new guide to sharing teamwork feats with pets--Hunter and the Sacred Huntsmaster Inquisitor

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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My old guides about Poisons and Hide in Plain Sight remain classics at the top of Google searches.

(Personally, my house rules about wrestling excite me more, but never took off in popularity.)

Now I introduce another guide: Teamwork Feats and Animal Companions.

Learn how a large but somewhat hidden combat sub-system involving animal companions, teamwork feats, and attacks of opportunity works by meeting Fred the Foundation, Nigel the Net-User, Shreve the Strong, Horace the Horseman, Cassandra the Caster, Alice the Archer, and Wallace the Whirlwind.

Constructive criticism is appreciated, as always.

Heck yeah this was very needed. To me feat sharing is a simple but all-star ability. One of the most potent abilities I've seen in a while.

Sovereign Court

Whoa. Escape Route shared with your mount is ridiculous.

Sovereign Court

Also, if you're dipping into Sohei, consider taking a Bodyguard archetype companion, and the Lookout feat.

Grand Lodge

Inquisitor build cannot get Outflank at lvl 1 with bonus feat it has +4 BAB as a prereq.

Ascalaphus wrote:
Also, if you're dipping into Sohei, consider taking a Bodyguard archetype companion, and the Lookout feat.

A paragraph about that line of thought has been added.

London Duke wrote:
Inquisitor build cannot get Outflank at lvl 1 with bonus feat it has +4 BAB as a prereq.

Good catch. Corrected in the first paragraph.

Scarab Sages

Ascalaphus wrote:
Whoa. Escape Route shared with your mount is ridiculous.

Yeah. That's one of the reasons guides like this are so helpful. You assume that there's these things "everyone" knows like the Escape Route/mount trick, but sometimes the only people who know were the ones who were there when you talked about it in a thread back when you first "discovered" it.

It's also nice to see these guides because it seems like there's a common misperception that Teamwork feats are subpar, when they'r really some of the strongest options in the game.
There's a lot of fun builds you can only do with Teamwork feats that really elevate your game.

Sovereign Court

Well, most of the time teamwork feats are subpar, particularly in PFS, because you can't count on having a partner for them. Inquisitors and hunters change all that, and how.

Scarab Sages

Ascalaphus wrote:
Well, most of the time teamwork feats are subpar, particularly in PFS, because you can't count on having a partner for them. Inquisitors and hunters change all that, and how.

Any class that has a trigger to self-activate them has access to the strongest feats in the game, which includes Inquisitors, Cavaliers, and Hunters. I think the issue I often see is that people think those three classes "suck" because Teamwork feats suck, when the reality is that Teamwork feats are written for those classes and when used by them are probably some of the best feats in the game.

Silver Crusade

Nice guide, especially the party with the exploding number of attacks of opportunity^^ The only thing I would mention more directly, is that you can use improved spell sharing and then exchange it for another teamwork feat once you and your animal companion are buffed.

Hey one thing though could you add feat selections for the pet too. I've been building a ScH and her feats are pretty set yet I've been floundering on the pets.

Raging Huntsman

I learned something new today. Escape Route is awesome with mounted Hunter/Inquisitor. Kudos.

Sebastian Hirsch wrote:
The only thing I would mention more directly, is that you can use improved spell sharing and then exchange it for another teamwork feat once you and your animal companion are buffed.

Done, in the text for Cassandra the Caster.

Onyxlion wrote:

Hey one thing though could you add feat selections for the pet too. I've been building a ScH and her feats are pretty set yet I've been floundering on the pets.

Raging Huntsman

Thanks, but no thanks. I am not trying to write a general "how to build a Hunter" guide, nor a "how to build an animal companion" guide.

But I did add three sample animal companions for Cassandra, to mention what a Hunter can do beyond what a Druid can do, and demonstrate more uses for Evolved Companion.

Plus I love the image of an Ankylosaurus with improved damage and lead blades doing 4d6+12 damage to knock down a door to use Stunning Irruption. (A two-inch door has 5 hardness and 20 hit points, which is less than one average hit.)

-.. --- - - . -.. .-.-.-

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

You do understand that switching animal companions brings up these two factors.

1. Acquiring an Animal companion is a ritual that takes up 24 hours, this is pretty much true for all of the AC equipped classes.

2. It's up to your DM's preview as to what your former companion decides to do after you sever the link.

LazarX wrote:

You do understand that switching animal companions brings up these two factors.

1. Acquiring an Animal companion is a ritual that takes up 24 hours, this is pretty much true for all of the AC equipped classes.

2. It's up to your DM's preview as to what your former companion decides to do after you sever the link.

Yes. But I did not want to include sample animal companions with more than one example character, to avoid giving the impression that there was a "best choice" for each sample build.

Besides, any mount-based class requires a somewhat flexible GM who does not intend to campaign through My Favorite Mazes of Five Foot Corridors.

I would hope that someone who chose the weaknesses inherent in being a Casting Hunter would have a GM that gives the animal companion class feature room to shine.

davidvs wrote:
Onyxlion wrote:

Hey one thing though could you add feat selections for the pet too. I've been building a ScH and her feats are pretty set yet I've been floundering on the pets.

Raging Huntsman

Thanks, but no thanks. I am not trying to write a general "how to build a Hunter" guide, nor a "how to build an animal companion" guide.

But I did add three sample animal companions for Cassandra, to mention what a Hunter can do beyond what a Druid can do, and demonstrate more uses for Evolved Companion.

Plus I love the image of an Ankylosaurus with improved damage and lead blades doing 4d6+12 damage to knock down a door to use Stunning Irruption. (A two-inch door has 5 hardness and 20 hit points, which is less than one average hit.)

Thanks anyway, I liked what you had and linked it in another hunter/huntsman thread.

Added a small section about the Spirit's Gift feat.

Grand Lodge

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I included a link to your guide in Druid's Log.

I've actually been looking at the possibility of having both my tiger companion and my sylvan sorceror take the same teamwork feat. I wish they could effortlessly share a teamwork feat the way the classes you outline do!


Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Dotting for later reference. Looks like a great guide!


davidvs wrote:
Added a small section about the Spirit's Gift feat.

Here's some more:

Spirit's Gift:
You commune with a spirit of your choice, and it grants your animal companion or familiar a boon.
Prerequisite(s): Animal companion class feature or familiar class feature.
Benefit: At the start of the day, you can choose to commune with a single shaman spirit. (Although a shaman would need an hour of preparation, this takes you no time.) For the next 24 hours, that shaman spirit augments your animal companion or familiar, as its spirit animal ability.

Shaman Spirit Full Text:
The shaman's spirit animal looks like a fiercer version of its species, with rippling muscles and a stockier frame. It gains a +2 natural armor bonus to AC. If it already has a natural armor bonus, the bonus increases by 2 instead.

The shaman's spirit animal gives off a ghostly glow and seems nearly transparent. The animal is under the constant effects of blur, with a caster level equal to the shaman's level.

The shaman's spirit animal is surrounded by a nimbus of flame that gives off light like a candle. This nimbus is warm to the touch, but doesn't cause any damage. The animal is immune to fire damage, but is vulnerable to cold damage.

The flesh of the shaman's spirit animal accurately reflects the stars that would be visible in the night sky, no matter where the animal is or the time of day. Due to this, it can be used as a star map. In addition, it gains a fly speed of 5 feet; if the animal already has a fly speed, instead its fly speed increases by 10 feet. While the animal is flying, a small nimbus of light surrounds it.

The shaman's spirit animal appears to be a beautiful and very healthy version of its species, and seems especially vibrant and full of life. Her animal companion gains fast healing 1; if the spirit animal already has fast healing, instead its fast healing increases by 1.

The shaman's spirit animal appears to be quiet and unassuming. It gains a +2 bonus on Initiative checks and a +4 bonus on Stealth checks.

The shaman's spirit animal looks feral, and appears to be in peak physical form. The animal can move through any sort of undergrowth or natural difficult terrain at its normal speed without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. If the animal has a fly speed, it can ignore the penalty on Fly skill checks for winds up to windstorm strength.

The shaman's spirit animal looks as though it's made out of earth and stone, with tiny gemstones embedded in its flesh. The animal gains DR 5/adamantine.

The skin of the shaman's spirit animal constantly distorts, much as a pond's surface ripples when drops of water fall gently into it. The animal gains Mobility as a bonus feat. The animal doesn't need to meet the prerequisites for this feat. In addition, the animal can breathe underwater.

The shaman's spirit animal crackles with electrical energy when it moves, giving off light like a candle. This electricity deals no damage to the animal or any creature that touches the animal. The animal gains electricity resistance 10.

Shaman Spirit quick reference:
Battle -- Bump NA +2
Bones -- Constant Blur
Flame -- Immune to fire; vulnerable to cold; gives off light like a candle
Heavens -- Star map; fly 5' or +10'; while flying, light surrounds it
Life -- Bump fast healing +1
Lore -- +2 Initiative; +4 Stealth
Nature -- Move w/o taking damage or suffering due to terain; if fly, ignore penalty below windstorm
Stone -- Gain DR 5/adamantine.
Waves -- Gain Mobility; breathe underwater
Wind -- Gain electricity resistance 10; giving off light like a candle


Updated to also include the feats Ferocious Loyalty and Swarm Strike.

These ideas make Hunter seem broken.

Sorry if this is obvious to others (and for mild necro) but Sohei really gets mounted feats without pre-reqs?

Dotting this, I have to show this to my Hunter player this is so good.

I have a question about Shreve the Strong does he have to go first two fighter next 3 Hunter or can he mix that up?

How is the animal companion getting 13 int for Combat Expertise and improved feint?

Scarab Sages

AoO Fury wrote:
How is the animal companion getting 13 int for Combat Expertise and improved feint?

Doesn't need it if it takes Dirty Fighting, a powerful feat in general but absolutely amazing for animal companions who would otherwise be basically locked out of the whole Combat Expertise suite of maneuvers.

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Ssalarn wrote:
AoO Fury wrote:
How is the animal companion getting 13 int for Combat Expertise and improved feint?
Doesn't need it if it takes Dirty Fighting, a powerful feat in general but absolutely amazing for animal companions who would otherwise be basically locked out of the whole Combat Expertise suite of maneuvers.

Mother of pearl... Its so beautiful...

This is a necro, but I have been looking at building a hunter recently and came across your guide.

For anyone who is looking to use pack flanking etc but doesn't want to get a 13 int for combat expertise, beginning the build with a one level dip in Wild Child Brawler will allow you to sidestep the Int requirement. You also net some extra HP, 4 uses of Martial Flexibility per day, and Improved Unarmed Strike (useful for reach builds). You fall behind one level on spells and other abilities, but your AC will be at full progression.

As something to be mentioned:

The Horsemaster's Saddle

Hunter levels? What are those for?

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