Pathfinder 3 Game news?

Paizo General Discussion

Hey there, just wondering if a Pathfinder 3 will be made someday, Pathfinder Kingmaker and Wrath of the Righteous are two of the best games ever made. Also, wouldn't Carrion Crown make the perfect story/setting?

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

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If you're talking about the video games made by Owlcat, I agree with you, they're fantastic games. It does seem like they don't want to do PF2 rules for their games and Paizo doesn't want more PF1 games made though. Owlcat has made their most recent game based on Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader instead. No news on what Owlcat's next game will be though.

Oh wow, didn't know that Owlcat actually had a say in all that. That is a little weird hmmm. Like why would they care if it's 1E or 2e? Have to do with reprogramming everything from scratch or? Myself I prefer 1E and was surprised to read that Pathfinder had moved on to 2e after what happened with D&D 4e etc...

But I looked at the 2E rules and could get down with that for sure.

PS> There's been two Pathfinder games announced, one is with some miniature tabletop style of play and another seems like it's some hack n slash Diablo type.

I hope they don't give up on CRPG's though, those have huge followings, I've played thousands of games and never seen anything quite like them. And so much content too. I have about 1000 hrs in both and can easily see myself doubling that.

Would be great to see a part 3, something that takes place in various settings, like forests, hills, haunted mansions, dungeons, oh wait but thatswhat they've been doing. But please, no more werewolves with swords lol.

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Yeah, Owlcat seems quite busy with their 40k fun, and my understanding is they prefer PF1's ruleset over 2 for their home games. I don't expect a third Pathfinder release from them, much as I want an Iron Gods adaptation.

easywolf32 wrote:
I hope they don't give up on CRPG's though, those have huge followings, I've played thousands of games and never seen anything quite like them. And so much content too. I have about 1000 hrs in both and can easily see myself doubling that.

Dragon's Demand IS a CRPG. It simply has a more miniature-style artstyle and is developed my Ossian Studios rather than Owlcat Games.

keftiu wrote:
Yeah, Owlcat seems quite busy with their 40k fun, and my understanding is they prefer PF1's ruleset over 2 for their home games. I don't expect a third Pathfinder release from them, much as I want an Iron Gods adaptation.

Hey, why Iron gods? How are the settings in that one?

I think in the past Owlcat expressed that they consider doing second edition a waste of time and money, when they have first edition of Pathfinder implemented.

Well, I'd let them do a 1st edition since A LOT of people love 1E even more. What a win win situation for everyone. AT the same time I'd have another company trying to make a 2e. These games should be coming out like adventure paths. :)

Friggin Owlcat though, those 2 games they made are masterpieces. I wouldn't go playing with the recipe and ingredients and end up hiring some company with thoughts such as Amiri in anime form are fresh and exciting and that kind of bs.

Right now I can tell there's a starvation for more new CPRG's in the market. Solasta just announced a new one and everyone's excited lol.

No idea how to edit my previous post concerning Iron gods, love the storyline behind Numeria and the spaceship crash and all, heck I really enjoyed clearing that dungeon in Wrath, but I dunno about mixing lasers and swords for a whole game. One or 2 dungeons or settings sure, but even than I'd keep this stuff really rare lol.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
keftiu wrote:
and my understanding is they prefer PF1's ruleset over 2 for their home games.
GGSigmar wrote:
I think in the past Owlcat expressed that they consider doing second edition a waste of time and money, when they have first edition of Pathfinder implemented.

That is somehow still an urban legend, although it has been repudiated multiple times by their reddit moderator. ^^

Also, sadly, currently they are not working on a new Pathfinder game.

Grand Lodge

For someone who has never played video games or computer games (other than Pong when it first came out, and a little arcade stuff in the early-mid 80s), I really don't know how to get started.

Maybe one of y'all can help.

A decade or so ago when OwlCat first did WotR I actually went to my computer guy and and him write down what computer specs (RAM and Audio-Card and Graphic-Something) I would need to buy to fully enjoy the computer game. But I never went through with it.

Yet I'm thinking about giving it another go this holiday season -- having a buddy build me a computer with the OwlCat WotR (and probably KM now that that exists) and give it a try.

Can anyone give me advice on how to get started not regarding the computer specs, just what the games are like?

Isn't it kinda like I build a group of PCs and play through the APs, just like, I dunno know, by myself? Right?

Thanks in advance!

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Hey WE Ray, WOTR was released in 2021 I believe. BUT, if I were you this is what I'd do: Get yourself something modest but great like this Aliweware ng-desktop/spd/alienware-aurora-r16-desktop/useahctor16i15 with SSD Drives and a 4070 Graphics card which is great, I have a 1070 and still run WOTR. You can upgrade to a 4080 or 4090 if you want though. Not to make this a computer discussion, but I'd just get an ALienware and keep it for 10+ years instead of fiddling with making your own, been down that road and it ends up costing you the same or more and can easily muck it up with wrong parts etc.

BUT, should you get all that done, do yourself a favor and start with Pathfinder Kingmaker (I actually prefer this one by a small tad due to the MUCH better characters, which are more adult like compared to the annoying ones in WOTR which I abandonned them all in the main city due to the endless annoying screaming while fighting)....

Kingmaker is just GREAT, but whatever you do do not visit the spider cave before lvl 3 due to swarms and bring torches and stuff for them. That was probably the main reason many quit the game and the kingdom management part which I loved. Read up on those quest guides from gamefaq and neoseeker also.

Than I would do WOTR. I'd rate Kingmaker like a 97/100 and WOTR like a 95.

PS> This Pathfinder Kingmaker WIKI site is just the best and most useful website

Grand Lodge

(Wow the years blend together -- a decade, a half decade -- I'm getting old.)

But it is basically that you build PCs (or just one PC?!?) and then play that character through the AP, yes?

I played through Kingmaker a hundred years ago and have tried to play through Wrath of the Righteous twice now, getting to the beginning of Vol 3 once and the end of Vol 1 once. (When one is counted upon to be the DM one often doesn't get the chance to play through certain APs.) And I think by now, the computer game may just be my best bet for WotR.

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W E Ray wrote:

(Wow the years blend together -- a decade, a half decade -- I'm getting old.)

But it is basically that you build PCs (or just one PC?!?) and then play that character through the AP, yes?

I played through Kingmaker a hundred years ago and have tried to play through Wrath of the Righteous twice now, getting to the beginning of Vol 3 once and the end of Vol 1 once. (When one is counted upon to be the DM one often doesn't get the chance to play through certain APs.) And I think by now, the computer game may just be my best bet for WotR.

You make your main character, and then recruit a cast of named characters with their own stories and starting builds that you then have the freedom to build on top of. The main plot of each mostly follows the AP, but takes some new narrative turns, especially in the endgames of each.

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