Charli Poshkettle's Legacy Race Boon Contest!

Starfinder Society

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Manifold Host 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

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Do you have a legacy race character that you want to see come to life? I have an extra SFS Legacy Race boon that I won't use. I considered trading it... But there is nothing that I super-duper want right now. I already have Charli's boon, but a second of these boons came my way at SkålCon. Do I need two boons? Nope. What I need is to see someone else on these boards be happy.

The Rules

1) You may submit between now and October 6th.

2) One submission per person.

3) Entries will be picked because they are fun. I like good stories and fun characters over mechanics and crunch.

4) Post entries here! Your entry should include the following:

  • Why do you want to play this character?
    Why are they important to you?

  • Who is this character?
    Tell me race / class / theme but also tell me backstory and personality. Why do they want in the Starfinder Society? Feel free to post the story in character.

  • Bonus: Theme Song!
    Extra points will be awarded if submissions include your character's theme song, or alternatively, the lyrics to your character's favorite Strawberry Machine Cake song.

  • Other Information.
    Please also tell me if the character is intended for a Play-by-Post, where I could see the character in play someday.

    (PbP participation is not at all required to win, but it is something that would be fun for me.)

  • Explore, Cooperate, Report!
    If you win, when you first play your character, you agree to post back here and tell us how the game went!

  • Exo-Guardians 4/5 *

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    ((I have a boon, so I will submit this as a sample character only.))

    Name's Mei Appleblossom. I'm a gnome if you can't tell from the stature and pink hair. I guess I could be a halfling with a bottle of hair dye, but I'm probably not.

    I'm a Paladin of Sarenrae by trade, about to set out on a 5-year mission to seek out new life an convert them to worship of most glorious Sarenrae. I guess you could call me a xenoseeker if you wanted to.

    Sarenrae reveals herself to me through the photon and the graviton, though I favor the bright, shiny photon. They say this makes me a "Solarion", but I prefer "Paladin" as I champion Sarenrae's cause. I bring Sarenrae's grace and mercy to far places, and her wrath when the time for mercy has passed.

    It's kind of a family thing. Us Appleblossoms have been paladins as long as anyone can remember. I even dug up pre-gap records that link our name to paladins of Shelyn back on old Golarion. I wonder what happened to ol' Shelyn, I mean, people still have to appreciate art.

    Theme song? Umm? I guess "For the Sun and the Fury." The old orange hymnal version, not the watered-down version in the pale blue book.

    Anyway, I have to go grab a copy of 'Star Sugar Heartlove' before my shuttle leaves, seeya. May the dawn bring new light and all that.

    ((Not likely to be a PBP character. Also, clone avatars.))

    Grand Lodge 4/5 5/5 * Venture-Captain, Mississippi–Hattiesburg

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    Dwarves are my go-to race to test out RPGs. I can tell how good a RPG is going to be by how they treat their dwarves. That’s my test. It’s so strange, but those little, bearded, axe-flailin’, goblin-smashin’ buggers are the best. And dwarves in space? Why not? A new challenge! Let’s do this!

    Stone Smithley, dwarf mechanic mercenary with a combat drone

    “I was born to me mutha an’ fatha onna Star Citadel outseye Diaspora. Dey had a ting fer de rocks an’ minin’ an’ stuff but I had de ting for de machins an’ de gadgets. So, when me beard be shorter, I’d seen dis holo ‘bout de ‘istory of me clan an’ how dey rode de wil’ boars inta battle. Dunno what de wil’ boar be but dat was badass. So, I made me one. I tink. Put de heavy laser on de flank an’ call dit de day. It’ll gimme de chance to kill sum space gobbos or orcs or sometin like dat. Sept dere not be any ‘round. So, I gots de job fixin’ de shuttles an’ de cruisas.”

    “Then I met dose Starfiners dat time when dey paid me fer some work. Sumtin nassy chewed up dat shuttle. Bigun nasty. Was sum heavy work but I gots it done. Dey said dey be lookin’ fer good mechanics like me since a lot of dere fellas was los’ or sumtin like dat. An’ din dey say dere be sum space gobbos out dere. An’ I swear right din an’ dere I grab up me fatha’s fur axe an’ me gran-fatha’s armor an’ load up me boar an’ said less go!”

    “Always fel’ dere was more to see, to do, to acheeve. Always fel’ dere was sumtin missin’. I tink me mutha an’ fatha was de same way. I cud feel dis sadness an’ sense o’ loss or sumtin. Seem like it be loss o’ dwarves be dis way. It even felt like ole Angradd wassun tellin’ us every ting. Shackin’ up wit’ dees Starfiners gonna help me to make de sense o’ t’all. I ken fix dey stuff den explore de space. Hopefully dey ken help me find de ansers. An’ to top it off, dey said I ken kill sum stinky space gobbos when dey fin’ sum.”

    Theme Song: Wanted Dead or Alive by Bon Jovi

    (I probably won’t be playing on PbP, but I’ll definitely be back to tell you how it went!)

    3/5 *

    • Why do you want to play this character?
    Gear was my first pathfinder society character, and is near and dear to my heart because of all the stories and friends I made because of joining the pathfinder society. Getting to continue her legacy "To Infinity and Beyond!" Would be an astoundingly fun way to get my starfinder society character off the ground.

    • Who is this character?

    Heya! I'm Gear! Gear Sprockton! As you can see, I'm the cutest gnome you've ever met in your life, and I'll have a word with anyone who says differently! I'm an alchemist by trade originally, but when Golarian disappeared, so did all my alchemy components! Now I'm back to square one, with all my knowledge of the alchemic arts basically worthless! But, in the years since the Gap, something more new, more wonderful has come about! Mechanics! I get the same kind of thrill I used to get by combining ingredients on Golarian by hooking together thrusters on ships, doing quick spur of the moment reroutes, and tinkering with my drone, Boytoy!

    Okay, yes, it's a weird name, sure, but listen, have you ever TRIED dating a gnome? It's impossible! They're way to flighty. I thought upon the idea of just making the perfect man back when I was on Golarian, but the chance just wasn't available without getting into some seriously icky, ethically dubious stuff. But now? Well, if folks like the androids can have a soul, why can't my sweet little guy? He isn't there yet... I'm still figuring out how exactly one reaches that level of AI sophistication, but I'll get there someday and the Starfinder society is gonna help me do it.

    Right now, Gear exists as a "Uploaded Android" for flavor reasons, but it'd be amazing if I could have her be a actual gnome again.

    • Bonus: Theme Song!

    The Dresden Dolls: Coin Operated Boy

    • Other Information.

    All my characters switch between PBP and real life, though I suspect I'll spend more time on PBP with Gear if only for the hilarity that is Boytoy.

    • Explore, Cooperate, Report!
    If you win, when you first play your character, you agree to post back here and tell us how the game went!


    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Is it bad that I've started to recognize HMM's aliases by writing style?

    Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Gino Melone wrote:
    Is it bad that I've started to recognize HMM's aliases by writing style?

    What? There was no filk in there! It was 100% filk-free!

    EDIT: I did ask for a theme song though. That may have been a bit of a give-away!



    Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:
    Gino Melone wrote:
    Is it bad that I've started to recognize HMM's aliases by writing style?

    What? There was no filk in there! It was 100% filk-free!

    EDIT: I did ask for a theme song though. That may have been a bit of a give-away!


    The PbP reference got me thinking. Then I looked over the whole post and said "this must be HMM" to myself. Just the overall, bubbly, tone. Perhaps the contrast to my curmudgeonly nature is why your friendly nature is so obvious to me. :-)

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Thanks for telling me about this contest! Given my noob status, I don't really know how boons work, but if it'll let me play my Themeless Half-Elf Soldier, I'll definitely take a crack at it! Good thing I LOVE making backstories! So without further adieu, here he is!

    Who is your character?
    He's a short guy, 4' 7", around 19 years of age, but his elven features and slight frame make him look even younger. He has scruffy light brown hair, bright golden yellow eyes, and a light tan from living on a desert planet with the attire to match. As for the rest of the details, I think I'll let him explain....

    "Wanna get ta know me, huh? Alrighty then! The name's Felix, and if you need someone to spear things in the face, I'm your guy! Kinda comes with the territory if wanna survive in the desert on your own. That, and knowing how to steal food without some 4-armed dude getting his hands on you. Saw that happen to a guy I knew once. ...I don't know him anymore.

    AAAANYWAY! Stabbing and running. I'm pretty good at that stuff, but that's not all I do! I've ran a few odd jobs here and there too! ...And BOY did that get boring fast! I mean, sure, it paid well enough, but still... I want something more! Action! Adventure! Seeing something other than a bunch of sand dunes for once in my life! I'm not really good with time, or other smartypants stuff like that, but I've wanted that for like, ever! ...But no dice.

    Then one day, I was sleeping under my usual rock, as ya do, and woke up to this SUPER loud noise! Like, louder than my stomach after not eating for a week. I got up and saw that it was this HUGE spaceship! Flashing lights, fancy logo, the works! So naturally, once the guys flying it left the thing, I just HAD to check it out. And to make a long story short, they turned out to be these people called Starfinders, and they THANKFULLY didn't chuck me out the air lock when they found me. I don't know much about them, but I'd say they're pretty cool. If they're as adventure-y as they say they are, I think I'm gonna have a ton of fun working with 'em!

    Oh! And one last thing! Did I mention that I LOVE cats?! THEY'RE SO AWESOME! That soft fur, that "can't-tell-me-what-to-do" attitude... I heard about these things called augmentations this one time. Think there's a way I could get some ears and tail?"

    Why do you want to play this character?
    I LOVE the whole primal/tribal warrior aesthetic, even in sci-fi settings like this one. I like unleashing my wild side, what can I say? I also like playing youthful characters, both in looks and personality since, well, it's not too far off with the way I am IRL! Finally, I know this is getting a bit into the mechanical side of things, but I've always liked the glass cannon/fragile speedster character and that's exactly what Felix is!

    Win or lose, I hope you've enjoyed my entry!

    EDIT: I still can't think of a matching theme song, but I'll post one later if I can think of one. Also, what's Play-By-Post?

    Scarab Sages 5/5

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    I love the way Hilary set this contest up so much. I am not really in the market for this particular boon, but just wanted to pop in and say Kudos! Love it!

    Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/5 ***

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    Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Society Subscriber

    Muse, Halfling Operative/Envoy, Icon

    "Hey I'm Eloritu's plaything, "Muse", a halfling this time around, eccentric in both behavior and form. What are these bouts of unpredictable behavior that carry me on for weeks? Today, I'm stoic as Verces's orbit, next week savage as a solar flare. I can't explain it myself, the god of secrets must be toying with me. My own theories include re-living multiple reincarnations. Sometimes I genuinely want to die. Where does that sacrifical urge come from? It usually results in my next incarnation...Strange. It's been halfling for a long time now, hasn't it?

    Let's talk about impulsivity. Pick up that artillery laser gun - sure! - it works in my hands for awhile, sometimes successful beyond reason. Then predictably, the Streak sets in, regular as digiclockwork. I shoot my own face, then blackout, and then awake among strangers once again. Although, since I don't have any memory of specifics of what just happened, every day is a new shot at life, or death...

    Dive over that pit of slavering orocorans for that triple chocolate mousse? Hell yeah. Take the party's soldier's challenge to stand guard and not blink for 24 hours straight? Sure, I think that's what I was supposed to do. Ink "you're taking your chances hanging with me" in binary around my nipple? No that's just being cute. Alright, maybe someday. But the message is true.

    Know I'll be right behind you when danger comes; but you certainly won't know why, or what I'm doing there. You may regret it even. I won't guarantee you'll laugh, but you probably will. Or be angry enough to throttle me. And that's perfectly acceptable. I may find you again someday and apologize. But only if it's the first time I remember what happened.

    So...where to?"

    Playing Muse gives me the excuse to indulge every gaming whim I've ever had since my first crazy elf in 1977. Why does he act this way? The explanation is unknown, so chalk it up to forces beyond his control, and let the beast loose. Muse will make extensive use of skills to pull off memorable feats (halfling luck), then I'll roleplay to the utmost his tragic failures.

    Of course, Muse hopes to make copious use of the Mnemonic Editor (I'll need to, in order to make this character come to life.) Sure, that'll be costly, but you can't take it with you, especially when you're dying all the time...

    Theme song: Beck - Loser

    Muse will see time in SFS play in San Rafael and Santa Rosa, CA and perhaps some Bay Area conventions (Pacificon, etc.)

    Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

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  • Why do you want to play this character?
    Why are they important to you? With a setting as open as Starfinders, I think it could be a ton of fun to play as a character that already has a really storied history with the setting, a character that might have view points considered out date or odd by the core races of Starfinder.

  • Who is this character?
    Tech is an Elven Mechanic once named Gaspard who has been laying low for the last hundred years or so, given his status as an Outlaw. Tech is in his fifth century of life and keenly aware of the Gap within his own memory, but he was already a Forlorn at that point. Having given up life among the elves, giving up the memories of living with them was easy, and likely a blessing as far as he's concerned. He doesn't remember his exact reason for leaving home, but he assumes his love and interest for the culture of other races had likely did not gel with the increasingly insular and xenophobic elven lifestyle. Eventually, that love of culture and understanding let him directly into the Android Rebellion.

    Tech already had something of a reputation as a decent mechanic (dedicate a century or two to learning a craft, and you're bound to get good at it of course). So when he was approached by a few androids looking for assistance gaining their freedom he had a choice to make, and much like he had done to the elves, Tech said "To hell!" with the Pact Worlds restrictions and narrow view of sentience and was quickly embroiled in the Android resistence, using his mechanical knowledge to upgrade his friends and free others from programs that bound them to servitude. Not only was it fulfilling to aid another race in achieving their freedom and equality, but Tech found that Androids were among the few races that could appreciate the point of view that came with a longer lifespan.

    Naturally an Elven Mechanic working against the law to free androids did not go unnoticed, but the elven practice of wearing masks provided an easy way for Tech to travel without rousing too much suspicion, and he's confident that his face was never revealed to anyone he didn't trust. After the androids gained their freedom, Tech went underground on Akiton, mostly running a garage to repair droids, or equipment and occasionally getting visits from his old android friends until eventually they'd all released their souls, and opened their bodies for new personalities free from the biases that oppression had given them.

    After a century and a half, Tech finally felt comfortable moving throughout the pact worlds, though he's unsure if he still counts as an outlaw, he makes sure never to give his real name, and he hides his true mechanical competence so as not to draw much suspicion, he's even time locked the advanced features of his exocortex to temporarily limit his efficiency. He's joined up with the Second Seekers, eager once again to lend a hand in building/rebuilding a community and perhaps finding more of what the universe has in store in the meantime. The Pact Worlds now are far different from the ones he explored before the Thyst Rebellion, and through the planets are the same, Tech is quickly discovering a system very unlike the one he remembers.

  • Bonus: Theme Song!
    Imagine - John Lennon

  • Other Information.
    My Starfinder play is exclusively PbP so they'll definitely be played on these forums.

  • Explore, Cooperate, Report!
    Would love to recap a first session!

  • 2/5

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    • Why do you want to play this character?
      It's my core Dwarf Barbarian. He will be going though Bonekeep, ALL BONEKEEP scenarios as a core character. HE will be playing HIGH tier. No need to wuss out on this. After this he will need a new challenge.

    • Who is this character?
      Toragur the Dwarf Barbarian (Core). A simple Dwarf at first looks. Short, hardy and red headed. With a full on dwarf worthy beard. He does use a Greatsowrd, but has his TRUSY pickaxe.

    • Tell me race / class / theme but also tell me backstory and personality. Why do they want in the Starfinder Society? Feel free to post the story in character.
      For starters he is a standard Dwarf. He loves to mine and dig for gems. What would be more epic than mining for gems in space. Think of all of those possibilities. He loves to adventure and WILL put in a good hard days work. He doesn't back down from anything, or hasn't had to yet. HE even had to face a Dragon and rode it, even for a short time. He is always on the move, sometimes leaving his party behind. But he can stand on his own. He has alot of LIFE threatening situations but his faith in Torag has been nothing but beneficial. Torag watches over Toragur. HE NEVER GOES ANYWHERE WITH OUT HIS TRUSTY PICKAXE. He would love to explore the Final Frontier and find cool new space aliens to ride and battle. And find cool new space gems to mine in his off time.

      I will admit I did dump his charisma, but I do play it that way 100%. He wants to be the face but not very good, and the group wants a permanant silence spell put on him. He did get silenced once and couldn't try the talking, the party loved the few hours of silence. Even though the group rags on him for him willing to spend 5 hours digging a whole and putting all the labor in, they are like a second family to him. You don't mess with his family. He will always stand with his family and protect them the best he can. His only job was the main front liner, but he finds trap , not with his face like most barbarians, haha. Tries to be the face, tries to be the sneaky one.

      The only think he likes more than mining is drinking, and not afraid to drink anyone under the table. Always has a keg with him and always has a drink, especially after a good hard fight. He is a good hearted dwarf, but has a short temper. He will do whatever it takes to complete the mission, especially if he has to rescue slaves or allies or anyone needing help.

    • Bonus: Theme Song!
      Easy... Diggy Diggy Hole.
      I do play this every time I play him.

    • Other Information.
      Please also tell me if the character is intended for a Play-by-Post, where I could see the character in play someday.
      PBP: Most likely not, But I am sure if I win, I could figure it out, and maybe look to it several times, just for you.

      I really had no interest in core games. Then I had a crazy idea. Lets take a group of Core characters through Bonekeep. There is no playing down, we play on hard mode. I wanted to see how possible it was to do. I somehow found 5 other brave soles willing to do this. We also do not have a dedicated healer, even crazier we be. When he does come out with his fellow members alive everyone will know that they aren't a joke and these 6 brave souls are not to be trifled with. We are just about to hit bonekeep. If all goes well should be November/December time frame. Starfinder was priority when it cam out.


    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Why do you want to play this character?

    The dwarven race in many game systems, especially Pathfinder, has always been one of my favorites. Their history, religion, strong family ties, and sense of tradition all appeal to me. My only seeker level character is a Dwarf Magus, and has always been my favorite, and a joy to play and watch grow. I would love a chance to continue this tradition in Starfinder, and hope to do it justice.

    • Who is this character?

    Grimm Stoneskin - Dwarf Priest Soldier(Arcane Assailant) or Priest Mystic(Mindbreaker) of Angradd

    Grimm was born into a family of miners on one of the great Star Citadel starships roaming the rich planetoids of the Diaspora. Being one of the lesser clans, they spent most of their lives digging and drilling for the betterment of their clan and their citadel. Not long after his birth, his parents, along with most of his immediate family, were killed in a tragic mining accident, and his fate was left to his whims of his distant relatives. Somewhat shaken by the loss of most of their clan, it was decided that perhaps he was raised in a more scholarly environment, in hopes that he would survive long enough to continue the bloodline. In this citadel, this meant growing up among the clergy and scholars of Angradd. As he grew older, he showed a knack for war and magic, and became fascinated with the stories of the great Warpriests of ancient Golarion. This led him to chose to join the security forces of the citadel, and would often be found on the front lines, singing ancient battle hymns and fighting up close and personal. After many years of service, he eventually grew tired of his regimented and isolated life on board a Star Citadel, and longed to meet more of his people out in the Vast. After much hard work and discussion with his clan, he was to get re-assigned to a guild on Absalom Station, allowing him to meet more of his race, along with the myriad of other races of the Pact Worlds. While there, he heard stories of the Starfinder Society, and how they were always on the forefront of exploration and discovery, and always looking for information into the lost history of the Gap. Always interested in the history of Golarian, the goals of the Society appealed to him. Perhaps this is were he is meant to be?

    As for his personality, it is as one would expect from someone raised on board an isolated starship floating amongst the Diaspora...Stoney and no-nonsense. However, with time, you can break through to the hidden treasure beneath...his heart of gold. His friendship often takes the form of sarcasm and a dry sense of humor, but when it comes down to it, he is fierce defender of his companions, dwarven and non-dwarven alike.

    • Bonus: Theme Song!

    Kull's Initiation(Joel Goldsmith)-Kull the Conqueror Soundtrack

    • Other Information.

    He will mostly be played online, and some local conventions.

    • Explore, Cooperate, Report!

    I would be more than happy to report his first sessions

    Grand Lodge 3/5 5/55/55/5

    Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

    Why do you want to play this character?
    I just have a weakness for the halfling characters, and I blame Paizo for making them so damn cool in Pathfinder. From Dale Farsight, half-halfling and unlucky witch, to Gadib, the surly slave-on-loan barbarian/opportunist, halflings have always made the most interesting characters for me - and as cool as I find ysoki, nothing scratches the itch to play a small plucky character like a halfling.

    Who is this character?
    At some point, secrets stop having value as a currency.

    It’s simple, really - a secret only has value when it is shared. But the more people know a secret, the less value it has as a secret. At some intangible point, secrets go from being secrets to being knowledge, and then suddenly they become powerful again, but in an entirely different way.

    This conundrum, part philosophy and part riddle, always fascinated Erry. A voracious reader, the halfling would sit down with news bulletins and forum posts, religious texts and technical manuals, occult tomes and books of magic - anything that promised secrets and knowledge. The halfling was fascinated at the synthesis and transformation of the two, and the role that magic played as both elite knowledge and a tool for the uncovering of secrets.

    As he delved deeper and deeper into the foundations of knowledge and the founts of power, he began to discover the idea of a singularity - the point where all life, all knowledge, would become one - one single repository of all knowledge known through countless minds, one single interconnected life spread through countless bodies. Suddenly there would be no secrets… so there certainly wasn’t any harm in uncovering as many as he could now?

    Part hacker, part spy, part scholar, Erry continues to explore the concept of secret truths through pursuit of the mystic arts. While he doesn’t have much of a torch to be a Starfinder, he found the Dataphiles to be an inspiration and a boon to his ‘research’ into other people’s secrets - the premiums that they pay for such knowledge help him fund further explorations into magic, conspiracies, and anything that someone wishes to remain unknown.

    Bonus: Theme Song!
    Erry has begun creating an algorithm to predict the next album by Strawberry Machine Cake. He anticipates a move from the sugar-spun pop anthems of their first albums to a more introspective tone with musings on what it means to create art. He’s also created an algorithm predicting the band’s eventual break-up, though he refuses to tell anyone the predicted reason.

    Other Information.
    Yes, I absolutely plan on this character being primarily PbP - after all, what’s more Dataphile than a primarily digital character?

    Explore, Cooperate, Report!
    If I win, when I first play Erry, I agree to post back here and tell everyone how the game went!

    Liberty's Edge 4/5

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Did somebody say “Filk?” Thanks for providing a challenge, it was pretty inspiring :D

    Why do you want to play this character?
    Brobdingnagian was my first Play By Post character and he never fails to elicit a smile. While I love how varied and interesting the Core Starfinder races are, Ysoki just don’t quite capture the natural sheer pint-sized *joy* that halflings possess.

    Who is this character?

    Halfling / TBD / Icon (I haven’t quite finalized how I would crunch him, between Envoy, Mystic, and Operative or some mix thereof that adequately captures “Space Bard.”)

    A curly-haired halfling in a green and brown second-skin vaults up onto a stool at the bar beside you in the Lorespire Complex. ”Hiya, name’s Brobdingnagian, which means ‘marked by great size.’” He pauses a moment. ”I know, I know. Halfling and ‘great size’ don’t usually match. Though I’ll have you know that height isn’t the only measure of stature.” He flashes a guileless grin. ”There’s fame as well! Being able to stand tall amongst your peers and rising above where your limitations might have otherwise left you at. That’s partly why I want to join the Starfinder Society, and who knows? Maybe someone like me could become the First Seeker someday and give even the littlest among us someone to look up to. Metaphorically speaking.”

    He orders up a glass of some synth-ahol and takes a drink before setting it on the bar. ”Beyond that, though… there’s just so many amazing places to explore and exciting things to learn. I’m sure if I wanted to, I could find a safe cushy job captaining a liner, like my Dad. Or maybe even break into the music business and swim in credits. But those both sound so… boring…” He raises his hands helplessly, sighing. ”Have you ever had that feeling, a hunger, like you’d missed Second Breakfast? But the only thing that fills it is new experiences? That’s how I feel. And for some reason, being exposed to mind-numbing terror has always inspired my best songs!”

    ”So, what do you think? Do I have a shot?” He grins hopefully.

    Beyond the above personality, despite his irrepressible nature he has a coping mechanism of singing situationally appropriate song parodies!

    Other Information.
    Given that PbP is the best format to come up with songs, I’m sure he’d be in PbP sometime, one way or another.

    Bonus: Theme Song and Obligatory Filk! :

    We Journey On, by Brobdingnagian:

    Original: Through the Fire and Flames by Dragon Force

    <Guitar Intro>

    From the soft dawn of morning
    'Til the Sun sheds its last light
    While a single Starfinder remains
    We stand prepared to fight

    Though morale has fallen down
    And the times are tough alright
    The sound of all our laughter soars
    Around the world tonight

    Fighting hard, blending spell, tech, and steel
    We adventure and explore
    Our daring pilots steer the helm
    And land on distant shores

    From the Outer Planes to the Hell’s Domain
    We seek and boldly go
    Leaving behind all comfort of what we know

    So now we fly, yeah we’re free
    We’re defenders of the galaxy
    On towards the unexplored
    Our quest carries on!

    Far beyond the Sun’s light
    Far into the dark night
    Fear has no place at all in hearts or souls!

    So far away; won’t wait for the day
    For our lives to be wasted and gone
    We bear the scars of friends lost in the Scoured Stars
    Through a trial forged by flame we journey on

    <Guitar Solo>

    Now a new day is dawning
    And our spaceships fill the sky
    We raise our heads to the heavens above
    With wonder in our eyes

    Racing back through the void’s darkest night
    Resolve burns within my heart
    We’re banished from our time and Golarian
    To a life beyond the stars

    From our darkest dreams lurk evil beings
    Jealous of our light
    And with their defeat we’ll all be free tonight

    And so we Drift through a sea
    That redefines reality
    From the home-base of our Station
    Into the Great Beyond

    Safe inside we’ll never find
    The destiny of our own kind
    Day after day our mission must go on!

    So far away; won’t wait for the day
    For our lives to be wasted and gone
    We bear the scars of friends lost in the Scoured Stars
    Through a trial forged by flame we journey on

    <Another Guitar Solo>

    Woah, woah, whoaoah.
    Woah, woah, whoaoah!

    <Gratuitously Unnecessary Guitar Solo>

    And still we stand proud with blood on our hands
    We fight so hard so that we can understand
    I’ll solve the mystery of the Gap if I possibly can
    For knowledge of every man

    So far away; won’t wait for the day
    For our lives to be wasted and gone
    We bear the scars of friends lost in the Scoured Stars
    Through a trial forged by flame we journey on

    <Gratuitously Unnecessary Guitar Finale>

    Manifold Host 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

    Thanks everyone who has submitted so far! So many creative entries that it will be tough to choose! Remember that this contest is open until midnight today, PST!

    Manifold Host 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

    6 people marked this as a favorite.

    Hello Everyone! Thanks to all who entered my contest.

    I’d like to say something great about everyone who submitted something.

    Mei, I know you already have a boon, but thanks so much for having the courage to submit a character first. That, and you are clearly a gorgeous gnome.

    Steve, Stone Smithly is an awesome dwarf. I know you already got a boon from Michael Eshelman, otherwise you would have been a strong contender. Your song totally should have been:

      ♫ Hello Mutha, hello Fatha
      Here I am in the Di-a-spora
      Mining rocks is somewhat straining
      Maybe we’ll survive if life support’s sustaining ♫

    GM Starson, I love the name Gear Sprocket! He sounds like an adorable gnome. I hope that Charli can play with him someday.

    IfritSlasher, I was so enamored by the idea of a primitive Starfinder character that I decided that my -3 will be a primitive Envoy Captain, who has no idea what any of the tech on his ship DOES, but knows how to order people to do that well. Thanks for inspiring me.

    Sliska, that was some fun description. You made me smile.

    Michael Smith, Toragur AM SMASH! That’s all anyone need say.

    Twitch, you had some great backstory and setting detail.

    Jelloarm, I really loved the writing style. The bits about secrets were wonderful. If I could have had three winners, you would have been the third.

    And now....

    Cue mini-drumroll


    Brobdingnagian, you gave me a both great personality and a filk. For sheer fun, I am going to give you SOMETHING. I am currently trying to trade for a Legacy Boon. If I can get a second one, it’s yours. Stay tuned.


    Tech, you didn’t rehash an old character, but struck out into new ground. You gave me setting, personality, back story in one very appealing package. Congratulations, you win Charli’s extra race boon.

    Please PM me with contact information!

    Charli (aka Hmm)

    Liberty's Edge 4/5

    Thanks Mmm for running the contest :) I really love the spirit of camaraderie, reading some fun character ideas, and getting some parody inspiration.

    Congrats to Tech!

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Charli Poshkettle wrote:

    IfritSlasher, I was so enamored by the idea of a primitive Starfinder character that I decided that my -3 will be a primitive Envoy Captain, who has no idea what any of the tech on his ship DOES, but knows how to order people to do that well. Thanks for inspiring me.

    I may not have won the contest, but I'll gladly take giving someone creative inspiration! Glad I could help!

    I also wanna say thanks for holding this contest in the first place! This whole thread has become a repository of creativity that's a heckin' ton of fun to read and may very well being a wellspring of inspiration for many more people to come! For that, you have my gratitude. You keep doing you! ...And all your other alter egos too.

    EDIT: I've also done my research on Play-by-Post, and dang does it seem like a lot of fun! I'm not sure if I currently have the time to do a campaign, but I'll definitely be looking into it! Felix's original form may yet see the light of day! (I mentioned this in a previous topic of mine, but as a contingency, I made a human version of him in the event I didn't win, and that iteration is one I'm currently playing in Society. I'm writing it off as his elven DNA not being as strong.) It may also give me a chance to some of the Pathfinder characters I've built solely through online resources that would take WAY too many boons and source books to actually play in Society!

    TL;DR: I'll probably be doing PbP sometime down the road. Keep an eye out for any half-elf spearman or efreeti fire dancers!

    Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Thank you Charli (Hmm) for hosting this and thanks also to everyone else that participated. Reading the other entries was awesome and there are so many good ideas here I'd love to emulate in the future. Also,
    Michael I can't stop singing Diggy Diggy Hole, so thanks for that ear worm!

    I hope you all get a chance to recreate the characters you've listed here, they were all awesome. Hope to see you all in some games soon as well!

    Grand Lodge 3/5 5/55/55/5

    Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

    Thanks for the contest, Hmm! It was really fun, and I'm 100% keeping that character concept around regardless of his size or race cuz I fell in love with the idea. (Homegame Skittermander mystic??)

    Looking forward to seeing the report from the winners on their first games!


    Congratulations to the winners, and thanks for the interesting contest. Look forward to seeing how the characters turn out.

    4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    IfritSlasher wrote:

    EDIT: I've also done my research on Play-by-Post, and dang does it seem like a lot of fun! I'm not sure if I currently have the time to do a campaign, but I'll definitely be looking into it!

    TL;DR: I'll probably be doing PbP sometime down the road. Keep an eye out for any half-elf spearman or efreeti fire dancers!

    They are fun!

    Here are two of my favorite PBPs that I GMed:

    Murder’s Mark of Crows

    Ironbound Schism

    I love the creativity and roleplay that goes into PBP. I hope you do come and join us sometime!



    Tech. wrote:

    Thank you Charli (Hmm) for hosting this and thanks also to everyone else that participated. Reading the other entries was awesome and there are so many good ideas here I'd love to emulate in the future. Also,

    Michael I can't stop singing Diggy Diggy Hole, so thanks for that ear worm!

    I hope you all get a chance to recreate the characters you've listed here, they were all awesome. Hope to see you all in some games soon as well!

    This was a lot of fun. Me and the gf were going through youtube found that. Then we started our Core Bonekeep group and she said hey you have a diggy diggy dwarf. So it stuck and now when I play him he plays that song.

    Toragur is one of my favorite characters to play. He is a lot of fun. Even though I am not a fan of Core games, he is one of my favorites.

    Manifold Host 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    So... I try to trade with Wei Ji, and then you know what that crazy Tengu does? He says no to the trade and just donates a Legacy raceboon to Brobdingnagian. Such a generous guy! Congratulations, Brob!

    Jelloarm... Stay tuned, please.


    Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

    Awesome! Maybe Tech and Brobdingnagian will end up in a pbp together someday.

    Manifold Host 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Jelloarm, the very generous Magabeus also donated a race boon! He’ll be in touch with you. Congratulations!

    Grand Lodge 3/5 5/55/55/5

    3 people marked this as a favorite.
    Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

    Holy crap! Thank you, to all the generous folk who are running around being awesome on these boards!

    Liberty's Edge 4/5

    3 people marked this as a favorite.
    Tech. wrote:
    Awesome! Maybe Tech and Brobdingnagian will end up in a pbp together someday.

    Heh, maybe so. If they do, I'll have to finish a song for the occasion:

    Tech lived alone far apart from his kind
    His life as empty as the Gap within his mind
    He helped out some androids as a Mechanic
    Is he an outlaw or just bad with Organics?

    He's Tech, he's Tech, he's Tech
    He has shaggy hair
    He's Tech, he's Tech, he's Tech
    Has a mask to wear

    Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/5 ***

    Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Society Subscriber

    Charli and Wei Ji, thanks for keeping organized play fun, and the spirit of generosity flowing. I'll get Muse a race boon somehow, someway, or play him in a home game. Other posters here, keep up the original character designs - they are inspirations.

    Manifold Host 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

    I was happy that Wei Ji and Magabeus were so generous. However, I felt it important to offer this contest, because of how sad I felt when I first discovered that the legacy races were behind a boon wall. I’d already created Charli’s backstory, and knew that she was going to be running a little tea stand across from the Lorespire Complex.

    I even wrote a little protest song about it:

    Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:

    ♫ Let me tell you the story

    Of a gnome named Charli
    On a tragic and fateful day
    With wayfinder and jetpack
    She waved bye-bye to her fam’ly
    Left for Starfinder Society

    Charli handed off her ticket
    For Absalom Station
    Where the Starfinders are so hip
    When she got there the Society asked her
    “Where’s your boon?”
    Charli could not get off that ship!

    Did she ever return,
    No she never returned
    And her fate is still unlearn'd
    (My poor Charli!)
    She may ride forever
    Cross the wide diaspora
    She's the gnome who never returned.

    Now all night long
    Charli rides on the drift ship
    Saying, “What will become of me?”
    Standing on tip-toes
    Her nose pressed to the windows
    Crying, “I wanna be in the Society!”

    Charli’s ship has other stragglers
    Half-orcs, Elves, Halflings too
    It’s a mixed legacy crew
    They all sigh as the station flies by
    Oh well, at least the Dwarves
    Make a damn fine brew!

    Ahoy, Absalom Station
    Don’t you think it a scandal
    That the little gnomes are locked away?
    Contact your Venture Crew!
    Start up your region’s RSP
    Contact your Venture Crew
    To bring poor Charli back today!

    Or else she'll never return,
    No she'll never return
    And her fate will be unlearned
    She may ride forever
    Cross the wide diaspora
    She's the gnome (who’s that gnome?)
    She's the gnome who never returned.
    She's the gnome (bring her home)
    She's the gnome who never returned.
    She's the gnome who never returned. ♫

    Source: The M.T.A. Song by the Kingston Trio

    Now I realize that I’ll have to write a joyous sequel about her ongoing adventures in the Starfinder Society. At any rate, I knew when I got not just one boon but two that I had to share that joy around.

    Thanks to all who submitted and a special huzzah to the generous Wei Ji and Magabeus! You guys rock.

    Love you all,

    PS Tech, Brob, and Erry, Charli has not played 1-02 yet... If you guys want, we could all aim for the same PbP sometime!

    Liberty's Edge 4/5

    I just played that one yesterday (although not on Brob.) We could shoot for the next new scenario released, or I can GM.

    Grand Lodge 3/5 5/55/55/5

    Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

    That's one I haven't played yet either! (ran it at my FLGS - GM credit's on my Meleechanic vesk) I'd be happy to debut Erry in that one - I just need to get the boon delivered and stat Erry.

    Exo-Guardians 4/5 5/55/5 ****

    Oh now I find this thread....

    But I do like the tea. It is good for the Drinkless God

    Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

    So far I've just done commencement, some of the quests and claim to salvation so Tech is pretty open for scenarios, definitely down for a legacy race table!

    Liberty's Edge 4/5

    I have a We Be Goblins PbP that will be wrapping up by the end of PbP Gameday; if people are serious about arranging a game together I can start organizing it.

    Grand Lodge 3/5 5/55/55/5

    Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

    Yeah, let's do it! I think it will be a great intro to these characters! I'll make sure to stat up Erry this weekend.

    Manifold Host 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

    Will it be a problem that I will be Level 3 by then? And do we want to hand pick the rest of the group? Do we want this to be all Legacy Races or be open to others if they are awesome players?

    Liberty's Edge 4/5

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Charli Poshkettle wrote:
    Will it be a problem that I will be Level 3 by then? And do we want to hand pick the rest of the group? Do we want this to be all Legacy Races or be open to others if they are awesome players?

    I vote that we let Hmm make all the hard decisions like the above as a sign of appreciation for her starting this whole thing. *nods*


    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I'm slightly confused. How will you play SF Legacy PCs in We Be Goblins!?

    Manifold Host 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

    Brob is GMing WBG now. Being sensible, he’s wary of GMing too many PBP games at once. That way lies madness! So what he’s saying is that when that is finished, he’ll be able to GM something SFS.

    We do need a We Be Space Goblins adventure.


    Exo-Guardians 4/5 5/55/5 ****

    Do you need someone to run 1-02. I was looking at offering it next week. I am doing my prep on it now. Or if you would not mind your token core race in the mix.

    Manifold Host 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

    Brob has played 1-02. That’s why he offered to GM!


    Exo-Guardians 4/5 5/55/5 ****

    Good idea. I have run it already in person. But I have played few sessions since I am the local SFS cheerleader

    Liberty's Edge 4/5

    Correct, I've played 1-02, which is why I offered to GM when my (PFS) We Be Goblins starts to wrap up. Charli has the right of it ;)

    I'm open to alternatives as well, I just figured I'd offer.

    Dataphiles 3/5 5/55/55/5

    I made Erry last night - he's an odd little mystic, that's for sure, but I think he'll be fun to play. I'm going to try to play him in The Commencement at a FLGS today!

    Dataphiles 3/5 5/55/55/5

    Erry Farsight wrote:
    I made Erry last night - he's an odd little mystic, that's for sure, but I think he'll be fun to play. I'm going to try to play him in The Commencement at a FLGS today!

    Last-second change to Erry - he is going to be an Operative with the Phrenic Adept archetype starting second level, focusing on skills and some minor psychic magics.

    Dataphiles 3/5 5/55/55/5

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Erry's first scenario! Using the spoiler tag for anyone who hasn't already played The Commencement:

    So Erry showed up to his Commencement dressed as professionally as he could - clean, well-pressed suit, black leather gloves, and a briefcase in which he could carry his accounting tools and... well, certain other tools that an enterprising halfling might find useful in the pursuit of knowledge.

    Erry turned out to be a soft-spoken supporter of other's skills, as the party was exceptionally well-balanced - He provided the hacking kit for our eager ysoki mechanic to access medical records and doctor an absent-minded hacker's account to help her fake her own demise, and served as a quiet supporter of our eager ysoki solarian's diplomatic overtures to a pair of well-meaning children.

    In combat, Erry turned out to be coldly professional - when dangerous situations seemed likely, Erry would remove his suit's jacket, and used his uncanny knowledge of people's motives and minds to anticipate the exact right moment to inflict deterrant pain upon them. Woe befall the enemy that ambushes the fastidious little halfling before he's had an opportunity to shed his jacket!

    While Erry never got the ability to use his budding psychic powers, it's only a matter of time - after all, having the ability to psychically send messages to his allies is not an ability that's going out of style, and his powers are only going to grow as he adventures more and expands his powers further.

    Erry's finest moment might have been discovering that he's a little bit of a speed freak - in the junk race, he only failed a single piloting check, keeping the pedal to the metal the entire race.
    His knowledge of applied computational skills helped really soup up our vehicle - between our mechanic and our mystic, I think we had added a total of 9 vehicle enhancements!

    All in all, Erry played differently than I expected, but was a blast - looking forward to seeing where this quiet, fastidious little halfling goes within the Society and the Dataphiles!

    Liberty's Edge

    Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

    just saw this it to late to put in an idea?


    4/5 5/5

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    It is never too late to put in an idea! However the contest is finished and rewards have been handed out.

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