A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 5–9.
Deep beneath the orc city of Urgir in the Hold of Belkzen lie the ruins of the ancient dwarven Sky Citadel of Koldukar, where awaits what could be the greatest discovery of the Age of Lost Omens: confirmation of the location of one of the lost Sky Citadels, built by the dwarves in their earliest days on the surface of Golarion. But reaching their destination won't be easy for the Pathfinders, and only the most skilled will survive Urgir and the terrors guarding the dwarves' long-abandoned secrets. Can they uncover the location of the lost Sky Citadel, or will the Pathfinders suffer the same fate as Koldukar—defeat at the hands of ruthless orcs and centuries of decay under the earth?
Written by Larry Wilhelm.
This scenario is designed for play in Pathfinder Society Organized Play, but can easily be adapted for use with any world. This scenario is compliant with the Open Game License (OGL) and is suitable for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.
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The final part of the trilogy is of really epic proportions (including the maps!!), and is an absolute must play, with a hilarious final encounter. I will not go into further detail.
The third part of this series of quests completely overshadows the previous two parts. And that is a good thing. There aren’t any major issues with this part. In fact, the mix between roleplay, combat and puzzle-solving was rather balanced and at the same time there’s enough attention for lore-seekers. There’s something to enjoy for everyone, which is a sign of a well-written scenario. In particular I liked the puzzle-challenges. It’s always nice to come up with out-of-the-box solutions and get really creative. A special shout-out should be given to the Osirion faction mission. I highly advise you to play that one out. My ratfolk investigator with her Blood Reservoir of Physical Prowess had a lot of fun during that intermezzo.
I liked this ending but the good ending was completely overshadowed by the first two parts of this series. Nothing is gonna wash the taste of those outta my mouth.
The combats and lore provided was interesting.
The boon for completing the 3 part arc is so underwhelming. One would think that having to sit through 8-10 hours of absolutely horrid first two parts to get to this ending that you would get a better boon that there is.
Having played this first, I would not run this for a group ever.
This scenario has a lot of good lore and backstory for future scenarios but that is really all this scenario gives you. Roleplay is minimal and there really wasn't enough combat to satisfy the melee types in the party.
I can't seem to find the other two scenarios of this arc (I don't play PFS much and tend to buy only the szenarios I am interested in for my home game, so I tried the search function, alas to na avail...). If anybody would be so nice to help me out here, please?
I can't seem to find the other two scenarios of this arc (I don't play PFS much and tend to buy only the szenarios I am interested in for my home game, so I tried the search function, alas to na avail...). If anybody would be so nice to help me out here, please?
There are three scenarios in the arc: #4–22 Halls of Dwarven Lore, #4–24 The Price of Friendship, and #4–25 The Secrets Stones Keep.
If I'm going to gencon to play this, should i bring a level 5 character ready to play? level 9? How does that work when going to gencon?
Any Pathfinder Society-legal character of levels 5 to 9 can play this event. If you don't have a character whose played through 12 games and is therefor under level 5 or whose played 27 games or more and is thus above level 9, there will be 7th-level pregenerated characters available at the show for you to use during this adventure. For more information on making a 1st-level Pathfinder Society PC and finding events to get it to level 5, see the Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play.
A bit. There is a character interaction in it that will do a little spoiling for The Price of Friendship. Otherwise The Price of Friendship is simply the bridge between the two parts (the "travel mod," if you will).