
AoO Fury's page

17 posts. Alias of Michael Head 728.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ssalarn wrote:
AoO Fury wrote:
How is the animal companion getting 13 int for Combat Expertise and improved feint?
Doesn't need it if it takes Dirty Fighting, a powerful feat in general but absolutely amazing for animal companions who would otherwise be basically locked out of the whole Combat Expertise suite of maneuvers.

Mother of pearl... Its so beautiful...

How is the animal companion getting 13 int for Combat Expertise and improved feint?

updated with Ragnorath the Avenger

isaic16 wrote:

Here are some characters I made back in June. They were all a blast to play, if anyone wants to try them. They're based on characters from World of Warcraft. I don't know if you want me to give ratings or what, but here are the threads on them:

Isaic, Draenei Shaman:

Eluril, Drow Cleric:

Bishie Huntress, Draenei Mage:

Fennish, Draenei Hunter:

Snowdragon, Night Elf Warrior:

Serpenttongue, Human Sorceror:

The Complete Collection of Characters

In attempt to build a central resource for custom characters this thread was created. Please post any custom characters you wish to catalog below.

Because of the limitations of this message board I will be hosting these character cards off site for a better user experience.

The Complete Collection of Characters

Thank you for your support.

Isiac - Male Draenei Shaman ***

Updated sans the back story.

jones314 wrote:
I think the Paizo forums have a limited window to go back and edit posts. So you just add on another post.

Very annoying.

I may just set it up on another forum that doesn't do that and link it here.

Does goardgame geeks do the same thing?

Photoshop! ITs not really all that easy to alter a card either lol.

Isiac - Male Draenei Shaman ***

For whatever reason I cant edit my own post tonight hopefully its a bug. Here is what i got for Isiac so far. I hope you like it.

isaic16 wrote:

Here are some characters I made back in June. They were all a blast to play, if anyone wants to try them. They're based on characters from World of Warcraft. I don't know if you want me to give ratings or what, but here are the threads on them:

Isaic, Draenei Shaman:

Eluril, Drow Cleric:

Bishie Huntress, Draenei Mage:

Fennish, Draenei Hunter:

Snowdragon, Night Elf Warrior:

Serpenttongue, Human Sorceror:

After playing with these characters how do they stack up vs the original game also? About even a little better a little worse?

I will update the cards for highres printing. I plan on having a few printed and making a character binder.

jones314 wrote:

I like the idea of a character that gets special powers out of failure. Here's some quick feedback:

Oath of Enmity - too powerful, I would say. Even if it was a discard. Bury maybe.
Armor of Faith - seems balanced
Divine Guidance - rewrite to "when playing a card with the two-handed trait, you may use wisdom +1 for your check instead of strength."
Bond of Retribution - tricky to track, maybe display a blessing and put it back in your hand at your next combat check for a d6? Also, kinda too specialized because a lot of characters only get damaged once in awhile. Maybe when a monster is undefeated? That's a little more likely.
Bond of Pursuit - seems balanced, need to word it so that the check is done before shuffling back in, etc.

Maybe more ideas later ...

isaic16 wrote:

I like the concepts you have here. I know the Avenger well enough to say that each of these fits the concepts very well. I think there may be some issues in the details here that I will point out. However, I think you can probably figure it all out, I just want to put them out there early.

Oath of Enmity: It's hard to say what the cost of this ability should be (it's likely either a recharge or a discard). I feel discard is probably too weak, but you may want to start at discard and buff it to recharge if the character feels weak, rather than the other way around, simply because it feels better to be able to buff during playtesting than debuff. That being said, the ability looks perfect for the flavor, and it's just a question of costing it right.

Armor of Faith: Effectively, you're turning all blessings into the good power on armor. It has the potential to be strong, especially if you have a large hand and lots of blessings. That being said, you're already spending blessings on your reroll power, and that blessing could have been spent instead buffing the check in the first place, so I'm inclined to lean in favor of the ability. I created a character who had the ability to after-encounter bury a card to evade it and take no damage, and she ended up almost never using it because her combat was already so good. There's a fair chance that this power is in that same range, in which case it's almost certainly fine.

Divine Guidance: I think you need to clean this power up a bit. First, why only when you reveal or discard, rather than the more generic 'when you play'? Second, as of right now, it would only work with melee 2-Handed weapons, and not cards like longbows. I'm guessing that is intended, but wanted to make sure.
Third, and this isn't an issue so much as a 'be aware of': Making this change, to borrow from the RPG terminology, makes him very single-ability dependent, since he's going to use wisdom for weapons and spells most likely. However, since this means he'll be putting his points into...

Looking at both your ideas I think I will move it to this:

Oath of Enmity: discard a blessing to reroll a combat check you may keep either result. (The avengers striker ability wasnt extra damage like the PACG rogues 2d6 it was accuracy...if discard is too weak will buff to recharge. I was balancing this around the rogue with lets say dart 1d12+2 + 1d4 + 2d6 by discarding averaging 18 maxing at 30 vs him who may have a bastard sword doing 1d10 +1 + 1d10 +1d8 averaging around 21 because of the reroll maxing at 29 BUT it cost discarding 2 cards which can be very costly with the extra armor like burys)

Armor of Faith: Bury a blessing to reduce combat damage to 0. (leaving the same because avengers had armor that rivaled plate users and i like the sacrifice for divine protection)

Divine Guidance: When playing a card with the two-handed trait, you may use wisdom +1 for your check instead of strength. (yes no long bows only 2 handed weapons per the avenger flavor again)

Prestige classes:

Bond of Retribution: If he has four or more cards in the discard pile add 1d4 to combat checks.

Bond of Pursuit: If a character at the avengers location fails a combat check against a monster after damage is dealt he may immediately make a combat check against said monster. (need help on wording)

What do you guys think

Would you mind if i go find open licensed photos to make cards? Thank you by the way!


Oath of Enmity: Recharge a blessing to reroll a combat check.
Armor of Faith: Bury a blessing to reduce combat damage to 0.
Devine Guidance: When revealing or discarding a card with the two-handed quality you may use wisdom plus 1 instead of strength.

The prestige classes:

Bond of Retribution: If a character at his location takes damage add 1d6 to his next combat check.

Bond of Pursuit: If a character at his location fails a combat check he may make a combat check.

I would love feedback and new ideas.


Yeah I haven't studied the prestige classes yet. Once I play test a few I will finish him out.
Penguin to your point I may do that for 2 different flavors

The Complete Collection of Characters

In attempt to build a central resource for custom characters this thread was created. Please post any custom characters you wish to catalog below.

I would like to create a star rating to represent (note this rating criteria is open to suggestions):
Character balance: *****
Concept and flavor: *****
Usefulness: *****

This rating system is an attempt for users to have a general idea how each new class will play in the PACG game as a whole.

Tempust - Male Human Barbarian ***




Salt I would like to make your character into an actual card with your permission.

Take a look with the update. Thanks guys