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So I'm thinking of building my ninja around Ninja stars but need to know a few things before I fully commit to the build
Can I trigger sneak attack with the two extra attacks.
If not then what is point of this ability
At 1D2 per hit i just don't see the use unless it dose.
Throwing builds generally don't work very well, or at least take additional resources to get working: Typically, some method of getting your thrown magic weapon to return to your hand after each throw is mandatory after a few levels, and this is on top of the typical heavy feat requirements for any ranged build.
That being said, Flurry of Stars works just like a typical Flurry of Blows ability so each attack can get Sneak Attack damage if you still meet the sneak attack requirements (flanking doesn't work with ranged attacks, so you need to keep denying your foe his/her Dexterity bonus somehow, which can be difficult for an entire full attack routine as both stealth and basic invisibility are broken by your first attack):
If a ninja can catch an opponent when he is unable to defend himself effectively from her attack, she can strike a vital spot for extra damage.
The ninja's attacks deal extra damage anytime her target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the ninja flanks her target. This extra damage is 1d6 at 1st level, and increases by 1d6 every two ninja levels thereafter. Bonus damage from sneak attacks is precision damage. Should the ninja score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this precision damage is not multiplied. Ranged attacks count as sneak attacks only if the target is within 30 feet.
With a weapon that deals nonlethal damage (such as a sap, whip, or unarmed strike), a ninja can make a sneak attack that deals nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. She cannot use a weapon that deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage in a sneak attack, even with the usual –4 penalty.
The ninja must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot, and must be able to reach this spot. A ninja cannot sneak attack while striking a creature that has concealment.
The most likely usages of this ability are when:
a) Your first non-surprise round of combat starts with you within 35' of a foe who hasn't acted yet (and is therefore flatfooted), orb) You have a form of invisibility that does not break when you attack (like the Invisible Blade (Su) advanced ninja trick).

TxSam88 |

Typically, some method of getting your thrown magic weapon to return to your hand after each throw is mandatory after a few levels,
Shuriken are considered ammunition, any that hit are "destroyed or rendered useless" and those that miss have a 50% chance of the same. so making them returning is generally worthless.
That being said, you can indeed Sneak attack with every shuriken you throw if you qualify for sneak attack with those attacks.
At 10th level, a Ninja can become invisible as Greater Invisibility using the Invisible Blade Ninja Trick, this works perfectly to provide sneak attack damage for all the shuriken in a shuriken flurry. I typically don't even bother with the weapon damage, and just roll the sneak attack damage.

zza ni |

Goz mask + saltspray ring. (some races, spells and abilities can replace the goz mask)
And stay 10 ft away at least (which you probably already doing since you are ranging)
you're welcome.

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Can I trigger sneak attack with the two extra attacks.
If not then what is point of this ability
At 1D2 per hit i just don't see the use unless it dose.
Yes you can, provided the attacks are eligible to be sneak attacks. Which, in practice, means the opponent needs to be denied their dexterity bonus against all your attacks that round. Greater Invisibility is the typical way a ninja accomplishes this.
As others have alluded to, a shuriken-focused build seems like it should be fun but in practice there is a lot stacked against it. Throwing builds in general need a lot of feats. Shurikens count as ammunition and are consumed (on a hit) or have a 50/50 chance of being lost (on a miss, and assuming you have time to scour the area), which means that throwing magical shurikens gets VERY expensive. Their range increment is quite short (10 ft). And as you point out the base damage is very low so you do almost no damage if they don't qualify as a sneak attack. All of which means that archery, in particular, is usually considered a better alternative to shurikens.
There are possible builds that can use shurikens effectively but don't come online until higher levels. For example All the Stars in the Sky is an advanced Ninja trick that takes care of the "counts as ammunition" problem (but isn't available until 10th level).

TxSam88 |

Is there any feat or other ability that allows you to use your STR modifier as the "to hit" stat instead of DEX when using a thrown weapon?
don't worry about doing a STR build for shuriken, go DEX and embrace it, build it as you would an archer build. use Deadly Aim, and One of the gloves that gives your weapon flaming of acid, at 10th level you should have around 4 or 5 Shuriken throws all at around 1d2 + 4 + 1d6 fire + 5d6 sneak attack. 30d6 potential damage in one round is pretty nice.

I grok do u |
Is there any feat or other ability that allows you to use your STR modifier as the "to hit" stat instead of DEX when using a thrown weapon?
The belt of hurling does as an item.

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Arkat wrote:Is there any feat or other ability that allows you to use your STR modifier as the "to hit" stat instead of DEX when using a thrown weapon?don't worry about doing a STR build for shuriken, go DEX and embrace it, build it as you would an archer build. use Deadly Aim, and One of the gloves that gives your weapon flaming of acid, at 10th level you should have around 4 or 5 Shuriken throws all at around 1d2 + 4 + 1d6 fire + 5d6 sneak attack. 30d6 potential damage in one round is pretty nice.
Thanks, but making an axe-thrower dude...a dwarven waraxe thrower.
Arkat wrote:Is there any feat or other ability that allows you to use your STR modifier as the "to hit" stat instead of DEX when using a thrown weapon?The belt of hurling does as an item.
How did I not know about this item?? I've paged through UE many, many times, but yet missed it every time.