[Fire Mountain Games] Throne of Night

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Grand Lodge

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kevin_video wrote:

I don't know if anyone else has the Adventurer's Armory 2 book, but damn is there a nasty alchemical item to use in the underground. More so at lower levels.

Darkflare is basically darkvision nullifying dynamite that you light and it then explodes the following round. Fort save or lose your darvision for 1d10 rounds, and it's only 1 gold. That's it. Wizards and alchemist drow and dwarves would have so much fun with that, regardless of what side they belong on.

I'm not sure how after all this time, I never mentioned that the dusk lantern was a thing. It's a variant hooded lantern lets you see in the dark and those who have darkvision are none the wiser that you're coming. Great alternative to the light spell while traversing underground.

As well, if you're playing all drow, or even if you're playing as the dwarves and want another ally, the darklantern vigilante might be up your sleeve for a potential NPC.

Grand Lodge

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So, a fellow Canadian who goes by the name of Dungeon Dad, recently did a video on the ascomoid from AD&D and how you could use it in 5e. While this is a PF1e adventure path, he had a brilliant idea during his plot hooks segment that I think everyone could use. (BTW, if you converted this to 5e and want to use his free stat block that he links in the video description, but want it closer to Pathfinder's, just make it resistant to fire and piercing weapons. You could also give it the warhorse's trampling charge ability, but change hooves to slam attack. Be wary though as this might make it a CR 5 instead of a CR 4.) The spawn ability is still present in the Pathfinder version, it's just that it's in the ecology section.

The concept is this: someone learned about the ascomoid and has been feeding it the bodies of its enemies, causing the creatures to spawn into more of itself. Eventually, the food supply isn't able to keep up with their hunger, so they burst forth and take over the town, consuming everything. Now, 1 of 2 things could potentially happen. That being either the PCs are in the town when that happens and have to help the townspeople cull the herd, or the PCs show up afterwards and there's just skeletons and a fungus covered city left. Going with the second one, myconids migrate to that city and take it over. There's some cool visuals in the video too. If you go with the second one, it could be a fallen drow city that no one talks about because it's too big of a hit to their pride to admit that they fell to fungus.

Ascomoid video
Ascomoid PF1e stat block

When I saw the fungal jungle pic at 1:19 it immediately made me think of this AP, and I felt the need to share, but that doesn't mean that it couldn't be used for any other underground adventure such as "Rise of the Drow", or a homebrew.

Dark Archive

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Endzeitgeist wrote:

*shameless self-promotion*

Not sure if this is relevant, but for those who want to play a ToN style campaign in D&D 5e, I'd like to mention that I wrote a crunchy rules book about survival in the underworld, with a distinct eye towards hexcrawls in the realms below.

The Survivalist's Guide to Spelunking.

Some concepts in the book were things I had planned writing for ToN, but when Gary took the money and ran, I thought I'd never get to use them.

Fast forward a few years and here's a proper book, with prose by frickin' Doug Niles, bigger and better than anything I initially conceptualized.

I also kept the engines I introduce simple so that e.g. my momentum engine for combat can be translated to other systems...and yes, I've been running modifications of them in PF1 and PF2.

Thank you for your attention. *bows out*

I'll say that the digital version of this book just came out and it's fantastic. I'm still going through much of it, but on just a quick breeze through there's so much cool stuff to use in a heavily underground game.

If you get a chance to get your hands on it, you won't be disappointed at all! Highly recommend.

kevin_video wrote:

Quite a few of you are at the end of Book 2, and desperately waiting for Book 3, or you're very nearly ending Book 2, but are stalling your players as best as you can. There are also those of you who have used Weslocke's own ending to the AP. Those of you have bought the pdfs, but were not part of the Kickstarter never saw the July update where Gary essentially summarized the next four books, and put up photos for what the PCs would be taking on. With it being December, I thought it'd be in line with the holiday spirit to copy and paste that summary here. I doubt I'd get in trouble for it given how things are looking at this point.

Remember, this is just a summary, and nothing more. There's lots of pictures on Michael's official sites that show that there's way more creatures that the PCs have to contend with than what the summary suggests. Namely, an underground magma dragon, another shoggoth like back in Way of the Wicked, a purple worm, and an aquatic sea life version of a charnel colossus.
I absolutely recommend his Google+ site and his worktime main art site. The guy has gone above and beyond, and deserves the proper recognition for this troubles.

There's a lot here so I'm putting it in a spoiler. Also, there are likely those don't want to know the story via spoilers because they're playing it, and not running it. Don't want to ruin the surprise.

** spoiler omitted **...

I finished the first book and want to start the second.

Grand Lodge

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Badenn wrote:
kevin_video wrote:

Quite a few of you are at the end of Book 2, and desperately waiting for Book 3, or you're very nearly ending Book 2, but are stalling your players as best as you can. There are also those of you who have used Weslocke's own ending to the AP. Those of you have bought the pdfs, but were not part of the Kickstarter never saw the July update where Gary essentially summarized the next four books, and put up photos for what the PCs would be taking on. With it being December, I thought it'd be in line with the holiday spirit to copy and paste that summary here. I doubt I'd get in trouble for it given how things are looking at this point.

Remember, this is just a summary, and nothing more. There's lots of pictures on Michael's official sites that show that there's way more creatures that the PCs have to contend with than what the summary suggests. Namely, an underground magma dragon, another shoggoth like back in Way of the Wicked, a purple worm, and an aquatic sea life version of a charnel colossus.
I absolutely recommend his Google+ site and his worktime main art site. The guy has gone above and beyond, and deserves the proper recognition for this troubles.

There's a lot here so I'm putting it in a spoiler. Also, there are likely those don't want to know the story via spoilers because they're playing it, and not running it. Don't want to ruin the surprise.

** spoiler omitted **...

I finished the first book and want to start the second.

Thankfully the second book exists. It's the third and beyond that sadly don't exist. Thanks to everyone here we have equivalent books that'll help GMs and players still achieve some form of finality that both are hopefully content with.

Grand Lodge

I was discussing how drow are becoming a prominent subject again in the 5e community, especially with the Drizzt motion comic video narrated by Benedict Cumberbatch, and the video game he's starring in, not to mention all the talk about revising the drow in general. We also talked about converting the monsters from Pathfinder (and other systems) to 5e that could fit in a drow-based campaign (I'm planning on running Out of the Abyss). And that caused me to remember the fleshwarps from Bestiary 4.

The one that came to mind immediately was the irnakurse fleshwarp (elf). Given how Book 2 of ToN has you meet with elves, this could be a neat hook for later when perhaps someone from the elves is kidnapped and warped, or maybe the drow/dwarf PCs discover that the drow they're going after have done regular raids in the past and learn that part of the reason is happens is because they've been experimenting with fleshwarping. Something for the "Book 4" plot where our PCs would enter the drow metropolis. Skum are considered a fleshwarp so maybe the drow who does the fleshwarping has connections with the aboleth that we meet in Book 5.

It's a potential story seed that could grow later and be something the PCs could investigate, or it might not go anywhere. Totally up to them and the GM. The creature is only a CR 9, so by the time the PCs come into contact with it, the creature wouldn't be all that great of a threat. However, having multiples of them, could balance things out. That said, they could also retain their previous abilities and have the Simple Class Templates added to them. Get a few rangers in there who once had favored enemy drow, and that could be nasty. Could always mix these with the CR 10 troglodyte version (ghonhatine). That'd boost the overall difficulty too.

Just wanted to put down my thoughts before going to bed. Was pretty much guaranteed that I'd forget about all this come morning.

Grand Lodge

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Just a reminder that I have a Google Doc that gives a summarized list of everything that's in this thread.

Resource Link Page - Throne of Night

This is a free resource I made for everyone to view. This link is also in the threads for Book 1 and Book 2. Want to make sure it's available for as many people looking to run this game as possible. We're all in this together.


Stay healthy and safe.

Grand Lodge

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I've already added this to the Resource Page that I linked above, and placed under the "Alternative scenarios and modules to run for your own version of ToN/complete the story" section.

Dyson Dodecahedron draws fantastic maps, and what's even greater is he adds little scenarios to each one. Not in-depth, but just enough to inspire the GM/DM and give a basic background that could either be used to elaborate on the story's past and how it's relevant to the current story, ignore completely, or even have the story take place during the background itself instead of in the future. While I've been following his map-making for some time "Heart of Darkling" was a relatively new series to me as he's taken a break from them, and is now getting back into finishing off the series. He's been doing a lot of commissions during the pandemic as lots of people were playing over the past year. Go figure. However, since things are slowing down he's able to get back into it again.

The latest map, 14A - Deception's Bridge, discusses xenophobic cavefolk and an intellect devourer. This could be a great lead-in for Book 6's story where there's a LOT of intellect devourers for the party to face off against. Maybe this intellect devourer originally came from there.

Other map locations discuss ghouls, ghasts, ice mephits, white puddings, gibberlings (check out the Creature Chronicles conversion; consider adding their trip ability from 4th Ed and a PF1e's grimple gremlin's lice ability), invisible stalkers and mind flayer slaves, derro, deity worshiping gazers (ie. tiny beholders) that might be controlled or influenced (could be the star spawn is who they worship), hags, medusa, and gnomes. Such a huge variety.

All of this happens along a specific lake and river. The lake could be the Lake of Violet Mists where the Isle of Seven Horns is, or it could be in another section of the underground entirely. It's totally up to you how you'd want to run it. There's only 17 of the 20 maps currently available, but you don't necessarily need to do all of them. Just little side quests, or maybe by the time you reach the current map that's out, the last three will have been uploaded.

More than anything else, I wanted everyone to made aware that these maps exist and they're available for anyone looking to do an underground adventure, or complete one that they're already currently doing.


Stay healthy and safe.

Grand Lodge

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For anyone looking for more drow content, especially 5e, Midnight Tower is doing a Kickstarter for their 2019 trilogy to become a single physical tome with extra and expanded. It's already reached its goal and there's only one (1) stretch goal left to hit (it's apparently a secret one).

If you're done with drow, I totally get it. Wanted to bring to everyone's attention though, just in case.

Hope everyone is staying healthy and safe.

Grand Lodge

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I don't know who still needs this, but because I get 0one's newsletters, this morning I received a link to the company's Dwarven Depths - Western Outpost map, currently being sold for 99 cents US.

And that's not all. Going through their map list, there's an entire series on Dwarven Depths, the Dwarven Stronghold, as well as for their Drow City. There's even a Dwarven Excavation map that's in colour.

Definitely no shortage of maps from 0one Games. Thankfully.

I hope everyone has been well.

Dark Archive

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Hi not sure this is the right place but Kevin_video I seem to recall you having talked to the artist of both this and way of the wicked (I believe same artist for both) was wondering if there was anywhere he had art for way of the wicked up or art prints?

Grand Lodge

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Kevin Mack wrote:
Hi not sure this is the right place but Kevin_video I seem to recall you having talked to the artist of both this and way of the wicked (I believe same artist for both) was wondering if there was anywhere he had art for way of the wicked up or art prints?

Yes, Michael Clarke did the art for both adventure paths. Other than his website, which is mostly Throne of Night art, he didn't have a lot of art for Way of the Wicked uploaded anywhere besides the now defunk FMG website. There are websites that share the art, mostly because they're doing a playthrough online, and the GMs need visual representation for the players.

I shared as much of his art as possible on my Pinterest page.

Dark Archive

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kevin_video wrote:
Kevin Mack wrote:
Hi not sure this is the right place but Kevin_video I seem to recall you having talked to the artist of both this and way of the wicked (I believe same artist for both) was wondering if there was anywhere he had art for way of the wicked up or art prints?

Yes, Michael Clarke did the art for both adventure paths. Other than his website, which is mostly Throne of Night art, he didn't have a lot of art for Way of the Wicked uploaded anywhere besides the now defunk FMG website. There are websites that share the art, mostly because they're doing a playthrough online, and the GMs need visual representation for the players.

I shared as much of his art as possible on my Pinterest page.

Cheers for that.

Grand Lodge

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Honestly never thought I'd be posting here again, but here I am. Came across a recent (Oct 1st 2022) review on Reddit for Book 1 of Throne of Night, and it also has corrections for NPC and monster stats. After the pages upon pages of errors from Way of the Wicked, and other people commenting errors in Book 1, this person broke it all down and found way more issues than most of us discovered. Honestly shocked that there was this many with just the first book. I'll be curious to see a review for Book 2.

The review is well done, and points out some plot line flaws with the drow side of things, saying "FMG forces the idiot ball on yet another villain.", which, the reviewer isn't wrong. Drow are arrogant, but they're not stupid.

Overall, a good review and worth the read.

Grand Lodge

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The review and fixes for Book 2 is now out, and it's in four parts (all linked in Part 4 of the entry, funny enough, and it links back to Book 1 as well).

It's just as thought out and blunt about how Gary put things together, as the review as Book 1. It was a good read about how the errors and questionable plot elements seem very on-point at this stage for Gary's writing.

Grand Lodge

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Reminder that I made a Google Doc with all the links and important information separated for ease of use. I also added the new Reddit posts to it.

kevin_video wrote:
Finally went through all 30 pages and created an official "resource document" of all the pertinent information on this forum thread regarding the AP.

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Greetings everyone. I have been lurking in this topic for a while, and I figured it would be about time to give an update on what I'm up to.

I am the author of the 7-part review of the two books of Throne of Night and the one currently attempting to write up a detailed "fixed" version of the adventure. As of the time of writing this, I have posted on Reddit fixes on Book 1, mainly adding a mockup army combat system to better represent the PCs fighting to take over two cities. On the Google Drive document, besides all of the material I wrote up so far, I also have a draft ready for most of Book 2.

This is a commenter's link to that document in case anyone wants to either look at it early or leave suggestions on how to improve it. Holiday season is pretty busy for me, so I'm filling it out mostly in what spare time I can find. As I said at the end of the book 1 posts, I will publish parts 6 and onwards either during or after the Xmas period.

Thank you all for your attention.

Dark Archive

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Gallade wrote:

I am the author of the 7-part review of the two books of Throne of Night and the one currently attempting to write up a detailed "fixed" version of the adventure. As of the time of writing this, I have posted on Reddit fixes on Book 1, mainly adding a mockup army combat system to better represent the PCs fighting to take over two cities. On the Google Drive document, besides all of the material I wrote up so far, I also have a draft ready for most of Book 2.

This is a commenter's link to that document in case anyone wants to either look at it early or leave suggestions on how to improve it. Holiday season is pretty busy for me, so I'm filling it out mostly in what spare time I can find. As I said at the end of the book 1 posts, I will publish parts 6 and onwards either during or after the Xmas period.

Thank you all for your attention.

Hey! Just wanted to say that I haven't gotten to fully read through all your new stuff (e.g. Part 9 and beyond) but what I flipped through looks really cool. Thanks so much for taking a stab at continuing this campaign! Much appreciated!

Good to has your free version of fixing Throne of Night stuff out there for PF1e, Gallade- and welcome to the Paizo Message Boards too. ;)

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Small update for yall, the first part of Book 3, which includes seven kingdom events and a freeform exploration of the Dammerhall region leading up to the siege of the city itself, has been finalized and can be found both on Reddit and in the Google Drive document.

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I'm glad to announce that even though it took a while, I've finished building the encounters and final dungeon of Book 3. Now it's, I daresay, playable, and I guess you could finish an entire campaign if you make the final goal of the PCs to just conquer Dammerhall. You can find it all in the usual Google Drive document.

Grand Lodge

Appreciate all the work you've put into this.

Grand Lodge

I brought this up on the Kickstarter comments, but it's wild to think that it's been 10 years, a whole decade, since Throne of Night was funded.

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