RotRL Lini |
"Oh hey. Don't break anything while you are here alright?"
Reveal Pteranodon to auto pass Fort check.
Not knowing what trouble she could face Lini mutters the mnemonics for Divine Blaze just in case.
cast Channel the Gift for Divine Blaze, Recharge 14 revealing Pteranodon: 1d10 + 1d4 + 8 ⇒ (3) + (2) + 8 = 13
She finds clear pockets of breathable air as she looks around. The creepy dolls follow her.
Ally 2
Traits: Human Shopkeeper Aspis
To Acquire:
FortitudeCharismaDiplomacy 8
Recharge this card to recharge a random armor or item from your discard pile.
Discard this card to explore your location. During this exploration, add 2 dice to your checks to acquire armors.
Shopkeepers will set up anywhere.
charisma 8 revealing Binder's Tome and Pteranodon: 1d8 + 2d4 + 3 ⇒ (3) + (1, 4) + 3 = 11
They have a nice conversation and Minnothet shows her around the lab.
Discard Minnothet to explore.
Weapon B
Traits: Sword Melee Slashing Finesse Elite
To Acquire: Strength Melee 7
For your combat check, reveal this card to roll your Strength or Melee skill + 1d6; you may additionally discard this card to add another 1d6+1. If not proficient with weapons, the difficulty of this check is increased by 4.
"Sorry Minnothet. I don't want to buy your sword." Banished.
Discard Blessing of Milani to explore.
Armor 1
Traits: Light Armor
To Acquire: Constitution Fortitude 6 OR Intelligence Craft 8
Recharge this card to reduce Acid, Cold, Combat, or Poison damage dealt to you by 3, or by 5 if the damage is dealt by a bane that has the Undead trait.
If proficient with light armors, bury this card to reduce all damage dealt to you by 5; you may succeed at a Craft 9 check to recharge it instead.
"No not the armor either." Also banished.
Discard Blessing of the Spellbound 1 to explore.
Item B
Traits: Liquid Magic
To Acquire: Intelligence Wisdom 4
Banish this card to examine the top 3 cards of your location deck. You may succeed at a Wisdom or Divine 5 check to replace them in any order; otherwise, shuffle your location deck.
"No hard feelings. Some tea would be lovely."
Auto acquire tea. Banish to examine top 3 cards. Auto pass Divine 5 check. Card 5. Find Traps (no trigger) Card 6. Sepid (Villain no trigger) Card 7. Blast Glyph (trigger.)
Intelligence 10 or take 1d6 dmg revealing Pteranodon and aided by dolls: 1d6 + 1d6 + 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (5) + (4) + (3) + 3 = 15
"I see... I see a useful scroll, a powerful monster, and a trap. I must tell my friends."
Placing Find Traps on top, then villain, then Blast Glyph.
warrior dolls move to?: 1d8 ⇒ 3 Silver Forge
Hand: Frilled Lizard, Pteranodon, Shattertouch Shotel +2 Trader, Mastiff, Binder's Tome, Divine Blaze,
Deck: 10 Discard: 4 Buried: 0
"Notes:Binder's Tome: Reveal to add 1d4 + mental trait to combat at this location or 1d4 to a charisma non-combat check at this location.
Location: Mumia Lab"
Sideboard cards:
Dexterity d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Constitution d8 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Intelligence d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Knowledge: Intelligence +3
Wisdom d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [X] +4
Divine: Wisdom +1
Survival: Wisdom +2
Charisma d8 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
Role: Wild Warden
Favored Card: Ally
Hand Size 6
Proficient with: Weapons
<Power 1> When you play an ally with the animal trait, you may recharge it instead of discarding it.
<Power 2> You may reveal an ally with the animal trait to add 1d4 ([X] +1) ([X] +2) ([X] +3) ([ ] +4) to your check.
<Power 3> You may discard a card to roll 1d10 instead of your Strength or Dexterity die for any check.
<Power 4>
<Power 5>
Cogsnap-VampByDay |
Retcon: since people said they wanted the weapon 4, I’m Using Skizza’s Blessing of Alkenstar and my BotElements to grab that mace. Because the mace has the acid trait, elements recharges
Str 11 vs 1d6(Str)+1d6(BotElements)+1d12(alkenstar): 2d6 + 1d12 ⇒ (4, 3) + (5) = 12
Success: Mace Acquired, because result was less than six over the dc, blessing recharges.
Hand: Remove Curse, Blessing of Maat-MM, Alkalai Flask, Mace of Ruin-MM, Alchemist's Shield , Cleric of Nethys, Alchemist's Fire,
Displayed: Canteen,
Deck: 12 Discard: 0 Buried: 0
Sideboard cards:
Dexterity d8 [x]+1 [X]+2 [X]+3
--Disable: Dex+3
--Ranged: Dex+1
Constitution d6 []+1 []+2
Intelligence d10 [X]+1 []+2 []+3
--Arcane: Int +1
--Craft: Int +2
Wisdom: d6 []+1 []+2
Charisma d6 []+1 []+2
Hand Size: 6 [X]7 []8
Proficient: Light Armor, Weapons
--When you would banish a card that has the alchemical trait for its power, you may ([X]Discard it or)([X]Recharge it or) banish another card that has the alchemical or liquid trait.
--Add 1d6([]+2) to your ranged combat check that has the alchemical trait
--After you defeat a monster, you may discard([x]or recharge) a card to draw an item that has the alchemical or liquid trait from the box.([]Or you may draw 2 and return 1 to the box)
--[]On([]your combat check or) your ranged combat check, you may discard any number of items that have the alchemical trait([]or any items); for each item discarded, add 1d6 and that item's traits to the check
--[]The first item([] or any item) you play that has the alchemical or liquid trait does not cout against the number of items you can play on a check or step
Darago makes his way through the Crypt, hunting for any undead he can command to help bolster the Warrior Doll army. He sees a healthy-sized vermin scuttling through the halls, "It's not undead, but I can fix that..." He channels negative energy to begin weakening it, but all it seems to do is gain its attention. He looks closer and notices the creature is a Card 1: Steel Scorpion. "Why does this keep happening!?!". I can maybe make it if I roll perfectly by revealing my Grimoire
DEX 10: 1d6 + 1d4 ⇒ (1) + (1) = 2
In no time, the non-living vermin catches up to Darago and stings him repeatedly.
Poison Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 4 Discard Ghost Whip as Damage. Also, display the scorpion next to my deck. I can't move and at the end of my turn, a local character can try the check to remove it.
As Darago lays on the ground lamenting his situation, Shivers the Fox presents him with a suit of Card 2: Steel Ibis Lamellar. The protection would have been nice before he got stung, but Darago appreciates the sentiment anyway. Discard Fox to explore again
INT 10: 1d10 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12
Just as Darago finishes donning the armor, he hears the low bellow of their Div foes; it seems that his screams of terror the sounds of the conflict have given away his position to a Card 3: Druj Nasu! He holds his breath as he conjures a noxious cloud to give him some time to regroup. Use power to explore again. Play Cloudburst, allowing me to ignore the BYA and use Arcane+3d6 for my Combat check. I'll also reveal my Grimoire for 1d4 on the combat. The electricity trait makes me subtract 1 for each die
Fortitude 6: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4 Reveal Steel Ibis Lamellar to reduce damage by 3
Combat 15: 1d10 + 3d6 + 1d4 + 6 - 5 ⇒ (2) + (1, 2, 6) + (3) + 6 - 5 = 15
Recharge Cloudburst Arcane 13: 1d10 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14
As Darago finishes the incantation to detonate the cloud, he accidentally gets a whiff and loses concentration. The burst is off target and the div is merely stunned instead of dispatched. He takes the opportunity to make his escape.
Once he feels a comfortable ways away, he stops to search his immediate area for useful items Discard BoMoM to explore again, adding +1 die to INT checks
Random Card: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
A Card 9: Sun Falcon appears before Darago. It heals his wounds before flying off to who knows where. Play Life Drain to use Arcane+2d4. Reveal Grimoire for +1d4
Combat 11: 2d10 + 3d4 + 6 ⇒ (1, 2) + (2, 2, 4) + 6 = 17 Sun Falcon is shuffled into the Blessings Deck
Recharge Life Drain Arcane 9: 2d10 + 6 ⇒ (3, 2) + 6 = 11 Life Drain heals Fox
Darago takes a moment to catch his breath.
Steel Scorpion DEX 10, Revealing Grimoire: 1d6 + 1d4 ⇒ (2) + (3) = 5
End turn. Crypt has a henchman. Can someone come help me with the Steel Scorpion please?
Barrier 4
Traits: Trap Lock Poison
To Defeat: Dexterity Disable Stealth 10 OR Strength 13
If undefeated, you are dealt 1d4 Poison damage then display this card next to your deck.
While displayed, you may not move. At the end of your turn, 1 character at your location may succeed at a check to defeat this barrier.
Hand: Magnetic Grimoire, Spelldagger, Ice and Fire, Steel Ibis Lamellar (Acquired), Blessing of Isis, Armor of the Sands, Bound Lantern Archon,
Displayed: Steel Scorpion,
Deck: 11 Discard: 2 Buried: 0
"Notes: Isis: +2 dice on INT check or Invokes Acid/Construct
Grimoire: Reveal +1d4 on local check that invokes Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, Poison"
Sideboard cards:
Dexterity d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Constitution d8 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
Fortitude: Constitution+2
Intelligence d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [X] +4
Arcane: Intelligence +2
Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d8 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
Charisma d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size: 7
Proficient with: None
When you acquire a card that has the magic trait during your exploration, you may immediately explore again.
Add 1d4 ([X] 2d4) and the magic trait to your check to defeat a bane that has the Undead trait.
[X] When you defeat a monster that has the Undead trait ([X] or any monster) and would banish it, you may put it in your hand. You may banish a monster from your hand to add 1d4 ([ ]+1) ([ ]+2) to your check([X] or a check by any character at the location).
[ ] Add 1([ ] 2) ([ ] 3) to your check to recharge a card.
Warrior Dolls move to: 1d8 ⇒ 3 Silver Forge again
Retcon: I didn't realize the scorpion damage changed, so I wouldn't have had my Grimoire or Life Drain. To reconcile:
Remove the last d4 from everything I used my grimoire on; I fail the combat vs the Henchman, reveal Steel Ibis Lamellar to reduce damage by 3
I auto-fail check vs Sun Falcon; it's still in the location deck. Even though my hand is empty, I still take Fire Damage, so I suffer Curse of the Ravenous
Curse of the Ravenous: 1d4 ⇒ 2 Allies. Shivers no! :(
New Hand:
Hand: Mythopoeic Sphinx, Spelldagger, Acid Rain, Steel Ibis Lamellar (Acquired), Blessing of Isis, Armor of the Sands, Bound Lantern Archon,
Displayed: Steel Scorpion,
Deck: 7 Discard: 5 Buried: 1
"Notes: Isis: +2 dice on INT check or Invokes Acid/Construct
Sideboard cards:
Dexterity d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Constitution d8 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
Fortitude: Constitution+2
Intelligence d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [X] +4
Arcane: Intelligence +2
Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d8 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
Charisma d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size: 7
Proficient with: None
When you acquire a card that has the magic trait during your exploration, you may immediately explore again.
Add 1d4 ([X] 2d4) and the magic trait to your check to defeat a bane that has the Undead trait.
[X] When you defeat a monster that has the Undead trait ([X] or any monster) and would banish it, you may put it in your hand. You may banish a monster from your hand to add 1d4 ([ ]+1) ([ ]+2) to your check([X] or a check by any character at the location).
[ ] Add 1([ ] 2) ([ ] 3) to your check to recharge a card.
Qualzar-EmpTyger |
Blessing 2: Nethys o'clock
Altar of Ruins: Guessing Spell
Examining Altar of Ruins 2: Druj Nasu
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Fortitude Perception 6 THEN Combat Divine 15
The Druj Nasu is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, a character at your location summons and encounters the henchman Beheaded.
If the check to defeat has the Acid or Electricity trait, subtract 1 from each die.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.
"What is the strongest power in the world?"
Qualzar didn't even bother responding to the voice this time.
Discarding Scrying for Monsters at Silver Forge to examine Silver Forge 1: Toxic Geyser, Silver Forge 2: Glacial Khopesh +1, Silver Forge 3: Djinni Quarterstaff
Traits: Trap Acid Fire Poison Veteran
To Defeat: Dexterity Acrobatics Wisdom Survival 5
The difficulty to defeat is increased by twice the scenario's adventure deck number.
If undefeated, roll a number of d6s equal to the scenario's adventure deck plus 1. For each die:
1-2. You are dealt 2 Fire damage.
3-4. You are dealt 2 Acid damage; discard a weapon or armor.
5-6. You are dealt 2 Poison damage.
Traits: Sword Melee Slashing Cold Magic Elite
To Acquire: Strength Melee 9
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 1d8+1. If proficient with weapons, you may additionally discard this card to add 2 and the Bludgeoning trait to your check for each die you roll.
Recharge this card to ignore a non-villain bane's power that happens after you act.
Traits: Staff Melee Bludgeoning 2-Handed Magic Elite
To Acquire: Strength Melee 6 OR Arcane Divine 8
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 1d6+1; you may additionally discard this card to add another 1d6.
You may discard this card to shuffle your location deck; if you succeed at an Arcane or Divine 10 check, you may recharge this card instead.
Shuffling all back into Silver Forge. Revealing Cat
Arcane 12: 1d10 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 5 + 2 = 16
Scrying is recharged
Moving to Silver Forge
"You'd think the it would learn, after what happened to the last voice that tried that same unsophisticated wordplayless boring banal bothersome blathering..."
Again, Qualzar planned to use the warrior dolls to demonstrate the proper way to torment with riddles. The sorcerer magically found the miniature minions at the silver forge. A couple weapons were being tempered in an acid/fire/poison bath; the gnome timed his arrival to avoid the blasts.
Shuffled Silver Forge: 1d10 ⇒ 7
Exploring Silver Forge 7: Mummy
Traits: Undead Mummy
To Defeat: Combat 21
The Mummy is immune to the Cold, Mental, and Poison traits.
If your check to defeat the Mummy has the Fire trait, add 1d8.
If undefeated, after you act, bury your discard pile.
Discarding Blessing of Gozreh as a Attack Force Magic spell, discarding Blessing of Abadar. Using displayed Warrior Dolls.
Combat 21: 2d10 + 5 + 1d6 + 3 + 1d6 ⇒ (5, 1) + 5 + (2) + 3 + (1) = 17
Revealing Tablet of Languages Lost for +2=19
Pausing to ask about Cogsnap's Blessing of Maat
Unfortunately, Qualzar's scrying overlooked the undead weaponsmith...
Hand: Swipe, Cat, Surgeon, Tablet of Languages Lost,
Deck: 12 Discard: 2 Buried: 0
Ask before using: Swipe (discard for -3 to combat difficulty)
Can use without asking: Blessing if would recharge; Blessing to close; Blessing for Boon 4; Surgeon (recharge to cure 1 card at my location)
Strength d6 [] +1 [] +2
Dexterity d6 [] +1 [] +2
Constitution d4 [] +1
Intelligence d10 [X] +1 [] +2 [] +3
-- Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [] +1 [] +2 [] +3
-- Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [] +4
-- Arcane: Charisma +2
Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6 [X] 7 [] 8
Proficient with: None
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([X] +1) ([X] +2) ([X] +3) ([] +4) and add the Attack, Mental ([X] or Force), and Magic traits. This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from). This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.
[] When you would shuffle a monster into a location deck on your turn, you may shuffle it into a random open location deck instead.
[] Reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2 ([] 3).
[] When you succeed at a check to recharge a spell, you may instead recharge a spell from your discard pile.
Die bumps: 3
Qualzar-EmpTyger |
(Resuming turn)
Cogsnap discards Blessing of Maat for +3=22. Mummy is banished
The mummy grabbed Qualzar, forcing the sorcerer to improvise, but he was up to it. The sorcerer conjured a giant force hammer and smacked the mummy’s knuckles with it to force it to let him go. The blow was so hard that the mummy collapsed and began unraveling.
“That’s a (w)rap!”
Recharging Surgeon to cure Blessing of Gozreh
Ending turn
Warrior Dolls: 1d8 ⇒ 4
Warrior Dolls are moved to Crypt. Resetting hand
As the warrior dolls marched off, the surgeon inspected the gnome, surprised that he only had some minor bruising. “That could have been much worse.”
Hand: Swipe, Cat, Blessing of Pharasma B, Headband of Alluring Charisma, Remove Curse, Tablet of Languages Lost, Kafar,
Deck: 10 Discard: 1 Buried: 0
Notes: Swipe can autoclose Silver Forge
Ask before using: Blessing of Pharasma (+1 die/+2 dice if spell is cast); Swipe (discard for -3 to combat difficulty)
Can use without asking: Blessing if would recharge; Blessing to close; Blessing for Boon 4; Remove Curse
Strength d6 [] +1 [] +2
Dexterity d6 [] +1 [] +2
Constitution d4 [] +1
Intelligence d10 [X] +1 [] +2 [] +3
-- Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [] +1 [] +2 [] +3
-- Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [] +4
-- Arcane: Charisma +2
Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6 [X] 7 [] 8
Proficient with: None
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([X] +1) ([X] +2) ([X] +3) ([] +4) and add the Attack, Mental ([X] or Force), and Magic traits. This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from). This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.
[] When you would shuffle a monster into a location deck on your turn, you may shuffle it into a random open location deck instead.
[] Reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2 ([] 3).
[] When you succeed at a check to recharge a spell, you may instead recharge a spell from your discard pile.
Die bumps: 3
BR Yewstance |
During This Adventure:
During This Scenario:
Additional Rules:
2. Estra
3. Cogsnap
4. Lini
5. Darago
6. Qualzar
Villain 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Combat 25 OR Divine 18
The Sepid is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, each character at your location must succeed at a Dexterity or Acrobatics 12 check or be dealt 1d6 Combat damage.
If the check to defeat has the Acid, Attack, Electricity, or Ranged trait, subtract 1 from each die.
Henchman 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Fortitude Perception 6 THEN Combat Divine 15
The Druj Nasu is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, a character at your location summons and encounters the henchman Beheaded. If the check to defeat has the Acid or Electricity trait, subtract 1 from each die.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.
Barrier 4
Traits: Trap Lock Poison
To Defeat: Dexterity Disable Stealth 10 OR Strength 13
If undefeated, you are dealt 1d4 Poison damage then display this card next to your deck. While displayed, you may not move. At the end of your turn, 1 character at your location may succeed at a check to defeat this barrier.
Turn: 5, Skizza/agent_eclipse
1-2. Curse of Poisoning
3. Curse of Vulnerability
4. Curse of Daybane
5. Curse of the Ravenous
6. Curse of Withering
7. Curse of Fevered Dreams
8. Curse of the Sphinx
9. Curse of Blindness
10. Curse of the Mummy
Monster 1
Monster 1
Traits: Undead
To Defeat: Combat 8 THEN Combat 10
The Coffer Corpse is immune to the Mental and Poison traits.
If undefeated, move to a random location.
Monster 2
Monster 4
Traits: Elemental Outsider Cold
To Defeat: Combat 16
The Ice Elemental is immune to the Cold and Poison traits. If your check to defeat has the Electricity trait, you may reroll checks against the Elder Ice Elemental, you must take the new result.
Before you act, succeed at a Constitution or Fortitude 8 check otherwise you may only play one card on the check to defeat.
All damage dealt by the Ice Elemental is Cold damage.
Monster 3
Monster 4
Traits: Undead Swarm
To Defeat: Combat 17
The Bonestorm immune to the Mental and Poison traits.
Half of the damage (round down) from the Bonestorm may not be reduced.
If you do not defeat the Bonestorm by at least 4, shuffle it into the deck it came from; the Bonestorm still counts as defeated.
Monster 4
Monster 4
Traits: Elemental Outsider Janni Fire
To Defeat: Combat 19
The Elder Ifreeti is immune to the Fire trait. All damage dealt by the Elder Ifreeti is Fire damage.
If the check to defeat the Elder Ifreeti has the Cold trait, add 1d8.
If defeated, choose a non-loot type of boon and draw a random card of that type from the box.
Monster 5
Monster B
Traits: Trigger Gnoll Veteran
To Defeat: Combat 9
When you examine this card, encounter it and increase its difficulty to defeat by 3.
The difficulty to defeat is increased by the scenario's adventure deck number.
Barrier 1
Barrier 4
Traits: Curse Undead
To Defeat: Wisdom Divine 10 OR Charisma Diplomacy 8
Each character at your location attempts a check to defeat the Eternal Captives. If any character fails, the barrier is undefeated; you are dealt 1d4 Cold damage then suffer the scourge Curse of the Sphinx.
Barrier 2
Barrier 1
Traits: Obstacle Trap Piercing Elite
To Defeat: Disable Perception 6 OR Dexterity Acrobatics 8
If defeated, you may explore again.
If undefeated, you are dealt 1d4 Combat damage. Then examine the top card of your location deck. If it is a bane, encounter it. If it is a boon, banish it and examine the top card of your location deck.
Barrier 3
Barrier 1
Traits: Trigger Curse Undead Elite
To Defeat: Wisdom Divine Charisma Diplomacy 8
When you examine this card, display it next to your deck.
If undefeated, display this card next to your deck.
While displayed, your Intelligence and Wisdom skills are each d4. During your exploration, when you encounter a monster, evade it. When any character starts her turn at your location, she may encounter this card; if defeated, banish it.
Barrier 4
Barrier B
Traits: Obstacle Acid Elite
To Defeat: Intelligence Disable Craft 7
If undefeated, display this barrier next to the location deck.
If you start your turn at this location, bury a weapon or an armor. Then you may succeed at a Constitution, Fortitude, Intelligence, or Craft 7 check to banish this card.
Barrier 5
Barrier 2
Traits: Trap Arcane Magic Elite
To Defeat: Arcane Divine 12 OR Constitution Disable 9
If undefeated, you are dealt 3 Combat damage; display this card next to its location deck. While displayed, characters at this location may not move, be moved, or explore. At the end of your turn, the Telekinesis Trap deals 1d4+1 Acid damage to you.
At the end of your move step, succeed at a Strength, Dexterity, or Acrobatics 11 check to banish this card.
Weapon 1
Weapon 4
Traits: Knife Ranged Piercing Magic Pharasma
To Acquire: Dexterity Ranged Wisdom Divine 11
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Dexterity or Ranged skill + 1d4+1; you may additionally recharge this card to add another 1d4. You may reveal a blessing that has the Pharasma trait or if the bane has the Undead trait, add another 1d8.
When playing another weapon, you may discard this card to add 1d4+1 to your combat check.
Weapon 2
Weapon 2
Traits: Sword Melee Slashing Acid Magic Elite
To Acquire: Strength Melee 8
For your combat check, reveal this card to roll your Strength or Melee skill + 2d4+1; you may additionally discard this card to add another 1d6. If not proficient with weapons, the difficulty of this check is increased by 4. If any d4 rolled on this check is a 4, count it as 5.
Recharge this card to add your Strength or Melee skill to your check to defeat a barrier that has the Obstacle trait.
Weapon 3
Weapon B
Traits: Sword Melee Slashing Finesse Elite
To Acquire: Strength Melee 7
For your combat check, reveal this card to roll your Strength or Melee skill + 1d6; you may additionally discard this card to add another 1d6+1. If not proficient with weapons, the difficulty of this check is increased by 4.
Weapon 4
Weapon 2
Traits: Sling Ranged Bludgeoning Elite
To Acquire: Dexterity Ranged 8
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Dexterity or Ranged skill + 1d6. You may additionally discard an item that has the Alchemical trait to add 2d6 and that item's traits.
If proficient with weapons, you may discard this card and banish an item that has the Alchemical trait to add 2d6 and that item's traits to a combat check by a character at another location.
Weapon 5
Weapon B
Traits: Scythe Melee Slashing Finesse Elite
To Acquire: Strength Melee 7
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 1d6; you may additionally discard this card to add 2 to your check for each die rolled. If not proficient with weapons, the difficulty of this check is increased by 4.
Spell 1
Spell 3
Traits: Magic Arcane Attack
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane 10
For your combat check, you may discard this card to use your Arcane skill + 4d6 and add the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait. You are dealt the highest number you rolled on a d6 rolled as damage of the same type.
After playing this card, if you do not have the Arcane skill, banish it; otherwise, you may succeed at an Arcane 12 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Spell 2
Spell 4
Traits: Magic Arcane Divine Attack Cold
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane Divine 11
For your combat check, discard this card to use your Arcane or Divine skill + 3d8. Ignore any non-villain monster's power that happens after you act.
After playing this card, if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill, banish it; otherwise, you may succeed at an Arcane or Divine 13 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Spell 3
Spell B
Traits: Magic Divine
To Acquire: Wisdom Divine 6
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any check to defeat a barrier.
After playing this card, if you do not have the Divine skill, banish it; otherwise, you may succeed at a Divine 8 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Spell 4
Spell 3
Traits: Magic Arcane Attack Electricity
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane 10
For your combat check, display this card next to your deck to use your Arcane skill + 3d6. While displayed, you may use the result of this check for any combat check you attempt at this location. At the end of the turn, if you do not have the Arcane skill, banish this card; otherwise, discard it, or you may succeed at an Arcane 12 check to recharge it instead.
Spell 5
Spell 4
Traits: Magic Arcane Divine
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane Wisdom Divine 12
Discard this card to allow a character at your location to search their deck for a spell and draw it.
After playing this card, if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill, banish it; otherwise, you may succeed at an Arcane or Divine 14 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Armor 1
Armor B
Traits: Accessory Light Armor Elite
To Acquire: Constitution Fortitude 4 OR Intelligence Craft Survival 6
Reveal this card to reduce Acid, Electricity, or Poison damage dealt to you by 1.
If proficient with light armors, bury this card to reduce Acid, Electricity, or Poison damage dealt to you to 0. You may succeed at an Intelligence or Craft 8 check to recharge this armor instead.
Armor 2
Armor B
Traits: Accessory Light Armor Elite
To Acquire: Constitution Fortitude 4 OR Intelligence Craft Survival 6
Reveal this card to reduce Acid, Electricity, or Poison damage dealt to you by 1.
If proficient with light armors, bury this card to reduce Acid, Electricity, or Poison damage dealt to you to 0. You may succeed at an Intelligence or Craft 8 check to recharge this armor instead.
Armor 3
Armor 3
Traits: Clothing Light Armor Magic
To Acquire: Constitution Fortitude 8
Reveal this card to reduce Acid, Cold, Electricity, or Poison damage dealt to you by 3.
Banish this card to reduce all damage dealt to you to 0. If proficient with light armors, bury this card instead.
If proficient with light armors, you may recharge this card when you reset your hand.
Armor 4
Armor 4
Traits: Light Armor Magic
To Acquire: Constitution Fortitude Charisma 11
Reveal this card to reduce damage dealt to you by 1 or to add or subtract 1 on your Charisma or Diplomacy check.
Banish this card to reduce all damage dealt to you to 0. If proficient with light armors, bury this card instead.
If proficient with light armors, you may recharge this card to add 1d8 to your check that invokes the Poison trait.
Armor 5
Armor B
Traits: Shield Offhand Elite
To Acquire: Constitution Fortitude 3 OR Melee 5
If you played a weapon that has the 2-Handed trait on this check, you may not play this card.
Recharge this card to reduce Acid, Combat, or Fire damage dealt to you by 2, or to add 1d4 and the Piercing trait to your Melee combat check. If proficient with light armor, you may play another armor on this check.
Item 1
Item 2
Traits: Liquid Poison
To Acquire: Intelligence Craft 8
Reveal this card to add 3 and the Poison trait to your combat check with a weapon. Succeed at a Craft or Disable 8 check or bury the top card of your deck.
Item 2
Item 4
Traits: Object Alchemical
To Acquire: Intelligence Craft 9
Shuffle this card into your location deck to evade your encounter. You may succeed at a Craft 10 check to recharge this card instead of shuffling it into your location deck.
Item 3
Item B
Traits: Accessory Magic
To Acquire: Wisdom 5
During your encounter, recharge this card to gain the skill Divine: Wisdom +2; characters may not play blessings that have the Divine trait.
Recharge this card to add the Magic trait to your check.
Item 4
Item 1
Traits: Liquid Cold Poison Alchemical
To Acquire: Intelligence Craft Knowledge 7
Reveal this card to add 2 and the Poison trait to your combat check; if the bane has the Undead trait, ignore its immunities. After the check, succeed at a Craft or Disable 7 check or bury the top card of your deck.
Banish this card to reduce Cold or Poison damage dealt to you to 0; then bury 1d4 random cards from your discard pile.
Item 5
Item B
Traits: Accessory
To Acquire: Intelligence Craft Wisdom Survival 6
Recharge this card to add 1 die to your check that invokes the Electricity or Fire trait.
Ally 1
Ally B
Traits: Animal
To Acquire: Wisdom Survival 7 OR Charisma Diplomacy 10
Recharge this card to add your Charisma skill to your combat check.
Recharge this card to add 1d4 to a combat check at another location.
Discard this card to examine the top card of another location; if it is a non-henchman, non-villain monster you may place it on top or bottom of the location deck.
Ally 2
Ally 4
Traits: Elemental Fire
To Acquire: See Below
To acquire this card, be dealt 1d4+1 Fire damage.
Recharge this card to draw a weapon or an armor from your discard pile.
Bury this card to add 2d12 and the Fire trait to a combat check by a character at your location.
Ally 3
Ally 3
Traits: Human Cleric
To Acquire: Intelligence Knowledge 8 OR Charisma Diplomacy 9
Recharge this card to add 1 die to your Intelligence or Knowledge check. If you fail the check, bury this card instead of recharging it and discard a card.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Ally 4
Ally C
Traits: Half-Orc Fighter
To Acquire: Charisma Diplomacy 7
Recharge this card to recharge a weapon or armor that has the Basic trait from your discard pile.
At the end of your turn, recharge this card to move to another location.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Ally 5
Ally 1
Traits: Human Smuggler
To Acquire: Charisma Diplomacy 6
Recharge this card to add 1 die to your check against a card that has the Animal trait.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Blessing 1
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Basic
To Acquire: Divine 3
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location, then you may explore your location.
After you play this card, if the top card of the blessings discard pile has the Basic trait, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessing 2
Blessing 1
Traits: Divine Thoth Cold
To Acquire: Wisdom Knowledge OR OR Divine 10
Discard this card to add 1 die and the Cold trait to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any Wisdom non-combat check or check that invokes the Cold trait.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location. If the card has the Undead trait, you may explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessing 3
Blessing 4
Traits: Divine Anubis Poison Mummy
To Acquire: Divine 8 OR Charisma Diplomacy 11
Discard this card to add 1 die and the Poison trait to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any Charisma check or to any check against a bane that has the Mummy or Undead trait; ignore that bane's immunities.
Discard this card to explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessing 4
Blessing 4
Traits: Divine Osiris Healing
To Acquire: Divine 8
Discard this card to add 1d4 to any check that invokes the Healing trait.
Discard when you shuffle cards from your discard pile into your deck. Shuffle in an additional 1d4.
Discard this card to explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, each character at your location may recharge a random card from their discard pile.
Blessing 5
Blessing C
Traits: Divine Horus Electricity
To Acquire: Divine 6 OR Dexterity Ranged 7
Discard this card to add 1 die and the Electricity trait to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any Dexterity non-combat check or check that invokes the Electricity trait.
Discard this card to move, then you may explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, you may move.
Top of Blessing Discard Pile:
Blessing B
Traits: Basic
To Acquire: Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma 6
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Recharge this card to add 1 die to any check that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Blessings Remaining: 25
Blessings Deck
Blessings Deck Card 1 - Turn 1 Estra
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Basic
To Acquire: Divine 3
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location, then you may explore your location.
After you play this card, if the top card of the blessings discard pile has the Basic trait, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessings Deck Card 2 - Turn 2 Cogsnap
Blessing B
Traits: Basic
To Acquire: Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma 6
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Recharge this card to add 1 die to any check that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Blessings Deck Card 3 - Turn 3 Lini
Blessing C
Traits: Divine Pharasma
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane Divine 5
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to a check if a spell was played during that check.
Discard this card to explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessings Deck Card 4 - Turn 4 Darago
Blessing B
Traits: Basic
To Acquire: Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma 6
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Recharge this card to add 1 die to any check that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Blessings Deck Card 5 - Turn 5 Qualzar
Blessing C
Traits: Divine Wadjet
To Acquire: Divine 5 OR Intelligence Knowledge 7
Reveal this card to add 1d4 to your check to acquire a boon.
Discard this card to add 2d8 to any check to acquire a boon.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location; then you may explore your location, adding 1 die to your checks to acquire a boon during that exploration.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, draw a card.
Blessings Deck Card 6 - Turn 6 Skizza
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Nethys
To Acquire: Wisdom Perception 8 OR Divine 5
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck and put them back in any order; then explore the location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessings Deck Card 7 - Turn 7 Estra
Blessing 4
Traits: Divine Osiris Healing
To Acquire: Divine 8
Discard this card to add 1d4 to any check that invokes the Healing trait.
Discard when you shuffle cards from your discard pile into your deck. Shuffle in an additional 1d4.
Discard this card to explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, each character at your location may recharge a random card from their discard pile.
Blessings Deck Card 8 - Turn 8 Cogsnap
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Bastet Gambling
To Acquire: Divine 6 OR Stealth Disable Craft 8
Recharge this card to allow a character at your location to reroll 1 die on his check, or bury it to reroll all the dice; that character takes the new result.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location. If it is a bane, encounter that bane and the bane may not be evaded; otherwise, you may encounter the card.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, you may search your deck for a non-blessing card that has the Gambling trait and draw it.
Blessings Deck Card 9 - Turn 9 Lini
Blessing B
Traits: Basic
To Acquire: Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma 6
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Recharge this card to add 1 die to any check that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Blessings Deck Card 10 - Turn 10 Darago
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Bastet Gambling
To Acquire: Divine 6 OR Stealth Disable Craft 8
Recharge this card to allow a character at your location to reroll 1 die on his check, or bury it to reroll all the dice; that character takes the new result.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location. If it is a bane, encounter that bane and the bane may not be evaded; otherwise, you may encounter the card.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, you may search your deck for a non-blessing card that has the Gambling trait and draw it.
Blessings Deck Card 11 - Turn 11 Qualzar
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Basic
To Acquire: Divine 3
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location, then you may explore your location.
After you play this card, if the top card of the blessings discard pile has the Basic trait, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessings Deck Card 12 - Turn 12 Skizza
Blessing 2
Traits: Divine Maat
To Acquire: Divine 6 OR Constitution Fortitude 10
Discard this card after any check is rolled to add or subtract up to 3 from the result.
Recharge this card to reduce damage dealt to you by 2.
Discard this card to exchange all dice that would be rolled on a non-combat check with d8s.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, you may discard any number of cards to allow a character at your location to recharge that same number of random cards from his discard pile.
Blessings Deck Card 13 - Turn 13 Estra
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Basic
To Acquire: Divine 3
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location, then you may explore your location.
After you play this card, if the top card of the blessings discard pile has the Basic trait, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessings Deck Card 14 - Turn 14 Cogsnap
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Nethys
To Acquire: Wisdom Perception 8 OR Divine 5
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck and put them back in any order; then explore the location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessings Deck Card 15 - Turn 15 Lini
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Nethys
To Acquire: Wisdom Perception 8 OR Divine 5
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck and put them back in any order; then explore the location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessings Deck Card 16 - Turn 16 Darago
Blessing B
Traits: Basic
To Acquire: Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma 6
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Recharge this card to add 1 die to any check that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Blessings Deck Card 17 - Turn 17 Qualzar
Blessing B
Traits: Basic
To Acquire: Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma 6
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Recharge this card to add 1 die to any check that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Blessings Deck Card 18 - Turn 18 Skizza
Blessing 4
Traits: Divine Anubis Poison Mummy
To Acquire: Divine 8 OR Charisma Diplomacy 11
Discard this card to add 1 die and the Poison trait to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any Charisma check or to any check against a bane that has the Mummy or Undead trait; ignore that bane's immunities.
Discard this card to explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessings Deck Card 19 - Turn 19 Estra
Blessing B
Traits: Basic
To Acquire: Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma 6
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Recharge this card to add 1 die to any check that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Blessings Deck Card 20 - Turn 20 Cogsnap
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Basic
To Acquire: Divine 3
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location, then you may explore your location.
After you play this card, if the top card of the blessings discard pile has the Basic trait, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessings Deck Card 21 - Turn 21 Lini
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Horus Electricity
To Acquire: Divine 6 OR Dexterity Ranged 7
Discard this card to add 1 die and the Electricity trait to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any Dexterity non-combat check or check that invokes the Electricity trait.
Discard this card to move, then you may explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, you may move.
Blessings Deck Card 22 - Turn 22 Darago
Blessing 3
Traits: Divine Isis Acid
To Acquire: Divine 7 OR Intelligence Craft 11
Discard this card to add 1 die and the Acid trait to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any Intelligence check or check that invokes the Acid or Construct traits.
Discard this card to explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge a random card that has the Magic trait from your discard pile.
Blessings Deck Card 23 - Turn 23 Qualzar
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Wadjet
To Acquire: Divine 5 OR Intelligence Knowledge 7
Reveal this card to add 1d4 to your check to acquire a boon.
Discard this card to add 2d8 to any check to acquire a boon.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location; then you may explore your location, adding 1 die to your checks to acquire a boon during that exploration.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, draw a card.
Blessings Deck Card 24 - Turn 24 Skizza
Blessing 2
Traits: Divine Maat
To Acquire: Divine 6 OR Constitution Fortitude 10
Discard this card after any check is rolled to add or subtract up to 3 from the result.
Recharge this card to reduce damage dealt to you by 2.
Discard this card to exchange all dice that would be rolled on a non-combat check with d8s.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, you may discard any number of cards to allow a character at your location to recharge that same number of random cards from his discard pile.
Blessings Deck Card 25 - Turn 25 Estra
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Ra Fire
To Acquire: Divine 6 OR Strength Melee 8
Discard this card to add 1 die and the Fire trait to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any Strength non-combat check or check that invokes the Fire trait.
Discard this card to explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Location #1: Alchemical Laboratory
At This Location (Open): If you defeat a bane by 4 or more, each character at this location is dealt 1d4 Acid damage.
When Closing: Succeed at an Intelligence or Craft check with a difficulty of 5 plus the scenario's adventure deck number.
When Permanently Closed: On closing, draw 3 random items that have the Alchemical trait from the box and shuffle them into this location.
M: 1 Ba: 2 W: 0 Sp: 2 Ar: 0 I: 3 Al: 1 Bl: 0 ?: 1
Located/Displayed Here: None
Spell B
Traits: Magic Divine Attack Elite
To Acquire: Wisdom Divine 8
For your combat check, discard this card to use your Divine skill + 2d6. If the check is to defeat a bane that has the Undead trait, use your Divine skill + 2d12.
After playing this card, if you do not have the Divine skill, banish it; otherwise, you may succeed at a Divine 8 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Item 2
Traits: Accessory Magic
To Acquire: Intelligence Disable Arcane Wisdom Divine 7
Recharge this card to add 2 dice to your check against a barrier that has the Arcane or Magic trait.
Ally 3
Traits: Human Fighter
To Acquire: Combat 11
When you encounter this card, you may reveal a blessing that has the Abadar trait to acquire this card.
Bury this card to recharge any number of blessings that has the Abadar trait from your discard pile.
Discard this card to explore your location. Add 1d8 to any combat checks during this exploration.
Spell B
Traits: Magic Arcane Acid Attack
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane 4
For your combat or disable check, discard this card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6.
After playing this card, if you do not have the Arcane skill, banish it; otherwise, succeed at an Arcane 6 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Item 1
Traits: Tool Alchemical
To Acquire: Intelligence Craft 8
Discard this card at the start of your turn to move any number of characters to your location.
Banish this card to add 1d8 to Stealth checks by characters at your location this turn.
Item 3
Traits: Object Magic
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane 9
Recharge this card to reroll 1 die on a check by a character at your location.
On your turn, you may give this card to a character at another location; you may additionally give him a weapon, an armor, or an item. Then that character must recharge this card.
Monster 1
Traits: Undead
To Defeat: Combat 8 THEN Combat 10
The Coffer Corpse is immune to the Mental and Poison traits.
If undefeated, move to a random location.
Barrier 3
Traits: Trigger Trap Skirmish Magic
To Defeat: Intelligence Arcane Knowledge 13 OR Wisdom Survival 10
When you examine this card, encounter it.
If undefeated, each character at your location must summon and encounter the henchman Blightwing. Then banish this card.
Henchman 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Fortitude Perception 6 THEN Combat Divine 15
The Druj Nasu is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, a character at your location summons and encounters the henchman Beheaded.
If the check to defeat has the Acid or Electricity trait, subtract 1 from each die.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.
Barrier 2
Traits: Trap Magic Fire Elite
To Defeat: Constitution 6 OR Dexterity Acrobatics Disable 8
If undefeated, each character at your location is dealt 1d4 Fire damage.
Location #2: Mumia Lab
At This Location (Open): At the start of your turn, succeed at a Constitution 4 check or draw the scourge Curse of Withering from the box.
When Closing: Summon and defeat the henchman Crawling Hands.
When Permanently Closed: On closing, draw a random item that has the Alchemical trait from the box.
M: 2 Ba: 1 W: 0 Sp: 1 Ar: 0 I: 1 Al: 0 Bl: 0 ?: 1
Located/Displayed Here: Lini/Bigguyinblack,
Spell B
Traits: Magic Divine
To Acquire: Wisdom Divine 6
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any check to defeat a barrier.
After playing this card, if you do not have the Divine skill, banish it; otherwise, you may succeed at a Divine 8 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Villain 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Combat 25 OR Divine 18
The Sepid is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, each character at your location must succeed at a Dexterity or Acrobatics 12 check or be dealt 1d6 Combat damage.
If the check to defeat has the Acid, Attack, Electricity, or Ranged trait, subtract 1 from each die.
Barrier 3
Traits: Trigger Trap Magic Cold Arcane
To Defeat: Intelligence Arcane Knowledge 10 OR Wisdom 12
When you examine this card, succeed at an Intelligence or Arcane 10 check; otherwise, you are dealt 1d6 Cold damage.
If undefeated, each character at this location is dealt 1d4 Cold damage and is moved to a random other location.
Monster B
Traits: Human Veteran
To Defeat: Stealth 7 OR Combat 9
The difficulty to defeat is increased by the scenario's adventure deck number.
If undefeated, the Caravan Raider deals no damage; instead, banish a boon.
Monster 3
Traits: Undead
To Defeat: Combat 15
The Guecubu is immune to the Electricity, Mental, and Poison traits.
After you act, suffer a scourge.
Item C
Traits: Accessory
To Acquire: Intelligence Craft Wisdom Survival 6
Recharge this card to add 1 die to your check that invokes the Electricity or Fire trait.
Location #3: Silver Forge
At This Location (Open): Discard a card to add 1d6 and the Fire trait to your combat check.
When Closing: Summon and acquire a random armor from the box.
When Permanently Closed: At the end of your turn, you may recharge an armor card from your discard pile.
M: 2 Ba: 1 W: 2 Sp: 0 Ar: 2 I: 0 Al: 1 Bl: 0 ?: 1
Located/Displayed Here: Qualzar/EmpTyger, (Toxic Geyser, Glacial Khopesh +1, Djinni Quarterstaff )
Monster 3
Traits: Animal Acid
To Defeat: Combat 13 THEN Combat 13
If your check to defeat does not have the Attack or Ranged trait, the difficulty is increased by 4.
Damage dealt by the Rukh is Acid damage.
If undefeated, move to a random location.
Armor 4
Traits: Light Armor Magic
To Acquire: Constitution Fortitude Wisdom Divine 10
Recharge this card to reduce all damage dealt to you by 2. If proficient with light armors, you may play another armor on this check.
For your combat check, recharge this card to roll your Arcane or Divine skill + 2d6. If the bane has the Undead trait, you may bury this card to add another 1d6. This counts as playing a spell.
If proficient with light armors, you may recharge this card when you play a spell.
Monster 4
Traits: Construct
To Defeat: Combat 17
The Elemental Arachnid is immune to the Mental and Poison traits. You may play any number of armors in this encounter.
Before you act, you are dealt 1 Acid damage, then 1 Cold damage, then 1 Electricity damage, then 1 Fire damage.
If undefeated, the Elemental Arachnid deals no damage; instead, you are dealt 1d4 Acid damage, then 1d4 Cold damage, then 1d4 Electricity damage, then 1d4 Fire damage.
Weapon B
Traits: Staff Melee Bludgeoning 2-Handed Magic Elite
To Acquire: Strength Melee 6 OR Arcane Divine 8
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 1d6+1; you may additionally discard this card to add another 1d6.
You may discard this card to shuffle your location deck; if you succeed at an Arcane or Divine 10 check, you may recharge this card instead.
Henchman 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Fortitude Perception 6 THEN Combat Divine 15
The Druj Nasu is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, a character at your location summons and encounters the henchman Beheaded.
If the check to defeat has the Acid or Electricity trait, subtract 1 from each die.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.
Armor 2
Traits: Clothing Light Armor Magic
To Acquire: Constitution Fortitude 8
Recharge this card to reduce Cold, Combat, Electricity, or Poison damage dealt to you by 3.
Banish this card to reduce Cold, Combat, Electricity, or Poison damage dealt to you by 5. If proficient with light armors, bury this card instead.
If proficent with light armors, you may recharge this card when you reset your hand.
Barrier B
Traits: Trap Acid Fire Poison Veteran
To Defeat: Dexterity Acrobatics Wisdom Survival 5
The difficulty to defeat is increased by twice the scenario's adventure deck number.
If undefeated, roll a number of d6s equal to the scenario's adventure deck plus 1. For each die:
1-2. You are dealt 2 Fire damage.
3-4. You are dealt 2 Acid damage; discard a weapon or armor.
5-6. You are dealt 2 Poison damage.
Ally 1
Traits: Half-Elf Alchemist Hireling Aspis
To Acquire: Intelligence Craft Charisma Diplomacy 10
If you fail to acquire this card, you are dealt 1d4 Poison damage.
Recharge this card to add your Craft skill and the Poison trait to a combat check by a character at your location.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Weapon 1
Traits: Sword Melee Slashing Cold Magic Elite
To Acquire: Strength Melee 9
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 1d8+1. If proficient with weapons, you may additionally discard this card to add 2 and the Bludgeoning trait to your check for each die you roll.
Recharge this card to ignore a non-villain bane's power that happens after you act.
Location #4: Crypt
At This Location (Open): Add 3 plus the scenario's adventure deck number to the difficulty of checks against banes that have the Cold or Undead trait.
When Closing: Succeed at a Wisdom or Divine check with a difficulty of 4 plus the scenario's adventure deck number.
When Permanently Closed: On closing, draw a random blessing from the box.
M: 2 Ba: 1 W: 1 Sp: 0 Ar: 1 I: 1 Al: 0 Bl: 1 ?: 1
Located/Displayed Here: Darago/AAUGHWHY, (Sun Falcon, Druj Nasu), WARRIOR DOLLS DISPLAYED: +1d6 to checks to defeat monsters
Barrier B
Traits: Trap Acid Fire Poison Veteran
To Defeat: Dexterity Acrobatics Wisdom Survival 5
The difficulty to defeat is increased by twice the scenario's adventure deck number.
If undefeated, roll a number of d6s equal to the scenario's adventure deck plus 1. For each die:
1-2. You are dealt 2 Fire damage.
3-4. You are dealt 2 Acid damage; discard a weapon or armor.
5-6. You are dealt 2 Poison damage.
Monster 1
Traits: Animal Fire
To Defeat: Combat 11
The Sun Falcon is immune to the Fire trait. All damage dealt by the Sun Falcon is Fire damage. If the check to defeat the Sun Falcon has the Cold trait, add 1d8.
If defeated, shuffle the Sun Falcon into the blessings deck.
When this card is the top card of the blessings discard pile, banish it and draw a random blessing from the box.
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Pharasma
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane Divine 5
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to a check if a spell was played during that check.
Discard this card to explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Henchman 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Fortitude Perception 6 THEN Combat Divine 15
The Druj Nasu is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, a character at your location summons and encounters the henchman Beheaded.
If the check to defeat has the Acid or Electricity trait, subtract 1 from each die.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.
Item B
Traits: Liquid Alchemical Healing
To Acquire: Intelligence Craft 5
Banish this card and choose a character at your location. That character may shuffle 1d4 random cards from his discard pile into his deck.
Monster 3
Traits: Undead Sphinx Mummy
To Defeat: Combat 17
The Mummified Sphinx is immune to the Mental and Poison traits.
If the check to defeat has the Fire trait, add 1d8.
Before you act, recharge your hand, reset your hand, and bury a card.
Armor C
Traits: Heavy Armor Elite
To Acquire: Constitution Fortitude 9
Recharge this card to reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 3. If proficient with heavy armors, you may also play an armor that has the Light Armor trait on this check.
Banish this card to reduce all damage dealt to you to 0; if proficient with heavy armors, bury it instead.
Weapon B
Traits: Blowgun Ranged Poison Alchemical Elite
To Acquire: Intelligence Craft Knowledge Ranged 6
For your combat check, banish this card to use your Intelligence skill + 2d8; If you succeed at a Craft 8 check, bury it instead. After you act, each character at this location is dealt 1 Poison damage.
Location #5: Vault of Hidden Wisdom
At This Location (Open): If you defeat a bane, you may succeed at a Knowledge or Perception 7 check to explore your location.
When Closing: Summon and defeat a random barrier.
When Permanently Closed: On closing, you may succeed at a Knowledge or Perception 7 check to recharge a card from your discard pile.
M: 1 Ba: 3 W: 1 Sp: 2 Ar: 0 I: 1 Al: 0 Bl: 1 ?: 1
Located/Displayed Here: None
Barrier B
Traits: Trigger Cache Lock Poison Veteran
To Defeat: Disable 6 OR Craft 8
When you examine this card, shuffle a weapon, an armor, or an item from your hand into your location deck.
The difficulty to defeat is increased by the scenario's adventure deck number.
If defeated by at least 4, draw an item from the box.
If defeated by less than 4, you are dealt 1d4 Poison damage, then draw 2 items from the box.
Barrier 1
Traits: Trigger Trap Cold Arcane Veteran
To Defeat: Intelligence Arcane Knowledge 6 OR Wisdom 8
When you examine this card, succeed at a Wisdom check of 8 plus the scenario's adventure deck number; otherwise, you are dealt 1d4 Mental damage that may not be reduced.
The difficulty to defeat is increased by twice the scenario's adventure deck number.
If undefeated, each character at this location is dealt 1d4 Cold damage and is moved to a random other location.
Spell 1
Traits: Magic Divine
To Acquire: Wisdom Divine 5
During your turn, discard this card to examine the top card of your location deck. If it has the Undead trait, you may encounter it.
After playing this card, if you do not have the Divine skill, banish it; otherwise, you may succeed at a Divine 7 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessing B
Traits: Basic
To Acquire: Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma 6
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Recharge this card to add 1 die to any check that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Spell B
Traits: Magic Arcane Divine Mental Veteran
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane Wisdom Divine 6
Discard this card to add 1 plus the scenario's adventure deck number to any check to acquire or any check to close a location.
After playing this card, if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill, banish it; otherwise, you may succeed at an Arcane or Divine 8 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Monster 1
Traits: Trigger Undead Mummy Swarm
To Defeat: Combat 8 THEN Combat 8
When you examine this card, succeed at a Stealth 6 check or each character at your location summons and encounters an Ubashki Swarm.
The Ubashki Swarm is immune to the Mental and Poison traits.
If the Ubashki Swarm is not defeated by at least 2 on both checks, succeed at a Constitution or Fortitude 7 check or bury 1 card.
Weapon 4
Traits: Whip Melee Piercing Poison Finesse Magic
To Acquire: Strength Melee 11
Reveal this card when you encounter a monster to ignore any non-villain, non-henchman monster powers that would trigger before you act, then for your combat check, use your Strength or Melee skill +1d8+1. If proficient with weapons, you may add or subtract 4 from your result.
If you would fail this check, and you are proficient with weapons, you may discard this card to ignore the result and evade the bane.
Item 4
Traits: Staff Attack Alchemical
To Acquire: Strength Melee 10 OR Intelligence Craft 12
For your combat check, reveal this card and recharge an item that has the Alchemical trait to use your Melee or Craft skill + 3d6. Add an additional 1d6 if the bane has the Undead or Poison trait.
Henchman 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Fortitude Perception 6 THEN Combat Divine 15
The Druj Nasu is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, a character at your location summons and encounters the henchman Beheaded.
If the check to defeat has the Acid or Electricity trait, subtract 1 from each die.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.
Barrier C
Traits: Trap Elite
To Defeat: Dexterity Acrobatics Wisdom Survival 9
If undefeated, display this barrier next to your location, then shuffle your character token into your location. While your character token is in this location, evade any bane you would encounter and you may not move. If a character reveals your character token, place it at your location and banish this card.
Location #6: Catacombs
At This Location (Open): For your checks that have the Cold trait, add a die.
When Closing: Succeed at a Wisdom or Survival check with a difficulty of 4 plus the scenario's adventure deck number.
When Permanently Closed: On closing, draw a random ally that has the Animal trait from the box.
M: 3 Ba: 2 W: 2 Sp: 1 Ar: 1 I: 0 Al: 0 Bl: 0 ?: 1
Located/Displayed Here:
Weapon 1
Traits: Axe Ranged Slashing Magic
To Acquire: Dexterity Ranged 8
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Dexterity or Ranged skill + 1d8+1; you may additionally recharge this card to add another 1d6. If not pro?cient with weapons, the dif?culty of this check is increased by 4.
Henchman 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Fortitude Perception 6 THEN Combat Divine 15
The Druj Nasu is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, a character at your location summons and encounters the henchman Beheaded.
If the check to defeat has the Acid or Electricity trait, subtract 1 from each die.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.
Armor C
Traits: Clothing Magic Arcane Divine Elite
To Acquire: Constitution Fortitude 6 OR Arcane Divine 8
Recharge this card to reduce Acid, Cold, Combat, Electricity, or Fire damage dealt to you by 2 or add 1d4 to your Arcane or Divine check.
Banish this card to reduce Acid, Cold, Combat, or Electricity damage dealt to you to 0. If proficient with light armors, bury it instead; you may succeed at an Arcane or Divine 12 check to recharge it instead.
Monster 1
Traits: Animal Cold Elite
To Defeat: Combat 9
The Shasalqu is immune to the Cold and Fire traits.
Before you act, each character at your location must succeed at a Wisdom 6 check or recharge 1d4 cards.
After you act, if the roll exceeds 15, each character at your location is dealt 1 Cold damage.
Monster B
Traits: Trigger Elemental Outsider Janni Veteran
To Defeat: Combat 8
When you examine this card, summon and encounter a random monster that has the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.
The difficulty of checks against the Geniekin is increased by twice the scenario's adventure deck number.
Barrier B
Traits: Trigger Curse Arcane Veteran
To Defeat: Stealth Knowledge Arcane Divine Diplomacy 6
When you examine this card, suffer a scourge then banish this card.
The difficulty to defeat is increased by twice the scenario's adventure deck number.
If undefeated, suffer a scourge then banish this card.
Spell 1
Traits: Magic Divine Undead
To Acquire: Wisdom Divine 4
When a character at your location defeats a monster, display this card next to your location. While displayed, add 1 die to your Intelligence and Wisdom checks while at this location. When the location is closed, if you do not have the Divine skill, banish this card; otherwise, attempt a Divine 6 check. If you succeed, recharge this card; if you fail, discard it.
Monster 2
Traits: Outsider Psychopomp
To Defeat: Combat 13
The Vanth is immune to the Poison trait.
Before you act, suffer a scourge.
Weapon B
Traits: Staff Melee Bludgeoning 2-Handed Magic Elite
To Acquire: Strength Melee Arcane Divine 6
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength + 1d6+1.
Discard this card, or reveal this card and discard a spell, to automatically succeed at your Arcane or Divine recharge check.
Barrier 1
Traits: Trigger Curse Undead Elite
To Defeat: Wisdom Intelligence Charisma Diplomacy 7
When you examine this card, suffer the scourge Curse of Daybane then banish this card.
If undefeated, suffer the scourge Curse of Daybane, then banish this card.
Location #7: Altar of Riddles
At This Location (Open): At the start of your turn, choose a type of boon, then examine the top card of the location deck. If it matches the type you chose, draw it.
When Closing: Succeed at an Intelligence, Knowledge, or Wisdom 10 check.
When Permanently Closed: No effect.
M: 1 Ba: 2 W: 0 Sp: 1 Ar: 0 I: 1 Al: 1 Bl: 1 ?: 1
Located/Displayed Here: Cogsnap/VampByDay, Estra/Yewstance, Skizza/agent_eclipse,
Henchman 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Fortitude Perception 6 THEN Combat Divine 15
The Druj Nasu is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, a character at your location summons and encounters the henchman Beheaded.
If the check to defeat has the Acid or Electricity trait, subtract 1 from each die.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Horus Electricity
To Acquire: Divine 6 OR Dexterity Ranged 7
Discard this card to add 1 die and the Electricity trait to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any Dexterity non-combat check or check that invokes the Electricity trait.
Discard this card to move, then you may explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, you may move.
Item C
Traits: Object Alchemical
To Acquire: Intelligence Craft 6
Display this card. While displayed, when you would banish an item that has the Liquid trait for its power, you may put it faceup on this card instead. You may bury this card to add all the items on this card to your hand.
Barrier 4
Traits: Cache Lock Trap
To Defeat: Dexterity Disable 12 OR Strength 15
If undefeated, you may banish this barrier.
If defeated, draw a weapon, a spell, and an item from the box. If your check to defeat did not exceed 16, each character at your location is dealt 1d4 Electricity damage.
Barrier 3
Traits: Trap Obstacle
To Defeat: Dexterity Acrobatics 12 OR Disable 9
Before you act, each other character at your location must succeed at a Dexterity or Acrobatics 12 or Disable 9 check or bury her hand.
If you fail the check to defeat, bury your hand. If you succeed, after the encounter, you may immediately explore your location.
After you act, shuffle this card into a random other open location deck; the Rolling Sphere is defeated.
Spell 4
Traits: Magic Arcane Divine
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane Wisdom Divine 11
Display this card at your location. When a character at this location is dealt damage, reduce it by 1d4.
When the location is closed, discard this card. If you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill, banish this card; otherwise, you may succeed at an Arcane or Divine 13 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Ally B
Traits: Undead Ghost Incorporeal
To Acquire: Divine Charisma Diplomacy 8
Display this card. While displayed, you may recharge this card to examine the top card of your location deck, then put it on the top or bottom of its deck or add 1d6 and the Cold, Magic, and Undead traits to your check against a card that has the Outsider or Undead trait.
Monster B
Traits: Trigger Gnoll Veteran
To Defeat: Combat 9
When you examine this card, encounter it and increase its difficulty to defeat by 3.
The difficulty to defeat is increased by the scenario's adventure deck number.
Location #8: Precious Mine
At This Location (Open): The difficulty to defeat banes that have Construct trait is increased by 1d6.
When Closing: Succeed at a Strength or Melee check of 6 plus the scenario's adventure deck number.
When Permanently Closed: On closing, draw an item from the box.
M: 2 Ba: 2 W: 1 Sp: 1 Ar: 0 I: 3 Al: 0 Bl: 0 ?: 1
Located/Displayed Here: None
Item B
Traits: Liquid Alchemical
To Acquire: Intelligence Craft 4
Banish this card and choose a character at your location. Reduce Acid, Cold, Electricity, or Fire damage dealt to that character by 4.
Henchman 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Fortitude Perception 6 THEN Combat Divine 15
The Druj Nasu is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, a character at your location summons and encounters the henchman Beheaded.
If the check to defeat has the Acid or Electricity trait, subtract 1 from each die.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.
Item 2
Traits: Accessory Magic Mummy
To Acquire: Wisdom Divine 7
Bury this card to allow a character at your location to banish a displayed card that has the Curse trait; succeed at a Wisdom or Divine 8 check to recharge this card instead.
Weapon 2
Traits: Club Melee Bludgeoning 2-Handed Magic
To Acquire: Strength Melee 8
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 1d10+1; you may additionally discard this card to add your Strength die. If not proficient with weapons, the difficulty of this check is increased by 4.
Monster 2
Traits: Elemental Outsider Cold Elite
To Defeat: Combat 12
The Ice Elemental is immune to the Cold and Poison traits.
Before you act, succeed at a Constitution or Fortitude 7 check or you may only play 1 card on this check.
All damage dealt by the Ice Elemental is Cold damage.
Barrier B
Traits: Trap Poison Slashing Elite
To Defeat: Dexterity Acrobatics 5 OR Disable Knowledge 7
If undefeated, each character at this location is dealt 1d4 Poison damage.
Item 2
Traits: Object Magic
To Acquire: Intelligence Craft Charisma Survival 9
Recharge this card to evade a bane that has the Trigger trait, then move all characters at this location to another location.
Recharge this card to move all characters at this location to another location. This power cannot be used during an encounter.
Barrier 1
Traits: Trap Poison Veteran
To Defeat: Wisdom Perception 8 OR Dexterity Acrobatics 10
The difficulty to defeat is increased by the scenario's adventure deck number.
If defeated, you may explore again.
If undefeated, each character at this location is dealt 1d4 Combat damage, then 1d4 Poison damage, then end your turn.
Spell 4
Traits: Magic Arcane Divine
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane Wisdom Divine 12
Discard this card to allow a character at your location to search their deck for a spell and draw it.
After playing this card, if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill, banish it; otherwise, you may succeed at an Arcane or Divine 14 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Monster 4
Traits: Trigger Girtablilu Poison
To Defeat: Combat 17
When you examine this card, succeed at a Stealth 7 check or encounter it and increase its difficulty to defeat by 3.
Before you act, you are dealt 1d4 Poison damage.
Skizza of Dongun Hold |
With a slightly thin hand going to head elsewhere as we know what is on top here.
Move to and Explore Alchemical Laboratory 1: Holy Light.
Reveal Navigator Musket +1.
Wisdom 8: 1d6 + 1d6 ⇒ (1) + (2) = 3
Discard Blessing of Calistria to Explore Card 2: Glyphbane Gloves.
Disable 7: 1d10 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 3 + 2 = 6 Oh...okay then.
End Turn. Reset Hand.
Hand: Double-Barreled Musket, Blessing of Calistria, Scarab Buckler, Dragon Pistol +1, Blessing of Shizuru, Navigator Musket +1,
Displayed: Poisoned Bullets, Dragonbreath Shot,
Deck: 10 Discard: 1 Buried: 0
Notes: Free to use: Weapons and Blessings
Sideboard cards:
Mummia Dolls Location: 1d8 ⇒ 1 Creepy dolls are with me.
Estra and Honaire |
Estra starts her turn.
Blessing of the Ancients discarded from the Blessings Deck.
Estra names FRIEND for the Altar of Riddles power, and re-examines...
Altar of Riddles Card 1: Druj Nasu
There's quite a few options for what Estra can do right now; but without Codex of Conversations I'll probably just take advantage of Nerefekhu to just defeat the henchman and close the location quickly.
Estra sets aside Charm Person to draw a random Human ally from the box.
Ally 3
Traits: Human Cleric
To Acquire: Intelligence Knowledge 8 OR Charisma Diplomacy 9
Recharge this card to add 1 die to your Intelligence or Knowledge check. If you fail the check, bury this card instead of recharging it and discard a card.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Estra gives Library Curator to Cogsnap. (Please hand it back; I'm just clearing space from my hand for all of the card draws I'm about to get.)
Estra chooses not to move or examine her location, and takes her free exploration.
Henchman 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Fortitude Perception 6 THEN Combat Divine 15
The Druj Nasu is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, a character at your location summons and encounters the henchman Beheaded.
If the check to defeat has the Acid or Electricity trait, subtract 1 from each die.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.
Henchman Monster 1
Combat 12
Arcane Divine 10
The Beheaded is immune to the Mental and Poison traits.
Before you act, roll 1d4. Each character at your location is dealt 1 damage of this type:
1. Fire
2. Acid
3. Cold
4. Electricity
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.
Adventure Rule: Estra suffers the Curse of the Ravenous.
Cogsnap takes 1 Acid damage.
Estra takes the Divine check to defeat Beheaded.
Estra reveals Neferekhu to add 2 dice to her noncombat Wisdom check.
Divine 10: 3d10 + 4 ⇒ (6, 3, 6) + 4 = 19 -> Beheaded defeated.
Estra must pass a Diplomacy 8 check against Neferekhu or suffer the Curse of Withering.
Estra reveals Binder's Tome to add 1d4.
Diplomacy 8: 1d10 + 5 + 1d4 ⇒ (2) + 5 + (3) = 10 -> No effect. Estra draws a card (Create Mindscape) for passing a Charisma check.
Resuming encounter against Druj Nasu...
Estra takes the first Perception check to defeat Druj Nasu.
Estra reveals Neferekhu to add 2 dice to her noncombat Wisdom check.
Estra displays Create Mindscape at the Altar of Riddles, adding 1d4 to Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma checks.
Perception 6: 3d10 + 4 + 1d4 ⇒ (6, 4, 8) + 4 + (2) = 24 -> Pass.
Estra autopasses the Diplomacy 8 check against Neferekhu thanks to Create Mindscape and Binder's Tome.
Estra draws a card (Idorii (Dip9)) for passing a Charisma check.
Estra chooses to take the second Divine check to defeat Druj Nasu.
Estra reveals Neferekhu to add 2 dice to her noncombat Wisdom check.
Divine 15: 3d10 + 4 + 1d4 ⇒ (3, 4, 1) + 4 + (3) = 15 -> Pass.
Estra autopasses the Diplomacy 8 check against Neferekhu.
Estra draws a card (Blessing of Qi Zhong) for passing a Charisma check.
Druj Nasu defeated.
Estra attempts to close the Altar of Riddles.
Estra reveals Neferekhu to add 2 dice to her noncombat Wisdom check.
Wisdom 10: 3d10 + 2 + 1d4 ⇒ (10, 2, 7) + 2 + (3) = 24 -> Pass.
Estra autopasses the Diplomacy 8 check against Neferekhu.
Estra draws a card (Sphere of Fire) for passing a Charisma check.
Altar of Riddles is closed!
Estra attempts to recharge Create Mindscape when the Altar of Riddles closes.
Estra reveals Neferekhu to add 2 dice to her noncombat Wisdom check.
Perception 9: 3d10 + 4 + 1d4 ⇒ (1, 6, 1) + 4 + (4) = 16 -> Pass.
Estra autopasses the Diplomacy 8 check against Neferekhu.
Estra draws a card (Falcon Crown) for passing a Charisma check.
Create Mindscape recharged.
Estra displays Sphere of Fire.
From playing a spell, Estra recharges Falcon Crown to its power.
Estra ends her turn.
Warrior Dolls movement: 1d7 ⇒ 1 -> The Warrior Dolls remains at the Alchemical Laboratory.
Curse of the Ravenous: 1d4 ⇒ 2 -> No effect.
Estra attempts to recharge her displayed Sphere of Fire.
Estra reveals Neferekhu to add 2 dice to her noncombat Wisdom check.
Estra discards Blessing of Qi Zhong to add a die.
Divine 9: 3d10 + 4 ⇒ (1, 9, 5) + 4 = 19 -> Pass.
Estra autopasses the Diplomacy 8 check against Neferekhu.
Estra draws a card (Valet) for passing a Charisma check.
Sphere of Fire recharged.
Estra resets her hand; she's over her hand limit, so she discards Idorii (Dip9).
No flavour today, sorry.
Hand: Honaire, Binder's Tome, Swipe, Neferekhu, Blessing of Qi Zhong, Valet,
Displayed: Curse of the Ravenous,
Deck: 10 Discard: 2 Buried: 0
Notes: Requesting that Cogsnap hand Library Curator back.I drew a bunch of cards; I was digging for Codex of Conversations or Restorative Touch, but didn't find them, sadly. Still; Neferekhu should provide adequate draw power to hit them if I can just continue playing enough spells.
Blessing of Qi Zhong is only available in an emergency.
Dexterity d4 [ ] +1 [ ]+2
Constitution d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Intelligence d8 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
Knowledge: Intelligence +1
Wisdom d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [ ] +3 [ ] +4
Divine: Wisdom +2
Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [ ] +3
*Diplomacy: Charisma +3
Favored Card: Loot Ally Honaire
Hand Size 5 [X] 6 [ ] 7
Proficient with: Light Armors
At the end of your move step, you may examine the top card of your location deck. ([ ] If the card has a power that happens when examined, you may instead shuffle a card into your deck to ignore the power.) You may bury ([X] or discard) a card to encounter the card; during this encounter, add 1d6 ([ ]+1) to your Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution checks.
When you succeed at a combat ([X] or Charisma) check, you may draw a card ([ ] or shuffle a random card from your discard pile into your deck).
[X] When the ally Honaire would be shuffled into your deck, you may set it aside and, after shuffling, put it on top of your deck.
[ ] At the start of your turn, you may exchange an ally ([ ] or a blessing) in your hand with an ally in your discard pile.
[X] *Gain the skill Diplomacy: Charisma +3.
[ ] Instead of the first exploration of your turn, each character at your location may shuffle a random ally from his discard pile into his deck.
[ ] [ ] Cleanser of Abominations (Silver Crusade Faction Reward): On your turn, you may check an unchecked box that precedes this reward to banish a scourge or a card that has the Curse trait.
(You may use this reward up to 2 additional times if you fulfill the following requirements. When you fulfill the requirement, check the box that precedes it; when you use the reward, cross that line off.)
[X] Defeat a villain or henchman that has the Demon, Fiend, or Undead trait.
Die Bumps remaining: 1
Cogsnap was given Library Curator, though Estra would appreciate it being handed back.
Cogsnap takes 1 Acid Damage.
BR Yewstance |
During This Adventure:
During This Scenario:
Additional Rules:
2. Estra
3. Cogsnap
4. Lini
5. Darago
6. Qualzar
Villain 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Combat 25 OR Divine 18
The Sepid is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, each character at your location must succeed at a Dexterity or Acrobatics 12 check or be dealt 1d6 Combat damage.
If the check to defeat has the Acid, Attack, Electricity, or Ranged trait, subtract 1 from each die.
Henchman 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Fortitude Perception 6 THEN Combat Divine 15
The Druj Nasu is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, a character at your location summons and encounters the henchman Beheaded. If the check to defeat has the Acid or Electricity trait, subtract 1 from each die.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.
Barrier 4
Traits: Trap Lock Poison
To Defeat: Dexterity Disable Stealth 10 OR Strength 13
If undefeated, you are dealt 1d4 Poison damage then display this card next to your deck. While displayed, you may not move. At the end of your turn, 1 character at your location may succeed at a check to defeat this barrier.
Turn: 7, Cogsnap/VampByDay
1-2. Curse of Poisoning
3. Curse of Vulnerability
4. Curse of Daybane
5. Curse of the Ravenous
6. Curse of Withering
7. Curse of Fevered Dreams
8. Curse of the Sphinx
9. Curse of Blindness
10. Curse of the Mummy
Monster 1
Monster 2
Traits: Caligni Veteran
To Defeat: Combat 12
The difficulty to defeat is increased by the scenario's adventure deck number.
After you act, if your check to defeat did not exceed the difficulty by at least 3, each character at this location must succeed at a Dexterity or Acrobatics 8 check or be dealt 1d4 Fire damage.
If undefeated, the Dark Stalker deals 2 Poison damage to you.
Monster 2
Monster 1
Traits: Construct Elite
To Defeat: Stealth 8 OR Combat 11
The Guardian Scroll is immune to the Bludgeoning, Mental, and Poison traits. If the check to defeat has the Fire trait, add 1 die.
Monster 3
Monster 4
Traits: Construct Golem Mummy
To Defeat: Combat 18
The Mummy Golem is immune to the Attack, Cold, Mental, and Poison traits.
If the check to defeat the Mummy Golem has the Fire trait, add 1d8.
Monster 4
Monster 4
Traits: Aberration
To Defeat: Combat 16 THEN Combat 16
You may succeed at a Stealth 8 check to evade the Royal Naga.
For each combat check, randomly choose a card that you can play that is a weapon or has the Attack trait and play it.
If the check to defeat has the Cold trait, add 1d8.
Monster 5
Monster 3
Traits: Animal Elite
To Defeat: Combat 18
If undefeated, shuffle this card into a random open location.
If the check to defeat has the Cold trait, add 1d8.
Barrier 1
Barrier C
Traits: Obstacle Weather Electricity
To Defeat: None
Display this barrier next to the location deck.
While displayed, when you start your turn at this location, roll 1d4. On a 4, banish this barrier. On any other result, you are dealt that amount of Electricity damage; display this barrier next to a random location.
Barrier 2
Barrier 2
Traits: Obstacle Lamia Elite
To Defeat: Stealth Charisma Diplomacy 8 OR Combat 15
If defeated, you may examine the top 3 cards of your location and place them back in any order.
If undefeated, put this card on top of your location.
Barrier 3
Barrier 4
Traits: Trap Lock Poison
To Defeat: Dexterity Disable Stealth 10 OR Strength 13
If undefeated, you are dealt 1d4 Poison damage then display this card next to your deck.
While displayed, you may not move. At the end of your turn, 1 character at your location may succeed at a check to defeat this barrier.
Barrier 4
Barrier 2
Traits: Trigger Curse Magic
To Defeat: Wisdom Survival Divine 10
When you examine this card, banish it.
If undefeated, display this card next to your deck.
While displayed, if you encounter a card that has the Animal trait, evade it and you are dealt 1d4 Combat damage, then 1d4 Poison damage. If the Poison damage is not reduced to 0, suffer the scourge Curse of Poisoning.
Barrier 5
Barrier 2
Traits: Trap Arcane Magic Elite
To Defeat: Arcane Divine 12 OR Constitution Disable 9
If undefeated, you are dealt 3 Combat damage; display this card next to its location deck. While displayed, characters at this location may not move, be moved, or explore. At the end of your turn, the Telekinesis Trap deals 1d4+1 Acid damage to you.
At the end of your move step, succeed at a Strength, Dexterity, or Acrobatics 11 check to banish this card.
Weapon 1
Weapon 4
Traits: Sword Melee Slashing Magic
To Acquire: Strength Melee Arcane Divine 11
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 1d8+2; you may additionally discard this card to add another 1d6. If not proficient with weapons, the difficulty of this check is increased by 4.
Recharge this card to recharge a random spell from your discard pile.
Weapon 2
Weapon 1
Traits: Knife Ranged Slashing Electricity Magic Elite
To Acquire: Dexterity Ranged 8
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Dexterity or Ranged skill + 1d8+1; you may additionally discard this card to add another 1d6.
If proficient with weapons, discard this card to ignore a non-villain monster's power that happens before you act.
If proficient with weapons, on your combat check, if you played another weapon, discard this card to add 1d4+1 and the Electricity trait.
Weapon 3
Weapon 3
Traits: Staff Melee Bludgeoning 2-Handed Poison Magic Elite
To Acquire: Strength Melee Charisma 10
For your combat check, reveal this card to roll your Strength or Melee skill + 1d6+2; you may additionally discard this card to add another 1d6+2. You may use the result on any additional combat checks against the same bane.
Reveal this card and discard a spell to evade a monster or add 1d8 to your Diplomacy check.
Weapon 4
Weapon 2
Traits: Sword Melee Slashing Acid Magic Elite
To Acquire: Strength Melee 8
For your combat check, reveal this card to roll your Strength or Melee skill + 2d4+1; you may additionally discard this card to add another 1d6. If not proficient with weapons, the difficulty of this check is increased by 4. If any d4 rolled on this check is a 4, count it as 5.
Recharge this card to add your Strength or Melee skill to your check to defeat a barrier that has the Obstacle trait.
Weapon 5
Weapon 1
Traits: Polearm Melee Slashing 2-Handed Magic
To Acquire: Strength Melee 11
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 1d10+1; you may additionally discard this card to add 1d8 and the Electricity trait. If not pro?cient with weapons, the dif?culty of this check is increased by 4. If you would fail the check, you may discard this card to reroll the dice; take the new result.
Spell 1
Spell 2
Traits: Magic Arcane Attack Electricity
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane 8
For your combat check, discard this card to roll your Arcane skill + 3d6.
After playing this card, if you do not have either the Arcane skill, banish it; otherwise, succeed at an Arcane 10 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Spell 2
Spell B
Traits: Magic Arcane Acid Attack
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane 4
For your combat or disable check, discard this card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6.
After playing this card, if you do not have the Arcane skill, banish it; otherwise, succeed at an Arcane 6 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Spell 3
Spell 1
Traits: Magic Arcane Divine
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane Wisdom Divine 6
Discard this card to examine cards in your location deck until you find a boon. Encounter that boon, then shuffle your location deck.
After playing this card, if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill, banish it; otherwise, you may succeed at an Arcane or Divine 8 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Spell 4
Spell 3
Traits: Magic Arcane Divine
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane Wisdom Divine 11
Discard to add 1d10 to a check by a character at your location to defeat a monster that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Elemental, Fire, or Poison trait.
Discard this card to add 3 dice to a check that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait by a character at your location to acquire an ally.
After playing this card, if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill, banish it; otherwise, you may succeed at an Arcane or Divine 13 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Spell 5
Spell 4
Traits: Magic Arcane Divine Attack Cold
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane Divine 11
For your combat check, discard this card to use your Arcane or Divine skill + 3d8. Ignore any non-villain monster's power that happens after you act.
After playing this card, if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill, banish it; otherwise, you may succeed at an Arcane or Divine 13 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Armor 1
Armor 2
Traits: Shield Offhand
To Acquire: Constitution Fortitude 6
If you played a weapon that has the 2-Handed trait on this check, you may not play this card.
Reveal this card to reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2, or to reduce another type of damage by 5 if you recharge a card that has a trait that matches that damage type. If proficient with light armors, you may play another armor.
Armor 2
Armor 4
Traits: Light Armor Magic
To Acquire: Constitution Fortitude 9 OR Intelligence Craft 10
Reveal this card to reduce Cold, Combat, Fire or Electricity damage dealt to you by 3.
If proficient with light armors, recharge this card to add 1d6 to your Dexterity or Constitution check.
If proficient with light armors, bury this card to reduce all damage dealt to you to 0; you may succeed at a Craft 9 check to recharge this armor instead.
Armor 3
Armor 3
Traits: Light Armor Magic
To Acquire: Constitution Fortitude Charisma Diplomacy 9
Reveal this card to reduce Acid, Combat, Electricity, or Fire damage dealt to you by 2 or add 2 to your Charisma or Diplomacy non-combat check.
Banish this card to reduce Acid, Combat, Electricity, or Fire damage dealt to you to 0. If proficient with light armors, bury this card instead.
If proficient with light armors, recharge this card to draw an ally from your discard pile.
Armor 4
Armor 1
Traits: Shield
To Acquire: Constitution Fortitude Disable 6
Reveal this card to reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2. You may play another armor.
Discard this card to reduce Acid, Combat, or Fire damage dealt to you by 4. You may play another armor.
Reveal this card to add 1 die to your Disable check. You may play another armor on this check.
Armor 5
Armor 3
Traits: Clothing Light Armor Magic
To Acquire: Constitution Fortitude 8
Reveal this card to reduce Acid, Cold, Electricity, or Poison damage dealt to you by 3.
Banish this card to reduce all damage dealt to you to 0. If proficient with light armors, bury this card instead.
If proficient with light armors, you may recharge this card when you reset your hand.
Item 1
Item B
Traits: Trigger Object Magic Ra
To Acquire: Strength Knowledge Divine 5
When you examine this card, you may reveal a blessing that has the Ra trait to acquire this card.
Recharge this card to add 1 die to your non-combat Strength check or check against a bane that invokes the Fire trait.
Recharge this card to add the Fire trait to your check.
Item 2
Item B
Traits: Liquid Alchemical Healing
To Acquire: Intelligence Craft 5
Banish this card and choose a character at your location. That character may shuffle 1d4 random cards from his discard pile into his deck.
Item 3
Item 1
Traits: Staff Attack Magic Arcane Divine Anubis
To Acquire: Arcane Divine 6
For your combat check, reveal this card and discard a spell to use your Arcane or Divine skill + 1d6; this counts as playing a spell. If the bane has the Construct or Undead trait, add another 1d6.
Bury this card to evade a monster you encounter that has the Undead trait.
Item 4
Item 3
Traits: Trigger Object Magic Anubis
To Acquire: Intelligence 10 OR Charisma Diplomacy 8
When you examine this card, you may reveal a blessing that has the Anubis trait to acquire this card.
When a character at your location defeats a monster that has the Undead trait, recharge this card to draw a card from your discard pile or bury this card to shuffle 1d4+1 cards from your discard pile into your deck.
Item 5
Item B
Traits: Object Magic Maat
To Acquire: Constitution Knowledge Divine 5
Recharge this card to add 1 die to your Constitution non-combat check.
After you roll the dice on your check, recharge this card to add or subtract 1 from the result.
Ally 1
Ally B
Traits: Undead Ghost Incorporeal
To Acquire: Divine Charisma Diplomacy 8
Display this card. While displayed, you may recharge this card to examine the top card of your location deck, then put it on the top or bottom of its deck or add 1d6 and the Cold, Magic, and Undead traits to your check against a card that has the Outsider or Undead trait.
Ally 2
Ally 4
Traits: Aberration Naga
To Acquire: Charisma Diplomacy 11 OR Combat 15
Bury this card to recharge any items in your discard pile.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Ally 3
Ally B
Traits: Animal Acid
To Acquire: Wisdom Survival 6
Recharge this card and discard 1 card from the blessings deck and explore your location. You may add 1d4 and the Acid trait to your combat checks during this exploration.
Recharge this card to add 1d4 and the Acid trait to your combat check.
Ally 4
Ally B
Traits: Human Hireling Elite
To Acquire: Bury an armor OR Charisma Diplomacy 8
Recharge this card to add 1d4 to your Melee or Ranged Combat check.
Banish this card to reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 3.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Ally 5
Ally 1
Traits: Trigger Human Cleric
To Acquire:
CharismaDiplomacyDivine 9
When you examine this card, you may reveal a Blessing that has the Pharasma trait to acquire it.
If you fail to acquire Sebti the Crocodile, shuffle 3 random monsters from the box into your location.
Recharge this card to examine the top 2 cards of a location.
Discard this card to explore your location. Add 1d6 to Diplomacy checks during this exploration.
Blessing 1
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Abadar
To Acquire: Dexterity Disable 6 OR Divine 5
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any check to defeat a barrier.
Discard this card to explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessing 2
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Wadjet
To Acquire: Divine 5 OR Intelligence Knowledge 7
Reveal this card to add 1d4 to your check to acquire a boon.
Discard this card to add 2d8 to any check to acquire a boon.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location; then you may explore your location, adding 1 die to your checks to acquire a boon during that exploration.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, draw a card.
Blessing 3
Blessing B
Traits: Basic
To Acquire: Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma 6
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Recharge this card to add 1 die to any check that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Blessing 4
Blessing C
Traits: Divine Ra Fire
To Acquire: Divine 6 OR Strength Melee 8
Discard this card to add 1 die and the Fire trait to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any Strength non-combat check or check that invokes the Fire trait.
Discard this card to explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessing 5
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Nethys
To Acquire: Wisdom Perception 8 OR Divine 5
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck and put them back in any order; then explore the location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Top of Blessing Discard Pile:
Blessing B
Traits: Basic
To Acquire: Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma 6
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Recharge this card to add 1 die to any check that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Blessings Remaining: 23
Blessings Deck
Blessings Deck Card 1 - Turn 1 Lini
Blessing C
Traits: Divine Pharasma
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane Divine 5
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to a check if a spell was played during that check.
Discard this card to explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessings Deck Card 2 - Turn 2 Darago
Blessing B
Traits: Basic
To Acquire: Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma 6
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Recharge this card to add 1 die to any check that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Blessings Deck Card 3 - Turn 3 Qualzar
Blessing C
Traits: Divine Wadjet
To Acquire: Divine 5 OR Intelligence Knowledge 7
Reveal this card to add 1d4 to your check to acquire a boon.
Discard this card to add 2d8 to any check to acquire a boon.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location; then you may explore your location, adding 1 die to your checks to acquire a boon during that exploration.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, draw a card.
Blessings Deck Card 4 - Turn 4 Skizza
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Nethys
To Acquire: Wisdom Perception 8 OR Divine 5
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck and put them back in any order; then explore the location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessings Deck Card 5 - Turn 5 Estra
Blessing 4
Traits: Divine Osiris Healing
To Acquire: Divine 8
Discard this card to add 1d4 to any check that invokes the Healing trait.
Discard when you shuffle cards from your discard pile into your deck. Shuffle in an additional 1d4.
Discard this card to explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, each character at your location may recharge a random card from their discard pile.
Blessings Deck Card 6 - Turn 6 Cogsnap
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Bastet Gambling
To Acquire: Divine 6 OR Stealth Disable Craft 8
Recharge this card to allow a character at your location to reroll 1 die on his check, or bury it to reroll all the dice; that character takes the new result.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location. If it is a bane, encounter that bane and the bane may not be evaded; otherwise, you may encounter the card.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, you may search your deck for a non-blessing card that has the Gambling trait and draw it.
Blessings Deck Card 7 - Turn 7 Lini
Blessing B
Traits: Basic
To Acquire: Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma 6
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Recharge this card to add 1 die to any check that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Blessings Deck Card 8 - Turn 8 Darago
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Bastet Gambling
To Acquire: Divine 6 OR Stealth Disable Craft 8
Recharge this card to allow a character at your location to reroll 1 die on his check, or bury it to reroll all the dice; that character takes the new result.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location. If it is a bane, encounter that bane and the bane may not be evaded; otherwise, you may encounter the card.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, you may search your deck for a non-blessing card that has the Gambling trait and draw it.
Blessings Deck Card 9 - Turn 9 Qualzar
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Basic
To Acquire: Divine 3
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location, then you may explore your location.
After you play this card, if the top card of the blessings discard pile has the Basic trait, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessings Deck Card 10 - Turn 10 Skizza
Blessing 2
Traits: Divine Maat
To Acquire: Divine 6 OR Constitution Fortitude 10
Discard this card after any check is rolled to add or subtract up to 3 from the result.
Recharge this card to reduce damage dealt to you by 2.
Discard this card to exchange all dice that would be rolled on a non-combat check with d8s.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, you may discard any number of cards to allow a character at your location to recharge that same number of random cards from his discard pile.
Blessings Deck Card 11 - Turn 11 Estra
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Basic
To Acquire: Divine 3
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location, then you may explore your location.
After you play this card, if the top card of the blessings discard pile has the Basic trait, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessings Deck Card 12 - Turn 12 Cogsnap
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Nethys
To Acquire: Wisdom Perception 8 OR Divine 5
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck and put them back in any order; then explore the location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessings Deck Card 13 - Turn 13 Lini
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Nethys
To Acquire: Wisdom Perception 8 OR Divine 5
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck and put them back in any order; then explore the location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessings Deck Card 14 - Turn 14 Darago
Blessing B
Traits: Basic
To Acquire: Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma 6
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Recharge this card to add 1 die to any check that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Blessings Deck Card 15 - Turn 15 Qualzar
Blessing B
Traits: Basic
To Acquire: Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma 6
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Recharge this card to add 1 die to any check that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Blessings Deck Card 16 - Turn 16 Skizza
Blessing 4
Traits: Divine Anubis Poison Mummy
To Acquire: Divine 8 OR Charisma Diplomacy 11
Discard this card to add 1 die and the Poison trait to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any Charisma check or to any check against a bane that has the Mummy or Undead trait; ignore that bane's immunities.
Discard this card to explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessings Deck Card 17 - Turn 17 Estra
Blessing B
Traits: Basic
To Acquire: Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma 6
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Recharge this card to add 1 die to any check that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Blessings Deck Card 18 - Turn 18 Cogsnap
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Basic
To Acquire: Divine 3
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location, then you may explore your location.
After you play this card, if the top card of the blessings discard pile has the Basic trait, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessings Deck Card 19 - Turn 19 Lini
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Horus Electricity
To Acquire: Divine 6 OR Dexterity Ranged 7
Discard this card to add 1 die and the Electricity trait to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any Dexterity non-combat check or check that invokes the Electricity trait.
Discard this card to move, then you may explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, you may move.
Blessings Deck Card 20 - Turn 20 Darago
Blessing 3
Traits: Divine Isis Acid
To Acquire: Divine 7 OR Intelligence Craft 11
Discard this card to add 1 die and the Acid trait to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any Intelligence check or check that invokes the Acid or Construct traits.
Discard this card to explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge a random card that has the Magic trait from your discard pile.
Blessings Deck Card 21 - Turn 21 Qualzar
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Wadjet
To Acquire: Divine 5 OR Intelligence Knowledge 7
Reveal this card to add 1d4 to your check to acquire a boon.
Discard this card to add 2d8 to any check to acquire a boon.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location; then you may explore your location, adding 1 die to your checks to acquire a boon during that exploration.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, draw a card.
Blessings Deck Card 22 - Turn 22 Skizza
Blessing 2
Traits: Divine Maat
To Acquire: Divine 6 OR Constitution Fortitude 10
Discard this card after any check is rolled to add or subtract up to 3 from the result.
Recharge this card to reduce damage dealt to you by 2.
Discard this card to exchange all dice that would be rolled on a non-combat check with d8s.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, you may discard any number of cards to allow a character at your location to recharge that same number of random cards from his discard pile.
Blessings Deck Card 23 - Turn 23 Estra
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Ra Fire
To Acquire: Divine 6 OR Strength Melee 8
Discard this card to add 1 die and the Fire trait to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any Strength non-combat check or check that invokes the Fire trait.
Discard this card to explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Location #1: Alchemical Laboratory
At This Location (Open): If you defeat a bane by 4 or more, each character at this location is dealt 1d4 Acid damage.
When Closing: Succeed at an Intelligence or Craft check with a difficulty of 5 plus the scenario's adventure deck number.
When Permanently Closed: On closing, draw 3 random items that have the Alchemical trait from the box and shuffle them into this location.
M: 1 Ba: 2 W: 0 Sp: 1 Ar: 0 I: 2 Al: 1 Bl: 0 ?: 1
Located/Displayed Here: Skizza/agent_eclipse, WARRIOR DOLLS DISPLAYED: +1d6 to checks to defeat monsters
Ally 3
Traits: Human Fighter
To Acquire: Combat 11
When you encounter this card, you may reveal a blessing that has the Abadar trait to acquire this card.
Bury this card to recharge any number of blessings that has the Abadar trait from your discard pile.
Discard this card to explore your location. Add 1d8 to any combat checks during this exploration.
Spell B
Traits: Magic Arcane Acid Attack
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane 4
For your combat or disable check, discard this card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6.
After playing this card, if you do not have the Arcane skill, banish it; otherwise, succeed at an Arcane 6 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Item 1
Traits: Tool Alchemical
To Acquire: Intelligence Craft 8
Discard this card at the start of your turn to move any number of characters to your location.
Banish this card to add 1d8 to Stealth checks by characters at your location this turn.
Item 3
Traits: Object Magic
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane 9
Recharge this card to reroll 1 die on a check by a character at your location.
On your turn, you may give this card to a character at another location; you may additionally give him a weapon, an armor, or an item. Then that character must recharge this card.
Monster 1
Traits: Undead
To Defeat: Combat 8 THEN Combat 10
The Coffer Corpse is immune to the Mental and Poison traits.
If undefeated, move to a random location.
Barrier 3
Traits: Trigger Trap Skirmish Magic
To Defeat: Intelligence Arcane Knowledge 13 OR Wisdom Survival 10
When you examine this card, encounter it.
If undefeated, each character at your location must summon and encounter the henchman Blightwing. Then banish this card.
Henchman 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Fortitude Perception 6 THEN Combat Divine 15
The Druj Nasu is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, a character at your location summons and encounters the henchman Beheaded.
If the check to defeat has the Acid or Electricity trait, subtract 1 from each die.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.
Barrier 2
Traits: Trap Magic Fire Elite
To Defeat: Constitution 6 OR Dexterity Acrobatics Disable 8
If undefeated, each character at your location is dealt 1d4 Fire damage.
Location #2: Mumia Lab
At This Location (Open): At the start of your turn, succeed at a Constitution 4 check or draw the scourge Curse of Withering from the box.
When Closing: Summon and defeat the henchman Crawling Hands.
When Permanently Closed: On closing, draw a random item that has the Alchemical trait from the box.
M: 2 Ba: 1 W: 0 Sp: 1 Ar: 0 I: 1 Al: 0 Bl: 0 ?: 1
Located/Displayed Here: Lini/Bigguyinblack,
Spell B
Traits: Magic Divine
To Acquire: Wisdom Divine 6
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any check to defeat a barrier.
After playing this card, if you do not have the Divine skill, banish it; otherwise, you may succeed at a Divine 8 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Villain 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Combat 25 OR Divine 18
The Sepid is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, each character at your location must succeed at a Dexterity or Acrobatics 12 check or be dealt 1d6 Combat damage.
If the check to defeat has the Acid, Attack, Electricity, or Ranged trait, subtract 1 from each die.
Barrier 3
Traits: Trigger Trap Magic Cold Arcane
To Defeat: Intelligence Arcane Knowledge 10 OR Wisdom 12
When you examine this card, succeed at an Intelligence or Arcane 10 check; otherwise, you are dealt 1d6 Cold damage.
If undefeated, each character at this location is dealt 1d4 Cold damage and is moved to a random other location.
Monster B
Traits: Human Veteran
To Defeat: Stealth 7 OR Combat 9
The difficulty to defeat is increased by the scenario's adventure deck number.
If undefeated, the Caravan Raider deals no damage; instead, banish a boon.
Monster 3
Traits: Undead
To Defeat: Combat 15
The Guecubu is immune to the Electricity, Mental, and Poison traits.
After you act, suffer a scourge.
Item C
Traits: Accessory
To Acquire: Intelligence Craft Wisdom Survival 6
Recharge this card to add 1 die to your check that invokes the Electricity or Fire trait.
Location #3: Silver Forge
At This Location (Open): Discard a card to add 1d6 and the Fire trait to your combat check.
When Closing: Summon and acquire a random armor from the box.
When Permanently Closed: At the end of your turn, you may recharge an armor card from your discard pile.
M: 2 Ba: 1 W: 2 Sp: 0 Ar: 2 I: 0 Al: 1 Bl: 0 ?: 1
Located/Displayed Here: Qualzar/EmpTyger, (Toxic Geyser, Glacial Khopesh +1, Djinni Quarterstaff )
Monster 3
Traits: Animal Acid
To Defeat: Combat 13 THEN Combat 13
If your check to defeat does not have the Attack or Ranged trait, the difficulty is increased by 4.
Damage dealt by the Rukh is Acid damage.
If undefeated, move to a random location.
Armor 4
Traits: Light Armor Magic
To Acquire: Constitution Fortitude Wisdom Divine 10
Recharge this card to reduce all damage dealt to you by 2. If proficient with light armors, you may play another armor on this check.
For your combat check, recharge this card to roll your Arcane or Divine skill + 2d6. If the bane has the Undead trait, you may bury this card to add another 1d6. This counts as playing a spell.
If proficient with light armors, you may recharge this card when you play a spell.
Monster 4
Traits: Construct
To Defeat: Combat 17
The Elemental Arachnid is immune to the Mental and Poison traits. You may play any number of armors in this encounter.
Before you act, you are dealt 1 Acid damage, then 1 Cold damage, then 1 Electricity damage, then 1 Fire damage.
If undefeated, the Elemental Arachnid deals no damage; instead, you are dealt 1d4 Acid damage, then 1d4 Cold damage, then 1d4 Electricity damage, then 1d4 Fire damage.
Weapon B
Traits: Staff Melee Bludgeoning 2-Handed Magic Elite
To Acquire: Strength Melee 6 OR Arcane Divine 8
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 1d6+1; you may additionally discard this card to add another 1d6.
You may discard this card to shuffle your location deck; if you succeed at an Arcane or Divine 10 check, you may recharge this card instead.
Henchman 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Fortitude Perception 6 THEN Combat Divine 15
The Druj Nasu is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, a character at your location summons and encounters the henchman Beheaded.
If the check to defeat has the Acid or Electricity trait, subtract 1 from each die.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.
Armor 2
Traits: Clothing Light Armor Magic
To Acquire: Constitution Fortitude 8
Recharge this card to reduce Cold, Combat, Electricity, or Poison damage dealt to you by 3.
Banish this card to reduce Cold, Combat, Electricity, or Poison damage dealt to you by 5. If proficient with light armors, bury this card instead.
If proficent with light armors, you may recharge this card when you reset your hand.
Barrier B
Traits: Trap Acid Fire Poison Veteran
To Defeat: Dexterity Acrobatics Wisdom Survival 5
The difficulty to defeat is increased by twice the scenario's adventure deck number.
If undefeated, roll a number of d6s equal to the scenario's adventure deck plus 1. For each die:
1-2. You are dealt 2 Fire damage.
3-4. You are dealt 2 Acid damage; discard a weapon or armor.
5-6. You are dealt 2 Poison damage.
Ally 1
Traits: Half-Elf Alchemist Hireling Aspis
To Acquire: Intelligence Craft Charisma Diplomacy 10
If you fail to acquire this card, you are dealt 1d4 Poison damage.
Recharge this card to add your Craft skill and the Poison trait to a combat check by a character at your location.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Weapon 1
Traits: Sword Melee Slashing Cold Magic Elite
To Acquire: Strength Melee 9
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 1d8+1. If proficient with weapons, you may additionally discard this card to add 2 and the Bludgeoning trait to your check for each die you roll.
Recharge this card to ignore a non-villain bane's power that happens after you act.
Location #4: Crypt
At This Location (Open): Add 3 plus the scenario's adventure deck number to the difficulty of checks against banes that have the Cold or Undead trait.
When Closing: Succeed at a Wisdom or Divine check with a difficulty of 4 plus the scenario's adventure deck number.
When Permanently Closed: On closing, draw a random blessing from the box.
M: 2 Ba: 1 W: 1 Sp: 0 Ar: 1 I: 1 Al: 0 Bl: 1 ?: 1
Located/Displayed Here: Darago/AAUGHWHY, (Sun Falcon, Druj Nasu)
Barrier B
Traits: Trap Acid Fire Poison Veteran
To Defeat: Dexterity Acrobatics Wisdom Survival 5
The difficulty to defeat is increased by twice the scenario's adventure deck number.
If undefeated, roll a number of d6s equal to the scenario's adventure deck plus 1. For each die:
1-2. You are dealt 2 Fire damage.
3-4. You are dealt 2 Acid damage; discard a weapon or armor.
5-6. You are dealt 2 Poison damage.
Monster 1
Traits: Animal Fire
To Defeat: Combat 11
The Sun Falcon is immune to the Fire trait. All damage dealt by the Sun Falcon is Fire damage. If the check to defeat the Sun Falcon has the Cold trait, add 1d8.
If defeated, shuffle the Sun Falcon into the blessings deck.
When this card is the top card of the blessings discard pile, banish it and draw a random blessing from the box.
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Pharasma
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane Divine 5
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to a check if a spell was played during that check.
Discard this card to explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Henchman 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Fortitude Perception 6 THEN Combat Divine 15
The Druj Nasu is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, a character at your location summons and encounters the henchman Beheaded.
If the check to defeat has the Acid or Electricity trait, subtract 1 from each die.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.
Item B
Traits: Liquid Alchemical Healing
To Acquire: Intelligence Craft 5
Banish this card and choose a character at your location. That character may shuffle 1d4 random cards from his discard pile into his deck.
Monster 3
Traits: Undead Sphinx Mummy
To Defeat: Combat 17
The Mummified Sphinx is immune to the Mental and Poison traits.
If the check to defeat has the Fire trait, add 1d8.
Before you act, recharge your hand, reset your hand, and bury a card.
Armor C
Traits: Heavy Armor Elite
To Acquire: Constitution Fortitude 9
Recharge this card to reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 3. If proficient with heavy armors, you may also play an armor that has the Light Armor trait on this check.
Banish this card to reduce all damage dealt to you to 0; if proficient with heavy armors, bury it instead.
Weapon B
Traits: Blowgun Ranged Poison Alchemical Elite
To Acquire: Intelligence Craft Knowledge Ranged 6
For your combat check, banish this card to use your Intelligence skill + 2d8; If you succeed at a Craft 8 check, bury it instead. After you act, each character at this location is dealt 1 Poison damage.
Location #5: Vault of Hidden Wisdom
At This Location (Open): If you defeat a bane, you may succeed at a Knowledge or Perception 7 check to explore your location.
When Closing: Summon and defeat a random barrier.
When Permanently Closed: On closing, you may succeed at a Knowledge or Perception 7 check to recharge a card from your discard pile.
M: 1 Ba: 3 W: 1 Sp: 2 Ar: 0 I: 1 Al: 0 Bl: 1 ?: 1
Located/Displayed Here: None
Barrier B
Traits: Trigger Cache Lock Poison Veteran
To Defeat: Disable 6 OR Craft 8
When you examine this card, shuffle a weapon, an armor, or an item from your hand into your location deck.
The difficulty to defeat is increased by the scenario's adventure deck number.
If defeated by at least 4, draw an item from the box.
If defeated by less than 4, you are dealt 1d4 Poison damage, then draw 2 items from the box.
Barrier 1
Traits: Trigger Trap Cold Arcane Veteran
To Defeat: Intelligence Arcane Knowledge 6 OR Wisdom 8
When you examine this card, succeed at a Wisdom check of 8 plus the scenario's adventure deck number; otherwise, you are dealt 1d4 Mental damage that may not be reduced.
The difficulty to defeat is increased by twice the scenario's adventure deck number.
If undefeated, each character at this location is dealt 1d4 Cold damage and is moved to a random other location.
Spell 1
Traits: Magic Divine
To Acquire: Wisdom Divine 5
During your turn, discard this card to examine the top card of your location deck. If it has the Undead trait, you may encounter it.
After playing this card, if you do not have the Divine skill, banish it; otherwise, you may succeed at a Divine 7 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessing B
Traits: Basic
To Acquire: Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma 6
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Recharge this card to add 1 die to any check that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Spell B
Traits: Magic Arcane Divine Mental Veteran
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane Wisdom Divine 6
Discard this card to add 1 plus the scenario's adventure deck number to any check to acquire or any check to close a location.
After playing this card, if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill, banish it; otherwise, you may succeed at an Arcane or Divine 8 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Monster 1
Traits: Trigger Undead Mummy Swarm
To Defeat: Combat 8 THEN Combat 8
When you examine this card, succeed at a Stealth 6 check or each character at your location summons and encounters an Ubashki Swarm.
The Ubashki Swarm is immune to the Mental and Poison traits.
If the Ubashki Swarm is not defeated by at least 2 on both checks, succeed at a Constitution or Fortitude 7 check or bury 1 card.
Weapon 4
Traits: Whip Melee Piercing Poison Finesse Magic
To Acquire: Strength Melee 11
Reveal this card when you encounter a monster to ignore any non-villain, non-henchman monster powers that would trigger before you act, then for your combat check, use your Strength or Melee skill +1d8+1. If proficient with weapons, you may add or subtract 4 from your result.
If you would fail this check, and you are proficient with weapons, you may discard this card to ignore the result and evade the bane.
Item 4
Traits: Staff Attack Alchemical
To Acquire: Strength Melee 10 OR Intelligence Craft 12
For your combat check, reveal this card and recharge an item that has the Alchemical trait to use your Melee or Craft skill + 3d6. Add an additional 1d6 if the bane has the Undead or Poison trait.
Henchman 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Fortitude Perception 6 THEN Combat Divine 15
The Druj Nasu is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, a character at your location summons and encounters the henchman Beheaded.
If the check to defeat has the Acid or Electricity trait, subtract 1 from each die.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.
Barrier C
Traits: Trap Elite
To Defeat: Dexterity Acrobatics Wisdom Survival 9
If undefeated, display this barrier next to your location, then shuffle your character token into your location. While your character token is in this location, evade any bane you would encounter and you may not move. If a character reveals your character token, place it at your location and banish this card.
Location #6: Catacombs
At This Location (Open): For your checks that have the Cold trait, add a die.
When Closing: Succeed at a Wisdom or Survival check with a difficulty of 4 plus the scenario's adventure deck number.
When Permanently Closed: On closing, draw a random ally that has the Animal trait from the box.
M: 3 Ba: 2 W: 2 Sp: 1 Ar: 1 I: 0 Al: 0 Bl: 0 ?: 1
Located/Displayed Here:
Weapon 1
Traits: Axe Ranged Slashing Magic
To Acquire: Dexterity Ranged 8
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Dexterity or Ranged skill + 1d8+1; you may additionally recharge this card to add another 1d6. If not pro?cient with weapons, the dif?culty of this check is increased by 4.
Henchman 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Fortitude Perception 6 THEN Combat Divine 15
The Druj Nasu is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, a character at your location summons and encounters the henchman Beheaded.
If the check to defeat has the Acid or Electricity trait, subtract 1 from each die.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.
Armor C
Traits: Clothing Magic Arcane Divine Elite
To Acquire: Constitution Fortitude 6 OR Arcane Divine 8
Recharge this card to reduce Acid, Cold, Combat, Electricity, or Fire damage dealt to you by 2 or add 1d4 to your Arcane or Divine check.
Banish this card to reduce Acid, Cold, Combat, or Electricity damage dealt to you to 0. If proficient with light armors, bury it instead; you may succeed at an Arcane or Divine 12 check to recharge it instead.
Monster 1
Traits: Animal Cold Elite
To Defeat: Combat 9
The Shasalqu is immune to the Cold and Fire traits.
Before you act, each character at your location must succeed at a Wisdom 6 check or recharge 1d4 cards.
After you act, if the roll exceeds 15, each character at your location is dealt 1 Cold damage.
Monster B
Traits: Trigger Elemental Outsider Janni Veteran
To Defeat: Combat 8
When you examine this card, summon and encounter a random monster that has the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.
The difficulty of checks against the Geniekin is increased by twice the scenario's adventure deck number.
Barrier B
Traits: Trigger Curse Arcane Veteran
To Defeat: Stealth Knowledge Arcane Divine Diplomacy 6
When you examine this card, suffer a scourge then banish this card.
The difficulty to defeat is increased by twice the scenario's adventure deck number.
If undefeated, suffer a scourge then banish this card.
Spell 1
Traits: Magic Divine Undead
To Acquire: Wisdom Divine 4
When a character at your location defeats a monster, display this card next to your location. While displayed, add 1 die to your Intelligence and Wisdom checks while at this location. When the location is closed, if you do not have the Divine skill, banish this card; otherwise, attempt a Divine 6 check. If you succeed, recharge this card; if you fail, discard it.
Monster 2
Traits: Outsider Psychopomp
To Defeat: Combat 13
The Vanth is immune to the Poison trait.
Before you act, suffer a scourge.
Weapon B
Traits: Staff Melee Bludgeoning 2-Handed Magic Elite
To Acquire: Strength Melee Arcane Divine 6
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength + 1d6+1.
Discard this card, or reveal this card and discard a spell, to automatically succeed at your Arcane or Divine recharge check.
Barrier 1
Traits: Trigger Curse Undead Elite
To Defeat: Wisdom Intelligence Charisma Diplomacy 7
When you examine this card, suffer the scourge Curse of Daybane then banish this card.
If undefeated, suffer the scourge Curse of Daybane, then banish this card.
Location #7: Altar of Riddles
At This Location (Open):
M: 0 Ba: 0 W: 0 Sp: 0 Ar: 0 I: 0 Al: 0 Bl: 0 ?: 0
Located/Displayed Here: Cogsnap/VampByDay, Estra/Yewstance,
Location #8: Precious Mine
At This Location (Open): The difficulty to defeat banes that have Construct trait is increased by 1d6.
When Closing: Succeed at a Strength or Melee check of 6 plus the scenario's adventure deck number.
When Permanently Closed: On closing, draw an item from the box.
M: 2 Ba: 2 W: 1 Sp: 1 Ar: 0 I: 3 Al: 0 Bl: 0 ?: 1
Located/Displayed Here: None
Item B
Traits: Liquid Alchemical
To Acquire: Intelligence Craft 4
Banish this card and choose a character at your location. Reduce Acid, Cold, Electricity, or Fire damage dealt to that character by 4.
Henchman 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Fortitude Perception 6 THEN Combat Divine 15
The Druj Nasu is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, a character at your location summons and encounters the henchman Beheaded.
If the check to defeat has the Acid or Electricity trait, subtract 1 from each die.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.
Item 2
Traits: Accessory Magic Mummy
To Acquire: Wisdom Divine 7
Bury this card to allow a character at your location to banish a displayed card that has the Curse trait; succeed at a Wisdom or Divine 8 check to recharge this card instead.
Weapon 2
Traits: Club Melee Bludgeoning 2-Handed Magic
To Acquire: Strength Melee 8
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 1d10+1; you may additionally discard this card to add your Strength die. If not proficient with weapons, the difficulty of this check is increased by 4.
Monster 2
Traits: Elemental Outsider Cold Elite
To Defeat: Combat 12
The Ice Elemental is immune to the Cold and Poison traits.
Before you act, succeed at a Constitution or Fortitude 7 check or you may only play 1 card on this check.
All damage dealt by the Ice Elemental is Cold damage.
Barrier B
Traits: Trap Poison Slashing Elite
To Defeat: Dexterity Acrobatics 5 OR Disable Knowledge 7
If undefeated, each character at this location is dealt 1d4 Poison damage.
Item 2
Traits: Object Magic
To Acquire: Intelligence Craft Charisma Survival 9
Recharge this card to evade a bane that has the Trigger trait, then move all characters at this location to another location.
Recharge this card to move all characters at this location to another location. This power cannot be used during an encounter.
Barrier 1
Traits: Trap Poison Veteran
To Defeat: Wisdom Perception 8 OR Dexterity Acrobatics 10
The difficulty to defeat is increased by the scenario's adventure deck number.
If defeated, you may explore again.
If undefeated, each character at this location is dealt 1d4 Combat damage, then 1d4 Poison damage, then end your turn.
Spell 4
Traits: Magic Arcane Divine
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane Wisdom Divine 12
Discard this card to allow a character at your location to search their deck for a spell and draw it.
After playing this card, if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill, banish it; otherwise, you may succeed at an Arcane or Divine 14 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Monster 4
Traits: Trigger Girtablilu Poison
To Defeat: Combat 17
When you examine this card, succeed at a Stealth 7 check or encounter it and increase its difficulty to defeat by 3.
Before you act, you are dealt 1d4 Poison damage.
Cogsnap-VampByDay |
Before turn, Reveal Alchemical Shield and recharge Mace of Ruin to reduce acid damage by 5.
Start of turn-Blessing of Elements. I'll hand back Estra's Library thing and then move on to the vault of hidden wisdom.
Cogsnap hands back Estra's thing, then decides that he's much more use to everyone disabling traps than answering riddles, and moves to the Vault of Hidden Wisdom, then explores.
"Come on! Gotta find something to use to fight evil giantess lying . . . things. . ."
Explore-Baited Jewel Box. Huh, a B barrier. Guess a few still left in the 'box.' I'll disable.
He finds an old jewel box of a type he's seen before, and knows that they are almost always trapped.
Disable 6 vs. 1d10+3(dex)+3(disable skill): 1d10 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13
Succeed by 4 or more, gain random item from the box-Brilliance of Ra
Cogsnap easily disables the trap and opens up the jewel box to find a crown devoted to Ra, known to enhance fires.
"I mean, I guess that's something. Maybe." he says.
Well, I mean, the only other means I have of exploring is the Cleric . . . and he's REALLY good for me, so I think I only get one explore this round. Sorry.
Hand: Remove Curse, Brilliance of Ra-MM, Alkalai Flask, Liquid Ice, Alchemist's Shield , Cleric of Nethys, Alchemist's Fire,
Displayed: Canteen,
Deck: 11 Discard: 1 Buried: 0
Notes: Passed Estra's thingie back to her. Acquired Brilliance of Ra.
Sideboard cards:
Dexterity d8 [x]+1 [X]+2 [X]+3
--Disable: Dex+3
--Ranged: Dex+1
Constitution d6 []+1 []+2
Intelligence d10 [X]+1 []+2 []+3
--Arcane: Int +1
--Craft: Int +2
Wisdom: d6 []+1 []+2
Charisma d6 []+1 []+2
Hand Size: 6 [X]7 []8
Proficient: Light Armor, Weapons
--When you would banish a card that has the alchemical trait for its power, you may ([X]Discard it or)([X]Recharge it or) banish another card that has the alchemical or liquid trait.
--Add 1d6([]+2) to your ranged combat check that has the alchemical trait
--After you defeat a monster, you may discard([x]or recharge) a card to draw an item that has the alchemical or liquid trait from the box.([]Or you may draw 2 and return 1 to the box)
--[]On([]your combat check or) your ranged combat check, you may discard any number of items that have the alchemical trait([]or any items); for each item discarded, add 1d6 and that item's traits to the check
--[]The first item([] or any item) you play that has the alchemical or liquid trait does not cout against the number of items you can play on a check or step
RotRL Lini |
Blessing of Pharasma in effect. Auto pass location Fortitude check by revealing Frilled Lizard.
At end of Cogsnap's turn Warrior Dolls move to?: 1d7 ⇒ 6 Catacombs
Lini decides to act on vision in the tea. Retrieving the scroll and leaving Sepid for later.
Spell B
Traits: Magic Divine
To Acquire: Wisdom Divine 6
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any check to defeat a barrier.
After playing this card, if you do not have the Divine skill, banish it; otherwise, you may succeed at a Divine 8 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Auto acquire.
As a first for her she decides to ride her new Pteranodon buddy to the Catacombs. Recharge Pteranodon to move then explore.
Weapon 1
Traits: Axe Ranged Slashing Magic
To Acquire: Dexterity Ranged 8
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Dexterity or Ranged skill + 1d8+1; you may additionally recharge this card to add another 1d6. If not pro?cient with weapons, the dif?culty of this check is increased by 4.
She finds a small shiny axe when she gets there but leaves it be. Instead communing with her Mastiff.
Display Mastiff to draw 2 cards. Blessing of the Seventh Veil and Sun Falcon Pectoral loot. Recharging Sun Falcon Pectoral to explore.
She feels better and explores further on, running into
Henchman 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Fortitude Perception 6 THEN Combat Divine 15
The Druj Nasu is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, a character at your location summons and encounters the henchman Beheaded.
If the check to defeat has the Acid or Electricity trait, subtract 1 from each die.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.
He is guarded by a
Henchman 1
Type: Monster
Traits: Undead
To Defeat: Combat 12 or Arcane Divine 10
The Beheaded is immune to the Mental and Poison traits.
Before you act, roll 1d4. Each character at your location is dealt 1 damage of the type: 1. Fire 2. Acid 3. Cold 4. Electricity.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.
random damage type: 1d4 ⇒ 2
It sprays acid on her as she approaches. Suffer 1 acid dmg. Discard Divine Blaze to dmg. Suffer Curse of the Ravenous.
Sensing her growing and unnatural hunger Qualzar removes her Curse of the Ravenous.
Recharge displayed Mastiff, refresh hand, End turn.
Divine 10 aided by Warrior Dolls and revealing Frilled Lizard: 1d10 + 1d6 + 1d4 + 8 ⇒ (4) + (2) + (2) + 8 = 16
With the help of the dolls she dispatches the Beheaded and beheads right for Druj Nasu.
fortitude 6 aided by Warriors Dolls and revealing Frilled Lizard: 1d4 + 1d6 + 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (4) + (6) + (4) + 3 = 17
His stench provides no protection as she uses her Divine powers to banish him.
Divine 15 discarding Blessing of the Seventh Veil for 1 die, aided by Warrior Dolls, revealing Frilled Lizard: 2d10 + 1d6 + 1d4 + 8 ⇒ (6, 2) + (1) + (1) + 8 = 18
As Druj Nasu is sent to whatever plane he came from, Lini blocks off the area to prevent other monsters from living here.
Survival 4 +4 revealing Frilled Lizard: 1d10 + 1d4 + 9 ⇒ (4) + (1) + 9 = 14
Hand: Frilled Lizard, Wolverine, Shattertouch Shotel +2 Trader, Pyrotechnic Blast, Binder's Tome, Find Traps aq,
Deck: 9 Discard: 6 Buried: 0
"Notes: Binder's Tome: Reveal to add 1d4 + mental trait to combat at this location or 1d4 to a charisma non-combat check at this location.Find Traps: Recharge to add 2 dice vs barriers.
Location: Catacombs (closed)"
Sideboard cards:
Dexterity d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Constitution d8 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Intelligence d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Knowledge: Intelligence +3
Wisdom d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [X] +4
Divine: Wisdom +1
Survival: Wisdom +2
Charisma d8 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
Role: Wild Warden
Favored Card: Ally
Hand Size 6
Proficient with: Weapons
<Power 1> When you play an ally with the animal trait, you may recharge it instead of discarding it.
<Power 2> You may reveal an ally with the animal trait to add 1d4 ([X] +1) ([X] +2) ([X] +3) ([ ] +4) to your check.
<Power 3> You may discard a card to roll 1d10 instead of your Strength or Dexterity die for any check.
<Power 4>
<Power 5>
Find Traps acquired from Mumia Lab.
Catacombs are closed.
Qualzar recharges Remove Curse.
Warrior Dolls move to: 1d5 ⇒ 2 Mumia Lab
BR Yewstance |
Yep, that Baited Jewel Box will be around for the entire AP. It doesn't have the Basic or Elite traits (in fact, it has the Veteran trait, so it keeps getting harder as we move on through adventures), and it's a nasty one for some of us because it references no 'standard' skills; so Estra, Darago, Lini and Qualzar are usually left with a mere 1d4 against it before we start playing boons.
Speaking of the Veteran trait, the Disable check difficulty was 10, so Cogsnap does not beat it by 4 or more and must retcon his turn slightly.
During This Adventure:
During This Scenario:
Additional Rules:
2. Estra
3. Cogsnap
4. Lini
5. Darago
6. Qualzar
Villain 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Combat 25 OR Divine 18
The Sepid is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, each character at your location must succeed at a Dexterity or Acrobatics 12 check or be dealt 1d6 Combat damage.
If the check to defeat has the Acid, Attack, Electricity, or Ranged trait, subtract 1 from each die.
Henchman 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Fortitude Perception 6 THEN Combat Divine 15
The Druj Nasu is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, a character at your location summons and encounters the henchman Beheaded. If the check to defeat has the Acid or Electricity trait, subtract 1 from each die.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.
Barrier 4
Traits: Trap Lock Poison
To Defeat: Dexterity Disable Stealth 10 OR Strength 13
If undefeated, you are dealt 1d4 Poison damage then display this card next to your deck. While displayed, you may not move. At the end of your turn, 1 character at your location may succeed at a check to defeat this barrier.
Turn: 9, Darago/AAUGHWHY
1-2. Curse of Poisoning
3. Curse of Vulnerability
4. Curse of Daybane
5. Curse of the Ravenous
6. Curse of Withering
7. Curse of Fevered Dreams
8. Curse of the Sphinx
9. Curse of Blindness
10. Curse of the Mummy
Monster 1
Monster B
Traits: Human Veteran
To Defeat: Stealth 7 OR Combat 9
The difficulty to defeat is increased by the scenario's adventure deck number.
If undefeated, the Caravan Raider deals no damage; instead, banish a boon.
Monster 2
Monster 4
Traits: Aberration
To Defeat: Combat 16 THEN Combat 16
You may succeed at a Stealth 8 check to evade the Royal Naga.
For each combat check, randomly choose a card that you can play that is a weapon or has the Attack trait and play it.
If the check to defeat has the Cold trait, add 1d8.
Monster 3
Monster 1
Traits: Animal Cold Elite
To Defeat: Combat 9
The Shasalqu is immune to the Cold and Fire traits.
Before you act, each character at your location must succeed at a Wisdom 6 check or recharge 1d4 cards.
After you act, if the roll exceeds 15, each character at your location is dealt 1 Cold damage.
Monster 4
Monster 4
Traits: Aberration
To Defeat: Combat 16 THEN Combat 16
You may succeed at a Stealth 8 check to evade the Royal Naga.
For each combat check, randomly choose a card that you can play that is a weapon or has the Attack trait and play it.
If the check to defeat has the Cold trait, add 1d8.
Monster 5
Monster C
Traits: Trigger Bunyip
To Defeat: Combat 12
When you examine this card, you may discard a card that has the Bludgeoning or Liquid trait; if you do not, the Quicksand Bunyip deals 1d4 Electricity damage to you. Then shuffle the Quicksand Bunyip into your location.
Damage dealt by the Quicksand Bunyip may not be reduced.
Barrier 1
Barrier 1
Traits: Trigger Curse Undead Elite
To Defeat: Wisdom Divine Charisma Diplomacy 8
When you examine this card, display it next to your deck.
If undefeated, display this card next to your deck.
While displayed, your Intelligence and Wisdom skills are each d4. During your exploration, when you encounter a monster, evade it. When any character starts her turn at your location, she may encounter this card; if defeated, banish it.
Barrier 2
Barrier 1
Traits: Trigger Obstacle Plant Elite
To Defeat: Wisdom Stealth Perception Survival 8
When you examine this card, succeed at a Stealth or Survival 9 check; otherwise, the Shrieky Plant is undefeated.
If undefeated, examine the top 3 cards of your location deck and encounter the first monster examined. Then banish the Shrieky Plant.
Barrier 3
Barrier 4
Traits: Trigger Trap Arcane Magic Sphinx
To Defeat: Intelligence Knowledge Arcane Wisdom 12
When you examine this card or if undefeated, recharge your hand, reset your hand, then summon and encounter the henchman Warrior Dolls.
Barrier 4
Barrier 4
Traits: Curse Undead
To Defeat: Wisdom Divine 10 OR Charisma Diplomacy 8
Each character at your location attempts a check to defeat the Eternal Captives. If any character fails, the barrier is undefeated; you are dealt 1d4 Cold damage then suffer the scourge Curse of the Sphinx.
Barrier 5
Barrier 1
Traits: Trigger Curse Law Elite
To Defeat: None
When you examine this card, encounter it.
Display this card next to the scenario; it is defeated. While displayed, when a barrier is defeated, if your check to defeat exceeds the difficulty by 1d6 or more, each character at that location banishes a card or summons and encounters the henchman Voices of the Spire, then banish this card.
Weapon 1
Weapon B
Traits: Club Melee Bludgeoning Elite
To Acquire: Strength Melee 9
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 2d4. If proficient with weapons, you may additionally discard this card to add your Dexterity skill if the monster does not have the Incorporeal or Ooze trait.
After you act, reveal an armor or you are dealt 1 combat damage.
Weapon 2
Weapon 4
Traits: Sword Melee Slashing Magic Finesse
To Acquire: Strength Melee 12
For your combat check, reveal this card to roll your Strength or Melee skill + 1d6+2; you may additionally discard this card to add another 1d6+1. If not proficient with weapons, the difficulty of this check is increased by 4.
Recharge this card to move to another location. You may not use this power during an encounter.
Weapon 3
Weapon 3
Traits: Sword Melee Piercing Finesse Swashbuckling Magic
To Acquire: Strength Melee 10
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 2d4+1; you may additionally discard this card to add another 1d4. If the bane has the Undead trait, add another 1d8. If not proficient with weapons, the difficulty of this check is increased by 4.
Weapon 4
Weapon C
Traits: Staff Melee Bludgeoning 2-Handed Magic Nethys Elite
To Acquire: Strength Melee Arcane 9
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Melee skill + 1d6+1; you may additionally discard this card to add another 1d6.
Reveal this card and discard a spell or card that has the Nethys trait to add 2d4 and the Attack, Force and Magic traits to a combat check by a character at another location.
Weapon 5
Weapon C
Traits: Staff Melee Bludgeoning 2-Handed Magic Elite
To Acquire: Strength Melee Arcane Divine 6
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength + 1d6+1.
Discard this card, or reveal this card and discard a spell, to automatically succeed at your Arcane or Divine recharge check.
Spell 1
Spell 4
Traits: Magic Arcane Divine
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane Wisdom Divine 12
Discard this card to allow a character at your location to search their deck for a spell and draw it.
After playing this card, if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill, banish it; otherwise, you may succeed at an Arcane or Divine 14 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Spell 2
Spell 3
Traits: Magic Arcane Divine
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane Wisdom Divine 9
Display this card. While displayed, if you examine a bane that has the Trigger trait, add 1 die to your checks against it, and ignore any abilities that increase its check to defeat. At the end of your turn, discard this card.
After playing this card, if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill, banish it; otherwise, succeed at an Arcane or Divine 11 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Spell 3
Spell 1
Traits: Magic Divine
To Acquire: Wisdom Divine 12
Bury this card to draw a random non-Basic blessing from the box and add it to your hand.
After playing this card, if you do not have the Divine skill, banish this card instead of burying it.
Spell 4
Spell 4
Traits: Magic Arcane Divine Attack Cold
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane Divine 11
For your combat check, discard this card to use your Arcane or Divine skill + 3d8. Ignore any non-villain monster's power that happens after you act.
After playing this card, if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill, banish it; otherwise, you may succeed at an Arcane or Divine 13 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Spell 5
Spell 4
Traits: Magic Divine Healing
To Acquire: Wisdom Divine 12
Display this card next to your location. While displayed, any character at this location may shuffle 1d4+1 random cards from his discard pile into his deck instead of his first exploration of his turn. Add 1d8 and the Magic trait to checks against banes that have the Undead trait at that location.
At the end of your turn, if you do not have the Divine skill, banish this card; otherwise, you may attempt a Divine 14 check. If you succeed, recharge this card; if you fail, discard it.
Armor 1
Armor 1
Traits: Clothing Light Armor Offhand Magic
To Acquire: Intelligence Knowledge 8
If you played a weapon that has the 2-Handed trait on this check, you may not play this card.
Recharge this card to reduce all damage dealt to you by 3. If proficient with light armors, you may also play another armor on this check.
Armor 2
Armor B
Traits: Light Armor Elite
To Acquire: Constitution Fortitude 5 OR Intelligence Craft 7
Recharge this card to reduce Acid, Combat, or Electricity damage dealt to you by 2, or 3 if the damage is dealt to you before or after you act.
If proficient with light armors, bury this card to reduce all damage dealt to you to 0. You may succeed at a Craft 8 check to recharge this armor instead.
Armor 3
Armor 1
Traits: Clothing Light Armor Offhand Magic
To Acquire: Intelligence Knowledge 8
If you played a weapon that has the 2-Handed trait on this check, you may not play this card.
Recharge this card to reduce all damage dealt to you by 3. If proficient with light armors, you may also play another armor on this check.
Armor 4
Armor 1
Traits: Shield
To Acquire: Constitution Fortitude Disable 6
Reveal this card to reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2. You may play another armor.
Discard this card to reduce Acid, Combat, or Fire damage dealt to you by 4. You may play another armor.
Reveal this card to add 1 die to your Disable check. You may play another armor on this check.
Armor 5
Armor 1
Traits: Shield Offhand Magic
To Acquire: Constitution Fortitude 6
If you played a weapon that has the 2-Handed trait on this check, you may not play this card.
Reveal this card to reduce Combat or Fire damage dealt to you by 2. If proficient with light armors, you may play another armor on this check.
If proficient with light armors, you may recharge this card when you reset your hand.
Item 1
Item 3
Traits: Liquid Poison
To Acquire: Intelligence Craft 9
Reveal this card to add 1d8 and the Poison trait to your combat check with a weapon. After the check, succeed at a Craft or Disable 10 check or bury the top card of your deck.
Item 2
Item 3
Traits: Trigger Object Magic
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane 11
When you examine this card, you may reveal a blessing that has the Isis trait to acquire this card.
Recharge this card to add 1 die to your Intelligence non-combat check or check that invokes the Acid trait.
Recharge this card to add the Acid trait to your check.
Item 3
Item C
Traits: Accessory Magic Pharasma Veteran
To Acquire: Arcane Divine Knowledge 8
Recharge this card to add 1d8 plus the scenario's adventure deck number to your check that invokes the Undead trait. If the top card of the blessings discard pile has the Pharasma trait, use twice the adventure deck number instead.
Item 4
Item 1
Traits: Liquid Cold Poison Alchemical
To Acquire: Intelligence Craft Knowledge 7
Reveal this card to add 2 and the Poison trait to your combat check; if the bane has the Undead trait, ignore its immunities. After the check, succeed at a Craft or Disable 7 check or bury the top card of your deck.
Banish this card to reduce Cold or Poison damage dealt to you to 0; then bury 1d4 random cards from your discard pile.
Item 5
Item B
Traits: Staff Attack Magic Cold
To Acquire: Arcane Divine 6
For your combat check, recharge this card and discard a spell to use your Arcane or Divine skill + 2d4; this counts as playing a spell.
Bury this card to evade a non-villain, non-henchman monster you encounter.
Ally 1
Ally B
Traits: Undead Ghost Incorporeal
To Acquire: Divine Charisma Diplomacy 8
Display this card. While displayed, you may recharge this card to examine the top card of your location deck, then put it on the top or bottom of its deck or add 1d6 and the Cold, Magic, and Undead traits to your check against a card that has the Outsider or Undead trait.
Ally 2
Ally 4
Traits: Human Hireling
To Acquire: Intelligence Knowledge Charisma Diplomacy 9
Recharge this card to add 2d6 to your Diplomacy or Knowledge check.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Ally 3
Ally B
Traits: Dwarf
To Acquire: Craft Charisma Diplomacy 10
Discard this card to add a die to your Craft check or check to acquire a boon. If your check invokes the Fire trait, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Ally 4
Ally B
Traits: Animal
To Acquire: Wisdom Survival 7 OR Charisma Diplomacy 10
Recharge this card to add your Charisma skill to your combat check.
Recharge this card to add 1d4 to a combat check at another location.
Discard this card to examine the top card of another location; if it is a non-henchman, non-villain monster you may place it on top or bottom of the location deck.
Ally 5
Ally B
Traits: Human Bard Aspis
To Acquire: Charisma Diplomacy 8
If you fail the check to acquire Nefti, banish an ally that does not have the Animal trait from your hand or discard pile.
Recharge this card to add your Diplomacy or Stealth skill to your check to acquire an armor, weapon or item.
During a character at your location's explore step, discard this card to allow her to explore her location.
Blessing 1
Blessing 1
Traits: Divine Thoth Cold
To Acquire: Wisdom Knowledge OR OR Divine 10
Discard this card to add 1 die and the Cold trait to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any Wisdom non-combat check or check that invokes the Cold trait.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location. If the card has the Undead trait, you may explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessing 2
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Wadjet
To Acquire: Divine 5 OR Intelligence Knowledge 7
Reveal this card to add 1d4 to your check to acquire a boon.
Discard this card to add 2d8 to any check to acquire a boon.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location; then you may explore your location, adding 1 die to your checks to acquire a boon during that exploration.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, draw a card.
Blessing 3
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Abadar
To Acquire: Dexterity Disable 6 OR Divine 5
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any check to defeat a barrier.
Discard this card to explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessing 4
Blessing B
Traits: Basic
To Acquire: Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma 6
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Recharge this card to add 1 die to any check that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Blessing 5
Blessing B
Traits: Basic
To Acquire: Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma 6
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Recharge this card to add 1 die to any check that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Top of Blessing Discard Pile:
Blessing B
Traits: Basic
To Acquire: Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma 6
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Recharge this card to add 1 die to any check that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Blessings Remaining: 21
Blessings Deck
Blessings Deck Card 1 - Turn 1 Qualzar
Blessing C
Traits: Divine Wadjet
To Acquire: Divine 5 OR Intelligence Knowledge 7
Reveal this card to add 1d4 to your check to acquire a boon.
Discard this card to add 2d8 to any check to acquire a boon.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location; then you may explore your location, adding 1 die to your checks to acquire a boon during that exploration.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, draw a card.
Blessings Deck Card 2 - Turn 2 Skizza
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Nethys
To Acquire: Wisdom Perception 8 OR Divine 5
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck and put them back in any order; then explore the location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessings Deck Card 3 - Turn 3 Estra
Blessing 4
Traits: Divine Osiris Healing
To Acquire: Divine 8
Discard this card to add 1d4 to any check that invokes the Healing trait.
Discard when you shuffle cards from your discard pile into your deck. Shuffle in an additional 1d4.
Discard this card to explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, each character at your location may recharge a random card from their discard pile.
Blessings Deck Card 4 - Turn 4 Cogsnap
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Bastet Gambling
To Acquire: Divine 6 OR Stealth Disable Craft 8
Recharge this card to allow a character at your location to reroll 1 die on his check, or bury it to reroll all the dice; that character takes the new result.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location. If it is a bane, encounter that bane and the bane may not be evaded; otherwise, you may encounter the card.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, you may search your deck for a non-blessing card that has the Gambling trait and draw it.
Blessings Deck Card 5 - Turn 5 Lini
Blessing B
Traits: Basic
To Acquire: Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma 6
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Recharge this card to add 1 die to any check that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Blessings Deck Card 6 - Turn 6 Darago
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Bastet Gambling
To Acquire: Divine 6 OR Stealth Disable Craft 8
Recharge this card to allow a character at your location to reroll 1 die on his check, or bury it to reroll all the dice; that character takes the new result.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location. If it is a bane, encounter that bane and the bane may not be evaded; otherwise, you may encounter the card.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, you may search your deck for a non-blessing card that has the Gambling trait and draw it.
Blessings Deck Card 7 - Turn 7 Qualzar
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Basic
To Acquire: Divine 3
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location, then you may explore your location.
After you play this card, if the top card of the blessings discard pile has the Basic trait, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessings Deck Card 8 - Turn 8 Skizza
Blessing 2
Traits: Divine Maat
To Acquire: Divine 6 OR Constitution Fortitude 10
Discard this card after any check is rolled to add or subtract up to 3 from the result.
Recharge this card to reduce damage dealt to you by 2.
Discard this card to exchange all dice that would be rolled on a non-combat check with d8s.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, you may discard any number of cards to allow a character at your location to recharge that same number of random cards from his discard pile.
Blessings Deck Card 9 - Turn 9 Estra
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Basic
To Acquire: Divine 3
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location, then you may explore your location.
After you play this card, if the top card of the blessings discard pile has the Basic trait, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessings Deck Card 10 - Turn 10 Cogsnap
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Nethys
To Acquire: Wisdom Perception 8 OR Divine 5
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck and put them back in any order; then explore the location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessings Deck Card 11 - Turn 11 Lini
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Nethys
To Acquire: Wisdom Perception 8 OR Divine 5
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck and put them back in any order; then explore the location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessings Deck Card 12 - Turn 12 Darago
Blessing B
Traits: Basic
To Acquire: Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma 6
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Recharge this card to add 1 die to any check that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Blessings Deck Card 13 - Turn 13 Qualzar
Blessing B
Traits: Basic
To Acquire: Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma 6
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Recharge this card to add 1 die to any check that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Blessings Deck Card 14 - Turn 14 Skizza
Blessing 4
Traits: Divine Anubis Poison Mummy
To Acquire: Divine 8 OR Charisma Diplomacy 11
Discard this card to add 1 die and the Poison trait to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any Charisma check or to any check against a bane that has the Mummy or Undead trait; ignore that bane's immunities.
Discard this card to explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessings Deck Card 15 - Turn 15 Estra
Blessing B
Traits: Basic
To Acquire: Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma 6
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Recharge this card to add 1 die to any check that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Blessings Deck Card 16 - Turn 16 Cogsnap
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Basic
To Acquire: Divine 3
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location, then you may explore your location.
After you play this card, if the top card of the blessings discard pile has the Basic trait, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessings Deck Card 17 - Turn 17 Lini
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Horus Electricity
To Acquire: Divine 6 OR Dexterity Ranged 7
Discard this card to add 1 die and the Electricity trait to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any Dexterity non-combat check or check that invokes the Electricity trait.
Discard this card to move, then you may explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, you may move.
Blessings Deck Card 18 - Turn 18 Darago
Blessing 3
Traits: Divine Isis Acid
To Acquire: Divine 7 OR Intelligence Craft 11
Discard this card to add 1 die and the Acid trait to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any Intelligence check or check that invokes the Acid or Construct traits.
Discard this card to explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge a random card that has the Magic trait from your discard pile.
Blessings Deck Card 19 - Turn 19 Qualzar
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Wadjet
To Acquire: Divine 5 OR Intelligence Knowledge 7
Reveal this card to add 1d4 to your check to acquire a boon.
Discard this card to add 2d8 to any check to acquire a boon.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location; then you may explore your location, adding 1 die to your checks to acquire a boon during that exploration.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, draw a card.
Blessings Deck Card 20 - Turn 20 Skizza
Blessing 2
Traits: Divine Maat
To Acquire: Divine 6 OR Constitution Fortitude 10
Discard this card after any check is rolled to add or subtract up to 3 from the result.
Recharge this card to reduce damage dealt to you by 2.
Discard this card to exchange all dice that would be rolled on a non-combat check with d8s.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, you may discard any number of cards to allow a character at your location to recharge that same number of random cards from his discard pile.
Blessings Deck Card 21 - Turn 21 Estra
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Ra Fire
To Acquire: Divine 6 OR Strength Melee 8
Discard this card to add 1 die and the Fire trait to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any Strength non-combat check or check that invokes the Fire trait.
Discard this card to explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Location #1: Alchemical Laboratory
At This Location (Open): If you defeat a bane by 4 or more, each character at this location is dealt 1d4 Acid damage.
When Closing: Succeed at an Intelligence or Craft check with a difficulty of 5 plus the scenario's adventure deck number.
When Permanently Closed: On closing, draw 3 random items that have the Alchemical trait from the box and shuffle them into this location.
M: 1 Ba: 2 W: 0 Sp: 1 Ar: 0 I: 2 Al: 1 Bl: 0 ?: 1
Located/Displayed Here: Skizza/agent_eclipse,
Ally 3
Traits: Human Fighter
To Acquire: Combat 11
When you encounter this card, you may reveal a blessing that has the Abadar trait to acquire this card.
Bury this card to recharge any number of blessings that has the Abadar trait from your discard pile.
Discard this card to explore your location. Add 1d8 to any combat checks during this exploration.
Spell B
Traits: Magic Arcane Acid Attack
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane 4
For your combat or disable check, discard this card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6.
After playing this card, if you do not have the Arcane skill, banish it; otherwise, succeed at an Arcane 6 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Item 1
Traits: Tool Alchemical
To Acquire: Intelligence Craft 8
Discard this card at the start of your turn to move any number of characters to your location.
Banish this card to add 1d8 to Stealth checks by characters at your location this turn.
Item 3
Traits: Object Magic
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane 9
Recharge this card to reroll 1 die on a check by a character at your location.
On your turn, you may give this card to a character at another location; you may additionally give him a weapon, an armor, or an item. Then that character must recharge this card.
Monster 1
Traits: Undead
To Defeat: Combat 8 THEN Combat 10
The Coffer Corpse is immune to the Mental and Poison traits.
If undefeated, move to a random location.
Barrier 3
Traits: Trigger Trap Skirmish Magic
To Defeat: Intelligence Arcane Knowledge 13 OR Wisdom Survival 10
When you examine this card, encounter it.
If undefeated, each character at your location must summon and encounter the henchman Blightwing. Then banish this card.
Henchman 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Fortitude Perception 6 THEN Combat Divine 15
The Druj Nasu is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, a character at your location summons and encounters the henchman Beheaded.
If the check to defeat has the Acid or Electricity trait, subtract 1 from each die.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.
Barrier 2
Traits: Trap Magic Fire Elite
To Defeat: Constitution 6 OR Dexterity Acrobatics Disable 8
If undefeated, each character at your location is dealt 1d4 Fire damage.
Location #2: Mumia Lab
At This Location (Open): At the start of your turn, succeed at a Constitution 4 check or draw the scourge Curse of Withering from the box.
When Closing: Summon and defeat the henchman Crawling Hands.
When Permanently Closed: On closing, draw a random item that has the Alchemical trait from the box.
M: 2 Ba: 1 W: 0 Sp: 0 Ar: 0 I: 1 Al: 0 Bl: 0 ?: 1
Located/Displayed Here: WARRIOR DOLLS DISPLAYED: +1d6 to checks to defeat monsters
Villain 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Combat 25 OR Divine 18
The Sepid is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, each character at your location must succeed at a Dexterity or Acrobatics 12 check or be dealt 1d6 Combat damage.
If the check to defeat has the Acid, Attack, Electricity, or Ranged trait, subtract 1 from each die.
Barrier 3
Traits: Trigger Trap Magic Cold Arcane
To Defeat: Intelligence Arcane Knowledge 10 OR Wisdom 12
When you examine this card, succeed at an Intelligence or Arcane 10 check; otherwise, you are dealt 1d6 Cold damage.
If undefeated, each character at this location is dealt 1d4 Cold damage and is moved to a random other location.
Monster B
Traits: Human Veteran
To Defeat: Stealth 7 OR Combat 9
The difficulty to defeat is increased by the scenario's adventure deck number.
If undefeated, the Caravan Raider deals no damage; instead, banish a boon.
Monster 3
Traits: Undead
To Defeat: Combat 15
The Guecubu is immune to the Electricity, Mental, and Poison traits.
After you act, suffer a scourge.
Item C
Traits: Accessory
To Acquire: Intelligence Craft Wisdom Survival 6
Recharge this card to add 1 die to your check that invokes the Electricity or Fire trait.
Location #3: Silver Forge
At This Location (Open): Discard a card to add 1d6 and the Fire trait to your combat check.
When Closing: Summon and acquire a random armor from the box.
When Permanently Closed: At the end of your turn, you may recharge an armor card from your discard pile.
M: 2 Ba: 1 W: 2 Sp: 0 Ar: 2 I: 0 Al: 1 Bl: 0 ?: 1
Located/Displayed Here: Qualzar/EmpTyger, (Toxic Geyser, Glacial Khopesh +1, Djinni Quarterstaff )
Monster 3
Traits: Animal Acid
To Defeat: Combat 13 THEN Combat 13
If your check to defeat does not have the Attack or Ranged trait, the difficulty is increased by 4.
Damage dealt by the Rukh is Acid damage.
If undefeated, move to a random location.
Armor 4
Traits: Light Armor Magic
To Acquire: Constitution Fortitude Wisdom Divine 10
Recharge this card to reduce all damage dealt to you by 2. If proficient with light armors, you may play another armor on this check.
For your combat check, recharge this card to roll your Arcane or Divine skill + 2d6. If the bane has the Undead trait, you may bury this card to add another 1d6. This counts as playing a spell.
If proficient with light armors, you may recharge this card when you play a spell.
Monster 4
Traits: Construct
To Defeat: Combat 17
The Elemental Arachnid is immune to the Mental and Poison traits. You may play any number of armors in this encounter.
Before you act, you are dealt 1 Acid damage, then 1 Cold damage, then 1 Electricity damage, then 1 Fire damage.
If undefeated, the Elemental Arachnid deals no damage; instead, you are dealt 1d4 Acid damage, then 1d4 Cold damage, then 1d4 Electricity damage, then 1d4 Fire damage.
Weapon B
Traits: Staff Melee Bludgeoning 2-Handed Magic Elite
To Acquire: Strength Melee 6 OR Arcane Divine 8
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 1d6+1; you may additionally discard this card to add another 1d6.
You may discard this card to shuffle your location deck; if you succeed at an Arcane or Divine 10 check, you may recharge this card instead.
Henchman 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Fortitude Perception 6 THEN Combat Divine 15
The Druj Nasu is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, a character at your location summons and encounters the henchman Beheaded.
If the check to defeat has the Acid or Electricity trait, subtract 1 from each die.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.
Armor 2
Traits: Clothing Light Armor Magic
To Acquire: Constitution Fortitude 8
Recharge this card to reduce Cold, Combat, Electricity, or Poison damage dealt to you by 3.
Banish this card to reduce Cold, Combat, Electricity, or Poison damage dealt to you by 5. If proficient with light armors, bury this card instead.
If proficent with light armors, you may recharge this card when you reset your hand.
Barrier B
Traits: Trap Acid Fire Poison Veteran
To Defeat: Dexterity Acrobatics Wisdom Survival 5
The difficulty to defeat is increased by twice the scenario's adventure deck number.
If undefeated, roll a number of d6s equal to the scenario's adventure deck plus 1. For each die:
1-2. You are dealt 2 Fire damage.
3-4. You are dealt 2 Acid damage; discard a weapon or armor.
5-6. You are dealt 2 Poison damage.
Ally 1
Traits: Half-Elf Alchemist Hireling Aspis
To Acquire: Intelligence Craft Charisma Diplomacy 10
If you fail to acquire this card, you are dealt 1d4 Poison damage.
Recharge this card to add your Craft skill and the Poison trait to a combat check by a character at your location.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Weapon 1
Traits: Sword Melee Slashing Cold Magic Elite
To Acquire: Strength Melee 9
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 1d8+1. If proficient with weapons, you may additionally discard this card to add 2 and the Bludgeoning trait to your check for each die you roll.
Recharge this card to ignore a non-villain bane's power that happens after you act.
Location #4: Crypt
At This Location (Open): Add 3 plus the scenario's adventure deck number to the difficulty of checks against banes that have the Cold or Undead trait.
When Closing: Succeed at a Wisdom or Divine check with a difficulty of 4 plus the scenario's adventure deck number.
When Permanently Closed: On closing, draw a random blessing from the box.
M: 2 Ba: 1 W: 1 Sp: 0 Ar: 1 I: 1 Al: 0 Bl: 1 ?: 1
Located/Displayed Here: Darago/AAUGHWHY, (Sun Falcon, Druj Nasu)
Barrier B
Traits: Trap Acid Fire Poison Veteran
To Defeat: Dexterity Acrobatics Wisdom Survival 5
The difficulty to defeat is increased by twice the scenario's adventure deck number.
If undefeated, roll a number of d6s equal to the scenario's adventure deck plus 1. For each die:
1-2. You are dealt 2 Fire damage.
3-4. You are dealt 2 Acid damage; discard a weapon or armor.
5-6. You are dealt 2 Poison damage.
Monster 1
Traits: Animal Fire
To Defeat: Combat 11
The Sun Falcon is immune to the Fire trait. All damage dealt by the Sun Falcon is Fire damage. If the check to defeat the Sun Falcon has the Cold trait, add 1d8.
If defeated, shuffle the Sun Falcon into the blessings deck.
When this card is the top card of the blessings discard pile, banish it and draw a random blessing from the box.
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Pharasma
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane Divine 5
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to a check if a spell was played during that check.
Discard this card to explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Henchman 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Fortitude Perception 6 THEN Combat Divine 15
The Druj Nasu is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, a character at your location summons and encounters the henchman Beheaded.
If the check to defeat has the Acid or Electricity trait, subtract 1 from each die.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.
Item B
Traits: Liquid Alchemical Healing
To Acquire: Intelligence Craft 5
Banish this card and choose a character at your location. That character may shuffle 1d4 random cards from his discard pile into his deck.
Monster 3
Traits: Undead Sphinx Mummy
To Defeat: Combat 17
The Mummified Sphinx is immune to the Mental and Poison traits.
If the check to defeat has the Fire trait, add 1d8.
Before you act, recharge your hand, reset your hand, and bury a card.
Armor C
Traits: Heavy Armor Elite
To Acquire: Constitution Fortitude 9
Recharge this card to reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 3. If proficient with heavy armors, you may also play an armor that has the Light Armor trait on this check.
Banish this card to reduce all damage dealt to you to 0; if proficient with heavy armors, bury it instead.
Weapon B
Traits: Blowgun Ranged Poison Alchemical Elite
To Acquire: Intelligence Craft Knowledge Ranged 6
For your combat check, banish this card to use your Intelligence skill + 2d8; If you succeed at a Craft 8 check, bury it instead. After you act, each character at this location is dealt 1 Poison damage.
Location #5: Vault of Hidden Wisdom
At This Location (Open): If you defeat a bane, you may succeed at a Knowledge or Perception 7 check to explore your location.
When Closing: Summon and defeat a random barrier.
When Permanently Closed: On closing, you may succeed at a Knowledge or Perception 7 check to recharge a card from your discard pile.
M: 1 Ba: 2 W: 1 Sp: 2 Ar: 0 I: 1 Al: 0 Bl: 1 ?: 1
Located/Displayed Here: Cogsnap/VampByDay
Barrier 1
Traits: Trigger Trap Cold Arcane Veteran
To Defeat: Intelligence Arcane Knowledge 6 OR Wisdom 8
When you examine this card, succeed at a Wisdom check of 8 plus the scenario's adventure deck number; otherwise, you are dealt 1d4 Mental damage that may not be reduced.
The difficulty to defeat is increased by twice the scenario's adventure deck number.
If undefeated, each character at this location is dealt 1d4 Cold damage and is moved to a random other location.
Spell 1
Traits: Magic Divine
To Acquire: Wisdom Divine 5
During your turn, discard this card to examine the top card of your location deck. If it has the Undead trait, you may encounter it.
After playing this card, if you do not have the Divine skill, banish it; otherwise, you may succeed at a Divine 7 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessing B
Traits: Basic
To Acquire: Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma 6
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Recharge this card to add 1 die to any check that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Spell B
Traits: Magic Arcane Divine Mental Veteran
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane Wisdom Divine 6
Discard this card to add 1 plus the scenario's adventure deck number to any check to acquire or any check to close a location.
After playing this card, if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill, banish it; otherwise, you may succeed at an Arcane or Divine 8 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Monster 1
Traits: Trigger Undead Mummy Swarm
To Defeat: Combat 8 THEN Combat 8
When you examine this card, succeed at a Stealth 6 check or each character at your location summons and encounters an Ubashki Swarm.
The Ubashki Swarm is immune to the Mental and Poison traits.
If the Ubashki Swarm is not defeated by at least 2 on both checks, succeed at a Constitution or Fortitude 7 check or bury 1 card.
Weapon 4
Traits: Whip Melee Piercing Poison Finesse Magic
To Acquire: Strength Melee 11
Reveal this card when you encounter a monster to ignore any non-villain, non-henchman monster powers that would trigger before you act, then for your combat check, use your Strength or Melee skill +1d8+1. If proficient with weapons, you may add or subtract 4 from your result.
If you would fail this check, and you are proficient with weapons, you may discard this card to ignore the result and evade the bane.
Item 4
Traits: Staff Attack Alchemical
To Acquire: Strength Melee 10 OR Intelligence Craft 12
For your combat check, reveal this card and recharge an item that has the Alchemical trait to use your Melee or Craft skill + 3d6. Add an additional 1d6 if the bane has the Undead or Poison trait.
Henchman 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Fortitude Perception 6 THEN Combat Divine 15
The Druj Nasu is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, a character at your location summons and encounters the henchman Beheaded.
If the check to defeat has the Acid or Electricity trait, subtract 1 from each die.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.
Barrier C
Traits: Trap Elite
To Defeat: Dexterity Acrobatics Wisdom Survival 9
If undefeated, display this barrier next to your location, then shuffle your character token into your location. While your character token is in this location, evade any bane you would encounter and you may not move. If a character reveals your character token, place it at your location and banish this card.
Location #6: Catacombs
At This Location (Open):
M: 0 Ba: 0 W: 0 Sp: 0 Ar: 0 I: 0 Al: 0 Bl: 0 ?: 0
Located/Displayed Here: Lini/Bigguyinblack,
Location #7: Altar of Riddles
At This Location (Open):
M: 0 Ba: 0 W: 0 Sp: 0 Ar: 0 I: 0 Al: 0 Bl: 0 ?: 0
Located/Displayed Here: Estra/Yewstance,
Location #8: Precious Mine
At This Location (Open): The difficulty to defeat banes that have Construct trait is increased by 1d6.
When Closing: Succeed at a Strength or Melee check of 6 plus the scenario's adventure deck number.
When Permanently Closed: On closing, draw an item from the box.
M: 2 Ba: 2 W: 1 Sp: 1 Ar: 0 I: 3 Al: 0 Bl: 0 ?: 1
Located/Displayed Here: None
Item B
Traits: Liquid Alchemical
To Acquire: Intelligence Craft 4
Banish this card and choose a character at your location. Reduce Acid, Cold, Electricity, or Fire damage dealt to that character by 4.
Henchman 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Fortitude Perception 6 THEN Combat Divine 15
The Druj Nasu is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, a character at your location summons and encounters the henchman Beheaded.
If the check to defeat has the Acid or Electricity trait, subtract 1 from each die.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.
Item 2
Traits: Accessory Magic Mummy
To Acquire: Wisdom Divine 7
Bury this card to allow a character at your location to banish a displayed card that has the Curse trait; succeed at a Wisdom or Divine 8 check to recharge this card instead.
Weapon 2
Traits: Club Melee Bludgeoning 2-Handed Magic
To Acquire: Strength Melee 8
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 1d10+1; you may additionally discard this card to add your Strength die. If not proficient with weapons, the difficulty of this check is increased by 4.
Monster 2
Traits: Elemental Outsider Cold Elite
To Defeat: Combat 12
The Ice Elemental is immune to the Cold and Poison traits.
Before you act, succeed at a Constitution or Fortitude 7 check or you may only play 1 card on this check.
All damage dealt by the Ice Elemental is Cold damage.
Barrier B
Traits: Trap Poison Slashing Elite
To Defeat: Dexterity Acrobatics 5 OR Disable Knowledge 7
If undefeated, each character at this location is dealt 1d4 Poison damage.
Item 2
Traits: Object Magic
To Acquire: Intelligence Craft Charisma Survival 9
Recharge this card to evade a bane that has the Trigger trait, then move all characters at this location to another location.
Recharge this card to move all characters at this location to another location. This power cannot be used during an encounter.
Barrier 1
Traits: Trap Poison Veteran
To Defeat: Wisdom Perception 8 OR Dexterity Acrobatics 10
The difficulty to defeat is increased by the scenario's adventure deck number.
If defeated, you may explore again.
If undefeated, each character at this location is dealt 1d4 Combat damage, then 1d4 Poison damage, then end your turn.
Spell 4
Traits: Magic Arcane Divine
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane Wisdom Divine 12
Discard this card to allow a character at your location to search their deck for a spell and draw it.
After playing this card, if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill, banish it; otherwise, you may succeed at an Arcane or Divine 14 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Monster 4
Traits: Trigger Girtablilu Poison
To Defeat: Combat 17
When you examine this card, succeed at a Stealth 7 check or encounter it and increase its difficulty to defeat by 3.
Before you act, you are dealt 1d4 Poison damage.
Whoops! My hand actually wasn't empty when I failed the combat vs the Sun Falcon. It had the Steel Ibis Lamellar in it, which would have been discarded. Here's what my hand should have been
Hand: Mythopoeic Sphinx, Spelldagger, Acid Rain, Binder's Tome, Blessing of Isis, Armor of the Sands, Bound Lantern Archon,
Displayed: Steel Scorpion,
Deck: 6 Discard: 6 Buried: 1
"Notes: Isis: +2 dice on INT check or Invokes Acid/Construct
Sideboard cards:
Skipping Flavor today...
Play Bound Lantern Archon to examine top 3 cards of my deck, rearrange, and draw one. Find Volcanic Storm, Mask of the Forgotten Pharaoh, Shield Cloak. New order is Mask, Storm, Cloak. Draw Mask.
Recharge Bound Lantern Archon Arcane 10, revealing mask: 1d10 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9
Banish Sphinx to draw Erayu.
Explore Card 1: Toxic Geyser. Discard Blessing of Isis for +2 dice and Reveal Mask for +2.
WIS 13: 3d8 + 2 ⇒ (7, 5, 3) + 2 = 17
Discard Erayu to recharge Armor of the Sands and Spell Dagger, then explore, adding 1d8 to INT checks.
Encounter Card 2: Sun Falcon. Play Acid Rain for Arcane+3d6+9. Reveal Mask for +2. Erayu adds 1d8.
Combat 11: 1d10 + 1d8 + 3d6 + 11 ⇒ (7) + (6) + (1, 6, 6) + 11 = 37
Recharge Acid Rain Arcane 12, Revealing Mask: 1d10 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18
Sun Falcon is shuffled into the Blessings Deck
Recharge Mask to Banish Curse of the Ravenous
End Turn.
Hand: Volcanic Storm, Shield Cloak, Scrying, Binder's Tome, Fire Snake, Cloudburst, Armor of the Sands,
Displayed: Steel Scorpion,
Deck: 3 Discard: 8 Buried: 2
Notes: Binder's Tome: Reveal for +1d4 to Local CHA or Combat. Adds Mental Trait
Sideboard cards:
Dexterity d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Constitution d8 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
Fortitude: Constitution+2
Intelligence d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [X] +4
Arcane: Intelligence +2
Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d8 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
Charisma d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size: 7
Proficient with: None
When you acquire a card that has the magic trait during your exploration, you may immediately explore again.
Add 1d4 ([X] 2d4) and the magic trait to your check to defeat a bane that has the Undead trait.
[X] When you defeat a monster that has the Undead trait ([X] or any monster) and would banish it, you may put it in your hand. You may banish a monster from your hand to add 1d4 ([ ]+1) ([ ]+2) to your check([X] or a check by any character at the location).
[ ] Add 1([ ] 2) ([ ] 3) to your check to recharge a card.
BR Yewstance |
Warrior Dolls: 1d6 ⇒ 2 -> Warrior Dolls remains at the Mumia Lab.
By the way, Qualzar technically mis-rolled on his turn, because there were 6 locations and Warrior Dolls can move to its own location.
During This Adventure:
During This Scenario:
Additional Rules:
2. Estra
3. Cogsnap
4. Lini
5. Darago
6. Qualzar
Villain 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Combat 25 OR Divine 18
The Sepid is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, each character at your location must succeed at a Dexterity or Acrobatics 12 check or be dealt 1d6 Combat damage.
If the check to defeat has the Acid, Attack, Electricity, or Ranged trait, subtract 1 from each die.
Henchman 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Fortitude Perception 6 THEN Combat Divine 15
The Druj Nasu is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, a character at your location summons and encounters the henchman Beheaded. If the check to defeat has the Acid or Electricity trait, subtract 1 from each die.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.
Barrier 4
Traits: Trap Lock Poison
To Defeat: Dexterity Disable Stealth 10 OR Strength 13
If undefeated, you are dealt 1d4 Poison damage then display this card next to your deck. While displayed, you may not move. At the end of your turn, 1 character at your location may succeed at a check to defeat this barrier.
Turn: 10, Qualzar/EmpTyger
1-2. Curse of Poisoning
3. Curse of Vulnerability
4. Curse of Daybane
5. Curse of the Ravenous
6. Curse of Withering
7. Curse of Fevered Dreams
8. Curse of the Sphinx
9. Curse of Blindness
10. Curse of the Mummy
Monster 1
Monster 3
Traits: Dragon Electricity
To Defeat: Combat 13
The Thunder Lizard is immune to the Electricity trait.
Before you act, the Thunder Lizard deals 1d4 Electricity damage to each character at your location.
Monster 2
Monster B
Traits: Trigger Gnoll Veteran
To Defeat: Combat 9
When you examine this card, encounter it and increase its difficulty to defeat by 3.
The difficulty to defeat is increased by the scenario's adventure deck number.
Monster 3
Monster 4
Traits: Aberration
To Defeat: Combat 16 THEN Combat 16
You may succeed at a Stealth 8 check to evade the Royal Naga.
For each combat check, randomly choose a card that you can play that is a weapon or has the Attack trait and play it.
If the check to defeat has the Cold trait, add 1d8.
Monster 4
Monster 1
Traits: Undead
To Defeat: Combat 8 THEN Combat 10
The Coffer Corpse is immune to the Mental and Poison traits.
If undefeated, move to a random location.
Monster 5
Monster 2
Traits: Construct Golem Elite
To Defeat: Combat 14
The Carrion Golem is immune to the Attack, Mental, and Poison traits.
Before you act, discard the top card of your deck.
If undefeated, discard the top 2 cards of your deck.
Barrier 1
Barrier 2
Traits: Trap Arcane Magic Elite
To Defeat: Arcane Divine 12 OR Constitution Disable 9
If undefeated, you are dealt 3 Combat damage; display this card next to its location deck. While displayed, characters at this location may not move, be moved, or explore. At the end of your turn, the Telekinesis Trap deals 1d4+1 Acid damage to you.
At the end of your move step, succeed at a Strength, Dexterity, or Acrobatics 11 check to banish this card.
Barrier 2
Barrier B
Traits: Obstacle Weather Electricity
To Defeat: None
Display this barrier next to the location deck.
While displayed, when you start your turn at this location, roll 1d4. On a 4, banish this barrier. On any other result, you are dealt that amount of Electricity damage; display this barrier next to a random location.
Barrier 3
Barrier 3
Traits: Trigger Trap Magic Curse
To Defeat: None
When you examine this card, succeed at a Dexterity or Disable 12 or Perception 8 check to evade this barrier, otherwise encounter it.
Display this card next to your deck; it is defeated. At the start of your turn, recharge your hand and draw a number of cards equal to 1 fewer than the number of cards you recharged. At the end of your turn, you may succeed at a Constitution or Fortitude 8 check to banish this card.
Barrier 4
Barrier B
Traits: Trap Acid Fire Poison Veteran
To Defeat: Dexterity Acrobatics Wisdom Survival 5
The difficulty to defeat is increased by twice the scenario's adventure deck number.
If undefeated, roll a number of d6s equal to the scenario's adventure deck plus 1. For each die:
1-2. You are dealt 2 Fire damage.
3-4. You are dealt 2 Acid damage; discard a weapon or armor.
5-6. You are dealt 2 Poison damage.
Barrier 5
Barrier C
Traits: Obstacle Weather Electricity
To Defeat: None
Display this barrier next to the location deck.
While displayed, when you start your turn at this location, roll 1d4. On a 4, banish this barrier. On any other result, you are dealt that amount of Electricity damage; display this barrier next to a random location.
Weapon 1
Weapon B
Traits: Knife Ranged Slashing Elite
To Acquire: Dexterity Ranged 6
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Dexterity or Ranged skill + 1d8.
If proficient with weapons, discard this card to ignore a non-villain monster's power that occurs before you act.
When playing another weapon, you may discard this card to add 1d4 to your combat check.
Weapon 2
Weapon 2
Traits: Sling Ranged Bludgeoning Elite
To Acquire: Dexterity Ranged 8
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Dexterity or Ranged skill + 1d6. You may additionally discard an item that has the Alchemical trait to add 2d6 and that item's traits.
If proficient with weapons, you may discard this card and banish an item that has the Alchemical trait to add 2d6 and that item's traits to a combat check by a character at another location.
Weapon 3
Weapon B
Traits: Scythe Melee Slashing Finesse Elite
To Acquire: Strength Melee 7
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 1d6; you may additionally discard this card to add 2 to your check for each die rolled. If not proficient with weapons, the difficulty of this check is increased by 4.
Weapon 4
Weapon B
Traits: Staff Melee Bludgeoning 2-Handed Magic Elite
To Acquire: Strength Melee Arcane Divine 6
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength + 1d6+1.
Discard this card, or reveal this card and discard a spell, to automatically succeed at your Arcane or Divine recharge check.
Weapon 5
Weapon C
Traits: Accessory Melee Piercing Elite
To Acquire: Strength Melee 7
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 1d4; you may additionally discard this card to add 2d4. If any d4 rolled on this check is a 4, count it as 5. After you act, reveal an armor or you are dealt 1 Combat damage.
Spell 1
Spell 3
Traits: Magic Arcane Divine
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane Wisdom Divine 10
Discard this card to evade a non-villain, non-henchmen monster that does not have the Incorporeal trait.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to a check to defeat a barrier that has the Obstacle or Trap trait.
After playing this card, if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill, banish it; otherwise, you may succeed at an Arcane or Divine 12 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Spell 2
Spell 4
Traits: Magic Arcane Divine
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane Wisdom Divine 12
Display this card next to your location and choose Acid, Cold, Electricity, or Fire to reduce damage of the chosen type to characters at this location to 0. While displayed, add 1d6 and the chosen trait to Melee combat checks by characters at this location, and reduce damage of the chosen type to characters at this location to 0. At the end of the turn, if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill, banish this card; otherwise, discard it, or you may attempt an Arcane or Divine 14 check to recharge it instead.
Spell 3
Spell 3
Traits: Magic Arcane Attack Electricity
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane 10
For your combat check, display this card next to your deck to use your Arcane skill + 3d6. While displayed, you may use the result of this check for any combat check you attempt at this location. At the end of the turn, if you do not have the Arcane skill, banish this card; otherwise, discard it, or you may succeed at an Arcane 12 check to recharge it instead.
Spell 4
Spell 2
Traits: Magic Arcane Attack Poison
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane 8
Display this card when a character encounters a bane. Any character who encounters a monster this turn adds 1d6 with the Poison trait to her combat check. Discard this card at the end of this turn.
If you do not have the Arcane skill, banish this card.
Succeed at an Arcane 10 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Spell 5
Spell 4
Traits: Magic Arcane Divine Attack Poison
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane Wisdom Divine 10
For your combat check, discard this card to use your Arcane, Divine, or Melee skill + 3d6. You may apply this result to any further combat checks against the same bane. If you fail any check, and you are proficient with weapons, the bane deals no damage.
After playing this card, if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill, banish it; otherwise, you may succeed at an Arcane or Divine 12 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Armor 1
Armor C
Traits: Heavy Armor Elite
To Acquire: Constitution Fortitude 5
Recharge this card to reduce Acid, Cold, Combat, or Electricity damage dealt to you by 3. You may also play an armor that has the Light Armor trait on this check.
Banish this card to reduce Acid, Cold, Combat, or Electricity damage dealt to you to 0; if proficient with heavy armors, bury it instead.
Armor 2
Armor B
Traits: Light Armor Elite
To Acquire: Constitution Fortitude 5 OR Intelligence Craft 7
Recharge this card to reduce Acid, Combat, or Electricity damage dealt to you by 2, or 3 if the damage is dealt to you before or after you act.
If proficient with light armors, bury this card to reduce all damage dealt to you to 0. You may succeed at a Craft 8 check to recharge this armor instead.
Armor 3
Armor B
Traits: Clothing Magic Arcane Divine Elite
To Acquire: Constitution Fortitude 6 OR Arcane Divine 8
Recharge this card to reduce Acid, Cold, Combat, Electricity, or Fire damage dealt to you by 2 or add 1d4 to your Arcane or Divine check.
Banish this card to reduce Acid, Cold, Combat, or Electricity damage dealt to you to 0. If proficient with light armors, bury it instead; you may succeed at an Arcane or Divine 12 check to recharge it instead.
Armor 4
Armor 1
Traits: Shield Offhand Magic
To Acquire: Constitution Fortitude 6
If you played a weapon that has the 2-Handed trait on this check, you may not play this card.
Reveal this card to reduce Combat or Fire damage dealt to you by 2. If proficient with light armors, you may play another armor on this check.
If proficient with light armors, you may recharge this card when you reset your hand.
Armor 5
Armor C
Traits: Clothing Magic Arcane Divine Elite
To Acquire: Constitution Fortitude 6 OR Arcane Divine 8
Recharge this card to reduce Acid, Cold, Combat, Electricity, or Fire damage dealt to you by 2 or add 1d4 to your Arcane or Divine check.
Banish this card to reduce Acid, Cold, Combat, or Electricity damage dealt to you to 0. If proficient with light armors, bury it instead; you may succeed at an Arcane or Divine 12 check to recharge it instead.
Item 1
Item 1
Traits: Liquid Cold Poison Alchemical
To Acquire: Intelligence Craft Knowledge 7
Reveal this card to add 2 and the Poison trait to your combat check; if the bane has the Undead trait, ignore its immunities. After the check, succeed at a Craft or Disable 7 check or bury the top card of your deck.
Banish this card to reduce Cold or Poison damage dealt to you to 0; then bury 1d4 random cards from your discard pile.
Item 2
Item 4
Traits: Object Alchemical
To Acquire: Intelligence Craft 9
Shuffle this card into your location deck to evade your encounter. You may succeed at a Craft 10 check to recharge this card instead of shuffling it into your location deck.
Item 3
Item B
Traits: Tool Healing
To Acquire: Wisdom Survival Divine 6
Bury this card to draw all cards in your discard pile that have the Healing trait. Then you may shuffle any number of cards that have the Healing trait into your deck.
Item 4
Item 3
Traits: Wand Attack Fire Ranged Magic Arcane
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane 8
For your combat check, bury this card to roll 4d6.
After playing this card, succeed at an Arcane 8 check to recharge this card instead of burying it.
Item 5
Item B
Traits: Object Magic Maat
To Acquire: Constitution Knowledge Divine 5
Recharge this card to add 1 die to your Constitution non-combat check.
After you roll the dice on your check, recharge this card to add or subtract 1 from the result.
Ally 1
Ally 2
Traits: Half-Elf
To Acquire: Arcane Divine Charisma Diplomacy 8
Recharge this card to add 1d6 to your Arcane or Divine check.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Ally 2
Ally B
Traits: Animal Elemental
To Acquire: Wisdom Survival 6
Recharge this card to reduce Cold, Electricity, or Fire damage dealt to you by 1.
Discard this card to explore your location. Add 1d4 to your checks to acquire items during this exploration.
Ally 3
Ally B
Traits: Animal
To Acquire: Wisdom Survival 7 OR Charisma Diplomacy 10
Recharge this card to add your Charisma skill to your combat check.
Recharge this card to add 1d4 to a combat check at another location.
Discard this card to examine the top card of another location; if it is a non-henchman, non-villain monster you may place it on top or bottom of the location deck.
Ally 4
Ally C
Traits: Animal Elemental Fire
To Acquire: Wisdom Survival 4
Reveal this card to add 1d4 and the Fire trait to your Combat check. If you do not defeat the bane, discard this card before taking damage.
Discard this card to explore your location. Add 1d4 and the Fire trait to your combat checks during this exploration.
Ally 5
Ally C
Traits: Half-Orc Fighter
To Acquire: Charisma Diplomacy 7
Recharge this card to recharge a weapon or armor that has the Basic trait from your discard pile.
At the end of your turn, recharge this card to move to another location.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Blessing 1
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Ra Fire
To Acquire: Divine 6 OR Strength Melee 8
Discard this card to add 1 die and the Fire trait to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any Strength non-combat check or check that invokes the Fire trait.
Discard this card to explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessing 2
Blessing 1
Traits: Divine Thoth Cold
To Acquire: Wisdom Knowledge OR OR Divine 10
Discard this card to add 1 die and the Cold trait to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any Wisdom non-combat check or check that invokes the Cold trait.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location. If the card has the Undead trait, you may explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessing 3
Blessing 4
Traits: Divine Osiris Healing
To Acquire: Divine 8
Discard this card to add 1d4 to any check that invokes the Healing trait.
Discard when you shuffle cards from your discard pile into your deck. Shuffle in an additional 1d4.
Discard this card to explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, each character at your location may recharge a random card from their discard pile.
Blessing 4
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Abadar
To Acquire: Dexterity Disable 6 OR Divine 5
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any check to defeat a barrier.
Discard this card to explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessing 5
Blessing B
Traits: Basic
To Acquire: Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma 6
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Recharge this card to add 1 die to any check that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Top of Blessing Discard Pile:
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Basic
To Acquire: Divine 3
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location, then you may explore your location.
After you play this card, if the top card of the blessings discard pile has the Basic trait, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessings Remaining: 21
Blessings Deck
Blessings Deck Card 1 - Turn 1 Skizza
Monster 1
Traits: Animal Fire
To Defeat: Combat 11
The Sun Falcon is immune to the Fire trait. All damage dealt by the Sun Falcon is Fire damage. If the check to defeat the Sun Falcon has the Cold trait, add 1d8.
If defeated, shuffle the Sun Falcon into the blessings deck.
When this card is the top card of the blessings discard pile, banish it and draw a random blessing from the box.
Blessings Deck Card 2 - Turn 2 Estra
Blessing B
Traits: Basic
To Acquire: Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma 6
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Recharge this card to add 1 die to any check that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Blessings Deck Card 3 - Turn 3 Cogsnap
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Nethys
To Acquire: Wisdom Perception 8 OR Divine 5
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck and put them back in any order; then explore the location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessings Deck Card 4 - Turn 4 Lini
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Nethys
To Acquire: Wisdom Perception 8 OR Divine 5
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck and put them back in any order; then explore the location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessings Deck Card 5 - Turn 5 Darago
Blessing B
Traits: Basic
To Acquire: Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma 6
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Recharge this card to add 1 die to any check that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Blessings Deck Card 6 - Turn 6 Qualzar
Blessing C
Traits: Divine Wadjet
To Acquire: Divine 5 OR Intelligence Knowledge 7
Reveal this card to add 1d4 to your check to acquire a boon.
Discard this card to add 2d8 to any check to acquire a boon.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location; then you may explore your location, adding 1 die to your checks to acquire a boon during that exploration.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, draw a card.
Blessings Deck Card 7 - Turn 7 Skizza
Blessing 3
Traits: Divine Isis Acid
To Acquire: Divine 7 OR Intelligence Craft 11
Discard this card to add 1 die and the Acid trait to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any Intelligence check or check that invokes the Acid or Construct traits.
Discard this card to explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge a random card that has the Magic trait from your discard pile.
Blessings Deck Card 8 - Turn 8 Estra
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Basic
To Acquire: Divine 3
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location, then you may explore your location.
After you play this card, if the top card of the blessings discard pile has the Basic trait, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessings Deck Card 9 - Turn 9 Cogsnap
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Wadjet
To Acquire: Divine 5 OR Intelligence Knowledge 7
Reveal this card to add 1d4 to your check to acquire a boon.
Discard this card to add 2d8 to any check to acquire a boon.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location; then you may explore your location, adding 1 die to your checks to acquire a boon during that exploration.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, draw a card.
Blessings Deck Card 10 - Turn 10 Lini
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Bastet Gambling
To Acquire: Divine 6 OR Stealth Disable Craft 8
Recharge this card to allow a character at your location to reroll 1 die on his check, or bury it to reroll all the dice; that character takes the new result.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location. If it is a bane, encounter that bane and the bane may not be evaded; otherwise, you may encounter the card.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, you may search your deck for a non-blessing card that has the Gambling trait and draw it.
Blessings Deck Card 11 - Turn 11 Darago
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Nethys
To Acquire: Wisdom Perception 8 OR Divine 5
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck and put them back in any order; then explore the location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessings Deck Card 12 - Turn 12 Qualzar
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Horus Electricity
To Acquire: Divine 6 OR Dexterity Ranged 7
Discard this card to add 1 die and the Electricity trait to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any Dexterity non-combat check or check that invokes the Electricity trait.
Discard this card to move, then you may explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, you may move.
Blessings Deck Card 13 - Turn 13 Skizza
Blessing 4
Traits: Divine Osiris Healing
To Acquire: Divine 8
Discard this card to add 1d4 to any check that invokes the Healing trait.
Discard when you shuffle cards from your discard pile into your deck. Shuffle in an additional 1d4.
Discard this card to explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, each character at your location may recharge a random card from their discard pile.
Blessings Deck Card 14 - Turn 14 Estra
Blessing B
Traits: Basic
To Acquire: Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma 6
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Recharge this card to add 1 die to any check that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Blessings Deck Card 15 - Turn 15 Cogsnap
Blessing 4
Traits: Divine Anubis Poison Mummy
To Acquire: Divine 8 OR Charisma Diplomacy 11
Discard this card to add 1 die and the Poison trait to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any Charisma check or to any check against a bane that has the Mummy or Undead trait; ignore that bane's immunities.
Discard this card to explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessings Deck Card 16 - Turn 16 Lini
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Bastet Gambling
To Acquire: Divine 6 OR Stealth Disable Craft 8
Recharge this card to allow a character at your location to reroll 1 die on his check, or bury it to reroll all the dice; that character takes the new result.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location. If it is a bane, encounter that bane and the bane may not be evaded; otherwise, you may encounter the card.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, you may search your deck for a non-blessing card that has the Gambling trait and draw it.
Blessings Deck Card 17 - Turn 17 Darago
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Ra Fire
To Acquire: Divine 6 OR Strength Melee 8
Discard this card to add 1 die and the Fire trait to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any Strength non-combat check or check that invokes the Fire trait.
Discard this card to explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessings Deck Card 18 - Turn 18 Qualzar
Blessing B
Traits: Basic
To Acquire: Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma 6
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Recharge this card to add 1 die to any check that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Blessings Deck Card 19 - Turn 19 Skizza
Blessing 2
Traits: Divine Maat
To Acquire: Divine 6 OR Constitution Fortitude 10
Discard this card after any check is rolled to add or subtract up to 3 from the result.
Recharge this card to reduce damage dealt to you by 2.
Discard this card to exchange all dice that would be rolled on a non-combat check with d8s.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, you may discard any number of cards to allow a character at your location to recharge that same number of random cards from his discard pile.
Blessings Deck Card 20 - Turn 20 Estra
Blessing 2
Traits: Divine Maat
To Acquire: Divine 6 OR Constitution Fortitude 10
Discard this card after any check is rolled to add or subtract up to 3 from the result.
Recharge this card to reduce damage dealt to you by 2.
Discard this card to exchange all dice that would be rolled on a non-combat check with d8s.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, you may discard any number of cards to allow a character at your location to recharge that same number of random cards from his discard pile.
Blessings Deck Card 21 - Turn 21 Cogsnap
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Basic
To Acquire: Divine 3
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location, then you may explore your location.
After you play this card, if the top card of the blessings discard pile has the Basic trait, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Location #1: Alchemical Laboratory
At This Location (Open): If you defeat a bane by 4 or more, each character at this location is dealt 1d4 Acid damage.
When Closing: Succeed at an Intelligence or Craft check with a difficulty of 5 plus the scenario's adventure deck number.
When Permanently Closed: On closing, draw 3 random items that have the Alchemical trait from the box and shuffle them into this location.
M: 1 Ba: 2 W: 0 Sp: 1 Ar: 0 I: 2 Al: 1 Bl: 0 ?: 1
Located/Displayed Here: Skizza/agent_eclipse,
Ally 3
Traits: Human Fighter
To Acquire: Combat 11
When you encounter this card, you may reveal a blessing that has the Abadar trait to acquire this card.
Bury this card to recharge any number of blessings that has the Abadar trait from your discard pile.
Discard this card to explore your location. Add 1d8 to any combat checks during this exploration.
Spell B
Traits: Magic Arcane Acid Attack
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane 4
For your combat or disable check, discard this card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6.
After playing this card, if you do not have the Arcane skill, banish it; otherwise, succeed at an Arcane 6 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Item 1
Traits: Tool Alchemical
To Acquire: Intelligence Craft 8
Discard this card at the start of your turn to move any number of characters to your location.
Banish this card to add 1d8 to Stealth checks by characters at your location this turn.
Item 3
Traits: Object Magic
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane 9
Recharge this card to reroll 1 die on a check by a character at your location.
On your turn, you may give this card to a character at another location; you may additionally give him a weapon, an armor, or an item. Then that character must recharge this card.
Monster 1
Traits: Undead
To Defeat: Combat 8 THEN Combat 10
The Coffer Corpse is immune to the Mental and Poison traits.
If undefeated, move to a random location.
Barrier 3
Traits: Trigger Trap Skirmish Magic
To Defeat: Intelligence Arcane Knowledge 13 OR Wisdom Survival 10
When you examine this card, encounter it.
If undefeated, each character at your location must summon and encounter the henchman Blightwing. Then banish this card.
Henchman 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Fortitude Perception 6 THEN Combat Divine 15
The Druj Nasu is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, a character at your location summons and encounters the henchman Beheaded.
If the check to defeat has the Acid or Electricity trait, subtract 1 from each die.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.
Barrier 2
Traits: Trap Magic Fire Elite
To Defeat: Constitution 6 OR Dexterity Acrobatics Disable 8
If undefeated, each character at your location is dealt 1d4 Fire damage.
Location #2: Mumia Lab
At This Location (Open): At the start of your turn, succeed at a Constitution 4 check or draw the scourge Curse of Withering from the box.
When Closing: Summon and defeat the henchman Crawling Hands.
When Permanently Closed: On closing, draw a random item that has the Alchemical trait from the box.
M: 2 Ba: 1 W: 0 Sp: 0 Ar: 0 I: 1 Al: 0 Bl: 0 ?: 1
Located/Displayed Here: WARRIOR DOLLS DISPLAYED: +1d6 to checks to defeat monsters
Villain 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Combat 25 OR Divine 18
The Sepid is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, each character at your location must succeed at a Dexterity or Acrobatics 12 check or be dealt 1d6 Combat damage.
If the check to defeat has the Acid, Attack, Electricity, or Ranged trait, subtract 1 from each die.
Barrier 3
Traits: Trigger Trap Magic Cold Arcane
To Defeat: Intelligence Arcane Knowledge 10 OR Wisdom 12
When you examine this card, succeed at an Intelligence or Arcane 10 check; otherwise, you are dealt 1d6 Cold damage.
If undefeated, each character at this location is dealt 1d4 Cold damage and is moved to a random other location.
Monster B
Traits: Human Veteran
To Defeat: Stealth 7 OR Combat 9
The difficulty to defeat is increased by the scenario's adventure deck number.
If undefeated, the Caravan Raider deals no damage; instead, banish a boon.
Monster 3
Traits: Undead
To Defeat: Combat 15
The Guecubu is immune to the Electricity, Mental, and Poison traits.
After you act, suffer a scourge.
Item C
Traits: Accessory
To Acquire: Intelligence Craft Wisdom Survival 6
Recharge this card to add 1 die to your check that invokes the Electricity or Fire trait.
Location #3: Silver Forge
At This Location (Open): Discard a card to add 1d6 and the Fire trait to your combat check.
When Closing: Summon and acquire a random armor from the box.
When Permanently Closed: At the end of your turn, you may recharge an armor card from your discard pile.
M: 2 Ba: 1 W: 2 Sp: 0 Ar: 2 I: 0 Al: 1 Bl: 0 ?: 1
Located/Displayed Here: Qualzar/EmpTyger, (Toxic Geyser, Glacial Khopesh +1, Djinni Quarterstaff )
Monster 3
Traits: Animal Acid
To Defeat: Combat 13 THEN Combat 13
If your check to defeat does not have the Attack or Ranged trait, the difficulty is increased by 4.
Damage dealt by the Rukh is Acid damage.
If undefeated, move to a random location.
Armor 4
Traits: Light Armor Magic
To Acquire: Constitution Fortitude Wisdom Divine 10
Recharge this card to reduce all damage dealt to you by 2. If proficient with light armors, you may play another armor on this check.
For your combat check, recharge this card to roll your Arcane or Divine skill + 2d6. If the bane has the Undead trait, you may bury this card to add another 1d6. This counts as playing a spell.
If proficient with light armors, you may recharge this card when you play a spell.
Monster 4
Traits: Construct
To Defeat: Combat 17
The Elemental Arachnid is immune to the Mental and Poison traits. You may play any number of armors in this encounter.
Before you act, you are dealt 1 Acid damage, then 1 Cold damage, then 1 Electricity damage, then 1 Fire damage.
If undefeated, the Elemental Arachnid deals no damage; instead, you are dealt 1d4 Acid damage, then 1d4 Cold damage, then 1d4 Electricity damage, then 1d4 Fire damage.
Weapon B
Traits: Staff Melee Bludgeoning 2-Handed Magic Elite
To Acquire: Strength Melee 6 OR Arcane Divine 8
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 1d6+1; you may additionally discard this card to add another 1d6.
You may discard this card to shuffle your location deck; if you succeed at an Arcane or Divine 10 check, you may recharge this card instead.
Henchman 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Fortitude Perception 6 THEN Combat Divine 15
The Druj Nasu is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, a character at your location summons and encounters the henchman Beheaded.
If the check to defeat has the Acid or Electricity trait, subtract 1 from each die.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.
Armor 2
Traits: Clothing Light Armor Magic
To Acquire: Constitution Fortitude 8
Recharge this card to reduce Cold, Combat, Electricity, or Poison damage dealt to you by 3.
Banish this card to reduce Cold, Combat, Electricity, or Poison damage dealt to you by 5. If proficient with light armors, bury this card instead.
If proficent with light armors, you may recharge this card when you reset your hand.
Barrier B
Traits: Trap Acid Fire Poison Veteran
To Defeat: Dexterity Acrobatics Wisdom Survival 5
The difficulty to defeat is increased by twice the scenario's adventure deck number.
If undefeated, roll a number of d6s equal to the scenario's adventure deck plus 1. For each die:
1-2. You are dealt 2 Fire damage.
3-4. You are dealt 2 Acid damage; discard a weapon or armor.
5-6. You are dealt 2 Poison damage.
Ally 1
Traits: Half-Elf Alchemist Hireling Aspis
To Acquire: Intelligence Craft Charisma Diplomacy 10
If you fail to acquire this card, you are dealt 1d4 Poison damage.
Recharge this card to add your Craft skill and the Poison trait to a combat check by a character at your location.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Weapon 1
Traits: Sword Melee Slashing Cold Magic Elite
To Acquire: Strength Melee 9
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 1d8+1. If proficient with weapons, you may additionally discard this card to add 2 and the Bludgeoning trait to your check for each die you roll.
Recharge this card to ignore a non-villain bane's power that happens after you act.
Location #4: Crypt
At This Location (Open): Add 3 plus the scenario's adventure deck number to the difficulty of checks against banes that have the Cold or Undead trait.
When Closing: Succeed at a Wisdom or Divine check with a difficulty of 4 plus the scenario's adventure deck number.
When Permanently Closed: On closing, draw a random blessing from the box.
M: 1 Ba: 0 W: 1 Sp: 0 Ar: 1 I: 1 Al: 0 Bl: 1 ?: 1
Located/Displayed Here: Darago/AAUGHWHY, (Sun Falcon, Druj Nasu)
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Pharasma
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane Divine 5
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to a check if a spell was played during that check.
Discard this card to explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Henchman 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Fortitude Perception 6 THEN Combat Divine 15
The Druj Nasu is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, a character at your location summons and encounters the henchman Beheaded.
If the check to defeat has the Acid or Electricity trait, subtract 1 from each die.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.
Item B
Traits: Liquid Alchemical Healing
To Acquire: Intelligence Craft 5
Banish this card and choose a character at your location. That character may shuffle 1d4 random cards from his discard pile into his deck.
Monster 3
Traits: Undead Sphinx Mummy
To Defeat: Combat 17
The Mummified Sphinx is immune to the Mental and Poison traits.
If the check to defeat has the Fire trait, add 1d8.
Before you act, recharge your hand, reset your hand, and bury a card.
Armor C
Traits: Heavy Armor Elite
To Acquire: Constitution Fortitude 9
Recharge this card to reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 3. If proficient with heavy armors, you may also play an armor that has the Light Armor trait on this check.
Banish this card to reduce all damage dealt to you to 0; if proficient with heavy armors, bury it instead.
Weapon B
Traits: Blowgun Ranged Poison Alchemical Elite
To Acquire: Intelligence Craft Knowledge Ranged 6
For your combat check, banish this card to use your Intelligence skill + 2d8; If you succeed at a Craft 8 check, bury it instead. After you act, each character at this location is dealt 1 Poison damage.
Location #5: Vault of Hidden Wisdom
At This Location (Open): If you defeat a bane, you may succeed at a Knowledge or Perception 7 check to explore your location.
When Closing: Summon and defeat a random barrier.
When Permanently Closed: On closing, you may succeed at a Knowledge or Perception 7 check to recharge a card from your discard pile.
M: 1 Ba: 2 W: 1 Sp: 2 Ar: 0 I: 1 Al: 0 Bl: 1 ?: 1
Located/Displayed Here: Cogsnap/VampByDay
Barrier 1
Traits: Trigger Trap Cold Arcane Veteran
To Defeat: Intelligence Arcane Knowledge 6 OR Wisdom 8
When you examine this card, succeed at a Wisdom check of 8 plus the scenario's adventure deck number; otherwise, you are dealt 1d4 Mental damage that may not be reduced.
The difficulty to defeat is increased by twice the scenario's adventure deck number.
If undefeated, each character at this location is dealt 1d4 Cold damage and is moved to a random other location.
Spell 1
Traits: Magic Divine
To Acquire: Wisdom Divine 5
During your turn, discard this card to examine the top card of your location deck. If it has the Undead trait, you may encounter it.
After playing this card, if you do not have the Divine skill, banish it; otherwise, you may succeed at a Divine 7 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessing B
Traits: Basic
To Acquire: Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma 6
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Recharge this card to add 1 die to any check that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Spell B
Traits: Magic Arcane Divine Mental Veteran
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane Wisdom Divine 6
Discard this card to add 1 plus the scenario's adventure deck number to any check to acquire or any check to close a location.
After playing this card, if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill, banish it; otherwise, you may succeed at an Arcane or Divine 8 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Monster 1
Traits: Trigger Undead Mummy Swarm
To Defeat: Combat 8 THEN Combat 8
When you examine this card, succeed at a Stealth 6 check or each character at your location summons and encounters an Ubashki Swarm.
The Ubashki Swarm is immune to the Mental and Poison traits.
If the Ubashki Swarm is not defeated by at least 2 on both checks, succeed at a Constitution or Fortitude 7 check or bury 1 card.
Weapon 4
Traits: Whip Melee Piercing Poison Finesse Magic
To Acquire: Strength Melee 11
Reveal this card when you encounter a monster to ignore any non-villain, non-henchman monster powers that would trigger before you act, then for your combat check, use your Strength or Melee skill +1d8+1. If proficient with weapons, you may add or subtract 4 from your result.
If you would fail this check, and you are proficient with weapons, you may discard this card to ignore the result and evade the bane.
Item 4
Traits: Staff Attack Alchemical
To Acquire: Strength Melee 10 OR Intelligence Craft 12
For your combat check, reveal this card and recharge an item that has the Alchemical trait to use your Melee or Craft skill + 3d6. Add an additional 1d6 if the bane has the Undead or Poison trait.
Henchman 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Fortitude Perception 6 THEN Combat Divine 15
The Druj Nasu is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, a character at your location summons and encounters the henchman Beheaded.
If the check to defeat has the Acid or Electricity trait, subtract 1 from each die.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.
Barrier C
Traits: Trap Elite
To Defeat: Dexterity Acrobatics Wisdom Survival 9
If undefeated, display this barrier next to your location, then shuffle your character token into your location. While your character token is in this location, evade any bane you would encounter and you may not move. If a character reveals your character token, place it at your location and banish this card.
Location #6: Catacombs
At This Location (Open):
M: 0 Ba: 0 W: 0 Sp: 0 Ar: 0 I: 0 Al: 0 Bl: 0 ?: 0
Located/Displayed Here: Lini/Bigguyinblack,
Location #7: Altar of Riddles
At This Location (Open):
M: 0 Ba: 0 W: 0 Sp: 0 Ar: 0 I: 0 Al: 0 Bl: 0 ?: 0
Located/Displayed Here: Estra/Yewstance,
Location #8: Precious Mine
At This Location (Open): The difficulty to defeat banes that have Construct trait is increased by 1d6.
When Closing: Succeed at a Strength or Melee check of 6 plus the scenario's adventure deck number.
When Permanently Closed: On closing, draw an item from the box.
M: 2 Ba: 2 W: 1 Sp: 1 Ar: 0 I: 3 Al: 0 Bl: 0 ?: 1
Located/Displayed Here: None
Item B
Traits: Liquid Alchemical
To Acquire: Intelligence Craft 4
Banish this card and choose a character at your location. Reduce Acid, Cold, Electricity, or Fire damage dealt to that character by 4.
Henchman 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Fortitude Perception 6 THEN Combat Divine 15
The Druj Nasu is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, a character at your location summons and encounters the henchman Beheaded.
If the check to defeat has the Acid or Electricity trait, subtract 1 from each die.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.
Item 2
Traits: Accessory Magic Mummy
To Acquire: Wisdom Divine 7
Bury this card to allow a character at your location to banish a displayed card that has the Curse trait; succeed at a Wisdom or Divine 8 check to recharge this card instead.
Weapon 2
Traits: Club Melee Bludgeoning 2-Handed Magic
To Acquire: Strength Melee 8
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 1d10+1; you may additionally discard this card to add your Strength die. If not proficient with weapons, the difficulty of this check is increased by 4.
Monster 2
Traits: Elemental Outsider Cold Elite
To Defeat: Combat 12
The Ice Elemental is immune to the Cold and Poison traits.
Before you act, succeed at a Constitution or Fortitude 7 check or you may only play 1 card on this check.
All damage dealt by the Ice Elemental is Cold damage.
Barrier B
Traits: Trap Poison Slashing Elite
To Defeat: Dexterity Acrobatics 5 OR Disable Knowledge 7
If undefeated, each character at this location is dealt 1d4 Poison damage.
Item 2
Traits: Object Magic
To Acquire: Intelligence Craft Charisma Survival 9
Recharge this card to evade a bane that has the Trigger trait, then move all characters at this location to another location.
Recharge this card to move all characters at this location to another location. This power cannot be used during an encounter.
Barrier 1
Traits: Trap Poison Veteran
To Defeat: Wisdom Perception 8 OR Dexterity Acrobatics 10
The difficulty to defeat is increased by the scenario's adventure deck number.
If defeated, you may explore again.
If undefeated, each character at this location is dealt 1d4 Combat damage, then 1d4 Poison damage, then end your turn.
Spell 4
Traits: Magic Arcane Divine
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane Wisdom Divine 12
Discard this card to allow a character at your location to search their deck for a spell and draw it.
After playing this card, if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill, banish it; otherwise, you may succeed at an Arcane or Divine 14 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Monster 4
Traits: Trigger Girtablilu Poison
To Defeat: Combat 17
When you examine this card, succeed at a Stealth 7 check or encounter it and increase its difficulty to defeat by 3.
Before you act, you are dealt 1d4 Poison damage.
Qualzar-EmpTyger |
Ancients o’clock
Exploring Silver Forge 1: Rukh
Traits: Animal Acid
To Defeat: Combat 13 THEN Combat 13
If your check to defeat does not have the Attack or Ranged trait, the difficulty is increased by 4.
Damage dealt by the Rukh is Acid damage.
If undefeated, move to a random location.
Evading as an Arcane Mental spell. Rukh is shuffled back into Silver Forge
A roc flew through the forge. Qualzar turned invisible and waited for it to pass. "Already tested the lightning on birds."
Shuffled Silver Forge: 1d9 ⇒ 9
Discarding Kafar to explore Silver Forge 9: Glacial Khopesh +1
Traits: Sword Melee Slashing Cold Magic Elite
To Acquire: Strength Melee 9
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 1d8+1. If proficient with weapons, you may additionally discard this card to add 2 and the Bludgeoning trait to your check for each die you roll.
Recharge this card to ignore a non-villain bane's power that happens after you act.
STR 9: 1d6 + 1d4 ⇒ (5) + (2) = 7
Glacial Khopesh +1 is banished
Kafar snuck forward to take a look at some of the weaponry being forged. While Qualzar wasn't paying attention, the rogue pocketed an especially magical looking sword.
Shuffled Silver Forge: 1d8 ⇒ 4
Discarding Blessing of Pharasma to explore Silver Forge 3: Elemental Arachnid
Traits: Construct
To Defeat: Combat 17
The Elemental Arachnid is immune to the Mental and Poison traits. You may play any number of armors in this encounter.
Before you act, you are dealt 1 Acid damage, then 1 Cold damage, then 1 Electricity damage, then 1 Fire damage.
If undefeated, the Elemental Arachnid deals no damage; instead, you are dealt 1d4 Acid damage, then 1d4 Cold damage, then 1d4 Electricity damage, then 1d4 Fire damage.
Discarding Swipe, Cat, Headband of Alluring Charisma, Tablet of Languages Lost for 1 Acid, 1 Cold, 1 Electricity, 1 Fire damage. Displaying Curse of the Ravenous
Qualzar cannot make a Combat 17 check
Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire damage: 4d4 ⇒ (2, 2, 3, 2) = 9
No cards left in hand. Elemental Arachnid is shuffled back into Silver Forge.
Suddenly Qualzar caught sight of a disturbing mechanism that was tempering the weapons alternatingly with different elements. Before the gnome could react, the beast trained its jets of energy on the intruder. Invisibility was no protection; 8 beams intersected on Qualzar.
Cogsnap recharges Remove Curse. Curse of the Ravenous is banished.
Ending turn.
Random open location: 1d8 ⇒ 3
Warrior Dolls are displayed at Silver Forge. Resetting hand
The warrior dolls dragged Qualzar from the deadly construct. He was in severe pain outside the forge when Cogsnap spotted him. "Great gizmotic goodness! Are you okay, Qualzar?"
The gnome sorcerer replied with a wince. "Oh, just fine. Just a bit of indigestion."
The alchemist offered him a mana cookie. "What happened?"
Qualzar took the magical remedy, feeling his stomach stop growling. "Must have been something I eight."
Hand: Chain Lightning, Robe of Energy Resistance, Mist Horn, Allying Dart +1, Blessing of Pharasma 1, Wall of Fire, Dimension Leap,
Deck: 4 Discard: 7 Buried: 0
Ask before using: Blessing of Pharasma (+1 die/+2 dice if spell is cast)
Can use without asking: Blessing if would recharge; Blessing to close; Blessing for Boon 4; Mist Horn (display at location until start of my next turn to prevent 3 monster damage); Allying Dart +1 (recharge to add 1d4+1 to Combat at my location); Dimension Leap (discard at start of encounter to move Qualzar to/from encounter location)
Strength d6 [] +1 [] +2
Dexterity d6 [] +1 [] +2
Constitution d4 [] +1
Intelligence d10 [X] +1 [] +2 [] +3
-- Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [] +1 [] +2 [] +3
-- Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [] +4
-- Arcane: Charisma +2
Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6 [X] 7 [] 8
Proficient with: None
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([X] +1) ([X] +2) ([X] +3) ([] +4) and add the Attack, Mental ([X] or Force), and Magic traits. This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from). This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.
[] When you would shuffle a monster into a location deck on your turn, you may shuffle it into a random open location deck instead.
[] Reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2 ([] 3).
[] When you succeed at a check to recharge a spell, you may instead recharge a spell from your discard pile.
Die bumps: 3
BR Yewstance |
Oops. I said Qualzar mis-rolled the Warrior Dolls and I meant Lini. Sorry!
And ouch. Elemental Arachnid strikes hard...
Though you deserved it for that pun, mind you.
Players should be wary of that monster at the Silver Forge, as it's once of the nastiest monsters in the game if you can't handle its BYA (though fortunately, it can be handled with Mist Horn right now).
Also a reminder that Darago will not be able to move until someone with a high Dexterity/Disable/Stealth/Strength moves to him to deal with the barrier.
During This Adventure:
During This Scenario:
Additional Rules:
2. Estra
3. Cogsnap
4. Lini
5. Darago
6. Qualzar
Villain 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Combat 25 OR Divine 18
The Sepid is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, each character at your location must succeed at a Dexterity or Acrobatics 12 check or be dealt 1d6 Combat damage.
If the check to defeat has the Acid, Attack, Electricity, or Ranged trait, subtract 1 from each die.
Henchman 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Fortitude Perception 6 THEN Combat Divine 15
The Druj Nasu is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, a character at your location summons and encounters the henchman Beheaded. If the check to defeat has the Acid or Electricity trait, subtract 1 from each die.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.
Barrier 4
Traits: Trap Lock Poison
To Defeat: Dexterity Disable Stealth 10 OR Strength 13
If undefeated, you are dealt 1d4 Poison damage then display this card next to your deck. While displayed, you may not move. At the end of your turn, 1 character at your location may succeed at a check to defeat this barrier.
Turn: 11, Skizza/agent_eclipse
1-2. Curse of Poisoning
3. Curse of Vulnerability
4. Curse of Daybane
5. Curse of the Ravenous
6. Curse of Withering
7. Curse of Fevered Dreams
8. Curse of the Sphinx
9. Curse of Blindness
10. Curse of the Mummy
Monster 1
Monster B
Traits: Trigger Vermin Swarm Poison Veteran
To Defeat: Combat 6
When you examine this card, you are dealt 1 Poison damage. Then encounter this card.
The difficulty to defeat is increased by twice the scenario's adventure deck number.
If defeated by less than 4, and the check to defeat does not have the Fire trait, shuffle the Scarab Swarm into the deck it came from.
Monster 2
Monster 3
Traits: Construct
To Defeat: Combat 14
If undefeated, succeed at a Dexterity or Acrobatics 7 check or when you are dealt damage, discard cards from the top of your deck instead of your hand; this damage may not be reduced.
Monster 3
Monster 4
Traits: Undead Swarm
To Defeat: Combat 17
The Bonestorm immune to the Mental and Poison traits.
Half of the damage (round down) from the Bonestorm may not be reduced.
If you do not defeat the Bonestorm by at least 4, shuffle it into the deck it came from; the Bonestorm still counts as defeated.
Monster 4
Monster 2
Traits: Trigger Gnoll Veteran
To Defeat: Combat 12
When you examine this card, encounter it; the difficulty to defeat is increased by 3.
The difficulty to defeat is increased by the scenario's adventure deck number.
When you play a weapon on your check to defeat, discard it.
Monster 5
Monster 4
Traits: Aberration
To Defeat: Combat 16 THEN Combat 16
You may succeed at a Stealth 8 check to evade the Royal Naga.
For each combat check, randomly choose a card that you can play that is a weapon or has the Attack trait and play it.
If the check to defeat has the Cold trait, add 1d8.
Barrier 1
Barrier C
Traits: Obstacle Acid Elite
To Defeat: Intelligence Disable Craft 7
If undefeated, display this barrier next to the location deck.
If you start your turn at this location, bury a weapon or an armor. Then you may succeed at a Constitution, Fortitude, Intelligence, or Craft 7 check to banish this card.
Barrier 2
Barrier B
Traits: Trap Construct Veteran
To Defeat: Dexterity Disable Stealth Perception 6
The difficulty to defeat is increased by twice the scenario's adventure deck number.
If undefeated, each character at your location is dealt 1d4 Ranged combat damage. First choose allies to discard as your damage, if you have any.
Barrier 3
Barrier 1
Traits: Trigger Curse Law Elite
To Defeat: None
When you examine this card, encounter it.
Display this card next to the scenario; it is defeated. While displayed, when a barrier is defeated, if your check to defeat exceeds the difficulty by 1d6 or more, each character at that location banishes a card or summons and encounters the henchman Voices of the Spire, then banish this card.
Barrier 4
Barrier 2
Traits: Trigger Curse Magic
To Defeat: Wisdom Survival Divine 10
When you examine this card, banish it.
If undefeated, display this card next to your deck.
While displayed, if you encounter a card that has the Animal trait, evade it and you are dealt 1d4 Combat damage, then 1d4 Poison damage. If the Poison damage is not reduced to 0, suffer the scourge Curse of Poisoning.
Barrier 5
Barrier B
Traits: Trap Elite
To Defeat: Dexterity Acrobatics Wisdom Survival 9
If undefeated, display this barrier next to your location, then shuffle your character token into your location. While your character token is in this location, evade any bane you would encounter and you may not move. If a character reveals your character token, place it at your location and banish this card.
Weapon 1
Weapon 1
Traits: Whip Melee Piercing Poison Finesse Elite
To Acquire: Strength Melee 8
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 1d8. If proficient with weapons, you may add or subtract 3 from your result.
If you would fail this check, and you are proficient with weapons, you may discard this card to ignore the result and evade the bane.
Weapon 2
Weapon 4
Traits: Knife Ranged Piercing Magic Pharasma
To Acquire: Dexterity Ranged Wisdom Divine 11
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Dexterity or Ranged skill + 1d4+1; you may additionally recharge this card to add another 1d4. You may reveal a blessing that has the Pharasma trait or if the bane has the Undead trait, add another 1d8.
When playing another weapon, you may discard this card to add 1d4+1 to your combat check.
Weapon 3
Weapon 1
Traits: Knife Ranged Slashing Electricity Magic Elite
To Acquire: Dexterity Ranged 8
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Dexterity or Ranged skill + 1d8+1; you may additionally discard this card to add another 1d6.
If proficient with weapons, discard this card to ignore a non-villain monster's power that happens before you act.
If proficient with weapons, on your combat check, if you played another weapon, discard this card to add 1d4+1 and the Electricity trait.
Weapon 4
Weapon 2
Traits: Spear Ranged Piercing Magic Elite
To Acquire: Dexterity Ranged 10
For your combat check, bury this card to use your Dexterity or Ranged skill + 2d6+1; you may additionally banish this card to add another 4d6+2 and the Electricity trait.
After playing this card, you may succeed at an Arcane or Divine 14 check to recharge this card instead of banishing or burying it.
Weapon 5
Weapon 4
Traits: Sword Melee Slashing Magic Finesse
To Acquire: Strength Melee 12
For your combat check, reveal this card to roll your Strength or Melee skill + 1d6+2; you may additionally discard this card to add another 1d6+1. If not proficient with weapons, the difficulty of this check is increased by 4.
Recharge this card to move to another location. You may not use this power during an encounter.
Spell 1
Spell 3
Traits: Magic Divine Acid
To Acquire: Wisdom Divine 11
Display this card. While displayed, you may add 1d8 and the Acid trait to a combat check by a character at your location; you may play another spell on that check. After that check, you are dealt 1 Combat damage. At the end of your turn, if you do not have the Divine skill, banish this card; otherwise, you may succeed at a Divine 13 check to recharge it instead.
Spell 2
Spell 1
Traits: Magic Arcane Divine
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane Wisdom Divine 6
Discard this card to examine cards in your location deck until you find a boon. Encounter that boon, then shuffle your location deck.
After playing this card, if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill, banish it; otherwise, you may succeed at an Arcane or Divine 8 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Spell 3
Spell 1
Traits: Magic Arcane Divine
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane Wisdom Divine 7
Display this card next to a character. While displayed, reduce all damage dealt to that character by 4. At the end of your turn, discard this card.
At the end of the turn, if you do not have either Arcane or Divine skill, banish this card; otherwise, attempt an Arcane or Divine 9 check. If you succeed, recharge this card; if you fail, discard it.
Spell 4
Spell B
Traits: Magic Arcane Divine
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane Wisdom Divine 6
Discard this card to choose a type of card and examine the top 3 cards of your location deck. If there are any cards of the chosen type, set them aside. Return the remaining cards to the deck, shuffle it, then put the cards you set aside together in any order at either the top or bottom of the deck.
After playing this card, if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill, banish it; otherwise, you may succeed at an Arcane or Divine 8 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Spell 5
Spell 3
Traits: Magic Arcane Divine
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane Wisdom Divine 10
Discard this card to evade a non-villain, non-henchmen monster that does not have the Incorporeal trait.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to a check to defeat a barrier that has the Obstacle or Trap trait.
After playing this card, if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill, banish it; otherwise, you may succeed at an Arcane or Divine 12 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Armor 1
Armor 4
Traits: Light Armor Magic
To Acquire: Constitution Fortitude Charisma 11
Reveal this card to reduce damage dealt to you by 1 or to add or subtract 1 on your Charisma or Diplomacy check.
Banish this card to reduce all damage dealt to you to 0. If proficient with light armors, bury this card instead.
If proficient with light armors, you may recharge this card to add 1d8 to your check that invokes the Poison trait.
Armor 2
Armor B
Traits: Light Armor Elite
To Acquire: Constitution Fortitude 6
Recharge this card to reduce Acid, Combat, or Electricity damage dealt to you by 1; you may play another armor on this check. If proficient with heavy armors, you may reveal this card instead of recharging it.
If proficient with light armors, you may recharge this card to examine the top card of your location.
Armor 3
Armor 1
Traits: Clothing Light Armor Offhand Magic
To Acquire: Intelligence Knowledge 8
If you played a weapon that has the 2-Handed trait on this check, you may not play this card.
Recharge this card to reduce all damage dealt to you by 3. If proficient with light armors, you may also play another armor on this check.
Armor 4
Armor B
Traits: Clothing Light Armor Offhand Magic
To Acquire: Constitution Fortitude 3 OR Craft Knowledge 5
If you played a weapon that has the 2-Handed trait on this check, you may not play this card.
Recharge this card to reduce Cold, Combat, Electricity, or Poison damage dealt to you by 2. You may play another armor on this check.
If proficient with light armors, you may recharge this card when you reset your hand.
Armor 5
Armor B
Traits: Accessory Light Armor Elite
To Acquire: Constitution Fortitude 4 OR Intelligence Craft Survival 6
Reveal this card to reduce Acid, Electricity, or Poison damage dealt to you by 1.
If proficient with light armors, bury this card to reduce Acid, Electricity, or Poison damage dealt to you to 0. You may succeed at an Intelligence or Craft 8 check to recharge this armor instead.
Item 1
Item 4
Traits: Object Alchemical
To Acquire: Intelligence Craft 9
Shuffle this card into your location deck to evade your encounter. You may succeed at a Craft 10 check to recharge this card instead of shuffling it into your location deck.
Item 2
Item 3
Traits: Object Magic Arcane Divine
To Acquire: Arcane Divine 10
Display this card to put a spell from your hand faceup on this card. You may bury this card to put the spell into your hand. When you would bury this card for its power, you may succeed at a Craft 12 check to recharge it instead of burying it.
Item 3
Item B
Traits: Tool Alchemical
To Acquire: Intelligence Craft 6
Display this card. While displayed, when you would banish a card that has the Alchemical trait for its power, discard it instead.
While displayed, bury this card to draw all cards in your discard pile that have the Alchemical trait. Then you may shuffle any number of cards that have the Alchemical trait into your deck.
Item 4
Item 1
Traits: Staff Attack Magic Arcane Divine Anubis
To Acquire: Arcane Divine 6
For your combat check, reveal this card and discard a spell to use your Arcane or Divine skill + 1d6; this counts as playing a spell. If the bane has the Construct or Undead trait, add another 1d6.
Bury this card to evade a monster you encounter that has the Undead trait.
Item 5
Item C
Traits: Accessory Magic Pharasma Veteran
To Acquire: Arcane Divine Knowledge 8
Recharge this card to add 1d8 plus the scenario's adventure deck number to your check that invokes the Undead trait. If the top card of the blessings discard pile has the Pharasma trait, use twice the adventure deck number instead.
Ally 1
Ally B
Traits: Halfling Rogue Aspis
To Acquire: Charisma Diplomacy 8
When you would encounter a boon, you may recharge this card to exchange the boon with a random boon of the same type from the box.
Discard this card to explore your location, adding 1d4 to your checks to acquire items.
Ally 2
Ally C
Traits: Human Rogue Hireling
To Acquire: Charisma Diplomacy 10
If you fail the check to acquire Falto, move to a random location. Then examine the top card of your location.
Recharge this card to add a die to any Diplomacy check or check to acquire an item at your location.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Ally 3
Ally B
Traits: Animal Elemental Fire
To Acquire: Wisdom Survival 4
Reveal this card to add 1d4 and the Fire trait to your Combat check. If you do not defeat the bane, discard this card before taking damage.
Discard this card to explore your location. Add 1d4 and the Fire trait to your combat checks during this exploration.
Ally 4
Ally 2
Traits: Trigger Caligni Oracle
To Acquire: Perception Charisma Diplomacy 11
When you examine this card, shuffle it back into its deck.
If you fail to acquire Unwrapped Harmony, move to a random other location and end your turn.
Discard this card to examine the top 3 cards of your location and put them back in any order; then explore your location.
Ally 5
Ally B
Traits: Animal Elemental
To Acquire: Wisdom Survival 6
Recharge this card to reduce Cold, Electricity, or Fire damage dealt to you by 1.
Discard this card to explore your location. Add 1d4 to your checks to acquire items during this exploration.
Blessing 1
Blessing 4
Traits: Divine Osiris Healing
To Acquire: Divine 8
Discard this card to add 1d4 to any check that invokes the Healing trait.
Discard when you shuffle cards from your discard pile into your deck. Shuffle in an additional 1d4.
Discard this card to explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, each character at your location may recharge a random card from their discard pile.
Blessing 2
Blessing 1
Traits: Divine Thoth Cold
To Acquire: Wisdom Knowledge OR OR Divine 10
Discard this card to add 1 die and the Cold trait to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any Wisdom non-combat check or check that invokes the Cold trait.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location. If the card has the Undead trait, you may explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessing 3
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Basic
To Acquire: Divine 3
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location, then you may explore your location.
After you play this card, if the top card of the blessings discard pile has the Basic trait, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessing 4
Blessing B
Traits: Basic
To Acquire: Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma 6
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Recharge this card to add 1 die to any check that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Blessing 5
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Horus Electricity
To Acquire: Divine 6 OR Dexterity Ranged 7
Discard this card to add 1 die and the Electricity trait to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any Dexterity non-combat check or check that invokes the Electricity trait.
Discard this card to move, then you may explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, you may move.
Top of Blessing Discard Pile:
Monster 1
Traits: Animal Fire
To Defeat: Combat 11
The Sun Falcon is immune to the Fire trait. All damage dealt by the Sun Falcon is Fire damage. If the check to defeat the Sun Falcon has the Cold trait, add 1d8.
If defeated, shuffle the Sun Falcon into the blessings deck.
When this card is the top card of the blessings discard pile, banish it and draw a random blessing from the box.
Blessings Remaining: 20
Blessings Deck
Blessings Deck Card 1 - Turn 1 Estra
Blessing B
Traits: Basic
To Acquire: Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma 6
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Recharge this card to add 1 die to any check that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Blessings Deck Card 2 - Turn 2 Cogsnap
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Nethys
To Acquire: Wisdom Perception 8 OR Divine 5
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck and put them back in any order; then explore the location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessings Deck Card 3 - Turn 3 Lini
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Nethys
To Acquire: Wisdom Perception 8 OR Divine 5
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck and put them back in any order; then explore the location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessings Deck Card 4 - Turn 4 Darago
Blessing B
Traits: Basic
To Acquire: Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma 6
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Recharge this card to add 1 die to any check that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Blessings Deck Card 5 - Turn 5 Qualzar
Blessing C
Traits: Divine Wadjet
To Acquire: Divine 5 OR Intelligence Knowledge 7
Reveal this card to add 1d4 to your check to acquire a boon.
Discard this card to add 2d8 to any check to acquire a boon.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location; then you may explore your location, adding 1 die to your checks to acquire a boon during that exploration.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, draw a card.
Blessings Deck Card 6 - Turn 6 Skizza
Blessing 3
Traits: Divine Isis Acid
To Acquire: Divine 7 OR Intelligence Craft 11
Discard this card to add 1 die and the Acid trait to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any Intelligence check or check that invokes the Acid or Construct traits.
Discard this card to explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge a random card that has the Magic trait from your discard pile.
Blessings Deck Card 7 - Turn 7 Estra
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Basic
To Acquire: Divine 3
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location, then you may explore your location.
After you play this card, if the top card of the blessings discard pile has the Basic trait, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessings Deck Card 8 - Turn 8 Cogsnap
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Wadjet
To Acquire: Divine 5 OR Intelligence Knowledge 7
Reveal this card to add 1d4 to your check to acquire a boon.
Discard this card to add 2d8 to any check to acquire a boon.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location; then you may explore your location, adding 1 die to your checks to acquire a boon during that exploration.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, draw a card.
Blessings Deck Card 9 - Turn 9 Lini
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Bastet Gambling
To Acquire: Divine 6 OR Stealth Disable Craft 8
Recharge this card to allow a character at your location to reroll 1 die on his check, or bury it to reroll all the dice; that character takes the new result.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location. If it is a bane, encounter that bane and the bane may not be evaded; otherwise, you may encounter the card.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, you may search your deck for a non-blessing card that has the Gambling trait and draw it.
Blessings Deck Card 10 - Turn 10 Darago
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Nethys
To Acquire: Wisdom Perception 8 OR Divine 5
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck and put them back in any order; then explore the location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessings Deck Card 11 - Turn 11 Qualzar
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Horus Electricity
To Acquire: Divine 6 OR Dexterity Ranged 7
Discard this card to add 1 die and the Electricity trait to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any Dexterity non-combat check or check that invokes the Electricity trait.
Discard this card to move, then you may explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, you may move.
Blessings Deck Card 12 - Turn 12 Skizza
Blessing 4
Traits: Divine Osiris Healing
To Acquire: Divine 8
Discard this card to add 1d4 to any check that invokes the Healing trait.
Discard when you shuffle cards from your discard pile into your deck. Shuffle in an additional 1d4.
Discard this card to explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, each character at your location may recharge a random card from their discard pile.
Blessings Deck Card 13 - Turn 13 Estra
Blessing B
Traits: Basic
To Acquire: Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma 6
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Recharge this card to add 1 die to any check that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Blessings Deck Card 14 - Turn 14 Cogsnap
Blessing 4
Traits: Divine Anubis Poison Mummy
To Acquire: Divine 8 OR Charisma Diplomacy 11
Discard this card to add 1 die and the Poison trait to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any Charisma check or to any check against a bane that has the Mummy or Undead trait; ignore that bane's immunities.
Discard this card to explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessings Deck Card 15 - Turn 15 Lini
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Bastet Gambling
To Acquire: Divine 6 OR Stealth Disable Craft 8
Recharge this card to allow a character at your location to reroll 1 die on his check, or bury it to reroll all the dice; that character takes the new result.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location. If it is a bane, encounter that bane and the bane may not be evaded; otherwise, you may encounter the card.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, you may search your deck for a non-blessing card that has the Gambling trait and draw it.
Blessings Deck Card 16 - Turn 16 Darago
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Ra Fire
To Acquire: Divine 6 OR Strength Melee 8
Discard this card to add 1 die and the Fire trait to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any Strength non-combat check or check that invokes the Fire trait.
Discard this card to explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessings Deck Card 17 - Turn 17 Qualzar
Blessing B
Traits: Basic
To Acquire: Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma 6
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Recharge this card to add 1 die to any check that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Blessings Deck Card 18 - Turn 18 Skizza
Blessing 2
Traits: Divine Maat
To Acquire: Divine 6 OR Constitution Fortitude 10
Discard this card after any check is rolled to add or subtract up to 3 from the result.
Recharge this card to reduce damage dealt to you by 2.
Discard this card to exchange all dice that would be rolled on a non-combat check with d8s.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, you may discard any number of cards to allow a character at your location to recharge that same number of random cards from his discard pile.
Blessings Deck Card 19 - Turn 19 Estra
Blessing 2
Traits: Divine Maat
To Acquire: Divine 6 OR Constitution Fortitude 10
Discard this card after any check is rolled to add or subtract up to 3 from the result.
Recharge this card to reduce damage dealt to you by 2.
Discard this card to exchange all dice that would be rolled on a non-combat check with d8s.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, you may discard any number of cards to allow a character at your location to recharge that same number of random cards from his discard pile.
Blessings Deck Card 20 - Turn 20 Cogsnap
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Basic
To Acquire: Divine 3
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location, then you may explore your location.
After you play this card, if the top card of the blessings discard pile has the Basic trait, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Location #1: Alchemical Laboratory
At This Location (Open): If you defeat a bane by 4 or more, each character at this location is dealt 1d4 Acid damage.
When Closing: Succeed at an Intelligence or Craft check with a difficulty of 5 plus the scenario's adventure deck number.
When Permanently Closed: On closing, draw 3 random items that have the Alchemical trait from the box and shuffle them into this location.
M: 1 Ba: 2 W: 0 Sp: 1 Ar: 0 I: 2 Al: 1 Bl: 0 ?: 1
Located/Displayed Here: Skizza/agent_eclipse,
Ally 3
Traits: Human Fighter
To Acquire: Combat 11
When you encounter this card, you may reveal a blessing that has the Abadar trait to acquire this card.
Bury this card to recharge any number of blessings that has the Abadar trait from your discard pile.
Discard this card to explore your location. Add 1d8 to any combat checks during this exploration.
Spell B
Traits: Magic Arcane Acid Attack
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane 4
For your combat or disable check, discard this card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6.
After playing this card, if you do not have the Arcane skill, banish it; otherwise, succeed at an Arcane 6 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Item 1
Traits: Tool Alchemical
To Acquire: Intelligence Craft 8
Discard this card at the start of your turn to move any number of characters to your location.
Banish this card to add 1d8 to Stealth checks by characters at your location this turn.
Item 3
Traits: Object Magic
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane 9
Recharge this card to reroll 1 die on a check by a character at your location.
On your turn, you may give this card to a character at another location; you may additionally give him a weapon, an armor, or an item. Then that character must recharge this card.
Monster 1
Traits: Undead
To Defeat: Combat 8 THEN Combat 10
The Coffer Corpse is immune to the Mental and Poison traits.
If undefeated, move to a random location.
Barrier 3
Traits: Trigger Trap Skirmish Magic
To Defeat: Intelligence Arcane Knowledge 13 OR Wisdom Survival 10
When you examine this card, encounter it.
If undefeated, each character at your location must summon and encounter the henchman Blightwing. Then banish this card.
Henchman 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Fortitude Perception 6 THEN Combat Divine 15
The Druj Nasu is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, a character at your location summons and encounters the henchman Beheaded.
If the check to defeat has the Acid or Electricity trait, subtract 1 from each die.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.
Barrier 2
Traits: Trap Magic Fire Elite
To Defeat: Constitution 6 OR Dexterity Acrobatics Disable 8
If undefeated, each character at your location is dealt 1d4 Fire damage.
Location #2: Mumia Lab
At This Location (Open): At the start of your turn, succeed at a Constitution 4 check or draw the scourge Curse of Withering from the box.
When Closing: Summon and defeat the henchman Crawling Hands.
When Permanently Closed: On closing, draw a random item that has the Alchemical trait from the box.
M: 2 Ba: 1 W: 0 Sp: 0 Ar: 0 I: 1 Al: 0 Bl: 0 ?: 1
Located/Displayed Here:
Villain 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Combat 25 OR Divine 18
The Sepid is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, each character at your location must succeed at a Dexterity or Acrobatics 12 check or be dealt 1d6 Combat damage.
If the check to defeat has the Acid, Attack, Electricity, or Ranged trait, subtract 1 from each die.
Barrier 3
Traits: Trigger Trap Magic Cold Arcane
To Defeat: Intelligence Arcane Knowledge 10 OR Wisdom 12
When you examine this card, succeed at an Intelligence or Arcane 10 check; otherwise, you are dealt 1d6 Cold damage.
If undefeated, each character at this location is dealt 1d4 Cold damage and is moved to a random other location.
Monster B
Traits: Human Veteran
To Defeat: Stealth 7 OR Combat 9
The difficulty to defeat is increased by the scenario's adventure deck number.
If undefeated, the Caravan Raider deals no damage; instead, banish a boon.
Monster 3
Traits: Undead
To Defeat: Combat 15
The Guecubu is immune to the Electricity, Mental, and Poison traits.
After you act, suffer a scourge.
Item C
Traits: Accessory
To Acquire: Intelligence Craft Wisdom Survival 6
Recharge this card to add 1 die to your check that invokes the Electricity or Fire trait.
Location #3: Silver Forge
At This Location (Open): Discard a card to add 1d6 and the Fire trait to your combat check.
When Closing: Summon and acquire a random armor from the box.
When Permanently Closed: At the end of your turn, you may recharge an armor card from your discard pile.
M: 2 Ba: 1 W: 1 Sp: 0 Ar: 2 I: 0 Al: 1 Bl: 0 ?: 1
Located/Displayed Here: Qualzar/EmpTyger, (Toxic Geyser, Rukh, Djinni Quarterstaff, Elemental Arachnid), WARRIOR DOLLS DISPLAYED: +1d6 to checks to defeat monsters
Weapon B
Traits: Staff Melee Bludgeoning 2-Handed Magic Elite
To Acquire: Strength Melee 6 OR Arcane Divine 8
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 1d6+1; you may additionally discard this card to add another 1d6.
You may discard this card to shuffle your location deck; if you succeed at an Arcane or Divine 10 check, you may recharge this card instead.
Ally 1
Traits: Half-Elf Alchemist Hireling Aspis
To Acquire: Intelligence Craft Charisma Diplomacy 10
If you fail to acquire this card, you are dealt 1d4 Poison damage.
Recharge this card to add your Craft skill and the Poison trait to a combat check by a character at your location.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Armor 2
Traits: Clothing Light Armor Magic
To Acquire: Constitution Fortitude 8
Recharge this card to reduce Cold, Combat, Electricity, or Poison damage dealt to you by 3.
Banish this card to reduce Cold, Combat, Electricity, or Poison damage dealt to you by 5. If proficient with light armors, bury this card instead.
If proficent with light armors, you may recharge this card when you reset your hand.
Monster 4
Traits: Construct
To Defeat: Combat 17
The Elemental Arachnid is immune to the Mental and Poison traits. You may play any number of armors in this encounter.
Before you act, you are dealt 1 Acid damage, then 1 Cold damage, then 1 Electricity damage, then 1 Fire damage.
If undefeated, the Elemental Arachnid deals no damage; instead, you are dealt 1d4 Acid damage, then 1d4 Cold damage, then 1d4 Electricity damage, then 1d4 Fire damage.
Monster 3
Traits: Animal Acid
To Defeat: Combat 13 THEN Combat 13
If your check to defeat does not have the Attack or Ranged trait, the difficulty is increased by 4.
Damage dealt by the Rukh is Acid damage.
If undefeated, move to a random location.
Barrier B
Traits: Trap Acid Fire Poison Veteran
To Defeat: Dexterity Acrobatics Wisdom Survival 5
The difficulty to defeat is increased by twice the scenario's adventure deck number.
If undefeated, roll a number of d6s equal to the scenario's adventure deck plus 1. For each die:
1-2. You are dealt 2 Fire damage.
3-4. You are dealt 2 Acid damage; discard a weapon or armor.
5-6. You are dealt 2 Poison damage.
Henchman 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Fortitude Perception 6 THEN Combat Divine 15
The Druj Nasu is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, a character at your location summons and encounters the henchman Beheaded.
If the check to defeat has the Acid or Electricity trait, subtract 1 from each die.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.
Armor 4
Traits: Light Armor Magic
To Acquire: Constitution Fortitude Wisdom Divine 10
Recharge this card to reduce all damage dealt to you by 2. If proficient with light armors, you may play another armor on this check.
For your combat check, recharge this card to roll your Arcane or Divine skill + 2d6. If the bane has the Undead trait, you may bury this card to add another 1d6. This counts as playing a spell.
If proficient with light armors, you may recharge this card when you play a spell.
Location #4: Crypt
At This Location (Open): Add 3 plus the scenario's adventure deck number to the difficulty of checks against banes that have the Cold or Undead trait.
When Closing: Succeed at a Wisdom or Divine check with a difficulty of 4 plus the scenario's adventure deck number.
When Permanently Closed: On closing, draw a random blessing from the box.
M: 1 Ba: 0 W: 1 Sp: 0 Ar: 1 I: 1 Al: 0 Bl: 1 ?: 1
Located/Displayed Here: Darago/AAUGHWHY, (Sun Falcon, Druj Nasu)
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Pharasma
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane Divine 5
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to a check if a spell was played during that check.
Discard this card to explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Henchman 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Fortitude Perception 6 THEN Combat Divine 15
The Druj Nasu is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, a character at your location summons and encounters the henchman Beheaded.
If the check to defeat has the Acid or Electricity trait, subtract 1 from each die.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.
Item B
Traits: Liquid Alchemical Healing
To Acquire: Intelligence Craft 5
Banish this card and choose a character at your location. That character may shuffle 1d4 random cards from his discard pile into his deck.
Monster 3
Traits: Undead Sphinx Mummy
To Defeat: Combat 17
The Mummified Sphinx is immune to the Mental and Poison traits.
If the check to defeat has the Fire trait, add 1d8.
Before you act, recharge your hand, reset your hand, and bury a card.
Armor C
Traits: Heavy Armor Elite
To Acquire: Constitution Fortitude 9
Recharge this card to reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 3. If proficient with heavy armors, you may also play an armor that has the Light Armor trait on this check.
Banish this card to reduce all damage dealt to you to 0; if proficient with heavy armors, bury it instead.
Weapon B
Traits: Blowgun Ranged Poison Alchemical Elite
To Acquire: Intelligence Craft Knowledge Ranged 6
For your combat check, banish this card to use your Intelligence skill + 2d8; If you succeed at a Craft 8 check, bury it instead. After you act, each character at this location is dealt 1 Poison damage.
Location #5: Vault of Hidden Wisdom
At This Location (Open): If you defeat a bane, you may succeed at a Knowledge or Perception 7 check to explore your location.
When Closing: Summon and defeat a random barrier.
When Permanently Closed: On closing, you may succeed at a Knowledge or Perception 7 check to recharge a card from your discard pile.
M: 1 Ba: 2 W: 1 Sp: 2 Ar: 0 I: 1 Al: 0 Bl: 1 ?: 1
Located/Displayed Here: Cogsnap/VampByDay
Barrier 1
Traits: Trigger Trap Cold Arcane Veteran
To Defeat: Intelligence Arcane Knowledge 6 OR Wisdom 8
When you examine this card, succeed at a Wisdom check of 8 plus the scenario's adventure deck number; otherwise, you are dealt 1d4 Mental damage that may not be reduced.
The difficulty to defeat is increased by twice the scenario's adventure deck number.
If undefeated, each character at this location is dealt 1d4 Cold damage and is moved to a random other location.
Spell 1
Traits: Magic Divine
To Acquire: Wisdom Divine 5
During your turn, discard this card to examine the top card of your location deck. If it has the Undead trait, you may encounter it.
After playing this card, if you do not have the Divine skill, banish it; otherwise, you may succeed at a Divine 7 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessing B
Traits: Basic
To Acquire: Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma 6
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Recharge this card to add 1 die to any check that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Spell B
Traits: Magic Arcane Divine Mental Veteran
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane Wisdom Divine 6
Discard this card to add 1 plus the scenario's adventure deck number to any check to acquire or any check to close a location.
After playing this card, if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill, banish it; otherwise, you may succeed at an Arcane or Divine 8 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Monster 1
Traits: Trigger Undead Mummy Swarm
To Defeat: Combat 8 THEN Combat 8
When you examine this card, succeed at a Stealth 6 check or each character at your location summons and encounters an Ubashki Swarm.
The Ubashki Swarm is immune to the Mental and Poison traits.
If the Ubashki Swarm is not defeated by at least 2 on both checks, succeed at a Constitution or Fortitude 7 check or bury 1 card.
Weapon 4
Traits: Whip Melee Piercing Poison Finesse Magic
To Acquire: Strength Melee 11
Reveal this card when you encounter a monster to ignore any non-villain, non-henchman monster powers that would trigger before you act, then for your combat check, use your Strength or Melee skill +1d8+1. If proficient with weapons, you may add or subtract 4 from your result.
If you would fail this check, and you are proficient with weapons, you may discard this card to ignore the result and evade the bane.
Item 4
Traits: Staff Attack Alchemical
To Acquire: Strength Melee 10 OR Intelligence Craft 12
For your combat check, reveal this card and recharge an item that has the Alchemical trait to use your Melee or Craft skill + 3d6. Add an additional 1d6 if the bane has the Undead or Poison trait.
Henchman 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Fortitude Perception 6 THEN Combat Divine 15
The Druj Nasu is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, a character at your location summons and encounters the henchman Beheaded.
If the check to defeat has the Acid or Electricity trait, subtract 1 from each die.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.
Barrier C
Traits: Trap Elite
To Defeat: Dexterity Acrobatics Wisdom Survival 9
If undefeated, display this barrier next to your location, then shuffle your character token into your location. While your character token is in this location, evade any bane you would encounter and you may not move. If a character reveals your character token, place it at your location and banish this card.
Location #6: Catacombs
At This Location (Open):
M: 0 Ba: 0 W: 0 Sp: 0 Ar: 0 I: 0 Al: 0 Bl: 0 ?: 0
Located/Displayed Here: Lini/Bigguyinblack,
Location #7: Altar of Riddles
At This Location (Open):
M: 0 Ba: 0 W: 0 Sp: 0 Ar: 0 I: 0 Al: 0 Bl: 0 ?: 0
Located/Displayed Here: Estra/Yewstance,
Location #8: Precious Mine
At This Location (Open): The difficulty to defeat banes that have Construct trait is increased by 1d6.
When Closing: Succeed at a Strength or Melee check of 6 plus the scenario's adventure deck number.
When Permanently Closed: On closing, draw an item from the box.
M: 2 Ba: 2 W: 1 Sp: 1 Ar: 0 I: 3 Al: 0 Bl: 0 ?: 1
Located/Displayed Here: None
Item B
Traits: Liquid Alchemical
To Acquire: Intelligence Craft 4
Banish this card and choose a character at your location. Reduce Acid, Cold, Electricity, or Fire damage dealt to that character by 4.
Henchman 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Fortitude Perception 6 THEN Combat Divine 15
The Druj Nasu is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, a character at your location summons and encounters the henchman Beheaded.
If the check to defeat has the Acid or Electricity trait, subtract 1 from each die.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.
Item 2
Traits: Accessory Magic Mummy
To Acquire: Wisdom Divine 7
Bury this card to allow a character at your location to banish a displayed card that has the Curse trait; succeed at a Wisdom or Divine 8 check to recharge this card instead.
Weapon 2
Traits: Club Melee Bludgeoning 2-Handed Magic
To Acquire: Strength Melee 8
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 1d10+1; you may additionally discard this card to add your Strength die. If not proficient with weapons, the difficulty of this check is increased by 4.
Monster 2
Traits: Elemental Outsider Cold Elite
To Defeat: Combat 12
The Ice Elemental is immune to the Cold and Poison traits.
Before you act, succeed at a Constitution or Fortitude 7 check or you may only play 1 card on this check.
All damage dealt by the Ice Elemental is Cold damage.
Barrier B
Traits: Trap Poison Slashing Elite
To Defeat: Dexterity Acrobatics 5 OR Disable Knowledge 7
If undefeated, each character at this location is dealt 1d4 Poison damage.
Item 2
Traits: Object Magic
To Acquire: Intelligence Craft Charisma Survival 9
Recharge this card to evade a bane that has the Trigger trait, then move all characters at this location to another location.
Recharge this card to move all characters at this location to another location. This power cannot be used during an encounter.
Barrier 1
Traits: Trap Poison Veteran
To Defeat: Wisdom Perception 8 OR Dexterity Acrobatics 10
The difficulty to defeat is increased by the scenario's adventure deck number.
If defeated, you may explore again.
If undefeated, each character at this location is dealt 1d4 Combat damage, then 1d4 Poison damage, then end your turn.
Spell 4
Traits: Magic Arcane Divine
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane Wisdom Divine 12
Discard this card to allow a character at your location to search their deck for a spell and draw it.
After playing this card, if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill, banish it; otherwise, you may succeed at an Arcane or Divine 14 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Monster 4
Traits: Trigger Girtablilu Poison
To Defeat: Combat 17
When you examine this card, succeed at a Stealth 7 check or encounter it and increase its difficulty to defeat by 3.
Before you act, you are dealt 1d4 Poison damage.
Skizza of Dongun Hold |
Banish Sun Falcon to draw Random Blessing 1: Blessing of Osiris.
Move to and Explore Crypt Card 1: Blessing of Pharasma.
Discard Blessing of Shizuru.
Intelligence 5: 1d10 + 1 + 1d10 ⇒ (2) + 1 + (7) = 10 Acquired.
Discard Blessing of Pharasma to Explore Card 2: Druj Nasu.
Henchman 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Fortitude Perception 6 THEN Combat Divine 15
The Druj Nasu is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, a character at your location summons and encounters the henchman Beheaded.
If the check to defeat has the Acid or Electricity trait, subtract 1 from each die.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.
Henchman 1
Type: Monster
Traits: Undead
To Defeat: Combat 12 or Arcane Divine 10
The Beheaded is immune to the Mental and Poison traits.
Before you act, roll 1d4. Each character at your location is dealt 1 damage of the type: 1. Fire 2. Acid 3. Cold 4. Electricity.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.
(BYA) Damage Type: 1d4 ⇒ 2 Skizza and Darago both take 1 Acid damage. Recharge Scarab Buckler to reduce my damage.
Reveal Double-Barreled Musket.
(Beheaded) Combat 12: 1d10 + 3 + 2 + 2d4 ⇒ (10) + 3 + 2 + (4, 3) = 22 Defeated.
Reload: 1d12 ⇒ 5
Resuming Henchman Fight.
Reveal Navigator Musket +1.
(Druj Nasu) Perception 6: 1d4 + 1d6 ⇒ (2) + (4) = 6
Discard Double-Barreled Musket. Recharge Master Gunner. Revealing Darago's Binder's Tome.
(Druj Nasu) Combat 15: 1d10 + 3 + 2 + 2d4 + 2d4 + 1d4 + 1d4 ⇒ (7) + 3 + 2 + (4, 3) + (2, 2) + (3) + (2) = 28 Defeated.
Reveal Navigator Musket. Qualzar's Blessing.
Wisdom 8: 1d6 + 1d6 + 1d6 ⇒ (6) + (2) + (2) = 10 Closed, draw Random Blessing 2: Thoth.
Hand: Bird Feather Tokens, Emerald of Dexterity, Blessing of Thoth, Dragon Pistol +1, Navigator Musket +1, Blessing of Osiris,
Displayed: Poisoned Bullets, Dragonbreath Shot,
Deck: 11 Discard: 3 Buried: 0
Notes: Free to use: Weapons and Blessings
Sideboard cards:
(Scenario) Warrior Dolls Location: 1d5 ⇒ 4 Vault of Hidden Wisdom.
Darago has to take 1 Acid damage and get Curse of Ravenous or mitigate it.
Estra and Honaire |
Estra starts her turn.
Blessing of the Elements discarded from the Blessings Deck.
Estra moves to the Vault of Hidden Wisdom, and examines the top card of it with her power.
Barrier 1
Traits: Trigger Trap Cold Arcane Veteran
To Defeat: Intelligence Arcane Knowledge 6 OR Wisdom 8
When you examine this card, succeed at a Wisdom check of 8 plus the scenario's adventure deck number; otherwise, you are dealt 1d4 Mental damage that may not be reduced.
The difficulty to defeat is increased by twice the scenario's adventure deck number.
If undefeated, each character at this location is dealt 1d4 Cold damage and is moved to a random other location.
Estra reveals Neferekhu to add 2 dice to her noncombat Wisdom check.
Wisdom 8+4: 3d10 + 2 ⇒ (6, 3, 4) + 2 = 15 -> Pass. No effect from the Trigger.
Neferekhu: Diplomacy 8 (Valet, Binder's Tome): 1d10 + 7 + 1d4 ⇒ (7) + 7 + (3) = 17 -> No effect. Estra draws a card (Restorative Touch) for passing a Charisma check.
There's the healing that both Qualzar and Darago need... but sadly I've already moved and can't use it. I may end up using it on myself to cure my Curse, then try to re-draw it.
Estra chooses not to discard or bury a card, and takes her free exploration to encounter the Void Glyph.
Estra reveals Neferekhu to add 2 dice to her noncombat Wisdom check.
Wisdom 8+8: 3d10 + 2 ⇒ (10, 4, 10) + 2 = 26 -> Pass. No effect from the Trigger.
Neferekhu: Diplomacy 8 (Valet, Binder's Tome): 1d10 + 7 + 1d4 ⇒ (6) + 7 + (3) = 16 -> No effect. Estra draws a card (Codex of Conversations) for passing a Charisma check.
Awesome; now my hand's properly set up.
Vault of Hidden Wisdom: Perception 7 (Neferekhu): 3d10 + 4 ⇒ (2, 6, 5) + 4 = 17 -> Pass.
Neferekhu: Diplomacy 8 (Valet, Binder's Tome): 1d10 + 7 + 1d4 ⇒ (3) + 7 + (3) = 13 -> No effect. Estra draws a card (Sign of the Thrush) for passing a Charisma check.
Estra explores again from the Vault of Hidden Wisdom's power.
Spell 1
Traits: Magic Divine
To Acquire: Wisdom Divine 5
During your turn, discard this card to examine the top card of your location deck. If it has the Undead trait, you may encounter it.
After playing this card, if you do not have the Divine skill, banish it; otherwise, you may succeed at a Divine 7 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Neferekhu: Diplomacy 8 (Valet, Binder's Tome): 1d10 + 7 + 1d4 ⇒ (2) + 7 + (2) = 11 -> No effect. Estra draws a card (Hypercognition) for passing a Charisma check.
Detect Undead acquired.
Estra reveals Restorative Touch to heal herself and banish Curse of the Ravenous.
Restorative Touch: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3 -> Estra shuffles all 2 cards (Spear of the Watchful Guardian, Idorii (Dip9)) from her discard pile into her deck.
Divine 11 (Neferekhu): 3d10 + 4 ⇒ (5, 5, 5) + 4 = 19 -> Restorative Touch recharged.
Neferekhu: Diplomacy 8 (Valet, Binder's Tome): 1d10 + 7 + 1d4 ⇒ (8) + 7 + (2) = 17 -> No effect. Estra draws a card (Sphere of Fire) for passing a Charisma check.
Estra displays Hypercognition next to her character card, adding 1 die to any Intelligence, Charisma or Wisdom check she makes during this turn.
Estra discards Sign of the Thrush to explore again.
Blessing B
Traits: Basic
To Acquire: Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma 6
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Recharge this card to add 1 die to any check that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Neferekhu: Diplomacy 8 (Valet, Binder's Tome, Hypercognition): 2d10 + 7 + 1d4 ⇒ (3, 9) + 7 + (1) = 20 -> No effect. Estra draws a card (Idorii (Dip9)) for passing a Charisma check.
Blessing of the Elements acquired.
Estra reveals Blessing of Qi Zhong to randomly shuffle Sign of the Thrush from her discard pile into her deck, then recharges Blessing of Qi Zhong (the Hour features a Wisdom check to acquire) and explores again.
Spell B
Traits: Magic Arcane Divine Mental Veteran
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane Wisdom Divine 6
Discard this card to add 1 plus the scenario's adventure deck number to any check to acquire or any check to close a location.
After playing this card, if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill, banish it; otherwise, you may succeed at an Arcane or Divine 8 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Neferekhu: Diplomacy 8 (Valet, Binder's Tome, Hypercognition): 2d10 + 7 + 1d4 ⇒ (5, 5) + 7 + (4) = 21 -> No effect. Estra draws a card (Cleric of Nethys (Dip9)) for passing a Charisma check.
Good Omen acquired.
Estra reveals Codex of Conversations and sets aside Idorii to explore again, adding 2d4 to her combat checks during this exploration.
The check to acquire Idorii auto-passes with all of my bonuses. Estra draws a card (Spear of the Watchful Guardian) for passing a Charisma check. Idorii (Dip9) recharged.
Monster 1
Traits: Trigger Undead Mummy Swarm
To Defeat: Combat 8 THEN Combat 8
When you examine this card, succeed at a Stealth 6 check or each character at your location summons and encounters an Ubashki Swarm.
The Ubashki Swarm is immune to the Mental and Poison traits.
If the Ubashki Swarm is not defeated by at least 2 on both checks, succeed at a Constitution or Fortitude 7 check or bury 1 card.
Estra displays Sphere of Fire for combat.
Warrior Dolls adds 1d6.
Combat 8 (Hypercognition): 2d10 + 4 + 1d6 + 2d4 + 1d6 ⇒ (2, 2) + 4 + (6) + (3, 2) + (5) = 24 -> Pass. Estra draws a card (Create Mindscape) for passing a combat check.
Estra uses her displayed Sphere of Fire for the second combat check.
Combat 8 (Hypercognition): 2d10 + 4 + 1d6 + 2d4 + 1d6 ⇒ (4, 2) + 4 + (5) + (2, 3) + (4) = 24 -> Pass. Estra draws a card (Sign of the Thrush) for passing a combat check.
Ubashki Swarm defeated.
Vault of Hidden Wisdom: Perception 7 (Neferekhu, Hypercognition): 4d10 + 4 ⇒ (5, 4, 9, 6) + 4 = 28 -> Pass.
Estra autopasses the check against Neferekhu. Estra draws a card (Restorative Touch) for passing a Charisma check.
Estra explores again from the Vault of Hidden Wisdom's power.
Weapon 4
Traits: Whip Melee Piercing Poison Finesse Magic
To Acquire: Strength Melee 11
Reveal this card when you encounter a monster to ignore any non-villain, non-henchman monster powers that would trigger before you act, then for your combat check, use your Strength or Melee skill +1d8+1. If proficient with weapons, you may add or subtract 4 from your result.
If you would fail this check, and you are proficient with weapons, you may discard this card to ignore the result and evade the bane.
Estra places Honaire on top of her deck to add 1d6+4 to her Strength check.
Strength 11: 1d4 + 5 + 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 5 + (3) + 4 = 16 -> Pass.
Estra automatically recharges Good Omen with Hypercognition and Neferekhu's help, and autopasses the check against Neferekhu. Estra draws a card (Honaire) for passing a Charisma check.
Thousand Stings Whip acquired.
Estra displays Create Mindscape at the Alchemical Laboratory.
Estra sets aside Detect Undead to examine the top card of her location deck.
Vault of Hidden Wisdom Card 7: Sunrod
Estra automatically recharges Detect Undead with Hypercognition and Neferekhu's help, and autopasses the check against Neferekhu. Estra chooses not to draw a card for passing a Charisma check.
Estra discards Sign of the Thrush to explore again.
Item 4
Traits: Staff Attack Alchemical
To Acquire: Strength Melee 10 OR Intelligence Craft 12
For your combat check, reveal this card and recharge an item that has the Alchemical trait to use your Melee or Craft skill + 3d6. Add an additional 1d6 if the bane has the Undead or Poison trait.
Divine 11 (Neferekhu, Hypercognition): 4d10 + 4 ⇒ (4, 8, 7, 5) + 4 = 28 -> Swipe recharged.
Estra autopasses the check against Neferekhu. Estra chooses not to draw a card for passing a Charisma check.
Estra reveals Codex of Conversations and sets aside Valet to explore again, adding 1d6 to her non-combat checks during this exploration.
The check to acquire Valet auto-passes with all of my bonuses. Estra chooses not to draw a card for passing a Charisma check. Valet recharged.
Henchman 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Fortitude Perception 6 THEN Combat Divine 15
The Druj Nasu is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, a character at your location summons and encounters the henchman Beheaded.
If the check to defeat has the Acid or Electricity trait, subtract 1 from each die.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.
Henchman Monster 1
Combat 12
Arcane Divine 10
The Beheaded is immune to the Mental and Poison traits.
Before you act, roll 1d4. Each character at your location is dealt 1 damage of this type:
1. Fire
2. Acid
3. Cold
4. Electricity
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.
Cogsnap takes 1 Cold damage.
Estra uses her displayed Sphere of Fire for combat check.
Warrior Dolls adds 1d6.
Estra topdecks Honaire to add 1d6+4.
Combat 12 (Hypercognition): 2d10 + 4 + 1d6 + 1d6 + 4 + 1d6 ⇒ (7, 10) + 4 + (6) + (1) + 4 + (5) = 37 -> Pass. Estra draws a card (Honaire) for passing a combat check.
Beheaded defeated.
Estra moves onto the first check to defeat Druj Nasu.
Warrior Dolls adds 1d6.
Perception 6 (Neferekhu, Hypercognition): 4d10 + 4 + 1d6 ⇒ (9, 3, 3, 5) + 4 + (3) = 27 -> Pass.
Estra autopasses the check against Neferekhu. Estra chooses not to draw a card for passing a Charisma check.
Estra uses Divine for the second check to defeat Druj Nasu.
Warrior Dolls adds 1d6..
Combat 15 (Neferekhu, Hypercognition): 4d10 + 4 + 1d6 ⇒ (9, 4, 3, 3) + 4 + (5) = 28 -> Pass. Estra chooses not to draw a card for passing a combat check.
Estra autopasses the check against Neferekhu. Estra draws a card (Sign of the Newlyweds) for passing a Charisma check.
Druj Nasu defeated.
Estra attempts to close the Vault of Hidden Wisdom by summoning a random barrier...
Barrier C
Traits: Obstacle Acid Elite
To Defeat: Intelligence Disable Craft 7
If undefeated, display this barrier next to the location deck.
If you start your turn at this location, bury a weapon or an armor. Then you may succeed at a Constitution, Fortitude, Intelligence, or Craft 7 check to banish this card.
Estra recharges Blessing of the Elements to add a die to her Acid-invoking check.
Intelligence 7: 2d8 ⇒ (5, 7) = 12 -> Alchemical Gas defeated.
Vault of Hidden Wisdom is closed.
Estra autopasses Vault of Hidden Wisdom's Perception 7 check (with Neferekhu's help) when permanently closed to recharge Sign of the Thrush from her discard pile. She also autopasses the check against Neferekhu, as usual, but chooses not to draw a card from passing a Charisma check.
As the vast Div makes to attack the party, Estra takes advantage of the distraction caused by the golems to flee to the previously-secured Altar of Riddles, having an idea.
"What is the strongest power in the world?" A voice booms. Why does it sometimes choose voice and sometimes choose text?
Regardless, Estra ignores the speaking-Altar, tired of its games. Instead, she turns to the an adjoining trove of magic and knowledge beside the Altar - a Vault of old wisdom - attempting to set upon new, specialized magic wards there. She pulls upon the knowledge of ancient sages who previously walked the vault, hearing their whispers and drawing upon their power to set new, deadly magical traps over the area. Estra has grown stronger in communion with the ancient spirits here.
As the spiritualist reinforces the wards, Estra works out how to turn them into a makeshift magical trap - if the Div tries to enter, he'll be in for a nasty surprise.
"What is the strongest power in the world?" Calls the Altar from the adjoining room.
And no, the surprise won't be 'friendship'.
Sadly, there's not a single card in my deck that lets me explore again, so there's no way of continuing my turn (hence why I gave up on card draws a while back, for the most part). However, now that Qualzar's here...
Estra reveals Restorative Touch to heal Qualzar.
Restorative Touch: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5 -> Qualzar shuffles 5 random cards from his discard pile into his deck. Nice!
Divine 11 (Neferekhu, Hypercognition): 4d10 + 4 ⇒ (1, 5, 1, 9) + 4 = 20 -> Restorative Touch recharged.
Estra autopasses the check against Neferekhu, as usual, but chooses not to draw a card from passing a Charisma check.
As Estra is working to build the wards, Qualzar unexpectedly steps out through a sudden rip in space - a portal bright enough to partially blind the old spiritualist.
"I heard you were setting traps, and came 'running'!" Qualzar cackles as he steps out of the lightning-like tear in reality.
"What is the strongest power in the world?" Booms a familiar voice. The sorcerer's shoulders slump in mock disappointment.
"You haven't shut that thing up yet?"
Estra ignores Qualzar's complaints; seeing his wounds (she's never seen someone with electricity, acid, fire and frost burns all clustered together - what on earth kind of spells has he been playing with!?) and summoning mending magics to help him recover.
Estra ends her turn.
Estra attempts to recharge Sphere of Fire.
Divine 9 (Neferekhu, Hypercognition): 4d10 + 4 ⇒ (5, 1, 6, 5) + 4 = 21 -> Sphere of Fire recharged. Estra autopasses the check against Neferekhu, as usual, but chooses not to draw a card from passing a Charisma check.
Estra attempts to recharge Hypercognition.
Perception 11 (Neferekhu): 4d10 + 4 ⇒ (10, 1, 9, 6) + 4 = 30 -> Hypercognition recharged. She no longer autopasses the check against Neferekhu, so...
Neferekhu: Diplomacy 8 (Binder's Tome): 1d10 + 5 + 1d4 ⇒ (4) + 5 + (4) = 13 -> No effect. Estra chooses not to draw a card, as is now usual.
Random Open Location: 1d4 ⇒ 3 -> The Warrior Dolls is moved to the Silver Forge.
Estra resets her hand, choosing to discard Spear of the Watchful Guardian and Sunrod to bring herself down to hand size.
Hand: Honaire, Binder's Tome, Neferekhu, Codex of Conversations, Cleric of Nethys (Dip9), Sign of the Newlyweds,
Displayed: Create Mindscape (Alchemical Laboratory),
Deck: 13 Discard: 3 Buried: 0
Notes: Sign of the Newlyweds is available.
Dexterity d4 [ ] +1 [ ]+2
Constitution d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Intelligence d8 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
Knowledge: Intelligence +1
Wisdom d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [ ] +3 [ ] +4
Divine: Wisdom +2
Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [ ] +3
*Diplomacy: Charisma +3
Favored Card: Loot Ally Honaire
Hand Size 5 [X] 6 [ ] 7
Proficient with: Light Armors
At the end of your move step, you may examine the top card of your location deck. ([ ] If the card has a power that happens when examined, you may instead shuffle a card into your deck to ignore the power.) You may bury ([X] or discard) a card to encounter the card; during this encounter, add 1d6 ([ ]+1) to your Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution checks.
When you succeed at a combat ([X] or Charisma) check, you may draw a card ([ ] or shuffle a random card from your discard pile into your deck).
[X] When the ally Honaire would be shuffled into your deck, you may set it aside and, after shuffling, put it on top of your deck.
[ ] At the start of your turn, you may exchange an ally ([ ] or a blessing) in your hand with an ally in your discard pile.
[X] *Gain the skill Diplomacy: Charisma +3.
[ ] Instead of the first exploration of your turn, each character at your location may shuffle a random ally from his discard pile into his deck.
[ ] [ ] Cleanser of Abominations (Silver Crusade Faction Reward): On your turn, you may check an unchecked box that precedes this reward to banish a scourge or a card that has the Curse trait.
(You may use this reward up to 2 additional times if you fulfill the following requirements. When you fulfill the requirement, check the box that precedes it; when you use the reward, cross that line off.)
[X] Defeat a villain or henchman that has the Demon, Fiend, or Undead trait.
Die Bumps remaining: 1
Turn summary and relevant points for other characters.
Cogsnap takes 1 Cold damage.
Qualzar cast Dimension Leap to move to the Vault of Hidden Wisdom, then was healed for 5 cards.
The Vault of Hidden Wisdom is closed.
BR Yewstance |
A reminder that Darago still needs to take damage and suffer a Scourge.
Cogsnap needs to take damage.
Qualzar needs to attempt to recharge Dimension Leap, then is healed for 5.
During This Adventure:
During This Scenario:
Additional Rules:
2. Estra
3. Cogsnap
4. Lini
5. Darago
6. Qualzar
Villain 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Combat 25 OR Divine 18
The Sepid is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, each character at your location must succeed at a Dexterity or Acrobatics 12 check or be dealt 1d6 Combat damage.
If the check to defeat has the Acid, Attack, Electricity, or Ranged trait, subtract 1 from each die.
Henchman 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Fortitude Perception 6 THEN Combat Divine 15
The Druj Nasu is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, a character at your location summons and encounters the henchman Beheaded. If the check to defeat has the Acid or Electricity trait, subtract 1 from each die.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.
Barrier 4
Traits: Trap Lock Poison
To Defeat: Dexterity Disable Stealth 10 OR Strength 13
If undefeated, you are dealt 1d4 Poison damage then display this card next to your deck. While displayed, you may not move. At the end of your turn, 1 character at your location may succeed at a check to defeat this barrier.
Turn: 13, Cogsnap/VampByDay
1-2. Curse of Poisoning
3. Curse of Vulnerability
4. Curse of Daybane
5. Curse of the Ravenous
6. Curse of Withering
7. Curse of Fevered Dreams
8. Curse of the Sphinx
9. Curse of Blindness
10. Curse of the Mummy
Monster 1
Monster 2
Traits: Outsider Psychopomp
To Defeat: Combat 13
The Vanth is immune to the Poison trait.
Before you act, suffer a scourge.
Monster 2
Monster B
Traits: Trigger Gnoll Wizard Elite
To Defeat: Combat 9
When you examine this card, encounter it; its difficulty to defeat is increased by 3.
Before you act, the Bonecrusher Wizard deals 1 Cold damage to you.
After you act, the Bonecrusher Wizard deals 1 Poison damage to you.
Monster 3
Monster B
Traits: Human Veteran
To Defeat: Stealth 7 OR Combat 9
The difficulty to defeat is increased by the scenario's adventure deck number.
If undefeated, the Caravan Raider deals no damage; instead, banish a boon.
Monster 4
Monster B
Traits: Trigger Elemental Outsider Janni Veteran
To Defeat: Combat 8
When you examine this card, summon and encounter a random monster that has the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.
The difficulty of checks against the Geniekin is increased by twice the scenario's adventure deck number.
Monster 5
Monster 1
Traits: Undead
To Defeat: Combat 8 THEN Combat 10
The Coffer Corpse is immune to the Mental and Poison traits.
If undefeated, move to a random location.
Barrier 1
Barrier 1
Traits: Trigger Trap Cold Arcane Veteran
To Defeat: Intelligence Arcane Knowledge 6 OR Wisdom 8
When you examine this card, succeed at a Wisdom check of 8 plus the scenario's adventure deck number; otherwise, you are dealt 1d4 Mental damage that may not be reduced.
The difficulty to defeat is increased by twice the scenario's adventure deck number.
If undefeated, each character at this location is dealt 1d4 Cold damage and is moved to a random other location.
Barrier 2
Barrier B
Traits: Trigger Cache Lock Poison Veteran
To Defeat: Disable 6 OR Craft 8
When you examine this card, shuffle a weapon, an armor, or an item from your hand into your location deck.
The difficulty to defeat is increased by the scenario's adventure deck number.
If defeated by at least 4, draw an item from the box.
If defeated by less than 4, you are dealt 1d4 Poison damage, then draw 2 items from the box.
Barrier 3
Barrier 1
Traits: Trigger Curse Undead Elite
To Defeat: Wisdom Divine Charisma Diplomacy 8
When you examine this card, display it next to your deck.
If undefeated, display this card next to your deck.
While displayed, your Intelligence and Wisdom skills are each d4. During your exploration, when you encounter a monster, evade it. When any character starts her turn at your location, she may encounter this card; if defeated, banish it.
Barrier 4
Barrier 4
Traits: Trigger Obstacle Sphinx
To Defeat: Dexterity Stealth Perception Wisdom 12
When you examine this card, recharge your hand, reset your hand, then you are dealt 1d4 Mental damage that may not be reduced.
If undefeated, each character at this location is dealt 1d4 Combat damage. Then leave this barrier faceup on its location deck; characters at this location encounter this barrier as their first exploration each turn until the barrier is defeated. At the end of your turn, succeed at a Strength 14 check to defeat this barrier.
Barrier 5
Barrier C
Traits: Obstacle Acid Elite
To Defeat: Intelligence Disable Craft 7
If undefeated, display this barrier next to the location deck.
If you start your turn at this location, bury a weapon or an armor. Then you may succeed at a Constitution, Fortitude, Intelligence, or Craft 7 check to banish this card.
Weapon 1
Weapon B
Traits: Firearm Ranged Piercing 2-Handed Alchemical Elite
To Acquire: Dexterity Ranged Craft 5
For your combat check, bury this card to roll 2d12; you may instead banish this card to roll 4d8.
Weapon 2
Weapon 1
Traits: Sling Ranged Bludgeoning Magic
To Acquire: Dexterity Ranged 6
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Dexterity or Ranged skill + 1d6+1; you may additionally discard this card to add another 2d4 and the Cold trait.
Weapon 3
Weapon 4
Traits: Sword Melee Slashing Magic Finesse
To Acquire: Strength Melee 12
For your combat check, reveal this card to roll your Strength or Melee skill + 1d6+2; you may additionally discard this card to add another 1d6+1. If not proficient with weapons, the difficulty of this check is increased by 4.
Recharge this card to move to another location. You may not use this power during an encounter.
Weapon 4
Weapon B
Traits: Knife Ranged Piercing Magic Elite
To Acquire: Dexterity Ranged 7
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Dexterity or Ranged skill + 1d4+1; you may additionally recharge this card to add another 1d4 and the Acid trait.
When playing another weapon, you may discard this card to add 1d4+1 to your combat check.
Weapon 5
Weapon 1
Traits: Knife Ranged Slashing Electricity Magic Elite
To Acquire: Dexterity Ranged 8
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Dexterity or Ranged skill + 1d8+1; you may additionally discard this card to add another 1d6.
If proficient with weapons, discard this card to ignore a non-villain monster's power that happens before you act.
If proficient with weapons, on your combat check, if you played another weapon, discard this card to add 1d4+1 and the Electricity trait.
Spell 1
Spell B
Traits: Magic Arcane Divine Attack Poison Elite
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane Wisdom Divine 4
For your combat check, discard this card to use your Arcane or Divine skill + 1d8. If the bane is a monster, you may use the result for any additional combat checks to defeat it.
After playing this card, if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill, banish it; otherwise, succeed at an Arcane or Divine 6 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Spell 2
Spell 3
Traits: Magic Arcane Divine
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane Wisdom Divine 10
Discard this card to evade a non-villain, non-henchmen monster that does not have the Incorporeal trait.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to a check to defeat a barrier that has the Obstacle or Trap trait.
After playing this card, if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill, banish it; otherwise, you may succeed at an Arcane or Divine 12 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Spell 3
Spell 4
Traits: Magic Arcane Divine Attack Poison
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane Wisdom Divine 10
For your combat check, discard this card to use your Arcane, Divine, or Melee skill + 3d6. You may apply this result to any further combat checks against the same bane. If you fail any check, and you are proficient with weapons, the bane deals no damage.
After playing this card, if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill, banish it; otherwise, you may succeed at an Arcane or Divine 12 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Spell 4
Spell B
Traits: Magic Arcane Divine
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane Wisdom Divine 6
Discard this card to choose a type of card and examine the top 3 cards of your location deck. If there are any cards of the chosen type, set them aside. Return the remaining cards to the deck, shuffle it, then put the cards you set aside together in any order at either the top or bottom of the deck.
After playing this card, if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill, banish it; otherwise, you may succeed at an Arcane or Divine 8 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Spell 5
Spell 3
Traits: Magic Arcane Divine
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane Wisdom Divine 9
Display this card. While displayed, if you examine a bane that has the Trigger trait, add 1 die to your checks against it, and ignore any abilities that increase its check to defeat. At the end of your turn, discard this card.
After playing this card, if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill, banish it; otherwise, succeed at an Arcane or Divine 11 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Armor 1
Armor 2
Traits: Light Armor Magic
To Acquire: Constitution Fortitude 7 OR Intelligence Arcane 8
Recharge this card to add 1d8 to your Stealth check or reduce Combat or Poison damage dealt to you by 3.
Banish this card to evade a monster that does not have the Incorporeal trait, or to reduce Combat or Poison damage dealt to you to 0. If proficient with light armors, bury this card instead.
If proficent with light armors, you may recharge this card when you reset your hand.
Armor 2
Armor 3
Traits: Light Armor Magic
To Acquire: Constitution Fortitude Charisma Diplomacy 9
Reveal this card to reduce Acid, Combat, Electricity, or Fire damage dealt to you by 2 or add 2 to your Charisma or Diplomacy non-combat check.
Banish this card to reduce Acid, Combat, Electricity, or Fire damage dealt to you to 0. If proficient with light armors, bury this card instead.
If proficient with light armors, recharge this card to draw an ally from your discard pile.
Armor 3
Armor 1
Traits: Clothing Light Armor Offhand Magic
To Acquire: Intelligence Knowledge 8
If you played a weapon that has the 2-Handed trait on this check, you may not play this card.
Recharge this card to reduce all damage dealt to you by 3. If proficient with light armors, you may also play another armor on this check.
Armor 4
Armor B
Traits: Accessory Light Armor Elite
To Acquire: Constitution Fortitude 4 OR Intelligence Craft Survival 6
Reveal this card to reduce Acid, Electricity, or Poison damage dealt to you by 1.
If proficient with light armors, bury this card to reduce Acid, Electricity, or Poison damage dealt to you to 0. You may succeed at an Intelligence or Craft 8 check to recharge this armor instead.
Armor 5
Armor 2
Traits: Light Armor Magic
To Acquire: Constitution Fortitude 8
Recharge this card to reduce Acid, Combat, Electricity, or Fire damage dealt to you by 3.
Banish this card to reduce Acid, Combat, Electricity, or Fire damage dealt to you by 5. If proficient with light armors, bury this card instead.
If proficient with light armors, you may recharge this card when you reset your hand.
Item 1
Item B
Traits: Trigger Object Magic Horus
To Acquire: Dexterity Knowledge Divine 6
When you examine this card, you may reveal a blessing that has the Horus trait to acquire this card.
Recharge this card to add 1 die to your Dexterity non-combat check or your check against a bane that invokes the Electricity trait.
Recharge this card to add the Electricity trait to your check.
Item 2
Item B
Traits: Accessory Tool
To Acquire: Intelligence Craft Disable 6
Recharge this card to add 1d8 to your Craft or Disable check.
Item 3
Item B
Traits: Accessory Magic
To Acquire: Wisdom 5
During your encounter, recharge this card to gain the skill Divine: Wisdom +2; characters may not play blessings that have the Divine trait.
Recharge this card to add the Magic trait to your check.
Item 4
Item B
Traits: Object Magic Maat
To Acquire: Constitution Knowledge Divine 5
Recharge this card to add 1 die to your Constitution non-combat check.
After you roll the dice on your check, recharge this card to add or subtract 1 from the result.
Item 5
Item 1
Traits: Accessory Magic
To Acquire: Dexterity Intelligence 6
At the start of your turn, reveal this card to examine the top card of your deck. You may additionally discard this card to add the examined card to your hand; otherwise, put the examined card on the top or bottom of your deck.
Ally 1
Ally C
Traits: Human Cleric
To Acquire: Divine Charisma Diplomacy 8
Recharge this card to add your Wisdom skill to your check that invokes the Cold or Undead trait.
Discard this card to examine the top 3 cards of your location. Then you may explore your location.
Ally 2
Ally 1
Traits: Half-Elf Fighter
To Acquire: Melee Charisma Diplomacy 9
If you fail to acquire this card, you are dealt 1d4 Combat damage.
Recharge this card to add 1d4 to a combat check by a character at your location.
Discard this card to explore your location. During this exploration, add 2d4 to all combat checks.
Ally 3
Ally 4
Traits: Sphinx Maftet
To Acquire: Charisma Diplomacy 11
Discard this card to add 2d6 and the Melee trait to a combat check at another location.
Discard this card to recharge any number of cards, then explore your location. If you encounter a monster during this exploration, you may add 2d6 to your combat checks.
Ally 4
Ally 2
Traits: Trigger Caligni Oracle
To Acquire: Perception Charisma Diplomacy 11
When you examine this card, shuffle it back into its deck.
If you fail to acquire Unwrapped Harmony, move to a random other location and end your turn.
Discard this card to examine the top 3 cards of your location and put them back in any order; then explore your location.
Ally 5
Ally 2
Traits: Half-Elf Shopkeeper Aspis
To Acquire: Charisma Diplomacy 6
At the start of your turn, recharge this card to draw 2 cards. If either card drawn has the Aspis trait, you may draw an additional card.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Blessing 1
Blessing 1
Traits: Divine Thoth Cold
To Acquire: Wisdom Knowledge OR OR Divine 10
Discard this card to add 1 die and the Cold trait to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any Wisdom non-combat check or check that invokes the Cold trait.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location. If the card has the Undead trait, you may explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessing 2
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Basic
To Acquire: Divine 3
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location, then you may explore your location.
After you play this card, if the top card of the blessings discard pile has the Basic trait, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessing 3
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Abadar
To Acquire: Dexterity Disable 6 OR Divine 5
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any check to defeat a barrier.
Discard this card to explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessing 4
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Nethys
To Acquire: Wisdom Perception 8 OR Divine 5
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck and put them back in any order; then explore the location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessing 5
Blessing 1
Traits: Divine Thoth Cold
To Acquire: Wisdom Knowledge OR OR Divine 10
Discard this card to add 1 die and the Cold trait to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any Wisdom non-combat check or check that invokes the Cold trait.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location. If the card has the Undead trait, you may explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Top of Blessing Discard Pile:
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Nethys
To Acquire: Wisdom Perception 8 OR Divine 5
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck and put them back in any order; then explore the location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessings Remaining: 18
Blessings Deck
Blessings Deck Card 1 - Turn 1 Lini
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Nethys
To Acquire: Wisdom Perception 8 OR Divine 5
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck and put them back in any order; then explore the location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessings Deck Card 2 - Turn 2 Darago
Blessing B
Traits: Basic
To Acquire: Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma 6
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Recharge this card to add 1 die to any check that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Blessings Deck Card 3 - Turn 3 Qualzar
Blessing C
Traits: Divine Wadjet
To Acquire: Divine 5 OR Intelligence Knowledge 7
Reveal this card to add 1d4 to your check to acquire a boon.
Discard this card to add 2d8 to any check to acquire a boon.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location; then you may explore your location, adding 1 die to your checks to acquire a boon during that exploration.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, draw a card.
Blessings Deck Card 4 - Turn 4 Skizza
Blessing 3
Traits: Divine Isis Acid
To Acquire: Divine 7 OR Intelligence Craft 11
Discard this card to add 1 die and the Acid trait to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any Intelligence check or check that invokes the Acid or Construct traits.
Discard this card to explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge a random card that has the Magic trait from your discard pile.
Blessings Deck Card 5 - Turn 5 Estra
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Basic
To Acquire: Divine 3
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location, then you may explore your location.
After you play this card, if the top card of the blessings discard pile has the Basic trait, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessings Deck Card 6 - Turn 6 Cogsnap
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Wadjet
To Acquire: Divine 5 OR Intelligence Knowledge 7
Reveal this card to add 1d4 to your check to acquire a boon.
Discard this card to add 2d8 to any check to acquire a boon.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location; then you may explore your location, adding 1 die to your checks to acquire a boon during that exploration.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, draw a card.
Blessings Deck Card 7 - Turn 7 Lini
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Bastet Gambling
To Acquire: Divine 6 OR Stealth Disable Craft 8
Recharge this card to allow a character at your location to reroll 1 die on his check, or bury it to reroll all the dice; that character takes the new result.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location. If it is a bane, encounter that bane and the bane may not be evaded; otherwise, you may encounter the card.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, you may search your deck for a non-blessing card that has the Gambling trait and draw it.
Blessings Deck Card 8 - Turn 8 Darago
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Nethys
To Acquire: Wisdom Perception 8 OR Divine 5
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck and put them back in any order; then explore the location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessings Deck Card 9 - Turn 9 Qualzar
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Horus Electricity
To Acquire: Divine 6 OR Dexterity Ranged 7
Discard this card to add 1 die and the Electricity trait to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any Dexterity non-combat check or check that invokes the Electricity trait.
Discard this card to move, then you may explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, you may move.
Blessings Deck Card 10 - Turn 10 Skizza
Blessing 4
Traits: Divine Osiris Healing
To Acquire: Divine 8
Discard this card to add 1d4 to any check that invokes the Healing trait.
Discard when you shuffle cards from your discard pile into your deck. Shuffle in an additional 1d4.
Discard this card to explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, each character at your location may recharge a random card from their discard pile.
Blessings Deck Card 11 - Turn 11 Estra
Blessing B
Traits: Basic
To Acquire: Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma 6
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Recharge this card to add 1 die to any check that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Blessings Deck Card 12 - Turn 12 Cogsnap
Blessing 4
Traits: Divine Anubis Poison Mummy
To Acquire: Divine 8 OR Charisma Diplomacy 11
Discard this card to add 1 die and the Poison trait to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any Charisma check or to any check against a bane that has the Mummy or Undead trait; ignore that bane's immunities.
Discard this card to explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessings Deck Card 13 - Turn 13 Lini
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Bastet Gambling
To Acquire: Divine 6 OR Stealth Disable Craft 8
Recharge this card to allow a character at your location to reroll 1 die on his check, or bury it to reroll all the dice; that character takes the new result.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location. If it is a bane, encounter that bane and the bane may not be evaded; otherwise, you may encounter the card.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, you may search your deck for a non-blessing card that has the Gambling trait and draw it.
Blessings Deck Card 14 - Turn 14 Darago
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Ra Fire
To Acquire: Divine 6 OR Strength Melee 8
Discard this card to add 1 die and the Fire trait to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any Strength non-combat check or check that invokes the Fire trait.
Discard this card to explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessings Deck Card 15 - Turn 15 Qualzar
Blessing B
Traits: Basic
To Acquire: Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma 6
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Recharge this card to add 1 die to any check that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Blessings Deck Card 16 - Turn 16 Skizza
Blessing 2
Traits: Divine Maat
To Acquire: Divine 6 OR Constitution Fortitude 10
Discard this card after any check is rolled to add or subtract up to 3 from the result.
Recharge this card to reduce damage dealt to you by 2.
Discard this card to exchange all dice that would be rolled on a non-combat check with d8s.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, you may discard any number of cards to allow a character at your location to recharge that same number of random cards from his discard pile.
Blessings Deck Card 17 - Turn 17 Estra
Blessing 2
Traits: Divine Maat
To Acquire: Divine 6 OR Constitution Fortitude 10
Discard this card after any check is rolled to add or subtract up to 3 from the result.
Recharge this card to reduce damage dealt to you by 2.
Discard this card to exchange all dice that would be rolled on a non-combat check with d8s.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, you may discard any number of cards to allow a character at your location to recharge that same number of random cards from his discard pile.
Blessings Deck Card 18 - Turn 18 Cogsnap
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Basic
To Acquire: Divine 3
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location, then you may explore your location.
After you play this card, if the top card of the blessings discard pile has the Basic trait, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Location #1: Alchemical Laboratory
At This Location (Open): If you defeat a bane by 4 or more, each character at this location is dealt 1d4 Acid damage.
When Closing: Succeed at an Intelligence or Craft check with a difficulty of 5 plus the scenario's adventure deck number.
When Permanently Closed: On closing, draw 3 random items that have the Alchemical trait from the box and shuffle them into this location.
M: 1 Ba: 2 W: 0 Sp: 1 Ar: 0 I: 2 Al: 1 Bl: 0 ?: 1
Located/Displayed Here: Create Mindscape Displayed
Ally 3
Traits: Human Fighter
To Acquire: Combat 11
When you encounter this card, you may reveal a blessing that has the Abadar trait to acquire this card.
Bury this card to recharge any number of blessings that has the Abadar trait from your discard pile.
Discard this card to explore your location. Add 1d8 to any combat checks during this exploration.
Spell B
Traits: Magic Arcane Acid Attack
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane 4
For your combat or disable check, discard this card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6.
After playing this card, if you do not have the Arcane skill, banish it; otherwise, succeed at an Arcane 6 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Item 1
Traits: Tool Alchemical
To Acquire: Intelligence Craft 8
Discard this card at the start of your turn to move any number of characters to your location.
Banish this card to add 1d8 to Stealth checks by characters at your location this turn.
Item 3
Traits: Object Magic
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane 9
Recharge this card to reroll 1 die on a check by a character at your location.
On your turn, you may give this card to a character at another location; you may additionally give him a weapon, an armor, or an item. Then that character must recharge this card.
Monster 1
Traits: Undead
To Defeat: Combat 8 THEN Combat 10
The Coffer Corpse is immune to the Mental and Poison traits.
If undefeated, move to a random location.
Barrier 3
Traits: Trigger Trap Skirmish Magic
To Defeat: Intelligence Arcane Knowledge 13 OR Wisdom Survival 10
When you examine this card, encounter it.
If undefeated, each character at your location must summon and encounter the henchman Blightwing. Then banish this card.
Henchman 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Fortitude Perception 6 THEN Combat Divine 15
The Druj Nasu is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, a character at your location summons and encounters the henchman Beheaded.
If the check to defeat has the Acid or Electricity trait, subtract 1 from each die.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.
Barrier 2
Traits: Trap Magic Fire Elite
To Defeat: Constitution 6 OR Dexterity Acrobatics Disable 8
If undefeated, each character at your location is dealt 1d4 Fire damage.
Location #2: Mumia Lab
At This Location (Open): At the start of your turn, succeed at a Constitution 4 check or draw the scourge Curse of Withering from the box.
When Closing: Summon and defeat the henchman Crawling Hands.
When Permanently Closed: On closing, draw a random item that has the Alchemical trait from the box.
M: 2 Ba: 1 W: 0 Sp: 0 Ar: 0 I: 1 Al: 0 Bl: 0 ?: 1
Located/Displayed Here:
Villain 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Combat 25 OR Divine 18
The Sepid is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, each character at your location must succeed at a Dexterity or Acrobatics 12 check or be dealt 1d6 Combat damage.
If the check to defeat has the Acid, Attack, Electricity, or Ranged trait, subtract 1 from each die.
Barrier 3
Traits: Trigger Trap Magic Cold Arcane
To Defeat: Intelligence Arcane Knowledge 10 OR Wisdom 12
When you examine this card, succeed at an Intelligence or Arcane 10 check; otherwise, you are dealt 1d6 Cold damage.
If undefeated, each character at this location is dealt 1d4 Cold damage and is moved to a random other location.
Monster B
Traits: Human Veteran
To Defeat: Stealth 7 OR Combat 9
The difficulty to defeat is increased by the scenario's adventure deck number.
If undefeated, the Caravan Raider deals no damage; instead, banish a boon.
Monster 3
Traits: Undead
To Defeat: Combat 15
The Guecubu is immune to the Electricity, Mental, and Poison traits.
After you act, suffer a scourge.
Item C
Traits: Accessory
To Acquire: Intelligence Craft Wisdom Survival 6
Recharge this card to add 1 die to your check that invokes the Electricity or Fire trait.
Location #3: Silver Forge
At This Location (Open): Discard a card to add 1d6 and the Fire trait to your combat check.
When Closing: Summon and acquire a random armor from the box.
When Permanently Closed: At the end of your turn, you may recharge an armor card from your discard pile.
M: 2 Ba: 1 W: 1 Sp: 0 Ar: 2 I: 0 Al: 1 Bl: 0 ?: 1
Located/Displayed Here: (Toxic Geyser, Rukh, Djinni Quarterstaff, Elemental Arachnid), WARRIOR DOLLS DISPLAYED: +1d6 to checks to defeat monsters
Weapon B
Traits: Staff Melee Bludgeoning 2-Handed Magic Elite
To Acquire: Strength Melee 6 OR Arcane Divine 8
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 1d6+1; you may additionally discard this card to add another 1d6.
You may discard this card to shuffle your location deck; if you succeed at an Arcane or Divine 10 check, you may recharge this card instead.
Ally 1
Traits: Half-Elf Alchemist Hireling Aspis
To Acquire: Intelligence Craft Charisma Diplomacy 10
If you fail to acquire this card, you are dealt 1d4 Poison damage.
Recharge this card to add your Craft skill and the Poison trait to a combat check by a character at your location.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Armor 2
Traits: Clothing Light Armor Magic
To Acquire: Constitution Fortitude 8
Recharge this card to reduce Cold, Combat, Electricity, or Poison damage dealt to you by 3.
Banish this card to reduce Cold, Combat, Electricity, or Poison damage dealt to you by 5. If proficient with light armors, bury this card instead.
If proficent with light armors, you may recharge this card when you reset your hand.
Monster 4
Traits: Construct
To Defeat: Combat 17
The Elemental Arachnid is immune to the Mental and Poison traits. You may play any number of armors in this encounter.
Before you act, you are dealt 1 Acid damage, then 1 Cold damage, then 1 Electricity damage, then 1 Fire damage.
If undefeated, the Elemental Arachnid deals no damage; instead, you are dealt 1d4 Acid damage, then 1d4 Cold damage, then 1d4 Electricity damage, then 1d4 Fire damage.
Monster 3
Traits: Animal Acid
To Defeat: Combat 13 THEN Combat 13
If your check to defeat does not have the Attack or Ranged trait, the difficulty is increased by 4.
Damage dealt by the Rukh is Acid damage.
If undefeated, move to a random location.
Barrier B
Traits: Trap Acid Fire Poison Veteran
To Defeat: Dexterity Acrobatics Wisdom Survival 5
The difficulty to defeat is increased by twice the scenario's adventure deck number.
If undefeated, roll a number of d6s equal to the scenario's adventure deck plus 1. For each die:
1-2. You are dealt 2 Fire damage.
3-4. You are dealt 2 Acid damage; discard a weapon or armor.
5-6. You are dealt 2 Poison damage.
Henchman 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Fortitude Perception 6 THEN Combat Divine 15
The Druj Nasu is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, a character at your location summons and encounters the henchman Beheaded.
If the check to defeat has the Acid or Electricity trait, subtract 1 from each die.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.
Armor 4
Traits: Light Armor Magic
To Acquire: Constitution Fortitude Wisdom Divine 10
Recharge this card to reduce all damage dealt to you by 2. If proficient with light armors, you may play another armor on this check.
For your combat check, recharge this card to roll your Arcane or Divine skill + 2d6. If the bane has the Undead trait, you may bury this card to add another 1d6. This counts as playing a spell.
If proficient with light armors, you may recharge this card when you play a spell.
Location #4: Crypt
At This Location (Open):
M: 0 Ba: 0 W: 0 Sp: 0 Ar: 0 I: 0 Al: 0 Bl: 0 ?: 0
Located/Displayed Here: Skizza/agent_eclipse, Darago/AAUGHWHY,
Location #5: Vault of Hidden Wisdom
At This Location (Open):
M: 0 Ba: 0 W: 0 Sp: 0 Ar: 0 I: 0 Al: 0 Bl: 0 ?: 0
Located/Displayed Here: Cogsnap/VampByDay, Estra/Yewstance, Qualzar/EmpTyger
Location #6: Catacombs
At This Location (Open):
M: 0 Ba: 0 W: 0 Sp: 0 Ar: 0 I: 0 Al: 0 Bl: 0 ?: 0
Located/Displayed Here: Lini/Bigguyinblack,
Location #7: Altar of Riddles
At This Location (Open):
M: 0 Ba: 0 W: 0 Sp: 0 Ar: 0 I: 0 Al: 0 Bl: 0 ?: 0
Located/Displayed Here:
Location #8: Precious Mine
At This Location (Open): The difficulty to defeat banes that have Construct trait is increased by 1d6.
When Closing: Succeed at a Strength or Melee check of 6 plus the scenario's adventure deck number.
When Permanently Closed: On closing, draw an item from the box.
M: 2 Ba: 2 W: 1 Sp: 1 Ar: 0 I: 3 Al: 0 Bl: 0 ?: 1
Located/Displayed Here: None
Item B
Traits: Liquid Alchemical
To Acquire: Intelligence Craft 4
Banish this card and choose a character at your location. Reduce Acid, Cold, Electricity, or Fire damage dealt to that character by 4.
Henchman 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Fortitude Perception 6 THEN Combat Divine 15
The Druj Nasu is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, a character at your location summons and encounters the henchman Beheaded.
If the check to defeat has the Acid or Electricity trait, subtract 1 from each die.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.
Item 2
Traits: Accessory Magic Mummy
To Acquire: Wisdom Divine 7
Bury this card to allow a character at your location to banish a displayed card that has the Curse trait; succeed at a Wisdom or Divine 8 check to recharge this card instead.
Weapon 2
Traits: Club Melee Bludgeoning 2-Handed Magic
To Acquire: Strength Melee 8
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 1d10+1; you may additionally discard this card to add your Strength die. If not proficient with weapons, the difficulty of this check is increased by 4.
Monster 2
Traits: Elemental Outsider Cold Elite
To Defeat: Combat 12
The Ice Elemental is immune to the Cold and Poison traits.
Before you act, succeed at a Constitution or Fortitude 7 check or you may only play 1 card on this check.
All damage dealt by the Ice Elemental is Cold damage.
Barrier B
Traits: Trap Poison Slashing Elite
To Defeat: Dexterity Acrobatics 5 OR Disable Knowledge 7
If undefeated, each character at this location is dealt 1d4 Poison damage.
Item 2
Traits: Object Magic
To Acquire: Intelligence Craft Charisma Survival 9
Recharge this card to evade a bane that has the Trigger trait, then move all characters at this location to another location.
Recharge this card to move all characters at this location to another location. This power cannot be used during an encounter.
Barrier 1
Traits: Trap Poison Veteran
To Defeat: Wisdom Perception 8 OR Dexterity Acrobatics 10
The difficulty to defeat is increased by the scenario's adventure deck number.
If defeated, you may explore again.
If undefeated, each character at this location is dealt 1d4 Combat damage, then 1d4 Poison damage, then end your turn.
Spell 4
Traits: Magic Arcane Divine
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane Wisdom Divine 12
Discard this card to allow a character at your location to search their deck for a spell and draw it.
After playing this card, if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill, banish it; otherwise, you may succeed at an Arcane or Divine 14 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Monster 4
Traits: Trigger Girtablilu Poison
To Defeat: Combat 17
When you examine this card, succeed at a Stealth 7 check or encounter it and increase its difficulty to defeat by 3.
Before you act, you are dealt 1d4 Poison damage.
Qualzar-EmpTyger |
(During Estra’s turn)
Estra reveals Binder’s Tome.
Arcane 12: 1d10 + 5 + 1d4 ⇒ (7) + 5 + (2) = 14
Dimension Leap is recharged.
Kafar, Cat, Blessing of Pharasma, Blessing of Abadar, Swipe are cured
Qualzar was disappointed at the trap. “This gas should be released into the forge. Then when someone tries to pick up a weapon...” He broke off into a fit of giggles. Indeed, between Cogsnap’s and Estra’s efforts, Qualzar had managed to forget all about his misadventures at the forge.
Hand: Chain Lightning, Robe of Energy Resistance, Mist Horn, Allying Dart +1, Wall of Fire,
Deck: 10 Discard: 3 Buried: 0
Ask before using:
Can use without asking: Mist Horn (display at location until start of my next turn to prevent 3 monster damage); Allying Dart +1 (recharge to add 1d4+1 to Combat at my location)
Strength d6 [] +1 [] +2
Dexterity d6 [] +1 [] +2
Constitution d4 [] +1
Intelligence d10 [X] +1 [] +2 [] +3
-- Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [] +1 [] +2 [] +3
-- Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [] +4
-- Arcane: Charisma +2
Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6 [X] 7 [] 8
Proficient with: None
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([X] +1) ([X] +2) ([X] +3) ([] +4) and add the Attack, Mental ([X] or Force), and Magic traits. This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from). This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.
[] When you would shuffle a monster into a location deck on your turn, you may shuffle it into a random open location deck instead.
[] Reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2 ([] 3).
[] When you succeed at a check to recharge a spell, you may instead recharge a spell from your discard pile.
Die bumps: 3
Cogsnap-VampByDay |
Before Start of Turn-Discard Blessing of Ra to Cold damage. (I don't think I get cursed for cold damage, right?) Then top of blessings deck says it's Nethys O'Clock. I guess I'll go to the silver forge?
Realizing that there's nothing in this supposed 'vault' that can fight a giant extradimensinal giantess who's also a compulsive liar, Cogsnap defaults to doing what he knows how to do. he runs over to the Silver Forge to see if he can craft something.
Explore-Djinni Quarterstaff. I'll use my Arcane Skill Cogsnap sees the beginnings of a silver-tipped quarterstaff meant to evoke the likeness of the kind Djinni use, and decides it might work in a pinch.
Arcane 8 vs. 1d10+1(int)+1(arcane skill): 1d10 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
Unfortunately, the ravages of time have taken a toll on the half-finished staff and Cogsnap cannot repair the damage.
BanishRecharge deathtrap-in-a-jar to explore again, add 1 die to all disable checks
Pouring out his 'friendly' ooze, Cogsnap has it scout around to see if there is anything else of value here.
Explore Again-Black Kiss (Ally 1). I really don't want to take poison damage and be cursed, so I am Stealing Taking sign of the newlyweds as damages for all the pain Estra has shunted off on me :P.Using Craft
Cogsnap comes across another Alchemist hiding in a broom cupboard.
Craft 10 vs. 1d10+1(int)+2(craft skill)+1d10(sign of the newlyweds): 2d10 + 2 ⇒ (9, 1) + 2 = 12
At first it looked like the alchemist would through poison at Cogsnap, but then the gnome noticed the fine make of the poison, and the two quickly began to 'talk shop.' As they did, the Alchemist came out and . . .
Discard Black Kiss to explore Again-Mystic Silk Coat. That's actually nice armor but sadly I cannot acquire. I'll let it get banished.
showed Cogsnap a magic set of silken armor he found. Cogsnap liked it but sadly, it was not his size, so he let the alchemist keep it.
Finished exploring and end turn. I USED ESTRA'S SIGN OF THE NEWLYWEDS
Hand: Galvanic Chakrum +1, Acid Flask, Alkalai Flask, Liquid Ice, Alchemist's Shield , Blessing of the Elements-Gamma, Alchemist's Fire,
Displayed: Canteen,
Deck: 10 Discard: 3 Buried: 0
Notes: Can use the BotE if it would recharge.
Sideboard cards:
Dexterity d8 [x]+1 [X]+2 [X]+3
--Disable: Dex+3
--Ranged: Dex+1
Constitution d6 []+1 []+2
Intelligence d10 [X]+1 []+2 []+3
--Arcane: Int +1
--Craft: Int +2
Wisdom: d6 []+1 []+2
Charisma d6 []+1 []+2
Hand Size: 6 [X]7 []8
Proficient: Light Armor, Weapons
--When you would banish a card that has the alchemical trait for its power, you may ([X]Discard it or)([X]Recharge it or) banish another card that has the alchemical or liquid trait.
--Add 1d6([]+2) to your ranged combat check that has the alchemical trait
--After you defeat a monster, you may discard([x]or recharge) a card to draw an item that has the alchemical or liquid trait from the box.([]Or you may draw 2 and return 1 to the box)
--[]On([]your combat check or) your ranged combat check, you may discard any number of items that have the alchemical trait([]or any items); for each item discarded, add 1d6 and that item's traits to the check
--[]The first item([] or any item) you play that has the alchemical or liquid trait does not cout against the number of items you can play on a check or step
RotRL Lini |
Blessing of Nethys in effect.
At the end of Cogsnap's turn Warrior Dolls move to?: 1d4 ⇒ 1 Alchemical Laboratory
Lini takes a hike over to the Precious Mine in hopes of shiny things.
Item B
Traits: Liquid Alchemical
To Acquire: Intelligence Craft 4
Banish this card and choose a character at your location. Reduce Acid, Cold, Electricity, or Fire damage dealt to that character by 4.
Reveal Frilled Lizard to auto acquire.
Not having any armor handy Lini gathers what protection she can.
Recharge Frilled Lizard to explore.
It may not be enough as another Druj Nasu lurks.
Henchman 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Fortitude Perception 6 THEN Combat Divine 15
The Druj Nasu is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, a character at your location summons and encounters the henchman Beheaded.
If the check to defeat has the Acid or Electricity trait, subtract 1 from each die.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.
Damage type from Beheaded: 1d4 ⇒ 3 Discard Potion of Energy Resistance to 1 cold dmg.
Blasting his guardian with fire
combat 12 casting and recharging Pyrotechnic Blast and revealing Wolverine: 1d10 + 3d4 + 8 ⇒ (3) + (3, 4, 2) + 8 = 20
Before tapping into her animal instincts to fight up close and personal.
perception 6 revealing Wolverine: 2d4 + 3 ⇒ (3, 4) + 3 = 10
combat 15 revealing Shattertouch Shotel +2, revealing Binder's Tome, Discarding Shattertouch Shotel +2, recharging Cogsnap's BotE, revealing Wolverine: 4d4 + 1d6 + 15 ⇒ (2, 4, 3, 3) + (3) + 15 = 30
"Begone! And never come here again."
Strength 6 +4 discarding Find Traps to increase strength to a d10, Discarding Skizza's Blessing of Thoth, and revealing Wolverine: 2d10 + 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (5, 5) + (2) + 3 = 15
Refreshing hand and ending turn.
Hand: Restorative Touch, Wolverine, Cure 1, Holy Javelin, Binder's Tome, Vampire Bat,
Deck: 7 Discard: 9 Buried: 0
"Notes: Binder's Tome: Reveal to add 1d4 + mental trait to combat at this location or 1d4 to a charisma non-combat check at this location.Location: Precious Mine (closed)"
Sideboard cards:
Dexterity d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Constitution d8 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Intelligence d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Knowledge: Intelligence +3
Wisdom d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [X] +4
Divine: Wisdom +1
Survival: Wisdom +2
Charisma d8 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
Role: Wild Warden
Favored Card: Ally
Hand Size 6
Proficient with: Weapons
<Power 1> When you play an ally with the animal trait, you may recharge it instead of discarding it.
<Power 2> You may reveal an ally with the animal trait to add 1d4 ([X] +1) ([X] +2) ([X] +3) ([ ] +4) to your check.
<Power 3> You may discard a card to roll 1d10 instead of your Strength or Dexterity die for any check.
<Power 4>
<Power 5>
Precious Mine card 1 acquired.
Precious Mine closed.
Skizza discards Blessing of Thoth.
Cogsnap recharges Blessing of the Elements.
Warrior Dolls move to?: 1d3 ⇒ 1 Stay at Alchemical Laboratory.
During Skizza's turn, I recharge Shield Cloak to reduce the damage by 3 to 0.
Feeling his wounds getting to him, Darago sits down to meditate and think about the future. Play Scrying to examine top 3 cards of the Silver Forge, looking for Monsters. Find Elemental Arachnid, Rukh, and Toxic Geyser. Move monsters to the bottom; Rukh first, then Arachnid on the very bottom
Recharge Scrying Arcane 12: 1d10 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14
Darago hears loud booming coming from behind him in the crypt. That's weird, he didn't metamagic a delay onto his cloudburst spell... He turns around and finds Skizza getting flanked by the Druj Nasu and the beheaded! Darago whips out his tome and begins incanting, his spells binding the outsiders in place and allowing Skizza to line up his shots. The foes fall in no time.
"Yay! We beat them! Can you get this thing off me now, please?" Darago says, gesturing to the Steel Scorpion embedded in his back. "I hate constructs..."
Skizza attempts to Remove Scorpion. Disable 10: 1d10 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
End Turn
Hand: Volcanic Storm, Spelldagger, Acid Rain, Binder's Tome, Fire Snake, Cloudburst, Armor of the Sands,
Deck: 3 Discard: 8 Buried: 2
Notes: Binder's Tome: Reveal for +1d4 to Local CHA or Combat. Adds Mental Trait
Sideboard cards:
Dexterity d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Constitution d8 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
Fortitude: Constitution+2
Intelligence d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [X] +4
Arcane: Intelligence +2
Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d8 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
Charisma d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size: 7
Proficient with: None
When you acquire a card that has the magic trait during your exploration, you may immediately explore again.
Add 1d4 ([X] 2d4) and the magic trait to your check to defeat a bane that has the Undead trait.
[X] When you defeat a monster that has the Undead trait ([X] or any monster) and would banish it, you may put it in your hand. You may banish a monster from your hand to add 1d4 ([ ]+1) ([ ]+2) to your check([X] or a check by any character at the location).
[ ] Add 1([ ] 2) ([ ] 3) to your check to recharge a card.
BR Yewstance |
Warrior Dolls moves to...: 1d3 ⇒ 2 -> Mumia Lab
Estra discards her Sign - happy to help!
And awesome use of Scrying. Effectively provided 2 free explorations and dealt with 2 monsters - one of which is among the most hostile monsters in the entire box!
During This Adventure:
During This Scenario:
Additional Rules:
2. Estra
3. Cogsnap
4. Lini
5. Darago
6. Qualzar
Villain 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Combat 25 OR Divine 18
The Sepid is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, each character at your location must succeed at a Dexterity or Acrobatics 12 check or be dealt 1d6 Combat damage.
If the check to defeat has the Acid, Attack, Electricity, or Ranged trait, subtract 1 from each die.
Henchman 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Fortitude Perception 6 THEN Combat Divine 15
The Druj Nasu is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, a character at your location summons and encounters the henchman Beheaded. If the check to defeat has the Acid or Electricity trait, subtract 1 from each die.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.
Turn: 16, Qualzar/EmpTyger
1-2. Curse of Poisoning
3. Curse of Vulnerability
4. Curse of Daybane
5. Curse of the Ravenous
6. Curse of Withering
7. Curse of Fevered Dreams
8. Curse of the Sphinx
9. Curse of Blindness
10. Curse of the Mummy
Monster 1
Monster B
Traits: Trigger Gnoll Wizard Elite
To Defeat: Combat 9
When you examine this card, encounter it; its difficulty to defeat is increased by 3.
Before you act, the Bonecrusher Wizard deals 1 Cold damage to you.
After you act, the Bonecrusher Wizard deals 1 Poison damage to you.
Monster 2
Monster 1
Traits: Trigger Undead Mummy Swarm
To Defeat: Combat 8 THEN Combat 8
When you examine this card, succeed at a Stealth 6 check or each character at your location summons and encounters an Ubashki Swarm.
The Ubashki Swarm is immune to the Mental and Poison traits.
If the Ubashki Swarm is not defeated by at least 2 on both checks, succeed at a Constitution or Fortitude 7 check or bury 1 card.
Monster 3
Monster 3
Traits: Construct
To Defeat: Combat 14
If undefeated, succeed at a Dexterity or Acrobatics 7 check or when you are dealt damage, discard cards from the top of your deck instead of your hand; this damage may not be reduced.
Monster 4
Monster 3
Traits: Undead
To Defeat: Combat 15
The Guecubu is immune to the Electricity, Mental, and Poison traits.
After you act, suffer a scourge.
Monster 5
Monster 4
Traits: Elemental Outsider Janni Fire
To Defeat: Combat 19
The Elder Ifreeti is immune to the Fire trait. All damage dealt by the Elder Ifreeti is Fire damage.
If the check to defeat the Elder Ifreeti has the Cold trait, add 1d8.
If defeated, choose a non-loot type of boon and draw a random card of that type from the box.
Barrier 1
Barrier 3
Traits: Trigger Trap Magic
To Defeat: None
When you examine this card, succeed at a Dexterity or Disable 11 check or each character at this location is dealt 2 Poison damage.
Display this card next to its location. While displayed, at the start of your turn, succeed at a Wisdom Perception 10 check to banish this barrier; otherwise, you are dealt 2 Poison damage.
Barrier 2
Barrier 1
Traits: Obstacle Trap Piercing Elite
To Defeat: Disable Perception 6 OR Dexterity Acrobatics 8
If defeated, you may explore again.
If undefeated, you are dealt 1d4 Combat damage. Then examine the top card of your location deck. If it is a bane, encounter it. If it is a boon, banish it and examine the top card of your location deck.
Barrier 3
Barrier 4
Traits: Curse Undead
To Defeat: Wisdom Divine 10 OR Charisma Diplomacy 8
Each character at your location attempts a check to defeat the Eternal Captives. If any character fails, the barrier is undefeated; you are dealt 1d4 Cold damage then suffer the scourge Curse of the Sphinx.
Barrier 4
Barrier B
Traits: Trap Elite
To Defeat: Dexterity Acrobatics Wisdom Survival 9
If undefeated, display this barrier next to your location, then shuffle your character token into your location. While your character token is in this location, evade any bane you would encounter and you may not move. If a character reveals your character token, place it at your location and banish this card.
Barrier 5
Barrier 1
Traits: Trigger Trap Cold Arcane Veteran
To Defeat: Intelligence Arcane Knowledge 6 OR Wisdom 8
When you examine this card, succeed at a Wisdom check of 8 plus the scenario's adventure deck number; otherwise, you are dealt 1d4 Mental damage that may not be reduced.
The difficulty to defeat is increased by twice the scenario's adventure deck number.
If undefeated, each character at this location is dealt 1d4 Cold damage and is moved to a random other location.
Weapon 1
Weapon 1
Traits: Sword Melee Slashing Cold Magic Elite
To Acquire: Strength Melee 9
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 1d8+1. If proficient with weapons, you may additionally discard this card to add 2 and the Bludgeoning trait to your check for each die you roll.
Recharge this card to ignore a non-villain bane's power that happens after you act.
Weapon 2
Weapon 3
Traits: Knife Ranged Piercing Magic
To Acquire: Dexterity Ranged 10
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Dexterity or Ranged skill + 1d4+1; you may additionally discard this card to add another 1d4 then search your deck for a weapon that has the Knife trait and put it in your hand.
When playing another weapon, you may discard this card to add 2d4 to your combat check.
Weapon 3
Weapon 3
Traits: Sword Melee Piercing Finesse Swashbuckling Magic
To Acquire: Strength Melee 10
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 2d4+1; you may additionally discard this card to add another 1d4. If the bane has the Undead trait, add another 1d8. If not proficient with weapons, the difficulty of this check is increased by 4.
Weapon 4
Weapon 1
Traits: Knife Ranged Slashing Electricity Magic Elite
To Acquire: Dexterity Ranged 8
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Dexterity or Ranged skill + 1d8+1; you may additionally discard this card to add another 1d6.
If proficient with weapons, discard this card to ignore a non-villain monster's power that happens before you act.
If proficient with weapons, on your combat check, if you played another weapon, discard this card to add 1d4+1 and the Electricity trait.
Weapon 5
Weapon 4
Traits: Sword Melee Slashing Magic
To Acquire: Strength Melee Arcane Divine 11
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 1d8+2; you may additionally discard this card to add another 1d6. If not proficient with weapons, the difficulty of this check is increased by 4.
Recharge this card to recharge a random spell from your discard pile.
Spell 1
Spell 2
Traits: Magic Arcane Divine Acid
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane Wisdom Divine 7
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check to defeat a barrier, or to any check against a monster that has the Construct or Undead trait.
After playing this card, if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill, banish it; otherwise, you may succeed at an Arcane or Divine 9 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Spell 2
Spell B
Traits: Magic Divine Attack Elite
To Acquire: Wisdom Divine 8
For your combat check, discard this card to use your Divine skill + 2d6. If the check is to defeat a bane that has the Undead trait, use your Divine skill + 2d12.
After playing this card, if you do not have the Divine skill, banish it; otherwise, you may succeed at a Divine 8 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Spell 3
Spell 4
Traits: Magic Arcane Divine Attack Cold
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane Divine 11
For your combat check, discard this card to use your Arcane or Divine skill + 3d8. Ignore any non-villain monster's power that happens after you act.
After playing this card, if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill, banish it; otherwise, you may succeed at an Arcane or Divine 13 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Spell 4
Spell B
Traits: Magic Arcane Divine
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane Wisdom Divine 4
Display this card next to a character's deck. While displayed, that character adds 1 die to his Perception checks. After each time that character explores, he may examine the top card of the location deck. At the end of your turn, discard this card.
After discarding this card for its power, if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill, banish it; otherwise, you may succeed at a Arcane or Divine 6 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Spell 5
Spell 1
Traits: Magic Arcane Divine
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane Wisdom Divine 7
Display this card next to a character. While displayed, reduce all damage dealt to that character by 4. At the end of your turn, discard this card.
At the end of the turn, if you do not have either Arcane or Divine skill, banish this card; otherwise, attempt an Arcane or Divine 9 check. If you succeed, recharge this card; if you fail, discard it.
Armor 1
Armor 2
Traits: Light Armor Magic
To Acquire: Constitution Fortitude 7 OR Intelligence Arcane 8
Recharge this card to add 1d8 to your Stealth check or reduce Combat or Poison damage dealt to you by 3.
Banish this card to evade a monster that does not have the Incorporeal trait, or to reduce Combat or Poison damage dealt to you to 0. If proficient with light armors, bury this card instead.
If proficent with light armors, you may recharge this card when you reset your hand.
Armor 2
Armor 2
Traits: Light Armor Magic
To Acquire: Constitution Fortitude 8
Recharge this card to reduce Acid, Combat, Electricity, or Fire damage dealt to you by 3.
Banish this card to reduce Acid, Combat, Electricity, or Fire damage dealt to you by 5. If proficient with light armors, bury this card instead.
If proficient with light armors, you may recharge this card when you reset your hand.
Armor 3
Armor 1
Traits: Shield Offhand Magic
To Acquire: Constitution Fortitude 6
If you played a weapon that has the 2-Handed trait on this check, you may not play this card.
Reveal this card to reduce Combat or Fire damage dealt to you by 2. If proficient with light armors, you may play another armor on this check.
If proficient with light armors, you may recharge this card when you reset your hand.
Armor 4
Armor B
Traits: Accessory Light Armor Elite
To Acquire: Constitution Fortitude 4 OR Intelligence Craft Survival 6
Reveal this card to reduce Acid, Electricity, or Poison damage dealt to you by 1.
If proficient with light armors, bury this card to reduce Acid, Electricity, or Poison damage dealt to you to 0. You may succeed at an Intelligence or Craft 8 check to recharge this armor instead.
Armor 5
Armor 2
Traits: Light Armor Magic
To Acquire: Constitution Fortitude 7
Recharge this card to reduce Combat or Fire damage dealt to you by 2.
Banish this card to reduce all damage dealt to you to 0; if proficient with light armors, bury this card instead.
If proficient with light armors, you may recharge this card when you reset your hand.
Item 1
Item 3
Traits: Wand Attack Fire Ranged Magic Arcane
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane 8
For your combat check, bury this card to roll 4d6.
After playing this card, succeed at an Arcane 8 check to recharge this card instead of burying it.
Item 2
Item B
Traits: Trigger Object Magic Ra
To Acquire: Strength Knowledge Divine 5
When you examine this card, you may reveal a blessing that has the Ra trait to acquire this card.
Recharge this card to add 1 die to your non-combat Strength check or check against a bane that invokes the Fire trait.
Recharge this card to add the Fire trait to your check.
Item 3
Item 1
Traits: Trigger Object Magic Thoth
To Acquire: Knowledge Wisdom Divine 7
When you examine this card, you may reveal a blessing that has the Thoth trait to acquire this card.
Recharge this card to add 1 die to your Wisdom non-combat check or check against a bane that invokes the Cold trait.
Recharge this card to add the Cold trait to your check.
Item 4
Item B
Traits: Accessory Alchemical
To Acquire: Intelligence Perception 6
Reveal this card to add 1d4 to your Perception check.
Discard this card to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck and put them back in any order.
Item 5
Item 3
Traits: Trigger Object Magic
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane 11
When you examine this card, you may reveal a blessing that has the Isis trait to acquire this card.
Recharge this card to add 1 die to your Intelligence non-combat check or check that invokes the Acid trait.
Recharge this card to add the Acid trait to your check.
Ally 1
Ally B
Traits: Undead Ghost Incorporeal
To Acquire: Divine Charisma Diplomacy 8
Display this card. While displayed, you may recharge this card to examine the top card of your location deck, then put it on the top or bottom of its deck or add 1d6 and the Cold, Magic, and Undead traits to your check against a card that has the Outsider or Undead trait.
Ally 2
Ally B
Traits: Elemental Electricity Veteran
To Acquire: Charisma Survival Arcane 9
Reveal this card to add 1d8 and the Electricity trait to your combat check. If your roll exceeds the difficulty of the check to defeat by 3 or more, discard this card and the top card of the blessings deck.
Recharge this card to add or subtract 1 plus the adventure deck number from the result of your check.
Ally 3
Ally C
Traits: Animal Elemental Fire
To Acquire: Wisdom Survival 4
Reveal this card to add 1d4 and the Fire trait to your Combat check. If you do not defeat the bane, discard this card before taking damage.
Discard this card to explore your location. Add 1d4 and the Fire trait to your combat checks during this exploration.
Ally 4
Ally C
Traits: Elemental Electricity Veteran
To Acquire: Charisma Survival Arcane 9
Reveal this card to add 1d8 and the Electricity trait to your combat check. If your roll exceeds the difficulty of the check to defeat by 3 or more, discard this card and the top card of the blessings deck.
Recharge this card to add or subtract 1 plus the adventure deck number from the result of your check.
Ally 5
Ally 4
Traits: Elemental Fire
To Acquire: See Below
To acquire this card, be dealt 1d4+1 Fire damage.
Recharge this card to draw a weapon or an armor from your discard pile.
Bury this card to add 2d12 and the Fire trait to a combat check by a character at your location.
Blessing 1
Blessing 4
Traits: Divine Anubis Poison Mummy
To Acquire: Divine 8 OR Charisma Diplomacy 11
Discard this card to add 1 die and the Poison trait to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any Charisma check or to any check against a bane that has the Mummy or Undead trait; ignore that bane's immunities.
Discard this card to explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessing 2
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Basic
To Acquire: Divine 3
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location, then you may explore your location.
After you play this card, if the top card of the blessings discard pile has the Basic trait, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessing 3
Blessing B
Traits: Basic
To Acquire: Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma 6
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Recharge this card to add 1 die to any check that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Blessing 4
Blessing C
Traits: Divine Horus Electricity
To Acquire: Divine 6 OR Dexterity Ranged 7
Discard this card to add 1 die and the Electricity trait to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any Dexterity non-combat check or check that invokes the Electricity trait.
Discard this card to move, then you may explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, you may move.
Blessing 5
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Wadjet
To Acquire: Divine 5 OR Intelligence Knowledge 7
Reveal this card to add 1d4 to your check to acquire a boon.
Discard this card to add 2d8 to any check to acquire a boon.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location; then you may explore your location, adding 1 die to your checks to acquire a boon during that exploration.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, draw a card.
Top of Blessing Discard Pile:
Blessing C
Traits: Divine Wadjet
To Acquire: Divine 5 OR Intelligence Knowledge 7
Reveal this card to add 1d4 to your check to acquire a boon.
Discard this card to add 2d8 to any check to acquire a boon.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location; then you may explore your location, adding 1 die to your checks to acquire a boon during that exploration.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, draw a card.
Blessings Remaining: 15
Blessings Deck
Blessings Deck Card 1 - Turn 1 Skizza
Blessing 3
Traits: Divine Isis Acid
To Acquire: Divine 7 OR Intelligence Craft 11
Discard this card to add 1 die and the Acid trait to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any Intelligence check or check that invokes the Acid or Construct traits.
Discard this card to explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge a random card that has the Magic trait from your discard pile.
Blessings Deck Card 2 - Turn 2 Estra
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Basic
To Acquire: Divine 3
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location, then you may explore your location.
After you play this card, if the top card of the blessings discard pile has the Basic trait, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessings Deck Card 3 - Turn 3 Cognsap
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Wadjet
To Acquire: Divine 5 OR Intelligence Knowledge 7
Reveal this card to add 1d4 to your check to acquire a boon.
Discard this card to add 2d8 to any check to acquire a boon.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location; then you may explore your location, adding 1 die to your checks to acquire a boon during that exploration.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, draw a card.
Blessings Deck Card 4 - Turn 4 Lini
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Bastet Gambling
To Acquire: Divine 6 OR Stealth Disable Craft 8
Recharge this card to allow a character at your location to reroll 1 die on his check, or bury it to reroll all the dice; that character takes the new result.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location. If it is a bane, encounter that bane and the bane may not be evaded; otherwise, you may encounter the card.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, you may search your deck for a non-blessing card that has the Gambling trait and draw it.
Blessings Deck Card 5 - Turn 5 Darago
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Nethys
To Acquire: Wisdom Perception 8 OR Divine 5
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck and put them back in any order; then explore the location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessings Deck Card 6 - Turn 6 Qualzar
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Horus Electricity
To Acquire: Divine 6 OR Dexterity Ranged 7
Discard this card to add 1 die and the Electricity trait to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any Dexterity non-combat check or check that invokes the Electricity trait.
Discard this card to move, then you may explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, you may move.
Blessings Deck Card 7 - Turn 7 Skizza
Blessing 4
Traits: Divine Osiris Healing
To Acquire: Divine 8
Discard this card to add 1d4 to any check that invokes the Healing trait.
Discard when you shuffle cards from your discard pile into your deck. Shuffle in an additional 1d4.
Discard this card to explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, each character at your location may recharge a random card from their discard pile.
Blessings Deck Card 8 - Turn 8 Estra
Blessing B
Traits: Basic
To Acquire: Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma 6
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Recharge this card to add 1 die to any check that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Blessings Deck Card 9 - Turn 9 Cognsap
Blessing 4
Traits: Divine Anubis Poison Mummy
To Acquire: Divine 8 OR Charisma Diplomacy 11
Discard this card to add 1 die and the Poison trait to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any Charisma check or to any check against a bane that has the Mummy or Undead trait; ignore that bane's immunities.
Discard this card to explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessings Deck Card 10 - Turn 10 Lini
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Bastet Gambling
To Acquire: Divine 6 OR Stealth Disable Craft 8
Recharge this card to allow a character at your location to reroll 1 die on his check, or bury it to reroll all the dice; that character takes the new result.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location. If it is a bane, encounter that bane and the bane may not be evaded; otherwise, you may encounter the card.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, you may search your deck for a non-blessing card that has the Gambling trait and draw it.
Blessings Deck Card 11 - Turn 11 Darago
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Ra Fire
To Acquire: Divine 6 OR Strength Melee 8
Discard this card to add 1 die and the Fire trait to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any Strength non-combat check or check that invokes the Fire trait.
Discard this card to explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessings Deck Card 12 - Turn 12 Qualzar
Blessing B
Traits: Basic
To Acquire: Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma 6
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Recharge this card to add 1 die to any check that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Blessings Deck Card 13 - Turn 13 Skizza
Blessing 2
Traits: Divine Maat
To Acquire: Divine 6 OR Constitution Fortitude 10
Discard this card after any check is rolled to add or subtract up to 3 from the result.
Recharge this card to reduce damage dealt to you by 2.
Discard this card to exchange all dice that would be rolled on a non-combat check with d8s.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, you may discard any number of cards to allow a character at your location to recharge that same number of random cards from his discard pile.
Blessings Deck Card 14 - Turn 14 Estra
Blessing 2
Traits: Divine Maat
To Acquire: Divine 6 OR Constitution Fortitude 10
Discard this card after any check is rolled to add or subtract up to 3 from the result.
Recharge this card to reduce damage dealt to you by 2.
Discard this card to exchange all dice that would be rolled on a non-combat check with d8s.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, you may discard any number of cards to allow a character at your location to recharge that same number of random cards from his discard pile.
Blessings Deck Card 15 - Turn 15 Cognsap
Blessing B
Traits: Divine Basic
To Acquire: Divine 3
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location, then you may explore your location.
After you play this card, if the top card of the blessings discard pile has the Basic trait, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Location #1: Alchemical Laboratory
At This Location (Open): If you defeat a bane by 4 or more, each character at this location is dealt 1d4 Acid damage.
When Closing: Succeed at an Intelligence or Craft check with a difficulty of 5 plus the scenario's adventure deck number.
When Permanently Closed: On closing, draw 3 random items that have the Alchemical trait from the box and shuffle them into this location.
M: 1 Ba: 2 W: 0 Sp: 1 Ar: 0 I: 2 Al: 1 Bl: 0 ?: 1
Located/Displayed Here: Create Mindscape Displayed
Ally 3
Traits: Human Fighter
To Acquire: Combat 11
When you encounter this card, you may reveal a blessing that has the Abadar trait to acquire this card.
Bury this card to recharge any number of blessings that has the Abadar trait from your discard pile.
Discard this card to explore your location. Add 1d8 to any combat checks during this exploration.
Spell B
Traits: Magic Arcane Acid Attack
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane 4
For your combat or disable check, discard this card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6.
After playing this card, if you do not have the Arcane skill, banish it; otherwise, succeed at an Arcane 6 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Item 1
Traits: Tool Alchemical
To Acquire: Intelligence Craft 8
Discard this card at the start of your turn to move any number of characters to your location.
Banish this card to add 1d8 to Stealth checks by characters at your location this turn.
Item 3
Traits: Object Magic
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane 9
Recharge this card to reroll 1 die on a check by a character at your location.
On your turn, you may give this card to a character at another location; you may additionally give him a weapon, an armor, or an item. Then that character must recharge this card.
Monster 1
Traits: Undead
To Defeat: Combat 8 THEN Combat 10
The Coffer Corpse is immune to the Mental and Poison traits.
If undefeated, move to a random location.
Barrier 3
Traits: Trigger Trap Skirmish Magic
To Defeat: Intelligence Arcane Knowledge 13 OR Wisdom Survival 10
When you examine this card, encounter it.
If undefeated, each character at your location must summon and encounter the henchman Blightwing. Then banish this card.
Henchman 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Fortitude Perception 6 THEN Combat Divine 15
The Druj Nasu is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, a character at your location summons and encounters the henchman Beheaded.
If the check to defeat has the Acid or Electricity trait, subtract 1 from each die.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.
Barrier 2
Traits: Trap Magic Fire Elite
To Defeat: Constitution 6 OR Dexterity Acrobatics Disable 8
If undefeated, each character at your location is dealt 1d4 Fire damage.
Location #2: Mumia Lab
At This Location (Open): At the start of your turn, succeed at a Constitution 4 check or draw the scourge Curse of Withering from the box.
When Closing: Summon and defeat the henchman Crawling Hands.
When Permanently Closed: On closing, draw a random item that has the Alchemical trait from the box.
M: 2 Ba: 1 W: 0 Sp: 0 Ar: 0 I: 1 Al: 0 Bl: 0 ?: 1
Located/Displayed Here: WARRIOR DOLLS DISPLAYED: +1d6 to checks to defeat monsters
Villain 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Combat 25 OR Divine 18
The Sepid is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, each character at your location must succeed at a Dexterity or Acrobatics 12 check or be dealt 1d6 Combat damage.
If the check to defeat has the Acid, Attack, Electricity, or Ranged trait, subtract 1 from each die.
Barrier 3
Traits: Trigger Trap Magic Cold Arcane
To Defeat: Intelligence Arcane Knowledge 10 OR Wisdom 12
When you examine this card, succeed at an Intelligence or Arcane 10 check; otherwise, you are dealt 1d6 Cold damage.
If undefeated, each character at this location is dealt 1d4 Cold damage and is moved to a random other location.
Monster B
Traits: Human Veteran
To Defeat: Stealth 7 OR Combat 9
The difficulty to defeat is increased by the scenario's adventure deck number.
If undefeated, the Caravan Raider deals no damage; instead, banish a boon.
Monster 3
Traits: Undead
To Defeat: Combat 15
The Guecubu is immune to the Electricity, Mental, and Poison traits.
After you act, suffer a scourge.
Item C
Traits: Accessory
To Acquire: Intelligence Craft Wisdom Survival 6
Recharge this card to add 1 die to your check that invokes the Electricity or Fire trait.
Location #3: Silver Forge
At This Location (Open): Discard a card to add 1d6 and the Fire trait to your combat check.
When Closing: Summon and acquire a random armor from the box.
When Permanently Closed: At the end of your turn, you may recharge an armor card from your discard pile.
M: 2 Ba: 1 W: 0 Sp: 0 Ar: 1 I: 0 Al: 0 Bl: 0 ?: 1
Located/Displayed Here: Cogsnap/VampByDay, (Toxic Geyser)
Barrier B
Traits: Trap Acid Fire Poison Veteran
To Defeat: Dexterity Acrobatics Wisdom Survival 5
The difficulty to defeat is increased by twice the scenario's adventure deck number.
If undefeated, roll a number of d6s equal to the scenario's adventure deck plus 1. For each die:
1-2. You are dealt 2 Fire damage.
3-4. You are dealt 2 Acid damage; discard a weapon or armor.
5-6. You are dealt 2 Poison damage.
Henchman 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Fortitude Perception 6 THEN Combat Divine 15
The Druj Nasu is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, a character at your location summons and encounters the henchman Beheaded.
If the check to defeat has the Acid or Electricity trait, subtract 1 from each die.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.
Armor 4
Traits: Light Armor Magic
To Acquire: Constitution Fortitude Wisdom Divine 10
Recharge this card to reduce all damage dealt to you by 2. If proficient with light armors, you may play another armor on this check.
For your combat check, recharge this card to roll your Arcane or Divine skill + 2d6. If the bane has the Undead trait, you may bury this card to add another 1d6. This counts as playing a spell.
If proficient with light armors, you may recharge this card when you play a spell.
Monster 3
Traits: Animal Acid
To Defeat: Combat 13 THEN Combat 13
If your check to defeat does not have the Attack or Ranged trait, the difficulty is increased by 4.
Damage dealt by the Rukh is Acid damage.
If undefeated, move to a random location.
Monster 4
Traits: Construct
To Defeat: Combat 17
The Elemental Arachnid is immune to the Mental and Poison traits. You may play any number of armors in this encounter.
Before you act, you are dealt 1 Acid damage, then 1 Cold damage, then 1 Electricity damage, then 1 Fire damage.
If undefeated, the Elemental Arachnid deals no damage; instead, you are dealt 1d4 Acid damage, then 1d4 Cold damage, then 1d4 Electricity damage, then 1d4 Fire damage.
Location #4: Crypt
At This Location (Open):
M: 0 Ba: 0 W: 0 Sp: 0 Ar: 0 I: 0 Al: 0 Bl: 0 ?: 0
Located/Displayed Here: Skizza/agent_eclipse, Darago/AAUGHWHY,
Location #5: Vault of Hidden Wisdom
At This Location (Open):
M: 0 Ba: 0 W: 0 Sp: 0 Ar: 0 I: 0 Al: 0 Bl: 0 ?: 0
Located/Displayed Here: Estra/Yewstance, Qualzar/EmpTyger
Location #6: Catacombs
At This Location (Open):
M: 0 Ba: 0 W: 0 Sp: 0 Ar: 0 I: 0 Al: 0 Bl: 0 ?: 0
Located/Displayed Here:
Location #7: Altar of Riddles
At This Location (Open):
M: 0 Ba: 0 W: 0 Sp: 0 Ar: 0 I: 0 Al: 0 Bl: 0 ?: 0
Located/Displayed Here:
Location #8: Precious Mine
At This Location (Open):
M: 0 Ba: 0 W: 0 Sp: 0 Ar: 0 I: 0 Al: 0 Bl: 0 ?: 0
Located/Displayed Here: Lini/Bigguyinblack
Qualzar-EmpTyger |
Wadjet o’clock
Moving to Alchemical Laboratory
Exploring Alchemical Laboratory 1: Commander Abdallah
Traits: Human Fighter
To Acquire: Combat 11
When you encounter this card, you may reveal a blessing that has the Abadar trait to acquire this card.
Bury this card to recharge any number of blessings that has the Abadar trait from your discard pile.
Discard this card to explore your location. Add 1d8 to any combat checks during this exploration.
Displaying Wall of Fire, using Create Mindscape
Combat 11: 1d10 + 5 + 2d6 + 1d4 ⇒ (10) + 5 + (3, 2) + (4) = 24
Commander Abdallah is acquired
Qualzar was disappointed in the silver forge, and decided to check out the alchemy lab. But the commander blocked his path. “Qualzar, there are dangerous chemicals in here. I can’t let you enter.”
The sorcerer encircled Abdallah within a wall of fire, then moved past him into the lab.
Discarding Commander Abdallah to explore Alchemical Laboratory 2: Acid Splash
Spell B
Traits: Magic Arcane Acid Attack
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane 4
For your combat or disable check, discard this card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6.
After playing this card, if you do not have the Arcane skill, banish it; otherwise, succeed at an Arcane 6 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Using Create Mindscape
Arcane 4: 1d10 + 5 + 1d4 ⇒ (5) + 5 + (4) = 14
Acid Splash is acquired
Abdallah tried to reason with Qualzar. “There’s no telling how these substances will react.”
Qualzar waved off his concerns. “I’ll tell them how!”
Ending turn.
Random open location: 1d3 ⇒ 3
Warrior Dolls is displayed at Silver Forge. Using Create Mindscape
Arcane 13: 1d10 + 5 + 1d4 ⇒ (6) + 5 + (1) = 12
Wall of Fire is discarded. Resetting hand
(At the start of Skizza’s turn)
Recharging Surgeon to cure Blessing of Pharasma
Hand: Chain Lightning, Robe of Energy Resistance, Mist Horn, Allying Dart +1, Acid Splash, Cat,
Deck: 108Discard: 45Buried: 0
Ask before using:
Can use without asking: Mist Horn (display at location until start of my next turn to prevent 3 monster damage); Allying Dart +1 (recharge to add 1d4+1 to Combat at my location)
Strength d6 [] +1 [] +2
Dexterity d6 [] +1 [] +2
Constitution d4 [] +1
Intelligence d10 [X] +1 [] +2 [] +3
-- Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [] +1 [] +2 [] +3
-- Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [] +4
-- Arcane: Charisma +2
Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6 [X] 7 [] 8
Proficient with: None
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([X] +1) ([X] +2) ([X] +3) ([] +4) and add the Attack, Mental ([X] or Force), and Magic traits. This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from). This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.
[] When you would shuffle a monster into a location deck on your turn, you may shuffle it into a random open location deck instead.
[] Reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2 ([] 3).
[] When you succeed at a check to recharge a spell, you may instead recharge a spell from your discard pile.
Die bumps: 3
Skizza of Dongun Hold |
Move to and Explore Alchemical Laboratory Card 3: Smokestick.
Craft 8: 1d10 + 1 + 1 + 1d4 ⇒ (10) + 1 + 1 + (1) = 13 Acquired.
Discard Blessing of Osiris to Explore Card 4: Bird Feather Tokens.
Intelligence 9: 1d10 + 1 + 1d4 ⇒ (5) + 1 + (2) = 8 Recharging Bird Feather Tokens to re-roll the D4.
Intelligence 9: 6 + 1d4 ⇒ 6 + (3) = 9 Acquired.
Discard Blessing of Thoth to Examine Card 5: Coffer Corpse. Exploring due to Undead type.
Reveal Dragon Pistol +1.
Combat 8: 1d10 + 3 + 2 + 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 3 + 2 + (5) + 1 = 21
Reveal Dragon Pistol +1.
Combat 10: 1d10 + 3 + 2 + 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 3 + 2 + (1) + 1 = 11 Defeated.
Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 1 Smoke Stick discarded to damage and Curse of Ravenous displayed.
Curse of the Ravenous: 1d4 ⇒ 4 Smoke Stick buried.
End Turn. Reset Hand.
Hand: Bird Feather Tokens 2, Emerald of Dexterity, Shock Musket +1, Dragon Pistol +1, Blessing of Alkenstar 1, Navigator Musket +1,
Displayed: Poisoned Bullets, Dragonbreath Shot, Curse of The Ravenous,
Deck: 13 Discard: 6 Buried: 1
Notes: Free to use: Weapons and Blessings
Sideboard cards:
Warrior Dolls: 1d3 ⇒ 1 Alchemical Laboratory.
Qualzar-EmpTyger |
(During Skizza’s turn)
Acid damage: 1d4 ⇒ 3
Recharging Robe of Energy Resistance to prevent 3 Acid damage
Qualzar’s armor protected him from the chain reaction that the ratfolk unleashed. “Best seat in the house is always in the splash zone!”
Hand: Chain Lightning, Mist Horn, Allying Dart +1, Acid Splash, Cat,
Deck: 11 Discard: 4 Buried: 0
Ask before using:
Can use without asking: Mist Horn (display at location until start of my next turn to prevent 3 monster damage); Allying Dart +1 (recharge to add 1d4+1 to Combat at my location)
Strength d6 [] +1 [] +2
Dexterity d6 [] +1 [] +2
Constitution d4 [] +1
Intelligence d10 [X] +1 [] +2 [] +3
-- Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [] +1 [] +2 [] +3
-- Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [] +4
-- Arcane: Charisma +2
Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6 [X] 7 [] 8
Proficient with: None
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([X] +1) ([X] +2) ([X] +3) ([] +4) and add the Attack, Mental ([X] or Force), and Magic traits. This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from). This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.
[] When you would shuffle a monster into a location deck on your turn, you may shuffle it into a random open location deck instead.
[] Reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2 ([] 3).
[] When you succeed at a check to recharge a spell, you may instead recharge a spell from your discard pile.
Die bumps: 3
Estra and Honaire |
Off-Turn; Estra discards Sign of the Newlyweds for Cogsnap.
Estra starts her turn.
Blessing of the Ancients discarded from the Blessings Deck.
Don't want to risk Acid collateral to Skizza and Qualzar, and whilst I could fight the villain his BYA - if it rolls high - could cripple me and there's no certainty that we can cover the temp-closures. A shuffle of the Silver Forge would be annoying given the banes moved to the bottom.
So I'll take the Silver Forge and leverage Honaire to help me through the closing check, with any luck.
Estra moves to the Silver Forge, and examines the top card of it with her power.
Barrier B
Traits: Trap Acid Fire Poison Veteran
To Defeat: Dexterity Acrobatics Wisdom Survival 5
The difficulty to defeat is increased by twice the scenario's adventure deck number.
If undefeated, roll a number of d6s equal to the scenario's adventure deck plus 1. For each die:
1-2. You are dealt 2 Fire damage.
3-4. You are dealt 2 Acid damage; discard a weapon or armor.
5-6. You are dealt 2 Poison damage.
Estra chooses not to discard or bury a card, and takes her free exploration to encounter the Toxic Geyser.
Estra reveals Neferekhu to add 2 dice to her noncombat Wisdom check.
Wisdom 13: 3d10 + 2 ⇒ (8, 5, 10) + 2 = 25 -> Toxic Geyser.
Neferekhu: Diplomacy 8 (Binder's Tome): 1d10 + 5 + 1d4 ⇒ (5) + 5 + (2) = 12 -> [ooc]No effect. Estra draws a card (Falcon Crown) for passing a Charisma check.
Her trap for the Sepid set, Estra scopes out other areas as the golems keep the div occupied. Perhaps she can set up another-
'TRAP!' A spectral voice shrieks a warning to Estra, giving her just enough time to raise protective shields before acid, poison and flame purifies the corridor she stood in. She takes a second to let the fumes and liquid dissipate, then carefully lowers her shields, grateful that the trap was short-lived. She speaks a quiet thanks to the spirit who warned her.
Estra reveals Codex of Conversations and sets aside Cleric of Nethys (Dip9) to examine the top two cards of her location, reorder them, then explore.
Codex of Conversations: Diplomacy 9 (Valet, Binder's Tome): 1d10 + 5 + 1d4 ⇒ (8) + 5 + (3) = 16 -> Estra draws a card (Mindblade (Dip9)) for passing a Charisma check. Cleric of Nethys (Dip9) recharged.
Estra examines...
Silver Forge Card 2: Druj Nasu
Silver Forge Card 3: Falcon Crown
Estra places Falcon Crown on top of the location deck and explores.
Armor 4
Traits: Light Armor Magic
To Acquire: Constitution Fortitude Wisdom Divine 10
Recharge this card to reduce all damage dealt to you by 2. If proficient with light armors, you may play another armor on this check.
For your combat check, recharge this card to roll your Arcane or Divine skill + 2d6. If the bane has the Undead trait, you may bury this card to add another 1d6. This counts as playing a spell.
If proficient with light armors, you may recharge this card when you play a spell.
Divine 10: 3d10 + 4 ⇒ (3, 9, 5) + 4 = 21 -> Falcon Crown 2 acquired.
Neferekhu: Diplomacy 8 (Binder's Tome): 1d10 + 5 + 1d4 ⇒ (2) + 5 + (1) = 8 -> No effect. Estra draws a card (Blessing of Qi Zhong) for passing a Charisma check.
Neat; didn't expect another Boon 4, but alright!
Estra reveals Codex of Conversations and sets aside Mindblade to explore again, and may reroll a failed combat check.
Codex of Conversations: Diplomacy 9 (Valet, Binder's Tome): 1d10 + 5 + 1d4 ⇒ (10) + 5 + (2) = 17 -> Estra draws a card (Idorii (Dip9)) for passing a Charisma check. Mindblade recharged.
Henchman 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Fortitude Perception 6 THEN Combat Divine 15
The Druj Nasu is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, a character at your location summons and encounters the henchman Beheaded.
If the check to defeat has the Acid or Electricity trait, subtract 1 from each die.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.
Henchman Monster 1
Combat 12
Arcane Divine 10
The Beheaded is immune to the Mental and Poison traits.
Before you act, roll 1d4. Each character at your location is dealt 1 damage of this type:
1. Fire
2. Acid
3. Cold
4. Electricity
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.
Cogsnap takes 1 Fire damage.
Estra reveals Neferekhu to add 2 dice to her noncombat Divine check.
Divine 10: 3d10 + 4 ⇒ (9, 1, 7) + 4 = 21 -> Beheaded defeated.
Neferekhu: Diplomacy 8 (Binder's Tome): 1d10 + 5 + 1d4 ⇒ (5) + 5 + (1) = 11 -> No effect. Estra draws a card (Good Omen) for passing a Charisma check.
Estra moves onto the Druj Nasu encounter.
Why do these div-cursed heads constantly harass Estra?
...and why is Cogsnap always caught up in the collateral?
Estra reveals Neferekhu to add 2 dice to her noncombat Wisdom check.
Perception 6: 3d10 + 4 ⇒ (9, 5, 2) + 4 = 20 -> First check to defeat Druj Nasu passed.
Neferekhu: Diplomacy 8 (Binder's Tome): 1d10 + 5 + 1d4 ⇒ (1) + 5 + (2) = 8 -> No effect. Estra draws a card (Detect Undead) for passing a Charisma check.
Estra reveals Neferekhu to add 2 dice to her noncombat Wisdom check.
Estra discards Blessing of Qi Zhong to add a die.
Divine 15: 4d10 + 4 ⇒ (1, 5, 5, 4) + 4 = 19 -> Second check to defeat Druj Nasu passed.
Neferekhu: Diplomacy 8 (Binder's Tome): 1d10 + 5 + 1d4 ⇒ (6) + 5 + (4) = 15 -> No effect. Estra draws a card (Swipe) for passing a Charisma check.
Druj Nasu defeated!
Estra attempts to close the Silver Forge, summoning and encountering a random armor...
Armor 2
Traits: Light Armor Magic
To Acquire: Constitution Fortitude 7 OR Intelligence Arcane 8
Recharge this card to add 1d8 to your Stealth check or reduce Combat or Poison damage dealt to you by 3.
Banish this card to evade a monster that does not have the Incorporeal trait, or to reduce Combat or Poison damage dealt to you to 0. If proficient with light armors, bury this card instead.
If proficent with light armors, you may recharge this card when you reset your hand.
Estra drives out more of the div's minions with strings of Divine light that burn them as they try to approach. She drives the monstrous beings out, and looks to seeing if she can turn some of the materials in this strange, vast forge to use against the Sepid before he overcomes the golems...
Estra sets aside Swipe to automatically acquire Mistmail.
Estra reveals Neferekhu to add 2 dice to her noncombat Divine check to recharge.
Divine 10: 3d10 + 4 ⇒ (10, 2, 9) + 4 = 25 -> Swipe recharged.
Neferekhu: Diplomacy 8 (Binder's Tome): 1d10 + 5 + 1d4 ⇒ (4) + 5 + (3) = 12 -> No effect. Estra passes on drawing a card.
Silver Forge is closed.
Estra ends her turn.
Warrior Dolls movement: 1d2 ⇒ 1 -> Warrior Dolls moves to the Alchemical Laboratory.
Estra resets her hand, recharges Mistmail and discards Detect Undead and Binder's Tome to bring herself down to hand size.
Hand: Honaire, Neferekhu, Codex of Conversations, Falcon Crown, Idorii (Dip9), Good Omen,
Displayed: Create Mindscape (Alchemical Laboratory),
Deck: 11 Discard: 7 Buried: 0
Notes: Good Omen can be used on any check to acquire or close to add +5 - we're about to finish the scenario, so don't be stingy!
Dexterity d4 [ ] +1 [ ]+2
Constitution d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Intelligence d8 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
Knowledge: Intelligence +1
Wisdom d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [ ] +3 [ ] +4
Divine: Wisdom +2
Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [ ] +3
*Diplomacy: Charisma +3
Favored Card: Loot Ally Honaire
Hand Size 5 [X] 6 [ ] 7
Proficient with: Light Armors
At the end of your move step, you may examine the top card of your location deck. ([ ] If the card has a power that happens when examined, you may instead shuffle a card into your deck to ignore the power.) You may bury ([X] or discard) a card to encounter the card; during this encounter, add 1d6 ([ ]+1) to your Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution checks.
When you succeed at a combat ([X] or Charisma) check, you may draw a card ([ ] or shuffle a random card from your discard pile into your deck).
[X] When the ally Honaire would be shuffled into your deck, you may set it aside and, after shuffling, put it on top of your deck.
[ ] At the start of your turn, you may exchange an ally ([ ] or a blessing) in your hand with an ally in your discard pile.
[X] *Gain the skill Diplomacy: Charisma +3.
[ ] Instead of the first exploration of your turn, each character at your location may shuffle a random ally from his discard pile into his deck.
[ ] [ ] Cleanser of Abominations (Silver Crusade Faction Reward): On your turn, you may check an unchecked box that precedes this reward to banish a scourge or a card that has the Curse trait.
(You may use this reward up to 2 additional times if you fulfill the following requirements. When you fulfill the requirement, check the box that precedes it; when you use the reward, cross that line off.)
[X] Defeat a villain or henchman that has the Demon, Fiend, or Undead trait.
Die Bumps remaining: 1
Cogsnap takes 1 Fire damage, yet again caused by Estra.
BR Yewstance |
Cogsnap takes 1 Fire damage.
No script was used for the scenario update this time.
During This Adventure:
During This Scenario:
Additional Rules:
2. Estra
3. Cogsnap
4. Lini
5. Darago
6. Qualzar
Villain 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Combat 25 OR Divine 18
The Sepid is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, each character at your location must succeed at a Dexterity or Acrobatics 12 check or be dealt 1d6 Combat damage.
If the check to defeat has the Acid, Attack, Electricity, or Ranged trait, subtract 1 from each die.
Henchman 4
Type: Monster
Traits: Outsider
To Defeat: Fortitude Perception 6 THEN Combat Divine 15
The Druj Nasu is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, a character at your location summons and encounters the henchman Beheaded. If the check to defeat has the Acid or Electricity trait, subtract 1 from each die.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.
Turn: 19, Cogsnap/VampByDay
1-2. Curse of Poisoning
3. Curse of Vulnerability
4. Curse of Daybane
5. Curse of the Ravenous
6. Curse of Withering
7. Curse of Fevered Dreams
8. Curse of the Sphinx
9. Curse of Blindness
10. Curse of the Mummy
Monster 1
To Defeat:
Combat 8
THEN Combat 8 When you examine this card, succeed at a Stealth 6 check or each character at your location summons and encounters an Ubashki Swarm.
The Ubashki Swarm is immune to the Mental and Poison traits.
If the Ubashki Swarm is not defeated by at least 2 on both checks, succeed at a Constitution or Fortitude 7 check or bury 1 card.
Monster 4
To Defeat:
Combat 19 The Elder Ifreeti is immune to the Fire trait. All damage dealt by the Elder Ifreeti is Fire damage.
If the check to defeat the Elder Ifreeti has the Cold trait, add 1d8.
If defeated, choose a non-loot type of boon and draw a random card of that type from the box.
Monster 4
To Defeat:
Combat 17 The Elemental Arachnid is immune to the Mental and Poison traits. You may play any number of armors in this encounter.
Before you act, you are dealt 1 Acid damage, then 1 Cold damage, then 1 Electricity damage, then 1 Fire damage.
If undefeated, the Elemental Arachnid deals no damage; instead, you are dealt 1d4 Acid damage, then 1d4 Cold damage, then 1d4 Electricity damage, then 1d4 Fire damage.
Monster 1
To Defeat:
Combat 9 The Shasalqu is immune to the Cold and Fire traits.
Before you act, each character at your location must succeed at a Wisdom 6 check or recharge 1d4 cards.
After you act, if the roll exceeds 15, each character at your location is dealt 1 Cold damage.
Monster 1
To Defeat:
Combat 10 The Caryatid Column is immune to the Attack, Mental, and Poison traits. If your check to defeat does not have the Bludgeoning trait, the difficulty is increased by 2.
Barrier 2
To Defeat:
Diplomacy 8
OR Combat 15 If defeated, you may examine the top 3 cards of your location and place them back in any order.
If undefeated, put this card on top of your location.
Barrier B
To Defeat:
Craft 7 If undefeated, display this barrier next to the location deck.
If you start your turn at this location, bury a weapon or an armor. Then you may succeed at a Constitution, Fortitude, Intelligence, or Craft 7 check to banish this card.
Barrier 3
To Defeat:
Acrobatics 12
OR Disable 9 Before you act, each other character at your location must succeed at a Dexterity or Acrobatics 12 or Disable 9 check or bury her hand.
If you fail the check to defeat, bury your hand. If you succeed, after the encounter, you may immediately explore your location.
After you act, shuffle this card into a random other open location deck; the Rolling Sphere is defeated.
Barrier 4
To Defeat:
Wisdom 12 When you examine this card, recharge your hand, reset your hand, then you are dealt 1d4 Mental damage that may not be reduced.
If undefeated, each character at this location is dealt 1d4 Combat damage. Then leave this barrier faceup on its location deck; characters at this location encounter this barrier as their first exploration each turn until the barrier is defeated. At the end of your turn, succeed at a Strength 14 check to defeat this barrier.
Barrier B
To Defeat:
Perception 6 The difficulty to defeat is increased by twice the scenario's adventure deck number.
If undefeated, each character at your location is dealt 1d4 Ranged combat damage. First choose allies to discard as your damage, if you have any.
Weapon 4
Magic To Acquire:
Divine 11 For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 1d8+2; you may additionally discard this card to add another 1d6. If not proficient with weapons, the difficulty of this check is increased by 4.
Recharge this card to recharge a random spell from your discard pile.
Weapon B
Elite To Acquire:
Melee 6
OR Arcane
Divine 8 For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 1d6+1; you may additionally discard this card to add another 1d6.
You may discard this card to shuffle your location deck; if you succeed at an Arcane or Divine 10 check, you may recharge this card instead.
Weapon 3
Elite To Acquire:
Divine 12 For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 1d6+1; you may additionally discard this card to add another 1d6 and the Fire trait.
Reveal this card and discard a spell to reduce the difficulty of a combat check by 1d6+1.
Weapon C
Elite To Acquire:
Melee 9 For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 2d4. If proficient with weapons, you may additionally discard this card to add your Dexterity skill if the monster does not have the Incorporeal or Ooze trait.
After you act, reveal an armor or you are dealt 1 combat damage.
Weapon 2
Elite To Acquire:
Melee 8 For your combat check, reveal this card to roll your Strength or Melee skill + 2d4+1; you may additionally discard this card to add another 1d6. If not proficient with weapons, the difficulty of this check is increased by 4. If any d4 rolled on this check is a 4, count it as 5.
Recharge this card to add your Strength or Melee skill to your check to defeat a barrier that has the Obstacle trait.
Spell 4
Divine To Acquire:
Divine 11 Display this card at your location. When a character at this location is dealt damage, reduce it by 1d4.
When the location is closed, discard this card. If you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill, banish this card; otherwise, you may succeed at an Arcane or Divine 13 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Spell 4
Divine To Acquire:
Divine 10 Discard this card to add 2d6 to a combat check against a monster that has the Undead trait at your location. Characters may not play other spells on this check.
After playing this card, if you do not have the Divine skill, banish it; otherwise, you may succeed at a Divine 12 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Spell B
Divine To Acquire:
Divine 6 Discard this card to add 2 dice to any check to defeat a barrier.
After playing this card, if you do not have the Divine skill, banish it; otherwise, you may succeed at a Divine 8 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Spell 3
Acid To Acquire:
Divine 11 Display this card. While displayed, you may add 1d8 and the Acid trait to a combat check by a character at your location; you may play another spell on that check. After that check, you are dealt 1 Combat damage. At the end of your turn, if you do not have the Divine skill, banish this card; otherwise, you may succeed at a Divine 13 check to recharge it instead.
Spell 4
Divine To Acquire:
Divine 11 Display this card at your location. When a character at this location is dealt damage, reduce it by 1d4.
When the location is closed, discard this card. If you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill, banish this card; otherwise, you may succeed at an Arcane or Divine 13 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Armor 3
Offhand To Acquire:
Fortitude 6
OR Melee 8 If you played a weapon that has the 2-Handed trait on this check, you may not play this card.
Reveal this card to reduce Acid, Combat, or Fire damage dealt to you by 2. You may play another armor on this check.
When playing a weapon, you may discard this card to add 1d4 and the Slashing trait to the check.
Armor B
Light Armor
Elite To Acquire:
Fortitude 5
OR Intelligence
Craft 7 Recharge this card to reduce Acid, Combat, or Electricity damage dealt to you by 2, or 3 if the damage is dealt to you before or after you act.
If proficient with light armors, bury this card to reduce all damage dealt to you to 0. You may succeed at a Craft 8 check to recharge this armor instead.
Armor 2
Light Armor
Magic To Acquire:
Fortitude 8 Recharge this card to reduce Cold, Combat, Electricity, or Poison damage dealt to you by 3.
Banish this card to reduce Cold, Combat, Electricity, or Poison damage dealt to you by 5. If proficient with light armors, bury this card instead.
If proficent with light armors, you may recharge this card when you reset your hand.
Armor 3
Light Armor
Magic To Acquire:
Diplomacy 9 Reveal this card to reduce Acid, Combat, Electricity, or Fire damage dealt to you by 2 or add 2 to your Charisma or Diplomacy non-combat check.
Banish this card to reduce Acid, Combat, Electricity, or Fire damage dealt to you to 0. If proficient with light armors, bury this card instead.
If proficient with light armors, recharge this card to draw an ally from your discard pile.
Armor 1
Light Armor To Acquire:
Fortitude 6
OR Intelligence
Craft 8 Recharge this card to reduce Acid, Cold, Combat, or Poison damage dealt to you by 3, or by 5 if the damage is dealt by a bane that has the Undead trait.
If proficient with light armors, bury this card to reduce all damage dealt to you by 5; you may succeed at a Craft 9 check to recharge it instead.
Item B
Maat To Acquire:
Divine 5 Recharge this card to add 1 die to your Constitution non-combat check.
After you roll the dice on your check, recharge this card to add or subtract 1 from the result.
Item B
Tool To Acquire:
Disable 6 Recharge this card to add 1d8 to your Craft or Disable check.
Item 2
Mummy To Acquire:
Divine 7 Bury this card to allow a character at your location to banish a displayed card that has the Curse trait; succeed at a Wisdom or Divine 8 check to recharge this card instead.
Item B
Magic To Acquire:
Wisdom 5 During your encounter, recharge this card to gain the skill Divine: Wisdom +2; characters may not play blessings that have the Divine trait.
Recharge this card to add the Magic trait to your check.
Item 3
Magic To Acquire:
Arcane 11 When you examine this card, you may reveal a blessing that has the Isis trait to acquire this card.
Recharge this card to add 1 die to your Intelligence non-combat check or check that invokes the Acid trait.
Recharge this card to add the Acid trait to your check.
Ally C
Cleric To Acquire:
Diplomacy 8 Recharge this card to add your Wisdom skill to your check that invokes the Cold or Undead trait.
Discard this card to examine the top 3 cards of your location. Then you may explore your location.
Ally B
Elite To Acquire:
Bury an armor
OR Charisma
Diplomacy 8 Recharge this card to add 1d4 to your Melee or Ranged Combat check.
Banish this card to reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 3.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Ally 2
Veteran To Acquire:
Divine 7
OR Charisma
Diplomacy 9 Discard this card to add 1d4 and the Electricity trait to your combat check.
Discard this card to explore your location. During this exploration, ignore banes' immunity to the Electricity trait; add 2 plus the scenario's adventure deck number and the Electricity trait to your combat checks.
Ally B
Aspis To Acquire:
Diplomacy 8 When you would encounter a boon, you may recharge this card to exchange the boon with a random boon of the same type from the box.
Discard this card to explore your location, adding 1d4 to your checks to acquire items.
Ally C
Fighter To Acquire:
Diplomacy 7 Recharge this card to recharge a weapon or armor that has the Basic trait from your discard pile.
At the end of your turn, recharge this card to move to another location.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Blessing B
Basic To Acquire:
Charisma 6 Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Recharge this card to add 1 die to any check that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Blessing B
Wadjet To Acquire:
Divine 5
OR Intelligence
Knowledge 7 Reveal this card to add 1d4 to your check to acquire a boon.
Discard this card to add 2d8 to any check to acquire a boon.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location; then you may explore your location, adding 1 die to your checks to acquire a boon during that exploration.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, draw a card.
Blessing B
Basic To Acquire:
Divine 3 Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location, then you may explore your location.
After you play this card, if the top card of the blessings discard pile has the Basic trait, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessing B
Electricity To Acquire:
Divine 6
OR Dexterity
Ranged 7 Discard this card to add 1 die and the Electricity trait to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any Dexterity non-combat check or check that invokes the Electricity trait.
Discard this card to move, then you may explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, you may move.
Blessing B
Basic To Acquire:
Divine 3 Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location, then you may explore your location.
After you play this card, if the top card of the blessings discard pile has the Basic trait, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Top of Blessing Discard Pile:
Blessing B
Wadjet To Acquire:
Divine 5
OR Intelligence
Knowledge 7 Reveal this card to add 1d4 to your check to acquire a boon.
Discard this card to add 2d8 to any check to acquire a boon.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location; then you may explore your location, adding 1 die to your checks to acquire a boon during that exploration.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, draw a card.
Blessings Remaining: 12
Blessings Deck
Blessing of Bastet
Blessing B
Gambling To Acquire:
Divine 6
OR Stealth
Craft 8 Recharge this card to allow a character at your location to reroll 1 die on his check, or bury it to reroll all the dice; that character takes the new result.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location. If it is a bane, encounter that bane and the bane may not be evaded; otherwise, you may encounter the card.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, you may search your deck for a non-blessing card that has the Gambling trait and draw it.
Blessing of Nethys
Blessing B
Nethys To Acquire:
Perception 8
OR Divine 5 Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck and put them back in any order; then explore the location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessing of Horus
Blessing B
Electricity To Acquire:
Divine 6
OR Dexterity
Ranged 7 Discard this card to add 1 die and the Electricity trait to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any Dexterity non-combat check or check that invokes the Electricity trait.
Discard this card to move, then you may explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, you may move.
Blessing of Osiris
Blessing 4
Healing To Acquire:
Divine 8 Discard this card to add 1d4 to any check that invokes the Healing trait.
Discard when you shuffle cards from your discard pile into your deck. Shuffle in an additional 1d4.
Discard this card to explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, each character at your location may recharge a random card from their discard pile.
Blessing of the Elements
Blessing B
Basic To Acquire:
Charisma 6 Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Recharge this card to add 1 die to any check that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Blessing of Anubis
Blessing 4
Mummy To Acquire:
Divine 8
OR Charisma
Diplomacy 11 Discard this card to add 1 die and the Poison trait to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any Charisma check or to any check against a bane that has the Mummy or Undead trait; ignore that bane's immunities.
Discard this card to explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessing of Bastet
Blessing B
Gambling To Acquire:
Divine 6
OR Stealth
Craft 8 Recharge this card to allow a character at your location to reroll 1 die on his check, or bury it to reroll all the dice; that character takes the new result.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location. If it is a bane, encounter that bane and the bane may not be evaded; otherwise, you may encounter the card.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, you may search your deck for a non-blessing card that has the Gambling trait and draw it.
Blessing of Ra
Blessing B
Fire To Acquire:
Divine 6
OR Strength
Melee 8 Discard this card to add 1 die and the Fire trait to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any Strength non-combat check or check that invokes the Fire trait.
Discard this card to explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Blessing of the Elements
Blessing B
Basic To Acquire:
Charisma 6 Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Recharge this card to add 1 die to any check that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.
Discard this card to explore your location.
Blessing of Maat
Blessing 2
Maat To Acquire:
Divine 6
OR Constitution
Fortitude 10 Discard this card after any check is rolled to add or subtract up to 3 from the result.
Recharge this card to reduce damage dealt to you by 2.
Discard this card to exchange all dice that would be rolled on a non-combat check with d8s.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, you may discard any number of cards to allow a character at your location to recharge that same number of random cards from his discard pile.
Blessing of Maat
Blessing 2
Maat To Acquire:
Divine 6
OR Constitution
Fortitude 10 Discard this card after any check is rolled to add or subtract up to 3 from the result.
Recharge this card to reduce damage dealt to you by 2.
Discard this card to exchange all dice that would be rolled on a non-combat check with d8s.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, you may discard any number of cards to allow a character at your location to recharge that same number of random cards from his discard pile.
Blessing of the Ancients
Blessing B
Basic To Acquire:
Divine 3 Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location, then you may explore your location.
After you play this card, if the top card of the blessings discard pile has the Basic trait, recharge this card instead of discarding it.
Location #1: Alchemical Laboratory
At This Location: If you defeat a bane by 4 or more, each character at this location is dealt 1d4 Acid damage.
When Closing: Succeed at an Intelligence or Craft check with a difficulty of 5 plus the scenario's adventure deck number.
When Permanently Closed: On closing, draw 3 random items that have the Alchemical trait from the box and shuffle them into this location.
M: 1 Ba: 2 W: 0 Sp: 0 Ar: 0 I: 0 Al: 0 Bl: 0 ?: 1
Located/Displayed Here: Qualzar/EmpTyger, Skizza/agent_eclipse, Create Mindscape Displayed, WARRIOR DOLLS DISPLAYED: +1d6 to checks to defeat monsters
Monster 1
To Defeat:
Combat 8
THEN Combat 10 The Coffer Corpse is immune to the Mental and Poison traits.
If undefeated, move to a random location.
Barrier 3
To Defeat:
Knowledge 13
OR Wisdom
Survival 10 When you examine this card, encounter it.
If undefeated, each character at your location must summon and encounter the henchman Blightwing. Then banish this card.
Henchman 4
Type: Monster
To Defeat:
Perception 6
THEN Combat
Divine 15 The Druj Nasu is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, a character at your location summons and encounters the henchman Beheaded.
If the check to defeat has the Acid or Electricity trait, subtract 1 from each die.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.
Barrier 2
To Defeat:
Constitution 6
OR Dexterity
Disable 8 If undefeated, each character at your location is dealt 1d4 Fire damage.
Location #2: Mumia Lab
At This Location: At the start of your turn, succeed at a Constitution 4 check or draw the scourge Curse of Withering from the box.
When Closing: Summon and defeat the henchman Crawling Hands.
When Permanently Closed: On closing, draw a random item that has the Alchemical trait from the box.
M: 2 Ba: 1 W: 0 Sp: 0 Ar: 0 I: 1 Al: 0 Bl: 0 ?: 1
Located/Displayed Here:
Villain 4
Type: Monster
To Defeat:
Combat 25
OR Divine 18 The Sepid is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, each character at your location must succeed at a Dexterity or Acrobatics 12 check or be dealt 1d6 Combat damage.
If the check to defeat has the Acid, Attack, Electricity, or Ranged trait, subtract 1 from each die.
Barrier 3
To Defeat:
Knowledge 10
OR Wisdom 12 When you examine this card, succeed at an Intelligence or Arcane 10 check; otherwise, you are dealt 1d6 Cold damage.
If undefeated, each character at this location is dealt 1d4 Cold damage and is moved to a random other location.
Monster B
To Defeat:
Stealth 7
OR Combat 9 The difficulty to defeat is increased by the scenario's adventure deck number.
If undefeated, the Caravan Raider deals no damage; instead, banish a boon.
Monster 3
To Defeat:
Combat 15 The Guecubu is immune to the Electricity, Mental, and Poison traits.
After you act, suffer a scourge.
Item C
Accessory To Acquire:
Survival 6 Recharge this card to add 1 die to your check that invokes the Electricity or Fire trait.
At This Location: At the end of your turn, you may recharge an armor card from your discard pile.
M: 0 Ba: 0 W: 0 Sp: 0 Ar: 0 I: 0 Al: 0 Bl: 0 ?: 0
Located/Displayed Here: Cogsnap/VampByDay, Estra/Yewstance,
Location #4: Crypt
At This Location:
M: 0 Ba: 0 W: 0 Sp: 0 Ar: 0 I: 0 Al: 0 Bl: 0 ?: 0
Located/Displayed Here: Darago/AAUGHWHY,
Location #5: Vault of Hidden Wisdom
At This Location:
M: 0 Ba: 0 W: 0 Sp: 0 Ar: 0 I: 0 Al: 0 Bl: 0 ?: 0
Located/Displayed Here: None
Location #6: Catacombs
At This Location:
M: 0 Ba: 0 W: 0 Sp: 0 Ar: 0 I: 0 Al: 0 Bl: 0 ?: 0
Located/Displayed Here:
Location #7: Altar of Riddles
At This Location:
M: 0 Ba: 0 W: 0 Sp: 0 Ar: 0 I: 0 Al: 0 Bl: 0 ?: 0
Located/Displayed Here:
Location #8: Precious Mine
At This Location:
M: 0 Ba: 0 W: 0 Sp: 0 Ar: 0 I: 0 Al: 0 Bl: 0 ?: 0
Located/Displayed Here: Lini/Bigguyinblack, None
Cogsnap-VampByDay |
Estra's Turn-I reveal Alchemist's Shield and recharge Alchemist's fire to reduce fire damage to 0
Start of turn-Wadget O'Clock. Move to Mumia Lab-Explore
Cogsnap continues looking around trying to find a way to face the giantess, but turning a corner, accidentally runs into her!
"You, little one, DIE!" she shouts, and hucks some rocks at him.[/b]
BYA Dex Check: DC 12 vs. 1d10+3(dex): 1d10 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
1d6 combat damage: 1d6 ⇒ 2
Reveal Alchemist's shield to reduce by 2-no damage
Cogsnap is unable to get out of the way in time, but hides behind his shield, which takes all of the damage and leaves him unscathed. He then brandishes a flask.
"Acid? You think to hurt me with ACID?" she bellows, chuckling. "I'm largely immune."
Throw Alkali Flask. As per rules of the Alkali flask, I can discard another card (Galvanic Chakrum +1) to add my craft skill. I'll also add the Blessing of Alkenstar for a d12.
Combat 25 vs. 1d10+3(dex)+1(ranged skill)+1d6(power)+3d6(Alkali flask)+1d10+1(Int)+2(craft skill)+1d12(blessing): 2d10 + 4d6 + 1d12 + 7 - 7 ⇒ (8, 8) + (5, 6, 5, 4) + (3) + 7 - 7 = 39
Cogsnap just smiles in response. "This isn't acid, it's a base. Kinda the opposite of an acid, really. Still really bad for organic stuff." he says as he chucks the vial. The giantess's smile evaporates as the concoction hits her in the face and she begins to scream in agony.
"Huh, wasn't actually sure that would work." Cogsnap muses to himself.
Recharge Liquid Ice to draw a random liquid/alchemical item from the box-GM, I WILL NEED AN ITEM AS NONE OF THE FIVE LISTED ARE VALID ITEMS FOR ME TO DRAW.
Waiting to see what happens with temp close.
BR Yewstance |
Skizza automatically passes the check to temp-close the Alchemical Laboratory (Craft 9: Craft + Create Mindscape + Good Omen == 1d10+2+1d4+5)
Random Alchemical/Liquid card acquired by Cogsnap was Scarab Sand (Item 3).
Loot 4
Type: Item
Traits: Accessory Magic
To Acquire: None
Reveal this card to reduce damage dealt to you by 1. You may play another Item on this check.
Recharge this card to add your Strength or Melee skill to your combat check when you play a spell.
(Golden Serpent Armband has been added to the Loot spreadsheet, and is highlighted in gold.)
You corner the sepid as a golem pins its arm, and you end the fiend’s life. As its body crumbles to ash, all that remains are the sage jewel and the div’s serpentine armband.
You investigate the jewel and feel Mnemoset’s power coursing inside. The Spinel Sage may have perished millennia ago, but you hope that her memories survive within the artifact she left behind.
Skizza picks up the shiny armband, eagerly examining its sheen and playing with the golden bracelet, before crying in disappointment as the gold seems to melt away into fuzzy light in his hands. Qualzar cackles at the ratfolk from a short distance away, idly tossing the real armband in a hand as his illusionary copy fades from Skizza's paws. Whilst the two are distracted, Darago picks up and investigates the spinel sage's jewel, feeling Mnemoset’s power coursing inside. The Spinel Sage may have perished millennia ago, but there is still hope that her memories survive within the artifact she left behind.
Black Kiss (Ally 1)
Minnothet (Ally 2)
Commander Abdallah (Ally 3)
Erayu (Ally 4) (A Loot Ally drawn by Darago)
Steel Ibis Lamellar (Armor 4)
Falcon Crown (Armor 4)
Blessing of the Elements (Blessing B)
Blessing of Pharasma (Blessing B)
Blessing of Maat (Blessing 2)
Blessing of Osiris (Blessing 4)
Potion of Energy Resistance (Item B)
Smoke Stick (Item 1)
Scarab Sand (Item 3)
Bird Feather Tokens (Item 3)
Sunrod (Item 4)
Find Traps (Spell B)
Acid Splash (Spell B)
Good Omen (Spell B)
Detect Undead (Spell 1)
Mace of Ruin (Weapon 4)
Thousand Stings Whip (Weapon 4)
BR Yewstance |
Before I post the next scenario, I'd like to hear if the party would like to move this game to a different thread or not, as I have been given Hawkmoon's blessing to do so.
Moving to a different thread doesn't mean anything different for the players besides that they will be posting in a different Campaign/Gameplay/Discussion thread. In moving the thread to one I control I will be able to modify the Campaign Header to add whatever information players would like to it, and I will probably become the de-facto permanent BR for the table for the future (which also means I'll be responsible for future Chronicle Sheets and the like). (Note that I will need a small amount of time to do any such transfer.)
We can do it now, we can do it later, or we can do it never. If there's no explicit agreement between all members of the party then we'll remain put here.
If it makes any difference to player's decisions, the next scenario is the last scenario of Adventure 4, in case you want to switch between-adventures.
Qualzar-EmpTyger |
Gaining Card Feat: 4 items (taking Item B Codex)
Replacing Item B Codex with Loot Item 4 Golden Serpent Armband
Upgrading Weapon B Allying Dart +1 into Giantbane Dagger +1
Qualzar read from a book, comparing the golden bracelet to an elaborate description. "Oooh, this will be fun!" The gnome giggled as he strapped the serpentine coil to his arm. Before departing, the sorcerer returned to the silver forge. With the machinery finally deactivated, there were no interruptions as he engineered a few adjustments to his weapon.
BR Yewstance |
The next scenario has been posted at our new thread, one I have full control of.
Once you post in that thread, it will turn up in your Campaign and we can continue from there. After everyone has moved and posted their Trader choices there I will start the scenario and ask Hawkmoon to mark this thread as Inactive. You will still be able to look at this thread but it will not be listed among your active Campaigns.