Sunlord Thalachos

Matt Clay's page

*** Pathfinder Society GM. 55 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 42 Organized Play characters.


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Shadow Lodge 3/5 *

I am looking to buying the 40ap boon for an undead companion. I am looking to put beast master on my barbarian society character. I am wondering how I could heal a ghost shaped like a wolf at the table. Would an oil of unlife work? Any other ways to do this? Also it looks like at zero he dies and I have to bond again with a week of downtime or does he get the dying condition values?


Shadow Lodge 3/5 *

Sorry for dumb question but will these be on a certain vtt with the scenarios already inputted? I have only played online so far I could learn gm side if all inputted


Shadow Lodge

Can an exemplar have their spark in an ikon during exploration to gain the passive benefits?


Shadow Lodge

I am making an exemplar with the titans breaker ikon. Does this let me move the spark between two weapons that qualify for the feat, namely war hammer and great axe, or can I only imbue one. I understand only one can be active at a time but can’t put the spark into either one I chose? Also some of the defensive icons say that they grant resistance of half your level, does that mean it is zero ate el one or does it grant one? The powers do not read minimum of one specifically but I was wondering if it rounds to one by default.


Shadow Lodge 3/5 *

We are about to start the Gatewalkers adventure path. Do characters with the chronicles from this path gain society access to the rare backgrounds in the players guide in society play?


Shadow Lodge

I was wondering how suppressing the air element using base kinesics would work. What exact effects can you do with it? The other elements seem a bit more straightforward in their effects, like water making it evaporate. What a suppress air do?


Shadow Lodge

She’s a human that hates her family in Cheliax. So I am thinking best way to hurt them back is to free the halflings. She hates her family cause her halfling nurse maid was killed and thrown away with only her caring.

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I am going to play a Cheliaxian born champion of Calistria. She has the bellflower agent background and will be smuggling halflings from Cheliax to Andorran. I used acp to get her into the Eagle Knights as well. Having trouble coming up with a good reason for a champion of Calistria to be helping these halflings. Please help me come up with a good in world lore reason for her mission to free the halflings.


Shadow Lodge 3/5 *

Ok thanks

Shadow Lodge 3/5 *

Think that was what I was looking at but my character has crafting and is level 3 also I have yet to use any downtime days so can she craft the rapier? Is the cold iron low grade available?

Shadow Lodge 3/5 *

I have found conflicting numbers on how much it takes to make a rapier cold iron. Archives of Neyths says it is 20 go and 2sp per bulk. Pathbuilder says it is 40gp and 4gp per bulk. Can someone tell me which it is?

Shadow Lodge 3/5 *

Will there be a way to access the Werecreature archetype in society play?

Shadow Lodge 3/5 *

Ok Thanks

Shadow Lodge 3/5 *

For the purpose of wavetouched paragon, does Mediogalti Island count as the expanse region?

Shadow Lodge 3/5 *

That's too bad that's why we all played that scenario but thanks for clarification.

Shadow Lodge 3/5 *

I have played a scenario that gives access to sawtooth sabers as a proficiency. I wanted to make this character a Red Mantis Assassin. The boon itself says that "this boon does not grant access to the red mantis assassin dedication or other options that require an evil alignment." Since alignment is gone does this eliminate this line of the boon and since the only other pre req is the saber proficiency and access? I have this character worshipping Achaekek and has the mantis scion background. So is all this enough to take the dedication at level 2?


Shadow Lodge 3/5 *

I am looking to play a one shot to open up options for a new character. This one shot is level six and has pregens. How can I get the credit and boon onto a level one character?


Shadow Lodge 3/5 *


Shadow Lodge 3/5 *

I know I saw the answer on here but can’t find it anywhere now. I purchased the aasimar ancestry boon for 60 AP. Now that it is a free ancestry I thought I could get something for it. Please any aid is appreciated.


Shadow Lodge 3/5 *

In pf1 organized play you were supposed to have a pdf or physical copy of every book you took something out of for your character. With pf2 and the Archives of Neyths, is this still the case? My wife and I plan on attending GenCon next year and I would like to know if I need to pack all my books.


Shadow Lodge

If I have doubling rings on my character can I have non-fundamental runes on the off hand weapon without having the fundamental ones first or do I need to invest in powering up the off hand weapon as well ?


Shadow Lodge 3/5 *

I have a character soon to be level 7, using gm credit from Age of Ashes AP, she is a champion of Calistria and a member of the Bellflower Network as a Chelish human. If I wanted to make her part of the Twilight Talons in the Eagle Knights organization would that just be a flavor thing I say for her or is there some in game feat/dedication/etc that I should take with her?


Shadow Lodge

Do eidolons have the ability to fly in society play? I have two character concepts one has an owl eidolon and another has an imp. Both creatures can fly. I have looked in pathbuilder and can’t find a fly speed under the pet tab.

Shadow Lodge 3/5 *

Thanks for answer

Shadow Lodge 3/5 *

I am running Age of Ashes for a home game but doing the chronicle sheet when we finish each book. What level do I do treasure bundles at? Do I use the level the pcs finished the AP at? Do I do all 10 bundles?

Shadow Lodge 3/5 *

Is the scenario Little Trouble in Big Absolom repeatable if reported to a different character than the original play?

Shadow Lodge 3/5 *


Shadow Lodge 3/5 *

I have unlocked the scorpion whip on one of my characters and would like to use it on a brand new different character. Is this something I can do? Sorry if this has been answered before.


Shadow Lodge 3/5 *

I want to take the Scion of Slayers background for one of my characters but it is a rare background. I looked through the boons to unlock it but can't find a way to unlock it. Am I missing something? How can I get this background for society play?


Shadow Lodge 3/5 *

Hate to necro this post but I made an event like I always have and it won't go to report. Fairly sure I have everything in. I have made many events in the past and never had it hang up this way.

Shadow Lodge

I am looking to make a Ms. Marvel / Carol Danvers clone in the Pathfinder rule set. It is for a home campaign running Kingmaker but we stick mostly to PFS legal stuff only.Right now at level 12. Any helpful advice about classes, magic items etc. welcome.


Shadow Lodge 3/5 *

Anyone have any interest in me running either of the two ending scenarios for the Lantern Lodge or the Shadow Lodge in the Pittsburgh Area? Let me know and we can set things up.


Shadow Lodge

We are actually having a PFS game on this Saturday the 1st at noon at the Greensburg store called The Vault behind Westmoreland Mall. Please check the events page for full details.


Shadow Lodge

Venture Captain. I am the coordinator for the region for Pfs organized play.


Shadow Lodge

I am the VC of the Pittsburgh Area if you have any questions let me know I usually run a gaming gorup in the Greensburg area a few times a month on Saturdays. Hope to hear from you.


Shadow Lodge 3/5 *

If you are looking for a long term walk through the levels with the same characters I would suggest starting with the Crypt of the Everflame module (counts as a whole level of xp in PFS) which can lead into two more related scenarios which also count as whole levels of xp. These are Masks of the Living God (for lvl 3) and City of the Golden Death (lvl 5).

I would go with the Crypt first though as it's story has to do with new adventurers.


Shadow Lodge

This sounds like an interesting r/p challenge. I would love to know how it works out if you manage to pull it off. The ideas here are great with the holy symbol trait or a tattooed holy symbol for 100 gp would get around this as well. Healing will be an issue but I did a party healer back in 3.5 with a true necromancer and just memorized heal spell.

Shadow Lodge

Might be intersting to have an avatar of a good god or a power celestial give him the Sword of Damocles treatment. Have basically a death sentence hanging over him and he is on like a "probation" to keep his life and soul. Maybe have a celestial mark or something else appear on him to certain aligned npc's to add another r/p challenge.

I would never rewind something that huge all actions have consequences and pc's need to live with what they do.

Shadow Lodge 3/5 *

I have no issues with necro choices as players if that is what they wanna play more power to them. Same as those who play any other class. I was merely commenting on the fact everyone (gm's included) were seemingly one sided against the one player by their choices. General statement not a animate dead attack.

Shadow Lodge 3/5 *

Maybe it's just how I am reading this one but everyone seems to be blaming the cleric and not equally blaming the necromancer who is being just as unyielding in his stance. Both players have the SAME right to play their characters. The cleric seems to be taking the letter of the law of his goddess into account which not a lot of people do in organized play. I agree that this should be dealt with before the scenario began and handled to everyone's satisfaction with a solid compromise not just one side being told deal with it or sit this one out. I always believed everyone has the same rights to be there at the table no matter what class / level / or whatever they bring. However some classes and choices do make your level of party acceptance vary but that is based on player perception and in game character perception. The GM should always protect his players rights. I am sure this will illicit some flaming for my ideals on the subject so I will now cast protection from fire.


Shadow Lodge

I have been in a group now for five plus years playing in various systems that never fill every role in a party. We always just adjust tactics accordingly. If you have a chance set up ambushes with your skill set and use that to your advantage. Have the rogue and ninja set up a flank and the casters control the rest as the big guy gets a bunch of sneak attack. After round one be mobile. No one says you need to stay still; move and ready your standard action to go off when they come in range so you get your swing.


Shadow Lodge 3/5 *

Great job.

Shadow Lodge

How about a diabolist that is trying to pay off his debt to an evil outsider by supplying others souls instead of his?

Shadow Lodge

Great advice so far looks like you could do well with either Council of Thieves or Curse of the Crimson Throne. I would go with either one of those two. My group is going to do Kingmaker in a month or two.


Shadow Lodge 3/5 *

I agree it is a great idea. It makes players accountable for their actions and not just hack and slash through everything when they get told not to in the mission briefings.


Shadow Lodge 3/5 *

I also found most players aren't too worried about the continuity of the Venture Captains if they are told of the story line and the time frame that they are dealing with. I am also starting my group back with season 0 and they haven't mentioned once the fact that they have different VC's. They have asked about doing other factions missions though and once being told about the chronological order etc they were fine.

Matt Clay
Pittsburgh Area VC

Shadow Lodge

Sounds like you are on the right track for your Inqusitor. I really enjoy mine in PFS play. I built mine to be a social one with spell choice and skill choice etc. I always believe in making a theme and story for the character and then the stats and everything else will follow a lot easier for you as you will know your character more that way. As far as your friend playing the witch she needs to decide what theme she wants to play and then use the stats to fill that out. Sounds like she is trying to make a secondary healer with some party support abilities as well. I would go with the extra skill rank if she isn't planning on getting anywhere near combat, a 17 con will cancel out the loss of the one point of health. As for party cohesion and utility make a good backstory and that will fall into place if you RP the character true to form.


Shadow Lodge 3/5 *

First of all great thread.

1) Dragons - I agree with the sentiment about dragons thus far. Keep them rare and special. That being said an adventure line with lots of kobold minions leading up to a dragon would be cool too. But please do not overdo what I feel is the most iconic of adversaries.

2) Goblins - Goblins are fun little monsters for a low level encounter. If used properly, set up and established with the care of a pc almost then a simple goblin band becomes memorable. Placing 3 or 4 goblins in the woods to attack the pc's when the sleep makes the goblins cannon fodder. Make the pc's attack a well thought out and trap laden lair with guard dogs and sentries makes them mean little buggers.

3) Orcs - Another race that suffers from poor planning. Make them as vicious and brutal as they are and don't pull punches with them. They are the usual next step up from goblins and kobolds.

4) Drow – To start off, I am completely against good drow. They are an evil race and should remain so like the vampire should ALWAYS be evil. A well thought out devious and sadistic plan by a drow matriarch can be a beautiful thing to GM. That being said drow have their place and should not be over used. They are like a high class dessert that should be savored. Besides most drow only show themselves when they have the advantage and the pc’s don’t not the other way around.

5) Dinosaurs - I never saw a place for dinosaurs in a fantasy setting personally. How many legends have a knight on a steed tilting against a stegosaurus?

6) Undead - I agree undead are overused but only mindless undead. Bring on the liches, ghosts, vampires (please to all that is holy the NON-sparkly kind), and other intelligent undead. Undead can be a great role play opportunity especially with ghost as you need to find out what is needed to put them to rest. Unintelligent undead is just another blender situation. Put them in and let the swords dice them up. Some players like to do mindless hack and slash and mindless undead is a good opponent for them. I use a good number of intelligent undead and outsiders in my home brew games because I value the pc's thinking of alternative ways to get through encounters.

7) Swarms - Annoying at best. Deadly at worse.

8) Outsiders - Ah outsiders a personal favorite. I adore devils and demons and the role play opportunity they afford. Nothing like trying to corrupt the party or get them to make a deal for the greater good with an evil outsider that will always come back to haunt them at the worst possible moment.

9) Humanoid NPCs – This is always going to be the most used boss type. It is the most varied and the easiest to stat up. Also most of the interactions on a meaningful level will be with the creatures pc’s see as equals and humanoids are the way to go for the emotional attachment that most players are looking for. It is hard, not impossible; to hate a winter wolf. However a den of thieves is much easier to form an emotional antipathy towards. Also in this category is this most common reoccurring villain. You can have an undead or an outsider as a reoccurring villain but the humanoid usually makes the most sense. They have the widest level range and you are not roped into having the CR set by the type of creature. So setting a human rogue or evil ranger or wizard up as a reoccurring villain at 2nd or 3rd level can be easily done. Great potential here to be exploited keep using them as much as possible and give them gear like pc’s and pc like abilities and have their strategies use them effectively.

Shadow Lodge 3/5 *

Glad to be aboard hope I can help PFS grow in the 'Burgh.

Shadow Lodge

I think that a paladin can be "called" by a diety and follow the code of conduct. I think that is a very interesting race/class choice and would make for a fun character to play with the right group of players. I think also that you would be even more beholden and strict on your following of your diety's tenants than those that would be expected to be a paladin as you may feel you have something to prove. You may have a few inqusitors looking your way at first but let the light shine on.
