5E-Ravenloft - Hour of the Knife
Game Master
Dennis Harry
Hour of the Knife 5e.
An Elegant Brawl Room
How About a Dip?
M| Atk:+4/2d6+4 |Bless: 4/4| FX: Dwarf WarPriest 1 | AC:18 | HP: 11/11 | Per: +3 | 1st: 2/2 | F:+5 R: +1 W:+5 | Init: +5
Remember, Derrick is gone until June, so if he has An Important Clue, we may need to bot him.
Male Human Rogue Assassin (Criminal) 6, HP: 37/37, AC: 19 (20-duel wielder)(20-SS Quick); Saves: Dex +7, Int +6; Perception: +6; Initiative: +4
I am going to proceed as if he produces it. I am pretty sure he took it.
Shadow's Status
Marco Andrezi wrote: I am going to proceed as if he produces it. I am pretty sure he took it. You assume correctly!
Shadow's Status
Bringing in another new player to bolster the ranks.
I will be away Friday through Sunday for the Holiday weekend FYI.
Male Human Rogue Assassin (Criminal) 6, HP: 37/37, AC: 19 (20-duel wielder)(20-SS Quick); Saves: Dex +7, Int +6; Perception: +6; Initiative: +4
Male Half Vistani Wizard 6 AC: 15 HP: 38/38 Pass Per: 17 Pass Investigate: 21 Spells: DC 15 1st: 4/4 2nd: 3/3 3rd: 3/3
Yeah, have fun! Sorry I've been slacking, work is super busy and a giant tree took out two telephone poles at my house.
AC16 HP 39/[39] passive perception 12 passive insight 12 Saves: S+6 D+3 Cn+4 I-1 W+2 Ch+1 Male Human Noble Soldier Fighter/4 Champion
Sorry to be the odd man out. Please stick with me for a few days more -work be shitty right now
Shadow's Status
No worries RL happens, that is why I don't keep to strict posting minimums a I too have things come up.
Shadow's Status
To be clear, Zook is NOT currently with the established group!
Male Human Rogue Assassin (Criminal) 6, HP: 37/37, AC: 19 (20-duel wielder)(20-SS Quick); Saves: Dex +7, Int +6; Perception: +6; Initiative: +4
Shadow's Status
Update tonight, Bannock is clearly going to be fast friends with the Inspector.
BTW does Marco or Derrick have the Inspector's sword?
Male Human Rogue Assassin (Criminal) 6, HP: 37/37, AC: 19 (20-duel wielder)(20-SS Quick); Saves: Dex +7, Int +6; Perception: +6; Initiative: +4
I have the Shortsword of Quickness
M| Atk:+4/2d6+4 |Bless: 4/4| FX: Dwarf WarPriest 1 | AC:18 | HP: 11/11 | Per: +3 | 1st: 2/2 | F:+5 R: +1 W:+5 | Init: +5
We're gonna be bestest buddies! =p
Shadow's Status
Update tomorrow, got to get to bed exhausted right now.
Male Tiefling Slayer 2 | HP 0/24 | AC 18, touch 14, FF 14; CMD 20 | Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +2 | Init +5, Perception +6 (darkvision 60 ft.)
Hey all, finally back. Settling back in has taken longer and left me with less time than expected, but I'm here now, so I'll catch up shortly!
M| Atk:+4/2d6+4 |Bless: 4/4| FX: Dwarf WarPriest 1 | AC:18 | HP: 11/11 | Per: +3 | 1st: 2/2 | F:+5 R: +1 W:+5 | Init: +5
Is Dunstan still busy? Anyone hear from him?
Shadow's Status
Bannock wrote: Is Dunstan still busy? Anyone hear from him? He may be, I have a long day at work today so I will bot him by tomorrow if need be.
AC16 HP 39/[39] passive perception 12 passive insight 12 Saves: S+6 D+3 Cn+4 I-1 W+2 Ch+1 Male Human Noble Soldier Fighter/4 Champion
[ooc]Okay all. I've been in a depressive slump for about 10 days now coming out of a gruelling work cycle. Just bear with me for the rest of this week and I should be good[. Bot me as needed/ooc]
Shadow's Status
Dunstan Gossington-Gorth wrote: [ooc]Okay all. I've been in a depressive slump for about 10 days now coming out of a gruelling work cycle. Just bear with me for the rest of this week and I should be good[. Bot me as needed/ooc]
No problem, we'll be here when you are ready.
Male Half Vistani Wizard 6 AC: 15 HP: 38/38 Pass Per: 17 Pass Investigate: 21 Spells: DC 15 1st: 4/4 2nd: 3/3 3rd: 3/3
Hey all, sorry for the absence, my wife and I had a baby this week! We're back home from the hospital now and starting to adjust to life with a newborn, so I'll try to catch up as soon as I can.
Shadow's Status
Khalid de la Poer wrote: Hey all, sorry for the absence, my wife and I had a baby this week! We're back home from the hospital now and starting to adjust to life with a newborn, so I'll try to catch up as soon as I can. Congrats. No worries, when my wife had a baby I suspended all but two PbP games so I understand. Glad you are just rolling with it!!
Male Half Vistani Wizard 6 AC: 15 HP: 38/38 Pass Per: 17 Pass Investigate: 21 Spells: DC 15 1st: 4/4 2nd: 3/3 3rd: 3/3
Thanks! I wish I could have given a heads up, but she came a little earlier than we anticipated.
All caught up now and should be good to go. Also, thank you for boting me!
Male Human Rogue Assassin (Criminal) 6, HP: 37/37, AC: 19 (20-duel wielder)(20-SS Quick); Saves: Dex +7, Int +6; Perception: +6; Initiative: +4
Welcome back and Congrats!
Mutated Animal Turtle Smasher 10
Male Tiefling Slayer 2 | HP 0/24 | AC 18, touch 14, FF 14; CMD 20 | Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +2 | Init +5, Perception +6 (darkvision 60 ft.)
AC16 HP 39/[39] passive perception 12 passive insight 12 Saves: S+6 D+3 Cn+4 I-1 W+2 Ch+1 Male Human Noble Soldier Fighter/4 Champion
Mutated Animal Turtle Smasher 10
Shadow's Status
I'll give Dunstan and Marco another day to post the insight rolls then I'll bot them.
AC16 HP 39/[39] passive perception 12 passive insight 12 Saves: S+6 D+3 Cn+4 I-1 W+2 Ch+1 Male Human Noble Soldier Fighter/4 Champion
Hey DP - still suffering from depression but back on Meds... I should be good to go next week.
Shadow's Status
Dunstan Gossington-Gorth wrote: Hey DP - still suffering from depression but back on Meds... I should be good to go next week. Sorry to hear that, not a good place to be, I've been there. Hopefully they will help and you'll be feeling good as new soon! Jumo back in when you are ready, I'll keep DMPCing him in the meantime.
Shadow's Status
I'll give some of the other players a chance to post before I move forward with scenes at both locations.
Male Half Vistani Wizard 6 AC: 15 HP: 38/38 Pass Per: 17 Pass Investigate: 21 Spells: DC 15 1st: 4/4 2nd: 3/3 3rd: 3/3
Khalid posed his question to the constable, so I think that you are up in our scene anyway.
Male Half Vistani Wizard 6 AC: 15 HP: 38/38 Pass Per: 17 Pass Investigate: 21 Spells: DC 15 1st: 4/4 2nd: 3/3 3rd: 3/3
On a side note, I just realized that it's been a year since you took over the game!
Thanks for taking on the responsibility and making it awesome!!
Shadow's Status
Khalid de la Poer wrote: Khalid posed his question to the constable, so I think that you are up in our scene anyway. I wanted to give Marco (or Duncan if he is ready though I am not waiting on him) a chance to respond as well.
Shadow's Status
Khalid de la Poer wrote: On a side note, I just realized that it's been a year since you took over the game!
Thanks for taking on the responsibility and making it awesome!!
Thanks! It was a slow start as in my opinion, this adventure is too railroady for my taste. I needed to get a rhythm down for it.
I am excited we are getting to the end of the first chapter finally. Looking forward to running MANY more classic Ravenloft modules for this group.
Shadow's Status
I'll give one more day for Dunstan and Marco to post then I'll have to bot them to move the action at the Station along.
Shadow's Status
I'll be off the boards for the next 2 days. If Khalid has not gone by then I'll bot him!
Male Tiefling Slayer 2 | HP 0/24 | AC 18, touch 14, FF 14; CMD 20 | Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +2 | Init +5, Perception +6 (darkvision 60 ft.)
Hey all, posting in all my games to say that as of this evening I'm going camping with family and then paintballing for several days, so I won't be able to post. I'll be back the evening of Sunday the 10th, and hopefully I'll be back to regular posting and catching up then or Monday morning. Please bot me as needed while I'm away!
AC16 HP 39/[39] passive perception 12 passive insight 12 Saves: S+6 D+3 Cn+4 I-1 W+2 Ch+1 Male Human Noble Soldier Fighter/4 Champion
Shadow's Status
Sorry for the delay folks between vacation my birthday and other unexpected happenings I could not update. However, caught up now!
Mutated Animal Turtle Smasher 10
Happy birthday! I just had mine too (the 9th)!
Male Human Rogue Assassin (Criminal) 6, HP: 37/37, AC: 19 (20-duel wielder)(20-SS Quick); Saves: Dex +7, Int +6; Perception: +6; Initiative: +4
Mine too - the 8th! Bunch of Cancers here.
Shadow's Status
Jam412 wrote: Happy birthday! I just had mine too (the 9th)! Yes mine as well. Last year I met someone born on the same day same year, real cute Doctor too. :-)
AC16 HP 39/[39] passive perception 12 passive insight 12 Saves: S+6 D+3 Cn+4 I-1 W+2 Ch+1 Male Human Noble Soldier Fighter/4 Champion
Still here - just had a day or two off
Shadow's Status
Just waiting for actions from Marco and Khalid. I was too vague in my last post and it slowed things down a bit.
Shadow's Status
I'll give Khalid till tomorrow to post an action.
Shadow's Status
I'll give Dunstan another day and then bot him.
AC16 HP 39/[39] passive perception 12 passive insight 12 Saves: S+6 D+3 Cn+4 I-1 W+2 Ch+1 Male Human Noble Soldier Fighter/4 Champion
Im here but it seemed like the focus was not he outside so I stayed quiet.
Shadow's Status
Dunstan Gossington-Gorth wrote: Im here but it seemed like the focus was not he outside so I stayed quiet. Everything is happening at the same time :-)
You and Crier held the door for a while but the jackals finally overcame you!