Augmented mythic blade barrier

Rules Questions

One of my players just reached 4th mythic tier. He wants to add blade barrier to his mythic spell list and cast the augmented version :

Augmented (3rd): If you expend two uses of mythic power, you can spend a move action to move the barrier up to 10 feet in any direction. the shape (flat or ring) and orientation (vertical or horizontal) of the wall must remain the same. If you move the barrier through A creature’s space, it can attempt a saving throw to avoid the wall, as if you had created it where the creature is.

I am not sure of the interpretation of the augmented version of the spell, especially with regard to moving the barrier.

1. The character spends two mythic points to activate the augmented version. He can move the barrier each round, using a move action for each move, for the duration of the spell.

2. The character spends two mythic points to activate the augmented version. He can move the barrier once for the duration of the spell, by using a move action.

3. The character casts the augmented version of the spell. He uses two mythic points to move the barrier once, by using a move action. For the duration of the spell, he can spend two more mythic points on a later round to move the barrier again, by using a move action.

I suppose that #1 is the correct version, do you think I'm right?

my interpretation is #3

You spend 2 Points to cast the augmented version of the mythic spell.
1 Point is for the mythic version. This cost is included in the 2 points you pay for the augmented spell.

So if you cast Blade Barrier:
0 Points: normal Blade Barrier
1 Point: Mythic Blade Barrier
2 Points: Augmented Mythic Blade Barrier

You dont pay any additional costs after this.
He can use a move action every round to move the Blade Barrier.

The wording is a bit off, but every augmented spell has the same first line: "If you spent X points, ... "
You just spend the points to get the augmented version.
In this case, the augmented version has the benefit, that you can move the spell as a move action. You need no additional cost.

Its more a " If you spend 2 points, than you get this additional benefit for the duration of the spell"

And yes thats strong, but its mythic, its strong and not very well balanced.

Thank you for your answers.

@TxSam88 : could you develop on what leads you to choose #3?

@Ju-Mo: I agree with you on the way to activate augmented versions of mythic spells. But as pointed out, the description may suggest otherwise for blade barrier. Maybe it is because English is not my native language...
So I conclude that you choose answer #1.
And, yes, it's powerful, maybe a little bit over-powered but it does not bother me. My players faces challenges appropriate for the level of their characters (19th - nearly 20th / MR4) and any advantage they get will also be granted to their opponents.

Yes it should be option 1.)

There is nothing in the spell discription of mythic spells that say otherwise.
If you pay 2 points you get the augmented version with the extra effect.
The extra effect just says: „As a move action you can move the blade barrier“

Nothing else, no extra cost.
Otherwise it would say: „As a move action you can spent 2 additional Points to move the BB“

It’s simple:
You spend 2 points, you get the augmented version. The extra effect of the augmented version is: „As a move action you can move the BB“
No additional cost is mentioned anywhere.

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