satio of the Steel Fang's page

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So I'm thinking of building my ninja around Ninja stars but need to know a few things before I fully commit to the build

Can I trigger sneak attack with the two extra attacks.

If not then what is point of this ability

At 1D2 per hit i just don't see the use unless it dose.

TxSam88 wrote:

in no particular order

Vanishing Trick
Flurry of Stars
Invisible Blade
Ghost Step
Improved Evasion
Shadow Clone

If you are doing TWF, then you want Piranha Strike.

Can you give me a example of a build using the the catfolk claws

As my main weapon. I ask cause I want my character to use stealth and use pounce to get full attacks in. I just don't really understand how natrual weapon work

So with the help of My GM I've settle on a catfolk Ninja

The game is 15 point buy and I'm thinking the following for stats

Str 10
Dex 16 (Stat boost at level 4 calculated in)
Con 13
INT 10 (8 Skill point per level + Favored class Bonus skill points i think should do)
Wis 8
Cha 16

My character is gonna focues on being sneaky and infiltrating and maybe run and hit tatics
I want of course their stealth abilities to be high and for them to be decent at Disguise checks

I plan for him to fight with two kamas for he dose not have claws of his own

Obviously I know that means TWF and I guess I'll need weapon Finesse but I'm not so sure on his last feat

And as for Ninja Trick probally going with vanishing Trick at 2nd level but not sure about his 4th level Trick.

Mysterious Stranger wrote:

I have to agree with Java Man. Slayers are full BAB class with a decent number of skills. You can use slayer talents to get trapfinding and ranger combat style. Studied Target gives you a bonus on a lot of skills including perception and sense motive, and to both hit and damage. You also get sneak attack and can the feat Acomplished Sneak Attacker to increase the number of dice. You have two good saves vs the one for the rogue. Because of picking up two weapon fighting feats as a Ranger Bonus feat you ignore the prerequisites. Which means you don’t need to max out your DEX.

The increased BAB means you get your iterative attacks sooner. By 6th level a Slayer can be getting 4 attacks with his daggers. The unchained rouge will not be able to this until 8th level.

That sounds cool would it be possible to build it around the rope dart weapon

I'm thinking of taking equipment trick rope and fainting at range with it and using in and out of battle

Up date Thinking of going unchained rogue and using a rope-dart

What's a good set for feats and talents ?

Still level 5

Level 5 character

He is an Unnamed Elf. Tan skin but Not Drow
He is tall with well toned muscles. He is very agile and is an expert at stealth and hit and run tactics. He uses daggers to fight and normally has two main daggers along with several other (Not enchanted or such) along his arms waist and legs for throwing

I want him to feel like he belongs in the wild but also want him to be the part trap expert for disarming such things and good to have in a dungeon

I plan to take racial feature Fey sighted to get constant Dect Magic.

I want him to have a runic eye patch over his left eye for an air of mystery

Hell be call as well 6FT2

I'll probably dump cha but I do want to focus on dew and have a positive con and wis mod as I his perception skills to be fairly respectable

I'm thinking of playing a Samsarans Magus and would like Advice on spells from my past life as I'm going with the Mystic Past Life feature .

I'm starting at level 5 and not sure what would be a fun but useful class to have been my past life

Name Violation wrote:

go-to feats that arent needed all the time, but when you need them they really matter

rat catcher
Dedicated Adversary
Blind Fighting

Thanks ill keep those in mind

I Know most of the range combat feats i could take. played several Archers in past

Do You have any suggestion for combat Manuvers related feats ?

Besides the obvious Improved & Greater feats ?

I'd like to figure out combinations of feats to grab with my Martial Flexibility

I am level 5 and took dirty fighting at first level I want to have a good trip tree and a good grapple tree maybe 3ven a good Disarm tree to grab

I know I have just the beginning of Martial flex but I'd like to have some planned out

Any other feat / feat combos idea to grab would be cool as well

I have a up coming game in a few weeks and could use a bit of Advice

I will be playing a Barbrian who uses the rules from sphere of might
He will be Two weapon fighting with a pair of bearded battle axes

I want him to be able to do some sort of combat Manuver(S) with said weapon . I'm thinking Disarm , perhaps reposition or maybe Trippimg

Could I get some input on how I should go about it?

The axes are a Boon my character will start with and the Gm will tweak them based on my build

All my feats are free to use as I am using the sphere of might to Twp weapon fight


I want to know if over 10 levels my character concept could be pulled off

I'd like to craft a swashbuckler Who in place of using a man made weapon he fights using piercing unarmed strikes

I could see him with either levels of brawler or in monk

But not to sure if it's just to much of a gimic
And would be lack luster.