[5e] Rappan Athuk in the Mwangi Expanse (Inactive)

Game Master Zizazat

Don't go down the Well!

The Mouth of Doom

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M Elf Ranger 2 15/20 hp AC 14 Init +3 Str+3 Dex +5 730 XP

A Nature check about gargoyles in the Mwangi expanse. How common are they? Any of the local tribes revere them?

Nature: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5

After hearing Akemenos’ report about the other chamber, Uilisfuen says, ”Green flames? They must be magical. Is there a specific rite that uses green flame?” he asks the tiefling wizard.

”Maybe something was nailed to the door’s other side,” he comments to Cererithil. Before following them to the other chamber, he examines the door, looking for signs of blood around the nails. (Not sure how easy that is to do by darkvision.) He sniffs the wood near the nails, knowing the iron in the nails may interfere with any odor of blood.

For the Glory of the Veskarium! Docking Bay 3-3

Uilisfuen makes a further investigation of the door as the lizard scouts further ahead down the hall. There does not appear to be any blood, dried or otherwise, on the nails.

Gargoyles are the stuff of legend and black magic. You don't believe any of the local Mwangi tribes have magic powerful enough to create them. Even among your wild elf tribes such power would be rare.

Diego heads east down the hallway, and it quickly turns north. Akmenos directs the lizard further north confirming that the hallway joins to the west with the original hallway you entered this section of the Mouth from the main room. The hallway also continues further north.

More hallway map revealed! Diego is about 75' away from Akmenos currently.

Male Tiefling Wizard 2 (760 XP); AC12, HP12/12, per.10, spells:1st - 2/3, lizard owner

That hallway goes back the way we came... from beyond the zombies. Let us head back to the green flame room. It has much greater purpose here. Akmenso heads back the other way when Diego returns.

When/if the group follows Akmenos checks to see if the door is locked.

Investigation: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20

Male Elvish Wilderness Warrior (Rogue)/1 AC15 HP 10/[10] passive perception 16 passive insight 12 Saves: S+1 D+5 Cn+2 I+2 W+2 Ch-1 HD 1/[1] Immune vs Charm and Sleep. Dark Vision.

moved Cererithil

Before we do there are a number of portals that need examination, especially down the corridor we just came from.

The elf checks the door next to him for traps and then opens it.

For the Glory of the Veskarium! Docking Bay 3-3

Both Cererithil and Akmenos give the door a through examination, only to find it closed and unlocked. It opens into a fairly large room. There are ten crudely-built wooden beds in the room, each with a wooden footlocker underneath. All of the footlockers are empty, with the exception of a candle stub, a mouse skeleton, a needle and thread, and a bent copper piece. The blankets on the beds are intact and can be used.

Map updated!

Male Tiefling Wizard 2 (760 XP); AC12, HP12/12, per.10, spells:1st - 2/3, lizard owner

This is a boon! this can be an easily secured resting place, or a place to stash things we cannot carry out immediately.

I think Cererithil was talking about the door by where I moved Diego.

For the Glory of the Veskarium! Docking Bay 3-3

I was a bit unclear, but I believe you are right. I'll retcon/add that as well...

The southern hallway door is unlocked, and free of traps. After opening it to peek inside, Cererithil sees the room has partially collapsed and most of it is filled with boulders, rocks, dirt and rubble.

M Elf Ranger 2 15/20 hp AC 14 Init +3 Str+3 Dex +5 730 XP

Position updated
”I don’t think any of the local Mwangi human tribes could have created the gargoyles,” the elf whispers to the others. ”Maybe a wild elf tribe, but I don’t know of any reasons for doing that. Gargoyles are from dark magic, so we definitely should be prepared for evil.”

Male Tiefling Wizard 2 (760 XP); AC12, HP12/12, per.10, spells:1st - 2/3, lizard owner

Before the group enters the area with the green fire and columns, Akmenos performs a ritual of detect magic to aid with the investigation of the strange area.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Vigilante (Stalker) 7 | HP 70/70 | AC 22, touch 17, FF 16 | Fort +4, Ref +10, Will +5 | Init +5, Perception +10

Lysander shifts his grip on his shield and sword at Uilisfuen's mention of dark magic and evil. "The General shall see us through," he mutters, a short and concise prayer of conviction. "We must purge the evil from this place."

For the Glory of the Veskarium! Docking Bay 3-3

The fire bowls, burning with green flame, are clearly magical though the carved columns are not. A closer investigation of the eastern wall reveals that it is a secret door in the stone wall which has carelessly been left ajar.

Male Elvish Wilderness Warrior (Rogue)/1 AC15 HP 10/[10] passive perception 16 passive insight 12 Saves: S+1 D+5 Cn+2 I+2 W+2 Ch-1 HD 1/[1] Immune vs Charm and Sleep. Dark Vision.

Cererithil holds a finger to his lips and stealthily enters the secret door, an arrow to his bow string and looks around.

Male Tiefling Wizard 2 (760 XP); AC12, HP12/12, per.10, spells:1st - 2/3, lizard owner

Akmenos studies the flame to try and gather it's origin and function, as well as taking an action to learnt he school of magic causing the flame.

Arcana: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17

M Elf Ranger 2 15/20 hp AC 14 Init +3 Str+3 Dex +5 730 XP

Uilisfuen moves to the eastern wall as Cererithil enters the secret door. His backpack brushes the wall as he stands ready to pull an arrow and fire it.

”How hot is the fire?” he whispers to Akemenos.

Position updated

For the Glory of the Veskarium! Docking Bay 3-3

Akmenos focuses on the magical flame, and it is no surprise to the wizard that it is a kind of evocation magic. The heat of the green flames hardly register to the tiefling.

Entering into the secret door the wild elf quietly notices a second secret door on the eastern wall, making a small 10'x 10' room if both doors were closed. Checking for traps and then releasing the second door when satisfied, Cererithil sees the back of some kind of massive stone statue that appears to be on a raised dais in front of the secret door. Because of his location behind the statue, in the secret passage it is difficult to see much else in the room, though the wild elf could squeeze out into the room if he wanted.

Male Tiefling Wizard 2 (760 XP); AC12, HP12/12, per.10, spells:1st - 2/3, lizard owner

Amkenos tries something...

Male Elvish Wilderness Warrior (Rogue)/1 AC15 HP 10/[10] passive perception 16 passive insight 12 Saves: S+1 D+5 Cn+2 I+2 W+2 Ch-1 HD 1/[1] Immune vs Charm and Sleep. Dark Vision.

Not to be too fool hard Cererithil returns to the group.

A statue that conceals this secret way... we could try squeezing past it but I will wait so that we may all attempt the passage rather than drawing us out so that we cannot support one another... what news of the flame?

Spells and Consumables Dwarf Cleric 6 | Init -1 | HP 59 | AC 22 (20) |PP 13 ||

I'm getting impatient here. Let's just smash something and be done with it! Garnult grumbles

For the Glory of the Veskarium! Docking Bay 3-3

Akmenos beings casting some more of his magic, targeting the eastern brazier. After a moment the flame changes from emerald green to a deep, sinister crimson!

Male Human (Chelaxian) Vigilante (Stalker) 7 | HP 70/70 | AC 22, touch 17, FF 16 | Fort +4, Ref +10, Will +5 | Init +5, Perception +10

"By the gods! What's going on, Akmenos?" Lysander lifts his shield, glancing to the wizard for reassurance that this is intentional.

Male Elvish Wilderness Warrior (Rogue)/1 AC15 HP 10/[10] passive perception 16 passive insight 12 Saves: S+1 D+5 Cn+2 I+2 W+2 Ch-1 HD 1/[1] Immune vs Charm and Sleep. Dark Vision.

That can't be good, says Cererithil.

M Elf Ranger 2 15/20 hp AC 14 Init +3 Str+3 Dex +5 730 XP

Uilisfuen makes a noise, a loud tssss as he steps back. He tenses, halfway between being ready to run or ready to fight depending on what happens next. ”That’s not good,” he grunts.

For the Glory of the Veskarium! Docking Bay 3-3

Akmenos gets a worried look on his face and beings chanting arcane words again, though as his voice begins to boom with power the crimson flames leap across the room and engulf the tiefling!

Male Tiefling Wizard 2 (760 XP); AC12, HP12/12, per.10, spells:1st - 2/3, lizard owner

Ahhh! This did not go as planned!

Male Elvish Wilderness Warrior (Rogue)/1 AC15 HP 10/[10] passive perception 16 passive insight 12 Saves: S+1 D+5 Cn+2 I+2 W+2 Ch-1 HD 1/[1] Immune vs Charm and Sleep. Dark Vision.

What did you do?!!! How do we fight flames?

Spells and Consumables Dwarf Cleric 6 | Init -1 | HP 59 | AC 22 (20) |PP 13 ||

Some water yeah!? Garnult looks around for a source of water

Male Tiefling Wizard 2 (760 XP); AC12, HP12/12, per.10, spells:1st - 2/3, lizard owner

Akmenos laughs and releases the illusion. The flames are instantly green and he is standing untouched by flame, Haha! Relax, just a simple ruse. These flames are just for show as far as I can tell.

M Elf Ranger 2 15/20 hp AC 14 Init +3 Str+3 Dex +5 730 XP

Uilisfuen cries out in surprise as the tiefling is attacked by red flames. He whips off his cloak and empties his waterskin onto it. ”Drop to the --” he calls as he looks up as Akemenos' laughter reaches him.

"You did that for your amusement?" the wild elf asks as water droplets fall from his cloak.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Vigilante (Stalker) 7 | HP 70/70 | AC 22, touch 17, FF 16 | Fort +4, Ref +10, Will +5 | Init +5, Perception +10

Lysander had stepped toward Akmenos as the flames leapt forward, and tried to place himself between the tiefling and the brazier. Now, though, he turns and looks to Akmenos, aghast. "W-what? So you--" He shakes his head. "No, it was another illusion, yes? A trap to scare off intruders? Tell me you didn't cause that yourself just for fun."

Male Tiefling Wizard 2 (760 XP); AC12, HP12/12, per.10, spells:1st - 2/3, lizard owner

It was just a bit of fun, you lot are too serious.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Vigilante (Stalker) 7 | HP 70/70 | AC 22, touch 17, FF 16 | Fort +4, Ref +10, Will +5 | Init +5, Perception +10

Lysander frowns, although he drops his sword to his side. "I'm here on a holy mission from Ragathiel to clear out this place of evil. This is a wretched blemish on Golarion, a place of wicked darkness to which I have been sent to bring cleansing light. So forgive me if I seem a tad serious." He shakes his head and takes a deep breath.

"So, if the fire doesn't do anything, where do we go from here?"

Male Elvish Wilderness Warrior (Rogue)/1 AC15 HP 10/[10] passive perception 16 passive insight 12 Saves: S+1 D+5 Cn+2 I+2 W+2 Ch-1 HD 1/[1] Immune vs Charm and Sleep. Dark Vision.

Your brevity is noted... I may be slower to respond to threats to you in the future, the elf says gravely. I will not be sure what is real and what is illusion.

Male Tiefling Wizard 2 (760 XP); AC12, HP12/12, per.10, spells:1st - 2/3, lizard owner

The knight I get, but how do you elves live for a century without frivolity? There is no clear and present danger, we're within a sprint of the front door and this ominous bucket is nothing more than a part of theatrics. Akbemos then kicks the base of one of the green torches.

Is there another path forward if that is all we care about?

Male Elvish Wilderness Warrior (Rogue)/1 AC15 HP 10/[10] passive perception 16 passive insight 12 Saves: S+1 D+5 Cn+2 I+2 W+2 Ch-1 HD 1/[1] Immune vs Charm and Sleep. Dark Vision.

Cererithil ignores Akmenos protestations.

Come - I have found a passage past a large statue. It may be a squeeze but I feel confident we can manage it.

Going back into the secret room

Spells and Consumables Dwarf Cleric 6 | Init -1 | HP 59 | AC 22 (20) |PP 13 ||

While Garnult feels foolish for believing Akmenos' trick...he enjoys watching the elves squirm

Hah. He fooled you. I knew it was a trick all along, wizard stuff.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Vigilante (Stalker) 7 | HP 70/70 | AC 22, touch 17, FF 16 | Fort +4, Ref +10, Will +5 | Init +5, Perception +10

Lysander shakes his head at Akmenos's comments and follows Cererithil back to the secret room, only offering a short, small smile at Garnult's own comment.

Male Tiefling Wizard 2 (760 XP); AC12, HP12/12, per.10, spells:1st - 2/3, lizard owner

Akmenos follows, Let me send my dear Diego into that room to ensure it's safety.

Akmenos then directs Diego to enter the room and look around.

For the Glory of the Veskarium! Docking Bay 3-3

Oh my goodness, this is amazingly amusing you guys! And as if right on queue...

As Akmenos moves up to the flaming bowl and kicks it...a huge cobra, the likes of which none of you have ever seen before, rises up out of the bowl and strikes at the tiefling! The massive snake lunges forward with amazing speed and sinks it's fangs into the wizard's shoulder!

Attack (Akmenos): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15 *hit*
Damage: 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (6, 2) + 3 = 11
Con Save: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21 vs. DC 14 poison
Damage: 3d8 ⇒ (3, 6, 4) = 13 Lucky you, you only take half of that...for a total of 18 damage this round.

The party is stunned at the turn of events as the wizard groans and falls to the ground unmoving.

Map updated! Party up!

Spells and Consumables Dwarf Cleric 6 | Init -1 | HP 59 | AC 22 (20) |PP 13 ||

Garnult says Torag's Beard! and reaches out to heal the wounded Akmenos.

Cure Wounds 1st: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3

Male Human (Chelaxian) Vigilante (Stalker) 7 | HP 70/70 | AC 22, touch 17, FF 16 | Fort +4, Ref +10, Will +5 | Init +5, Perception +10

"Again, really, that's--" As soon as the cobra strikes, Lysander switches from disbelief to action. He rushes forward and brings down his sword in a powerful blow.

Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

Male Tiefling Wizard 2 (760 XP); AC12, HP12/12, per.10, spells:1st - 2/3, lizard owner

Akmenos rises confused, What happened!? Last think I remember was my toe hurting...

Male Elvish Wilderness Warrior (Rogue)/1 AC15 HP 10/[10] passive perception 16 passive insight 12 Saves: S+1 D+5 Cn+2 I+2 W+2 Ch-1 HD 1/[1] Immune vs Charm and Sleep. Dark Vision.

Cererithil lets fly with an arrow, taking advantage of distraction created by Lysander.

Attack 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24 for 1d8 + 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (6) + (5) + 3 = 14

M Elf Ranger 2 15/20 hp AC 14 Init +3 Str+3 Dex +5 730 XP

That was a good incident Akemenos. Well played.

Uilisfuen looks skeptically at the dwarf. He knew it was a trick? the elf thinks. I don’t know many dwarves, but they are not known for any greater perception.

”Elves have a good sen--“ his words are cut off as the cobra attacks the tiefling.

Uilisfuen’s hands have an arrow pulled, ready to be fired, after decades of training. He exhales and fires.

Round 1
long bow attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24
piercing damage if needed: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10

For the Glory of the Veskarium! Docking Bay 3-3

Lysander moves up to protect the fallen tiefling as Garnult tries to heal his comrade! Lysander's sword clangs off the metal bowl as his swings and misses the giant snake!

The elves let their arrows loose both striking the snake as blood oozes from the wounds!

Round 1 Akmenos could stand up and disengage...which seems very favorable in this instance, so I moved him 15' back.

The giant snake rounds it's hooded head at Lysander and darts forward to strike! At the last second the half-elf puts his shield up as the massive mouth closes over the shield, viscous green liquid dripping onto the crest.

1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17 *miss*

Round 2
Giant Cobra - 24 damage taken

All PCs may act!

Male Tiefling Wizard 2 (760 XP); AC12, HP12/12, per.10, spells:1st - 2/3, lizard owner

Akmenos fires a magical bolt of flame.

1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
1d10 ⇒ 4

Male Human (Chelaxian) Vigilante (Stalker) 7 | HP 70/70 | AC 22, touch 17, FF 16 | Fort +4, Ref +10, Will +5 | Init +5, Perception +10

"Back, foul beast!" Lysander brings his blade around again, hoping to end the battle quickly.

Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7

Male Elvish Wilderness Warrior (Rogue)/1 AC15 HP 10/[10] passive perception 16 passive insight 12 Saves: S+1 D+5 Cn+2 I+2 W+2 Ch-1 HD 1/[1] Immune vs Charm and Sleep. Dark Vision.

Cererithil moves away and then snaps a shot of at the snake which is in melee.

1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9 for 1d8 + 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (2) + (5) + 3 = 10

Using phone and no access to maps atm

Spells and Consumables Dwarf Cleric 6 | Init -1 | HP 59 | AC 22 (20) |PP 13 ||

Eat hammer Snake!

Warhammer!: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18 Damage: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3

M Elf Ranger 2 15/20 hp AC 14 Init +3 Str+3 Dex +5 730 XP

Standing partly behind the pillar, Uilisfuen nods in satisfaction as their arrows strike. He takes another arrow and fits it to the bowstring. This animal is so beautiful, he regrets needing to slay it.

Round 2
long bow attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
piercing damage if needed: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10

For the Glory of the Veskarium! Docking Bay 3-3

The snake ignores Akmenos' firebolt, it seem totally unphased by it. Only Garnult manages to connect with the beast as the elves arrows fail to penetrate the creature's hide this time. Lysander feels his frustration growing as his blade misses again.

The snake strikes again at the half-elf but once more is rebuffed by the paladin's shield!

1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13 *miss*

Round 3
Round 2
Giant Cobra - 27 damage taken

All PCs may act!

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