Gnoll Ravager

Moskau's page

** Pathfinder Society GM. 165 posts (259 including aliases). 20 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 22 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.

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Horizon Hunters

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pixierose wrote:
One thing to Consider... Lasmashtu might not be mentioned because perhaps she *Penned* these false prophecies... I feel like it could be significant that she was left out completely but it doesn't have to be that shes the one that dies.

I always was a little suspicious of that beast from Erastil's prophecy and the references to nightmares. I agree with this stance...

I'll take it one step further. These were all abandoned plans. Lamashtu is the killer. This wouldn't be the first god she killed, and honestly, it'd be nice to have her have some proper villain behavior.

Horizon Hunters

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Troodos wrote:
Tridus wrote:
Still worried about Shelyn, here.
I’d be pretty pissed if they killed off Shelyn. She’s been used as a poster child of PF’s queer rep, and it’d be obnoxiously edgy to kill her off given her role in the pantheon.

I don't like this take, as I feel like it diminishes Shelyn as a character. Yes, it's easy to show her artwork with Sarenrae and Desna to a queer person and say "Poly Lesbians=Pathfinder Good" but if you presented me with the same characters with the same dynamic and told me nothing bad and permanent would ever happen to them under threat of being edgy or "burying the gays" I'd roll my eyes. If there are no stakes, there isn't really much of a conflict. No conflict means there isn't a story. I've played Pathfinder long enough to know is representation everywhere. I've stat at multiple Pathfinder Society tables with brand new players and explained to them about Kyra and Merisiel when they're picking their first characters. If you read adventures, a lot of NPCs are highlighted for their different sexualities, romantic attractions, or gender status, even if it's not relevant to the adventure. I don't think anyone should be off the table just because they're queer rep.

The LGBT experience can be a messy one. Sometimes tragic things happen, and we don't get to keep the happiness we find. For me, Lamashtu represents my queer experience more than anyone in The Prismatic Ray, to the point where I have her holy symbol tattooed on me. While I don't want anything to happen to her, that's the way the story plays out sometimes. It won't diminish my fondness for her (if anything, it might strengthen it), and I won't call out Paizo for having an agenda, good or bad, behind the selection besides trying to tell a compelling story.

It's been confirmed the Prismatic Ray is going to be shaken up. I know many people are calling for more members to be added, but I foresee a character leaving or being replaced. My current main theory is that Zon-Kuthon dies and Shelyn becomes more distant overall in grief or in pursuit of answers.

Horizon Hunters

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I feel like Numeria is an undersold aspect of the Inner Sea region. Expedition to the Barrier Peaks is one of the most iconic heroic fantasy adventures of all time, and instead of one dungeon, we have an entire nation. There's so much you can do: robots, aliens, androids, and it works within the setting rather than just being an isolated one off. Even Casandalee is right there. It's my second favorite area of the Inner Sea, and I'd love to see it more, even if it's just Org Play bounties/scenarios and one off adventures as a litmus test.

Horizon Hunters

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I...I think this might be everything I've ever wanted from a scenario. The only thing I could think to make it better would be a legacy tag.

Horizon Hunters **

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Maybe you're supposed to combat the Organization via a prolonged campaign of consistent Disorganization.

Horizon Hunters **

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David knott 242 wrote:

Is Nixret supposed to be an iconic? If so, what class and ancestry?

I believe Nixret was created just for this story, but she may have made a cameo earlier that I can't recall. She's a kobold from the Sewer Dragon tribe.

If you're unaware, the Sewer Dragons reside under Absalom. You meet them in a few scenarios from PFS1 and again 2-05 from PFS2. They're extremely close with the Pathfinder Society, and it's not uncommon for members to become Pathfinders.

Horizon Hunters

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ograx wrote:

Does Wizards of the Coast not go to Gencon?

Pretty sure they left around the 2015-16 time frame. Baldman Game's runs their AL content For Gen Con, Past Time Events runs their Magic stuff. Other than their in-house conventions, I think they only show for like the Paxes and Gary Con anymore.

Horizon Hunters

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Say what you want, my edition signed by Tonya and destroyed by the USPS in the 30 mile journey from Redmond to my home is the true special edition.

Horizon Hunters **

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Hmmm. A bit more restrictive than I was expecting. I wasn't expecting any of the undead archetypes and skeleton I was expecting 160+ ACP, but I feel like Hallowed Necromancer really fills in a playstyle gap that the campaign is missing. And I may have wanted to turn my lost pet into a ghost familiar.

Such is un-life.

Horizon Hunters **

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I'm excited for a special that doesn't directly tie into the metaplot, but still touches upon past scenarios. I'm also happy to have one the character that played those scenarios be the most irl convention friendly and not risk of leveling out.

Horizon Hunters

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A little disappointed we're not seeing the Hookclaw Tribe for Pathfinder, but c'est la vie.

Horizon Hunters **

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Looks like we're going to have a bumper crop of leshy.

Horizon Hunters

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Anyone want to have a meetup where we play the specials together akin to the lan parties of yore? Maybe even try to get in the same table(s) to simulate the in person experience with a virtual GM?

Horizon Hunters

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I'm a bit miffed over this as the special was going to be a highlight for me, but c'est la vie. Still going, still going to have a good time.

Horizon Hunters **

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Otagian wrote:

Or when Paizo recognizes my petition to make Pnolls canon.

You have the support of the Gnoll Contingent.

Horizon Hunters **

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Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:
Wait. There are other ancestries beyond gnome?

None worth mentioning until Gnoll drops this summer.

Horizon Hunters

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After playing 2e for about a year, an associate on a discord server asked me to GM an AP as a favor. I said sure, but after about 2 weeks, I regretted it. I completed the first chapter, then work got in the way and I was somewhat thankful for it. It was the final nail in the coffin for 1e.

I think 2e has a much better gauge on the power-threat level. Play feels more powerful across levels, but also the threats feel in accordance with that power. I (almost) never feel anything anything is unfair or a cakewalk on either side of the screen.

I occasionally miss my dips and multiple archetypes, but I don't think I'll be going back, and I know 5e isn't for me. Maybe Starfinder org play because I feel like they've had some good stories, I'm still interested in other non-D&D/PF games since they scratch a different itch.

Horizon Hunters

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Gnoll ancestries?!?!?! SOLD!

Horizon Hunters

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I am screaming inside my heart.

Horizon Hunters **

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So, here's a bit of an oddball question I haven't been able to find a direct answer on, or any discussion really. Are GM's able to slot boons for their GM credit characters?

Obviously, it wouldn't affect play, but it may affect downtime as a GM. A lot of boons can offer different downtime activities, such as off-hours study or practiced medicine. I think getting some clarification on this topic would really help.

Horizon Hunters

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Love the pride apparel. I might need to pick up a few pieces.

Horizon Hunters

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For those of you who are having issues with pop-ups on Warhorn, tab 6 times, hit enter, and you're signed up.

I don't think anyone would mind if you leave the drop downs blank as long as your character is in level.

Dark Archive

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When I flipped through the Core Rulebook, I was disappointed not to see Lexx in the inspiration. I still am.

Dark Archive

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So, will subscribers be able to pick up at Gencon?

Dark Archive

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Already rallying support south of Seattle.

Dark Archive

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That is troubling news if there has been an anti-trans attack in Seattle. I will have to let my roommates and partner know to be careful. Luckily, they tend not to go out without me and I will defend them or anyone appears to be subject to an anti-LGBT incident.

Dark Archive

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*hugs to all* I hope everyone enjoys their day or night,

Dark Archive

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*hugs to all who needs or wants one* Hope everyone enjoys the day.

Dark Archive

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I'm so happy this is funded. I am so excited to see the stretch goals roll in and know there is a good base of "mature" gamers.

Dark Archive

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All I can say is yay nekkid witch!

Dark Archive

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Who's the gruffest bear going through TSA with an absurd amount of make-up? This guy.

The things I do for my LGBT family....

Dark Archive

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I am likely going. Just need to scrape together funds for a badge. Luckily, lodging will be free.

Also, I love when I can tell the exact moment the straight guy packing our stuff finds our toy drawer from 2 rooms over. Poor guy. Might be scarred for life. At least he dug the Pathfinder art in the living room.

Dark Archive

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Kajehase wrote:
Uncle Teddy wrote:
If we could somehow "weaponize" Rysky's hugs and create "hug bombs" could that be the key to world peace?
Isn't this basically the premise for the Care Bears?

I thought the premise was having your clique use death glares....?

Anyway, I'm heading back to Cedar Rapids for the last time today to supervise my move. Seattle is an amazing, incredible city and I can't wait to explore the culture. I think the entirety of my crew will be able to express who they are how they want without the social pariahness that tends to crop up in the midwest. Cedar Rapids was a lovely city, but not for a pack of LGBT 20-something geeks.

Dark Archive

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*hugs Rysky clone* House hunting is stressful as hell for four adults, especially in Seattle. We found a really practical option, but it doesn't have a wow factor that my partner is looking for.

Dark Archive

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I love the preview. It fills a really awesome narrative niche for the paladin that is often neglected.

Dark Archive

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I just want to say good call on the whole chainmail bikini. One of my friends wore one to a larp. It wasn't much use at all except as eyecandy. As it turns out, most of your vitals are still exposed

Can you talk about any sort of beastiary or creatures you'll see in the book?

Dark Archive

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Zelgadas Greyward wrote:

I will say this - make sure the guy is aware of your situation. Actually, that goes for basically anyone, male or female - having that out in the open on the ground floor makes a world of difference.

Good advice. When I first started talking to my girlfriend, I thought she was cis. After a brief period of vetting, she made it a priority to let me know ahead of time before we went on our first real date just so there wasn't any hurt feelings or potential embarrassment. I appreciated the gesture since it showed she was invested in my feelings. Lucky for both of us, I don't mind at all and it's been a good 3-1/4 years.

I've also heard anecdotal stories of people flipping out if they don't know ahead of time, but none of my housemates have stories like that.

Dark Archive

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Let come what may. If the GM fudges or treats the die as sacred, so be it. GM motives matter more to me. Fudging just to be a jerk is different than to fudge for story purposes or just making mistakes.

Dark Archive

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Thanks to all who have pledged and who are considering it. I am really falling in love (or is it lust?) with this project.

Dark Archive

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Spreading the word as well.

Dark Archive

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Rysky wrote:

*offers hugs/glomps to anyone and everyone else that wants or needs one*

*offers a fierce bear hug in return*

So I just quit the best job I ever had. I did it a day early due to some anxiety issues and to surprise my partner so I can help with our move. She laughed, and it kinda triggered some of my feelings on the power dynamics of our relationship. Now I'm day drinking...

Dark Archive

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30.1% in just under 24 hours. I may have underestimated interest.

Dark Archive

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Hello Selene. I'm happy to see you made it here. I know the process of transitioning and coming out can be difficult; I've seen it play out multiple times, and I want you to know if you need some support, just reach out to me or pretty much anyone in this thread. They're good people.

Dark Archive

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*hugs to all*

I'm a Bi guy (arguably an advanced bear posing as a human) living with 3 trans-women, including my awesome partner, her best friend/sister, and bf/s's partner. If you need a sympathetic ear, shoulder, or whatever, you can lean on me; the girls do. I'm more than happy to listen about your character or whatever is going on in your life, judgement free.

As to those with Gencon housing hate, I check multiple times a day to see if anything opens up. If I snag anything downtown with a borrowed crew account, I'm more than happy to pass it along.

Dark Archive

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Rysky wrote:

Oooo, kickass!

... all the art I've commissioned is of the NSFW variety so I can't really link it here >_>

Can I get a pm and maybe a few referrals to some of the artists?

Dark Archive

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Rysky wrote:

Same ^w^

That Elf/Drow pick is absolutely GORGEOUS.

I concur. Nothing against the Amazons, but that one sold me.

Dark Archive

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Rysky wrote:
Really liking the art so far.

Me too, which is why I pledged for an iconic.

Dark Archive **

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Just checked this morning. There is literally no in block housing for Friday night, anywhere, any room size. Everything else is by night and about 12 miles out.

Dark Archive

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I feel like they would be servitors/heralds of Arshea or another extremely sex positive deity.

Dark Archive

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I'm getting ready to move to Seattle, so I might make it.

Mathieu Legault-Forest has not participated in any online campaigns.