + 10 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 6 + 10 + 4 = 34
Rapier: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16for: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
If one should provoke an AoO before my next turn... AoO: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18for: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
HP: 3/8
AC: 19 (15 T / 14 FF)
CMD: 16
F/R/W: +2/+4/+3 (+2 vs enchantment, immune sleep)
Arcane Pool used: 2/5
Spells Prepared:
Cantrips (3) - acid splash, daze, disrupt undead
Level 1 (1) - expeditious retreat [ ], jump [X]
Ongoing Effects
Spell Dance: 4/10 rounds
jump (+10): 3/10 rounds
Dareon Niroden |
Dareon throws the elven girl over his shoulder in a fireman's carry (not that firemen are things that exist, of course) and digs his gauntleted hands into the loose dirt that comprises the wall leading up to the level ground.
He gives an experimental pull, Climb: 1d20 - 4 ⇒ (13) - 4 = 9
but finding that the wall has absolutely no chance of supporting both him and the girl he has over his shoulder, turns back towards the goblins.
Looks like he'll just have to fight them with a girl over his shoulder.
How could he have been so stupid as to have thrown his sword under the muck? How can he protect this girl without his weapon?
Dareon is furious with himself for the oversight. He reaches back to his quiver and pulls an arrow, hoping that he can use it effectively.
MA to try and climb, MA to draw an arrow as an improvised dagger.
Duboris |
As the decanter of endless goblin debauchery continues, the lithe, elven woman gasps a heavy breathe, still unconscious. She is, however, just fine. Stability Check: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (20) - 1 = 19
Doubling up on the Stability check just incase the one in discussion doesn't fly. Also, I'm not sure if this is accurate, but if you crit a stabilization check you gain a hit point back, right? I'll let Aard play it off because I don't believe that's true.
Her eyes flutter and her nose wrinkles at the smell and awful sounds, but she is far too out of it to be handy in combat. She does, however, writhe quite a bit in pain; her supple body tossing and turning in the filth and the seemingly caustic sludge about her.
Aardvark DM |
Faedrin gets lucky, and just as he's about to swing, the goblin by the hole drops down to reload. This gives the elven swordsman a clear shot at the prone goblin, which is just enough to stab him through the hole in the wall. It yelps in pain, as it realizes that there is an enemy on the other side.
(Prone +4 to hit, cover -4 to hit, just enough to break even)
Dareon, with the other elf across his shoulder tries to get a solid grip on the slick walls, but realizes it would take a stroke of good luck to make it up the thing with her in tow. He instead draws a makeshift weapon.
The mud walls are all DC 15 to climb
I think Gaileyon is still out, so I'll just go ahead and roll for him until I see a message that he's back. Gov't shutdown just means I have a little extra time on my hands.
Gaileyon keeps swinging at the wooden blockade, striking an old crate this time. The crate itself is still fairly sound, but being knocked into the muck makes a fairly sound crate useless as goblin cover.
Attack crate 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21, damage 1d10 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7
Round 4:
Elrawein - Stabilized
Tanjvats - Tries to climb out of the pit
Goblin 1 - 2 damage Stands up, misses Gaileyon
Goblin 2 - 4 damageDrops prone, loads weapon
Faedrin - Hit goblin 2 through the hole
Dareon - Tried to climb, drew an arrow
Gaileyon - destroyed a crate
Because of what's left of the barricade, goblin 1 has cover, goblin 2 has none. (except they both have cover from Faedrin, and you can't AoO if there's cover)
Map is updated
Tanjvats |
Tanjvats squeezed his own hand into a hard, trembling fist, as if was trying to squeeze the failure out of his entire body.
Use Vision of Madness to take a -1 to attacks and saves and gain a +1 on skill checks for one round. 3/6 uses remain. Climb the wall.
Climb to door to next room: 1d20 - 2 + 1 ⇒ (17) - 2 + 1 = 16
Aardvark DM |
Elrawien hangs limp over Dareon's shoulder, as Tanjvats finally manages to claw his way out of the pit that is the first room. He is finally roughly in the same space as most of the others.
Did you have any other actions planned, or are you out Tanjvats? Otherwise, we go around to the top and back to Faedrin.
Aardvark DM |
Okay, yes you guys are absolutely correct, not sure what I was thinking (if at all).
Sticking to the method they have been using, the goblin in the back, drops prone and loads his crossbow. With both the dwarf and elf right beside him, the goblin laying down in front of the both of them drops his newly loaded crossbow, and pulls out a less than well-kept short sword. He tries to stab out of the hole in the wall at Faedrin. All he manages to do, however, is smack the wall itself.
Goblin 1, drops prone, loads
Goblin 2, drops crossbow, draws short sword, attacks Faedrin 1d20 + 4 - 4 - 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 - 4 - 4 = 3
Round 5:
Faedrin - Hit goblin 2 through the hole
Dareon - Tried to climb, drew an arrow
Gaileyon - destroyed a crate
Elrawein - Stabilized
Tanjvats - Climbs out of the pit
Goblin 1 - 2 damage drops prone, loads weapon
Goblin 2 - 4 damage Drops crossbow, draws weapon, misses Fade
Dareon Niroden |
Grimacing, Dareon slogs forward through the muck, makeshift dagger in hand, to try and strike at the goblins.
Move to K10 and then attack the goblin in J9.
Arrow-dagger attack: 1d20 ⇒ 4
Damage: 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
Grunting, he falls to a knee and has to struggle back up before he is able to even try and strike the goblin, Elrawien weighs just so much.
Faedrin Lantherion |
Faedrin drives his rapier through the hole in the wall and smirks coldly when he feels it bite into goblin flesh on the other side. "Stupid, filthy creatures! You're worse than rats!"
Rapier (cover): 1d20 + 4 - 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 - 4 = 18for: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
HP: 3/8
AC: 19 (15 T / 14 FF)
CMD: 16
F/R/W: +2/+4/+3 (+2 vs enchantment, immune sleep)
Arcane Pool used: 2/5
Spells Prepared:
Cantrips (3) - acid splash, daze, disrupt undead
Level 1 (1) - expeditious retreat [ ], jump [X]
Ongoing Effects
Spell Dance: 5/10 rounds
jump (+10): 4/10 rounds
Aardvark DM |
Thrusting his thin blade through the hole in the wall, Faedrin easily spears the prone goblin that just swung at him. There is a brief wet gurgle, before the thing stops moving. Dareon moves closer but is brought down a bit by the body of Fade's sister.
Gaileyon, having cleared some of the obstacle, swings at the the last one. He is willing to take the risk of hitting the cover, since that could destroy or move it either way. He just manages to catch the goblin trying to lay behind what's left of cover, proving its uselessness due to the dwarf's removal of most of it.
Gaileyon attack on Gob 1 1d20 + 6 + 4 - 4 ⇒ (10) + 6 + 4 - 4 = 16 (prone vs melee, cover), damage 1d10 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
Combat over.
Since Fade is tracking some abilities by round, I don't know if you want to keep tracking rounds (order of init unimportant as much as just one turn/round).
Dareon Niroden |
Dareon grimaces. This elven girl is heavier when she's dead weight, and he really wanted to get in on some of that goblin blood.
Pushing himself up from a knee, he calls out, "Hey, can someone help me get her someplace we can leave her?"
Faedrin Lantherion |
Faedrin clambers back into the previous room, brushing more of the filth from his arms again. "Leave who? Why are you leav-" even beneath the grime it's easy to see the color drain from Faedrin's face as he sees the limp form of his sister slung over Dareon's shoulder. After a brief, stunned moment, all thoughts of his own injuries vanish and he explodes into sudden action, desperately pulling his sister back up and out of the filth. "What happened?!" He scrambles for a bit, trying to determine if she's already dead or not. He calms visibly when he sees his twin's shallow but steady breathing.
"Tanj! Tanjvats! Hurry up! Elrawien needs healing!"
Tanjvats |
Tanjvats scooted over as fast as he could to the wounded elf and her panicked brother. He thought briefly of trying to clear away the muck and examine the wounds, but the filth was too ubiquitous.
Instead, he put a hand on her belly and sang a quick prayer to Desna, its wistful melody sounding out of place on his lips, and in this room.
spontaneously cast CLW by dropping Protection from Evil
1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
Tanjvats |
Tanjvats gave a meek, muck-obscured smile as the elf flickered back into consciousness.
"Elrawien, do you have the strength to stand? I'm afraid we must continue our assault on this place, lest we lose our lead. Do you wish to continue, or should we escort you out?"
Dareon Niroden |
Dareon puts the arrow he'd drawn away before transferring Elrawien to a princess-carry position in his arms. "Are you all right?" he asks, his brow furrowing. "Will you be okay if I put you down somewhere?"
Tanjvats |
As Elarwien tried to gain her bearings, Tanjvats began looking over his shoulder.
"Regardless of Elrawien's readiness, we need to continue our search. If Natalya is here, we need to press forward lest she escape us."
"I will help Elrawien to her feet, and either out or onward, but the rest of you, please, move quickly so this will not have been in vain."
Dareon Niroden |
Quickly, before she awakes, Dareon slogs through the muck with Elrawien still over his shoulder. Tossing her roughly up onto the ledge (and dry land), he turns back around to locate his sword. "Rest." he says, simply.
Testing underneath the muck with a booted foot, it takes Dareon a minute or two of work to find it again. Reaching underneath, he comes back up to the surface with it in hand, quickly swinging it around a few times to whick the goop off of it before sheathing it. Then he moves to the pathway leading into the next room, grasping at the rough, dirty wall in preparation to heave himself up.
Will climb until I get there!
Climb: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (8) - 1 = 7
Climb: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (8) - 1 = 7
Climb: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (7) - 1 = 6
Climb: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (19) - 1 = 18 This one. So it takes me two rounds to hoist myself up the wall.
Aardvark DM |
As Tanjvats helps the woman to her feet, now fully healed and fully conscious, Elrawien tries to offer a little playful banter at Dareon. She stumbles over her words a little, still a bit shaken up by the incident.
Dareon, meanwhile, throws himself at the muddy walls near the exit door to the next room. After a few hapless attempts, he manages to haul himself up. Unfortunately for him, the next room has no floor at all. It is just a pit full of waste, while the left wall bears a closed door a good five feet from the bottom of the cess pit, the height where the original floor may have once been found.
Faedrin Lantherion |
Faedrin sighs in relief as his sister comes around, wrapping her in a protective hug only a frightened then releived loved one can give. "Don't scare me like that again, Little Wasp!" Assured that his sister is well, Faedrin offers, "That next room is just a big, open pit, Dareon. It might be easier to navigate if we toss some of those crates into the muck. We can hop from crate to crate that way. Or maybe fetch that board we clambered across from that first room." He looks to Gaileyon then to the others expectantly.
Gaileyon Madstout |
The dwarf's chest heaves after his long workout against the barrels and final Goblin. He looks around the room at his compatriots, putting his Dwarven Waraxe back in it's holster strap. He looks back at the debris and kicks a barrel over the ledge into the muck with a hearty yell of annoyance. "Damned barrels!"
"'Eryone alright?! No-one has any splinters?! These barrels met their match today - I do hope none of the debris caused any harm."
Faedrin Lantherion |
"I think we're all ok now, thanks to Tanjvats. Well, apart from the fact we're all dripping with excrement. Which, to be clear, is no small fact. Quite the contrary, I do believe the last twenty minutes have been the worst of my life. How are you?" Irritation is plain in Faedrin's voice, but it's clear he's irritated at their circumstances and not the dwarf or his questions.
Dareon Niroden |
Dareon straddles the gap between rooms, one leg in each room and his back against the doorframe. "There's no floor here. Do we want to just climb in and then climb out, or is there a way around?"
Aardvark DM |
Looking over at what's left of the barrels and crates does not bode well for their use as makeshift steps. Only one of each remain, and based on the ease with which Gaileyon demolished them before cleaving into the goblin, the sturdiness of the containers could be in question as well. That does not mean, however, that if they can hold the weight they wouldn't work as a boost up through the door in the floorless room.