Kayniik Goldvolt |

"You think it's safe to walk out on those?" Kayniik asks the others pointing out in the water.

Cygnus, Blinkdog Troubador |

"I would think so. It looks like a really simple road. The better question, I think, is why you would build a road to nothing." he says, tail thumping. "Perhaps it's simply an unfinished bridge? Whoever's building it likely lives on the other side of the path, should we investigate that?"

Kayniik Goldvolt |

"Kayniik never tried fishing. Maybe someone live on the other side. Uuhh Kayniik is curious to find out why a road was build out here."

mdt |

I'm assuming you're walking up the road?
The group moves up the road, the flat rocks that make it up filled in between with an odd rock like substance that appears to be a paste made of limestone. The rocks are very smooth and flat, as if they came from a much fast flowing stream than the one the little bridge went into.
The little road, about 6 feet across, leads off into the forest. The local land is not flat, it's rolling hills, which will soon turn into mountains. But here, the road leads around hills and into a ravine that has a massive cave opening at the end of it. The road itself leads right up to the cave entrance.
Looking down, [the cave is huge, and there are buildings carved into the stone at the bottom of the entrance, next to another stream that's strictly underground.
As the group looks down, they hear a rustling in the bushes, and an entire section of brush falls forward, showing it was not really brush, but was instead vines growing on a wooden wall. A half-dozen kobolds in armor with crossbows let out howls and shake their crossbows at the group.
Then they suddenly break off, and look surprised and begin to talk amongst themselves in hushed draconic whispers. Finally one with nicer armor than the rest takes a half step forward.
In draconic, it speaks... "You no Catfolk here to pick up pickled fish... who you and why you here? We no have any other delivery scheduled for today. You ruin 'Shock and Awe' plan to win bet with Catfolk. Now we no win bet, you cost us 20 gold pieces." The kobold seems annoyed more than anything else.

Kayniik Goldvolt |

Kayniik is surprised by the sudden rush of kobolds and is a little uneasy as they talk amoung themselves. He eases up a bit when one of the kobolds addresse them. "Kayniik greets great kobold. We are exploreres from the town of Kotelia out learning the land our maps doesn't show. Who are you?What bet you have with Catfolk." Kayniik responds in draconic.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16

mdt |

The kobolds stare in shock for a moment, and then screech and all of them run as hard as they can for the cave opening, screaming alarm at the top of their lungs in Draconic.

Kayniik Goldvolt |

Sense motives: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9
Kayniik studies the kobold to judge if they are going to attack him and the others. "No no Kayniik not here to attack. We don't want to harm you. Kayniik is out to learn the land and help the people living outside of the town. Let's talk and trade? Kayniik a healer, can heal injury, Kayniik share food? If not interrested we leave this area." He tries to talk the kobolds down to at least have a talk with them. "They seem to know the land and might be good aid to us."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22

Cygnus, Blinkdog Troubador |

Cygnus had originally blinked away as the little draconic creatures appeared from hiding and hunkered low. As they lowered their waapons, he moved to his haunches, tilting his head with interest at the sounds they were making, but ultimately had little to say beyond "I haven't got a clue what's going on." In something very much not draconic. His tail thumps slowly as he watches.

Mork&Gork |

He scratches his head in confusion
"What little things say? Sound scared. What we do? What you say?" he looks at his little green friend
-Posted with Wayfinder

Kayniik Goldvolt |

Kayniik turns to Mork and Gork "They think we are invaders because we come from Kotelia. Kayniik trying to calm them down, but as you can see they are agitated."

mdt |

As everyone stands around jabbering about why the little lizard people ran off in such a hurry, and what they were upset about, silence descends.
Then there's the sounds of metal clanking on metal. A lot of metal clanking on metal. Lots and lots and lots of metal clanking on metal.

Cygnus, Blinkdog Troubador |

Cygnus huffs. "Is everyone we meet going to want us dead..?" he says as he turns to leave. "It's going to be very unfun to inform the brass that everyone out here hates us. Period."

Kayniik Goldvolt |

"Kayniik not happy. They all wants to kill us without knowing who we are. It's really sad to think home has such a bad rep out here. Kayniik wonder what could cause that?" He turns to follow Cygnus. "Should wee make a run for it? Before the metal lizards come at us."

Mork&Gork |

"Lets making our way back to home. Yes. This place nasty and not friendly." he replies in a sad tone
"Mork was hoping to learn more how to be making of brewing things"
-Posted with Wayfinder

Kayniik Goldvolt |

"Kayniik agree. Perhaps mork try brew beer with blessed water? Could sell to chuches? Kayniik help you creat holy beer." the Goblin says with a big grin as he runs behind the orge to get away before the sound of metal comes any closer.

mdt |

As the group get's about 100 ft from the cave opening, a dozen kobolds in full plate come charging out of the cave entrance, all holding lances. In a full-throated roar, the kobolds begin charging after the PCs!

Kayniik Goldvolt |

"Kayniik try slow them down."he says preparing to cast a spell. He pulls his holy symbol out holding into the air "Greatforge grant this one light from your forge as you slam the hammer against the anvil to blind our enemies." Setting his spell to hit as many kobolds as possible to increase the chances of a successful escape.
Burst of Radiance Reflex DC 16.
This spell fills the area with a brilliant flash of shimmering light. Creatures in the area are blinded for 1d4 ⇒ 2 rounds, or dazzled for 1d4 ⇒ 4 rounds if they succeed at a Reflex save. Evil creatures in the area of the burst take 3d4 ⇒ (3, 2, 2) = 7 points of damage, whether they succeed at the Reflex save or not.

mdt |

Reflex: 1d20 ⇒ 15
Reflex: 1d20 ⇒ 2
Reflex: 1d20 ⇒ 12
Reflex: 1d20 ⇒ 10
Reflex: 1d20 ⇒ 15
Reflex: 1d20 ⇒ 7
Four of the charging kobolds stumble and slow, suddenly blinded.
1d100 ⇒ 19
1d100 ⇒ 28
1d100 ⇒ 42
1d100 ⇒ 46
1d100 ⇒ 68
1d100 ⇒ 78
One cries out in pain.

Cygnus, Blinkdog Troubador |

"No, don-" Cygnus begins, then shakes his head. "I have no idea how to recover from this. I'm horrible at this job." He huffs again. "Just go, they're unlikely to be able to catch us with all that armor." he waits for the others to leave before continuing to depart, himself.

Kayniik Goldvolt |

"Sorry Kayniik sometimes act against threat before thinking, why he was sent out of temple to learn of his respones." He says with his head down as Cygnus tries to stop him in vain.
"Most of them is down and fumbling now, Kayniik hurry and go." Kayniik says his mood clearly already on the way op again after he seen his effect on the kobolds.