Anyone know what are the top 5 largest dungeons in 2e?

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

Like in which adventure paths can I find them in?

I know Abomination Vaults is huge, are there more?


Crown of the Koldbold King, it's not as big as Abomination Vaults, but it's 128 pages and has 5 levels of dungeons.

Do you mean in terms of scale or adventure content?

If scale, all five will be vaults, some as big as continents though APs visit few. The "retroactively didn't happen" Second Darkness AP I believe ends in a vault. And the Serpent's Skull AP's finale occurs in a monumental cave (I believe taking two modules to traverse), plus the ruined city above it could as easily be underground given the monstrosities battling for territory there.
If content, Emerald Spire is considered a megadungeon, though it's not on the scale of classic megadungeons (and it's not in an AP). IMO it's more like several stacked dungeons with minimal impact on each other.

These lean older probably because so much is occurring on the surface of Golarion already.

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@Castiliano: the OP specifically mentioned “largest dungeons in 2e”.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

The Guantlight and The Pit are both megadungeons. The Gauntlight takes all three books of Abomination Vaults. The Pit takes all of Seven Dooms For Sandpoint, which was a double sized Adventure Path volume. The upcoming Shades of Blood is a three book megadungeon too.

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Thanks all.

So for 2e, is it safe to say Abomination Vaults followed by Seven Dooms for Sandpoint followed by Shades of Blood would be considered the 3 biggest, in that order? Thanks again, no issues if some 1e adventure paths were mentioned. Good to know.


permafrost777 wrote:

Thanks all.

So for 2e, is it safe to say Abomination Vaults followed by Seven Dooms for Sandpoint followed by Shades of Blood would be considered the 3 biggest, in that order? Thanks again, no issues if some 1e adventure paths were mentioned. Good to know.

Crown of the Koldbold King was remade into a hardcover book for PF2e It combines 3 adventures to make the hardcover book.

Crown of the Koldbold King .

Liberty's Edge

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As someone who has just run Crown of the Kobold King for a 2e party, I would be hesitant to recommend it. The story is fun, but there have been a lot of changes in encounter design from 1e to 2e and the adventure is more of a direct port. It means that things like what is expected in rest time between fights, having lots of single powerful creature fights instead of multiple equal or lower CR creatures in encounters, or just the flow feels very different. Its a fun artifact to take me back to the early days, but doesn't stand up real well to the more current stuff.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

We have no idea the size of the dungeon for Shades of Blood yet. We know it's a three book dungeon, so likely similar in size to AV. The Pit is slightly smaller (though not much). Otherwise any other large dungeon in a 2E book is a single book at most.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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I can confirm that the magic combo of: "Megadungeons tend to be popular" and "Megadungeons are among the easier adventures to write and develop" (because they lean so strongly into the core gameplay loop of the game) will continue to result in more of these big dungeons going forward. So if folks have a particular location or style they're looking for in a megadungeon Adventure or Adventure Path... let us know!

Just remember that, barring happy coincidences, we've already got the products for this year and next pretty much locked in, so even if someone suggests a "We never thought of that and should do it ASAP"... the ASAP there is at minimum 2 years out. If not more.

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It's a 1E dungeon, but Fallowdeep from Midwives to Death is a pretty big dungeon. It's more like three or four smaller dungeons all stuck together.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
So if folks have a particular location or style they're looking for in a megadungeon Adventure or Adventure Path... let us know!

Reading this and the only 2 things that pop in my head are both high-level:

Eye of Abendego but somehow a dungeon, perhaps underwater in someway.


I am interested to see what comes next no matter what.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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JJGYET wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
So if folks have a particular location or style they're looking for in a megadungeon Adventure or Adventure Path... let us know!

Reading this and the only 2 things that pop in my head are both high-level:

Eye of Abendego but somehow a dungeon, perhaps underwater in someway.


I am interested to see what comes next no matter what.

If folks are interested in seeing stuff in the Eye of Abendego... make sure to check out our latest novel, Godsrain!

James Jacobs wrote:
If folks are interested in seeing stuff in the Eye of Abendego... make sure to check out our latest novel, Godsrain!

I'm 10 chapters in, pretty exciting so far! Book has good pacing. Also really enjoying the character interplay.


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James Jacobs wrote:

I can confirm that the magic combo of: "Megadungeons tend to be popular" and "Megadungeons are among the easier adventures to write and develop" (because they lean so strongly into the core gameplay loop of the game) will continue to result in more of these big dungeons going forward. So if folks have a particular location or style they're looking for in a megadungeon Adventure or Adventure Path... let us know!

Just remember that, barring happy coincidences, we've already got the products for this year and next pretty much locked in, so even if someone suggests a "We never thought of that and should do it ASAP"... the ASAP there is at minimum 2 years out. If not more.

Planar weirdness! Ever since playing WoTR (the game) and getting to rock around the abyss for a bit I've wanted to do something similar in other planes. Especially the "lesser" planes like the dimension of time. Granted the dimension of time's whole thing is that we don't know anything about it, but still.

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Hey, for a more tense and exciting scene in dungeons these rules/additions are great:

- Wandering Monsters rules such as spawning closer if there's too much light or noise, etc
- Light sources, torches, lanterns should be more useful somehow
- Noise, doors shutting, breaking through stuck doors, loud spells, traps going off, etc should attract something
- Characters must rest every hour or get penalties
- Pursuing monsters can be fended off depending if monster is intelligent or what not, drop coins, fod, line of sight, etc

These rules would have made Pathfinder Kingmaker and Wrath PC games even funner.

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Perpdepog wrote:
It's a 1E dungeon, but Fallowdeep from Midwives to Death is a pretty big dungeon. It's more like three or four smaller dungeons all stuck together.

Thanks for pointing this out, it's within the Tyrant's Grasp Adventure path, will check out that one also. Wish all these adventure paths came in hardcovers.

One halloween night Bastard Hall. One dark, spooky, and mist shrounded moonlit Halloween night.

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