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I at one point remember seeing a trait or maybe a feat that improves a character existing energy resistance or maybe it was like it gave 1 point of each type of energy resistance . I screw together but never played a Aasmir paladin who had like 5 resistance to each Element. Trying to find that feature again ![]()
Beside the Obvious fighter for the pure amount of feats I'd get What is a good class / Archtype for a strong hardy dwarf whom uses a war-Axe and a sheid Not sure if he'd shield bash or just use the shield for defense I'm kinda all fighter out at moment but want to play an atypical dwarf who is like moving fortress Ideally some way to get DR / and energy resistance would be cool ![]()
@ Taja the Barbarian that dose not seem half bad
@ Azothath ya I figured I'd want a few spells with Power behind them
@ Belafon Ya that helps out a lot. Seeing what I need feat and trait wise @ I grok do u dually noted about the dispel
If i want to build around MM what of the caater classes would be best. What one would allow me to bring some versatility with the spell the best I don't plan to only use that spell but it would be my main spell ..
I'd like to realy on the fact that for the most part the spell doesn't miss so I'd like to take meta magic feats that would add effects to the misses like tripping or dazing a foe etc etc . ![]()
I need some build advice I got a level 5 character to build and want to play a paladin who deals heavy damage via smite evil with high crit weapon, really want my paladin to use a Katana as. Y main weapon I am looking for advice on what Arcntype too play
I would prefer no mount as well Also beside power attack and improved crit when I'm able to take it
I want my character to deal out pain via Two handing a katana . Taking advantage of the weapons wide threat range and the fact that I'd be getting 1 & 1/2 Strengh mode and power Attack. I want to go fighter but currently am one in my current game So looking for a class that can wear full plate. And can take advantage of how I want to fight Not sure if any other class would have class abilities to pair wwll ![]()
I plan to run a dungeon adventure and I'm looking at creating unique items as treasures in each dugeon 1 is an old tattered and worn grimore that will teach a new Spell I want it to be flavorful balanced but still useful My idea is a cone based attack that inflicts 1D6 points of damage per caster level max 15D6 inflicting slashing damage that over comes both magic and slashing DR and must be casted with a slashing weapon in hand as part of the cost . A non magical.weapon shatters on activation of the spell. But if used with a magical weapon there is an additonal effect, anything that takes damage from spell suffers bleed damage = To crit multiplier of weapon used as focus for the spell. I know its nothing major but I'd like to work it out as a 4th level spell not sure the school I plan to create several custom spells and items as relics from the worlds Long forgotten past and special rewards for the players ![]()
So we are starting of at level 3 We have 2 players Myself a path of war fighter who is using archery as his form of combat And my friend who is playing s Sohere of power
Are Gm sat a spefic rule we can start with any items 10 gold are less as many different items as we want but besides my bow (Non magic Short bow) no item can be worth more than 10 gold on its own So i can get a list of cheap items that be help for us? ![]()
My fellow player wants to for got is normal Bardic party face style character he often plays and wants to try his hand at being a Tank type character. And the GM as asked me to help him with his build. We be starting. At level 3 Human only 15 point buy I know how I'd build it but would like a few suggestions on Class and feats to see if there anything i didn't think of. Path of war is allowed My thoughts where Fighter or Paladin or maybe warder from Pow. I'm a fan of the mobile bulwark line but not user if my friend wants to wait till he can afford a towershield We don't have gold to start but we can start with any item that cost 10GP or less ![]()
TxSam88 wrote:
Can you give me a example of a build using the the catfolk claws As my main weapon. I ask cause I want my character to use stealth and use pounce to get full attacks in. I just don't really understand how natrual weapon work![]()
So with the help of My GM I've settle on a catfolk Ninja The game is 15 point buy and I'm thinking the following for stats Str 10
My character is gonna focues on being sneaky and infiltrating and maybe run and hit tatics
I plan for him to fight with two kamas for he dose not have claws of his own Obviously I know that means TWF and I guess I'll need weapon Finesse but I'm not so sure on his last feat And as for Ninja Trick probally going with vanishing Trick at 2nd level but not sure about his 4th level Trick. ![]()
Mysterious Stranger wrote:
That sounds cool would it be possible to build it around the rope dart weapon I'm thinking of taking equipment trick rope and fainting at range with it and using in and out of battle ![]()
Level 5 character He is an Unnamed Elf. Tan skin but Not Drow
I want him to feel like he belongs in the wild but also want him to be the part trap expert for disarming such things and good to have in a dungeon I plan to take racial feature Fey sighted to get constant Dect Magic. I want him to have a runic eye patch over his left eye for an air of mystery Hell be call as well 6FT2 I'll probably dump cha but I do want to focus on dew and have a positive con and wis mod as I his perception skills to be fairly respectable ![]()
Name Violation wrote:
Thanks ill keep those in mind I Know most of the range combat feats i could take. played several Archers in past Do You have any suggestion for combat Manuvers related feats ? Besides the obvious Improved & Greater feats ? ![]()
I'd like to figure out combinations of feats to grab with my Martial Flexibility I am level 5 and took dirty fighting at first level I want to have a good trip tree and a good grapple tree maybe 3ven a good Disarm tree to grab I know I have just the beginning of Martial flex but I'd like to have some planned out Any other feat / feat combos idea to grab would be cool as well ![]()
I have a up coming game in a few weeks and could use a bit of Advice I will be playing a Barbrian who uses the rules from sphere of might
I want him to be able to do some sort of combat Manuver(S) with said weapon . I'm thinking Disarm , perhaps reposition or maybe Trippimg Could I get some input on how I should go about it? The axes are a Boon my character will start with and the Gm will tweak them based on my build All my feats are free to use as I am using the sphere of might to Twp weapon fight ![]()
Hello I want to know if over 10 levels my character concept could be pulled off I'd like to craft a swashbuckler Who in place of using a man made weapon he fights using piercing unarmed strikes I could see him with either levels of brawler or in monk But not to sure if it's just to much of a gimic