Arcanist - Magical knack + Toughness

Rules Questions

So the question is so:
Do Toughness rise your hp/HD so you can use Magical Knack in solo caster class?
for exmp, if i roll full d6 and Toughness adds me another +1hp, will it rise my HD or it's just "bonus" hp-pool...

Toughness only increases your HP(Hit Points). Magical Knack is limited by your HD(Hit Dice). There is no interaction between toughness and magical knack.


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If you would like to use Magical Knack to improve your caster level, the Bard class can provide bonus hit dice with its Inspire Greatness performance, at which point Magical Knack will indeed raise your caster level by 2. It's not that popular a trick though because if you are aiming for a high caster level you are still going to end up with a caster level exceeding your hit dice, causing Magical Knack to do nothing.

If you want to obtain a higher caster level, there is Strand of Prayer Beads, Orange Prism Ioun Stone (typically used with a Wayfinder so it doesn't orbit your head where anyone can try to do things to it), casting Death Knell, the Aether drug (but you'll have to learn the drug usage rules in Pathfinder), various feats (Varisian Tattoo, Spell Specialization, Bloatmage Initiate), various traits (such as Gifted Adept), and more.

Tom Sampson wrote:

Wow! thanks a lot! Yes, i was thinking about IOUN Stone, but was thinking on implement it to the body.

Also, do you know about, how many of IOUN Stones can be active at the same time? runnig around my head or be in my body?

There is no limit to how many ioun stones you can use at the same time, but getting the same ioun stone multiple times typically does not result in stacking bonuses (there are some ioun stones that do stack, and they will explicitly mention that), so if you were hoping to acquire multiple orange prism ioun stones, you still only get the benefits of one.

as noted the two don't interact as trait Magical Knack only affects caster level not actual level.

as you've posted a bunch of queries - my Advice:
> PF1 BUild Guides on ZG
> How to play a wizard thread #45, 2024 with some good builds
> Items that can save you thread, 2019

just remember it's a game to have fun and Role Play(RP)

Yep, thanks for the info.
no, just want some small effects, nothing big. + to CL / not needing food/water/air, age cease +some regeneration xD

Yep, i was searching a way to rise my caster lvl for my spells. but has already calmed down about it

Marian_Di_Tog wrote:
Yep, i was searching a way to rise my caster lvl for my spells. but has already calmed down about it

Don't gorget about power components for your spells.

thorin001 wrote:

Don't gorget about power components for your spells.

UGH... Yes, totally forgot about them.

but as an excuse, i'm currently in party there all is lvl 2, with 2 spells active - burning hands & snowball.
So yet have a time.

but thanks for remindning xD

Shocking robe
Blazing robe
Varisian Tattoo

These are my favorite ways of boosting Caster level, combine one of the robes with the Admixture School, and pretty much ANY damaging spell gets the boost.

TxSam88 wrote:

Shocking robe

Blazing robe
Varisian Tattoo

These are my favorite ways of boosting Caster level, combine one of the robes with the Admixture School, and pretty much ANY damaging spell gets the boost.

Looks pretty awesome. need to check. thanks!

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