Starfinder Miniatures: Corpse Fleet

3.50/5 (based on 2 ratings)

List Price: $35.99

Our Price: $32.39

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Plunge millennia into the future of Pathfinder and find yourself amongst the galaxy with Starfinder!

Starfinder Miniatures: Corpse Fleet includes:

  • Death's Head Necroglider, intercerptor
  • Blackwind Sepulcher, transport
  • Thaumtech Omenbringer, battleship

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Average product rating:

3.50/5 (based on 2 ratings)

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Great at the right price


Okay the fleet arrived today and I will give my ratings based on the prices that are being listed all over. The castings are very nice with crisp details that give a very eerie feel to these beasts. Painting is good, tabletop level and would cause no one any embarrassment. I found the set for $13 shipped, I have seen prices commonly from the mid 20s on up to full MSRP. So here is my opinion on quality vs price:
Under $20, grab it! 5 Stars
Under $30 4 Stars
Over $30 3 stars due to paint and overall value.
Hope this helps

Good minis - 15 months too late!


-Very sturdy, easily survive a fall from the table or higher.
-Good sculpts.
-Acceptable Paintjobs: white paint with black shading on translucent red plastic.

-Unless with the prototypes, the elevation is the same for all three starships so that the small ones don't fit in the hex before the gargantuan "Omenbringer".
-There are just stickers under the hex-bases with the names on them.

-The suggested retail price is way too high - $12 for one ship is ridiculous.
-You'll want more of the small ships.
-You have to rip open the package to get at the minis.

If you can get them cheaper than srp or if you are a collector, they are totally worth it!

But these all have the same base size? That seems a bit off.

It doesn't matter in Starship combat because even the biggest ship doesn't fill up a hex.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

That is some price tag for 3 ships. For that price they should move on their own ;)

Very disappointing they went with non-randomised sets. How difficult is it going to be collecting a squadron of fighters? :(

Meanwhile the market will be flooded by battleships.

Dark Archive

Steve Geddes wrote:

Very disappointing they went with non-randomised sets. How difficult is it going to be collecting a squadron of fighters? :(

Meanwhile the market will be flooded by battleships.

I don´t think there will be non-randomized sets after these (if any at all).

It certainly makes sense for the seven iconic heroes , but not for the ships.

That´s why i bought a couple painted Warhammer 40K minis from ebay.
Star Wars X-Wing could work too.

Marco Massoudi wrote:
Steve Geddes wrote:

Very disappointing they went with non-randomised sets. How difficult is it going to be collecting a squadron of fighters? :(

Meanwhile the market will be flooded by battleships.

I don´t think there will be non-randomized sets after these (if any at all).

Isn't that how Ninja Division Games release all of their minis?

Dark Archive

Steve Geddes wrote:
Marco Massoudi wrote:
Steve Geddes wrote:

Very disappointing they went with non-randomised sets. How difficult is it going to be collecting a squadron of fighters? :(

Meanwhile the market will be flooded by battleships.

I don´t think there will be non-randomized sets after these (if any at all).
Isn't that how Ninja Division Games release all of their minis?

Yes, as far as i know they publish most minis seperately, though there have been some boxed sets, i think.

But they usually only offer unpainted versions...

Dark Archive


Dark Archive

With the Kickstarter being over on wednesday, i really hope we'll get a release date for these soon.

Also the KS includes Vesk & Kasatha fleets (but sadly no Shirren - which do have a Syrinscape sound pack, unlike the Corpse fleet), so we may get more painted fleets in the future - if these sell good enough.

Online vendors are offering them for under $30, so it's possible.

Dark Archive

The Undead are patient.
That's why the Corpse fleet will now arrive in march 2018.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Maybe they are powered by zombies

Still no ETA on these. :-(

While the price is still painful, I really like the look of these ships! If I can justify the expense of buying starship minis, I'll definitely choose these over the Pact Worlds ships- even though Pact Worlds would probably see more regular use....

Of course, Bad Guys always have cooler-looking stuff....

Paizo Employee Licensing Manager

ETA update - these are currently in manufacturing and we have seen and approved samples coming off the production line. They should be available for sale starting at GenCon, and should reach stores later in August.

Dark Archive

Glenn Elliott wrote:
ETA update - these are currently in manufacturing and we have seen and approved samples coming off the production line. They should be available for sale starting at GenCon, and should reach stores later in August.

Hi Glen,

thank you for the update, much appreciated.

When do you think can we expect to see some sample images?
I would like to use these for the "Dead Suns" adventure path, but would like to see pictures before ordering.
Thank you for your time.

Dark Archive

These are now SUPPOSEDLY coming out in late september.
By that time we will be finished with book 3 of Dead Suns & they will be useless for that AP. ;-(

Dark Archive

Are these now really available?!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

You mean we will finally get these minis just as my Starfinder campaign is about to wrap up?

Dark Archive

Jeff Alvarez, Chief Operations Officerof Paizo wrote 4 hours ago:

"Hey Marco, Yes we can confirm that the pre-paints have begun to arrive in distribution and we've received ours for

Ninja Division has not set a uniform street date for these so the next step for us is to try and find the best date to begin shipping them out to those that pre-ordered from us. Most likely this will begin later this week so get your pre-orders in while supplies last (or go to your local FLGS and grab/order them)."

Are they available now ?

Grand Lodge

After seeing the quality of the iconic minis (see my reviews), I'm not gonna drop $36 for three ships, two of which are the size of small figures. I really don't know what Ninja Division is smoking to think that their price point is reasonable for what you are getting. Their product is marginally better than Wiz Kids, but not $12 per mini for a small/medium sized fig better.

Dark Archive

These are still not part of Paizo's december shippment.
They also havn't reached Europe yet.
Some product pictures would be much appreciated.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
Marco Massoudi wrote:

These are still not part of Paizo's december shippment.

They also havn't reached Europe yet.
Some product pictures would be much appreciated.

At least some of the minis were shipped this month, as I got all of mine in that shipment. I have no idea why they didn't go out to everyone who preordered them.

Dark Archive

These were supposed to be available in december, but they havn't shipped yet to germany (and most european distributers).
They now won't be here in 2018...

Dark Archive

They have arrived in Germany on friday, january 2019!

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