Question about air kineticist

Rules Discussion

Shadow Lodge

I was wondering how suppressing the air element using base kinesics would work. What exact effects can you do with it? The other elements seem a bit more straightforward in their effects, like water making it evaporate. What a suppress air do?


Just spitballing here away from my book. Reduce a natural (as in non magical) wind hazard like a gusty bridge, inhibit oxygen supply to a fire, maybe some natural electrical stuff if there are any?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

You can create a vacuum, killing everyone trapped in the room.

Matt Clay wrote:

I was wondering how suppressing the air element using base kinesics would work. What exact effects can you do with it? The other elements seem a bit more straightforward in their effects, like water making it evaporate. What a suppress air do?


You can probably make a loud bang. (I wouldn't follow the physics for instantly deleting a full bulk of air, but a small-scale thunderclap is pretty reasonable.)

Remove a pocket of air underwater.
I generally would allow dropping the altitude of any mundane flier by five feet (with max size depending on the bulk of air removed).
Put out a mundane torch or campfire.

It's a weird one, definitely. I don't think you're realistically going to end up with the character in airtight containers very often, so pulling a vacuum isn't going to matter and characters generally won't know about that.

Hold a tube with one end in liquid and delete the air, the pressure change will suck the liquid into the tube.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Agonarchy wrote:
Hold a tube with one end in liquid and delete the air, the pressure change will suck the liquid into the tube.

Congrats you used magic to bend the laws of physics and reality to...create a simple siphon instead of just using your mouth. XD

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Ravingdork wrote:
Agonarchy wrote:
Hold a tube with one end in liquid and delete the air, the pressure change will suck the liquid into the tube.
Congrats you used magic to bend the laws of physics and reality to...create a simple siphon instead of just using your mouth. XD

Hey man did you never have a chemistry class? Never siphon with your mouth!

Ravingdork wrote:
Agonarchy wrote:
Hold a tube with one end in liquid and delete the air, the pressure change will suck the liquid into the tube.
Congrats you used magic to bend the laws of physics and reality to...create a simple siphon instead of just using your mouth. XD

Hey, sometimes you don't want to touch it. Just like using Mage/Telekinetic Hand to pick up something dropped at the bottom of a pool of acid, sometimes magic goes where fingers should not.

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