EmpTyger |
So, Estra's blessing will rechange as Yewstance already indicated. So that's 2d10 + 2 for a Knowledge 9, which is probably good enough. But I realized- this could very well be the last boon any of us encounter. Wei Ji, your blessing of Wadjet can't be used to help defeat the villain- it can only be used on boons or exploring. So, could I use it here?
And if the logical appeal isn't good enough, how about greed: we'd be acquiring a deck 1 boon.
(And, yeah, yeah, I know, I know, the explore was foolhardy. For what it's worth though, I *really* wanted to acid splash that trap, and I realized we had the time.)
Yewstance |
Recharge my Sign for certain. I'd also recommend the Blessing of Wadjet, but I'd wait for Wei Ji to approve it too.
EmpTyger |
Thanks for the blessings. As it turned out, 2 blessings were overkill, considering that it would have acquired without using any! But, no reason not to use the resources with the scenario almost over.
Note that Qualzar has his armor, so I'm not at risk of dying even if the trap at the Shifting Dunes is triggered with me here.
Yewstance |
Wait, I missed something. Why did you recharge Force Missile during your turn? How?
Anyway, I'm about to sleep. I'll cast Cure on myself and, if Skizza's done by my next turn, I'll post when I wake up.
Yewstance |
But Khelru shuffles them in, right? Not recharges? (if that was your mistake, you may want to re-do your Reset Hand, because you technically may have drawn different cards)
Anyway, I've actually changed my mind. Skizza is about to go and fight the villain, and he actually only has 4 cards in his deck (and a 5 card hand size), so I'll cure him so there's absolutely no risk of death even if he somehow has a hand wipe. Qualzar should be safe with his armor and blessings and combat spell.
If all goes well, I won't get another turn. Good luck to all! Remember to use blessings to succeed in your attempts to close!
Skizza of Dongun Hold |
Alright, so I believe that beating the villain auto-closes the location, right? So I didn't have to discard my hand before drawing my discard. (This is why I didn't close after the henchman since I knew the villain should be next.)
That and I do not know at what step he runs away so I may or may not have those blessings in my hand to help temporary closings.
EmpTyger |
Actually, it seemed too tricky to do what my exact play would have been.
(I'd have asked Skizza to use 1 of his blessings, in exchange for 2 of mine + Black Spot, since Qualzar had too many cards to use on his own tempclosing check. But that seemed too much of a retcon given Skizza's turn, so I stuck to just using my own cards.)
And now I have no idea what the procedure is after an organized play game! Can someone walk us through it?
Hawkmoon269 |
Awesome. So, here is the procedure:
After the Scenario
A major difference in Adventure Card Guild play is the method by which you improve your deck after completing a scenario. This happens in three steps: earning scenario rewards, earning tier rewards, and upgrading your deck. If the party ran out of the time allotted for the scenario, players do not earn scenario or tier rewards, but they can upgrade their decks.
Earning Scenario Rewards. The procedure for earning scenario rewards (and adventure rewards, and Adventure Path rewards) follows the standard rules with a few exceptions. If you are rewarded with a card from the box, instead take a random card of the same type from your Class Deck box. The card’s adventure deck number cannot be higher than that of the scenario you completed. For example, if you just completed a scenario in Adventure 2, and the scenario reward was a random item from the box, take an item from your Class Deck that has an adventure deck number no higher than 2. (If you don’t have an appropriate card, you do not receive that reward.) Record the rewards you received on your Chronicle sheet.
When you have completed all of the scenarios in an adventure, in addition to the adventure reward, you also gain a die bump (see Die Bumps on page 9). Record it on your Chronicle sheet.
If the scenario rewards you with additional deck upgrades, apply that when upgrading your deck (see below).
Earning Tier Rewards. When you successfully complete a scenario, you earn advancement through the tier system, and may be rewarded with a feat or your role card. See Appendix 1: Tier Advancement for details on tier rewards.
Upgrading Your Deck. In Adventure Card Guild play, you don’t get to keep the cards that you’ve acquired or otherwise gained during the scenario. Instead, you use them to determine which cards you get to take from your own Class Deck box. Each player normally receives exactly 1 deck upgrade (that is, 1 card) per scenario, whether you won the scenario or not, though some scenarios reward you with additional deck upgrades when you win.
Begin by sorting all newly acquired cards by card type and place them in the center of the play area. (You can identify new cards by the Adventure Path logo in the upper right corner.) If the number of cards in the play area is less than the number of deck upgrades needed, roll 1d6 and consult the table on this page. Add a random card of that type to the play area. Continue rolling and adding until the number of cards is equal to the number of deck upgrades needed.
Each card in the play area represents a potential deck upgrade. Discuss your choices for deck upgrades with your party and come to a consensus, as each player gets 1 card from the available upgrades (duplicates are not allowed). Resolve any contested upgrades with a die roll; the highest roll wins.
When you choose a card from the play area, instead of adding it directly to your character deck, choose a card from your Class Deck box of the same type with an adventure deck number no higher than that of the chosen card. If a card has a letter for the set indicator, treat its adventure deck number as 0. Add the Class Deck card to your character deck and put the original card back in the game box. For example, if you choose the potential deck upgrade Dagger +1, a card with a set indicator of 1, you would add a weapon with a set indicator of B or 1 from your Class Deck box to your character deck and return the original Dagger +1 to the game box.
Record on your Chronicle sheet the type and set indicator of the card you gained. For example, if you gained a weapon card with a set indicator of 1, record it as Weapon 1.
After upgrading your deck, if your deck doesn’t have enough of certain card types to meet the Cards List requirement on your character card, and your character is Tier 2 or lower, choose the extra cards you need from your Class Deck using the Hierarchy in the sidebar on page 7. If your character is Tier 3 or higher, you may instead choose appropriate cards that have an adventure deck number at least 2 lower than your tier.
Hawkmoon269 |
So, first thing that happens is you get the scenario reward. That is a few traders in this case, so they won't really apply until the next scenario (I'll go over that in a bit.)
Then you get the tier reward. This is your first scenario in this tier (assuming you all played new characters) so you reward is a skill feat.
Then we sort out the cards. You get back all the cards that are part of your deck that others might have. And we put any of the cards that don't belong to someone's deck into a pile in the middle. Then you each pick a card. If you pick a Weapon from deck 1, you can take any Weapon 1 (or B) card from your class deck. After you pick rewards, you'll rebuild your deck (so if you took that weapon 1 from your deck you'll probably get rid of a weapon B).
I have a list of the cards you acquired and I'll post it.
Yewstance |
Go team! One scenario down!
Alright, just a couple of small questions for Hawkmoon after you've posted the list of acquired boons.
- I assume we'll be given a digital Chronicle Sheet soon, based on the text of Appendix 2 in the Card Guild Guide?
- Besides the Chronicle Sheet, is there anything else we need to do or fill out anywhere on Paizo.com or otherwise to track our progress? I'm aware that our participation - should we be successful in the adventure - may have long-lasting bonuses for our Organized Play in the future.
Otherwise, to the group; As far as the boon I want to upgrade my deck with, I have a very high preference for a Spell. Currently, two of my spells are a bit narrow in their use for my liking, and I don't really have another basic that would be any better.
You can read about "Telempathic Projection" and "Spiritual Ally" on my deck handler. The Spiritual Ally isn't bad (and I was going to write into flavor about the spell being my previously 'disappearing' actual allies if I'd used it in-game), but the Telempathic Projection is rather more awkward than I'd like, especially with the restriction of being against a 'card you encounter', so no Closing or Recharge check help there.
Yewstance |
My PFS number was on the signup sheet for Outpost, I think, but anyway it's:
Occult Adventures 1: Estra
Yewstance |
Gunslinger class deck has an awesome blessing, doesn't it? Can give d12s to literally any check?
Skizza of Dongun Hold |
Discard this card to add 1d4, 1d6, 1d8, 1d10, or 1d12 to any check. if the result is equal to the difficulty, you may put this card on top of your deck instead of discarding it; if the result exceeds the difficulty by less than 6, you may recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Discard this card to explore your location. Once during this exploration, you may reroll 1 die; take the new result.
Now that you mention it that sounds crazy. I will take that as my first choice if someone else has a good weapon in their deck.
EmpTyger |
Qualzar is 296889-1002. The easy choice is the skill feat: CHA+1.
As for the deck upgrade, it's late enough that I'm going to sleep on Ally B vs Spell B.
I am passing on all the deck 1 boons for certain though, if that matters to anyone:
Ally 1isn't as versatile as the Ally B.
Weapon 1doesn't really fit into my deck.
Armor 1isn't a significant improvement over the Basic Armor B that I can put back in "for free".
Also, I'm willing to take the lowest priority pick. I definitely want neither the weapon nor the blessing that Skizza is deciding between. And if Estra and Gronk both take the same category of boon, it only makes my decision easier!
In fact, if anyone has any input- even and especially biased feedback- it would be welcome. If not, I'll see how I feel in the morning.
- Ally B Surgeon (recharge to cure 1 card at my location/discard to explore) replacing Guide (recharge to add 1d10 to my non-existent Survival/discard to explore).
- Spell B Mirror Image (75% chance to prevent each instance of monster damage to me for a turn) replacing Black Spot (decrease difficulty of monster by 1 + adventure deck number, which for the near future is merely -2).
If I had to pick right now, I'm leaning toward Surgeon: a self-heal would be nice, and the Guide is just so useless for me. But the potential damage reduction of the Mirror Image is just so tempting. And the Black Spot, while very slight, does provides at least some support.
Yewstance |
Huh, it seems like only Skizza and I are really hyped for a new B or 1 card of the types we have available. Weird.
Well in that case, since nobody wants the Ally 1 (which surprised me), I guess I've got my choice sorted.
Surgeon seems much better to me of those choices. Is there a Blessing you want more?
Anyway, as much as I'd kind of like another combat spell, the fact that I have Honaire means that - if I'm smarter - I can pass most combats without the use of them. Besides, the ally I'll pick instead is excellent at helping me pass combat checks efficiently.
I'm confident with my choices, so I'm posting in gameplay now.
Yewstance |
I've also cleaned up my Deck Handler, both with my new ally, my new skill feat and I neatened up all of the card texts/traits for my deck.
Skizza of Dongun Hold |
A blessing will help the group a lot more than a new weapon for me so I will take one of the four and update my handler accordingly.
Yewstance |
I looked at the class deck card list for the Druid, and yeah, Ally 1 seems... shockingly weak for an ally-centric deck.
There's a nice Ally B for Gronk to replace the very, very narrow "Frog", but I also think it's worth him considering the Sickle +1, now that Skizza's no longer grabbing the Weapon 1. +1 is, statistically, the equivalent of increasing your dice size (1d6+1 == 2-7 rather than 1-8, but whatever), and the Magic trait may help him out if he's stuck without a combat spell against something incorporeal. Especially since, with his small hand size, he may want to carry a single weapon or attack spell and fill his remaining hand with blessings and allies.
This post-game boon handout seems to be taking a while. I think Skizza and I are good, so it's just down to EmpTyger and Wei Ji to discuss which of them wants the Ally B, and what the remaining one is taking.
I'm also going to modify my Deck Handler Card Texts with a new column that concatenates spoiler tags to them, so I can just copy-paste any card I want in a spoiler in the forums at a whim.
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to explore your location.
You may treat this card as if it has the same powers as the top card of the blessings discard pile.
It works, just it doesn't like newline characters, as Wei Ji and I have discovered, which leads to extra quotes appearing that I can't automatically remove. Not a big deal, I'm happy with it.
Yewstance |
I haven't played MM either, but from what I understand...
Each player chooses to go to 1 trader (multiple players may choose the same). There's always X+1 cards on offer from a trader, where X is the number of players going to them.
You may banish a given number of boons (again, as stated on the Trader) to 'trade' them for cards on offer from them. Your boons cannot have an AD# more than 1 lower than the AD# than what you're trading for. Since this is still end-of-scenario, you can use leftover boons that aren't staying in your deck.
(I guess the "Buried vs back to the box" is just so you technically start a game with the exact total deck size as expected, just some of your deck size is buried. Technically, you can get buried cards back in some cases, too. Interestingly, I could trade away Honaire and no longer have a legal Favored Card Type in my deck... lets not do that, eh?)
This means we actually have a small ability to tweak our starting decks for a scenario with cards offered from traders, which sounds really cool to me. The downside is that, if you choose to trade, you'll be decreasing your deck size (not entirely a bad thing - helps you draw key cards. It would allow me to cycle between Honaire and Cure easier, for one thing).
P.S. The card you trade for goes back in the box at the end of scenario. It's never counted as the rewards/spoils, so no replacing it with a class deck card of the same AD#. Don't pick a Deck 1 Spell or something just in the hope of doing that.
As for what the three Traders we get do, I don't know without access to MM, but they'll be described when relevant.
Wei Ji:
Just to clarify, we're asking you to choose what you want now. EmpTyger is suggesting you take a Deck B Ally, and I'm suggesting you take a Deck 1 Weapon (to bring in your Sickle +1). If you have anything else you like the look of, do so. Armor 1 may be worth a consideration too, since it can further expand your versatility by allowing you to make solid Dexterity checks.
Once you've decided (also think about what Skill feat you want), then I think EmpTyger/Qualzar has his decision sorted. He's getting either a Deck B Ally or a Deck B Spell.
Hawkmoon269 |
Pretty spot on description of how the traders work. The ones you guys earned are:
Hadden Hoppert Offers spells. Costs 2 boons.
Smiths of Wati Offers weapons. Costs 2 boons.
Sunburt Market Offers any basic card in the box. Costs 1 boon.
Sunburst Market is a great way to get access to Remove Curse or other cards that are helpful for this particular box that aren't in your class deck.
Yewstance |
Aw shoot, Sunburst Market is cool but that seems exceptionally hard to implement for those of us without the MM box. We don't know the full suite of Basics available. I'm sure there's a Basic spell I may like more than some of mine, but...
Asking for a full list of Basics from MM seems hugely unreasonable. There's surely a Basic Cure, though, right? Being able to throw in an extra cure per scenario seems incredibly powerful for me. (To the team: If this is what I end up doing, feel free to throw your cards around for dice and explorations much more aggressively, and I'll happily take a few of my turns patching us up. Generally pretty efficient playing.)
Also, as the GM, are you legally entitled to punch me if I try to trade away Honaire and proclaim I can no longer legally draw a starting hand? :P
EmpTyger |
Wei Ji:
Just to clarify, we're asking you to choose what you want now. EmpTyger is suggesting you take a Deck B Ally, and I'm suggesting you take a Deck 1 Weapon (to bring in your Sickle +1). If you have anything else you like the look of, do so. Armor 1 may be worth a consideration too, since it can further expand your versatility by allowing you to make solid Dexterity checks.
Just to clarify, I'm not suggesting that! I actually have no idea what may be good for Gronk's deck. I just wanted to make sure that *if* he did want the Ally B, that that would be okay with me, because I'd be just as content with the Spell B instead.
And thanks for the traders explanations! One question (for now): are the cards we acquire from the traders from our class boxes, or from the MM box? (It sounds like we'd be acquiring MM boons, but I want to be sure.)
For example, let's say that there's a Spell B Acid Splash displayed on Hadden Hoppert, and I trade away 2 boons for it. Would I be adding Acid Splash to my deck? Or would I be acquiring a Spell B out of my box to my deck?
Yewstance |
They're MM boons, hence why they're only scenario-long. The cards in front of traders are MM boons, and so you'll be trading cards from your current deck for an MM boon to use during the scenario. IF there's such a thing as an Acid Splash in Mummy's Mask, then you may see and be able to trade for it, and use exactly that MM-labelled Acid Splash for the scenario.
Gronk, The WoodWose |
Sorry, was at work and unable to post from work.
The Allies in Gronk's deck are kinda meh, so I'll pick up the Armor 1 (Swapping it out for Wolfhide Armor, then replacing Hide Armor in Gronk's Deck with Wolfhide Armor) if that works.
Attribute advancement?
I'm thinking +1 to Constitution because there's no current special skill under it, so it will help mitigate points where I can't discard but need to confront something?
EmpTyger |
CON seems okay, based on this past game and our current party. I might also consider STR, although with the disclaimer that I'm not what all your cards do. STR would have the advantage of also helping with your combat checks. Although, we all can make combat checks, whereas only Estra situationally can do CON. But admittedly, that's also true for non-combat STR checks.
You could also conceivably do WIS, I suppose, but that seems worse than STR, since I expect you will more often be melee attacking than divine casting. And among the rest of the party, WIS is more well-covered than either STR or CON.
Yewstance |
Generally, improving attributes you're already good in is best in the card game, because you get the choices of using them more often:
-Skills you're strong in may be used by boons in your deck.
-You may place yourself on locations you can try to close with your strongest skills.
-You may go to locations that otherwise benefit your skills (like an ally-heavy location if you have high Diplomacy, or an armor-heavy location with Consitution).
-You may be asked to go to a place that's been examined to best acquire/defeat something based on your skillset.
By improving your Wisdom, for example, you improve both how strong your attack spells are, as well as how likely you are to recharge them. Overall, I encourage specializing on what you're already good at... unless you want to try to expand your abilities to fit something that the party is weak at, so we can close locations we otherwise find hard. Constitution is okay in this, but I just don't know if we'll come across it that often, or in situations where you can't just use your power if you really need extra dice/odds.
Strength seems a solid choice, as we don't have anyone who can make strong strength checks (besides me, but ONLY if I have Honaire). You, meanwhile, can keep using your Strength die in combat with your weapons and melee skill, and it helps us close locations.
I note that on your Deck Handler you have listed the powers of one of your two role cards (we haven't unlocked a role card yet, but I assume that's the one you're going to choose)? If that's the role you'll be choosing, Wisdom rolls become a bit better, because you become so adept at adding blessings to them so you'll probably be picking up and casting more spells.
Personally, I think we have spellcasting pretty well covered over this party, and our only 'martial' character is Ranged/Dexterity, so I'd lightly recommend you pick Strength. You get into combat and make strength/melee checks a lot more often than you make constitution checks. But if Constitution feels right, or Wisdom, then I encourage you to go ahead.
Hawkmoon269 |
Yeah. Not having access to the cards makes Sunburst kind of hard to take advantage of. I will say that Remove Curse is pretty handy.
Spell B
Recharge this card to banish a displayed card that has the Curse trait.
After playing this card, if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill, banish it.
The other neat trick to pull with Sunburst is to basically trade a boon for a boon of another type. For example, trade an armor and get a basic blessing. I you are looking for something to add to a certain type of check, I'd be happy to search for you and let you know what basics might work for that.
Yewstance |
Hm. I can infer - from the MM rulebook and our gameplay so far - the Basic Blessings (Ancients and Elements), the Cure spell and a few of the combat spells. The biggest hole in my knowledge are the items.
Are there any basic items that synergize with Wisdom or Perception checks, or help retrieve allies from discard?
It seems most like I'm going to use it to switch out one of my items for a Cure spell, though, and see how that performs for now.
Hawkmoon269 |
These items both have the Basic trait:
Item B
Recharge this card to add 1 die to a non-combat Wisdom, Knowledge or Survival check by a character at your location.
Item B
Reveal this card to add 1d4 to your Disable or Perception check against a barrier or boon.
Recharge this card to examine the top card of your deck; then, you may shuffle your deck.
EmpTyger |
At what point does trading happen? How much scenario information (ie, scenario rules, locations, villains, henchmen) will have been given at the point when we are making our trading decisions?
I could see Elemental Treaty or Remove Curse being situationally useful, but if we don't have any additional knowledge, I may simply trade my Sling for one of these excitingly rechargeable MM blessings.
Also, for reference, here are the MM basics that I could find from our first scenario:
- Basic AlliesPahmet Clansman:Recharge this card to add 1d6 to your check against a card that has the Trigger trait.
Discard this card to explore your location. If the top card of the blessings discard pile is Blessing of the Ancients, you may recharge it instead.
Camel:Bury this card to evade a monster you encounter.
At the end of your turn, discard this card to move.
Discard this card to explore your location. During this exploration, add 1d6 to your Survival checks.
Tomb Raider:Recharge this card to add 1d8 to your Dexterity non-combat check.
Discard this card to explore your location.
- Basic ArmorsCrocodile Skin Shield:If you played a weapon that has the 2-Handed trait on this check, you may not play this card.
Recharge this card to reduce Acid, Combat or Fire damage dealt to you by 2. If proficient with light armors, you may play another armor on this check.
Armored Kilt:Recharge this card to reduce Acid, Cold, Combat, or Fire damage dealt to you by half (round up). If proficient with light armors and the damage is dealt to you before you act, you may reveal this card.
Tussah Silk Coat:Recharge to reduce Cold, Combat, Electricity, or Poison damage dealt to you by 2.
Banish this card to reduce Cold, Combat, Electricity, or Poison damage dealt to you to 0. If proficient with light armors, bury it instead.
- Basic BlessingsBlessing of the Ancients:Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location, then you may explore your location.
After you play this card, if the top card of the blessings discard pile has the Basic trait, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessing of the Elements:Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Recharge this card to add 1 die to any check that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.
Discard this card to explore your location.
- Basic ItemsMagnifying Glass:Reveal this card to add 1d4 to your Disable or Perception check against a barrier or boon.
Recharge this card to examine the top card of your deck; then, you may shuffle your deck.
Compass:Recharge this card to move, then you may examine the top card of your location. You may not use this power during an encounter.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Flash Freeze:Banish this card to add 1d12 and the Cold trait to a check by a character at your location that invokes the Construct or Fire traits.
Discard this card to allow a character at your location to add his Strength or Melee skill to his Disable check.
- Basic SpellsUnspeakable Chill:For your combat check, discard this card to use your Arcane or Divine skill + 1d6; if the check is against a monster, ignore any power on that monster that happens after you act.
After playing this card, if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill, banish it; otherwise, you may succeed at an Arcane or Divine 8 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Elemental Treaty:Display this card next to your location. While displayed, reduce Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, and Poison damage dealt to characters at this location by 1.
When this location is closed, if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill, banish this card; otherwise, you may attempt an Arcane or Divine 6 check. If you succeed, recharge this card; if you fail, discard it.
Viper Strike:For your combat check, discard this card to use your Arcane or Divine skill + 2d4.
After playing this card, if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill, banish it; otherwise, succeed at an Arcane or Divine 6 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Cure:Reveal this card and choose a character at your location. Shuffle 1d4+1 random cards from his discard pile into his deck, then discard this card.
After playing this card, if you do not have the Divine skill, banish it; otherwise, you may succeed at a Divine 8 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Remove Curse:Recharge this card to banish a displayed card that has the Curse trait.
After playing this card, if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill, banish it.
Acid Jet:For your combat check, discard this card to use your Arcane or Divine skill + 1d6. Add an additional 1d6 if the monster has the Construct or Ooze trait.
After playing this card, if you do not have the Arcane or Divine skill, banish it; otherwise, succeed at an Arcane or Divine 8 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
- Basic WeaponsBlowgun:For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Dexterity, Ranged, or Stealth skill + 1d4; you may additionally recharge this card to add another 1d6.
When playing another weapon that has the Ranged trait, you may discard this card to add 1d4 and the Poison trait to your combat check
Kopis:For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Dexterity or Ranged skill + 1d4; you may additionally recharge this card to add 1 to your check for each die rolled.
When playing another weapon, you may discard this card to add 1d4 to your combat check.
Explorer's Staff:Discard this card to add 2 dice to your Disable check.
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 1d6; you may additionally discard this card to add another 1d6.
Torch:For your combat check, reveal this card to roll your Strength or Melee skill +1; you may additionally discard this card to add another 2d4.
Bury this card to explore your location.
Hawkmoon269 |
A word about Traders
This is a quick primer on how traders work to help anyone that isn't familiar with them yet.
When do you visit trader?
You visit traders just before you pick starting locations. So, you'll be able to see the scenario setup (locations, villain, henchmen, scenario powers, etc) before you pick which trader to visit. Everyone has to choose traders before we draw cards because the amount of cards on offer depends on the number or characters visiting that trader. So, even if you don't plan to trade a card, you can visit a trader others are visiting to improve the offer. After completing your visit, you will pick a starting location then draw your starting hand.
How do I know what the traders offer and what they cost?
The traders list what they offer and what they cost. The number of cards offered is typically equal to the number of characters that choose to visit the trader plus 1, though there are a few exceptions. Falsin Deek is a trader. He offers items and costs 2 boons. If 3 characters visited Falsin Deek, he'd have 4 items to offer them.
What cards can I use to pay the trader cost?
You can use any card in your character deck. Remember, this is before you draw your starting hand, whatever cards you start the scenario with are available to use for the cost.
Where do the cards I pay as cost go? Do I get them back?
Put the first card you pay as cost back in your class deck box. Any additional cards for the cost are buried. You'll get them all back at the end of the scenario. The reason one goes in your box is that there are quite a few ways to retrieve buried cards. If you buried all your costs then managed to "dig out" all your buried cards you've essentially sneaked into a card feat. So, one is just in your class deck box temporarily.
Does my deck have to conform to my deck list after visiting a trader?
No. In fact, a lot of times it can't. If your character has 4 weapons on your deck list and you trade 2 weapons for 1 weapon, then you obviously will only have 3 weapons (4 - 2 + 1). If you think about that, this lets you do a neat little trick. Are you a spell caster that has an armor on your deck list? Why not trade it at Sunburst Market for a basic spell? You've essentially just swapped a card from armor to spell on your deck list.
Does my deck have to have a valid starting hand after visiting a trader?
Yes. You will still need to draw a starting hand after visiting traders. Which means you can't make trades that would make your character incapable of drawing a valid starting hand. If you favored card type is weapon, you have to have at least 1 weapon in your deck still after visiting traders.
Yewstance |
Strictly speaking, we're still waiting on Gronk/Wei Ji. I recommend Skizza also officially finalise his choice of card (and feat) in the gameplay thread.
I'm heading to bed, and I likely won't have much opportunity to post for about 12 hours, and even then only a small freedom.
Also, thanks for all of the basics! Huge help. I'm almost insulted by how downright decent the Osirion History Guide seems compared to my Telempathic Projection spell, as an aside.
Still looking very likely I'll pull in a second Cure, but I guess we'll see where the next scenario takes us, eh? If particularly vicious curses seem likely, I may take our GM's suggestion on Remove Curse.
Yewstance |
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Skizza/Eclipse, you need to start with a Skill Feat as your character reward if you haven't played with this Organised Play character before (and given the lack of an existing Skill Feat, I assume you haven't). You should also technically say what you're swapping out from your existing deck to fit the blessing, but I'm pretty sure all of us (except me) have only Blessings of the Gods, so it's pretty clear.
Also, you've gone above and beyond for us, Hawkmoon. Thanks so much for the dropbox link (some of the text is cut off at the end of various boons, but their effects are mostly still clear).
Yewstance |
Besides Skizza having attained a power feat, I presume mistakenly, everyone seems to be ready.