A long and winding road. (Inactive)

Game Master RHauglin

One foot in front of the other.

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arrrggggggg to the elf, There are many ships out there, I don't think this is a good place to stay long


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There are two elves, which one are you (Mystwalkur) talking to?

It is now midday and the bugs are coming out.

in Taldane:
I'll keep watch for any ships that may rescue us. I'm from Mwangi. It shouldn't be long before we can see some ships and we can set a distress signal fire if they are flying a friendly flag.

From the top of my hill, looking down and searching for something... if anyone asks

in Taldane:
To see if I can see any of the ship's skiffs washed ashore or any other stuff washed ashore. With a 8 man crew and 8 passengers, at least one for shore parties, but probably a spare too. I think two 6- or 8-man skiffs would be appropriate for a small merchant/passenger vessel. If we can recover one, or recover enough of two to repair them and make one. Then we can row up the coast line. If not, maybe we can recover enough wood to lash together a raft to row upstream from the bay north of us. We weren't on a huge man-o-war fighting treasure ship with 100+ cannon and 8 skiffs, unless I was just totally oblivious to 100 more crew that somehow went unnoticed. Anyway the storm may have blown any surviving skiffs a ways down shore. I'm just looking for any signs of them or anything else. :)

You see the the back half of the Jenivere still on the reef. You do not see any of the dinghies.

Brown Deer invites the cat person, Mystwalkur, to sit with her under the lean-to.

Everyone is in the jungle, Rokko is in his own tent. Everyone else is under the lean-to. Except Msadventure who is waiting on the beach for someone to talk to her in a language she understands -- with a plan.

The lean-to is about 25' from the tent. Using the wood from the ship, the fighter starts a fire and uses grass to create a light smoke to keep the bugs away.


If Evan offered me a portion of food I accept it and thank him the every language that I might know the word for thanks in. I share the food and water with my dog.

If Mystwalkur was speaking to Ms.A (the Half-Elf) I will move to the edge of the lean-to, believing it to be an invitation of sorts. IF Mystwalkur was NOT speaking to me then I will move to between the Lean-to and the tent as I was not invited into either. Also, as I “did not find an audience on ship” I assume no one is particularly friendly. I also want to be able to have room to escape as I will fight if anyone tries to eat my dog.

Carol Yager wrote:

If Evan offered me a portion of food I accept it and thank him the every language that I might know the word for thanks in. I share the food and water with my dog.

If Mystwalkur was speaking to Ms.A (the Half-Elf) I will move to the edge of the lean-to, believing it to be an invitation of sorts. IF Mystwalkur was NOT speaking to me then I will move to between the Lean-to and the tent as I was not invited into either. Also, as I “did not find an audience on ship” I assume no one is particularly friendly. I also want to be able to have room to escape as I will fight if anyone tries to eat my dog.

What Evan gives you is 1/4 of what a person needs to stay alive, sharing that with your dog means your getting 1/8 of what you need to stay alive. Evan smiles, you know he does not understand, by his body language.

The DM knows that you are a half-elf, but... Do you look like a half-elf or do you look more like an elf? Aerys looks like an elf, but an elf or a half-elf will realize that she is too short and too heavy to be pure elf. Other races will not notice the subtle difference in Aerys, to them she is an elf.

I do not see a post from Mystwalkur (since Sunday) inviting/ not inviting you.

The Jenivere picked up a new crew in Cheliax, not the audience for elven music. Unbeknownst to you, other things were going on that darken the mood and then the crew replacement were from Cheliax, dark people to say the least.

Attempting survival check to find food (since I already know where water is). 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (19) + 0 = 19

Well, with that roll I find enough food for 5 people (myself plus 4 others). I offer 3 shares to the others, eating 1 and keeping 1 for tomorrow. My horse eats whatever he can forage, but I make sure he's not eating anything I know to be bad for him.

In the lean-to

In a mix of elven and polyglot, Aerys and the fighter discuss, "I strongly suggest that we post a guard tonight. Early tomorrow I would like some of us to go exploring and find out where we are. We found a bay..." points a finger in a direction "...but we have not gone in any other direction. There may be predators here, good: that means there's prey, bad: we may become the prey. So rest up, your going to need all of your strength."


As you leave your tent, you see the hooded man walk by. Tentacles come out of the hood and pull the hood more down over his face.

mjmeans wrote:
Attempting survival check to find food (since I already know where water is). d20+0

You know where fresh water is?

mjmeans wrote:
Attempting survival check to find food (since I already know where water is). d20+0

Besides the bugs, there are birds and fish. And that is just what you can see without moving.

Clarification: I am sitting off between the tent and the lean-to with my dog.

Robert, that was I was scouting around and you told me there was a bay with an inlet stream. I asked if it was clear enough to see to make sure there wasn't any monsters before I would refill my water skins. If the inlet was salt water, or was somehow not fresh even though it is a running stream, then... ??? Your post was on Sunday, 07:01 PM.

mjmeans wrote:
Robert, that was I was scouting around and you told me there was a bay with an inlet stream. I asked if it was clear enough to see to make sure there wasn't any monsters before I would refill my water skins. If the inlet was salt water, or was somehow not fresh even though it is a running stream, then... ??? Your post was on Sunday, 07:01 PM.

I did respond to your comment on sunday at 6:01 pm

I did not make a post on sunday at 7:01...

The post at 6:01 on sunday dose clearly state that the bay is salt water.

Timestamp issues. 6:01 pm for you is 7:01 pm for me. Identifying messages by Timestamps is going to be a problem. However, he survival skill check finds water and food according to the skill description, so it's moot now anyway. When you said inlet, I interpreted that as an inlet stream, not a hidden bay, or lagoon. I stand corrected.

Robert Hauglin 13 wrote:


I do not see a post from Mystwalkur (since Sunday) inviting/ not inviting you.


FYI: You replied asking which Elf on Monday evening I see it as 9:50PM

I took that differently than you did. Why would you run from a ship? Don't you want to be rescued? Until Ray responds, we will not know.

There's more than one elf.

sorry about the lag, been a booger of a week :P
I am addressing Ms A, if she moves over to me I will bow and introduce myself, and Shadow

if the aft portion of the shop is still above water then it may be a good idea to swim out and see what can be salvaged, maybe a water barrel survived, of course who ever goes may be eaten by something really big and hungry I will send shadow up as high as he can go to see as far inland as we can. What if any information do I pick up?

Mystwalkur wrote:
arrrggggggg to the elf, There are many ships out there, I don't think this is a good place to stay long

On Sunday 9:15 PM, LV time, the NPCs built a lean-to. Leaving Mystwalkur and Msadventure on the beach.

On Sunday 10:32 thru 10:34 PM, LV time, Ray posts the above.

It was not until Monday 7:08 PM, LV time, Mystwalkur is invited into the lean-to by Brown Deer.

So Mystwalkur may have invited Msadventure to somewhere, but not to the lean-to, as he was not invited. If Mystwalkur assumed they were invited, that is his, now your, embarrassment.

Mystwalkur wrote:

sorry about the lag, been a booger of a week :P

I am addressing Ms A, if she moves over to me I will bow and introduce myself, and Shadow

I move to speak with Mystwalkur

in elvish:
I am very pleased to meet you Mystwalkur and your fine feathered friend. This is my companion and guard (dog) Simon. Together we travel; guard and take care; watch after each other, so brigands beware. … sorry I sometime just wax poetic. That one I think needed more polish.
I smile in a rather apologetic way.
I put my reply in the spoiler format as there was a point made that there is no common language; so not everyone knows everyone's language nor is everyone privy to every conversation.

I still offer any extra food and water discovered on my survival roll to the others at a first encountered = first dibs basis. Remember, I'm from Mwangi and based on my class, archetype and traits, I think I have a reasonable idea of what plants are edible and high in water content if actual fresh water is not readily available. Also I think the survival check could result in preparing some leaf water catchers for the daily rains (assuming we are in tropical jungle territory).

Robert, who is Ray? Is Ray a new PC? Has Ray ever posted?

My default daily plans (unless something else happens)

Morning Survival check to forage for food and water.

Afternoon: Prepare a small fire with minimal smoke to cook any roots I found. And also prepare a larger pile to be able to set afire to make a smoke signal in case I see potential rescue ships. I soak my blanket and put it in my sack so I can use it to augment the smoke signals. I realize that a smoke signal can be seen by natives as well, and that will not necessarily be pleasant. So I'll only send up smoke puffs if I can spot sight of a vessel which is close enough to spot the signal.

Dusk, I ring out the blanket and let it and the sack air dry.

Mystwalkur wrote:
if the aft portion of the shop is still above water then it may be a good idea to swim out and see what can be salvaged, maybe a water barrel survived, of course who ever goes may be eaten by something really big and hungry I will send shadow up as high as he can go to see as far inland as we can. What if any information do I pick up?

Speaking in elvish in reply to Mystwalkur:
I unfortunately am unable to swim; to which I am rather mystified, though pleased at my survival.

If we intend to bring any quantity supplies ashore it would be best if we fashioned a raft or a way to float things to the beach. Less time in the water is less chance to be eaten.

mjmeans wrote:
Robert, who is Ray? Is Ray a new PC? Has Ray ever posted?

Ray, the player, plays Mystwalkur.

Not to be confused with Ray the character.

Robert, Assuming that my survival roll did indeed enable me to find extra food and water, I keep 2 days worth and deliver the rest to the first people I find walking down the hill. It would be just after I set up the cook fire. Whomever are the first people I come across when walking down from my hillside tent to deliver the food I speak to in Taldane. If they don't understand, I make eating motions with my hands and point beckon them up to my camp. How much food & water did I find and if there was extra whom do I get to come up?

Mystwalkur wrote:
if the aft portion of the shop is still above water then it may be a good idea to swim out and see what can be salvaged, maybe a water barrel survived, of course who ever goes may be eaten by something really big and hungry I will send shadow up as high as he can go to see as far inland as we can. What if any information do I pick up?


Humans in the south-west, Shadow almost was eaten by a much bigger bird


And who has a octopus as a pet?

I am getting confused as to what is happening when. If Mystwalkur talked to me (the conversation I just replied to this evening) before being asked to the lean-to (which posted on Monday?) and as the GM made Brown Deer's body language clear that I was NOT invited into the lean-to. It is very hard to read body language in text but it is easy enough to follow but walk on by then go between the tent and the lean-to when Rokko returns (post today) offering the food. I do not remember any one say there was a rescue ship visible.

If a spoiler lists Ms.A, or a language I speak and a location I am I'll read it otherwise do not assume I am aware of any of that information

Please let me know If there is any food offered to me.

If there is I will accept what is offered, look at it closely so I might be able to identify it and share what food I get with my dog. Unless specifically invited I will stay off to the side out of the way using what natural shelter I can for shade and protection from rain if it starts.

Rokko passes food and water out to others.

Aerys to Rokko: "I think we should relocate closer to the water source that you have found. Did you find the food nearby the water source? Prey might come by the water source."

to Ms A

Well well, you should know there are humans to the south west and flying meat eaters that could swallow Shadow in a gulp, and I believe that one of our fellow castaways had a pet squid if I am not mistaken, perhaps we should see if he can inspect the ship

I do not believe that staying out in the open is a very good idea for very much longer, and fire with smoke is probably going to just be an invitation to beings we don't want to meet before we get to know them

Carol Yager wrote:
I am getting confused as to what is happening when. If Mystwalkur talked to me (the conversation I just replied to this evening) before being asked to the lean-to (which posted on Monday?) and as the GM made Brown Deer's body language clear that I was NOT invited into the lean-to. It is very hard to read body language in text but it is easy enough to follow but walk on by then go between the tent and the lean-to when Rokko returns (post today) offering the food. I do not remember any one say there was a rescue ship visible.

This is why I did not understand how you took Mystwalkur's comment as an invite. The only way it makes sense to me as an invite is if Mystwalkur assumed he was invited and then invited you. Mystwalkur has not responded, so we will have to wait until then.

Brown Deer hand gestured Mystwalkur to her in the lean-to. Mystwalkur has not responded, so we will have to wait until then if he accepted or not. No body language was given to you.

Mystwalkur mentioned ships in his comment. Rokko is preparing for the possibility of a ship. The DM has not mention a rescue ship. Only the Jenivere wreckage.

GM info needed, re: the successful Survival check that allowed me to find food and water. In order to be able to answer Aerys, I need to know some details on where exactly I found the food and water. Was it an actual water source or was it harvested water? Was the foraging just roots, nuts, berries and such, or was it small game? I think small game would be possible only if it was due to setting a snare of some kind. I don't have fishing gear or a spear for spear fishing, but a rudimentary spear certainly could have been fashioned from a stick. I guess I'm saying that the Survival check doesn't say exactly how the food and water is acquired and that is then left up to GM's discretion as to what makes sense under the circumstances.

to Aerys in Taldane:
We should stay close to shore so we can signal for rescue. I think this top of a steep hill above the shore is a good spot. It provides partial cover so we can't be seen by ships we don't want to see us, yet provides an excellent high point to spot approaching predators along the beach and ships along the coast. And a good point to create clear smoke signals that are relatively undisturbed by the shifting winds near the foliage/beach boundary. Of course if the others have expressed different concerns maybe we could call a meeting and discuss it.

8 hour round trip to the nearest fresh water supply.

As far as food, it depends on how picky you. It was mentioned earlier at there are birds and bugs (I do not remember what else was mentioned). As night falls, the rodents come out. Berries, roots, coconuts, etc. are around. The more you gather the more your going to travel farther away to find more.

On one of your trips out you see a corpse of a goat. Striped down to bloody bones.

The DM does not know/ have time to study about jungle islands, so like the module I was going to gloss over it. You made your roll - you find food and water - you stay alive for another day.

8 hours by walking or by horse? Or is the jungle so thick that it's the same either way? What time of day is it now? What day is it? Was there any ships spotted in the late afternoon to which I could send up a smoke signal to perhaps attract a rescue?

If others have some survival skill as well they should roll too, if not they could at least join me and make an aid other roll. I recommend this plan to whomever can speak Taldane and ask them to confer with the others. It's much less risky to go out scouting or foraging in small teams of 2 or 3 than going off alone (with my horse) as I already have done once.

So apparently I can speak to Aerys. I approach the other person who seems to understand me and ask their name.

It is a thick jungle, the same either way.

It is early summer, early evening of the first day on the island.

You have not seen any ship pass by.

Averys to Rokko, "I'm a fighter not a scrounger. I'll go to protect the scoungers."

The fighter to Rokko, "My name is John. And you don't eat what I eat." He picks up a bug and eats it. "Pure goodness. Food is all around us."

I look around to see where everyone is and try to make a mental note of who is or has been talking to who.

To Mystwalkur

speaking Elvish:
Do you mean that guy in the cloak might have a pet squid? That would explain his playing in the water after we landed. I have no proof but there is something very different about him. Do you know if anyone can actually talk to him?

I frown and look up to the sky toward the jungle.

speaking Elvish:
With any luck the guy with the horse might know if the carnivorous birds are only jungle dwelling or if they might venture to the beach, but you may want to keep you Shadow close.

I look a little agitated as if we were speaking about an approaching danger and move so we can keep talking but I can look toward the south-west.

speaking Elvish:
If there are humans approaching from the South-West we need to either put up early warning devices or snares if there is time. Do you know how many, how far; how many hours away they are? Have you told anyone else? Aerys seems elvish and can speak to the guy with a horse, can you talk to anyone else? Whoever is coming we need to be prepared for hostile company. I'm good with my bow and long sword; and can inspire friends in a fight as long as they can hear me.

I look very determined as I look toward the south west with a concerned and searching gaze. If we are speaking about an approaching danger it is likely coming from that direction.

Again my gaze scans our little group of cast-a-ways; though this time with an evaluating gaze; sizing up each one for capabilities in a fight. When my gaze reaches Brown Deer my expression changes from evaluating to a combination of a sad, protective question. She's on her own, far from home, what is it that she can do?

I turn and look toward the south west searching the jungle.

Animal handling 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24
Narrow sweeping gesture pointing toward the south west

speaking Hallit to Simon:

Sizing up the group:

Mystwalkur, cutlass.
Rokko, kikko armor, great sword.
Evan, studded leather, scimitar.
John, scale mail, long and short sword.
Ms Adventure, studded leather, long sword, crossbow.
Averys, leather, longbow.
Ishirou, chain shirt, 1 1/2 handed sword.
Sasha, chain shirt, rapier, 2 kukri.
Brown Deer, soft leather, spear, ax.

I will not reply today, just got home from having a tumor in my pancreas biopsied, please forgive the lag peeps.

Mystwalkur wrote:
I will not reply today, just got home from having a tumor in my pancreas biopsied, please forgive the lag peeps.

Ray your health is more important to me.


As you wander around you see Ishirou is dead, he has been chewed on in the night by small animals.

John, aka the fighter, is cooking rats. When you pass by, he asks if you want one.

Sasha is grooming herself and Brown Deer.

Evan is hugging his backpack.

Averys is cleaning gear and suiting up in armor.

The hooded man you have not seen since midday yesterday.

In Arcadian and hand jesters. "I'm going to get meat and berries anyone want to come?"

I'll go with Brown Deer. Anyone else? Averys would you help translate? I'll bring anyone else's water skins to fill them up too.

I will move around and try and communicate with each individual, trying the different languages I know. I will let those whom I can talk to know about the birds and people Shadow saw. Has anyone seen the hooded man?

mjmeans wrote:
I'll go with Brown Deer. Anyone else? Averys would you help translate? I'll bring anyone else's water skins to fill them up too.

Averys to Rokko: "I don't speak her language. What do you want to do with Ishirou? I don't know the human's burial rites."

to Averys speaking Taldane:
I meant, can you help translate to fond out if 'anyone else' wants to go with us, or wants me to take their waterskins to fill up? As for Ishirou, I'm not a cleric. The usual jungle method is to build a pyre. In this extreme humidity it won't be long before the decay attracts scavengers. The only other option I suggest is maybe to take it out to the ship and leave it there.

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