Estra and Honaire |
Aww... boo. I thought Straightjacket seemed way too good for a B Armor. The text on the card is straight-up wrong, as has been FAQed.
I'll amend my picks, for the last time, to the following.
- Spell 1 (Replacing Telempathic Projection for Inflict Pain)
- Spell B (Replacing Acid Jet/Telempathic Projection for Fiery Glare)
- (If the Spell 1 is taken) Item B (Replacing Dowsing Rod for Dreamcatcher)
You don't seem to have a Blessing of Erastil available (no Blessing 1s to pick), and I don't see a Samurai. Did you mean Surgeon? (Also no deck 1 allies...). Entangling Shot doesn't seem strong; it only takes effect if you lose combat, generally, which you rarely do with your safety-net power. Besides, the only monsters we WANT at the top of the deck are Henchmen (which we shouldn't be failing combat against) and villains (which you don't get to use it on, since failing against them means they run to a mystery location).
The hand cannon looks brutal (2d6 to someone else's combat check?
That's amazing!) and I like the Emerald of Dexterity that lets you sub in a 1d10 for checks we're normally bad at (like Strength checks or Diplomacy checks to close, or problematic barriers), and extra blessing support will make all added dice also add 1d10s to that check. If nothing else, you can recharge it as soon as you come across a boon (like a sword or divine spell or something) to suddenly get a decent die to roll to grab it. There's some other weapons that look nice here and there.
P.S. I note that Skizza doesn't have Heavy Armor proficiency, so he needs to banish the Scale Mail to eliminate damage dealt to him. I guess that's fine, though, since it's just a basic that he can refill his deck with?
Skizza of Dongun Hold |
I have the Ultimate Combat addon.
The hand cannon does look great but I was confused on how a C reward worked. Wasn't sure I could use it to take a B reward.
Blessing of the Samurai let's me Recharge to add a die to Ranged/Melee checks.
I guess I overlooked the Emerald of Dex as well.
Estra and Honaire |
Oh shoot. I have absolutely no idea what's in Ultimate Combat. The Ultimate decks let you take two class decks? Do you need to unlock the use of them or something? Honestly, I'm completely ignorant of them.
You know best, then! Oh, and deck "C" and deck "B" are completely equivalent for organised play, both are just treated as deck "0". The only reason they're distinct is to separate Add-On cards from Base Set cards visually. Blessing of the Samurai also sounds good; slightly restrictive in that most of the party are spellcasters, but still good.
Skizza of Dongun Hold |
You can add one Ultimate deck to your "box" for a character essentially giving you a larger pool of cards.
And thank you for the information on "C" cards as I was struggling to find the relevant information on it. Gonna parse the new information and figure out which cards I want the most.
Hawkmoon269 |
As to your question about Qualzar's power feat not being optional: I'm not sure there is a reason for it. My guess would be that they intended it to be optional. Qualzar was one of the earliest class decks, and some of the nuances of what powers were optional and which ones weren't hadn't been worked out like they are now.
EmpTyger |
Pending anything unusual in the scenario rules, would anyone like to go fishing for spells at Hadden Hoppert's? If it's just Qualzar, I'll just get another Elemental Treaty at Sunburst Market. But if someone else is interested in spells, there's not a risk of getting a bad mix of arcane/divine.
Nevermind, just saw the setup. Constructs :(
Qualzar will need to go to the Sunburst Market to pick up an attack spell TBD for the henchman.
Skizza of Dongun Hold |
Thank you for the advice and I decided on my deck upgrades (unless Gronk or someone else was eyeing the Weapon C).
Item 1: Emerald of Dexterity (Replacing Alchemist's Fire which was traded last scenario.)
Weapon C: Hand Cannon (Replacing Pistol)
Same power as before. Finalized Deck Handler.
Gronk, The WoodWose |
Item 1: Anubis Staff --> Pearl of Wisdom (Replacing Amulet of Mighty Fists)
Ally B: Shock Lizard --> Mastiff (Replacing Dog)
Power Upgrade: Proficient with Light Armors [X] Weapons
Trading: Quarterstaff for Explorer's Staff (If allowed)
If that all passes muster, will post in a bit, otherwise still completely confused.
Hawkmoon269 |
FYI: A new FAQ was just posted for Qualzar. So, now it is optional to leave the monster on top.
If EmpTyger want to redo Qualzar's feat, that is fine. Though I think you didn't like it because it wouldn't be useful, not because it wasn't optional.
Estra and Honaire |
A new FAQ? Awesome; I feel we've accomplished something here today. Thanks Hawkmoon!
Seems my anti-construct attack spell will finally get a use. I'll be posting my card switches and flavor later today. So flavorfully, are we swimming about the surface while we 'fight' here, or have we taken water breathing potions and doing much of this underwater? This is going to be stressful on poor old Estra, I feel.
Oh, and I'll probably be trading out my Dowsing Rod for a second Cure spell, if that changes anyone's decision. My new Inflict Pain spell can also let me add a 1d10+3 to combat checks at my location (admittedly, and the Mental trait, which won't work against undead and these constructs), so another reason for me to back someone up at a location often.
All of your choices seem great to me, good work!
Wow, now I feel like I need to get all of the Ultimate Add-On decks... XD.
Is there 1 Acid Pool and the remainder of the henchmen are Constructs, or vice-versa? Based on the flavor, I presume it's just 1 acid pool, but if they make up most of the henchmen then I may trade for a different card.
Estra and Honaire |
Thanks Hawkmoon.
Posted all of my starting information, and updated my deck handler with the new cards and texts. Not interested in Remove Curse. Too narrow, and we've only been hit infrequently by Curses so far, and only Curses of Vulnerability. Taking a bunch of damage due to that curse can just be healed back up with a Cure spell anyway, of which I'm now packing plenty of.
Do we have to choose whether to use Remove Curse before we find out the next scenario's details or not? If there was a scenario or henchmen/villain that cast nasty curses, I'd like it, but I'm not sure if I'm supposed to have that knowledge in advance when making that decision.
I've made some modifications to my Deck Handler (after getting permission from cartmanbeck as a matter of principle). I've added in some simple scripts that allows me to completely automate 'random healing' effects on my own cards as well as a 'cleanup' command that lets me 'push' cards in each column to fill empty cells without impacting their order. Very useful, for example, when drawing cards from my Recharged column, since I can move them all 'up'. (You need to have permission to EDIT a sheet to use these, of course)
I made a couple of other small tweaks, but it's functionally the same as before. If anyone's really interested in my updates to implement in your own Deck Handlers, they can contact me, but I'd rather wait for cartmanbeck's opinion on that first.
If you do end up cloning them across to your own Deck Handlers (or asking me to); Keep in mind that they are script-based, so you really should be certain you trust the developer (me) or you read the scripts yourself before giving Google Sheets permission to run them. Not that they're doing anything impressive, but still.
Estra and Honaire |
Gronk's moving first, by the way, and I think the scenario is fully set up (he'll just have to flip over the top Blessing at the start of his turn).
We'll need to keep the Scenario rules in mind punishing the use of Bludgeoning, Slashing or Fire (because we're in water, flavorfully). In particular, this hinders Skizza (since his "safety net" combat check power adds the fire trait, and so will often decrease his overall roll). No mind-bending strategy for now; stick to whatever locations you like the look of and start hunting.
Go team!
Estra and Honaire |
I'm glad you mentioned Starfinder, because I didn't get the reference until I read that. I loved reading your turn, though.
Nice starting turn as well. 2 cards explored and defeated. Nice use of the Blessing of the Gods (/AbadarCorp), too!
I'm not sure what the first Wisdom 7 recharge check you did was for, though, unless I missed something. Seemed unnecessary?
Also... technically the Acid Mantis doesn't have the Animal trait. It has the Vermin trait (which certainly SOUNDS like the same thing to me, and I even know that some characters like WotR Harsk refer to "Animal or Vermin"), so you'll need to discard the Pearl rather than recharge it.
(Personally seems silly to me that it doesn't also have the Animal trait, but rules are rules. I guess you can't 'tame' something like a Mantis that isn't as 'complex' as a reptile or mammal, hence why they're sorta excluded from Druid effects?)
Gronk, The WoodWose |
The first Wisdom 7 was to recharge the Pearl, but since it was a vermin it no needed. Deck handler updated as well as post. Moving...on.
EmpTyger |
I'll use Skizza's Blessing of the Ancients (which will recharge) to roll 2d10 for the Intelligence 10 check to close.
Could I also use Gronk's Blessing of the Gods for 3d10? That blessing would also automatically recharge, since the top blessing is Blessing of the Elements and this is an Acid check.
(That was some turn. In 4 explorations, I managed to hit all 3 of the location's banes. Where's Abadar when you need him?)
Estra and Honaire |
Wei Ji:
There's no check required for such a recharge, though. If the Mantis was an animal, your character power simply says "recharge the card".
When you're told to recharge a card, there's no check required unless it states there is as part of a power; you simply do it (that is, you put a card on the bottom of your deck). In this case, the power is from your character, which just states "you may recharge that card instead of discarding it (...when against an animal)".
No harm done, though, just something to keep in mind.
Nice work! And interesting turn. I second the recommendation for both blessings, if Gronk gives permission. That should be a location closed on our second turn!
Chances are good that I'll draw a Cure at the end of my next turn, so I can heal up your impressively ally-and-blessing heavy discard pile (and reshuffle your Surgeon). In fact, I plan to pre-emptively move to the (hopefully closed) Hot Springs at the end of my turn with Walking Stick. The Scenario Power 'penalty' for non-standard movement will actually be beneficial in that case by letting me shift more cards out of my hand so I have better odds of drawing into a cure (and hitting my currently-absent blessings).
EmpTyger |
Wei Ji:
Or if you’d rather hang on to your blessing, that’s fine as well. Just let me know either way! (And to be clear, if you do let me use it, you don’t need to make a check to recharge the blessing. It just recharges automatically. In fact, the free recharging is the reason why I’m being extracautious for this check.)
I thought I was being oh-so-clever by playing the blessing first before the ally, to control what the Surgeon cured. Only I managed to shuffle the blessing straight to the top of my deck, where it was rediscarded to the trap. Ah well.
And thanks for the offer of coming over to cure me. Although if the Golden Lake is still open at the end of your turn, you could just stay there, and let me come to you.
Gronk, The WoodWose |
If you can close it, close it and use the blessing. One area closed is one less we have to deal with, and if we can get it on the first go-around it will take some pressure off.
Skizza of Dongun Hold |
Go for it! A quick close will help us rest easy after it coming down to the wire last time. Even better they recharge.
Skizza of Dongun Hold |
Looks like I may need assistance if we got it otherwise I am flipping a coin to take 4 to the face and possibly the curse.
With cures on deck I don't mind chancing it but figured I would ask.
Gronk, The WoodWose |
Gronk was thinking of Cure-ing Gronk next turn. Does anyone need Cure more and should he save it?
Estra and Honaire |
Nice teamwork so far on dealing with awkward barriers.
Just making sure Skizza's ended his turn? He posted his status, so I'm going to assume so and start writing up my turn, but he does still have the Jinx Eater in hand (which isn't good for much else but exploring).
I'll check this discussion thread before I post my actual turn in case Eclipse corrects me on that.
Estra and Honaire |
Gronk was thinking of Cure-ing Gronk next turn. Does anyone need Cure more and should he save it?
Sounds like a good plan! Be sure to cure at the end of your turn, in case you end up discarding your Sickle or Armor against whatever it is you explore.
Obviously things may change during Estra’s turn, but I don’t think Qualzar will need Gronk’s. Yewstance has volunteered and/or Qualzar will be cured by the Golden Lake’s ability.
I've cured Qualzar 4 of his 5 card discard pile. Though it's worth noting that Golden Lake doesn't 'cure' you, it just lets you recharge part of your hand.
Incidentally, Golden Lake's ability does seem quite strong to me. You only have to recharge up to the rolled number of cards, so you can always just recharge one or two of your weaker cards to draw into a blessing or something instead, or cycle to get to your recharged spells faster. On top of that, recharging large numbers of cards lets you perfectly predict your draws (as I was doing last game, and I'm going to be doing this game from the looks of it, with 6/10 cards in my deck ordered from recharged cards). I kind of feel like Skizza should've recharged one of his weapons at the end of his last turn, which combined with the un-used ally was why I was a little unsure.
Everything's working out fine, though. I'm just the tiniest bit disappointed I didn't get the opportunity to maximize my Movement value/synergy with Hot Springs. Oh well.
Oh, and I recommend closing Golden Lake sooner rather than later, so I can get back Sands of Time quicker... which is a brilliant spell in this scenario where all but 1 henchmen are constructs!
Skizza of Dongun Hold |
Oh, I am terrible at paying attention to the beneficial effects of locations so that is my bad and I was being conservative on that turn tue to already having to use someone else's blessing. Sorry it got you blinded.
Estra and Honaire |
Not a problem at all! You dealt with Toxic Geyser immediately, an aggravating barrier that already gave us so much headache and cost us potentially as many as 3 or more explorations last scenario (given Gronk failing it, then me failing it, at huge card costs).
Estra and Honaire |
I'm jealous of Gronk's repeated ability to pass 8 difficulty checks to defeat barriers with a simple 1d10.
Also, I was going to comment on using Cure prior to exploring (when I'd recommended doing otherwise), but it worked out with only healing for 2 this time. Anyway, good turn.
Estra and Honaire |
Wow, Qualzar's fully responsible for both location closes so far! I'm happy with you using my blessing of course (though I'm very mildly annoyed that my blessing provided a 2 on a 1d10, and my own recharge check hit a 1 on a 1d10, not that I was likely to recharge that at all). I'm also a little annoyed that we hit the non-construct Henchmen in the location that I used Sands of Time on, but it still helped with the Closing check! Also, nice work with Twitch Tonic and the heal.
I guess the Golden Lake's end-of-turn power isn't also on its permanently closed side? That's a little disappointing.
EmpTyger |
Agent Eclipse:
Shouldn't there be a new Blessing of the Ancients in Skizza's hand?
Not that Qualzar hasn't borrowed plenty of blessings already this scenario...
(Also, I'm assuming that you just didn't want to risk triggering a bane with the examine? But just mentioning that the Crocodile Skin Helmet could have been recharged, in case you didn't realize that its different powers require different armor proficiencies, oddly.)
Estra and Honaire |
Huh, two good points. I missed those. I've already done my turn, but I'm sure Skizza can correct that now if he wants to recharge the helmet instead (and un-draw a card so he doesn't leave the blessing out).
As posted in my status, I recommend Gronk move to the Precious Mine. Qualzar or Skizza would never make that closing check (without a lot of help, at least). Gronk and I are the only characters capable of decent Strength/Melee or Constitution/Fortitude rolls, and on balance, he's much better with Melee and I'm moderately better with Constitution.
Though in truth, for all 4 of the remaining locations; Gronk and I are more capable of closing than anyone else in the party. We're both Wisdom-heavy divine casters that can temporarily push our Strength and Constitutions up. I always said that Class Deck Estra plays basically like a Druid.