Trying to figure out the right class for this character


Level 5 character

He is an Unnamed Elf. Tan skin but Not Drow
He is tall with well toned muscles. He is very agile and is an expert at stealth and hit and run tactics. He uses daggers to fight and normally has two main daggers along with several other (Not enchanted or such) along his arms waist and legs for throwing

I want him to feel like he belongs in the wild but also want him to be the part trap expert for disarming such things and good to have in a dungeon

I plan to take racial feature Fey sighted to get constant Dect Magic.

I want him to have a runic eye patch over his left eye for an air of mystery

Hell be call as well 6FT2

I'll probably dump cha but I do want to focus on dew and have a positive con and wis mod as I his perception skills to be fairly respectable

Swashbuckler Flying Blade.

Slayer can do traps, stealth. dual weapons, mobility and wilderness.

Up date Thinking of going unchained rogue and using a rope-dart

What's a good set for feats and talents ?

Still level 5

I have to agree with Java Man. Slayers are full BAB class with a decent number of skills. You can use slayer talents to get trapfinding and ranger combat style. Studied Target gives you a bonus on a lot of skills including perception and sense motive, and to both hit and damage. You also get sneak attack and can the feat Acomplished Sneak Attacker to increase the number of dice. You have two good saves vs the one for the rogue. Because of picking up two weapon fighting feats as a Ranger Bonus feat you ignore the prerequisites. Which means you don’t need to max out your DEX.

The increased BAB means you get your iterative attacks sooner. By 6th level a Slayer can be getting 4 attacks with his daggers. The unchained rouge will not be able to this until 8th level.

If you are going slayer and don't mind loosing the studied target ability for a cool factor with good defensive and utility abilities then I would suggest to go with an Ankou's Shadow. by level 5 you can have 2 mirror images constantly following you (until destroyed\discharged but can be recalled) and since it's level 5 they can also aid another (in combat, doesn't seem to be for skills, not at this level) and give flanking.

the Cool factor is that you can almost always appear to leave after images and make anyone nervous by not knowing which one of the triplets the real you is.

It sounds like the original poster decided on the unchained rogue, but the earlier description sounds a lot like a nature fang druid to me.

Slayer definitely works you could probably do rogue with one of the nature archetypes and ranks in survival

Mysterious Stranger wrote:

I have to agree with Java Man. Slayers are full BAB class with a decent number of skills. You can use slayer talents to get trapfinding and ranger combat style. Studied Target gives you a bonus on a lot of skills including perception and sense motive, and to both hit and damage. You also get sneak attack and can the feat Acomplished Sneak Attacker to increase the number of dice. You have two good saves vs the one for the rogue. Because of picking up two weapon fighting feats as a Ranger Bonus feat you ignore the prerequisites. Which means you don’t need to max out your DEX.

The increased BAB means you get your iterative attacks sooner. By 6th level a Slayer can be getting 4 attacks with his daggers. The unchained rouge will not be able to this until 8th level.

That sounds cool would it be possible to build it around the rope dart weapon

I'm thinking of taking equipment trick rope and fainting at range with it and using in and out of battle

satio of the Steel Fang wrote:
Mysterious Stranger wrote:

I have to agree with Java Man. Slayers are full BAB class with a decent number of skills. You can use slayer talents to get trapfinding and ranger combat style. Studied Target gives you a bonus on a lot of skills including perception and sense motive, and to both hit and damage. You also get sneak attack and can the feat Acomplished Sneak Attacker to increase the number of dice. You have two good saves vs the one for the rogue. Because of picking up two weapon fighting feats as a Ranger Bonus feat you ignore the prerequisites. Which means you don’t need to max out your DEX.

The increased BAB means you get your iterative attacks sooner. By 6th level a Slayer can be getting 4 attacks with his daggers. The unchained rouge will not be able to this until 8th level.

That sounds cool would it be possible to build it around the rope dart weapon

I'm thinking of taking equipment trick rope and fainting at range with it and using in and out of battle

The rope dart is an exotic, thrown, ranged weapon. This weapon uses DEX as a ranged attack and STR for damage. Strict RAW, this is not a finesseable weapon, so even the unchained rogue would not be able to get DEX to damage on it. Although, that is always something you can discuss with your GM to waive.

Otherwise plan on getting a belt of hurling to use STR on attacks as well.

What is tricky about the weapon is that you'll want many ranged weapon feats (points blank shot, precise shot, etc.) and, for sneak attacks, feinting feats and talents. You'll be buying two of them to use two-weapon fighting (or making use of a dagger/kukri/whatever to handle melee switch hitting). Also, you'll be relying on feints to get sneak attack since you can't flank at range. The usual feint line of feats is Combat Expertise, Improved Feint (move action), Ranged Feint, and Greater Feint, and possibly two-weapon feint as well.

Not sure what equipment trick abilities you're interested in as some require additional feats, but you can have quick release (no reqs), coil (sleight of hand 5 ranks), lifeline (climb 5 ranks), and slip away (escape artist 5 ranks) at level 5.

So feats could be something like
1: exotic weapon proficiency (rope dart)
2: slayer talent - ranger combat style: two-weapon fighting - two-weapon fighting
3: point blank shot
4: slayer talent - rogue talent: feint from shadows, or trap finding
5: precise shot or, if preferred,equipment trick (rope)

At 6: slayer talent improved two-weapon fighting

I'm probably way too late to this party, but was Ninja considered at all?

The rope dart is going to be very difficult to pull off for this character. As it is an exotic weapon it will require a feat to gain proficiency with it. As a ranged weapon you cannot flank or feint with it. You can take the feat ranged feint to allow you to feint, but you still cannot flank. Feinting is normally a standard action which means you cannot attack in the same round you feint. Improved Feint reduces that to a move action, but requires combat expertise and a 13 INT. Even then feint only loses their DEX bonus vs your next attack. This means you need 4 feats and will still only get one attack when feinting. At 5th level you are a feat short, so the build does not come online until 7th level.

Rope dart is also a one-handed weapon not a light weapon. That means that the penalties for two weapon fighting are -4 on both weapons not -2. Normally you cannot get multiple attacks with a thrown weapon, but I could see allowing it.

Daggers work much better. Take weapon finesse and quick draw feats and either power attack or piranha strike as your third feat.

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