
ShinHakkaider's page

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I was here back in the Dungeon / Dragon Magazine days. I'd been reading Dragon Mag since before there was a Dungeon Mag. But I started picking up Dungeon regularly during my return to D&D in the 3.0/3.5 era. The magazines were so good that for the first time ever I subscribed!

And I stayed subscribed when the magazines ended and switched over to something called Pathfinder Adventure Paths.

I have all of the rulebook hardcovers from 1e as well as all of the APs up to the end of HELL'S REBELS.

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I'm not a fan of the remaster. I do want to support Paizo for moving away from the OGL.

So I said that I'd only get the Player Core and the GM Core on one condition, that it would be the sketch covers.

My main LGS didn't get them at first so I was like that's that. It just happened that I wandered into another games store and saw that they had them and got them there.

Do I plan on ever really using them for play? probably not, I'm going to stick with Pathfinder 2E and not the remaster.

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I did not expect to enjoy THE MARVELS as much as I did. I did not care for CAPTAIN MARVEL. It's the only Marvel movie that I watched only once. But I enjoyed Brie Larson as Carol waaaaaaaaaay more in this movie. It's a TIGHT hour and forty-five minutes (I think) and it's both FUN and FUNNY.

The only real problem with the film IMHO, is that it moves SO fast it doesn't take the time to process some of the real and heartfelt emotional beats (and there are more than a few of them).

I love that Carol was the combat monster/tank, Monica was the science nerd and effective brains of the outfit and Kamala was the HEART of the team. And make no mistake, Kamala (and her family to an extent) are the MVPs of this film. Also? GOOSE.

It has a relatively weak villain but her motivations are completely understandable and born out of desperation. The movie is less about antagonism than it is about the consequences of rash actions.

Also, there's a bit just before the end credits and another during the mid-credits sequence that legitimately has me excited in a way that I have not been since pre-AVENGERS ENDGAME.

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Of all of the actors on that show, I think he was one of the most talented. He's funny but he was a good dramatic actor as well. I rewatch Aaron Sorkin shows pretty regularly and was actually re-watching STUDIO 60 ON THE SUNSET STRIP when his death was announced.

It's my least favorite of Sorkin's show but it might have the best cast of his shows in terms of talent. Matthew Perry is actually really good in it. He's vaguely Chandleresque in his delivery but there's an edge to him that fits the character.

I would have liked to see him working with directors of more renown. But I guess we'll never know...

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Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
I never miss an opportunity to plug Narrative Declaration, hosted by former Paizo Social Media Producer Payton Smith (aka Zoran the Bear).

LITERALLY just started watching the PF2e playthrough of Abomination Vaults on Friday and was wondering why the GM's voice sounded so fricking familiar...

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steelhead wrote:
ShinHakkaider wrote:

But I think the remaster project will be my jumping-off point with Pathfinder and probably Paizo. I've been around since the Dungeon / Dragon Magazine days. And that's fine. Maybe I'll change my mind once it's in the wild I'm not completely inflexible.

I see the positives for all of the things that I'm not a fan of. I just disagree with those changes.

So you’re not a fan of the changes that were forced by another company (the same one you who was the precursor to Pathfinder). I’m kind of curious, do you have ideas on how they could have changed these things so that you would keep playing the game you’ve enjoyed for the past 10+ years?

I’m excited about many of changes I’ve seen for PF 2.1!

Make no mistake, I'm going to KEEP playing PF/PF2e. I just won't be supporting/purchasing anything NEW.

And if we're being honest, the alignment elimination was Paizo's idea and not something forced by OGL since alignment isn't covered under OGL but Creative Commons. If I'm wrong about that point I'm sure someone will be along shortly to tell me so.

Your curiosity nonewithstanding, I do have ideas on how to handle alignment but I find that most people who are against alignment have their minds made up so I'm not interested in having a discussion or argument about it. I'll keep using it in my games and everyone else who doesn't like it can keep doing what they want.

The splitting of the books is something else I'm not a fan of but for organizational reasons I get it.

Like I said I won't be buying anything new but I have enough material to run PF/PF2E for a long, LONG time. Even converting 3.5 adventures to run in PF1 or PF2 can be done, so jumping off the Paizo / Pathfinder wagon doesn't mean that I no longer LIKE PF/PF2e.

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I'm not a fan of the removal of Alignment.
I'm also not a fan of the removal of ability scores.
I'm also not a fan of splitting the core into two books.

I understand and support that Paizo has to move away from the OGL and they absolutely should.

But I think the remaster project will be my jumping-off point with Pathfinder and probably Paizo. I've been around since the Dungeon / Dragon Magazine days. And that's fine. Maybe I'll change my mind once it's in the wild I'm not completely inflexible.

I see the positives for all of the things that I'm not a fan of. I just disagree with those changes.

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Thomas Seitz wrote:

Oh for the love of Crom, Z. That's that most asinine comment I've read from you in quite some time.

Boo hoo, your movie get delayed. BIG whoop. Mean while the WRITERS and actors that MAKE it work are starving.

So...yeah big non-sympathy from me.

YEAH, I'm looking forward to this movie about as much as anyone. Everytime I've seen the trailer in full on IMAX I'm like "LET'S GO!!!!!"

But if I NEVER get to see it because the studios refuse to meet the demands the writers who adapt and craft these stories or the working actors who are in them? *Shrugs* OH WELL. Placing my desire to see a movie over the fair treatment for the people who help make these studios billions of dollars while most actors cant even get health care or pay rent? Nah.

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Ed Reppert wrote:
Buying all the Remaster books is going to be expensive. I'm going to do it anyway. So what if I don't eat for a month or two? :-)

Yup. Each book is going to be the price of the ONE 2E CRB.

The PF2E CRB = $59.99
The PF2E BESTIARY = $49.99
The PF2E BESTIARY 2 = $49.99
The PF2E BESTIARY 3 = $49.99

And these came out 3-4 years ago.


Remaster Player Core = $59.99
Remaster GM Core = $59.99
Remaster Monster Core = $59.99
Remaster Player Core 2 = $59.99

Again I understand and support why Paizo is doing this, but the more I think about this the more I think it's super risky financially. I don't see the excitement for this that I saw for PF2E because it's so soon after PF2E. And as a fan, I've already decided that for the time being I can't support this with my hobby dollars. I'd like to but, rationally the math isnt mathing for me. I'm going to stick with PF2E and let that just be my jumping-off point with PF and Paizo.

Maybe I'll change my mind at a later date (I've done it before) but there are more than a few things I have an issue with regarding this remaster in terms of rules changes. I'm not averse to changes but the removal of alignment and spell schools is a big one for me and I'm not sure if I can look past it. It's good for Paizo as a brand and they NEED to separate themselves from D&D to be their own thing. But I've been playing long enough where while not perfect, alignment and spell schools represent enough of a relevant shorthand where if they're not part of the system I might as well be playing or running a different game. Which I suppose at this point, the remaster IS.

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Neil Chapman wrote:

I've been away from Pathfinder for a while. Are these new 'Core' books basically Pathfinder 2.5, and replacing the current single-volume core rulebook?

Will you be able to continue with the game using the existing books, or will you need the new books to use future supplements? Thanks.

Yeah people here will tell you that it's not 2.5 but that's being disingenuous at best. To me it's as big of a change as 3.0 to 3.5 was.

They've removed alignment with effects how more than a few spells work as well as some class abilities so those are fundamentally changed.

They've also removed spell schools which again changes a bit how wizards work.

I did a lot of converting from 3.0 to 3.5 back in the day and was able to run those converted supplements and adventures with minimum hassle. That's NOT going to be the case with going from PF2 to PF2 remaster.
Spells are being renamed, monsters are being renamed, how some classes work are being changed. I've been watching all of the interviews and panels about the remaster since it was announced. The individual changes on their own don't seem like much. But when taken into account as a WHOLE? I don't see how people can make the argument that it's a 2.1 update with a straight face.

I look forward to the finished remaster rules and I 100% understand and support why Paizo and its designers are doing this. But to say that it's not AT LEAST a .5 update is...not really rooted in a practical reality
aka marketing speak.

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Thomas Seitz wrote:
He also directed The Sorcerer didn't he?


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Paizo upper management is being accused of some problematic things. Anti-woke bros show up and very vocally are supporting Paizo. But Paizo has always BEEN WOKE. At least from the creative side. And I mean, from the JUMP.

So these Anti-woke bros showing up here hoping that Paizo is going to turn into all things Alt-Right and Anti-woke? You'll gonna be waiting a loooooooong time brah...

Now that I've gotten that out of the way: I canceled my last subscription last week and I'm taking a hiatus from purchasing Paizo products. The thing is I don't want the creatives who work at Paizo to be thrown out with the bathwater either. There are few names that I do want to support and like.

So I'm going to pay attention to how Paizo weathers / handles this current thing. There are a lot of things that I'm not a fan of that wind up getting my money and Paizo despite my issues with leadership is, I feel, made up of good people. If this is handled in an empathic and substantial way (much like porn, I dont know how to define it, but I'll know what it is when I see it...) I'll start buying and supporting again. If not? *shrug* I'm good.

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Could you cancel any remaining subscriptions. I believe its only the Pathfinder RPG line that remains but if there are any others that are open cancel them as well.

Just to be clear?

Sara Marie and Diego was the straw that…well you know.

But this was building up long before that.

have a nice day.

19 people marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:

A lot going through my head right now but I'll try to be coherent.

I'm not here involved in the forums and discussions just because of the systems. Finding the Paizo forums led me to becoming genuinely happy for the first time in my life, I had found purpose, I had found friends, I had found family, all of it interwoven together.

I have my subscriptions as a way to support the people who I look up to and admire, the editors, the artists, the freelancers, and what they do. If I just wanted the rules I wouldn't have to pay anything, I could just use Archives of Nethys and you wouldn't see a cent from me.

I have my subscriptions to support the people making the books and to voice "Hey, we need more of this!" (I am terribly lacking in writing reviews though, and that needs to be alleviated), similar to being a patron on Patreon. The people actually pushing for awesome things, for good things, to make theirs and other's dreams come true, I wish to support. The writings espouse inclusiveness and joy and fantasy and supporting that I am more than glad to do. More inclusiveness please, it's not a quota, keep going.

You take that away however, you take them away however, and there's no reason for me to continue supporting this company with my wallet, or for me to be here.

I’ve been a supporter of Paizo since the Dungeon/Dragon Magazine days.

I’ve been a Paizo/Pathfinder subscriber to their RPG line since the beginning.

There have been red flags with Paizo over the years that as a long time fan that I’ve kind of ignored and that’s on me. Prior to this latest thing, it was both Lisa’s non-support for racial justice re: George Floyd’s murder and the constant and consistent exit of a fair amount of creative staff (which actually started before the first thing I mentioned).

Jessica Price never took sh*t from ANYONE. I’ve seen her try and be diplomatic in threads but posters/fans would keep talking out of the sides of their neck at her so she didnt suffer fools gladly. Could it be grating sure. But she’s never popped off without being provoked or without reason that I’ve seen. So when Jessica left Paizo I wasn’t really surprised?

Crystal’s unceremonious departure from Paizo bothered me. She’d always been in my eyes one of the nicest, smartest and knowledgeable faces of Paizo’s staff.

Same for Amanda HK’s departure as well. And it made me look at the departures.that took place before (Wes and Sutter in particular) and after that as well.

Now Wes and Sutter and Amanda leaving might not have anything to do with anything but it caught my attention.

After Lisa’s non statement - I stopped buying anything from Paizo for MONTHS. Aside from my one remaining sub (which I should have cancelled) no money went to Paizo. Instead I bought other games like ALIEN the RPG, or spent that money on my miniatures habit.

I’m cancelling my one remaining sub. I’m going to purchase the remaining books of the latest AP after they’re all out and hopefully from a 3rd party.

Paizo gets no more of my cash. I’m one person so it won’t be much of a dent. But the names involved? I’ll remember and I’ll make sure I never support new work, kickstarters and Patreon with their names attached.

It doesn’t take much to NOT be a toxic employer or manager. It really doesn’t.

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Bjørn Røyrvik wrote:
I tried watching Aura Battler Dunbine and Legend of the Heavenly Sphere Shurato for the influence on Spelljammer, but neither have caught my interest.

Is there a service that is streaming these? I actually have AURA BATTLER DUNBINE on DVD but I haven't seen SHURATO since it came out. I've always considered it a bit of a Saint Seiya rip off but maybe I'm misremembering.

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Thomas Seitz wrote:


You make a good point about both things. Also, I still think Shang Chi will kill it at the box office this year. But I'm fairly biased. (And not high..)

If the Box Office for BLACK WIDOW is any indication and COVID infection rates on the rise again, I don't think SHANG-CHI will be anywhere near as successful as most other Marvel films.

And also, I hate to be that guy, the fight choreography in the trailers have me less than enthused for a character who is supposed to be in the top 3 hand to hand fighters in the Marvel Universe.

Shang Chi should have The Raid/Raid 2, Ip Man, SPL aka KillZone or Flashpoint level fights.

And from the trailers, it all looks very Western action generic.
I can't even really use that as an insult anymore because there are definitely some Western Directors/Stars who know their way around shooting and choreographing a good fight scene. John Hyams and Issac Florentine come immediately to mind for their work with Scott Adkins on Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning and Ninja 2 Shadow of a Tear and the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Undisputed movies especially the 3rd one, Redemption.

Anyway, I say all of that just to say I'm hoping for the best and I'm hoping that I'm wrong and I'm fans of some of talent in the film on the action side but I know that it's just going to be watered down for general consumption.

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I dont plan to stop playing online because two of my players are out of state and it's HARD finding good players who are also decent people? The one thing about TTRPG's that I hate is finding people to play with so once you have that I'm loathe to let it go.

That being said to answer the question,

I would miss the speed at which combat happens because of auto dice rolling/macros.

I would miss how secret messages are handled. I like the idea that when 4 players make a knowledge check and only two of them succeed it I can just give both of those players the info and then let THEM as players relate the info (if they decide to at all) to the other players.

And I know text messaging is a thing, but having something handy that I can cut and paste quickly in the chat directly to the PCs is a godsend.

Maps and tactical combat is way better and CHEAPER via tabletop. Party fighting 5 Orcs? No problem! cut + Paste 5 orcs. Label them Orc 1-5. As opposed to having to have 5 orc mini's or pawns handy. If i want to let the players know how badly they are hurt I can make that visible to them on the token.

There are so many good things about online play including eliminating a commute, and clean-up time and having a skeleton of a log of the actual game to review afterwards? Yeah, I'm not giving that up anytime soon.

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Phillip Gastone wrote:
Anyone read the comic series?

I have.

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Aberzombie wrote:

That was a pretty decent episode, with only a handful of disappointments.

The good:

** spoiler omitted **

The bad:

** spoiler omitted **

She's won SEVEN EMMY AWARDS. She's not JUST a comedian.

If you don't like her that's fine, I get it. But to diminish her by calling her talent just a comedian is not exactly fair.

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It's part of my Friday morning watch.

I get up and watch my shows in order of interest:




I think that the comic is paced way better but I see why theyre doing things the way they are in the show because I know whats coming up.

I'm not that person who automatically declares that the source material is better because I dont believe that it's always automatically the case. I think adaptations are just that adaptions and interpretations of the original material and not the original material itself.

That being said, the show is good but there's something lacking. It's probably the pacing. But otherwise I DO like it.

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Mark Hoover 330 wrote:
I mean, we don't even have most of the members of the Masters of Evil in the MCU, nor do we have the Thunderbolts right? Like, wouldn't we need a lot more bad guys/not so good guys before we could say Zemo's being set up for greatness?


The MCU Zemo's motivations are NOTHING like the comics version. Neither is his origin.

I'm also going off of Marvel and Feige's ability to plan ahead and not be as slavishly devoted to the source material and still tell as story recognized and connected to the original.

When the movies tend to make a habit of killing off most of their villains whenever they DONT I take notice. Zemo, Emil Blonsky, Justin Hammer, YellowJacket (??),

And with the concept of the multiverse (in the upcoming DOCTOR STRANGE 2 and SPIDER-MAN 3)in play as well as time travel (AVENGERS: ENDGAME and the upcoming LOKI series) I dont think we're going to have a problem with a lack of villains. Meaning villains who are DEAD in our universe MAY NOT BE DEAD in some of those others...

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Mark Hoover 330 wrote:
I'd like to remind folks that, at the time, pushing it all the way through and destroying that chest plate COULD'VE killed Tony the way he armor worked back then.

If you mean in the way the edge of that shield jammed into someone's chest could have possibly killed ANYONE then yes.

But I'm assuming that when you said "destroying that chest plate COULD'VE killed Tony the way his armor worked back then' is alluding to the arc reactor keeping the metal shrapnel from the first movie away from his heart? Then, No.

At the end of IRON MAN 3 he has the surgery to remove the rest of the shrapnel so that he doesnt need the arc reactor fix for the shrapnel.

TONY: Of course there are people who say progress is dangerous. But I bet none of those idiots ever had to live with a chest full of shrapnel.
And now, NEITHER WILL I. Let me tell you, it was the best sleep I'd had in years.

Forgive me if i misunderstood what you were saying.

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For my money, Snyder's best movie bar none was that 2004 DAWN OF THE DEAD remake. That was a pretty solid movie.

become less and less a fan of WATCHMEN the more I watch it.

Still like Man of Steel as long as I dont view it as a Superman movie. It's a really solid first contact/alien invasion movie though.

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Thomas Seitz wrote:
Kingdom Come was, is and still remains one of my favorite DC stories of all time.

I've noticed that while I'm not a BIG DC fan and there are many more Marvel stories that I like, the DC stories that I DO like? I LIKE ALOT.

Case in point: KINGDOM COME along with ALL STAR SUPERMAN are two of my favorite Superman stories. Especially ALL STAR SUPERMAN. So much so that I own both of them as Absolute Editions.

The LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES: FIVE YEARS LATER and THE GREAT DARKNESS SAGA both arent perfect but they were MY real introduction to the LEGION and I love them BOTH.

Wolfman and Perez (as well as Wolfman and Grummett's) NEW TEEN TITANS are some of my favorite teen team comics EVER.

CRISIS ON INFINTE EARTHS will forever be one the best event comics ever. AS much as I love SECRET WARS it pales in scope and detail in comparison.

Wally West will ALWAYS be my FLASH in the same way that Kyle Rainer will always be my GREEN LANTERN. I'm old enough where it was supposed to Barry and Hal but they never clicked with me.

Anyway, I'm a Marvel guy but at the end of the day I LOVE good, HUMAN superhero comics.

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Sean Sapp wrote:

But you aren’t making 3 different 576 page books (or 720 page). You are creating 3 different stat blocks (which you are essentially doing anyways due to the besitiearies) with most if not all of the descriptive text the same. You are doing more layout for sure. I am a 5E player/DM that buys a fair amount of Pathfinder modules and converts them but this excuse doesn’t pass the smell test. I have seen many Kickstarters that produce books for multiple editions and you are not even doing the 5E conversion. I get that it is a lot of work but charging me $115 for the $80 I want is not a good business plan or test of what the demand is for 5E products.

As part of my job I provide tech support for clients who do layout and design for an mechanical engineering magazine. For you to downplay how a few changes can throw off the exisiting layout and having seen first hand the gymnastics that come into play to sort those issues out to still create a viable publication? Again, I've seen the work that goes into the design and layout of a publication/magazing/document.

I have a fair amount of FFG products, before I stopped supporting them as a company, and while not bashing thier content their presentation doenst even come close to what we expect from Paizo. I think the words "no-frills" comes to mind.

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Saw this at a screening last week and next to Spider-Man 2 it's EASILY my FAVORITE Spider-Man movie.

I would watch a movie about ANY of these characters, Spider-Gwen, jaded Peter Parker, Spider-Man Noir (who despite his deadpan delivery generates quite a few laughs), Penni Parker and Spider-Ham. FRIGGING SPIDER-HAM. There's HUGE fight near the end of the movie where SPIDER-HAM just HANDLES (hilariously) one of the bad guys. I was smiling so hard during this movie that my face hurt. This is a heartfelt, at times somber and mostly FUN Spider-man movie and I'm here for this. Seeing it again this weekend.

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I'm not saddened by his passing at all. There's a quote of his floating around somewhere basically to paraphrase: He was saying that he'd never retire. Most people retire to relax or to do something that they always wanted to do. HE WAS ALREADY DOING THAT, so why would he retire?

I'd like to think that he was doing what he loved right up until the moment he passed.

That should be an inspiration for all of us. He lived a full life doing what he wanted and left a MASSIVE cultural imprint. He's left a piece of himself EVERYWHERE. Hell, if I'm able to pull off a fraction of what he did I'd call that a WIN.

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DeathQuaker wrote:
And because I am a monster... I would give all cats thumbs.


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I'd wipe humanity from the face of the earth.

Humans are AWFUL and the number of indifferent, callous and downright cruel people waaaaaaay outnumber the half decent or even good people. I'd wipe the entire memory, existence of humanity so that nothing that we created would exist. Any aliens coming to Earth afterward would see no trace of our cultures, civilization, ANYTHING.


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I chose:

We're not switching (tried the playtest and don't like the direction, feel 1e is the perfect game, etc).

There are things I like about PF 2.0 like the action economy and some of the way that characters are built with more than average hit points. But there are some things that I don't particularly care for (almost everything else). I noticed that the combat was actually a little faster during what parts of the playtest we used but it just failed to excite our group.

I've said all of this over and over again but I'll repeat it here. I have enough Pathfinder 1E (*PASTFINDER as one of my players calls it) materials to run games until my death bed. If I can tweak things to include the 2.0 action economy and things like Legendary actions from 5E? Then I'd be close to having a game I'd be even more interested in playing and running.

I forgot I also like the way monsters are built in PF 2.0. I've been playing fast and loose with monster modification since 3.5 so I have a pretty good handle on modifying monsters (changing abilities, slapping PC Class abilities on them, spells, etc).

Unless PF 2.0 changes SIGNIFICANTLY I really wont be switching over.

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DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:

Why should a player trust a GM if the GM won’t trust the player?

Why should a GM trust a player if a player won't trust the GM?

See, I can do that too!

Trust isn't a one-way street. It's a two-way street. IT GOES BOTH WAYS.

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Saleem Halabi wrote:
Witch of Miracles wrote:
And the default, from a rules perspective, should always be for the GM to not trust the party not to metagame.
I... what?!? How can you play with people if you don't trust them? This line of thinking literally makes no sense to me.

I think that a more honest question for this thread (and not you specifically as I understand what YOU are saying) is: Why is the trust only demanded in ONE direction (players HAVE to be able to trust the GM. Otherwise, the implication is that the GM is BAD) and not the other (The expectation of the players not to cheat or metagame)?

Because trust should swing both ways here.

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DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
Claxon wrote:

Nope, I like it.

Those checks should be secret and players shouldn't know the results.

Trust your GM to play fairly. If you don't, you should probably find a new GM.

What if Game Masters trusted their players rather than strictly enforcing players blindly trusting their Game Masters?

Maybe it's because players, in general, have proven themselves to be an utterly untrustworthy and inconsiderate bunch?

I've had bad GM's and YES a Bad GM is THE WORST. But I've had waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more bad players in my gaming lifetime. Both as a GM and sitting at a table as a player WITH awful players.

Players are more than often willing to ignore rules when it doesn't benefit them and call out those same rules vs. the GM when it comes to NPC's and Monsters. Players will metagame the hell out of things to the point where under any other observation it would break immersion but as long as the players get their advantage IT'S FINE.

All that being said, the GM should let the players know that this is how crafting/stealth/perception/ secret rolls are going to work at the table. So the players can make a choice if they want to play that way or not. I know that that isn't feasible under Society play, so I kinda get people being upset by it.

There are two reasons why Society Play is a no go and always will be a no go for me. The inability to have rule flexibility and the garbage players who might show up at a table.

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I'm also not that impressed with this new edition but I'm also understanding that the range of bonuses seem to be smaller deliberately so I'm not going to judge until I've actually PLAYED the game hence the playtest.

It took me over a little over an hour to make a 1st level human barbarian using the rulebook. I wasn't even certain that I'd calculated everything correctly.

Later that evening (even though I said that I never would) tried Hero Lab Online to make that same character and had it done in a little under 20 min and only becasue I was unfamiliar with the interface.

I'm going make a few more characters "by hand" now that I kinda know to go A(ncestry)-B (ackground)-C (lass). I know that I learn through repetition and growing familiarity. I see some of the responses here and while some of the gripes seem legit and would go toward possibly making the game better I've also learned to ignore the hyperbole.

I don't think the game as it stands now is the garbage fire that some people here are making it out to be. I'll reserve my judgment until after I've played it.

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CrystalSeas wrote:
Mark the Wise and Powerful wrote:

And, yet, you still claim all this knowledge about the inner workings of Paizo but acknowledge you are not an employee.

Sorry, but I feel like you are putting words in their mouths.

If I post direct quotes from Paizo staff, with links to their post, that is in no way "putting words in their mouths."

It is them writing, for everyone to see, what they are doing.

For example, when asked when the last PF1 materials will be released,Lisa Stevens, CEO of Paizo said

Lisa Stevens wrote:
July 2019

When asked how long the rulebooks would stay in print, she said,

If you read the FAQ, you will notice that we plan to keep Pathfinder 1st edition in print through our pocket editions until there is no longer enough sales to justify them. If they last another ten year, then cool! No need for a 3PP. We are already going to do it.
You may not believe it when the owner of the company says they're not publishing anything for PF1 after July 2019, but I do.

CrystalSeas, he's not interested in hearing anything counter to how he thinks things should be unless it's from Paizo themselves. He feels that he's owed an explanation as to why things aren't being done the way that he wants them done.

He talks about having an opinion and that's fine. But there's such a thing as having an INFORMED opinion which he clearly does not have and quite frankly isn't interested in listening to. I'm not going to post in this thread anymore because there is nothing even remotely constructive to be gained here.

I think if there is any further support for PF1 to be had it's with a 3rd Party publisher who can put out quality products. He's not interested in that. Paizo is supporting Starfinder AND a pending new edition. Where is the manpower coming from to continue to support 1E? Where is the money coming from to pay these people to support 1E? He also has no idea of the manpower and the amount of time that goes into creating just ONE hardcover book and how far ahead in advance that needs to start.

I've been listening to publishers, designers, and developers for over to a decade on how this particular business works and what goes into it. I listen to them because THEY'RE ACTUALLY DOING THE WORK. It doesn't take a lot of effort to find where developers, designers, and publishers are saying the same things that are being put forth here. and a fair amount of what we're saying is COMMON SENSE.

but like I said, he's not here to hear any of that. He just wants what he wants. And really you cant have a productive conversation with a person like that so...

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Mark the Wise and Powerful wrote:
Phntm888 wrote:

Let's look at this another way. You think Paizo should continue developing PF1 products during the launch of PF2 - that it would help both products sell better. So, let's consider what that entails.

** spoiler omitted **...

I aporeciate all the effort to make estimates, but it's a lot of supposing about their financials.

You mean the way youre supposing that Paizo continuing to develop for 1E will be better for their financial situation in the long run? You mean THAT kind of supposing?

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Phntm888 wrote:

Let's look at this another way. You think Paizo should continue developing PF1 products during the launch of PF2 - that it would help both products sell better. So, let's consider what that entails.

** spoiler omitted **...

I find it particularly telling that Mark the Wise and Powerful hasn't addressed or responded to this post yet.

I think there have been several pretty solid arguments posted here as to why Paizo isnt going to continue to support PF1 over developing for PF2 and SF.

I'm not against more PF1 material. But at this point, it's probably going to come from a third party source. And that's if that 3rd party source isnt jumping on the 2E bandwagon. maybe a smaller company with freelancers will be able to pull off producing for both.

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Gorbacz wrote:
And getting easily picked up by casual players is extremely important these days, because RPGs are losing full time to board games due to the issue of high entry bar.


I have an easier time introducing normals to a game of SUPER DUNGEON EXPLORE or ZOMBICIDE than an RPG.

And I LOVE RPG's but the barrier to entry is high because most people don't have a concept of what an RPG is or how it's supposed to work. Again CRITICAL ROLE has gone a LONG WAY into lowering that barrier but we need MORE things like that to show people "Hey this is what this looks like" and "No it really isnt that hard to start".

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Mark the Wise and Powerful wrote:
ShinHakkaider wrote:
Mark the Wise and Powerful wrote:
Though, I've put about $800+ into PF1 and I'll be focused on getting my money's worth out of that.


*Looks over at his THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS of Pathfinder books*


I bought mostly PDF files. I thought about people who bought the hard back versions ... How do those of you who did feel about how Paizo is preserving your investiment?

What investment? I bought the books because I enjoyed the game and I wanted to support the company. I can STILL play the game. In fact, I still plan on running a PF1 game right alongside any other game that I run. Whether it be D&D, PF2 , CHAMPIONS, or whatever. The very idea that you won't be able to find anyone to play in a PF1 game after PF2 comes out is RIDICULOUS. The pool of players may shrink but if there are people out there running AD&D or 4E or 3.5? There will still be a pool of players running PF1.

I was HERE during the transition from 3.5 to 4E. People played 4E. But those of us who didn't care for it still played 3.5. Paizo SUPPORTED 3.5 until they released Pathfinder. The 1st 4 Paizo AP's (Rise of the Runelords, Curse of the Crimson Throne, Second Darkness and Legacy of Fire) were 3.5 well into 4E's lifespan.
Paizo is doing one better than WOTC did during that time, They are keeping the previous version on their game IN PRINT.

There almost 10 years of development and official material not to mention a metric assload of 3rd party material for PF1. To expect Paizo to continue development on a system that had it's issues (as all systems do) while rolling out a new system is unrealistic.

If you want support for PF1 so badly and if you think the demand is out there for it start your own imprint and start hiring freelancers to develop material.

If you cant do that, then ORGANIZE. Try to find like-minded individuals who will spread the gospel and run games and introduce people to the system that you love.

But I think the ship for new PF1 material has salled. I know that I personally have enough PF1 material to run games for the next few DECADE or so. The 1st 17 AP's I have in hardcopy (and I plan on picking up Return of the Runelords and Tyrant's Grasp), RAPPAN ATHUK in hardcover, THE SLUMBERING TSAR in hardcover, every Pathfinder RPG Hardcover, a bunch of assorted Campaign setting, players companions and modules. And then there's the 3.5 AP's like AGE OF WORMS and SAVAGE TIDE that can be converted over.

Nah, I'm GOOD for PF1 material...

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Mark the Wise and Powerful wrote:

Why not rename Pathfinder something?

What that is would take some thought -- but it should immediately draw out vivid mental images and be thought provoking. Dungeons &
Dragons is thought provoking. Pathfinder is not. There's the major advantage -- D&D has a great, vivid name. Even though the art work is leaps and bounds much better in Pathfinder, it just isn't enough to recover. Pathfinder should be on top.

Wait...your big suggestion is the product, that at one time was beating DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS in sales and was for a long time the second highest selling TTRPG in the market and that has existed IN that market for almost a decade: CHANGE IT'S NAME.

THAT'S your idea.


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Furdinand wrote:

Best of luck, Crystal! War for the Crown is the best AP so far.

I do feel like this is part of the worrying trend of forward-thinking creatives, who tried to expand what Pathfinder and TTRPGs can be, leaving Paizo in the last few years.

I've been thinking the same thing but have been kinda hesitant to bring it up. Sean KR, Wes, Sutter, Jessica Price, and now Crystal. Sean has been gone for at least 3 years(?) but didnt Wes, Sutter and Jessica leave just last year?

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I'm just on episode 11 and after episode 10 all I can say is that they need to produce a POWER MAN and IRON FIST series like NOW.
Episode 10 was so much fun to watch, especially the easy camaraderie between Danny and Luke.

So far I'm liking this season of Luke Cage far better than the first. It's more cohesive and the performances are uniformly great especially Simone Missick, Alfrie Woodard, and the late Reg E Cathey. Even Finn Jones is growing on me as Danny Rand. I dont think that this season suffers from the slump that the Marvel/Netflix shows and am looking forward to Daredevil S3 if it's just as smooth as this one.

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Saw INCREDIBLES 2 lat night with my son. I didn't enjoy it as much as I did the first one and it's nowhere as good as the first movie. That being said it IS a good and very enjoyable sequel. I felt that the first half was a little casually paced but there's a certain point in the movie where it kicks into high gear and it gets GOOD. Elastigirl is pretty much the lead character in this. Swap Helen and Bob's roles from the first movie and you basically get THIS movie. Jack Jack is the MVP.

I'm definitely buying this on Bluray and I kinda want to see it again.

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Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

I'd humbly submit that Frank Castle was intended as an anti-hero, not a villain.

However, making them 'socially acceptable' is where it starts getting a bit trashy.

Castle made no bones about his War.

I'll be the first to admit that my extreme dislike for the character (and even MORE so for his fandom) colors my perception of him. I think that Frank is interesting in VERY small doses. PUNISHER: BORN is a GREAT Frank Castle story. As is his appearance in Brubaker's run on DAREDEVIL.

But for the most part, I'm not a fan of the character. One of the few characters if where I see he's guest starring in a book I'm less likely to read the book. For me that's pretty rare.

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For me Venom ONLY worked when they were a straight-up antagonist for Spider-Man. I loved those first few appearances of Venom/Eddie Brock in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN. I absolutely HATE what Marvel started doing in the 90's by taking their best villains and trying to turn them into sympathetic "anti-heroes" which was GARBAGE.

Just like the Frank Castle, Venom is a VILLAIN re-skinned to be a hero and it annoys the ever-loving crap out of me.

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Sorry to hear about your mom and I completely understand about not having the energy. You'll be missed Sissyl.

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So I just got back from seeing SOLO and I have to say I enjoyed it a bit more than I thought I would. I thought the scale was right, the stakes were right and the performances were solid. A little taken aback but a something near the end but I recovered quickly and had to smile.

Not the best Star Wars movie but pretty enjoyable.

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Selene Spires wrote:
Hama wrote:
Selene Spires wrote:

Saw it last night it was a fun space heist movie. I don't get the hate...or the empty theater. It is so much better than Last Jedi...great action...a storyline that makes sense...some surprises...etc.

My favorite things were...

** spoiler omitted **

Because most people choose to boycott the film hoping it will flop so that Disney removes that Kennedy woman from the chair she's occupying currently and put someoene competent in her place, preferably one without a SJW agenda to push on the audiences.
Yeah...stupid reason there. As this movie really did not have a SJW agenda being pushed...sadly it is their lost.

Basically, the movie's theme of "the Force is for EVERYONE" echoes the filmmakers' idea that "Star Wars is for EVERYONE" has upset the fanboys so much that they call that Social Justice Warring. Which is pretty telling since if everyone can love Star Wars they should be able to see themselves in that universe. I mean every form of alien and droid is FINE but a woman or a person of color as a lead character? YOU"VE GONE TOO FAR KENNEDY!!!

Also, the use of SJW in a conversation is usually an indicator that I probably shouldn't be engaging in conversation with that person...

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Hama wrote:
ShinHakkaider wrote:
As someone who liked TFA and LOVES TLJ
Wow, you're in a vast minority

I’m absolutely fine with being in that minority.

I haven’t met anyone in real space who has the pure vitriol for TLJ that people online seem to. I’ve met people who have issues with the movie (as much as I love the movie I have issues with it as well) but not the “Kathleen Kennedy and Rian Johnson should never touch the franchise again” crazies that I see in online spaces. It’s fine not to like a movie, there are plenty that I don’t particularly care for. I simply don’t revisit those films or talk about them. The nutbags who start petitions to remove movies from canon or to have a director blacklisted from working on films again need to be ignored and never mentioned in the same sentence with rational fans. Those people aren’t fans (yes I know “fan” is short of fanatic but to the millions of others who don’t act in such a childish and embarrassing manner, they aren’t real fans?) they’re entitled manbabies who claim ownership in something that is not solely theirs.

TLJ has its issues, then again so does Empire (and I LOVE Empire). Definitely not the type of issues that warrant the online reaction that it’s gotten.

Also I’m looking at the box office and while I’m willing to admit that a portion of the people who saw the movie may not have liked it, you don’t make that kind of money off of single viewings of a film. People (like myself) sat through multiple veiwings of that movie. So I kinda don’t think that I’m really in the minority at all...

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As someone who liked TFA and LOVES TLJ and am excited about Star Wars in general (I didn't expect a whole lot from Rogue One but wound up really enjoying that one), I find my ambivalence toward this SOLO movie odd. It just doesn't really spark any real excitement for me? I liked the second trailer but the excitement cooled for me considerably.

To be fair the two movies that I'm most looking forward to now that I've seen INFINITY WAR three times are THE INCREDIBLES 2 and MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE - FALLOUT.

There are a couple of smaller genre films that I'm looking forward to (UPGRADE and THE FIRST PURGE) and maybe ANT-MAN and the WASP and JURASSIC WORLD: FALLEN KINGDOM.

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