bluedove |
Greetings, I am hereby opening recruitment for 1-2 characters to come in on the opening of Book 2, Hell’s Vengeance: Wrath of Thrune. We currently have a 4 man team that I have been supplementing with NPCs (one of which is more like a GMPC at this point) and I would very much like to just run the opposition. XD
We are most in need of Arcane characters, but as Cimri(the GMPC we will be benching) is a rogue, that's not a bad idea either. We currently have:
Tiefling Bloodrager
Human Cleric (channels positive)
Tiefling Omdura
Human Vigilante
Running as Cimri Staelish is certainly an option and she already has a rapport with the party. She would be built to the same specs, so long as she keeps at least one level of some variety of rogue to stay true to her roots. If anyone likes this option, I will PM her background.
I’m also looking for players who will engage with social role play in our next phase. Book one cast the party as Enforcers and they played that part well. Now we are shifting to a setting where the goal is more intrigue based. Infiltrate the newly established power structure and undermine, sabotage, and manipulate from within while hopefully keeping your reputation clear of suspicion.
Hell Hath Fury
The knightly order known as the Glorious Reclamation continues its crusade against diabolic Cheliax, conquering the town of Kantaria, where the goddess Iomedae once ruled as a mortal. The villainous adventurers, now official agents of House Thrune, must retake the town, depriving the knights of a valuable holy site. Can the evil characters earn greater infamy and prestige by dealing the Glorious Reclamation a serious defeat in their most substantial territorial gain so far, or will the knights' rebellion continue unchecked across Cheliax?
Play by Post Campaign: Angels Fall: A Hells' Vengeance Campaign
Level: Level 4, Pathfinder 1eHP: Max first level, then roll. Minimum half HD +1
Alignment: This is an evil campaign. The most preferred evil alignment is Lawful Evil, though Neutral Evil works well too. Chaotic Evil can be a little tricky and might benefit from some generalizations about how you will play it. Lawful Neutral and Neutral may get accepted, though your characters will be expected to commit blatantly evil acts. Good alignments have no place here.
Stat Generation: 25 point buy.
Race: Cheliax is many things, but racially diverse is not one of them. Races like halfling, tieflings and gnomes are marginalized, so expect difficulty while playing as these races in Cheliax. Humans will have it easiest, though that doesn't mean I'll reject other races. We do have two tieflings in the party already, so I’m less likely to select more.
Class: Any of the core and base classes, possibly hybrids. However, gunslingers, ninjas and samurais don’t fit the theme and are going to have a hard time being accepted. Obviously, paladin is unavailable, with antipaladin taking its place. Archetypes are also allowed. Basically, the less familiar I am with a class and its mechanics, the less likely I am to select the character. Anything with a point pool is probably going to be frowned upon. Anything relying on a mount is potentially problematic too.
Traits: In addition to a Campaign Trait that you can find in the Player's Guide, you can also take another trait.
Background: Write up your character's background and history. There's no need to write something long, just something that tells about your character's history. Make sure to match the history with your character's Campaign Trait. You will be a native of Cheliax and should be well established in Kantaria rather than Longacre. Instead of Cimri Staelish, as a point of contact, you will be acquainted with Loredana Viorica, proprietress of the Little Uskwood Inn.
Starting Wealth: 6,000 gp
Background Skills: Yes
I won't put a finite time limit on this but I will be checking back frequently to answer any questions. We're doing one last combat and then I will be getting us on to Kantaria. I won't keep you waiting long once selected.
CucumberTree |
Running as Cimri Staelish is certainly an option and she already has a rapport with the party. She would be built to the same specs, so long as she keeps at least one level of some variety of rogue to stay true to her roots. If anyone likes this option, I will PM her background.
How about an Investigator(Empiricist) instead?
bluedove |
How about an Investigator(Empiricist) instead?
I quite like the Empiricist, but not for Cimri. She's much more of a self-taught street thief/thug. That would probably be better applied to a new character.
Oh, this screams Arcane Trickster to me. Quick question: Is the unchained rogue ok?
I will build/post a submission assuming that it is, then update it if it's not.
Further question: Wizard starts with Scribe scroll. Can I start with a few scrolls scribed by myself?
Yes, in fact I prefer the Unchained Rogue. And yes, you may begin with scrolls you have scribed, especially as long as you could have taken 10 on the crafting roll to auto-succeed.
Veniir |
All right, here is my submission. This is a Rogue 1/Wizard (illusionist) 3 heading to Arcane Trickster next level. He is meant to handle basic Rogue skills (Disable Device + trapfinding, Stealth, Disguise) and arcane stuff (including knowledges). Spells will be utility based with the occasional spell to deliver sneak attacks with. Skill points are a bit spread thin but this will improve starting next level when he gets into the Prestige class. He also has a cute hare familiar.
Some money was spent buying scrolls to fatten the spellbook.
HP: 3d6 ⇒ (4, 6, 1) = 11
STR 8, DEX 16, CON 12, INT 20, WIS 10, CHA 12
Male Human
Medium Size
NE Wizard (illusion) 3 / Rogue 1
Opposed schools: Divination, Enchantment
BaB +1
Init +9; Senses: Perception +7, Sense Motive +2
CMB +1 (1BaB)
CMD 14 (1BaB +3dexterity)
Favored Class Arcane Trickster
AC 13, touch 13 flat-footed 10 (+3 Dex) (Consider Mage Armor, Shield spells and Cat's grace spells)
HP 26 (8 + 14 (4+6+4 Wizard) + 4 (4*1Con))
Fort +3 (+1 base +1 Con +1 Resistance)
Ref +7 (+3 base +3 Dex +1 Resistance)
Will +4 (+3 base +1 Resistance)
Speed 30 ft
Melee Dagger +4 (1d4-1/19-20x2)
Ranged touch attack +4 (Mind Point Blank Shot feat)
Sneak Attack +2d6
Space 5 ft, Reach 5 ft
Arcane magic
CL 3
Concentration (CL + Int): +8
Arcane bond: Familiar (Hare +4 init)
DC: 15+spell level
Prepared (slots):
Cantrips (4+1): Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Ray of Frost + Ghost sound
1 (4+1): Feather Fall, Mage Armor, Snowball, Vanish + Silent Image
2 (2+1): Glitterdust, Scorching ray + Minor Image
Cantrips: All
1 (10): Burning Hands, Chill Touch, Disguise Self, Expeditious Retreat, Feather Fall, Grease, Liberating Command, Mage Armor, Obscuring mist, Infernal Healing, Magic Missile, Ray of enfeeblement, Reduce Person, Shadow trap, Shield, Silent Image, Snowball, Vanish
2 (2): Cat's grace, Elemental touch, Glitterdust, Minor Image, Scorching ray, Spectral hand, Spider climb
Thrune informant
Rogue - Weapon Finesse
Lvl 1 - Point Blank Shot
Human - Precise Shot
Wizard - Scribe Scroll
Familiar - Alertness
Lvl 3 - Accomplished Sneak Attacker
Acrobatics +7 (1 Ranks +3 Dex +3 CS)
Bluff +6 (2 Ranks +1 Cha +3 CS)
Disable Device +11 (4 Ranks +3 Dex +3 CS +1 trapfinding)
Diplomacy +5 (1 Ranks +1 Cha +3 CS) (add 1 to gather information)
Disguise +6 (1 Ranks +1 Cha +3 CS +1 Trait)
Escape Artist +10 (4 Ranks +3 Dex +3 CS)
Knowledge (arcana) +12 (4 Ranks +5 Int +3 CS)
Knowledge (dungeoneering) +9 (1 Ranks +5 Int +3 CS)
Knowledge (local) +13 (4 Ranks +5 Int +3 CS +1 Trait)
Knowledge (nature) +9 (1 Ranks +5 Int +3 CS)
Knowledge (planes) +11 (3 Ranks +5 Int +3 CS)
Knowledge (religion) +9 (1 Ranks +5 Int +3 CS)
Perception +5 (7) (2 Ranks +3 CS) (added 2 for familiar alertness)
Spellcraft +12 (4 Ranks +5 Int +3 CS)
Stealth +8 (2 Ranks +3 Dex +3 CS)
Background skills:
Knowledge (nobility) +12 (4 Ranks +5 Int +3 CS)
Linguistics +12 (4 Ranks +5 Int +3 CS)
Languages: Common, Elven, Infernal, Dwarven, Celestial, Abyssal, Halfling, Shadowtongue, Gnomish, Aklo
Wealth: 41gp 2sp
Common items
Dagger x2, Bedroll, Winter blanket, Caltrops, Scroll case x3, Crowbar, Ink, Inkpen x2, Parchment sheet x5, Belt pouch, Trail rations x10, Hemp rope, Sewing needle, Soap, Waterskin, Spell component pouch, Thieves' tools, Disguise kit
Alchemical items
Acid flask x2, Alchemist's fire x2, Antitoxin x2, Everburning torch, Smokestick, Thunderstone
Magic items
Bag of holding type I
Cloak of Resistance +1
Pearl of power (1st)
Disguise Self, Expeditious Retreat, Obscuring mist, Infernal Healing,
Hare - Farfalle
4HD (13 HP)
Melee Bite +4 (1d3-4)
Saves +1 +6 +4
AC 17
Abilities: 3 16 9 7 12 5
Alertness, Improved evasion, Share spells, empathic link, Deliver touch spells
Garl Moofah is an orphan child of Cheliax. Having lived in Kantaria all his life, he learned of the downfall of Aroden and the rise of the House of Thrune. His life began to come together after he stopped fending for himself and started to understand the laws of power and the importance of hierarchy. Nobody will ever just give him what he wants out of good will. He learned to be useful to others and when to speak and when to be quiet. He knows that this is the way to, one day, become an indispensable ally to the Queen.
Garl's ambition led him to look for allies close to him. He started to frequently do jobs for Loredana Viorica, an inn proprietor. This was useful to him, not only because this gave him a roof to sleep under, but because she turned out to be a very meaningful ally to him. She taught him to not focus only on being quick, because magic is always quicker. Under her tutelage, Garl studied magic and became very good at it. She insisted that he become a diabologist and learned to summon and bind devils, however, the young man was always afraid that he would mess up and end up in Hell as a servant instead of a master.
He decided to use magic to complement his abilities. He was useful as a scout, a spy and being silent. So magic was only a way to boost what he was already good at. He hoped that someday he would learn to blend his abilities completely.
Saashaa |
I'd like to put a wizard into the ring, but have questions.
Firstly, what spells are are not available? (i.e. "no spells from x book", or "you must be an undine to cast an undine specific spell")
Secondly, what is the power level you are looking for?
I'll stop there for now.
Charles Beecroft |
Alright, here is my submission:
Charles Beecroft, LE Human Ranger(Trapper) 1 / Wizard (Spirit Binder) 3
Born into one of the innumerable minor noble families in Egorian, Charles was not exactly raised in the lap of luxury, but his parents saw to it that he and his siblings were well-educated, and when he demonstrated an affinity for magic, they pulled some strings and managed to gain him admittance to the Egorian Academy. Admittedly, towards the bottom of the social rankings there, but he managed to claw his way up the academic rankings, eventually graduating towards the top of the class, behind the 'upper noble' students who were guaranteed the top positions solely by there rank.
Thereafter, he found employment as a jobbing conjuror, working as a companion/guard for nobles on inter-city transports. After all, it gave him the opportunity to build connections, and that is always important.
Unfortunately, in his early 30's, his world came crashing down around him.
It was a matter of public record that Charles' family had had a strong connection to the Order of the Godclaw for many generations; his own uncle was a proud member, and Charles' younger sister Rebecca followed in his foot-steps, joining up as a Armiger. Unfortunately, she fell-in with a... less than desirable crowd, who focused solely upon the Iomedean aspects of the Order, and a fairly reactionary creed at that.
These friends introduced her to other 'friends', who ultimately tempted her away from the Order, and Rebecca ended-up being killed in a foolhardy attempt to 'redeem' the nation of Cheliax.
Charles' uncle committed suicide out of shame, and the rest of the Beecroft family were ostracised for their 'irredeemable' connection to a known terrorist. Charles' parents wisely hunkered down, and attempted to weather the storm, but Charles was incandescent with rage. Not for what had been done to the family; that was just business as usual in the Infernal Empire. No, what he could *never* forgive was that his sister had been led astray and left to die, a 'martyr' for a cause. If they had *truly* valued her, they would have moved Heaven, Earth, and Hell to keep her alive!
Making bargains that would ultimately prove costly (both in this life and the next), Charles tore his sister's soul free of the Boneyard, storing it for safe-keeping in the shell of his familiar, and then settled down to his new calling: Hunting down and exterminating the vermin that had ruined his sister's life.
After all, whilst they might see themselves as leading a 'glorious revolution', all Charles sees is a terrorist group, causing untold suffering amongst those who never asked for it.
He will do whatever it takes to see all of them *burn*.
Full stat-block is in his profile :-)
CucumberTree |
Investigator(Empiricist) 4
The amber around him begins to dissolve. His body was resting comfortably against the weakening crystal. His unconscious body slowly hits the stone floor.
Voices whisper around him.
*Is he alive?*
*He lives. What, how old?*
*He's been frozen for...well since the end of Aroden.*
Wanderer had no specific name other than Wanderer. He was trained since the time of his capture. His Pride was murdered, and it's loot was taken. He ended as a Drow slave. He was trained as an investigator for the benefit of... He dares not think it's name.
His eyes open to see a old human. His arms and legs are strapped to the table. He struggles against the restraints. Wanderers face is stricken with fear.
"Worry not dark elf. You will be all well and free, you need only listen."
"My name is Metatron..."
The Drow listened and was intrigued. He knew that his skills could make a kingdom's wealth.
bluedove |
I'd like to put a wizard into the ring, but have questions.
Firstly, what spells are are not available? (i.e. "no spells from x book", or "you must be an undine to cast an undine specific spell")
Secondly, what is the power level you are looking for?
I'll stop there for now.
I don't have any spell bans in place beyond no third party. Generally, as per Paizo guidelines, I'll prefer you own the book. And I will lean toward RAW for requirements and limitations, but given there are rules in place for creating your own spells, there is some wiggle room for customization.
Power level... Ambitious and effective? I see people dissuading "power-gaming" in their campaigns from time to time but I appreciate a well built chassis with good synergy.
CucumberTree, the background needs to be more mundane in nature. Drow are definitely not common in Cheliax and from what I know of Metatron, he would be an antagonist in this campaign.
bluedove |
Oh, finally, GM. I will be planning on taking the Damnation feats. Is that a problem?
If ever there was an AP for them, this is it! XD
I'll stipulate that you probably want a Devil for a patron (possibly a Kyton or Asmodeus directly) and if you want to begin play with Damnation feats, your patron should be the Zebub (Accuser Devil) from Book 1 named Razelago. He works with Archbaron Fex and is already acquainted with the party.
@Veniir, looks good. Our cleric can also Craft Wondrous Items if you want to wait and save some gold on the Magic Items. Loredana is not a magic user herself, so just a little shift in the background that she would have trained you in the roguish arts and referred you to a magical tutor you can name.
@Charles Beecroft, very nice background! Same note regarding the Magic Items.
@CucumberTree, you bet! Hope you find a game you enjoy!
Veniir |
Thanks GM. I imagined that Loredana might not be trained in the arcane arts, I just thought that she would encourage Garl to seek out proper training. Maybe I should have been clearer.
About the magic items, I think I'll leave the submission as is and, if I get selected to join the game, I'll respend the gold, if that's ok. This way you can have an idea of what I would probably request for crafting in the future. Hope that's ok.
Saashaa |
Male Human Wizard (Spell Sage) 4
NE Medium
Init +2; Perception +6
AC 12; Touch 12; Flat-Footed 10
HP 22;
Fort +1 ; Ref +3 ; Will +6
Speed 30ft;
Str 9, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 23, Wis 14, Cha 10
Base Atk +2; CMB +1; CMD 13
Feats Noble Scion (Lore), Soulless Gaze, Maleficium
Skills appraise +8, diplomacy +4, intimidate +10, knowledge (All) +12, knowledge Nobility +15, linguistics +10, perception +6, sense Motive +6, spellcraft +13
Common, Infernal, Draconic, Elven, Sylvan, Dwarven
SQ Focused Spells, Spell Study
Traits Chelish Noble, Fiendish Confidence
Gear Headband of Int +2: ; Money 2000 gp
His travels and exploration caused him to cross paths with an accuser devil named Razelago. (I'll leave it here for a possible meld into the story with the crew)
I think that Sercrutio will end up focusing on torture. But he hasn't done much yet.
bluedove |
Dang, probably no Gunslingers (barring Bolt Ace, I'm assuming.) Was recently reading on gunpowder's usage in torture and had ideas for an evil campaign character.
Assuming I don't get the greenlight for that, I might draft up my third Pact Witch. Hell, for obvious reasons, this time.
Yep, you'll find the bit about gunslingers in my initial post under the Class heading. That was the first GM's ruling, but I agree that it doesn't mesh.
Witches work though, in fact one of the NPCs with the party currently is a witch.
Violant |
Yeah I read that. That's why I knew to steer away from it and start thinking about a Pact Witch of Hell instead. Had to try though, since I did remember there was an abroad Chelaxian guy somewhere with a gun in one AP.
Pact Witch of Hell it is then. Assuming I can come up with a good backstory. First time I'd get to RP the transformation into an outsider though, so that'll be fun.
bluedove |
Alright, Charles Beecroft and Sercrutio Leroung are hereby invited to jon us by dotting in on Gameplay thread and begin discussing associations on Discussion thread.
@Veniir, thank you for the submission. It was a hard choice!
Veniir |
Alright, Charles Beecroft and Sercrutio Leroung are hereby invited to jon us by dotting in on Gameplay thread and begin discussing associations on Discussion thread.
@Veniir, thank you for the submission. It was a hard choice!
Happy gaming! Cheers.