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Hey, I'm still a bit new to 5E and I don't quite have everything down.
@Khalid: How do you get +6 to your spell attack? It seems like I can only get to +5, with +2 4th level proficiency, and +3 for attribute. I assume I'm missing something? =)

Storyteller Shadow |

FYI, I will be off of the boards on Wednesday and likely Thursday due to my daughters impending surgery. Likely I will be distracted with hospital visit and aftercare those days.

Khalid de la Poer |

Yeah, hope everything goes well with the surgery!
Just a quick note on my end; work is insane right now and I am having a lot of trouble finding time to check in. This will probably last another few weeks. I'll try to keep up, but if you need to, just bot me.

Dark Powers |

Thanks guys.
No worries Khalid, will do! Will try to get one last update in tonight when I get home from work.

Dark Powers |

The surgery went well but she needed another day and night of TLC so no posting for me yesterday.
Updates now.

Dark Powers |

We may have lost Zook, let's see if he responds to the most recent post.
Feel free to RP I/C what you will all do next, these creatures obviously mean business and there are a few of their corpses here as well! All of them retained their Jackalman form.

Dark Powers |

Zoook is still MIA. I will write him out this week.
We are nearly complete with the current chapter.
Everyone go ahead and level up now.
Within the week we will move to the final chapter of Hour of the Knife! :-)

Dark Powers |

I will give Khalid, Dunstan and Marco a day or so to chime in then will move along and bot the rolls for them.

Storyteller Shadow |

Between a busy work week and trying to find a new place to live I have been quite busy this week. I will update as soon as I am able.

Storyteller Shadow |

FYI, I will be packing and moving and then unpacking again over the next 35 - 40 days so if I have intermittent unexplained absences from the boards this is why.

Dunstan Gossington-Gorth |

Guys. I've been hot and more cold over the last month. I apologise for this.
Lots of reasons but part of it is I am just not connecting with the game. Is the GM doing a good job? A big yes. But its just not for me right now.
If you can write me out of the game I would appreciate it and thanks for the effort you've put into this.

Dark Powers |

Hey Dunstan, no problem, sorry to hear it. Happy gaming and I hope all works out well for you!

Dark Powers |

I will update the thread tomorrow as I believe I need the adventure in front of me to do so at this point in time. :-)

Dark Powers |

Just out of curiosity, will you be looking for a replacement player? (I know you have that ongoing recruitment thread. =)
I will once this module is complete. I don't want to try and introduce a new player at this time as that will bog the game down. :-)
I will probably also start an entirely new thread as well.

Khalid de la Poer |

Sorry everyone, I really thought that I was going to get back on track, but work has had other ideas. I got Khalid leveled up and will try to get back to regular posting. Again, apologies for any hold ups.

Dark Powers |

Sorry everyone, I really thought that I was going to get back on track, but work has had other ideas. I got Khalid leveled up and will try to get back to regular posting. Again, apologies for any hold ups.
You picked a good week to still be behind as wrok was bad for me all week as well. I will be back to regular posting tomorrow night.

Dark Powers |

You can all rest and recover powers.
Let me know if you have any particular strategy you wish to follow (or if you want Crier to take a look and report back to you in the morning and then plan that's fine too). If you wait for the party it would be easier to infiltrate but at least one more innocent will perish the next night as it is clear this killer simply cannot be stopped in fashion you have sought to do so thus far.

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Bannock cares not for all this talk of "infiltrating." But if others want to practice stealth, he'll not hold them back. But when they want him to come hard charging, they'd best of a good signal ready.

Dark Powers |

Sounds good will update this weekend. The interesting part is that we are taking this module off of the rails! It has mostly been off of the rails anyway but now we are entering the undiscovered country :-)

Storyteller Shadow |

Due to my ridiculous schedule which will only get worse for the next few weeks, I am putting the game on hiatus until Monday October 3rd. Then I will be settled and work should ease up so I can post on the regular again thereafter.

Dark Powers |

Hey guys. I will be updating the thread either tomorrow night or Friday night. Still trying to get the house in order and my time to post will be till then limited as a result.

Dark Powers |

I'll give it another day or so and then move the action along with the assumption that only Marco will sneak in. Unless you want to bring Wyatt in that way as well Marco?

Dark Powers |

I will move the action along Friday night as I will be occupied the next two nights.

Dark Powers |

Big update now. Bannock and Khalid will be in one spoiler group with Marco and Derrick in the other.
This is about as OFF of the rails as a 2Ed module can get so it should be interesting :-)