(5A) Ancient Fortress of Kotelia - Table A (Inactive)

Game Master mdt

12 Grimmauld Place | World Map (Editable) | Local Map (Editable)

Combat Map

People of Note:

Lance Captain, CO Hyena Company -- Forgran Steelfist


Forgran is the Lance Captain in command of 5th Division's 10th regiment's Hyena Company. He is a Monk by calling, and an absolute terror by disposition. Hyena Company is tightly run, and heavily drilled weekly. Little is known about this hobgoblin, or his family. What is known is that he is much older than he appears, as he has been Lance Captain of Hyena Company for nearly 20 years. Rumor has it that he has either angered someone up the chain, and this is why he has never been promoted, or that he has declined promotions when offered. Regardless of which is true, the hobgoblin is a very dour personality, and has little patience for 'foolishness'.

Lance Captain, CO Ravager Company -- Malvast Bloodhorn


Malvast is an ancient Minotaur, pushing his 80's. Despite his age, he's one of the toughest Lance Captains in the army. He's refused to retire for over two decades, despite knowing he's reached his maximum rank in the army. Indeed, the grizzled veteran seems to relish beating raw recruits into something sort of resembling soldiers, if you squint just right. Thus far, no recruit has been able to take him down, regardless of race, or skill. It's commonly rumored in the ranks under his command that he's been dead for 20 years but hasn't actually started to rot yet because nobody thought to order him to.

That Damned Kaloban


You don't know much about Kaloban, currently, other than he's your immediate superior in Kotelia. He's obviously a Fashtali with either devil or demon blood in his lineage, a Fashtali Tiefling. He seems especially annoyed by cold, and always dresses in warming clothes unless it's the height of summer. He has a forked tongue and two heavy duty horns on his head. He also likes to laugh at his own jokes.