[PFS] Granta's Long Campaign (Core)


Sovereign Court

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[u]Before You Apply[/u]

  • You will be expected to post 1/weekday, 1/weekend.
  • I am a strict, by-the-book GM.
  • There will be additional requirements and role-playing exercises as the game evolves, i.e. I just started expecting players to mark their movement with arrows on Google Slides.

[u]How You Apply[/u]
Link to at least 2 different characters (but the more the better) that demonstrate your role-playing. The links should be to specific posts, like this:
Tagir Mohandis
Kardess Dashō
Dwozer Zaden

  • #6-10: The Wounded Wisp
  • #7-10: The Consortium Compact
  • #02-11: The Penumbral Accords (1-5)
  • #03-19: The Icebound Outpost (1-5)
  • #04-15: The Cyphermage Dilemma (1-5)
  • #08-07: From the Tome of Righteous Repose (3-7)
  • #03-08: Among the Gods (3-7)
  • #04-02: In Wrath's Shadow (3-7)
  • #08-05: Ungrounded but Unbroken (1-5)
  • #05-09: The Traitor's Lodge (3-7)
  • #08-16: House of Harmonious Wisdom (1-5)
  • #03-03: The Ghenett Manor Gauntlet (5-9)
  • #03-15: The Haunting of Hinojai (5-9)
  • #03-24: The Golden Serpent (5-9)
  • #04-03: The Golemworks Incident (5-9)
  • #08-09: Forged in Flame, Part 1: The Cindersworn Pact (5-9)
  • #08-11: Forged in Flame, Part 2: Cleansed With Fire (5-9)
  • #00-28: Lyrics of Extinction (7-11)
  • #01-32: Drow of the Darklands Pyramid (7-11)
  • #01-38: No Plunder, No Pay (7-11)
  • #04-25: The Secrets Stones Keep (5-9)
  • #05-13: Weapon in the Rift (5-9)
  • #05-18: The Stranger Within (5-9)
  • #02-04: Shadows Fall on Absalom (7-11)
  • #02-10: Fury of the Fiend (7-11)
  • #02-12: Below the Silver Tarn (7-11)
  • #02-14: The Chasm of Screams (7-11)
  • #02-16: The Flesh Collector (7-11)
  • #02-18: The Forbidden Furnace of Forgotten Koor (7-11)
  • #05-10: Where Mammoths Dare Not Tread (7-11)
  • #05-17: Fate of the Fiend (7-11)
  • #08-13: What Sleeps in Stone (7-11)
  • Mod: Wardens of the Reborn Forge I (12)
  • Mod: Wardens of the Reborn Forge II (13)
  • Mod: Wardens of the Reborn Forge III (14)
  • Mod: Wardens of the Reborn Forge IV (15)
  • Mod: The Moonscar (16)
  • Mod: The Witchwar Legacy (17)

  • Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

    Below are some examples of my Roleplay.

    Iolana Altumas
    Davina Aradon
    Tera Fosham
    Primrose Bunch

    I will need to create a new core character, and am good with filling a missing role if the group has one. I have played none of the listed scenarios in Core. The posting schedule is not an issue.

    Thank you for the consideration.

    Dark Archive

    Have several more though this is a good start. I would have to start a fresh character at level 1 with 0 xp but I can easily apply 1 GM Credit to him real quick well before Righteous Repose.

    Scarab Sages

    Okay, I'd love to join! I have played some of the adventures, but very few. I have a fresh 0 XP character I'd like to play. As for some past roleplaying:

    1. Balik Ulfenssen I was asked at Gencon by the GM to 'stop roleplaying so much, please.' I was so proud.

    2. Imbroglio "Vinnie" Guarini

    3. El Garrapata!

    4. Non-PFS: Kereek! Kobold Sorcerer and Secret Spymaster!

    I think this character would be the one I would play. I'd like to play a stick-fighter monk/sorcerer.

    Sovereign Court

    I have this character, a Human Cleric of Shelyn (Core) that only has 1 XP. Looking at the list on your schedule, I have not played any of those chronicles.

    I only have a few characters that show my past roleplaying. But here are some of them that I think are my best.

    Wylka Forth
    Felli Tokor
    Hskoro Tailfeather

    Sovereign Court Owner - La Guarida Game Center

    A complete noob stands in the limelight.

    I don't have have experience in PbP, but I can fill any role the party needs me to, and have no conflicts with the list of scenarios provided.

    Thanks for your consideration.

    Silver Crusade

    I have this little gnome, a new character who would be available to play or 1 2 celestial blood sorcerer


    I would love to play this long running series. One of my characters above (Malusha) played in a 6 game series with (mostly) the same people and it was great. I would need to make a new core character since I have only 1 and he is in Cosmic. I have played Wounded Wisp and Consortium but none of the others.

    I have a Core Elf Wizard who has only played the Confirmation and I can play all of the scenarios listed. A look at my post history will reveal that I've been active on the boards for quite some time.

    Sebastian Mapplethorpe
    Reavis Smoot
    Yuki Okano
    Echi the Honorable
    Maddie Sykes

    Dark Archive

    Ederin (Drowderin): A Riddleport criminal discusses what it feels like to be turned into a Drow

    Rogzul:A Half-orc Shaman risks life and limb to convince an unlikely band to accept him as a comrade in arms.

    Roksana: A young cavalier experiences some difficulty dismounting her horse.

    Ignati: A defiant young noble seeks a to join the rebellion.

    I have a Half-Orc fighter at 1XP. I could make a new character (and would not mind) but I have no GM credits to apply.

    I have only played the first two scenarios in the list (and, if it matters, I have also GM'd them both).

    Sovereign Court

    Thank you for applying everybody, and giving me some fun posts to read. I wish I had more spots available!

    MindXing, welcome to the game. I'm going to create the campaign now, and will PM you a link.

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