
Gallade's page

5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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I'm glad to announce that even though it took a while, I've finished building the encounters and final dungeon of Book 3. Now it's, I daresay, playable, and I guess you could finish an entire campaign if you make the final goal of the PCs to just conquer Dammerhall. You can find it all in the usual Google Drive document.

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Small update for yall, the first part of Book 3, which includes seven kingdom events and a freeform exploration of the Dammerhall region leading up to the siege of the city itself, has been finalized and can be found both on Reddit and in the Google Drive document.

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Greetings everyone. I have been lurking in this topic for a while, and I figured it would be about time to give an update on what I'm up to.

I am the author of the 7-part review of the two books of Throne of Night and the one currently attempting to write up a detailed "fixed" version of the adventure. As of the time of writing this, I have posted on Reddit fixes on Book 1, mainly adding a mockup army combat system to better represent the PCs fighting to take over two cities. On the Google Drive document, besides all of the material I wrote up so far, I also have a draft ready for most of Book 2.

This is a commenter's link to that document in case anyone wants to either look at it early or leave suggestions on how to improve it. Holiday season is pretty busy for me, so I'm filling it out mostly in what spare time I can find. As I said at the end of the book 1 posts, I will publish parts 6 and onwards either during or after the Xmas period.

Thank you all for your attention.

I got it via the Tumor Familiar discovery, I keep it connected to my shoulder while holding a torch in my hand, and have it light and toss short-fused pellet grenades. Since splash weapons don't require any proficiency, just having anything capable of grasping an object should be enough.

Dear James Jacobs

How much would the following item be worth (as in, monetary worth) in a regular campaign?

A Diminutive-sized metal replica of a small bird, such as a nightingale or robin, which is actually a wind-up toy.
You can wind it up with a full-round action giving it up to 6 charges. The bird then starts chirping and making small leaps, moving 5 feet in a straight line each round expending one charge each round.

No spells are involved in the creation of the item, its movement and the chirping sounds are a purely mechanical effect.