Broken Nation: Dragonflyer1243's Galt-Based Homebrew(Rebels)


Hi everyone, I've got a homebrew idea for you guys that I'm hoping you'll be interested in, revolving around the country of Galt, which is a place that I feel has been under-explored so far in the adventure paths.

So here's the situation: The current Revolutionary Council is trying to rein in the instability of Galt, which but they've only been in power for a few years, and do not have the general respect of the populace. The Gray Gardeners have been more and more brutal in attempting to reduce any unrest, often acting without the direct authorization of the Council, and although public protests are becoming less common, murmurs of the violence that seems to follow the Gardeners are beginning to spread.

You will be part of a small group of dissidents based in a small village outside the capitol of Isarn. The leaders of this group were once high-ranking members of the bureaucracy and military, but were attacked and driven away by the Gray Gardeners. They don't know whose orders the Gardeners were acting under, but this has led them to retaliate by attempting to overthrow the current Council and create a better, more just, system.
If this sounds uninteresting to you, or you think that maybe the current Council could reform the way things are, rather than causing yet more instability by another revolution, than you may join the staff of the Revolutionary Council. I will be opening another campaign, at this link, where players will be aides of the Revolutionary Council, working to restore stability to Galt by any means necessary.

I hope that you're all interested in this campaign, so let's get down to business, I'll be selecting 4-5 characters for each group.


I'd like you to create as complete of a stat block as you can, although I'll totally understand if you need to change things or make purchases before the game starts.
Characters will be made with a 25 point buy, max HP at 1st level and then half+1 after that, all characters will begin at level 2, 2 traits, one of which is a campaign trait as written below, 1,000 starting gold.
I'd also like to see a backstory, and if you'd like, I'd appreciate a sample of conversation or roleplay from the character. I'll allow you to apply with any race you wish, but keep in mind that they be accepted into this group without suspicion, and it's unlikely that say, an android, could have done so. Same goes for alignments, I'm fine with any alignment so long as it doesn't ruin the fun of the game for everyone else.

Campaign Traits:

Ex-Military: You were a member of the militia before the current Council came to power, and although your military career is over, the skills you gained remain with you. You gain a +2 bonus to one of the following, climb, swim, acrobatics, survival, handle animal and profession(soldier), and that skill is always a class skill for you.
Farmer: You did your best to avoid the trouble that comes with the revolution, but it was unavoidable when a small group of men fled to your village, chased by Gardeners. It wasn't until you talked to them that you realized just how bad it was in the rest of the country, and you promised to join their cause. You gain a +1 on Knowledge(Nature) and Knowledge(Geography) checks, and both skills are always a class skill for you.
Betrayed: You were a member of the original group of dissidents who were betrayed by those in power. You consider yourself one of the leaders of this group of rebels, and fled with them to this village. You gain a +2 on diplomacy checks when talking with members of the rebel group.
Idealist: You believe that the authoritarian state you have watched Galt become is not as things should be. There is a better way to stabilize the country, and you think that this group will help to achieve this stability in a more peaceful and compassionate way. You gain a +1 on Heal and Knowledge(History) checks, and both skills are always class skills for you.
Believer: You believe that the Council has strayed from the original principles they promised to uphold, the principles that Milani has always preached. You have begun to learn the way of Milani, and to spread it among the rebels. You gain a +2 on Knowledge(Religion) checks, and it is always a class skill for you.

With regards to the players, I'd like players who can not only commit to a long game, but who can also post regularly. Because of the nature of this game, one player can hold up both campaigns, and so I'd like you to be able to check the boards multiple times per day.
I'll leave the recruitment open for a while, and give you plenty of notice before I close it. I look forward to seeing what you guys come up with!

also derrt


Working on and Idea. I believe I shall be a rebel.

Grand Lodge

I would like to submit my 2nd-level Ranger, Bane of Giants, for consideration. He would work as either a council advisor or as a rebel. I could see him in either role.

In a nutshell, he's been out killing hill giants in the Fog Peaks, and now he's back in Isarn and doesn't recognize his own country. Oh, and his family has gone missing.

Here are his stats and backstory --> Bane of Giants or if you prefer:

Bane's Story:
Originally a special forces ranger who grew up in the Woodsedge region of Galt, Bane of Giants hired onto the First Revolutionary Council per their request to kill the marauding hill giants in the Fog Peaks. Bane's efforts were successful, but when he returned to Isarn to seek his reward after a year in the mountains, he was incensed and frightened by what his country had become.

Complicating matters was the fact that his family was missing. Rumors hinted that they'd been kidnapped, taken hostage by Hill Giants in the west of the Fog Peaks as retribution for Bane's raids. Other rumors stated that the giants had an even more nefarious purpose that only their small minds could understand.

His life in shambles, Bane fled west, first seeking refuge among the Dwarfs in the Five Kings Mountains (the Beer-Basher clan had raised a human Ranger-Investigator; they knew humans well). Bane now commutes from the foothills of the Five Kings Mountains, sneaking across the border into Woodsedge under cover of night. Not knowing who he can trust, he gathers intel about his missing family. His Dwarf cousins have been helping (they're no friends of giant-kind) but Bane of Giants is too restless to stay in one place for long.

Here is a sample of my role-playing. My character was Trapper, a 2nd-level Dwarf Rogue who is investigating his family genealogy in the now-defunct "Sinister Secret of Sandpoint" campaign:

Sinister Secrets of Sandpoint

I would prefer to run the ranger, but would gladly run the rogue if that's preferably.

I will be able to post 2-3 times per day; I am looking for a long-term campaign.

Thanks for your consideration.


Any class restrictions?

Wondering_Monster wrote:
Any class restrictions?

I knew I was forgetting something! No 3PP unless I make a special exception, and I'll be sticking with things that are already published, so no vigilante or occult stuff. Other than that, you can use anything on the SRD.

Silver Crusade

Dot. Thinking alchemist.

Dotting, with Norgorber-following Stygian Slayer.

Definitely the right class and story for this kind of work.

"My patron has sent me to deliver a message. You're not killing the right people. I am here to alter the course of Galt, pushing it towards the correct direction."


I am thinking either a shaman or an arcanist. Still figuring it out.

Silver Crusade

the fools of this country are ignorant. Ignorant of what they want, and so from this lack of knowing, their passions and desires change as often as a leaf's direction on the wind. Something must unite them fully, and give them purpose. I know not what that is yet, but I will search, and study, until I know, in the end it is my ignorance of what is needed that is the most harmful of all. Until I discover it, I will continue to do what I can for the innocent. To keep bloodshed to a minimum. And gods help me if what I fear true be the truth.

Journal entry in the journal of Variel Elric, book #3.

Also Dotting

Grand Lodge

My 2nd-level Dwarf Rogue, Trapper, might be a good candidate for the rebels' side of your campaign. Although he's spent some time doing genealogy research in Varisia, his heart is still in the Five Kings Mountains. His family (the Beer-Basher clan in the eastern foothills closest to Woodsedge) actually help human refugees from Galt. Plus, his family research has been getting depressing; it turns out the Beer-Bashers once fought an "unnamable evil"; Trapper would rather not carry on that tradition.

His stats conform to the 25-point buy (I think, if I did my counting correctly), and he's got some good, sneaky traits that might help a party.

Details here:


Thanks for your consideration.


How long do we have on recruitment? I have a few ideas that I am trying to narrow down.

I don't have a set date to close recruitment, but I intend to leave it open for at least a week or so to give everyone plenty of time to submit their applications, and I'll give plenty of notice once I set a date for the recruitment to close.

Grand Lodge

Revised information for Trapper, who I think would make a good candidate for a rebel.

Crunchy Stuff:

Dwarf Rogue Level 2
NG Medium Humanoid (dwarf)
Init +4
Perception +5

XP = 120 + 225 + 445 + 1000 = 1790

Chews on roots
Rolls silver piece over his fingers
Gets brain freeze when drinking ale (drinks anyway)

AC = 17, touch = xx, flat-footed = xx

hp = 16
HD = 2
Fortitude Save = +1
Reflex Save = +8
Will Save = +0

--> Armor Class Calculation = 10 + 3 (studded leather) +4 (DEX) = 17
--> hp calculation = 8 (1st-level) +1 (CON) + 6 (2nd-level) +1 (CON) = 16
--> Fort calculation +0 +1 (CON) = +1
--> Reflext calculation = +3 +4 (DEX) +1 (2nd-level) = +8
--> Will calculation +0 +0 (WIS) = +0

Speed = 20 feet
Weapon S M Crit
Short Bow 1d4 1d6 x3
Warhammer 1d6 1d8 x3
BAB = 0
CMB = +2
CMD = 15
Initiative = +4 (+0 +4)
Melee Attack = +1 (+0 +1)
Ranged Attack = +4 (+0 +4)
Darkvision = 60 feet
Hatred + 1 vs. Goblins and Orcs
Hardy + 2 vs. Poison and Spells
Weapon Familiarity = Battleaxe and war hammer

Str 12
Dex 18
Con 13 (includes +2 Dwarf trait)
Int 12
Wis 10 (includes +2 Dwarf trait)
Cha 9 (includes -1 Dwarf trait)

STR = +1
DEX = +4
CON = +1
INT = +1
WIS = 0
CHA = -1

BAB = +1
CMB = +1 (base attack) +1 (STR) = +2
CMD = 10 +1 (STR) +4 (DEX) = 15

Sneak Attack = +1d6
--> If a rogue can catch an opponent when he is unable to defend himself effectively from her attack, she can strike a vital spot for extra damage.
Trap Finding = +2
--> A rogue adds 1/2 her level to Perception skill checks made to locate traps and to Disable Device skill checks (minimum +1). A rogue can use Disable Device to disarm magic traps.
--> At 2nd level and higher, a rogue can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If she makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage. .
Rogue Talent:
--> Minor Magic (Sp): A rogue with this talent gains the ability to cast a 0-level spell from the sorcerer/wizard spell list. This spell can be cast three times a day as a spell-like ability. The caster level for this ability is equal to the rogue's level. The save DC for this spell is 10 + the rogue's Intelligence modifier.

Point Blank Shot

Skill ranks = 8 + INT per level = 9 x 2 = 18

Acrobatics = +1 (assigned) +3 (class)
Appraise = +2 (gold or gems)
Bluff =
Climb = +1 (assigned) +3 (class) +1 (assigned)
Craft = +1 (assigned)
Diplomacy =
Disable Device = +1 (assigned) +3 (class) +1 (assigned)
Disguise = +1 (assigned) +3 (class)
Escape Artist = +2 (assigned)
Intimidate =
--> Dungeoneering = +1 (assigned) +3 (class)
--> Local = +1 (assigned) +3 (class)
Linguistics =
Perception = +1 (assigned) +3 (class) +1(assigned) [+2(stonework)]
Profession =
Sense Motive =
Sleight of Hand = +1 (assigned) +3 (class)
Stealth = +1 (assigned) +3 (class)
Swim = +1 (assigned)
Use Magic Device = +2 (assigned)

Medium: Dwarves are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Speed = 20 feet
Darkvision = 60 feet.
+4 dodge bonus to AC against monsters of the giant subtype. AC vs. Giants = 21
+2 racial bonus on Appraise skill checks precious metals or gemstones.
+1 bonus on attack rolls vs. orc and goblinoid .
+2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities.
+4 racial bonus to their Combat Maneuver Defense when resisting a bull rush or trip attempt while standing on the ground.
Stonecunning: Dwarves receive a +2 bonus on Perception checks to potentially notice unusual stonework, such as traps and hidden doors located in stone walls or floors.
Weapon Familiarity: Dwarves are proficient with battleaxes, heavy picks, and warhammers, and treat any weapon with the word “dwarven” in its name as a martial weapon.
Common, Dwarven, Goblin.

Light Armor
Arrows (18 remaining)
Short sword
Studded Leather Armor
War Hammer
Thieves' Tools
Adventurer's Kit

Money = 500 gp

Fluffy Stuff:

Originally from the Highhelm Sky Fortress, Trapper and his brothers found residence on the Isle of Kortos after his elderly parents discovered a bizarre, crumbling Pathfinder Chronicle during an excavation of their ancestral home’s basements. Believing the work to be of singular importance, Trapper, his siblings and their adopted human brother (a Ranger-Investigator from Galt) travelled downriver with the goal of eventually reaching Absalom.

While Trapper’s family -- the Beer-Basher clan -- had always remained faithful to their Dwarven alignment and god, experiences with evil cutthroats, merciless dire wolves and smelly flotsam-raiser goblins caused a profound morality shift, nudging the Beer-Bashers into Good territory.

Unable to find employment or housing in greater Absolom, the Beer-Bashers moved to Diobel, where Trapper sought answers to two seemingly unrelated questions:
1) Why was Trapper’s family heir to a worthless fallen fortress on the Isle of Kortos?
2) Why had a branch of the Beer-Bashers fought "an unspeakable evil" in a land as far remote as Varisia?

To fund his genealogy research young Trapper took odd jobs under false names along the waterfront. Skilled with his hands Trapper often found woodworking jobs on the crime-infested docks, installing secret floors, traps and false floors on merchant ships. While there, he learned a lot of roguish skills.

He had to learn to keep his mouth shut.
Trapper often speaks bluntly, which can get a young Dwarf in trouble.

After several years the Beer-Basher clan split their research efforts: The older Dwarfs remained in Diobel while Trapper and Keith sailed northwest, to the Varisian Gulf.

Trapper's arrival in (what-should-have-been) the sleepy town of Sandpoint was fraught with terror. He found himself face to face with the mass murderer Chopper. Through quick wit and rogue skills, though, Trapper was able to ingratiate himself to the townsfolk of Sandpoint as he helped with the murderer’s capture.

Now, at the age of 100, Trapper has returned to the foothills east of the Five Kings Mountains, searching for "The Great Tomes", legendary journals kept by his forefather.

Trapper's quizzical expression is due to the extensive number of paper cuts he gets on his fingers trying to chronicle his family tree.

Not always the sharpest ax in the armory, Trapper does have a secondary goal of increasing his Wisdom.
Trapper cannot see the cave for the rocks.

Just a heads up, I will be closing recruitment on July 31st, which is a week from friday. Thanks to everyone for your submissions, and I look forward to to seeing the applicant pool, although it will definitely be a tough decision.

Hi everyone, I'm really sorry about this but my life has gotten really busy recently, and I'll be starting school in a month so I doubt that things will get any easier. I hate to do this, and I apologize to those of who who were looking forward to the game, since I've been in this situation before and I know how much it sucks as a player, but I won't be able to run this game. I hope to be able to try to run it in the future when things are less busy, and if that's the case then I will message all of you to let you know, but for the meantime the recruitment is cancelled.

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