The Devils in the Details

Friday, May 13, 2016

Once upon a time, October's Deadly Foes set of prepainted plastic miniatures from the Pathfinder Battles line had a much heavier focus on fiends vs. celestials, with a huge emphasis on the devils of Hell. Probably too much of an emphasis, if I'm being completely honest. Eventually we toned down some of the diabolical content and replaced it with other creatures to give the set a more general appeal, but some of that infernal impetus still remains, and there are PLENTY of devils left in Deadly Foes.

This week, I'd like to show off a couple of the minor devils in the set—the Lemure and the Accuser.

Here we have the Lemure, and from where I sit I'm not certain that we've ever produced a figure quite so ugly. And I mean that in the nicest possible way! The Pathfinder RPG Bestiary describes Lemure Devils as the least of devilkind, shapeless masses of quivering flesh. They are further described as "grotesque and useless." I beg to differ on that last point! I can see swarms of these guys converging upon my player characters. The Lemure is a CR 1 Medium figure at the common rarity.

Our second fiend today comes from the pages of Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2, which describes them as "childlike souls tormented and scoured of innocence by the flames of Hell and then reshaped by the mad whims of the archdevil Baalzebul." Accuser devils embody the foul, merciless, and pervasive corruptions of Hell. At CR 3, they also make for great group encounters. This gross little guy is slated at the common rarity, making him perfect for an otherworldly ambush by the party's devilish foes. The Accuser Devil is a Small figure.

There are a lot more devils coming in Deadly Foes, but I've made my own infernal promise to drag these previews out until October, so I'm afraid they'll have to wait for future previews!

Until then, I remain...

Erik Mona

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Deadly Foes Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

Those are both creepy, awful, excellent picks! Excited about both of them, but especially the lemure, which is SO MUCH BETTER than the old one from Giants of Legends. That one's always been kind of an embarrassment. I'll be glad to have a replacement.

Dark Archive

Yes - keep 'em coming!

Owner - Gator Games & Hobby

Ahhhh! What the Hell?! Man do I want those!

Silver Crusade Contributor

Awesome! Always up for some devils. ^_^

I'd love to see the Bestiary erinyes in here - that's one of my favorite pieces of art.

Dark Archive

And i was thinking maybe i had enough minis and would skip this set....oh well at least i like ramen noodles.

Yeah... I'm fortunate that this set comes out right around the time I start getting paid for my current writing. ^_^

The Lemure is great, but the Accuser Devil outshines it. Two great commons I'll probably end up getting even more of than what comes in a case, because they will certainly make for memorable encounters.

Erik, I hope since you had to tone down the number of devils in this set that we will continue to see more in future sets. These two are such winners I can't wait to see what else made the cut.

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I dunno, there are still a bunch in this set.

I won't stop until I've done all of them, or until someone makes me stop. :)

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Wow, I was overjoyed last week when you revealed the celestial presence, now...well what can I say. Shaping up to be a 100% must have set for me. My bank account gently weeps.

I am a huge fan of the lemure form the old WotC set from waaaay back, however this one: Best...lemure...ever! That is one truly creepy hombre, and you know this will translate from render to plastic extremely well. I love the way the little white eyes almosy hover in those sockets. To tell the truth he looks like a little version of Oogie-Boogie from The Nightmare Before Christmas, and I love it. Since it s common I know I can get 4-5 from a case, a few more on the singles market and BAM, ugly horde time! I hope my players will appreciate this mini as much as I do.

As for the accuser, if it makes the transition form render to plastic and retains that detail I believe I will have a new favourite low level miniature to use. AND IT'S COMMON! To quote Cleveland Brown: "That's Nasty", and I mean that in the best possible way.

With more devils and celestials coming I'm beginning to feel like a kid the night before christmas (Of course its a really long night before October)

Devils are one of those bad guys you can never really have enough of. Even if this set includes a good number of devils I know in my heart I still have room for more, so I hope the ones left out can find a home in a later set. I'm also hoping for more giants (c'mon Shadow giant from ISB) and quite frankly a few more demons (even after WotR).

I know from art reveals in the announcement we will see a Protean (or two?) in this set but, Erik, are we likely to see Daemons any time soon?
How about the much under represented Kytons?
Maybe even a Div?
Can you throw me a Qlippoth?
Lob forth an Aeon?

The Lemure sculpt is really good and will work better than the original art in this format.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber
Erik Mona wrote:

I dunno, there are still a bunch in this set.

I won't stop until I've done all of them, or until someone makes me stop. :)

This has me excited. One thing that I loved about the Wrath of the Righteous set was the sheer volume of Demons I got. I am happy now to hear I will get a bunch of Devils too :D

This has the potential to be my favorite set yet!

These would have been great for my Daughters of Fury game!

Dark Archive

Erik Revealed:
7/13 small or medium commons
5/11 small or medium uncommons
3/8 large commons
2/8 small or medium rares
0/4 large rares
0/6 dressing rares

Confirmed in this set are still:
-3-4 hobgoblins (probably from the Monster Codex, including a Hobgoblin General samurai)
-Bearded Devil
-Aasimar Paladin
-2 Giants
-Keketar Protean

Highly likely (because on the covers of APs #97-108) are:
-Jilia, female vampire
-Contract Devil
-Pit Fiend
-Heresy Devil

Also likely are:
-Barbed Devil
-Bone Devil
-Ice Devil
-Horned Devil
-Astral Deva
-Handmaiden Devil

Silver Crusade Contributor

Is there anything to back up the stuff from recent AP covers appearing in this set? Or is that just speculation?

Erik Mona wrote:

Eventually we toned down some of the diabolical content and replaced it with other creatures to give the set a more general appeal.

Thank you very much.

That Lemure looks fantastic! I've got a couple of the old Giants of Legend Lemures (which are pretty bad). This is much more like it!

The Accuser Devil has a lot of character.

Dark Archive

Kalindlara wrote:
Is there anything to back up the stuff from recent AP covers appearing in this set? Or is that just speculation?

So far confirmed:

#97 Hellhound
#97 Bearded Devil
#103 Hound Archon
#106 Giant Eagle

That's 4 out of 11 cover creatures (excluding iconics).

From some comments that Erik made, it's very likely, that some more are in this set.

Dark Archive

Erik Mona wrote:

I dunno, there are still a bunch in this set.

I won't stop until I've done all of them, or until someone makes me stop. :)

Erik, a quick question: When do you roughly expect the paizo product catalogue to drop - june or july?

Thanks for the great work!

Erik Mona wrote:

I dunno, there are still a bunch in this set.

I won't stop until I've done all of them, or until someone makes me stop. :)

Go on, go on. Keep it coming. I'm happy about the two in this reveal.

I'm also hoping for a handmaiden devil, although there is no real great art to base a mini on, I'm afraid. A contract devil would be great as well. The other devils at least have (had) a version in other miniature lines, or can be bought in a Reaper version, which makes them slightly less urgent in my book.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Erik, not sure if possible or not but would LOVE to see a Evil NPC'S and Good NPC'S. 3 of each in a box set! Certainly enough art work of those characters out there.

and can we please get a house cat?
traditionally deadly to first level commoners ;-)

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Yeah, I want to do a house cat eventually. Not this set, though.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

In the meantime, a recent Heroclix set has a Black Cat mini, cheap, very tiny, easy to rebase, and easy to repaint to taste.

Dark Archive

Erik Mona wrote:

Yeah, I want to do a house cat eventually. Not this set, though.

Maybe in the next set we'll see a tiny cat familiar and a small Tiny ahem dog? ;-)

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